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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategic Proposals for Sustainable Supply Chains in the Fast Fashion Industry : Exploring ways to incorporate concepts and methods to confront the damaging effects of the industry / Strategiska Förslag för Hållbara Försörjningskedjor inom Snabbmodeindustrin : Utforskar möjligheter till att införa koncepter samt metoder för att konfrontera de skadliga effekterna av industrin

Abdulgadir, Adil, Abdulgadir, Imad January 2020 (has links)
Accounted as the second largest cause of pollution, the fashion industry is only behind the petroleum industry worldwide. In recent decades, the supply chains of retail companies have become international with the growth of a global economy. As a result, fashion companies have increasingly shifted their supply chains into developing countries with cheaper labour. The shift is made possible due to their lower environmental awareness and looser environmental regulatory systems. This dominant business model within the clothing industry has gained enormous traction within recent decades and has been coined with the term fast fashion. However, due to the negative economic, social and environmental impact, mainly in developing countries, fast fashion companies increasingly focus on sustainability efforts within their supply chains to ensure the same quality and standards in production and working conditions. The thesis seeks to investigate what efforts have to be done within the supply chains of fast fashion companies in order to become more sustainable. A case study is conducted with a fashion retailer based in Sweden, referred to as Company X, through several semi-structured interviews in order to explore how Company X manages to keep a competitive advantage through its extensive sustainability efforts within its supply chain. The findings and analysis of this study show that there are numerous supply chain strategies for improvements, including sustainable manufacturing, eco-material preparations, green distribution, ethical consumers and reshoring vs. offshoring strategies. The major competitive advantages that are achieved according to the company itself come from; a shift from labour-intensive suppliers to capital-intensive, strong brand image, credibility, increase in ethical consumers, partnerships, transparency and traceability. Conclusively, purchasing from capital-intensive suppliers rather than labour-intensive suppliers will yield new innovative solutions for technologically advanced eco-material as well as efficiency in the production process. Furthermore, it was found that for a reshoring strategy to become the norm in the near future, extensive work and research is required. Lastly, as consumers' behaviour shifts towards a more ethical mindset, traditional fast fashion companies will continue to lose an important customer segment if no changes are made. / Modebranschen är den näst största orsaken till föroreningar världen över bakom oljeindustrin. Under de senaste decennierna har försörjningskedjor för detaljhandelsföretag blivit internationella med tillväxten av en global ekonomi. Som ett resultat har modeföretag i allt högre grad flyttat sina försörjningskedjor till utvecklingsländer med billigare arbetskraft. Förändringen möjliggörs på grund av deras lägre miljömedvetenhet och lösare miljörätt. Denna dominerande affärsmodell har fått ett enormt fäste inom klädindustrin under de senaste decennierna och har myntats med termen fast fashion. Men på grund av den negativa ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga påverkan, främst i utvecklingsländer, fokuserar snabbmodeföretag alltmer på hållbarhetsinsatser inom sina försörjningskedjor. Detta görs för att säkerställa samma kvalitet och standarder i produktions- och arbetsförhållanden. Arbetet har i syfte att undersöka vilka insatser som måste göras inom fast fashion-industrins försörjningskedjor för att bli mer hållbara. En fallstudie genomförs med ett modeföretag baserad i Sverige, kallad Company X, genom flera semistrukturerade intervjuer för att utforska hur de lyckas behålla konkurrensfördelar genom sitt omfattande hållbarhetsarbete inom sin försörjningskedja. Resultaten och analyserna av denna studie visar att det finns många strategier för förbättringar inom försörjningskedjan, inklusive hållbar tillverkning, miljövänliga preparat, grön distribution, etiska konsumenter och reshoring kontra offshoring-strategier. De stora konkurrensfördelarna som uppnås enligt företaget själva kommer från; en övergång från arbetsintensiva leverantörer till kapitalintensiva, stark varumärkesimage, trovärdighet, ökade etiska konsumenter, partnerskap, transparens och spårbarhet. Avslutningsvis så kommer köp från kapitalintensiva leverantörer, snarare än arbetskraftsintensiva leverantörer, leda till nya innovativa lösningar för tekniskt avancerade miljömaterial såväl som effektiviseringar i produktionsprocessen. Dessutom konstateras det att för att en reshoring-strategi ska bli normen inom en snar framtid krävs omfattande arbete och forskning. När konsumenternas beteende skiftar mot en mer etisk inställning, kommer traditionella fast fashion-företag att fortsätta att förlora ett viktigt kundsegment om inga förändringar görs.

