Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TRAFFIC ACCIDENT"" "subject:"[enn] TRAFFIC ACCIDENT""
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Critérios para avaliação pericial da macro e microtextura de pavimento asfáltico em local de acidente de trânsito / Criteria for the expert evaluation of macro and micro texture of the asphalt pavement at traffic accident sitesBucharles, Luciano Gardano Elias 28 March 2014 (has links)
Muito embora a micro e a macrotextura dos pavimentos sejam importantes para o tráfego seguro, principalmente em condição de pista molhada e com velocidades superiores a 50 km/h, nos locais de acidentes de trânsito no Brasil esses parâmetros não são avaliados quando das perícias técnicas. Assim, o objetivo principal desta tese é estabelecer critérios de avaliação de pavimentos asfálticos que possam integrar um protocolo para a perícia técnica em locais de acidentes de trânsito. Foi baseada em coleta de dados de micro e de macrotextura dos revestimentos asfálticos em três rodovias no Estado do Paraná, num total de 106 locais, e em quatro vias urbanas na cidade de Londrina-PR, num total de 148 locais, todas com velocidades permitidas iguais ou superiores a 50 km/h, especificamente em trechos onde ocorreram acidentes de trânsito, o que permitiu a determinação da aderência na interface pneu/pavimento, se os valores encontram-se dentro das faixas de aceitabilidade do DNIT, da ANTT e da ARTESP e se houve efetiva contribuição do pavimento para a ocorrência e para a severidade dos acidentes. Dos 106 acidentes rodoviários analisados, em 19 deles as alturas médias de mancha de areia, parâmetro empregado para avaliar a macrotextura, apresentaram-se com valor inferior ao mínimo recomendado (0,60 mm), enquanto que dos 148 acidentes ocorridos em vias urbanas, 22 ocorreram em trechos com alturas médias de mancha de areia também inferiores ao valor mínimo recomendado. Nesses casos também foram realizados ensaios de microtextura, com uso do pêndulo britânico, e posteriormente foram calculados os valores do Índice de Atrito Pneu-Pavimento Internacional (International Friction Index, IFI). Os resultados e as análises deste trabalho indicam que uma melhor condição de macrotextura pode reduzir entre 6% e 19% as energias cinéticas envolvidas nos acidentes em rodovias e de 3% a 11% em vias urbanas, com real possibilidade de redução tanto das avarias produzidas nos veículos quanto, principalmente, das lesões nas vítimas. Dada a importância da micro e da macrotextura, recomenda-se que o protocolo de avaliação de pavimentos para perícias técnicas em locais de acidentes de trânsito em rodovias e em vias urbanas estabeleça a realização dos ensaios de Pêndulo Britânico e de Mancha de Areia em até 24 horas após o evento e que a área a ser levantada contemple toda a extensão das marcas de frenagem dos veículos envolvidos ou, no caso de inexistência de marcas, que compreenda uma extensão de 10 a 70 metros, respectivamente para vias com velocidade máxima permitida de 40 km/h e de 120 km/h. Espera-se, complementarmente, que um protocolo com critérios simples e objetivos, como o desenvolvido neste trabalho, permita a adoção de políticas públicas preventivas, de maior alcance e periodicidade, com as avaliações não somente nos trechos onde ocorrem acidentes, mas ao longo das vias. / Although the micro and macro textures of pavements are important factors for safe driving, especially on wet tracks and with speeds above 50 km/h, such parameters are not even evaluated during technical inspections in traffic accident sites in Brazil. Thus, the main purpose of this thesis is to establish criteria for the evaluation of asphalt pavements that may become integral part of a protocol for technical inspection in traffic accident sites. This work is based on the collection of data concerning the micro and macro texture of asphalt pavements on three roads in the State of Paraná, totaling 106 locations, and on four urban streets in the city of Londrina, State of Paraná, totaling 148 locations. All such locations have a speed limit of equal to or higher than 50 km/h, especially on the sites where traffic accidents occurred, which allowed for the determination of the tire/pavement adherence, and whether the values found were in accordance with the acceptable levels established by DNIT, ANTT and ARTESP, and whether there was effective contribution on the part of the pavement for the occurrence as well as the severity of the accidents. Out of the 106 road accidents that were analyzed, it was observed that in 19 of them the average heights of the sand spot, a parameter used to evaluate the macro-texture, were lower than the minimum value recommended (0,60 mm), while out of the 148 accidents taken place in urban streets, 22 took place in areas where the average heights of the sand spot were also lower than the recommended minimum value. In the case of the accidents that occurred in places where the heights of the sand spots were lower than the minimum recommended, micro texture essays were also carried out by use of the British Pendulum Tester, and later the values of the International Friction Index (IFI) were calculated. The results and the analyzes of this work indicated that a better condition in the macro texture would reduce the kinetic energies involved in road accidents between 6% and 19%, and from 3% to 11% on urban streets, with the real possibility of minimizing both damages caused to the vehicles and especially the lesions on the victims. Given the importance of micro and macro textures, it is recommended that the protocol for the evaluation of pavements for the purpose of technical inspection in traffic accident sites both on roads and urban streets require the carrying out of the British Pendulum Tester and the Sand Spot within 24 hours of the time of the accident and that the area to be tested should include the entire extension of the braking skid marks of the vehicles involved in the accident, or, in the case of inexistence of such marks, covering 10 to 70 meters, respectively, for locations where the permitted maximum speed is 40 km/h, and for locations where the permitted maximum speed is 120 km/h. It is additionally expected that a protocol having simple yet objective criteria, such as the ones developed in this work, will allow for the adoption of preventive public policies, having greater scope and periodical applications, not only on sites where accidents take place, but also on the entirety of roads and streets.
