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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnperspektivet i svensk lag : En policyanalys av propositionen till barnkonventionen

Molin, Linnea, Lennartsson, Desirée January 2022 (has links)
Barnperspektivet har inte alltid prioriterats i Sveriges lagstiftning och barn har heller inte alltid fått vara delaktiga i beslut gällande sig själva. Regeringen skrev en proposition med argument för att inkorporera barnkonventionen till svensk lag och den 1 januari år 2020 genomfördes detta. Denna studies syfte har varit att se hur barnperspektivet, samt barns rättigheter kommer till uttryck i propositionen till barnkonventionen, vilka argument som har använts för att motivera inkorporeringen samt hur detta kan avse påverka det sociala arbetet. Studien har tre frågeställningar formulerade utifrån syftet som har besvarats genom metoden What’s the problem represented do be (WPR), som är en analysmetod inom policyanalys, samt med ett barndomssociologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet har visat att barnperspektivet samt barns rättigheter är centrala begrepp i propositionen samt att ett stärkande av dessa i praktiken är ett av argumenten som används för att inkorporera barnkonventionen. Deras starkaste och återkommande argument grundas i att stärka barnets rättigheter och delaktighet i beslut samt att öka barnperspektivet i myndighetsutövning. I samband med beslutet att inkorporera barnkonvention i svensk lag tillkom det nya transformeringar av befintliga lagar, vilket i sin tur påverkar det sociala arbetet, både i arbetssätt och metoder, samt i förhållningssättet gentemot barn. Ett sätt som lagstiftaren kunnat avse att påverka det sociala arbetet är genom att implementera ett ökat barnrättsbaserat synsätt, vilket ska genomsyra alla verksamheter som arbetar med och för barn.

”Nej men nu är dörren stängd dom leker en lek där nu” : En studie om förskollärares synsätt på barns inträde i fri lek / ”No but the door is closed they are playing there now” : A study on preschool teachers views on children’s entry in free play

Karlsson, Isagell January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att öka kunskaperna om förskollärares synsätt på barns inträde i lek. Det är en kvalitativ studie med semi-strukturerad intervju som metod där 5 förskollärare intervjuats. Insamlade data transkriberades och analyserade med hjälp utav barndomssociologisk teori och sociokulturellt perspektiv. Detta genererade 3 teman som handlade om hur förskollärare bedömer lek, hur förskollärare fredar lek samt hur förskollärare inkluderar barn i lek. Resultatet visar att förskollärare bedömer leken där flera faktorer är viktiga för besluta om de ska freda leken eller inte. Faktorer som ålder på barnet, vad barnen i den befintliga leken leker, hur länge den pågått var saker som förskollärare undersökte eller letade efter. Studien fann även hur förskollärares förhållningssätt till att freda lek ser ut. Samt hur förskollärare inkluderar barn i befintlig lek. Där de beskrev flera förhållningssätt för att hjälpa barnet där de bland annat gick in själva i leken eller gick in interaktion med barnen för att samtala. Flera av förhållningssätten som förskollärarna beskrev att de använder är sådana som även barn själva använder när de vill tillträda lek. / The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about preschool teachers views on children’s entry in play. This is a qualitive study with a semi-structured interview as method where five preschool teachers were interviewed. Collected data were transcribed and analysed with help of the sociology of childhood theory and sociocultural theory. Three themes where generated about how preschool teachers assesses play, how preschool teachers protect play and how preschool teachers includes children in play. The results show that preschool teachers assess play where multiple factors are important when taking the decision if they should protect play or not. Factors such as the age of the children, what the children in the existing play are playing, how long the play has been going on were things that preschool teachers examined or looked for. The study also found out how preschool teachers approach to protect play. Also how preschool teachers includes children in an ongoing play. Where the preschool teachers described several approaches for how to help children where they sometimes also joined the play or went in to interact with the children to talk. Several of these approaches that the preschool teachers described that they were using are also approaches that children use when they want to access play.

