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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centro de alto rendimiento de Surfing / High performance Surfing center

Mercier Calderón, André 15 September 2021 (has links)
El surfing de competición viene evolucionando en los últimos años de manera exponencial debido a la popularidad del deporte a nivel mundial. Eso ha generado cada vez más interés de parte de la sociedad. Gracias a la alta calidad de las olas con las que contamos, hoy en día existe una mayor cantidad de profesionales que se dedican al deporte a nivel nacional e internacional en representación de nuestro país. Actualmente se está impulsando la infraestructura institucional únicamente en Lima, lo que genera un desarrollo centralizado, dándole menor importancia a las olas que se encuentran fuera de la capital que, en la mayoría de los casos, son de mejor calidad. Por ende, el desarrollo descentralizado de la infraestructura llevaría consigo una mejora sustancial en el rendimiento del deportista. La iniciativa del “Centro de Alto Rendimiento de surfing” en el distrito de Lobitos (Piura), actuará como recepción mundial aprovechando el patrimonio natural de las olas de nivel y fomentando la simultaneidad del desarrollo del deporte local y mundial. / The rise in popularity of competitive surfing across the globe has led to an exponential growth and changes to the sport, as well as focus on high quality wave hot spots. Areas like this exist here, in Peru, and are the driving force of young, aspiring surfers ready to represent their country. However, when it comes to the institutional infrastructure, the support is mainly around the capital, Lima. This creates a centralized development that overlooks the waves outside the capital, waves that are not only preferable for most surfers, but a necessity in the attempt to surf competitively. Therefore, the “High Preforming Surfing Center” initiative in Lobitos (Piura) will help take advantage of our natural heritage and help promote the development of a stronger surf culture both globally and domestically. / Tesis

Návrh rekonstrukce distribuční sítě 0,4 kV E.ON v zadané oblasti / Proposal of the reconstruction of 0,4 kV distribution network in a specific area

Fojtík, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the problem of distribution electrical network with a focus on solving the steady operation of the electrical distribution network for E.ON Brno - Lisen. The calculation is made by using BIZON PAS Off-Line. The first part of thesis is specialized on the distribution of individual LV and MV networks.The second part of thesis is specialized on the general calculation of the steady operation distribution network and describe criteria for the design and evaluation of this network. In the practical part is calculate existing network in selected area in which is located 53 distribution transformers. In the final part is evaluate the status of existing network and perform design optimization and assessment of this network.

Att studera den svenska elmarknaden : En ekonometrisk analys av relationen mellan pris och kvantitet / Studying the Swedish Electricity Market : An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Price and Quantity

Wallén, Moa, Alexandersson, Lina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines how an econometric model, which allows for simultaneity, performs when estimating electricity supply and demand on the Swedish aggregated electricity market, divided into its four price areas. Previous research and theory points to the importance of taking simultaneity into consideration when estimating simultaneous equation models. The purpose of the thesis is to clarify whether a simultaneous equation model is adequate for estimation of the Swedish electricity market. To answer the question, the existence of simultaneity between electricity price and quantity (produced and consumed electricity) is examined. Regression analyses are performed for each price area and the coefficients are estimated with 2SLS, while Hausman tests and F-tests are carried out to unveil potential simultaneity. The results show that the performance of the model of the thesis varies: the coefficients of the price variables in the demand functions are never statistically significant, while the coefficients of the monthly dummy variables in most cases have expected signs and are statistically significant, especially during summer. Regarding the supply side, the results show that net export have the expected positive statistically significant effect on quantity of electricity supplied in price areas 2, 3, and 4, while the signs and significance of the coefficients of the price variables varies. A price increase in area 3 has a statistically significant positive effect on supply in all areas, while the price of area 4 has a statistically significant negative effect on supply in area 3 and 4. A price increase in area 1 leads to a statistically significant positive effect on supply only in area 2, while such a change in the price of area 2 is associated with a statistically significant decrease of the supply in that same area. As to simultaneity between price and quantity demanded, the Hausman tests gives sufficient evidence to conclude that simultaneity exists in all price areas. Similarly, on the supply side the performed F-tests result in clear evidence of existence of simultaneity. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur en ekonometrisk modell som tar hänsyn till simultanitet presterar vid estimering av utbjuden och efterfrågad kvantitet av elektricitet på den svenska aggregerade elmarknaden, uppdelad efter de fyra elområdena. Tidigare forskning och teori visar på betydelsen av att ta simultanitet i beaktning när simultana ekvationsmodeller estimeras. Uppsatsen syftar till att klarlägga om en simultan ekvationsmodell är lämplig för estimering av den svenska elmarknaden. För att få svar på frågan undersöks om det förekommer simultanitet mellan elpris och kvantitet (producerad och konsumerad el). Regressionsanalyser utförs för varje elområde och koefficienterna skattas med hjälp av 2SLS, medan Hausmantest och F-test utförs för att upptäcka eventuell simultanitet. Uppsatsens modell levererar varierande resultat: i efterfrågeekvationerna är prisvariabeln aldrig statistiskt signifikant medan månadsvariablerna i de flesta fall har förväntat tecken och är statistiskt signifikanta, framför allt under sommarhalvåret. För utbudssidan visar resultatet att nettoexport har väntad positiv statistiskt signifikant effekt på utbjuden kvantitet i elområde 2, 3 och 4, medan tecken och signifikans för prisvariablernas koefficienter varierar. En ökning av priset i område 3 leder till en statistiskt signifikant utbudsökning i alla områden, medan priset i område 4 har en statistiskt signifikant negativ effekt på utbudet i område 3 och 4. En prisökning i elområde 1 leder endast till en statistiskt signifikant positiv utbudsökning i område 2, medan en prisökning i elområde 2 i stället endast leder till en statistiskt signifikant utbudsminskning i samma område. Vad gäller simultanitet mellan pris och kvantitet på efterfrågesidan visar Hausmantesten att det finns tillräckligt starka statistiska bevis för att påstå att simultanitet förekommer i alla elområden. Även för utbudssidan resulterar de utförda F-testen i tydliga bevis för förekomst av simultanitet.


