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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An integrated energy storage scheme for a dispatchable wind and solar powered energy system

Garrison, Jared Brett 23 August 2010 (has links)
Wind and solar technologies have experienced rapid market growth recently as a result of the growing interest for implementation of renewable energy. However, the intermittency of wind and solar power is a major obstacle to their broader use. The additional risks of unexpected interruptions and mismatch with demand have hindered the expansion of these two primary renewable resources. The goal of this research is to analyze an integrated energy system that includes a novel configuration of wind and solar coupled with two storage methods to make both wind and solar sources dispatchable during peak demand, thereby enabling their broader use. Named DSWiSS for Dispatchable Solar Wind Storage System, the proposed system utilizes compressed air energy storage (CAES) that is driven from wind energy and thermal storage supplied by concentrating solar thermal power in order to achieve this desired dispatchability. Although DSWiSS mimics the operation of a typical CAES facility, the replacement of energy derived from fossil fuels with energy generated from renewable resources makes this system unique. While current CAES facilities use off peak electricity to power their compressors, this system uses power from wind turbines. Also, rather than using natural gas for heating of the compressed air before its expansion through a turbine, DSWiSS uses solar thermal energy and thermal storage. For this research, two models were created; the first is a dynamic model of a 1.5 MW variable speed wind turbine, programmed in PSCAD/EMTDC, that utilizes rotor resistive control to maintain rated power output. This model simulates the dynamic response of the wind turbine to changing wind conditions as well as the nominal performance parameters at all wind speeds. The second model is a steady state thermodynamic simulation of the turbomachinery power unit in the DSWiSS facility. By assuming conditions similar to those of a currently operating CAES facility in McIntosh, Alabama, the model calculates the performance parameters of DSWiSS and estimates the relative energy input requirements. By combining these models with a levelized lifetime cost analysis estimates of the power system performance and the cost of energy for the DSWiSS facility were estimated. The combination of these components yielded an efficiency greater than 46% for the main power block and a nearly equal utilization of both renewable resources. It was also estimated that the overall system is only slightly more expensive per unit of electricity generated than the current technologies employed today, namely coal, nuclear, and natural gas, but is comparable to a stand-alone solar thermal facility. However, this economic analysis, though accurate with regard to the technologies chosen, will not be complete until cost values can be placed on some of the externalities associated with power generation such as fuel cost volatility, national security, and emissions. / text

An experimental and numerical study of granular hopper flows

Sandlin, Matthew 13 January 2014 (has links)
In a proposed design for a concentrated solar power tower, sand is irradiated by solar energy and transfers its energy to another fluid stream by means of a finned tube heat exchanger. To maximize heat transfer and minimize potential damage to the heat exchanger, it is desired to have a very uniform flow through the heat exchanger. However, performing full scale flow tests can be expensive, impractical, and depending upon the specific quantities of interest, unsuitable for revealing the details of what it happening inside of the flow stream. Thus, the discrete element method has been used to simulate and study particulate flows. In this project, the flow of small glass beads through a square pyramid shaped hopper and a wedge shaped hopper were studied at the lab scale. These flows were also simulated using computers running two versions of discrete element modeling software – EDEM and LIGGGHTS. The simulated results were compared against the lab scale flows and against each other. They show that, in general, the discrete element method can be used to simulate lab scale particulate flows as long as certain material properties are well known, especially the friction properties of the material. The potential for increasing the accuracy of the simulations, such as using better material property data, non-uniform particle size distributions, and non-spherical particle shapes, as well as simulating heat transfer within a granular flow are also discussed.

