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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O teatro experimental da Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio: percurso e linguagem. Da palavra-imagem ao corpo-palavra / -

Narahan Dib Fracalanza 18 November 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação é parte da pesquisa que se propõe investigar o discurso da materialidade cênica do grupo italiano Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio. O foco central neste primeiro momento é sua trajetória e as experiências daí decorrentes. Através da analise de seu percurso, procura-se estabelecer nesta pesquisa uma reflexão sobre as práticas contemporâneas do espetáculo que marcam uma ruptura com o modelo dramático tradicional ao propor novos paradigmas na construção da escritura cênica. / This dissertation is part of the research that aims to investigate the discourse of materiality scenic of the Italian group Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio. The central focus in this first time is its history and experiences resulting. Through analysis of its trajectory, it aims to establish this research a study of the contemporary practice of the show that marks a dramatic break with the traditional model to propose new paradigms in the construction of the writing stage.

Bagaudas e circunceliões: revoltas rurais e a escrita da história das classes subalternas na Antiguidade Tardia / Bacaudae and circumcellions: rural revolts and the writing of history of the subaltern classes in late antiquity

Uiran Gebara da Silva 30 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa é um estudo comparativo entre os bagaudas gauleses e os circunceliões africanos, dois grupos revoltosos rurais da Antiguidade Tardia. Seu objetivo primário é descrever o caráter social de ambos os grupos, levando em conta os múltiplos relatos nas fontes antigas e as interpretações modernas divergentes a respeito deles, que vão desde multidões rurais sob domínio patronal, monges cristãos fanáticos, até rebeliões camponesas. A comparação histórica é composta por três perspectivas analíticas. A primeiraestabelece uma compreensão comparada das tradições de composição e recepção dos textos por meio dos quais a memória social sobre bagaudas e circunceliões se objetivou em vestígios textuais. A segundaexplora a hipótese de uma crise de hegemonia nasregiões rurais do Império Romano tardio, tendo como base as possíveis relações das revoltas com as práticas de produção e de reprodução das condições de existência, as relações de trabalho e as experiências de classe. A terceiraobserva as iniciativas e respostas das estruturas imperiais na Gália e na África às ações desses movimentos de insurgência. Tal perspectiva lida com a questão fundamental da ação do Estado imperial contra essas revoltas e o papel desse Estado na manutenção da Ordem social nas zonas rurais do Império Romano, tendocomo contraparte os horizontes de organização comunitária que podem ser encontrados nessas revoltas. Uma questão central está relacionada ao problema teórico do estudo e escrita de uma história das classes subalternas na História Antiga. Esta pesquisa buscou trabalhar com esses problemas não apenas no plano teórico, mas também a partir da investigação histórica prática. / This research is a comparative study between the Gaul bacaudae and the African circumcellions, two groups of rural rebels of late antiquity. Its first aim is to describe the social character of both groups, in view of the multiple accounts from the ancient sources and the divergent modern interpretations on them, which range from patronized rural mobs, fanatical Christian monks, to peasant rebellions. The historical comparison is composed by three analytical perspectives. Firstly, this research establishes a comparative comprehension of the traditionsof composition and reception of the literary texts in which the social memory of the bacaudae and circumcellions were incorporated. Secondly, it explores the hypothesis of a hegemony crisis in the late Roman countryside,basing on the practices of production and reproduction of the conditions of existence, working relationships and class experiences. Thirdly, it observes the initiatives and responses of the imperial structures in both Gaul and Africa to the actions of the insurgents. Such comparative dimension addresses the fundamental issue of imperial state action against these revolts and the role of thatstate in keeping the social order in the Roman countryside. It has as its counterpart the communal organization horizons that can be found on those revolts. Akey issue is related to the theoretical problems concerning the study and writing of the history of subaltern classes in ancient history. This research strived to work these problems not only on the theoretical level, but also from the practical historical investigation.

