Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TERRITORIALITY"" "subject:"[enn] TERRITORIALITY""
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"Des réserves sous réserve" : acceptation sociale des Aires Marines Protégées : l'exemple de la région sud-ouest de l'océan Indien / "Reserves with reservations" : social acceptance of marine protected areas : the exemple of the western Indian Ocean regionThomassin, Aurélie 28 March 2011 (has links)
Les Aires Marines Protégées (AMPs) sont communément reconnues comme des outils de gestion durable du milieu marin, principalement destinés à la conservation de la biodiversité. L’évaluation de leur efficacité et de leur performance constitue, aujourd’hui, un champ de recherche en pleine expansion qui répond à une demande locale des gestionnaires, comme à une nécessité plus globale de rapportage (reporting) auprès des décideurs et bailleurs de fonds. Jusqu’ici, la plupart des recherches utilisent un angle d’analyse strictement biologique, laissant de côté l’étude des impacts socio-économiques. La réussite des AMPs repose pourtant sur trois piliers d’importance égale : la durabilité écologique, la faisabilité économique et l’acceptation sociale. Cette thèse s’intéresse aux impacts sociaux des AMPs et à la nécessité d’imaginer des outils pertinents permettant aux gestionnaires d’évaluer et de suivre l’acceptation sociale. Plus précisément, elle a pour objectif d’élaborer une méthode standardisée de suivi des dynamiques sociales au sein des AMPs, qui permette la construction d’indicateurs utiles pour la gestion locale comme pour le rapportage. A partir du cas de la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion, une démarche géographique, basée sur le concept de Territoire, est mise en place pour caractériser et mesurer l’acceptation sociale. Elle passe par la réalisation d’un diagnostic socio-économique, permettant l’identification des enjeux territoriaux des usagers. Ces enjeux sont l’expression des valeurs que les individus accordent aux services que rendait le territoire avant qu’il ne soit protégé et également de la crainte de perdre ces services. L’acceptation sociale de l’AMP est ainsi fonction du degré de satisfaction des enjeux territoriaux des acteurs. Des indicateurs de suivi de cette satisfaction, principalement basés sur le recueil de perceptions, sont proposés pour estimer l’acceptation sociale. Dans un second temps, la question de la généricité de cette démarche est posée. Sa déclinaison au cas du Parc Marin de Mohéli (Comores) et, plus rapidement, à l’AMP de Velondriake (Madagascar), montre que la territorialité des acteurs est un facteur majeur dans la construction de l’acceptation sociale, quel que soit le contexte politique et socio-économique local. Il existe, en revanche, des facteurs contextuels qui entrent également en ligne de compte et qui rendent incomplète la généricité de l’approche territoriale. / Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been widely adopted as sustainable management tools for marine ecosystems, mainly dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity. There is growing interest in research projects designed to assess their effectiveness and performance, in response to local demands from managers, as well as to a more global need for reporting mechanisms for decision-makers and funders. Until now, scientists have tended to evaluate effectiveness from a strictly biological perspective, without studying the socio-economic impacts. However, the success of MPAs is driven by three criteria of equal importance: ecological sustainability, economic feasibility and social acceptance. This thesis addresses the social impacts of MPAs and focuses on the need to imagine relevant tools to help managers estimate and monitor social acceptance. It aims to develop a generic methodology to monitor social dynamics in MPAs, in order to build appropriate indicators for local management and for reporting purposes. From the case of the Natural Marine Reserve of Reunion Island (French overseas department in the Western Indian Ocean), a geographical approach based on the Territory concept is developed to qualify and monitor social acceptance. A socio-economic diagnostic is made, to identify the users' territorial stakes, i.e. the values that individuals assign to the services rendered by the territory before it was protected and also to the fear of losing them. Thus, the social acceptance of MPAs depends on the user' levels of satisfaction with respect to their territorial stakes. Indicators based on perceptions are proposed, to monitor thesesatisfaction levels and hence to estimate social acceptance. The second part addresses the issue of the genericity of this approach. It is applied to the cases of Mohéli Marine Park (Comoros) and, more briefly, Velondirake MPA (Madagascar). Results show that users’ territoriality is a key factor in understanding social acceptance, whatever the local political and socio-economic context. Nonetheless, as certain contextual factors must also be taken into account, the territorial approach is not entirely generic.