Phase Change Materials as a Thermal Storage Device for Passive Houses

Campbell, Kevin Ryan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study describes a simulation-based approach for informing the incorporation of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in buildings designed to the "Passive House" standard. PCMs provide a minimally invasive method of adding thermal mass to a building, thus mitigating overheating events. Phase change transition temperature, quantity, and location of PCM were all considered while incrementally adding PCM to Passive House simulation models in multiple climate zones across the United States. Whole building energy simulations were performed using EnergyPlus from the US Department of Energy. A prototypical Passive House with a 1500 Watt electric heater and no mechanical cooling was modeled. The effectiveness of the PCM was determined by comparing the zone-hours and zone-degree-hours outside the ASHRAE defined comfort zone for all PCM cases against a control simulation without PCM. Results show that adding PCM to Passive Houses can significantly increase thermal comfort so long as the house is in a dry or marine climate. The addition of PCM in moist climates will not significantly increase occupant comfort because the majority of discomfort in these climates arises due to latent load. For dry or marine climates, PCM has the most significant impact in climates with lower cooling degree-days, reducing by 93% the number of zone-hours outside of thermal comfort and by 98% the number of zone-degree-hours uncomfortable in Portland, Oregon. However, the application of PCM is not as well suited for very hot climates because the PCM becomes overcharged. Only single digit reductions in discomfort were realized when modeling PCM in a Passive House in Phoenix, Arizona. It was found that regardless of the climate PCM should be placed in the top floor, focusing on zones with large southern glazing areas. Also, selecting PCM with a melt temperature of 25°C resulted in the most significant increases in thermal comfort for the majority of climates studied.

A New Power Storage, Cooling Storage, and Water Production Combined Cycle (PCWCC)

Ghashami, Bahman January 2016 (has links)
Fresh water shortage and hot weather are common challenges in many countries of the world. In the other hand, the air conditioning systems which are used for indoor cooling cause peak electricity demand during high temperatures hours. This peak hour demand is very important since it is more expensive and mainly is supplied by fossil fuel power plants with lower efficiencies compare to base load fossil fuel or renewable owe plants. Moreover, these peak electricity load fossil fuel power plants cause higher green house gas emission and other environmental effects. So, all these show that any solution for these problems could make life better in those countries and all over the world.In this thesis, a new idea for a Power storage, Cooling storage, and Water production Combined Cycle (PCWCC) is introduced and reviewed. PCWCC is combination of two thermal cycles, Ice Thermal Energy Storage (ITES) and desalination by freezing cycle, which are merged together to make a total solution for fresh water shortage, required cooling, and high peak power demand. ITES is a well known technology for shifting the electricity demand of cooling systems from peak hours to off-peak hours and desalination by freezing is a less known desalination system which is based on the fact that the ice crystals are pure and by freezing raw water and melting resulted ice crystals, pure water will be produced. These two systems have some common processes and equations and this thesis shows that by combining them the resulted PCWCC could be more efficient than each of them. In this thesis, the thermodynamic equations and efficiencies of each PCWCC sub-systems are analyzed and the resulted data are used in finding thermodynamics of PCWCC itself. Also, by using reMIND software, which uses Cplex to find the best combinations of input/output and related processes, the cost of produced fresh water and cooling from PCWCC is compared with total cost of fresh water and cooling produced by each sub-systems of PCWCC in three sample cities all over the world, Kerman, Dubai, and Texas. These cities are chosen since they have similar ambient temperature trend with different electricity and fresh water tariff's. The results show that, the PCWCC is economical where there is a significant electricity price difference between ice charging and ice melting hours, off-peak and peak hours, of the day or when the fresh water price is high compare to electricity price. The results also show that how the revenue from fresh water could cover the used electricity cost and make some income as well.

Étude de la production d'électricité à partir de l'énergie thermique des mers à l'île de la Réunion : modélisation et optimisation du procédé / Study of electricity production from the ocean thermal energy conversion to the Reunion Island : modelling and process optimization

