Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] STROKE"" "subject:"[enn] STROKE""
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Patienters upplevelser av ätsvårigheter efter stroke / Patients’ experiences of eating difficulties after strokeBorzoy, Massomeh January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Stroke är ett samlingsnamn för olika kärlsjukdomar i hjärnan. Ätsvårigheter definieras som en eller flera svårigheter som inverkar negativt på förberedelse och intag av mat och/eller dryck. Ät- och sväljningsproblem efter stroke kan leda till malnutrition, uttorkning och viktnedgång. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva patienters upplevelser av ätsvårigheter efter stroke. Metod: Metoden för detta arbete är en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningen genomfördes i databaser inom vård och medicin såsom Cinahl, Pubmed, Amed (Ebsco) och PsycINFO dessutom gjordes en manuell sökning i artiklarnas referenslistor. Sökorden som användes var Stroke, Cerebrovascular Accidents, Eating, Eating Difficulties, Eating Disorders och Life Experiences. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades som analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom två kategorier: upplevelse av kroppsliga problem med att äta mat och psykosociala upplevelser av ändrad ätsituation. Den första kategorin innefattade två underkategorier: Svårigheter med intag av mat och svårigheter med att hantera maten i munnen och sväljningen. Den andra kategorin innefattade fem underkategorier. Dessa var att vara beroende av andras hjälp vid måltider, upplevelse av rädsla vid måltider, förändrad upplevelse av smak, upplevelse av skam och olust och upplevelse av övergivenhet och isolering vid måltider. Konklusion: Studien visar att leva med ätsvårigheter efter stroke är ett komplext fenomen. Strokedrabbade med ätsvårigheter upplever fysiska och psykosociala svårigheter. Resultatet kan användas till planering av individuell omvårdnadsplan, förebygga komplikationer såsom undernäring, öka välbefinnande och minska vårdtider efter stroke. Nyckelord: Stroke, upplevelser, ätsvårigheter. / Abstract Background: Stroke is a generic term for various diseases of the brain. Eating difficulties is defined as one or more problems that adversely affect the preparation and consumption of food and/or drink. Eating and swallowing problems after stroke can lead to malnutrition, dehydration and weight loss. Aim: The aim is to describe patients' experiences of eating difficulties after stroke. Method: The method of this work is a systematic literature review. The search was conducted in the databases in health and medicine such as Cinahl, Pubmed, Amed (Ebsco) and PsycINFO, and also based on a manual search of articles in reference lists. Keywords used were Stroke, Cerebrovascular Accidents, Eating, Eating Difficulties, Eating Disorders and Life Experiences. It included ten scientific articles that were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Findings: From the analysis revealed two categories: the experience of physical problems with eating food and psychosocial experiences of change in eating situations. The first category included two sub-categories: difficulties with food intake and difficulties in dealing with food in your mouth and swallowing. The second category included five subcategories. These were to be dependent on others at meal times, the experience of fear at meals, taste disturbance, sense of shame and pain and experience of abandonment and isolation at mealtimes. Conclusion: The study shows that living with eating difficulties after stroke is a complex phenomenon. Stroke affects the eating experience physical and psychosocial difficulties. The result can be used for planning of individual care plan, prevent complications such as malnutrition, increase welfare and reduce hospital stays after stroke. Keywords: Stroke, experiences, eating difficulties.