Finkelshtein, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Voluntary actions affect subsequent perception. For example, an action that precedes an auditory stimulus is perceived to have occurred later in time than is actually the case, while the auditory stimulus is perceived earlier in time. This effect is known as intentional binding. Current literature regarding action effects focuses on perception of a single sensory modality while the effects on perception of multiple modalities remain largely unknown. The present thesis explored how actions influenced the timing of perceived multisensory events. Additionally, this thesis investigated differences in voluntary compared to involuntary actions on subsequent perception. In Chapter 2, action effects on perceived onsets of visual and tactile stimuli were explored. This question was extended to other bimodal pairs, including audiovisual and audiotactile, in Chapter 3. Lastly, in Chapter 4, action effects on temporal resolution were investigated. In all the experiments, participants performed a chosen or a fixed button press that followed a bimodal temporal order judgment (TOJ) task. To investigate the influence of spatial proximity between actions and stimuli on binding, in Chapters 2 and 3, each stimulus modality appeared on different sides. In Chapter 4, the critical stimuli appeared at the same location, either close to or far from the preceding action, to explore the effect of action on temporal resolution. The present data provide evidence that actions affect the perceived onsets of multisensory events in an idiosyncratic manner, depending on the subsequent stimuli. Actions appear to preferentially bind to vision, then touch, and lastly, audition, but actions do not always bind to subsequent stimuli. Furthermore, actions degrade temporal resolution of bimodal stimuli. Lastly, the type of action, whether chosen or fixed, did not impact the degree of binding. Together, these data contribute to the action-perception literature, illustrating that our behaviours dynamically affect how we perceive the world. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Eccentric Networks: Patterns of Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Participation, and Mass Media Use Among Overseas Filipino Workers

Paragas, Fernando 13 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.


RENATA CARMO ALVES 20 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação focaliza o romance Úrsula (1859), da escritora Maria Firmina dos Reis, a partir de algumas intervenções de Lélia Gonzalez e de Djamila Ribeiro. A proposta é examinar diferentes ações intelectuais que, articuladas, propuseram dar centralidade à voz de mulheres pretas. Trata-se de um diálogo propositivo entre intelectuais que se comprometeram à reflexão acerca de suas próprias condições de inserção em uma sociedade fortemente marcada pela permanência constitutiva de rastros da experiência colonial no Brasil. A partir de clivagens étnicas e de gênero, a análise do romance oitocentista se articula a outras vozes femininas que, já no século XX, se notabilizaram através de gestos de resistência e de insubordinação, ecoando, simultaneamente, o projeto de Maria Firmina dos Reis. / [en] The dissertation focuses on the novel Úrsula (1859), by the writer Maria Firmina dos Reis, based on some interventions by Lélia Gonzalez and Djamila Ribeiro. The proposal is to examine different intellectual actions that, articulated, proposed to give centrality to the voice of black women. It is a propositional dialogue between intellectuals who have committed themselves to the reflection about their own conditions of insertion in a society strongly marked by the permanence constitutive of traces of the colonial experience in Brazil. Based on ethnic and gender cleavages, the analysis of the nineteenth-century novel articulates with other feminine voices that, in the twentieth century, became remarkable through gestures of resistance and insubordination, simultaneously echoing the project of Maria Firmina dos Reis.