Bridging Understandings of Differences, Learning and Inclusion: Voices of Minoritized Students

Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda Devi 08 January 2014 (has links)
Many Canadian children from minority status groups experience long-term academic complexities, influencing their sense of school belonging and engagement (Willms, 2003; Willms & Flanagan, 2007). Research demonstrates children with intersecting differences of race, ethnicity, language, and disability, and those in their middle years (10-13 years old), undergo heightened academic challenges (Blanchett, Klingner, & Harry, 2009; Cobbold, 2005). Within Toronto, one of the most diverse Canadian cities, this study explores the narratives of 6 middle years children with intersecting differences of race, ethnicity, language, and disabilities. The narratives highlight participants’ understandings of differences, learning, and inclusion. Specifically, what are marginalized children’s personal schooling experiences, and how may these insights support inclusive learning, teaching, and sense of belonging? Underpinned by conceptual lenses of (a) critical theory, from which stems critical pedagogy and critical multicultural education, and (b) the “new sociology of childhood” (Greene & Hogan, 2005), which includes social constructivist and participatory frames, this study employed qualitative narrative and critical discourse analysis research methods throughout 7 research sessions over a 4 month period. Accessing children’s multiple views, data collection included a “mosaic” (Clark & Moss, 2001) multi-method approach, such as semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions, writing activities, imaginative story games, photography, and drawings. The children’s narratives are re-presented as portrait narrative summaries within this paper. Surfacing findings include two predominant themes: (a) Participants’ conceptualizations of differences, race, ethnicity, language, culture, disability, and autism. Participants’ views relate to theories of denying differences, colour blindness, White discourse, and Othering; and (b) Interconnecting factors of inclusive and exclusive elements contributing to participants’ overall sense of school belonging. Additionally this theme highlights matters of meritocracy, individualization, and the “good” student. Underscoring both themes are notions of normalcy, and deficit and deficient-based discourses. Inviting student voice into educational conversations and research processes, this study demonstrates the importance of listening to voices of children with intersecting differences, as they may adeptly advance areas of inclusion and diversity.

Bridging Understandings of Differences, Learning and Inclusion: Voices of Minoritized Students

Ajodhia-Andrews, Amanda Devi 08 January 2014 (has links)
Many Canadian children from minority status groups experience long-term academic complexities, influencing their sense of school belonging and engagement (Willms, 2003; Willms & Flanagan, 2007). Research demonstrates children with intersecting differences of race, ethnicity, language, and disability, and those in their middle years (10-13 years old), undergo heightened academic challenges (Blanchett, Klingner, & Harry, 2009; Cobbold, 2005). Within Toronto, one of the most diverse Canadian cities, this study explores the narratives of 6 middle years children with intersecting differences of race, ethnicity, language, and disabilities. The narratives highlight participants’ understandings of differences, learning, and inclusion. Specifically, what are marginalized children’s personal schooling experiences, and how may these insights support inclusive learning, teaching, and sense of belonging? Underpinned by conceptual lenses of (a) critical theory, from which stems critical pedagogy and critical multicultural education, and (b) the “new sociology of childhood” (Greene & Hogan, 2005), which includes social constructivist and participatory frames, this study employed qualitative narrative and critical discourse analysis research methods throughout 7 research sessions over a 4 month period. Accessing children’s multiple views, data collection included a “mosaic” (Clark & Moss, 2001) multi-method approach, such as semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions, writing activities, imaginative story games, photography, and drawings. The children’s narratives are re-presented as portrait narrative summaries within this paper. Surfacing findings include two predominant themes: (a) Participants’ conceptualizations of differences, race, ethnicity, language, culture, disability, and autism. Participants’ views relate to theories of denying differences, colour blindness, White discourse, and Othering; and (b) Interconnecting factors of inclusive and exclusive elements contributing to participants’ overall sense of school belonging. Additionally this theme highlights matters of meritocracy, individualization, and the “good” student. Underscoring both themes are notions of normalcy, and deficit and deficient-based discourses. Inviting student voice into educational conversations and research processes, this study demonstrates the importance of listening to voices of children with intersecting differences, as they may adeptly advance areas of inclusion and diversity.

“All work and no play … ?” : a critical investigation of an emerging public health discourse on children’s play.