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Stroke i familjen : Anhörigas upplevelser / Living with a stroke patient : Experiences by family membersHolmgren, Michael, Sandelin, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><strong>Bakgrund:</strong> Vid stroke utlöses olika reaktioner och kriser i familjen och deras välmående är av stor vikt för rehabiliteringen av den familjemedlem som insjuknat. Genom en djupare förståelse för anhörigas situation kan omvårdnaden bättre individanpassas i syfte att minska psykiska och sociala problem som annars är vanligt förekommande i familjer där en familjemedlem insjuknat i stroke. <strong>Syfte:</strong> Att beskriva hur anhöriga till en familjemedlem som insjuknat i stroke upplever sin situation. <strong>Metod:</strong> Studien är kvalitativ. En innehållsanalys gjordes av det manifesta innehållet i fem skrivna berättelser. <strong>Resultat:</strong> Två kategorier framkom: Emotionella utmaningar och En förändrad livssituation. De anhöriga engagerade sig relaterat till sin kärlek vilket också gjorde att de åsidosatte sig själva. Anhöriga beskrev en stor variation av känslomässiga reaktioner där oro och ovisshet var utmärkande. Anhöriga upplevde ett beroende av andra då livssituationen förändrades. Sociala kontakter blev lidande, de upplevde problem i kommunikationen och de genomgick ett rollbyte till familjemedlemmen som insjuknat . Anhöriga accepterade motvilligt den nya livssituationen. När stödet inte upplevs som rätt anpassat så skapar detta en känsla av beroende hos den anhörige och ett behov att aktivt påverka vårdgivaren till en förändring.<strong> </strong></p></p><p><p> </p><p> </p></p><p> </p> / <p><strong>Background:</strong> Stroke triggers various reactions and crises in the family and their wellbeing is of great importance for the rehabilitation of the family member who fell ill. Through a deeper understanding of the family situation a better individualized care reduces the psychological and social problems that are otherwise common in families with stroke. <strong>Aim:</strong> To describe how the relatives of a family member who fell ill in stroke perceive their situation. <strong>Method:</strong> A qualitative content analysis of the manifest content of five narratives. <strong>Results:</strong> Two categories emerged: Emotional challenges and A changed life situation. The commitments of relatives were based on their love which subsequently led to the neglect of themselves. Relatives described a variety of emotional reactions in which the concerns and uncertainties were distinctive. Relatives experienced a dependency of others when the situation changed. Social contacts suffered, they experienced problems in communications and their roles in the family underwent a change. Relatives reluctantly accepted their new life situation. When the aid given to families with stroke is not perceived as adapted to their needs, it created a sense of dependence and a need to actively affect the care provider.</p>
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Att drabbas av stroke : Patienters upplevelse i arbetsför ålderPersson, Bodil, Johansson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Stroke are a common disease and it comes with big chances of disability after rehabilitation. Life after stroke can bring a different lifestyle and lots of feelings around this situation. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze how people feel after being injured with stroke. Method: We have assumed that studying qualitative research articles according to Evans description of content analysis. Information has been sought in the databases Cinahl, PubMed and Discovery Results: The study results in four themes; Loneliness, trust, Despair and obstacles to health. From these themes eight sub-themes appear; Fear, alienation, support, work, grief, anger, struggle and performance anxiety. Conclusion: There is, in the care of stroke patients, a lack of knowledge for how to respond to people who have suffered a stroke, and how to best deal with the feelings that come with the onset of the illness. It is clear that there is a need for more knowledge in this area in order for the caregivers to be able to give the patients adequate help, patients whom, after the onset of illness is experiencing anxiety about the future. / Stroke är en vanlig sjukdom med stor risk för allvarliga funktionsnedsättningar efter att ha blivit drabbad. Livet kan bli annorlunda efter en stroke och känslorna i samband med detta kan vara svåra att hantera. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa den känslomässiga upplevelsen av att drabbas av stroke Metod: Litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Genom att ha utgått ifrån att studera kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar enligt Evans beskrivning av innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra teman visar sig; Ensamhet, tillit, hopplöshet och hälsohinder. Utifrån dessa framkommer 8 subteman; Rädsla, utanförskap, stöd, arbete, sorg, ilska, kamp och prestationsångest. Slutsats: Det finns en brist inom vården för hur man skall bemöta människor som drabbats av en stroke och hur man skall ta sig an de olika känslor som kommer med insjuknandet. Det är tydligt att det behövs mer kunskap inom detta område så att vården kan ge adekvat hjälp till de drabbade, som tiden efter insjuknandet upplever en stor oro inför framtiden.