História erudita e popular: edição de documentos históricos na obra de Capistrano de Abreu / An erudite and popular history: edition of historical documents in the work of Capistrano de Abreu

Pedro Afonso Cristovão dos Santos 03 July 2009 (has links)
Nossa pesquisa estuda a edição de textos históricos e/ou historiográficos por João Capistrano de Abreu (1853-1927), prática inserida em um momento de intensa divulgação deste tipo de texto, por vários estudiosos de história e publicações (especializadas ou não), na Europa e nas Américas, movimento já em curso nas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Ocorrendo de várias formas, esta disponibilização ampla de documentos e obras historiográficas de outras épocas concorreu (como era, na maioria das vezes, seu propósito explícito) para estender o acesso a inúmeras peças antes restritas a arquivos e bibliotecas de difícil consulta, ou a colecionadores dotados do cabedal necessário para adquiri-las. Deste modo, popularizou, até certo ponto (dependendo da extensão do círculo letrado em cada contexto), a possibilidade de estudo e escrita da história. Tal divulgação, porém, como dissemos, poderia se dar de várias maneiras, incidindo sobre o divulgador determinadas marcas que, de certa forma, hierarquizavam-nos (do compilador de textos ao historiador propriamente dito), definindo seus graus de prestígio no meio intelectual. Por outro lado, a forma como estas edições de documentos ocorriam também marcava a escrita da história a partir deles; uma edição crítica, por exemplo, buscava facilitar a compreensão histórica do texto, e apresentava ao leitor sinais de uma dada historiografia, como o respeito à procedência dos documentos, por meio de citações rigorosas, e a importância da leitura das fontes no original. No caso particular de Capistrano de Abreu, a pesquisa desenvolve-se sob dupla perspectiva: seu posicionamento em relação a outras formas de divulgação de textos históricos e/ou historiográficos (e, conseqüentemente, em relação a outras formas de escrita da história), e o estudo das suas edições dos mesmos. / This study concerns the edition and publication of historical and/or historiographical texts by João Capistrano de Abreu (1853-1927), a practice that occurred during a moment of intense divulgation of that kind of text, in Europe and the Americas, by several historians and publications (specialized or not), in a movement that goes back at least to the first decades of the nineteenth century. Happening in many ways, this vast vulgarization of documents and historiographical works of different times concurred (as it was, most of the cases, its explicit purpose) to extend the access to many pieces previously restricted to archives and libraries of difficult consult, or to private collectors who could afford them. In this way, this process popularized, to the extent of the intellectual circle in each country, the possibility of study and writing of history. Such publications, however, could happen in different forms, giving its editor different degrees of prestige, and different attributions (from the mere compiler of texts to the historian). On the other hand, the way these documents were presented also contributed to mark the writing of history based on them. A critical edition, for instance, tried to provide a historical comprehension of the text, and introduced to the reader the constitutive signs of a certain historiography, such as the respect to the origin of a cited document, and the importance of the reading of original sources. In the case of Capistrano de Abreu, our research has been developed upon two perspectives: his position concerning different forms of text editions and publications (and, by that, to other forms of history-writing), and an analysis of his own editions.

A História em migalhas e a História do estruturalismo: uma análise comparada dos elementos epistemológicos e historiográficos na história intelectual de François Dosse / A História em migalhas and História do Estruturalismo: a comparative analysis of the historiographical and epistemological elements in the intellectual history of François Dosse

Rafael Balan Zappia 17 December 2010 (has links)
A dissertação tem como proposta analisar as obras A História em Migalhas e A História do Estruturalismo de François Dosse, identificando as suas principais diferenças como resultado de duas acepções epistemológicas e historiográficas. No entendimento destas obras, são levantadas questões relativas à comensurabilidade, considerada aqui como o elemento responsável por grande parte das elaborações teóricas, descritivas e conclusivas de Dosse, e ao ritmo da análise empregado pelo autor. Associadas a essas categorias, colocam-se também em evidência a variação entre as perspectivas de análise sincrônica e diacrônica. O objetivo final desse trabalho é mostrar que a principal diferença capaz de revelar o amadurecimento intelectual de Dosse durante o período que separa a escrita de ambas é a habilidade particular em lidar com a complexidade das diferentes variáveis que compõem os contextos intelectuais trabalhados pelo autor. / The aim of this study is to analyze the works A História em Migalhas and A História do Estruturalismo of Francois Dosse, identifying their main differences as a result of two epistemologic and historiographical asseptions. In their understanding, questions are raised concerning the commensurability, here considered as the element largely responsible for the theories, descriptions and conclusions of Dosse, and the rhythm of the analysis employed by the author. Associated with these categories, the variation between the perspectives of synchronic and diachronic analysis are also highlighted. The last goal of this work is to show that the main difference between these two works can reveal that the intellectual maturation of Dosse during the period between the writing of both is his particular skill in dealing with the complexity of different variables that composing the intellectual contexts used by the author.

In Pursuit of "The Walden State-of-Mind": Henry David Thoreau in Charles Ives's Music

Fuller, Rachael. Anora 13 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.