Alexander, Stephanie 10 1900 (has links)
Dans de nombreuses sociétés industrialisées, une grande valeur est attribuée au jeu des enfants, principalement parce que le jeu est considéré comme étant une composante essentielle de leur développement et qu’il contribue à leur bonheur et à leur bien-être. Toutefois, des inquiétudes ont récemment été exprimées au regard des transformations qui s’opèrent dans le jeu des enfants, notamment en ce qui a trait à la réduction du temps de jeu en plein air. Ces transformations ont été attribuées, en grande partie, à une perception de risques accrus associés au jeu en plein air et à des changements sociaux qui favorisent des activités de loisirs plus structurées et organisées. L’inquiétude concernant la diminution de l’espace-temps accordé au jeu des enfants est d’ailleurs clairement exprimée dans le discours de la santé publique qui, de plus, témoigne d’un redoublement de préoccupations vis-à-vis du mode de vie sédentaire des enfants et d’une volonté affirmée de prévention de l'obésité infantile. Ainsi, les organisations de santé publique sont désormais engagées dans la promotion du jeu actif pour accroître l'activité physique des enfants. Nous assistons à l’émergence d’un discours de santé publique portant sur le jeu des enfants. À travers quatre articles, cette thèse explore le discours émergeant en santé publique sur le jeu des enfants et analyse certains de ses effets potentiels. L'article 1 présente une prise de position sur le sujet du jeu en santé publique. J’y définis le cadre d'analyse de cette thèse en présentant l'argument central de la recherche, les positions que les organisations de santé publique adoptent vis-à-vis le jeu des enfants et les répercussions potentielles que ces positions peuvent avoir sur les enfants et leurs jeux. La thèse permet ensuite d’examiner comment la notion de jeu est abordée par le discours de santé publique. L'article 2 présente ainsi une analyse de discours de santé publique à travers 150 documents portant sur la santé, l'activité physique, l'obésité, les loisirs et le jeu des enfants. Cette étude considère les valeurs et les postulats qui sous-tendent la promotion du jeu comme moyen d’améliorer la santé physique des enfants et permet de discerner comment le jeu est façonné, discipliné et normalisé dans le discours de santé publique. Notre propos révèle que le discours de santé publique représente le jeu des enfants comme une activité pouvant améliorer leur santé; que le plaisir sert de véhicule à la promotion de l’activité physique ; et que les enfants seraient encouragés à organiser leur temps libre de manière à optimiser leur santé. Étant donné l’influence potentielle du discours de santé publique sur la signification et l’expérience vécue du jeu parmi les enfants, cette thèse présente ensuite une analyse des représentations qu’ont 25 enfants âgés de 7 à 11 ans au regard du jeu. L’article 3 suggère que le jeu est une fin en soi pour les enfants de cette étude; qu'il revêt une importance au niveau émotionnel; et qu'il s’avère intrinsèquement motivé, sans but particulier. De plus, l’amusement que procure le jeu relève autant d’activités engagées que d’activités sédentaires. Enfin, certains enfants expriment un sentiment d'ambivalence concernant les jeux organisés; tandis que d’autres considèrent parfois le risque comme une composante particulièrement agréable du jeu. De tels résultats signalent une dissonance entre les formes de jeux promues en santé publique et le sens attribué au jeu par les enfants. Prenant appui sur le concept de « biopédagogies » inspiré des écrits de Michel Foucault, le quatrième article de cette thèse propose un croisement des deux volets de cette étude, soit le discours de santé publique sur le jeu et les constructions du jeu par les enfants. Bien que le discours de la santé publique exhortant au «jeu actif» soit reproduit par certains enfants, d'autres soulignent que le jeu sédentaire est important pour leur bien-être social et affectif. D’autre part, tandis que le « jeu actif » apparait, dans le discours de santé publique, comme une solution permettant de limiter le risque d'obésité, il comporte néanmoins des contradictions concernant la notion de risque, dans la mesure où les enfants ont à négocier avec les risques inhérents à l’activité accrue. À terme, cet article suggère que le discours de santé publique met de l’avant certaines représentations du jeu (actifs) tandis qu’il en néglige d’autres (sédentaires). Cette situation pourrait donner lieu à des conséquences inattendues, dans la mesure où les enfants pourraient éventuellement reconfigurer leurs pratiques de jeu et les significations qu’ils y accordent. Cette thèse n'a pas pour but de fournir des recommandations particulières pour la santé publique au regard du jeu des enfants. Prenant appui sur la perspective théorique de Michel Foucault, nous présentons plutôt une analyse d’un