Sinama, Frantz 07 December 2011 (has links)
L’énergie thermique des mers (ETM) offre une alternative intéressante pour la réduction de l’utilisation des énergies fossiles. En utilisant le gradient de température présent entre l’eau de surface et l’eau en profondeur, il est possible de produire de l’électricité grâce à un cycle thermodynamique. Les expérimentations sont peu nombreuses à l’heure actuelle, en raison d’un coût relativement élevé. Une approche fondamentale est donc développée avec la création de modèles numériques en régime permanent et dynamique. Le modèle en régime statique a été développé à partir d’une description mathématique simplifiée des composants du cycle. Ce modèle permet une évaluation globale des performances du système, incluant le prélèvement et le rejet de l’eau de mer ainsi que le cycle thermodynamique. À partir de la modélisation statique, un modèle dynamique a été établi en appliquant la méthode des systèmes équivalents de Gibbs. Cet outil permet de décrire les phases de démarrage et d’arrêt, d’étudier la modulation de la puissance électrique délivrée au réseau et d’optimiser le cycle. Les résultats de simulations des différents modèles sont confrontés à la littérature et à des données expérimentales, afin d’avoir des éléments de validation. L’un des intérêts du modèle en régime dynamique est la possibilité d’effectuer une analyse de type « premier et second principe » du système. Une optimisation du fonctionnement du cycle est réalisée à partir de cette analyse. Des pistes d’améliorations sont proposées. L’optimisation est réalisée grâce au couplage du modèle dynamique avec l’outil Genopt. Les outils numériques développés permettront d’élaborer des stratégies de contrôle des installations. / Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) offers an interesting alternative for reducing the use of fossil fuels for energy generation. Using the temperature gradient present between the surface water and deep water, it is possible to produce electricity through a thermodynamic cycle. At present, the experiments are limited due to a relatively high cost. A fundamental approach is developed with the creation of numerical models in steady and dynamic state. The model in steady state has been developed from a simplified mathematical description of the components of the cycle. This model allows for an overall assessment of system performance including the withdrawal and discharge of the sea water, as well as the thermodynamic cycle. From the static model, a dynamic model was established using the method of the equivalent Gibbs systems. This tool is used to describe the start-up and shutdown, to study the modulation of the electrical power delivered to the network and to optimize the cycle. The simulation results of the different models are confronted with the literature and experimental data in order to have points of validation. One of the advantages of the model under dynamic conditions is the ability to perform an analysis of the "first and second principle" of the system. Optimization of the operation is carried out from this analysis. Possible improvements are proposed. An optimization of the cycle operation is carried out from this analysis. The optimization is done by coupling the dynamic model with the tool Genopt. The numerical tools developed will permit in addition to develop strategies to control of the power plants.


EPIFANIO MAMANI TICONA 06 September 2007 (has links)
[pt] Um gerador de pasta de gelo foi desenvolvido para o estudo experimental de suas características de transferência de calor. Uma das características da pasta de gelo é que pode ser bombeada como qualquer líquido. O gerador de pasta de gelo é um evaporador, do tipo trocador de calor de superfície raspada com intensificação mecânica de transferência de calor. Foi estabelecida a influência de vários parâmetros na transferência de calor no gerador de pasta de gelo: a vazão mássica, a velocidade de rotação do raspador, a temperatura da parede na interface, a temperatura de operação da solução aquosa, entre outros. Estudou-se tanto a transferência de calor com ou sem mudança de fase. Utilizaram-se soluções aquosas de etanol com diferentes concentrações. A pasta de gelo era produzida continuamente sem acumulação no evaporador. O gerador era parte de um sistema integral contendo os seguintes componentes: o sistema de medição da fração de gelo on-line, através da medição da massa específica da pasta de gelo; uma bomba helicoidal de cavidade progressiva, que permitia controlar a vazão, por meio de um variador de freqüência; um aquecedor elétrico, atuando como carga térmica, com a possibilidade de variar a capacidade desta carga térmica e, com isto, o controle da temperatura de operação do sistema; e o sistema de aquisição de dados. Foi estabelecido um modelo para determinar, experimentalmente, o número de Nusselt e, por conseguinte, o coeficiente interno de transferência de calor da pasta de gelo. Utilizou-se uma unidade condensadora convencional, com R22 como fluido refrigerante. A pasta de gelo resultante era bombeada continuamente em um circuito fechado, assegurando o estudo de um fluido homogeneamente distribuído, visto que o circuito não permitia a acumulação de pasta de gelo. Os sistemas de geração de pasta de gelo apresentam potencial para reduzir significativamente os custos de capital inicial e operação, quando comparados com tecnologias de sistemas de termoacumulação estáticos de gelo ou dinâmicos, como o ice harvesting. / [en] An ice slurry generator for was developed for the experimental study of its heat transfer characteristics. One of the main characteristic of ice slurry is that it can be pumped as any liquid. The ice slurry generator is an evaporator, with mechanical heat transfer enhancement, by surface scraping. The dependence of several parameters on heat exchanger performance was established. They included: mass flow rate, scraped rotational velocity, surface temperature, solution operating temperature. Single and two-phase flow was studied. Aqueous ethanol solutions, of different concentrations, were used. Ice slurry was produced on a continuous basis. The experimental apparatus consisted of the heat exchanger itself, an on-line ice mass fraction measurement device, a helicoidal positive displacement variable flow rate pump, an electrical heater, the data acquisition system and a R22 condensing unit. The ice slurry was pumped continuously on a closed circuit, providing a homogeneous fluid, as no accumulation of ice was possible. Ice slurry systems have the potential of significant reduction on capital and maintenance costs, when compared to traditional technologies, static or dynamic, of ice thermoaccumulation.