AFFONSO CELSO THOMAZ PEREIRA 11 April 2005 (has links)
[pt] Kant nunca escreveu uma obra de História. Entretanto, é justamente com ele que a História torna-se um problema filosófico, ou seja, ela é revestida de uma dignidade própria e toma parte no sistema crítico. Ao questionar as aporias do conhecimento, Kant impõe novos critérios ao pensamento da ação humana em relação ao tempo, a possibilidade de conhecimento e ao sujeito. A relação entre passado-presente-futuro sofre um transtorno desde dentro, concedendo à História uma temporalidade própria em relação à religião e à política. O conhecimento sobre a História é realizado na mesma medida em que ela pode ser experimentada pelo sujeito, tornando-se seu próprio conhecimento. Em Kant, a humanidade é alçada a sujeito da História, o que reduz o campo de ação do homem e amplia sua responsabilidade. O debate acerca da natureza humana e autonomia moral conduz o sistema crítico por através dessa Idéia. Nesta dialética, Kant estabelece um horizonte formal ético que conduz a ação e o pensamento dos homens em uma tarefa infinita. Como razão crítica, é necessário que o pensamento volte-se sempre contra si próprio, tornando assim o presente o ponto de partida e chegada para a História. / [en] Kant has never written a History work. Nevertheless it is precisely with him that History becomes a philosophical problem, that is, it is covered by a selfdignity and becomes part of the critical system. At inquiring the knowledge principles, Kant imposes new criteria to the thought of human action concerned to time, to the possibility of knowing and to the subject. The relation among pastpresent- future is shaken up from the inside conceding to History a temporality of its own in relation to religion and politics. The knowledge about History is assumed as long as it can be experienced, becoming thus its own knowledge. With Kant, humanity is raised to the condition of subject of History, what, in one hand, reduces the man s action field and, in the other, extends his responsibility. The debate concerning the human nature and the moral autonomy guides the critical system and crosses throughout this Idea. On this dialectics, Kant establishes an ethical formal horizon leading men s action and thought on an endless task. As critical reason, it is necessary that the thought always work against itself making, in this manner, the present the starting and arrival point to History.

A different mimesis : the fantastic in Italy from the Scapigliati to the postmodern

Reza, Matthew January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the literary fantastic in Italy from the late nineteenth century to the second half of the twentieth century. The purpose is to analyse the way in which the fantastic functions in a story—its ʻmechanicsʼ—and to see how the fantastic evolved structurally over the first century of its existence in Italy. This investigation is carried out by the development of a new theoretical methodology together with the close reading of a selection of texts from four key Italian authors of fantastic literature. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is a historical overview of the emergence of the fantastic in Italy in the late nineteenth century up to the second half of the twentieth century; it examines the obstacles the fantastic has faced and some of the thematic and structural characteristics of texts which emerge. The second chapter is a literature review of the theoretical models used to analyse and understand the fantastic, followed by an outline of a new model, entitled Different Mimetics, which looks at the internal logic of the fantastic. In the following four chapters Different Mimetics is applied to the study of a selection of fantastic texts by four authors. Chapter three focuses on Ugo Tarchetti, and shows that his stories are defined by coexistence and coincidence in both historical and thematic terms. Chapter four demonstrates how Giovanni Papini reverses the mechanics one might expect, and how his stories are structured as internal narratives. Chapter five looks at how Dino Buzzatiʼs stories are characterised by instability and stretched narrative paradigms; and finally, chapter six looks at how Italo Calvinoʼs narratives focus on world creation and paradox and how they question the stability of narrative paradigms.

Irish cultural politics, Thomas McGreevy and the Avant-Garde, 1922-1941

Hutton-Williams, Francis Brent January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses the responses of Irish writers and painters to a phase of national self-assertion that had arguably lost its liberating potential. It shows how the exhaustion of revolutionary pressures in Ireland after independence complicates the ties between creative activity and political activism. Drawing on a wide range of scholarship within political theory, literary criticism and art history, I chart an emerging network of literary and artistic techniques that confronts the representational aesthetics of the nation with strategies of paradox, reversal and renewal. My readings of the work of Denis Devlin, Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Mainie Jellett, Jack Butler Yeats and, in particular, Thomas McGreevy, provide a means by which to distinguish other cultural possibilities that were imagined and pursued from 1922 to 1941, including McGreevy’s own aspiration to remould 'A Cultural Irish Republic'. The thesis argues that Ireland's political and artistic avant-garde were forcibly divided during this period: two factions that had been split apart by the effects of civil war and censorship. As such it will be preoccupied with a central question: how to sustain cultural strategies of revolutionary significance when the frontier between creative activity and political activism can no longer be straightforwardly crossed.