discours émergeant en santé publique ainsi que des pistes pour la poursuite de recherches sur le jeu dans le domaine de l’enfance. Enfin, compte tenu des effets potentiels du discours de la santé publique sur le jeu des enfants, et les perspectives contemporaines sur le jeu et les enfants, la conclusion offre des pistes de réflexion critique. / In many industrialised societies a high value is attributed to children’s play, mainly because it is deemed an essential component of childhood development and due to the conviction that play contributes to children’s happiness and well-being. However, concerns have arisen about the changing patterns of, and declines in, children’s play, especially outdoors. These have largely been attributed to increasing perceptions of risk in outdoor play and to societal changes popularising more structured and organised activities. Recently, the concerns about declining play, the mounting preoccupation with children’s sedentary ‘lifestyles’, and the focus on childhood obesity prevention have converged in public health discourses, and public health organisations have begun to promote active play as a way to increase children’s physical activity. What appears to be emerging is a public health discourse on children’s play. Through four articles, this thesis explores the emerging public health discourse on play and examines some of its potential effects. Article 1 is a position paper and provides a frame for the thesis findings. It presents the central argument of the research, outlines the emerging positions that public health organisations are taking on play and also discusses how these positions may be problematic for children’s play. The thesis then discursively examines how the notion of play is being taken up by public health. Article 2 addresses this uptake through a discursive analysis of 150 public health documents addressing children’s health, physical activity, obesity, leisure and play. This article examines what values and assumptions underlie the promotion of play for children’s physical health and analyses how play is being shaped, disciplined and normalised in the public health discourse. It shows that within the public health context, play is viewed as a productive health activity for children, and that pleasure is drawn on to promote physical activity. Furthermore, children also appear to be encouraged to self-govern their leisure time for it to be health promoting. Concerned with how the public health discourse may be shaping the way children engage and construct their own meanings and experiences of play, this thesis also examined the photographic and narrative constructions of play among 25 children 7 to 11 years old. Children’s photographs and narratives about play were analysed in Article 3. Children in this study suggested that importantly, play for them was an end in itself; that it was primarily emotionally important, intrinsically motivated and purposeless. This runs through all of the findings of the article, which suggest that enjoyable play is both active and inactive, that some children have a sense of ambivalence regarding scheduled forms of play, and that risk is sometimes considered an especially pleasurable component of play. These findings point to a dissonance between the forms of play promoted in public health and the meanings attributed to play by children. Drawing on the Foucault-inspired analytical concept of biopedagogies, the fourth article in this thesis places the two components of this study in dialogue (i.e., Canadian public health discourse on play and children’s constructions of play). The findings suggest that while the public health discourse around ‘active play’ is taken up and reproduced by some children, other children highlight sedentary play as important for social and emotional well-being. Indeed, while ‘active play’ is deemed a solution to the risk of obesity within the public health discourses, it also embodies contradictions regarding risk in play for children, which children appear to have to negotiate. This article suggests that the public health discourse appears to enable some representations of play (i.e., active) and obscure others (i.e., sedentary), and that this may be having the unintended consequence of reshaping and narrowing the meanings that children attribute to their own play. This thesis does not aim to provide directions for how play ought to be better addressed in public health. Rather, drawing on the critical work of Michel Foucault, this thesis presents an analysis of the emerging public health discourse on play. This work underscores relevant areas upon which public health ought to further critically reflect, particularly with respect to research concerning children. Importantly, considering the possible effects of this discourse on children’s play, this thesis concludes by emphasising the contingency of the current perspectives on play.