Avaliação da aplicação do modo misto na redução da carga térmica em edifícios de escritórios nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of mixed-mode application for thermal load reduction in office buildings at the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro

De Benedetto, Gisele Saveriano 13 April 2007 (has links)
Diante das atuais questões ambientais, o uso eficiente da energia é uma premissa em todos os setores de atividades. Sabe-se que as edificações são grandes consumidores de energia e boa parcela desse consumo se dá em sistemas de condicionamento artificial. São três os principais fatores que atuam no balanço térmico e influenciam esse consumo: arquitetura, ocupação e clima. A arquitetura atua como intermediária nesse balanço térmico, podendo ajudar ou prejudicar as condições internas. Este trabalho estuda o desempenho térmico e energético dos edifícios de escritórios em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, cidades que apresentam condições extremas de calor durante o verão e até em outras estações do ano. O tipo de ocupação e a atividade realizada em edifícios de escritórios nos dias de hoje criam, por si sós, cargas térmicas elevadas que dificultam ainda mais a obtenção de conforto. Este trabalho parte do pressuposto de que existem soluções arquitetônicas de edifícios de escritórios na cidade de São Paulo capazes de garantir conforto térmico aos usuários durante parte do período de ocupação sem uso de condicionamento artificial, porém acreditar que é possível obter conforto apenas com sistemas passivos durante o ano todo nos atuais edifícios de escritórios das cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro é ilusão. Diante desse desafio, o sistema de modo misto de condicionamento ambiental une as vantagens do sistema ativo às do passivo, operando com sistemas naturais sempre que possível, reduzindo o consumo de energia e acionando o sistema ativo em situações fora das condições de conforto. Utilizar o sistema de modo misto não significa abrir as janelas de qualquer edifício no inverno. O edifício deve estar preparado para o sistema desde as etapas de projeto. Com base nesse pensamento, a pesquisa analisa o desempenho térmico e energético de três tipologias arquitetônicas operando com o sistema de modo misto em São Paulo e investiga o desempenho das mesmas tipologias sob as condições climáticas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. As avaliações de desempenho térmico e energético das tipologias são feitas por meio de análises e comparações de resultados de simulações computacionais com o programa TAS (9.0.7 maio, 2005). / Considering current environmental issues, all sectors of activities are premised on the efficient use of energy. Its known that constructions are great energy consumers and part of this consumption is given by artificial conditioning systems. Therere three main factors in thermal balance that influences this consumption: architecture, occupation and climate. The architecture acts as intermediate in this thermal balance, being able to help or harm internal conditions. This research treats office building thermal and energy performance in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, cities with high temperatures not only during the summer but also in other seasons. Nowadays, offices occupation and activity are themselves great heat producers, what makes thermal comfort even more difficult to achieve. This project considers that there are office building design solutions able to produce thermal environmental conditions acceptable to a majority of occupants, without air-conditioning system, during part of the working period, in São Paulo. However, believing the possibility of achieving comfort conditions in actual office buildings, only with passive cooling strategies, during all year, in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, is an illusion. Facing this challenge, mixed mode system combines the best of air-conditioning and natural ventilation, operating with natural strategies whenever its possible, reducing energy consumption and using the air-conditioning system only when thermal environmental conditions are not acceptable. Mixed mode operation does not mean to open any building windows during the winter. The building must have been designed for the mixed mode system since its first projects. This research is based on this thought and thermal analysis and energy performance of three architectural design buildings operating with mixed mode system in São Paulo and investigates the performance of these building types under climate conditions of Rio de Janeiro city. The thermal and energy performance evaluations of the building types are based on the analysis and comparison of computer simulations results, with the software TAS (9.0.7 May, 2005).