From an epistemology of unerstanding to an ontology of understanding: Heidegger’s hermeneutical shift / From an epistemology of understanding to an ontology of understanding: Heidegger’s hermeneutical shift

Boleko, Bienvenu Benketo 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The current investigation explores the possibility of surpassing or subordinating epistemology to ontology by focusing on the hermeneutics of Heidegger. Based on his works, which consider the understanding as a way of being and therefore offering the foundation for all knowledge, this study will underline the decisive shift concerning the question of being (l’être) in the works of modern hermeneutics fathers. A critical move made by Heidegger's philosophical perspective underlines the epistemology of understanding. The question of the ontology of understanding is investigated differently from his predecessors Schleiermacher and Dilthey, and culminates in a revolution in hermeneutics. The understanding is not knowledge, but a behavioural Dasein. His main contribution to hermeneutics consists of subordinating the methodological and epistemological questions to the ontological ones. The problem of understanding is no longer linked to “other” but is extended to the world. There is therefore a mundanisation of understanding, which overlaps its depsychologisation. Understanding is a mode of being of Dasein that extends in interpretation, which leads to language. The interpretation is only a development of understanding, which is articulated in language. The phenomenological method and critical analysis are used for this investigation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Philosophy)

A astronomia das constelações humanas. Reflexões sobre o pensamento de Claude Lévi-Strauss e a História / The astronomy of human constellations. Reflections on Claude Lévi-Strauss thought and History

Iegelski, Francine 27 April 2012 (has links)
A importância da obra de Claude Lévi-Strauss renasce nas ciências humanas meio século após seu apogeu inicial, a época de ouro do estruturalismo dos anos 1960. O estruturalismo foi um capítulo importante da história intelectual francesa do século XX, com grandes repercussões na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, mas também no Brasil. Na França, trabalhos recentes de comentadores de diversas áreas fazem um balanço e uma retomada crítica dos temas e problemas estudados pela antropologia estrutural. Na historiografia francesa contemporânea, o pensamento de Lévi-Strauss serve como referência para a formulação de noções teóricas aplicadas aos estudos históricos a exemplo da noção de regimes de historicidade, concebida por François Hartog. Nosso trabalho se inscreve nesse novo momento da história da recepção das ideias da antropologia estrutural, em que os trabalhos de Lévi-Strauss são retomados e repensados à luz de novos problemas. A tese examina o lugar (ou, mais propriamente, os lugares) que ocupa a história no pensamento de Lévi-Strauss. Partindo da ideia de que existe uma relação de complementaridade entre os estudos históricos e etnológicos, Lévi-Strauss visava superar as aporias que sempre dominaram as análises nas ciências humanas e sociais: aquelas existentes entre as noções de estrutura e acontecimento, sincronia e diacronia, sistema e transformação. A tarefa principal desse estudo é oferecer uma interpretação de como a história se apresentava ao horizonte lévistraussiano. Assim, esperamos poder traçar algumas contribuições importantes da antropologia estrutural para o conhecimento histórico. / Claude Levi-Strauss work is reborn to the human sciences half a century after its initial height, the golden age of structuralism in the 1960s. Structuralism is an important chapter in the contemporary French intellectual history and the thought of Levi-Strauss had major repercussions in Europe and the United States, but also in Brazil. In France, recent works of authors from different areas review and make a critical appropriation of subjects and issues studied by structural anthropology. In contemporary French historiography, the thought of Levi-Strauss serves as a reference for the formulation of theoretical notions applied to historical studies - such as the notion of regimes of historicity, proposed by François Hartog. Our work inscribes itself in this new moment in the reception history of structural anthropology, in which the works of Levi-Strauss are reviewed and re-appropriated in the light of new problems. The thesis examines the place (or, rather, places) occupied by history at the thought of Levi-Strauss. Starting from the idea that there is a complementary relationship between historical and ethnological studies, Levi-Strauss sought to overcome the aporias that have always dominated the analysis in the humanities and social sciences, i. e., the aporias that rose among the notions of structure and event, synchrony and diachrony, system and transformation. The main tasks of this study are to provide an interpretation of how history rises in the horizon of Lévi-Strauss work and point out some important contributions of structural anthropology to the historical knowledge.

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