“All work and no play … ?” : a critical investigation of an emerging public health discourse on children’s play

Alexander, Stephanie 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.


ANELISE MONTEIRO DO NASCIMENTO 06 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] Infância e escolarização são o foco dessa tese que se situa no campo da educação, com interlocução com a filosofia, a sociologia e a política. Com o objetivo de investigar a experiência da infância nas instituições, apoia-se, nos estudos da filosofia, especialmente no trabalho de Walter Benjamin e seu conceito de infância e de experiência; na sociologia da infância, campo marcado pelo reconhecimento da infância como construção social, componente da cultura/ sociedade, forma estrutural que não desaparece, e as crianças, atores, produto e produtoras dos processos sociais; e na análise do contexto político que envolve as práticas de institucionalização das crianças, tendo como inspiração os referenciais analíticos propostos por Ball e Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). O campo empírico foi construído a partir do banco de dados referente à observação em vinte e uma instituições de educação infantil da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2005 a 2008. O exame do material compreendeu um duplo movimento. O primeiro foi a análise panorâmica dos dados que evidenciou que independentemente do formato de institucionalização das crianças (se frequentam creches, pré-escolas ou turmas de pré-escola em escolas de ensino fundamental) a experiência de infância se dá no encontro entre os processos individuais e coletivos resultantes das relações das crianças com seus pares, com adultos, com os objetos, com a cultura/história, com a sociedade e com a natureza. Pode ser percebida através da observação das suas formas de apropriações, reproduções e reinvenções do mundo, assim como de seus modos próprios de interpretá-lo e de se relacionarem entre si, através da criação de regras, normas e expectativas que conduzem não só as ações pessoais, como o contexto em que estão inseridas, através da circulação que se dá na cultura de pares. O segundo movimento, teve nova orientação, na qual se buscou outra perspectiva de leitura e apropriação dos dados. Nela, o objetivo foi o enquadramento das situações que envolveram crianças e adultos em uma modalidade de atendimento educacional específica, para tal o contexto selecionado foi o das Pré-escolas exclusivas. Como conclusão destaca-se que a experiência de infância das crianças das pré-escolas observadas se materializa (1) na construção da identidade de ser criança, que ocorre em diálogo com o que concebem como ser adulto. (2) na aprendizagem do ofício do aluno (3) e no desafio do pertencimento a um grupo, pertencimento provocado pela inclusão das crianças um espaço público, compartilhado, onde desenvolverão suas culturas de pares. / [en] Childhood and schooling are the focus of this thesis that lies in the field of education, with dialogue with philosophy, sociology and politics. In order to investigate the experience of childhood in institutions, relies, in the studies of philosophy, especially in the work of Walter Benjamin and his concept of childhood and experience; in the sociology of childhood, marked by recognition of children as social construction, component of culture/society, structural form that does not disappear, and children, actors, and producers of social processes; and in the analysis of the political context surrounding the practices of institutionalization of children, taking as inspiration the analytical benchmarks proposed by Ball and Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). The empirical field was built from the database concerning observation in twenty and one early childhood institutions of the city of Rio de Janeiro during the period from 2005 to 2008. The examination of the material comprised a double movement. The first was the panoramic analysis of the data showed that regardless of the format of institutionalization of children (if attending daycare centers, preschools or preschool classes in elementary schools) childhood experience takes place in the encounter between the individual and collective processes resulting from the children s relationships with their peers, with adults, with objects, with the culture/history, with society and with nature. Can be perceived through the observation of their appropriations forms, reproductions and reinvention of the world, as well as their own modes of interpreting it and relate to each other, through the creation of rules, norms and expectations that lead not only to personal actions, as the context in which they are inserted, by means of the circulation that occurs in pairs. The second movement , had new approach, in which it sought another perspective of reading and ownership of the data. In it, the goal was the framing of situations involving children and adults in a specific educational service mode, the selected context was the exclusive preschools. As a conclusion is that the childhood experience of children of preschools observed materializes (1) in the construction of the identity of being a child, that takes place in dialogue with what they regard as being an adult. (2) in learning the craft of the student (3) and in the challenge of belonging to a group, the inclusion of belonging children a public, shared space, where will their cultures of pairs. / [fr] L enfance et et la scolarisation de l enfant sont l objet de cette thèse, qui se pose dans le domaine de l éducation en dialogue avec la philosophie, la sociologie et la politique. L objectif central a été de comprendre l experience de l enfance au sein des établissements d enseignement; est basée sur la contribution teórique des études de la philosophie, en particulier le travail de Walter Benjamin et son concept de l enfance et de l expérience; de la sociologie de l enfance, champ marqué par la reconnaissance de l enfance comme une construction sociale, un élément de la culture / société, catégorie qui ne disparaît pas, et les enfants, acteurs, producteurs et le produit de processus sociaux ; et de l analyse du contexte politique qui entoure la pratique de l institutionnalisation des enfants en prenant comme source d inspiration les points de référence proposées par Ball et Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). Le terrain a été construit à partir de la base de données concernant l observation dans vingt et un établissements scolaires de la ville de Rio de Janeiro de 2005 à 2008. L analyse des données a suivi un double mouvement. Le premier a été la méta-analyse des données. Les données ont révélé que quel que soit le format de l institutionnalisation des enfants (s ils fréquentent des crèches, les maternelles ou des classes maternelles dans les écoles primaires) l expérience de l enfance se produit dans la rencontre entre les processus individuels et collectifs résultant des relations de l enfant avec ses pairs, avec les adultes, avec des objets, avec la culture / histoire, la société et la nature. Peut être perçu par l observation de leurs formes d appropriation, des reproductions et des réinventions du monde, ainsi que leurs propres façons de l interpréter et de rapporter les uns aux autres par la création de règles, de normes et d attentes qui conduisent non seulement actions personnelles, mais aussi le contexte dans lequel ils opèrent, par le mouvement qui se produit dans la culture des pairs. Le deuxième mouvement, dans laquelle il cherchait une autre perspective de la lecture des données, a été pour but de comprendre les situations vécues par les enfants dans une réalité spécifique, le contexte des écoles maternelles. En conclusion, il est souligné que l expérience de l enfance des enfants de la maternelle observée se concrétise (1) dans la construction de l identité dêtre un enfant, ce qui se produit dans le dialogue à ce qu ils conçoivent comme un adulte; (2) dans l apprentissage du métier d élève; (3) dans le défi de l appartenance à un groupe, appartenant causée par la prise des enfants dans un espace public, partagé où elles vont développer leurs cultures de pairs.