Textila material av bananavfall : En undersökning om för- och nackdelar för bananavfall som textiltmaterial i modebranschen. / Textile material of banana waste : A review study in regards to the advantages and disadvantages for banana waste as textile material within the fashion industry.

Hamp, Cajsa, Nilsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker för- och nackdelar med textilier gjorda av bananavfall applicerat inom modebranschen. Studien granskas ur ett miljöperspektiv med ett fokus utifrån mål 12: Hållbarkonsumtion och produktion från de Globala målen. De Globala målen är en del avhandlingsplanen Agenda 2030 som är uppsatt av United Nation Development Program, där det eftersträvas att fram till och med år 2030 ha uppnått en mer hållbar värld. Vidare kommer bananfiberns egenskaper att granskas ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv för att se om detta är ett lämpligt val inom modebranschen. Studien ger också en inblick i hur modebranschen i Sverige förhåller sig till textilt material av bananavfall. Studien utgör en viktig del för att sprida kunskap om bananfiberns för- och nackdelar medmöjligheter att ge bättre förutsättningar till modeindustrin att kunna använda en hållbar fiber. Studiens resultat visar att det finns möjligheter för att detta ska kunna uppnås i framtiden sett ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv, samt utifrån bananfiberns egenskaper. / This thesis examines the advantages and disadvantages regarding textiles made out of bananawaste within the fashion industry. An environmental perspective is applied based on goal 12:Responsible consumption and production from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).SDGs is a part of the 2030 Agenda set by United Nation Development Programs, which aims tocreate a better world by 2030. Furthermore, the characteristics of the banana fiber and itsadequacy for the fashion industry will be theoretically examined. An aspect regarding thematerial from the fashion industries point of view will also be processed. Only swedishcompanies are included in the thesis.The thesis constitutes an important part for disseminate knowledge regarding the advantages anddisadvantages of the banana fiber. This with an expectation to provide better conditions withinthe fashion industry using a more sustainable fiber. Based on the results of the thesis, theopportunities to achieve this in the future are significant, due to the fact that both an sustainableperspective and the characteristics of the banana fiber shows a positive outcome. Furthermore,the thesis indicates a split result regarding the fashion companies point of view in the matter.


MELANIE CHRISTINE B N DE M CARVALHO 21 December 2023 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho expõe uma revisão da literatura acadêmica e jornalística sobre a sustentabilidade da moda e um estudo de campo sobre o lixão de roupas do Atacama. O objetivo é ser um compêndio sobre os impactos da indústria da moda e trazer iniciativas que visem minimizá-los. A moda é a segunda indústria mais poluente do mundo. Representa 2 por cento do PIB mundial, mas contribui com 8 por cento do total de emissão do carbono. É a segunda que mais consome água: 10 por cento do abastecimento e 20 por cento da poluição da água industrial global. Mais de 90 milhões de toneladas de resíduos têxteis vão parar nos aterros sanitários ao ano, sendo que um quarto é incinerada com alto impacto pelo uso de fibras sintéticas. O maior desafio da moda é ser circular e sustentável. Um dos exemplos emblemáticos do impacto da moda no meio ambiente é o descarte ilegal de roupas do deserto de Atacama, no Chile. Em 2021 foi noticiado como o maior lixão da moda do mundo com 300 hectares. Em 2023, através de pesquisa de campo foram encontradas 100 áreas de descarte de roupas: 50 dessas áreas com queimadas, 16 com descartes de roupas e 34 de outros tipos de descartes misturados. Foi observado que esse descarte ilegal tem um impacto social grande na região, onde a economia ao redor foca em peças coletadas para o sustento das famílias pobres. O estudo local e de imagens de satélite permitiu constatar mudanças na dinâmica do descarte ilegal. Muitos são os atores na cadeia da moda e cada um pode mudar os hábitos para termos uma moda menos poluente. Os designers podem utilizar modelagem eficiente, economia circular, upcycling, reciclagem, uso de fibras biodegradáveis em prol da sustentabilidade. Já o consumidor pode apoiar a economia circular, ser consciente com compras, lavagem de roupas, suas peças e a rastreabilidade dos materiais e processos utilizados na peça. / [en] This work presents a review of the academic and journalistic literature on the fashion sustainability and a field study on the Atacama clothing dump. The objective is to be a compendium on the impacts of the fashion industry and bring initiatives that aim to minimize them. Fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world. It represents 2 percent of world GDP but contributes 8 percent of total carbon emissions. It is the second largest consumer of water: 10 percent of the supply and 20 percent of the global industrial water pollution. More than 90 million tons of textile waste end up in landfills each year, a quarter of which is incinerated with high impact due to the use of synthetic fibers. Fashion s biggest challenge is to be circular and sustainable. In 2021 the largest illegal fashion dump in the world with 300 hectares was reported in Chile. In 2023, through field research and georeferencing, 100 clothing areas were found: 50 with fires, 16 with discards and 34 with mixed waste. The economy around the dump focuses on pieces collected for the livelihood of poor families. The local study and satellite images allowed us to observe changes in the dynamics of illegal disposal. Designers can use efficient modeling, circular economy, upcycling, recycling, use of biodegradable fibers forsustainability. Consumers, on the other hand, can support the circular economy, be conscious with purchases, washing clothes, their parts and the traceability of the materials and processes used in the part.