Predição de fator de simultaneidade através de modelos de regressão para proporções contínuas / Prediction of simultaneity factor using regression models for continuous proportions.

Zerbinatti, Luiz Fernando Molinari 29 February 2008 (has links)
O fator de simultaneidade é fundamental no planejamento de redes de distribuição de gás natural. Trata-se de um multiplicador entre 0 e 1 que ajusta o consumo total teórico de um número de aparelhos de utilização em condições reais. Em 2005 o Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) e a Companhia de Gás de São Paulo (COMGÁS) realizaram um estudo no qual determinou-se o fator de simultaneidade em um conjunto de edificações residenciais. Um modelo de regressão foi proposto para expressar o fator de simultaneidade em termos da potência total instalada. O modelo ajustado pode ser utilizado para predizer o fator de simultaneidade em novas edificações. O modelo em questão é um modelo de regressão linear normal no qual a variável resposta é o logaritmo do fator de simultaneidade. Nesta dissertação, o objetivo é investigar outras possibilidades de modelos de regressão adequados aos dados obtidos pelo IPT e pela COMGÁS. Especial atenção é dada ao modelo de regressão beta proposto por Ferrari e Cribari-Neto (Journal of Applied Statistics, 2004) por possuir vantagens sobre o modelo de regressão linear normal. O modelo de regressão beta assume que, dadas as covariáveis, a variável resposta possui distribuição beta, sendo adequado para modelar dados observados no intervalo unitário. Desta forma, a transformação na variável resposta - o fator de simultaneidade - é desnecessária. Além disso, é proposta uma nova abordagem para a predição do fator de simultaneidade, diferente de todas as abordagens pesquisadas na literatura, utilizando a técnica de bootstrap. / The simultaneity factor is fundamental in planning gas distribution networks. It is a multiplicator between 0 and 1 that adjusts the theoretical total consumption of a number of devices to realistic conditions. In 2005, the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) and the Companhia de Gás de São Paulo (COMGÁS) performed a study in which the simultaneity factor of gas consumption in a set of residential buildings have been determined. A regression model was proposed to express the simultaneity factor in terms of the total power of installed equipment. The fitted model can be used to predict the simultaneity factor in new buildings. The model they proposed is a normal linear regression model in which the response variable is the logarithm of the simultaneity factor. In the present dissertation, our aim is to investigate other possible regression models suitable to the data obtained by IPT and CONGÁS. Emphasis is given to the beta regression model proposed by Ferrari and Cribari-Neto (Journal of Applied Statistics, 2004) which has a number of advantages over normal linear regression models. The beta regression model assumes that, given the covariates, the response variable has a beta distribution, which is adequate to model data observed in the unit interval. Therefore, no transformation in the response variable, the simultaneity factor, is needed. Additionally, we present a new approach for the prediction of the simultaneity factor, that is different from all the approaches shown in the literature, using the bootstrap technique.

Afro No-Clash : composing syncretic African/Western music : eleven compositions and the frameworks for their systematic analysis

Chapman, James Norman January 2007 (has links)
This PhD consists of an artistic work (an album of music) and an exegesis. The album contains eleven works for a variety of ensembles, including an eight-piece pop fusion group, a string quartet, an eleven-piece a cappella ensemble, a five-piece contemporary classical ensemble and a six-piece percussion ensemble. Each of these works embraces a blend of African and Western techniques and aesthetics. These works are the result of a compositional praxis which is closely integrated with a theoretical framework that I develop in the exegesis. The purpose of the exegesis is to provide a framework from which to understand the compositions. Perspectives such as postcolonialism are immediately engaged because of the fact that two distinct world cultures are referenced by these compositions. Similarly, the musical aesthetics of the two source cultures are examined because I need to understand the ways that the value systems are expressed in musical terms, and how they might interact in cross-cultural composition. Examination of the literature reveals that there has been a trend in recent decades towards cultural analysis of cross-cultural music but very little work has been done on the technical analysis of such works (Utz 2003). A preliminary list of issues is developed from a survey of ten relevant composers’ works and these issues are categorised into three analytic dimensions: the contextual (cultural), aesthetic and technical. African “musics” and musical cultures are discussed with regard to issues of Western interpretation (Agawu 2003) and appropriate representation, social and cultural preferences and aesthetic values. Likewise Western musical culture is examined in order to understand its colonial impact, its stylistic consistency and ideas that have emerged about aesthetic preferences and the interpretation of meaning (Cone 1972; Kivy 2001). Four frameworks are developed to address each of these analytical dimensions. The first deals with cultural identity and the appropriation of musical ideas, the second with the sensitivity of certain materials. The third framework enables the examination of the aesthetic preferences for each of the cultures involved and the fourth framework provides a taxonomy and vocabulary of terms for use in analysis of the structural and other technical features of cross-cultural Western/African musics. These four frameworks are applied to the eleven compositions that I have completed for this project. I identify distinct approaches to appropriation, aesthetic preferences, the predominance of rhythmic structure and the performative embodiment and narrative transformational processes in my compositions. I conclude by categorising the technical and stylistic preferences embodied in my work, and identifying possible future directions for my compositions and the development of the analytical frameworks.