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Acidentalidade no transporte coletivo da cidade de São Carlos / Accident occurrence in public transportation (buses) in the city of São CarlosThais de Cássia Martinelli Guerreiro 22 July 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o resultado de estudo sobre a acidentalidade no transporte coletivo da cidade de São Carlos - Brasil, utilizando como fontes de informações os registros contidos em boletins de ocorrência de acidentes da polícia militar e em relatórios de ocorrências, elaborados pela empresa operadora do transporte coletivo, ambos relativos aos anos de 2005 e 2006. O método utilizado compreende as seguintes etapas: i) Coleta dos dados; ii) Processamento e sistematização dos dados; iii) Caracterização dos acidentes; iv) Análise das informações e preparação de diagnóstico; e, v) Elaboração de ações mitigadoras. O processamento e a sistematização dos dados foram realizados utilizando o Banco de Dados de Acidentes de Trânsito (BDAT) da cidade de São Carlos, ao passo que a caracterização foi realizada com foco na gravidade, tipologia, distribuição temporal e espacial dos acidentes. De forma a identificar os pontos, interseções, trechos e regiões críticas de ocorrência de acidentes de trânsito, utilizou-se um sistema de informação geográfica - SIG, aplicado à área de transportes. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se: i) maior ocorrência de acidentes que resultaram em danos materiais e de acidente do tipo colisão transversal; ii) acidentes que resultaram em vítimas não fatais ocorreram em maior número às sextas-feiras e os que resultaram em vítimas fatais aos finais de semana; iii) os acidentes encontraram-se espalhados por toda a cidade, com maior concentração no eixo norte-sul e próximo a pólos de serviços de saúde, dentre outros. As ações mitigadoras propostas foram de caráter geral, como por exemplo, melhoria da sinalização, realização de campanhas educativas, dentre outros; e de caráter específico, direcionada para o cruzamento que apresentou o maior número de acidente no período em estudo. / This work presents the results of a study on accident occurrence in public transportation (buses) in the city of São Carlos - Brazil, using as information sources the records from police accident reports from the local police and accident reports performed by the company responsible for the public transportation (buses), both for calendar years 2005 and 2006. The method applied comprises the following steps: i) Data collection; ii) Processing and data systematization; iii) Accident characterization; iv) Information analysis and diagnosis preparation; and v) Development of mitigation actions. Processing and data systematization were carried out using Traffic Accident Database (BDAT) from the city of São Carlos, whereas characterization was done focusing on severity, typology, temporal and spatial distribution of accidents. Geographic information system (GIS) applied to transportation field was used to identify intersections, road stretches and critical areas of traffic accident occurrence. The main results obtained were: i) most accidents resulted in property damage and side impacts ii) most nonfatal accidents occurred in greater number on fridays and fatal ones on weekends ii) accidents took place throughout the city, with greater concentration on north-south routes and around heath care centers, among others. Proposed mitigation actions were of general nature, such as improvements to signals, educational campaigns, among others; and specific ones towards the intersection that presented the highest number of accidents during this study.