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Territoires et identités en Péninsule indochinoise : les Akha et la montagne au Laos / Territories and identities in the Indochinese peninsula : the Akha group and mountains in LaosBlache, Marianne 20 November 2010 (has links)
Le Laos est un pays montagneux qui présente une population multiethnique. Traditionnellement, il existe de fortes discontinuités spatiales entre populations de plaine et de montagne. Les Akha, groupe d’essarteurs de montagne, illustrent alors la différence entre une culture spatiale intimement liée à la composante montagnarde, et celle de la population majoritaire lao-thaï, établie dans des paysages rizicoles de plaine. La territorialité des ces deux groupes s’inscrit alors dans deux configurations spatiales particulières, deux territoires identitaires, qui entretenaient jusqu’ici peu de rapports. Ces deux territoires identitaires ont des fonctionnements distincts : celui des Akha est fluide, reproductible, il est un territoire-milieu ; tandis que celui des Lao-thaï est relativement fixe, plus classiquement attaché aux lieux. Aujourd’hui, ces deux territoires identitaires se trouvent dans le territoire national d’un Etat moderne qui essaye toujours de se construire, sur le modèle de l’Etat-nation. Alors que les Lao-thaï, qui exercent le pouvoir dans un régime communiste, n’avaient que peu porté d’intérêt aux espaces montagnards et à leurs populations, le contexte régional et mondial leur fait porter un regard nouveau sur cette montagne. Les défis du développement engendrent des réponses politiques qui touchent particulièrement les territoires identitaires de montagne. D’un côté, les populations montagnardes sont déplacées en plaine afin de leur offrir un accès plus facile au marché et aux structures étatiques, et de l’autre, les espaces montagnards sont de plus en plus exploités pour leurs ressources. La création d’une nation semble être à ce prix. / Laos is a mountainous country with a multiethnic population. Traditionally, there are well-defined spatial discontinuities between those living on the plains and those living in the mountains. The Akha, a group that practices slash’ and burn techniques, illustrates the difference between a spatial culture intimately linked to their mountain roots, and that of the majority Lao-Thai, established in the rice paddies of the plains. The territoriality of these two groups is revealed by two particular spatial configurations, two territorial identities, which have little in common. The identities associated with these two territories have distinct functions: that of the Akha is fluid, reproducible, it is a territory – milieu; while that of the Lao-Thai is relatively fixed, classically attached to places. Today, the identities associated with these territories are part of a modern State, which is trying to build itself along the model of the nation-state. At the same time, the Lao-Thai, who hold the power in the communist regime, have barely considered the mountain regions. The challenges of development give rise to political answers that affect particularly the territorial identities of the mountain people. On one hand, the mountain populations are moved in order to offer easier access to markets and state structures, and on the other hand, the mountain spaces are increasingly exploited for their resources. The creation of a nation seems to be at this developmental price.
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La parure : traceur de la géographie culturelle et des dynamiques de peuplement au passage Mésolithique- Néolithique en Europe / Personal ornaments : a proxy for tracing cultural geography and population dynamics at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in EuropeRigaud, Solange 13 December 2011 (has links)
De nombreux scenarii, incluant une variété de processus culturels et populationnels, ont été proposés pour décrire le phénomène de néolithisation en Europe. Dans ce contexte, le potentiel des objets de parure à reconstruire la géographie culturelle d’un territoire, à identifier les interactions, les frontières et les remplacements culturels et populationnels qui peuvent s’opérer au sein des groupes, n’avait jamais été exploré pour étudier cette période. Le travail mené constitue ainsi la première approche visant à la caractériser de tels changements au cours du Mésolithique et lors de la diffusion du Néolithique en Europe, à travers une analyse diachronique des objets de parure. Les premières hypothèses de travail ont été constituées à partir de l’analyse 4 177 objets de parure, combinant des analyses morphométriques, technologiques et tracéologiques. Le matériel analyse provient des séries archéologiques attribuées au Mésolithique final de Braña-Arintero (Cantabrie, Espagne), de Hohlenstein-Stadel (Bad-Wurtemberg, Allemagne), Groβe Ofnet (Bavière, Allemagne) et des premières phases du Néolithique ancien de Essenbach-Ammerbreite (Bavière, Allemagne).Les axes de travail développés à l’échelle régionale au cours de l’analyse du matériel ont ensuite été testés à l’échelle continentale à travers la constitution et l’analyse géostatistique d’une base de données des éléments de parure recensés sur 1 022 unités stratigraphiques appartenant à 408 gisements attribués au Mésolithique et au Néolithique ancien en Europe. La base de données a été analysée à travers la combinaison d’analyses de voisinage, d’ordination, des calculs de densité de Kernel et des interpolations Spline.Les résultats obtenus à travers ces différentes approches ont été croisés et discutés dans une synthèse développée à l’échelle du continent européen. Il a ainsi pu être suggéré que certains types d’ornements ont une fonction forte de marqueur identitaire territorial, alors que d’autres signent des échanges inter-régionaux et une diffusion des pratiques à une large échelle géographique. Il ressort également de cette synthèse que les pratiques ornementales néolithiques semblent se construire sur un substrat mésolithique, à l’exclusion du Bassin égéen, où une discontinuité dans les pratiques ornementales mésolithiques et néolithiques semble exister. Cette participation active du substrat mésolithique dans l’évolution des pratiques ornementales a favorisé une régionalisation de celles-ci entre le Mésolithique et le Néolithique ancien. Parallèlement à cette variabilité régionale, un phénomène de « globalisation » des pratiques néolithiques s’observe à travers l’ensemble du territoire européen, par la présence de certains types d’ornements d’Est en Ouest du continent, tout le long du Néolithique ancien. Cette globalisation des pratiques ornementales participe à une recomposition partielle de la géographie culturelle proposée pour le Mésolithique dans notre analyse. La variabilité ornementale régionale accrue à la fin du Néolithique ancien témoignerait d’une stabilisation territoriale de groupes, s’affranchissant partiellement des normes stylistiques des premières phases du Néolithique, tout en maintenant une partie de leur identité héritée des chasseurs-cueilleurs, enrichie par l’émergence de nouvelles pratiques. On observerait ainsi un continuum culturel dans le développement des modèles évolutifs locaux néanmoins soumis à des influences extérieures fortes. Les hypothèses soulevées par notre travail sont bien loin du remplacement total et passif des dernières sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs par les premiers groupes d’agriculteurs. Cette idée n’est pas nouvelle mais l’intérêt est ici de mettre l’accent sur une sphère rarement prise en compte dans les réflexions sur le processus complexe de néolithisation de l’Europe. / Multiple scenarios, including a variety of cultural processes and population dynamics, have been proposed to explain the neolithization of Europe. The potential of personal ornaments to reconstruct cultural and population geographies, interactions, boundaries, replacements at this turning point in European prehistory has as yet not been explored. Here we provide the first attempt to extract such information from this category of the archaeological record. In this aim, we performed a detailed first-hand analysis of more than 4000 perforated shells and animal teeth from four archaeological burial sites : three dated to the final Mesolithic (Brana-Arintero, Spain ; Hohlenstein-Stadel and Grosse Ofnet, Germany ) and one to the Early Neolithic (Essenbach-Ammerbreite, Germany ). In addition, we have created a comprehensive georeferenced database of Mesolithic and Early Neolithic personal ornaments used in Europe and submitted it to a to spatial and statistical analyses combining GIS , correspondence - and neighbor-joining analyses. Results show a partial continuity of Mesolithic beadtypes and exchange networks in Neolithic societies. The order of magnitude of this continuity varies however according to region. For instance, the Baltic region shows very limited change while the northern Iberian Peninsula shows an almost complete replacement in personal ornament types. Exchange networks may also be either maintained, for example through the Ebro corridor, or abandoned, as in case of the North-South connections between the Mainz Basin and the Swabian Jura that are well documented in the Mesolithic but absent in the Early Neolithic. In contrast to the regional dynamics, partially inherited from the Mesolithic, the Early Neolithic is also characterized by the large-scale diffusion of exclusively Neolithic ornament types, in particular discoid beads and shell bracelets. These Neolithic ornament types occur however in different beadtype configurations according to region. This suggests a partial reconfiguration of the Mesolithic cultural geography during the neolithization process. We conclude that beadtypes and exchange networks contradict replacement theories and rather sustain an integrationist view.