Produzione e consumo sostenibili: l’appello per il “decennio d’azione” / SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION: A CALL FOR THE "DECADE OF ACTION" / Sustainable production and consumption: a call for the “decade of action”

BERNARDI, ALBERTA 11 May 2021 (has links)
Le Nazioni Unite hanno espresso la necessità che aziende e consumatori si orientino ad una maggiore sostenibilità. Questa tesi parte da tale constatazione e analizza l’impatto che la sostenibilità ha sulle strategie aziendali, sull’orientamento all’innovazione di prodotto e processo e, infine, sulle relazioni che si sviluppano nella filiera produttiva. Inoltre, viene analizzata la relazione tra le strategie di marketing e le scelte di consumo sostenibili. Vengono analizzate, innanzitutto, due aziende di moda. L’analisi qualitativa mira a definire cosa sia per loro la sostenibilità, in che modo questa le metta alla prova e cosa possa garantire il successo duraturo di una strategia sostenibile. Viene successivamente analizzato un campione di 1104 intervistati per comprendere come le aziende di moda dovrebbero comunicare il loro impegno nella sostenibilità, attraverso mezzi di comunicazione specifici e ben definiti, soprattutto a quei consumatori che sono propensi - ma non del tutto convinti - ad acquistare abbigliamento sostenibile. Infine, viene analizzato un campione di 99 aziende vinicole a cui è stato sottoposto un questionario per capire se esiste una relazione tra la collaborazione tra i partner lungo la filiera produttiva e la performance sostenibile dell’impresa. I risultati evidenziano i fattori che orientano le strategie sostenibili delle aziende vinicole e della moda, e il comportamento dei consumatori. Vengono evidenziate soluzioni pratiche che possano accompagnare le aziende verso un crescente orientamento alla sostenibilità. / This doctoral thesis aims at shedding light on the United Nations’ call-to-action for producers and consumers who, jointly, have to contribute to sustainable development. The aim is to investigate the impact of sustainability on companies’ strategies by exploring their orientation towards process and product innovation, and the consequent business relationships that develop along the supply chain. Furthermore, the thesis seeks to investigate the role of some marketing strategies and the consumers’ sustainable attitudes. Two fashion companies are analyzed to explore what sustainability is for them and how they are challenged by sustainability concerns. Propositions are formulated that can help companies define long-term and effective sustainability-oriented strategies. A sample of 1104 respondents is then analyzed to understand how sustainability-oriented fashion companies should communicate their commitment, through specific and well defined communication tools, to those consumers who are positively disposed towards sustainable clothing but are still afraid of these “new” products. Lastly, a sample of 99 wine companies is analyzed. They were asked to answer a questionnaire whose purpose is to understand if there is a relationship between collaboration among partners along the supply chain and sustainable performance. Results allow for a better understanding of the factors driving sustainable strategies of fashion and wine companies, and consumer behavior. Practical solutions are highlighted.

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