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Psychische Traumatisierung bei Verkehrsunfallopfern / eine LängsschnittstudiePoldrack, Andreas 14 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Jeder Vierte erleidet im Laufe seines Lebens einen Verkehrsunfall. Obwohl psychische Folgen verbreitet und vielfältig sind, bleiben sie oft unbeachtet oder ihnen wird erst Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, wenn wenn das Leiden oder die Beeinträchtigung durch sie zu stark werden oder die Symptomatik sich längst chronifiziert hat. Am Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der TU Dresden wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Christoph-Dornier-Stiftung für Klinische Psychologie in Dresden ein Forschungsprojekt zu psychischer Traumatisierung nach Verkehrsunfällen durchgeführt. Schwerpunkt dieser Studie war es, herauszufinden, inwieweit psychische Beeinträchtigungen wenige Tage nach einem Verkehrsunfall sowie 3 und 6 Monate danach auftreten und welche auslösenden bzw. aufrechterhaltenden Faktoren für die psychischen Beeinträchtigungen zu finden sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurden in einer Unfallklinik Patienten mit einer Fragebogenbatterie untersucht, die dort nach einem Verkehrsunfall eingeliefert worden waren. Die Auftretenshäufigkeit von posttraumatischer Belastungssymptomatik steigt über den Untersuchungszeitraum hinweg leicht an, dies gilt sowohl für klinische als auch subklinische Symptomatik. Interessant sind hier v.a. die verschiedenen Verlaufstypen. Die Gedanken-kontrollstrategien "Ablenkung" und "Sorgen" scheinen beim Umgang mit auftretenden Intrusionen eine relevante Rolle im Zusammenhang mit der posttraumatischen Belastungssymptomatik spielen. Weiterhin zeigte sich, daß Variablen wie die subjektiv wahrgenommene Kontrollierbarkeit der Unfallsituation oder die Beschäftigung mit der Frage "Warum gerade ich?" Einfluß auf die Entwicklung posttraumatischer Symptomatik ausüben. Die Ergebnisse der Studie haben mehrere Implikationen: Erstens konnte repliziert werden, daß posttraumatische Belastungssymptomatik nach Verkehrsunfällen ein relevantes Problem ist, das nicht einfach ignoriert werden darf. Zweitens konnten Erkenntnisse über den längsschnittlichen Verlauf der Symptomatik bereitgestellt werden, die eine Früherkennung von potentiellen Betroffenen näher rücken läßt. Drittens und letztens konnte die wichtige Rolle der kognitiven Variablen bei der Entstehung einer Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung nach Verkehrsunfällen untermauert werden.
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Fußverletzungen bei PKW-FrontinsassenSchubert, René 23 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Einrichtungen der Verkehrsunfallforschung Hannover und (ab 1999) Dresden registrierten 736 Beinverletzungen eines Schweregrades AIS ≥ 2 im Zeitraum von 1983 bis März 2007. 174 dieser Verletzungen (23,6 %) waren Frakturen und Luxationen des Fußes und des oberen Sprunggelenkes. Es waren 149 Füße von 141 Frontinsassen (140 PKW) betroffen. Die Insassen untergliederten sich in 117 Fahrer und 24 Beifahrer. Das durchschnittliche Alter der Insassen betrug 38.5 ± 16.8 Jahre. Die häufigste Verletzung war die Fraktur des oberen Sprunggelenkes (n=82; 80 Malleolarfrakturen, 2 Pilonfrakturen). 34 Frakturen und Luxationen betrafen den Rückfuß (5 Talus- und 26 Calcaneusfrakturen, 2 subtalare Luxationen, 1 subtotale Amputation), 16 den Mittfuß (4 Navicularefrakturen, 5 Cuboidfrakturen, 3 Cuneiformefrakturen, 2 Chopart-Gelenksluxationen, 1 subtotale Amputation, 1 schweres Decollement) und 39 den Vorfuß (Metatarsalefrakturen). Offene Frakturen wurden nur in 3 Fällen registriert (2 Malleolarfrakturen, 1 Metatarsalefraktur). In 10 Fällen wurden beide Füße verletzt. 33 Insassen (23,4 %) waren polytraumatisiert, davon starben 17. 81 % der Insassen waren angeschnallt. Die verunfallten PKW wurden in prä- (Baujahr 1997 und älter) und post-EuroNCAP- (Baujahr 1998 und jünger) Fahrzeuge unterteilt. Die meisten Fußverletzungen fanden sich in prä-EuroNCAP-Autos. Die meisten Insassen befanden sich in Fahrzeugen der unteren Mittelklasse (40 Fahrer und 9 Beifahrer) und der Mittelklasse (27 Fahrer und 7 Beifahrer). 