Etude expérimentale d’une interaction thermique au sein d’un fluide / Experimental study of a solid/liquid thermal interaction

Abbate, Adrien 08 January 2018 (has links)
Un accident d’insertion de réactivité (RIA) dans un cœur nucléaire pourrait provoquer la rupture d’une gaine et l’éjection d’une fine poudre de combustible chaud dans le caloporteur. La réponse du fluide peut être violente. L’étude de cette interaction (Fuel/Coolant Interaction FCI) est importante pour la sûreté nucléaire. Plusieurs études et expériences ont été menées avec de l’eau ou du sodium ou sont prévues dans le cadre des essais intégraux du programme international dans le réacteur CABRI. Cependant, les conditions complexes ne permettent pas la mesure des grandeurs locales nécessaires à l’étude de la dynamique de vaporisation. En effet, effectuer des expériences de vaporisation violente avec de l’eau requiert beaucoup d’énergie et des équipements résistant aux hautes pressions, notamment pour reproduire les conditions de fonctionnement d’une centrale nucléaire de type REP. Il est ainsi intéressant d’utiliser un autre fluide, tel que le dioxyde de carbone, dont les propriétés thermodynamiques (pression critique, enthalpie de vaporisation...) réduisent ces contraintes. Néanmoins, afin de pouvoir comparer et utiliser les observations de l’expérience, il est indispensable d’établir et de vérifier des lois de similitudes entre les deux fluides. L’étude de ces similarités entre l’eau et le dioxyde de carbone a établi qu’en conservant la pression réduite ainsi que le titre thermodynamique, on obtient des rendements similaires pour la conversion de l’énergie thermique en travail avec des énergies mises en jeu divisées par cinq. Ceci a permis d’envisager la conception et la réalisation d’un banc d’essais pour provoquer l’interaction thermique violente au sein d’un fluide. Afin de reproduire la cinétique de l’interaction, la géométrie du système a été adaptée. L’impulsion d’énergie au sein du fluide est générée à l’aide d’un filament de tungstène subissant la décharge d’une batterie de condensateurs à l’extrémité basse d’un cylindre. Au-dessus de ce cylindre, un réservoir de grand volume offre une source de compressibilité. L’enceinte contenant le CO2 liquide aux conditions thermodynamiques adaptables est instrumentée à l’aide de capteurs de pression le long du tube et des sondes optiques pour repérer la phase vapeur. Ce banc expérimental a permis d’acquérir des observations locales de la réaction telle que la montée en pression du liquide. Un pic de pression franc a été observé pour des impulsions d’énergie relativement faible, de l’ordre de 0,2 kJ. Plusieurs études sur les paramètres d’influences ont été menées. Notamment, l’influence de l’énergie, du diamètre du fil et du sous-refroidissement. / During a reactivity insertion accident, the temperature and the pressure rapidly increase inside the rod and can lead to the rupture of the clad and the ejection of fuel toward the coolant. Since the fuel could be finely fragmented, the thermal interaction between fuel and coolant (FCI) could create a pressure wave as well as a large vapor volume. Safety-related consequences of the FCI may be related to both phenomena. Past experimental studies concerning such a RIA related FCI are in-pile experiments in thermal hydraulics conditions that differ from PWR conditions. Therefore validation of a simulation tool from these data and extrapolation to reactors conditions is subject to uncertainties. This experimental study is devoted to the violent thermal interaction between a hot material and a fluid. An experimental bench has been designed. It is mainly a cylindrical tube, where the interaction takes place, connected to a larger vessel as a compressibility tank. To reduce the required level of energy as well as temperature and pressure conditions, liquid carbon dioxide has been chosen to simulate water in PWR conditions. Respect of thermodynamics similarity criteria allows to lower pressure by a factor 3 and energy per unit mass fluid by a factor 5. To produce the energy pulse, a tungsten wire is heated by Joule effect from the discharge of a 27 mF capacity. Design of the tank allows for a relatively long mechanical relaxation of the coolant with regards to the heat transfer kinetics. The pressure wave is recorded thanks to four dynamic pressure sensors along the tube. Two dual tip fiber optical probes allow characterizing the kinetics of vapor formation near the wire. The data acquisition system operates with a required frequency of the MHz range. This test bench allows to record the local behavior of the fluid such as the pressurization of the liquid. A very clear pressure wave have been recorded just after weak energy pulse around 0.2 kJ. The influence of some major parameters on these quantities have been studied. For example, the liquid level in the tank is increased between two tests up to be totally fu ll, so, the influence of the compressibility is highlighted. Also, three different wire diameters have been used to modify the heat transfer kinetics. Finally, several intensities of the energy pulse have been considered. All these studies help to improve the understanding on the thermal interaction potentially involved in the nuclear reactor safety context.