Participation and social order in the playground

Theobald, Maryanne Agnes January 2009 (has links)
This study investigates the everyday practices of young children acting in their social worlds within the context of the school playground. It employs an ethnographic ethnomethodological approach using conversation analysis. In the context of child participation rights advanced by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and childhood studies, the study considers children’s social worlds and their participation agendas. The participants of the study were a group of young children in a preparatory year setting in a Queensland school. These children, aged 4 to 6 years, were videorecorded as they participated in their day-to-day activities in the classroom and in the playground. Data collection took place over a period of three months, with a total of 26 hours of video data. Episodes of the video-recordings were shown to small groups of children and to the teacher to stimulate conversations about what they saw on the video. The conversations were audio-recorded. This method acknowledged the child’s standpoint and positioned children as active participants in accounting for their relationships with others. These accounts are discussed as interactionally built comments on past joint experiences and provided a starting place for analysis of the video-recorded interaction. Four data chapters are presented in this thesis. Each data chapter investigates a different topic of interaction. The topics include how children use “telling” as a tactical tool in the management of interactional trouble, how children use their “ideas” as possessables to gain ownership of a game and the interactional matters that follow, how children account for interactional matters and bid for ownership of “whose idea” for the game and finally, how a small group of girls orientated to a particular code of conduct when accounting for their actions in a pretend game of “school”. Four key themes emerged from the analysis. The first theme addresses two arenas of action operating in the social world of children, pretend and real: the “pretend”, as a player in a pretend game, and the “real”, as a classroom member. These two arenas are intertwined. Through inferences to explicit and implicit “codes of conduct”, moral obligations are invoked as children attempt to socially exclude one another, build alliances and enforce their own social positions. The second theme is the notion of shared history. This theme addresses the history that the children reconstructed, and acts as a thread that weaves through their interactions, with implications for present and future relationships. The third theme is around ownership. In a shared context, such as the playground, ownership is a highly contested issue. Children draw on resources such as rules, their ideas as possessables, and codes of behaviour as devices to construct particular social and moral orders around owners of the game. These themes have consequences for children’s participation in a social group. The fourth theme, methodological in nature, shows how the researcher was viewed as an outsider and novice and was used as a resource by the children. This theme is used to inform adult-child relationships. The study was situated within an interest in participation rights for children and perspectives of children as competent beings. Asking children to account for their participation in playground activities situates children as analysers of their own social worlds and offers adults further information for understanding how children themselves construct their social interactions. While reporting on the experiences of one group of children, this study opens up theoretical questions about children’s social orders and these influences on their everyday practices. This thesis uncovers how children both participate in, and shape, their everyday social worlds through talk and interaction. It investigates the consequences that taken-for-granted activities of “playing the game” have for their social participation in the wider culture of the classroom. Consideration of this significance may assist adults to better understand and appreciate the social worlds of young children in the school playground.