49 der 140 Unfälle ereigneten sich auf Landes- bzw. Kreisstraßen, 26 auf Bundesstraßen und 13 auf Autobahnen. Es wurden überwiegend Frontalzusammenstöße beobachtet. Zwischen den verletzten Fußregionen fanden sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Delta v- und EES-Werte, es ergab sich aber ein Trend zu höheren Delta v- und EES-Werten bei neueren PKW (post-EuroNCAP). Die Häufigkeit von Fußverletzungen stieg linear mit steigendem Delta v-Wert, oberhalb eines Delta v-Wertes von 55 km/h kam es nur noch in prä-EuroNCAP-Autos zu einem weiteren linearen Anstieg, während post-EuroNCAP-Fahrzeuge keinen weiteren Anstieg der Verletzungshäufigkeit zeigten. Die Fußraumintrusion zeigte keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Fußregionen, jedoch zeigte sich in post-EuroNCAP-Fahrzeugen ein Trend zu höheren Intrusionswerten. Zwischen den einzelnen Fahrzeugklassen zeigten sich keine Unterschiede in der Fußraumintrusion. Nur 29 der 174 Frakturen und Luxationen des Fußes und des oberen Sprunggelenkes wurden in post-EuroNCAP-Fahrzeugen registiert, die überwiegende Zahl dieser Verletzungen (n=145) ereignete sich in prä-EuroNCAP-Fahrzeugen. Bei Betrachtung des AIS2008-assoziierten FCI (functional capacity index) für die Fußregion zeigte sich eine geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit einer dauerhaften Behinderung in post-EuroNCAP-Fahrzeugen bei gleichem Delta v-Wert. / The accident research of Hanover and (from 1999 on) Dresden registered 736 leg injuries (AIS ≥ 2) from 1983 to March 2007. 174 of these injuries (23.6 %) were fractures or dislocations of foot and ankle. 149 feet of 141 front seat car occupants in 140 cars were affected. Of these 117 were drivers, 24 were front seat passengers. The mean age of occupants was 38.5 ± 16.8 years. Ankle fractures were the most frequent injury (n = 82; 80 malleolar fractures, 2 pilon fractures). 34 fractures and dislocations affected the hindfoot (5 talus and 26 calcaneal fractures, 2 subtalar dislocations and 1 subtotal amputation) , 16 to midfoot (4 navicular fractures, 5 cuboid fractures, 3 fractures of cuneiformia, 2 dislocations of chopart joint, 1 subtotal amputation, and one severe decollement) and 39 the forefoot (metatarsal fractures). Open fractures were seldom seen (2 malleolar fractures, 1 metatarsal fracture). Both feet were injured in 10 cases. 33 occupants (23.4 %) were polytaumatic had a polytrauma, 17 of them died. 81 percent of the occupants were belted. The cars were divided in pre EuroNCAP (year of manufacture 1997 and older) and post EuroNCAP cars (year of manufacture 1998 and newer). Most of the foot injuries were seen in pre EuroNCAP cars. Most of the occupants sat in compact cars (40 drivers and 9 front seat passengers) and large family cars (27 drivers and 7 co-drivers). 49 of 140 accidents occurred on country roads, 26 on main roads and 13 on motorways. The crash direction was mostly frontal. Generally were found no differences of delta v- and EES-level between the injured foot regions, but divided into pre- and post-EuroNCAP cars there was a tendency to higher delta v- and EES-levels in newer cars. The frequency of foot injuries increased linearly with increasing delta v-level; but above delta v-level of 55 km/h the linear increase only was seen in pre-EuroNCAP cars, post-EuroNCAP cars showed no further increase of injuries. The footwell intrusion showed no difference between the injured foot regions but post-EuroNCAP cars had a tendency to higher footwell intrusion. There were no differences in footwell intrusion between the car types. Only 29 of 174 fractures or dislocations of foot and ankle were seen in post-EuroNCAP cars, the predominate number of these injuries (n = 145) were noticed in pre-EuroNCAP cars. A lower probability of long-term impairment was found in post-EuroNCAP cars for equal delta v levels, using the AIS2008 associated Functional Capacity Index (FCI) for the foot region.