Análise do impacto causado por sistemas de aquecimento solar na demanda e no consumo de energia elétrica em residências populares

Ferasso, Clauber Andre 08 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-06-30T23:58:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ClauberFerasso.pdf: 8384052 bytes, checksum: dc9cfb947f94d52412c3434032ae62da (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-30T23:58:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClauberFerasso.pdf: 8384052 bytes, checksum: dc9cfb947f94d52412c3434032ae62da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08 / FINEP - Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / A contribuição das fontes de energias alternativas, principalmente a solar térmica, para a diversificação da matriz energética brasileira é importante devido, principalmente, ao aumento da demanda do consumo de energia elétrica, ocasionado pelo progresso e desenvolvimento da população e do País. Parte deste aumento é consequência do uso simultâneo de milhares de chuveiros elétricos, na maioria das vezes no horário de ponta, considerado um dos responsáveis pelo elevado pico na curva de demanda entre 18 e 21 horas. Frente a isso, a utilização da energia solar através de sistemas de aquecimento solar para o uso doméstico, vem ao encontro deste propósito. Após análise do consumo médio mensal de energia elétrica fornecida pela concessionária AES Sul no período de um ano em um conjunto residencial na cidade de Canoas – RS, foi possível estimar o custo da utilização do chuveiro elétrico nesse local, por domicílio, que representa entre 25 a 30 % da fatura de energia elétrica. A produção de energia térmica através de sistemas de aquecimento solar para pré- aquecimento de água quente para uso doméstico foi simulada utilizando-se o software TRNSYS, para diversas configurações de sistemas (área de coletor e capacidade de armazenamento). A relação entre a demanda de energia para aquecimento de água e a energia produzida pelo SAS foi parametrizada utilizando-se o conceito de fração solar mensal e anual. Foi considerada uma temperatura mínima de consumo de água quente de 40 °C e um perfil de consumo correspondente à taxa de ocupação média dos domicílios no local. Os dados climáticos necessários para a simulação foram obtidos a partir do ano meteorológico típico (TMY) para Porto Alegre. Os resultados obtidos das diversas simulações mostraram que é possível obter uma economia direta para consumidor de até 58% de energia consumida pelo chuveiro elétrico e uma economia de energia estimada em 12.399 kWh para o sistema elétrico ao longo de 20 anos. Estes resultados podem ser melhorados com a diminuição do custo unitário do SAS ou através de incentivos decorrentes da diminuição dos custos de ampliação da capacidade da rede elétrica por parte das concessionárias, decorrentes da mudança do perfil de carga do sistema. / The contribution of alternative energy sources, particularly solar thermal, to diversify the Brazilian energy matrix is important, mainly due to increased demand of electricity consumption, caused by the progress and development of the population as well as the country. Part of this increase is a consequence of the simultaneous use of thousands of electric showers, mostly during peak hours, considered one of the chief responsible for the high peak in the demand curve between 6.00 and 9.00PM. Given this, the use of solar energy, through solar heating systems for domestic use, meets this purpose. After the analysis of the average monthly consumption of electricity provided by the supplier AES Sul in the period of one year in a residential complex in the city of Canoas – RS, it was possible to estimate the cost of using electric showers in that location, per household, which was between 25 to 30% of the electricity bill. The production of thermal energy through solar heating systems for preheating domestic hot water was simulated using the TRNSYS software for various system configurations (collector area and storage capacity). The relationship between energy demand for water heating and energy produced by SAS was parameterized using the concept of monthly and annual solar fraction, considering a minimum temperature of hot water of 40 ° C, and a profile of consumption corresponding to the average occupancy rate of households at the site. The climatic data required for the simulation were obtained from the typical meteorological year (TMY) to Porto Alegre and the results of several simulations showed that it is possible to get direct savings to the consumer up to 58% of energy consumed by electric shower and energy savings estimated at 12,399 kWh for the electricity system over a period of 20 years. These results can be improved by reducing the unit cost of SAS or through incentives from lowering the cost of expanding the capacity of the electric grid by suppliers, resulting from the change of the system load profile.