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Vliv teritoriality soudních exekutorů na vymahatelnost pohledávek, délku vymáhání a další aspekty exekučního řízení / The effect of bailiff territoriality on the reclamation of receivables, the length of debt recovery and other aspects of court-ordered distraintsPlaček, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The area of individual reclamation of receivables in the form of court-ordered distraints has undergone significant changes since the year 2000. The initial practice, when the claims used to be enforced directly by judicial officers, proved to be largely ineffective and with difficult to apply. The Ministry of Justice has responded by adopting an amendment to the Act (Act no. 120/2001 Coll., on bailiffs and executor activities), which introduced the independent bailiff offices. Then, the law itself understood the bailiff authorities as a separate entrepreneurs. Currently, in the Czech Republic, there can be seen the distribution of the market with distraints according to the Pareto rule. Approximately 20% of bailiff offices manage over 80% of distraints. It is obvious that this is an unsatisfactory condition for the majority of bailiff offices. In response to this fact, the Czech Chamber of Bailiff offices calls for the introduction of territoriality, which would eliminate by law the market environment from the market with distraints and every single bailiff office would have a stable allocation of distraint proceedings. The analysis carried out clearly shows that there are significant differences between bailiff offices in terms of speed and in success of the debt recovery. The actual demand for the introduction of territoriality would not merely be a reallocation of the market with distraints. Putting it into a practice would greatly influence the transactional costs of business and non-business entities in the Czech economy. The thesis comprehensively describes the issue of territoriality and quantifies how much the debt collection will decrease in case of its introduction. In the conclusion, an alternative draft is formulated, which might, according to the author, allow effective regulation and supervision of the activities of bailiffs' offices without compromising the inherent efficiency of the reclamation of receivables in terms of market environment.
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Where does the wind blow? : Unfolding the paradoxes of wind energy expansion in Brazil / Vart blåser vinden? : En studie av paradoxerna med vindkraftsexpansionen i BrasilienOlofsson, Veronica January 2022 (has links)
Transitioning towards renewable energy sources is crucial in mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Global energy consumption is expected to increase 50 % by 2050, meaning one of today’s main challenges is complying with those demands without tampering with the uncertainties of global climate change. To address climate change renewable energy sources are essential and wind power plays a great role in the energy matrix. Brazil is one of the front runners in the energy transition, where wind power has expanded since the early 2000’s. The state of Bahia, in Northeastern Brazil, is currently the region where wind energy is expanding the most. However, conflicts related to territoriality and justice aspects are increasing in the state due to the fast-expanding wind energy sector. This study applies document and content analysis to explore the multiple narratives regarding the wind energy expansion in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Framing theory and theories addressing power struggles and conflicts in relation to the energy transition will guide the analysis of the 27 documents included in the material. Based on the analysis of the Bahian case, this study shows that different actors frame the matter of wind energy expansion differently depending on their positionings. Civil society and local perspectives are not present in policies and decision-making processes, including the planning and installation of wind energy parks in the studied case. The results suggest that inclusion and participation of local actors, stakeholders and the civil society is essential to ensure a just and sustainable transition to clean energy sources.
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Panelstories: etnografie (re)produkce prostoru panelového sídliště Černý Most / Panelstories: Ethnography of Space (Re)production at Černý Most Modernist Housing EstateLehečka, Michal January 2021 (has links)
Panelstories: Ethnography of Space (Re)production at Černý Most Modernist Housing Estate. Mgr. Michal Lehečka Abstract: The dissertation focuses on spatial environment of socialist modernist housing estates. Based on data collected during a 10year long fieldwork in multiple modernist housing locations, it explores dominant ways of spatial (re)production of Černý Most housing estate in Prague. Thanks to its ownership and ethnic structure Černý Most represents an ideal fieldwork site where both long term and contemporary phenomena resulting from the post-socialist transformation can be detected, described and analysed. After 1989, former socialist modernist cities have undergone a plethora of political, economical and social changes and disruptions. These changes continuously uncover an ongoing interaction between the initial egalitarian and collectivist heritage of the housing estate as well as its ambiguous and fragmented property structure. Spaces of the estates are continuously (re)produced through various manifestations of actors' territorial claims. The spatial changeability is best described by Henri Lefebvre's notion of socio-material (re)production of space and his widely used concept of spatial triad (Lefebvre 1991). Transformation of housing estates is therefore (re)produced through (in)visible...