Violences et justice dans les cours de récréation à l'école élémentaire / Violences and justice in the school playgrounds at primary school

Boxberger, Clémence 16 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge, dans une perspective pragmatique, la teneur des disputes entre pairs dans les cours de récréation à l'école élémentaire. Le régime de dispute en violence (Boltanski, 1990), caractérisé par des épreuves de force engageant exclusivement la force des personnes constitue le pivot de notre recherche. Comment et sous quelles conditions les interactions enfantines basculent-elles dans le régime de dispute en violence ou inversement sortent-elles de ce régime ? A l'aide d'une méthodologie fondée sur une approche ethnographique (observations et entretiens semi-scénarisés) et des questionnaires soumis aux écoliers, nous avons été en mesure de caractériser les formes émergentes de ce régime de dispute en violence, révélant ainsi une violence protéiforme ne se limitant pas au seul phénomène du harcèlement. Nous avons démontré que les écoliers recourent à des normes corporelles spécifiques et à des principes issus du monde domestique et du monde civique en vue de stabiliser l'ordre social en récréation et peuvent, sous certaines conditions, employer la violence comme un dispositif visant à contrecarrer les menaces pesant sur ces normes et principes. La compétence à s'extraire du régime de violence est apparue fortement corrélée aux dispositifs pédagogiques en place dans les écoles et à la grandeur que les élèves accordent aux enseignants ainsi qu'aux justifications et dispositifs que ces derniers emploient. La grandeur accordée à ces dispositifs et à la figure enseignante s'est enfin révélée, au fil de l'analyse comme étant étroitement imbriquée à la grandeur politique et civique que les enseignants accordent à l'écolier. / This sociological research deals with arguments among children in the school playground at primary school and follows a pragmatic sociological approach. The violent argument regime (Boltanski, 1990), is characterised by power struggles, that exclusively involves people strenght, without any principles. This violent argument regime is the centre of this research. How, and under which conditions peer interactions can get out of that regime? Using a methodology built on an ethnographic approach (observations and interviews based on scenarios) and on questionnaries to pupils, we've been able to characterise the emerging forms of the violent regime, and we showed the existence of a multifaceted violence at elementary school that can't be reduced merely to schoolbullying : this analysis's questionning the psychological approach of schoolbullying at school and discards the portraits of pupils who are either a persecutor or a victim : they can be both of them. Furthermore, pupils use physical norms and principles of justice that come from the domestic and the civic spheres in order to regulate the social order in the school playground and to get out of the violent regime. However, they can also, in the name of those principles, use violence as a device which enable them to stem the threats to those same principles. Moreover, the pupils ability to get out of the violence regime is linked to the teaching devices in the schools and to pupils perception of the teachers and the regulations that teachers use – or don't use. Some teaching devices could help pupils to get out of the violent argument regime and could restructure pupils principles and norms of justice.