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Livet efter en stroke : De drabbades upplevelser av att leva med funktionsnedsättningKarlsson, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas varje år cirka 30 000 personer av stroke och en tredjedel av dem får tydliga funktionsnedsättningar. Även livet för familj och andra närstående till den drabbade kan påverkas. Problem: Tidigare forskning visar att sjuksköterskor kan ha svårt att ta del av patienters upplevelser när de drabbats av funktionsnedsättning efter en stroke. Detta är något som kan påverka sjuksköterskans vårdande. Syfte: Att beskriva de drabbades upplevelser av att leva med funktionsnedsättning efter en stroke. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie av vårdvetenskapliga artiklar med Evans beskrivande syntes som analysmetod. Resultat: Upplevelser som kom fram delades in i tre stora teman och var kopplade till den förändrade kroppen, det förändrade jaget och den förändrade framtiden. Underteman var kopplade till kontroll och avsaknad av kontroll av kroppen, ett nytt jag och en ny roll, förlust av självständighet samt återhämtning och positiva tankar om framtiden. Slutsats: Att leva med funktionsnedsättning efter en stroke är något som påverkar den drabbade både kroppsligt, själsligt och andligt och det blir en omställning till ett nytt liv. Sjuksköterskan bör bli medveten om dessa upplevelser för att göra vården för dessa patienter så bra som möjligt. / Background: In Sweden aproximately 30 000 people suffers a stroke every year and a third of the victims are also affected by disabilty. The life of families and relatives of the victim is also affected. Problem: Previous research shows that nurses may find it difficult to take part of patients’ experiences when they are affected by disabilty after a stroke. This may be something that can affect the nursing care. Aim: To describe the victims’ experiences of living with disabilty after a stroke. Method: A qualitative literature review based on scientific articles with a descriptive synthesis by Evans as the method of analysis. Result: The experiences that came upp were divided into three different themes which were linked to the changed body, the changed self and the changed future. The subthemes were linked to the control and the lack of control of the body, a new self and a new role, loss of independence, recovery and positive thoughts about the future. Conclusion: Living with disabilities after a stroke is something that affects the victim both physically, mentally and spiritually and it will be a life changing event. Nurses should be aware of these experiences to make the nursing care as good as possible.
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Incidens av orofaryngeal dysfagi hos nyinsjuknade strokepatienterThomasson, Sofia, Wäppling, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dysfagi innebär avvikelser i den normala sväljningsfunktionen och är en vanlig funktionsnedsättning till följd av stroke. Tidigare studier har påvisat att incidensen av dysfagi i det akuta skedet efter stroke är 41-68 %. Kliniskt sett upplevs incidensen ha minskat de senaste tio åren. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var därför att (1) undersöka den nuvarande incidensen av orofaryngeal dysfagi hos nyinsjuknade strokepatienter, (2) undersöka hur många av deltagarna som upplever svårigheter att äta och svälja samt bedöms lida av dysfagi enligt vårdpersonal. Metod: Sextiotre patienter inkluderades i studien, av dessa fick 42,9 % diagnosen stroke. Samtliga deltagare genomgick en dysfagibedömning inom tre dygn efter inskrivning på vårdavdelning. Denna bestod av testerna the Standardized Swallowing Assessment – Svensk översättning (SSA-S) och sväljkapacitetstest (SCT). Deltagare som inte klarade kriterierna i dessa bedömdes lida av orofaryngeal dysfagi. Resultat: Totalt bedömdes 24 deltagare lida av orofaryngeal dysfagi. I diagnosgruppen stroke var incidensen 48,1 %. Det fanns noteringar om dysfagi i patientjournal hos 20,8 % av deltagarna som enligt testledare bedömdes lida av orofaryngeal dysfagi. Vidare upplevde 29,2 % av samtliga deltagare med orofaryngeal dysfagi samt 30,8 % i diagnosgruppen stroke svårigheter att äta eller svälja. Slutsatser: Studien indikerar på att incidensen av orofaryngeal dysfagi hos nyinsjuknade strokepatienter inte har minskat i jämförelse med tidigare studier. Däremot tycks det finnas en låg medvetenhet om befintliga ät- och sväljningssvårigheter hos såväl patienter som vårdpersonal. / Background: Dysphagia involves abnormalities in the normal swallowing function, and is a common impairment following stroke. Previous studies have shown that the incidence of dysphagia in the acute phase after stroke is 41-68 %. Clinically interprets that the incidence has declined over the past decade. Aim: The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the current incidence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in recent-onset stroke patients, (2) investigate how many of the participants who experience difficulty eating and swallowing, and how many is believed to suffer from dysphagia according to healthcare professionals. Method: Sixty-three patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 42,9 % were diagnosed with stroke. All participants underwent a bedside assessment of swallowing function within three days after enrollment in the nursing ward. The assessment consisted of the Standardized Swallowing Assessment - Swedish translation (SSA-S) and swallowing capacity test (SCT). Participants who did not pass the criteria of these two tests suffered from oropharyngeal dysphagia. Results: Totally, 24 participants suffered from oropharyngeal dysphagia. The incidence in the stroke group was 48,1 %. There were notes about dysphagia in medical records in 20,8 % of the participants who were judged to suffer from oropharyngeal dysphagia by the test managers. Furthermore 29,2 % of all participants with oropharyngeal dysphagia and 30,8 % in the stroke group experienced difficulty eating or swallowing. Conclusions: This study indicates that the incidence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in recent-onset stroke patients has not decreased in comparison with previous studies. In contrast, it appears to be a low awareness of existing eating and swallowing difficulties for both patients and healthcare professionals.