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Locating PalestineToenjes, Ashley M. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Négociation, surveillance et dépossessions : la territorialité ojibwe (1815-1860)Pelletier, Guillaume 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore la dépossession territoriale des Ojibweg au profit du gouvernement canadien dans toutes ces dimensions — qu’elles soient économiques, politiques, mais particulièrement culturelles. C’est l’analyse fortement inspirée de la géographie culturelle, trop peu considérée dans le récit traditionnel du colonialisme de peuplement, qui représente le principal thème de ce travail. Le cas exemple retenu est celui des Ojibweg de la Garden River First Nation, entre 1815 et 1860. Par la figure du chef Shingwaukonse, cette communauté entretenait une diplomatie très active avec la Couronne britannique, par l’entremise des représentants de ces colonies canadiennes. Ces traces permettent de voir l’étendue de la dépossession totale que nécessite le colonialisme de peuplement.
Afin d’y arriver, il faut d’abord refaire un récit de la région du Sault-Sainte-Marie dans sa dimension transfrontalière, pour dégager les dynamiques coloniales multiples que subissaient les Ojibweg de la région. Ce narratif commence sur une échelle régionale vaste propre à l’Empire britannique, avant de s’arrêter sur la vision identitaire de ce groupe, nouvellement dépossédé. / This thesis explores the territorial dispossession of the Ojibway people by the Canadian government in all its dimensions – be it economical, political but especially cultural. The analysis, greatly indebted to cultural geography, aspect too often poorly considered in the traditional narratives of settler colonialism, is the principal theme of this work. The type case is the Ojibway of the Garden River First Nation, between 1815 and 1860. By the figure of Shingwaukonse, this community held a very active diplomatic activity with the British crown, by the contact with representatives of its Canadian colonies. The trail it left allows us to see the total dispossession that necessitates settler colonialism.
To successfully tackle this project, it is imperative to reframe the narrative of the Sault-Sainte-Marie region in all of it cross-border character, to address the multiple colonial dynamics felt by regional Anishinaabeg. This narrative starts on a vast geographical scale associated with the British Empire, before stopping on the specific ways this group lived their identities when faced with these new dispossessions.
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[pt] Nas últimas décadas o Brasil tem apresentado características de uma modificação na estrutura da religiosidade, com as religiões tradicionais perdendo adeptos para religiões ascendentes. Atualmente, este movimento de transição se mostra mais evidente com a perda de fies do catolicismo e o ganho de fies pela Assembleia de Deus. O fenômeno, todavia, se destaca em âmbitos além do religioso, se espraiando por vias da política institucional, através do processo eleitoral. Esta atuação na via política é tida pela mídia e por parte da sociedade como um risco à democracia e à diversidade social. Portanto, através da análise da do processo eleitoral, da territorialidade da ação política, e das ações parlamentares esta pesquisa se propôs a identificar os fundamentos do temor. A análise consistiu em verificar a atuação de dois vereadores, na décima legislatura da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, ligados à duas fragmentações da Assembleia de Deus tradicional. São eles, Eliseu Kessler, ligado à Assembleia de Deus Ministério Madureira e Alexandre Isquierdo, ligado à Assembleia de Deus Vitória em Cristo. Para investigamos os fundamentos e potencialidades da questão foram analisados os locais de votação e confluências entre a espacialidade das igrejas afim de verificar se a eleição dos representantes foi ou não um investimento institucional; além de leis e projetos de leis de autoria dos parlamentares, afim de verificar possíveis perdas aos valores democráticos a partir destas gestões. / [en] In recent decades, Brazil has shown characteristics of a change in the structure of religiosity, with traditional religions losing adherents to ascendant religions. Currently, this transitional movement is more evident with the loss of faith in Catholicism and the gain of faith in the Assembly of God. The phenomenon, however, stands out in areas beyond the religious, spreading through institutional politics, through the electoral process. This action in the political way is seen by the media and by society as a risk to democracy and social diversity. Therefore, through the analysis of the electoral process, through the territoriality of political action, and parliamentary actions, this research aimed to identify the foundations of fear. The analysis consisted of verifying the performance of two councilors, in the 10th legislature of the city of Rio de Janeiro, linked to two fragmentations of the traditional Assembly of God. They are Eliseu Kessler, linked to the Assembly of God Ministry Madureira and Alexandre Isquierdo, linked to the Vitória em Cristo Assembly of God. To investigate the fundamentals and potential of the issue, the polling places and confluences between the spatiality of the churches were analyzed in order to verify whether the election of representatives was an institutional investment or not; in addition to laws and bills authored by parliamentarians, in order to verify possible losses to democratic values from these administrations.