Predição de fator de simultaneidade através de modelos de regressão para proporções contínuas / Prediction of simultaneity factor using regression models for continuous proportions.

Luiz Fernando Molinari Zerbinatti 29 February 2008 (has links)
O fator de simultaneidade é fundamental no planejamento de redes de distribuição de gás natural. Trata-se de um multiplicador entre 0 e 1 que ajusta o consumo total teórico de um número de aparelhos de utilização em condições reais. Em 2005 o Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) e a Companhia de Gás de São Paulo (COMGÁS) realizaram um estudo no qual determinou-se o fator de simultaneidade em um conjunto de edificações residenciais. Um modelo de regressão foi proposto para expressar o fator de simultaneidade em termos da potência total instalada. O modelo ajustado pode ser utilizado para predizer o fator de simultaneidade em novas edificações. O modelo em questão é um modelo de regressão linear normal no qual a variável resposta é o logaritmo do fator de simultaneidade. Nesta dissertação, o objetivo é investigar outras possibilidades de modelos de regressão adequados aos dados obtidos pelo IPT e pela COMGÁS. Especial atenção é dada ao modelo de regressão beta proposto por Ferrari e Cribari-Neto (Journal of Applied Statistics, 2004) por possuir vantagens sobre o modelo de regressão linear normal. O modelo de regressão beta assume que, dadas as covariáveis, a variável resposta possui distribuição beta, sendo adequado para modelar dados observados no intervalo unitário. Desta forma, a transformação na variável resposta - o fator de simultaneidade - é desnecessária. Além disso, é proposta uma nova abordagem para a predição do fator de simultaneidade, diferente de todas as abordagens pesquisadas na literatura, utilizando a técnica de bootstrap. / The simultaneity factor is fundamental in planning gas distribution networks. It is a multiplicator between 0 and 1 that adjusts the theoretical total consumption of a number of devices to realistic conditions. In 2005, the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) and the Companhia de Gás de São Paulo (COMGÁS) performed a study in which the simultaneity factor of gas consumption in a set of residential buildings have been determined. A regression model was proposed to express the simultaneity factor in terms of the total power of installed equipment. The fitted model can be used to predict the simultaneity factor in new buildings. The model they proposed is a normal linear regression model in which the response variable is the logarithm of the simultaneity factor. In the present dissertation, our aim is to investigate other possible regression models suitable to the data obtained by IPT and CONGÁS. Emphasis is given to the beta regression model proposed by Ferrari and Cribari-Neto (Journal of Applied Statistics, 2004) which has a number of advantages over normal linear regression models. The beta regression model assumes that, given the covariates, the response variable has a beta distribution, which is adequate to model data observed in the unit interval. Therefore, no transformation in the response variable, the simultaneity factor, is needed. Additionally, we present a new approach for the prediction of the simultaneity factor, that is different from all the approaches shown in the literature, using the bootstrap technique.

Temporal Subordinators and Clauses in Early Modern English : Stability and Change

Rönnerdal, Göran January 2017 (has links)
My work is a corpus-based investigation of the use and development of temporal subordinators and clauses in Early Modern British English (EModE).  The focus of the project is on the forms, structure, meanings, and history of these subordinators and clauses. My primary aim is to analyse stability and change in temporal subordinators and clauses across the EModE period; second comes the study of linguistic features, such as aspect, tense, mood and modality, ellipsis and non-finite forms, positions, coordination, and subordination of the temporal clauses. In addition, I examine the progress of these subordinators, and WHEN in particular, across text categories, text types, and the sub-periods. Regarding temporal subordinators, I account for the use of simple, complex, and correlative forms. I also address alternative expressions of temporal subordinators such as the repetition and replacement of temporal subordinators. The influence of negation on the choice of subordinators, and the modification patterns of subordinators are also treated. Primary meanings of anteriority, simultaneity, and posteriority as well as secondary meanings of temporal subordinators are studied. I uncover the evolution of temporal subordinators and trace their various forms, as far back as possible to the Old English and Middle English periods. I also make some comparisons with Present-day English. The investigation is based on the EModE section of the computerized Helsinki Corpus of English Texts and the manual literary Major Authors Corpus which I designed for the purposes of the study. Consequently, my study is carried out within corpus linguistics methodology. All in all, the primary material yielded 3,269 instances of 17 different prototypical temporal subordinators, called sub-types.

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