Vad är syftet om vi inte kan säkerställa barnets bästa? : En diskursanalys över barnet, barnets delaktighet och barnets bästa i tingsrättens domar gällande umgängesstöd / What is the purpose if we cannot ensure the best interests of the child? : A discourse analysis of the child, child's participation, and the best interests of the child in the district court's judgments regarding supervised visitation

Witkowicz, Wiktoria, Blom, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Följande studie är en kvalitativ dokumentstudie vars syfte är att genom en diskursanalys utifrån Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffe’s (2001; 2008) diskursteori utforska på vilket sätt barnet, dess delaktighet och dess bästa framställs i tingsrätten. Studien har undersökt detta i domar från tingsrätten gällande umgänge med umgängesstöd enligt 6 kap. §15c föräldrabalken (FB) (SFS 1949:381). De juridiska ramar gällande barnet, som finns i föräldrabalken och barnkonventionen (Lag [SFS 2018:1197] om Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter), tyder på att barnet besitter en stark ställning gentemot vuxna, men forskning visar på att barn sällan får möjlighet att delta och sällan får sin vilja hörd. Studiens empiriska material består av 21 domar gällande umgänge med umgängesstöd från tingsrätten. Studien har utgångspunkt i socialkonstruktionismen och för att fördjupa analysen och för att bidra till diskussionen har inslag av barndomssociologiska perspektiv samt Roger Harts delaktighetsstege (1992) tillämpats. Laclau och Mouffe presenterar i sin diskursanalys flertalet centrala begrepp, men vi har fokuserat på begreppen diskurs, flytande signifikanter och subjektspositioner som är av störst relevans utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. De diskurser om barnet som identifierats i materialet är; den familjeorienterade, skyddsorienterade och rättighetsorienterade diskursen. De flytande signifikanter som urskilts är; barnets bästa, umgängesstöd och barnets mognad. Till sist, de subjektspositioner vi ser att barnet placeras i är; rättighetsbäraren och skyddsobjektet. Studien visar på att det är långt ifrån självklart hur barnets bästa ska bedömas i tingsrättens domar samt att möjligheterna till delaktighet för barn är begränsade av olika faktorer så som påverkan av vuxna samt barnets mognad och ålder. Hur barnet framställs är inte heller givet då det är något som är beroende av barnets subjektsposition som i sin tur påverkas av vilken diskurs som råder. Studiens resultat lämnar oss undrande om insatsen ”umgänge med umgängesstöd” i själva verket beviljas för barnen, eller om den beviljas utifrån föräldrarnas bästa. / The following study is a qualitative document study whose purpose is to explore the way in which the child, its participation and its best interests are presented in the district court through a discourse analysis based on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's discourse theory (2001; 2008). The study has examined judgments from the district court regarding supervised visitation according to Chapter 6 §15c Children and Parents Code (FB) (SFS 1949:381). The legal framework regarding the child, presented in the Children and Parents Code and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Law [SFS 2018:1197] on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child), indicates that the child possesses a strong position in relation to adults, but research shows that children rarely get the opportunity to participate and rarely get their will heard. The study's empirical material consists of 21 judgments regarding supported visitation from the district court. These have been analyzed with the help of a discourse analysis to examine how the district court portrays the child, their participation, and the best interest of the child. The study is based on a social constructionist theory. To deepen the analysis the study has also used sociological perspectives on children and childhood and Roger Hart's ladder of participation (1992) to contribute to the discussion. Laclau and Mouffe present in their discourse analysis several central concepts, but the following study has used the concepts that are the most relevant based on the studies’ aim and research questions. The discourses about the child that have been identified in the material are the family-oriented, protection-oriented, and rights-oriented discourse. The floating signifiers determined are the best interests of the child, supported visitation and the child's maturity. And finally, the subject positions we see the child placed in are the rights-holder and the object of protection. The study shows that it is far from obvious how the best interests of the child should be assessed in the district court's judgments and that the opportunities for participation for children are limited by several different factors such as influence from adults and the children’s maturity and age. How the child is portrayed is also not given as it is something that is dependent on the child's subject position, which in turn is affected by the prevailing discourse. Based on the results of the study we ask ourselves if the intervention “supervised visitation” is granted for the children, or if it is granted based on the parents' rights and needs.

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