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This dissertation aims to understand the role of territoriality in peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation guest experience by answering four questions: (1) How do P2P accommodation guests feel about staying in P2P accommodation rentals as a territorial complexity? (2) What factors influence P2P accommodation guests’ perceptions of being in P2P accommodation rentals? (3) What kinds of territorial behaviors do guests experience from hosts in P2P accommodation rentals? How does host territoriality affect P2P accommodation guest experiences? (4) Do guests engage in territoriality in P2P accommodation rentals? If so, what territorial behaviors do guests use? A convergent mixed-methods design was used to answer these questions based on two studies: a qualitative study intended to develop an overall understanding of territoriality in P2P accommodation guest experiences (Study 1); and a scale development and validation study intended to develop a scale of perceived host territoriality in P2P accommodation settings (Study 2). Study 1 followed the procedures of interpretative phenomenological analysis, including semi-structured interviews with 13 P2P accommodation guests. Interview transcripts were analyzed to identify themes related to territoriality in P2P accommodation guest experiences. Results of Study 1 show that P2P accommodation guests possessed two territorial senses while staying in a shared rental: a sense of being in others’ territory and a sense of being in their own territory. Feelings associated with staying in others’ territory vs. their own territory were identified. Eight sets of factors were found to influence territorial senses, including home amenities and facilities, personal items/décor items, length of stay/use, physical presence of the host, entire rental vs. private rental, disturbance from others, hospitableness of the host, and travel companionship. Multiple factors that enhanced P2P accommodation guests’ sense of being in others’ territory were related to host territoriality. A closer examination of host territoriality revealed six types of host territoriality: personalization of the rental, house rules, accessibility, intrusion, hands-on hosting, and service failure. Guests’ reactions toward host territoriality fell into four categories: adaption, assertive defense, appeal, and avoidance. The impacts of host territoriality on guests’ evaluations of hosts, evaluations of their P2P accommodation experiences, and future use of P2P accommodations varied depending on guests’ reactions and attributions of host territoriality. P2P accommodation guests were also found to need their own space in P2P accommodation rentals. Influenced by this need and a sense of being in their own territory, P2P accommodation guests sometimes also engaged in territoriality to construct, communicate, and defend their territories. Guests’ territorial behaviors included personalization of the rental, exploration of the rental, giving instructions to others, and defending against territorial intrusions. Following an eight-step scale development procedure, Study 2 developed and validated a scale of perceived host territoriality in P2P accommodations. An initial list of scale items was generated from an online survey with open-ended questions (N = 116), independent coding of survey responses, and examples identified in Study 1. An expert panel (N = 5) and a panel of P2P accommodation guests (N = 26) were hired to assess the content validity of the original scale. A pilot study was conducted for initial scale validation (N = 93), after which the wording of scale items was modified. An online survey for scale purification and refinement was then conducted (N = 911). The dataset was split into a developmental sample and a validation sample to conduct exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. After scale purification, a second dataset was collected to validate the scale (N = 603). The final version of the scale included 18 items and four dimensions: Accessibility, House Rules, Signs of Ownership, and Intrusion. Known-group comparisons and criterion-related validity assessment confirmed the validity of the scale. Specifically, P2P accommodation guests who stayed in a private-room rental reported higher levels of host territoriality than those staying in an entire rental. Experiences of host territoriality were negatively correlated with perceived control, perceived self-efficacy, and personal sense of power among P2P accommodation guests. The newly developed scale was used to examine the impact of perceived host territoriality on perceived warmth and competence of P2P accommodation hosts, guests’ experience satisfaction, and guests’ behavioral intentions via a second-order structural equation model. Perceived host territoriality was negatively associated with perceived warmth and competence of P2P accommodation hosts, satisfaction with the P2P accommodation experience, and intention to reuse/recommend a P2P accommodation rental. However, dimensions of host territoriality had varying impacts on guest experience; host territoriality via signs of ownership and house rules positively influenced P2P accommodation guest experiences. A conceptual framework of territoriality in P2P accommodation guest experiences was proposed based on the findings of this dissertation, describing relationships among territorial senses, factors influencing territorial senses, host territoriality, guest reactions to host territoriality, and guest territoriality. Theoretical implications of these results on P2P accommodation research, human territory and territoriality research, and tourism and hospitality research were discussed, followed by implications regarding P2P accommodation platforms, hosts, and guests as well as management of guest experiences in other hospitality service encounters. / Business Administration/Interdisciplinary
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