Métodos analí­ticos para o cálculo de desempenho de motores termomagnéticos do tipo tesla. / Analytical methods for the performance calculation of tesla type thermomagnetic motors.

Bessa, Carlos Vinicius Xavier 08 June 2018 (has links)
Motores termomagnéticos são dispositivos capazes de converter calor em energia mecânica através do efeito termomagnético, e são uma alternativa para a conversão de energia de rejeitos térmicos de baixa e baixíssima qualidade. Neste trabalho é proposta uma classificação dos motores termomagnéticos como sendo de dois tipos, os motores tipo Edison e os motores tipo Tesla. Feita a classificação, diferenciou-se o comportamento de operação e os ciclos termodinâmicos desenvolvidos pelos dois tipos de motores, mostrando que motores do tipo Tesla desenvolvem um ciclo termodinâmico que pode ser aproximado por um ciclo Brayton magnético, já motores do tipo Edison descrevem um ciclo mais complexo, não podendo ser aproximado por um ciclo Brayton. Compararam-se os parâmetros de interesse para ambos os motores através de análises termodinâmicas, onde se concluiu que motores do tipo Tesla apresentam melhores respostas de trabalho e eficiência que motores do tipo Edison, quando são consideradas as mesmas condições de operação. Além disso, identificou-se que a equação de força de Kelvin é a equação que corretamente descreve o comportamento da força magnética em um motor termomagnético, essa contribuição é importante, pois vários trabalhos publicados na literatura utilizam equações que não descrevem corretamente o comportamento da força magnética. Mostrou-se que o trabalho produzido em um motor termomagnético é igual ao trabalho produzido pela força magnética resultante no dispositivo. Foi desenvolvida e validada uma metodologia para o cálculo do trabalho específico produzido em um motor do tipo Tesla. Utilizando as metodologias validadas, verificou-se como a temperatura, o campo magnético aplicado, o fator de desmagnetização e o tipo de transição influenciam o comportamento dos motores termomagnéticos tipo Tesla, o que abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos mais interessantes do ponto de vista termodinâmico. / Thermomagnetic motors are devices capable of converting heat into mechanical energy through the thermomagnetic effect. These devices are able to operate using low or very low quality thermal waste, being an alternative to avail that range of thermal energy. This work classifies the thermomagnetic motors in two types: The Tesla type and the Edison type thermomagnetic motors, differentiating the operational behavior and the thermodynamic cycles developed in each type. By using thermodynamic approaches, it is shown that the Tesla type thermomagnetic motors have best response in terms of work and efficiency than the Edison type thermomagnetic motors, when the same operating conditions are considered. In addition, an experimental approach is presented, proving that the Kelvin force equation describes the behavior of the force in thermomagnetic motors, and the work produced in a motor is the same that the work produced by the resultant magnetic force in the system. It was developed and validated a method to estimate the work produced by cycle in a Tesla type thermomagnetic motor, and using thermodynamic approaches, the relevance of the temperature, applied magnetic field, demagnetizing factor and transition type in the Tesla type thermomagnetic motor were verified.

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