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De kan, de vill och de orkar, men... : Studier av närstående till personer drabbade av stroke samt granskning av informationsmaterial från svenska strokeenheter / They can, they want to and they have the strength, but... : A Study of Relatives of Persons Affected by Stroke and an Exploration of Printed Education Materials from Swedish Stroke UnitsWallengren Gustafsson, Catarina January 2009 (has links)
Aim: The overall purpose of this thesis was to increase the understanding of relatives’ changing life situation during the first six months of a person’s onset of stroke, with focus on learning. Furthermore, the purpose was to evaluate theprinted education materials (PEM) targeted at relatives at Swedish stroke units. Method: In paper I, 16 relatives were interviewed about the meaning of becoming a relative of a person affected by stroke. In paper II, 9 relatives were reinterviewed about what it meant to be a relative of a person affected by stroke. The interviews took place six months after the stroke survivors’ onset of stroke. Data from the two studies were analyzed by Lindseth and Norberg’s hermeneutic phenomenological method of analysis, inspired by Ricoeur. In paper III, 16 and 9 relatives were interviewed about what they wanted to know and understand during the first six months after the onset of the survivors’ strokes. Krippendorff’s method of qualitative content analysis was used to analyse data. In paper IV, 42 PEM:s from 21 Swedish stroke units were examined. Data were analysed by use of descriptive statistics and Krippendorff’s method of qualitative content analysis. Results: Becoming the relative of a person affected by stroke means to experience chaos but also to reach a turning point. The turning point is the start of a febrile activity that shows the relatives’ willingness to seek order in the chaotic situation (I). Being the relative of a person affected by stroke also means to be in a struggle for freedom. Relatives do not want to adapt to the stroke or its consequences. Instead, they prefer to choose their own way of life and to write their own history. Therefore, they strive to integrate the stroke and its consequences to their everyday lives (II). The information that the relatives wished to have was about the stroke survivor, the professionals and themselves. Moreover, the results showed that the relatives’ information quest was related to personal involvement, contextual factors, different knowledge needs and different ways to obtain information (III). The PEM:s, offered at Swedish stroke units, were adequate in terms of quality of suitability and readability. The content of the printed education materials offered to relatives varies with the stroke units. Conclusion: To become a relative of a person affected by stroke means to end up in chaos, but also to reach a turning point (I). At this turning point the person is prepared to adjust arrange his/her life to the new conditions. Therefore, nurses need to learn to identify these turning points and include support for relatives in their changing life situation. Being a relative during the first six months of a survivor’s onset of stroke means to fight for freedom (II) without abandoning the stroke survivor. In this process, it is important that the relatives learn to balance freedom with responsibility and life and care for the survivor with relations to other relatives. Relatives are capable as they are active, committed and social persons (I, II, III). This is why alternative pedagogic methods and approached need to be developed and tested. Nurses need training in using such alternative methods. The content of the printed education materials offered to relatives at Swedish stroke units varies with the unit. As a result, it would be useful to establish a national electronic centre.
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Stroke in Saskatchewan : a regional sample2013 April 1900 (has links)
The latest evidence indicates that 50,000 Canadians will experience a stroke in 2013. The hospital care, rehabilitation, and long term care associated with a stroke places a significant burden on our health care system. Lost productivity and premature death have an immeasurable impact on communities in our province as well as the rest of the country. Small, less populated regions such as Saskatchewan may be underrepresented in national data utilized in the development of national prevention and treatment strategies across the country. The absence of local research has necessitated the use of national information to guide prevention, treatment education and programming in Saskatchewan.
The goals of this study was to provide a descriptive profile of stroke and transient ischemic attack cases admitted to Royal University Hospital over the period of April 1, 2009 to March 31st, 2010 and to assess the acute management of these cases as defined in the Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care (Strategy, 2010). A randomized sample of 200 cases 55 years and older was selected for a retrospective descriptive study involving review of adult stroke case records. Personal demographics and healthcare performance through the use of measures provided in The Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care (Canadian Stroke Network (CSN) and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC), 2010) were evaluated.
The results indicated many similarities to available national information on type of stroke, risk factors, gender, and age. Hospital adherence to national guidelines comparing selected indicators was exceeded in some areas, and met in most. The remaining indicators provide an opportunity for improvement and possibly more research.
This regional information supplements the available Canadian information and could be used to guide planning and care strategically targeting Saskatchewan residents and increasing their potential for success.
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An examination of constraint-induced therapy as a method to intensify intervention and improve functional outcome during the rehabilitation phase of stroke /Ploughman, Michelle, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Stroke in the younger : self-reported impact on work situation, cognitive function, physical function and life satisfaction : a national survey /Röding, Jenny, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Personers upplevelser efter att ha drabbats av en stroke : En beskrivande litteraturstudieShort, Evelina, Short, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbades år 2016 cirka 26 500 människor av stroke, varav 6900 avled. Att få en stroke innebär att delar av hjärnan blivit utsatt för syrebrist och till följd sker en vävnadsdöd. Det är vanligt med såväl fysiska och psykiska komplikationer efter en stroke. Sjuksköterskan har ett stort ansvar över omvårdnaden för att kunna tillgodose patientens omvårdnadsbehov efter en stroke. Syfte: Att beskriva personers upplevelse efter att ha drabbats av en stroke samt att beskriva samtliga studiers datainsamlingsmetod. Metod: En litteraturstudie med beskrivande design med ett innehåll av 15 kvalitativa artiklar som sökts fram genom databasen Medline via PubMed. Huvudresultat: Efter att ha drabbats av en stroke upplevde personerna en förlorad identitet, en minskad autonomi och en social isolering till följd av de komplikationer som uppstod. Fysiska funktionsnedsättningar som förekom var till exempel pares och dysfagi medan psykiska funktionsnedsättningar som förekom var till exempel trötthet och nedstämdhet. Trots funktionspåverkan upplevde flera deltagare glädje, hopp och motivation i de framsteg som gjordes. Vanligaste datainsamlingsmetoden som användes i åtta studier var semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Samtliga deltagare beskrev upplevelser av förlust av sin identitet, minskad autonomi samt social isolering till följd av komplikationer som uppstod efter en stroke. Trots dessa omständigheter upplevde flera deltagare glädje, hopp och motivation. För sjuksköterskan är det viktigt att ha kunskap om, och i tidigt skede informera patienten om de kvarstående symtom som kan upplevas för att personerna bättre ska kunna begripa och hantera sin situation. / Background: In Sweden, about 26,500 people suffered from a stroke in 2016 of whom 6,900 died. Stroke means that parts of the brain have been exposed to oxygen deficiency causing necrosis in the brain tissue. It is common that stroke have negative impact on physical and mental abilities. The nurse has a major responsibility to meet the demands of care and patient´s nursing needs after a stroke. Aim: To describe people's experience after having a stroke and to describe the method used in the scientific articles used in this study. Method: A literature study with descriptive design including 15 scientific articles with a qualitative approach that were found at the database Medline PubMed. Results: After suffering a stroke people experience a loss of loss of identity, a reduced autonomy and a social isolation caused by stroke related complications. Physical disabilities that occurred were, for example paresis and dysphagia while mental disabilities were, for example fatique and depression. Despite the complications several participants experienced joy, hope and motivation in the progress made. The most common data collection method, used in eight of the studies, was semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: All participants expressed a loss of identity, a reduced autonomy and a social isolation caused by stroke related complications. Despite these circumstances, several participants experienced joy, hope and motivation. For nurses, it is important to have knowledge and to inform the patient about remaining symptoms in order to help the patient to better understand and manage the situation.
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