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Automobilių važiavimo greičio automatizuotų kontrolės sistemų vystymas Lietuvos automobilių keliuose / Development of Automation Traffic Speed Control Systems in Lithuanian RoadsČygaitė, Laura 23 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe apžvelgiama avaringumo Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinės reikšmės keliuose situacija. Darbe analizuojama automatizuotos važiavimo greičio kontrolės sistemos diegimo Lietuvos automobilių keliuose patirtis, pateikiama automobilių važiavimo greičio tyrimų Lietuvos keliuose analizė. Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami visuomenės nuomonės apie automatizuotos važiavimo greičio kontrolės sistemos poveikį eismo saugumui tyrimo rezultatai bei vandalizmo atvejai prieš stacionarius greičio matuoklius. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Baigiamojo darbo apimtis – 101 psl. teksto be priedų, 30 lentelių, 63 paveikslai ir 3 priedai. / In this Master Thesis an overview of the Republic of Lithuania accident rate situation on national significant roads are given. An analysis of automatic traffic speed control system implementation experience in Lithuanian roads and car speed research on Lithuanian roads are given in this final paper. Also a part of the work reveals research results of public opinion on automatic speed control system influence to traffic safety and cases of vandalism against fixed speed cameras. Conclusions and recommendations are given at the end of the paper. Master thesis consists of 101 pages pure text without appendixes, 30 tables, 63 pictures ant 3 appendixes.
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An Innovative Model Integrating Spatial And Statistical Analyses For A Comprehensive Traffic Accident StudySener, Ipek Nese 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The negative social and economic results of traffic accidents are the most serious problems within the concept of traffic safety. Every year, unfortunately, a huge number of traffic accidents result in destructive losses. Especially, when the holiness of human life is concerned, traffic safety has an invaluable role for
the traffic improvement strategies. In this manner, Turkey places one of the highest ranks regarding the growing rate and severity of traffic accidents that should be immediately taken under control.
In this study, an innovative model that constructs a hybrid between the spatial and statistical analyses is developed in order to examine the importance of enhancing statistical analysis with georeferenced data and so location-based studies in traffic accident analysis. Meanwhile, the effects of road characteristic
and environment are considered for exploring the integral role of roadway factor to the occurrence of accidents, and consequently for emphasizing easily applicable and controllable engineering safety measures.
Because of the rare and random distribution of traffic accident data, logistic regression is used for the statistical part of the study in order to find the pairwise risk factors among the roadway and environmental parameters. After unifying these relative risk factors with the logic of Analytic Hierarchy Process,
the finalized accident risk factors are attached to the digitized road characteristics map through Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
The abilities of GIS in mapping, displaying and overlaying different data sets ensure to visualize high risked accident areas with their corresponding potential causal factors. The integration of statistical and spatial analyses is essential for developing appropriate and effective precautions in addition to its easily
understandable, applicable and modifiable structure. Finally, the model is proven to be appropriate for both interpreting the existing traffic accident problem or potential future accidents and also developing comprehensive and reliable location-based safety studies.
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Tomada de decisão baseada em lógica fuzzy e na distribuição espacial da mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na cidade de João pessoa PB.Costa, Danielly Cristina de Souza 17 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:47:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / From decade of 80 the external causes, especially traffic accidents, have become a big
problem that afflicts the Brazil and the World. This work aims to study the traffic accidents in
the city of João Pessoa from the spatial distribution and fuzzy logic to the decision making
of priority areas and non-priority. The analysis was an initial observation a study of
aggregated neighborhood and after separately. The data used in the analysis were of
secondary type collected by the Department of Legal Medicine (DML). The analysis carried
out were the follows: descriptive statistics, spatial distribution and fuzzy logic. From the
results of descriptive statistics found that the males accounted for 562 victims and the
female 102 victms of all the years studied in the city of Joao Pessoa. The main means of
transport that caused the accidents were the cars followed by motorcycle. The nature of the
traffic accidents most frequent were: pedestrian collisions that occurred during the years
2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009, followed by collisions. In the morning and afternoon occurred
the highest numbers of accidents due to the large number of vehicles on roads in the city
and in the shift dawn the number of fatal accidents decreased. The days of the week were
more fatal accidents occurred on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The main victims of
accidents were young people and adults in the age groups of 20 to 24, 25 to 29, 30 to 39
and 40 to 49 years. Spatial analysis the main areas of the city with relatively high risk and
significant spatial clusters are: northwest, north, northeast and west of the city of João
Pessoa. In these areas included the neighborhood of Cabo Branco, Altiplano Cabo
Branco,Centro, Mandacaru, Bessa, Cruz das Armas, Pedro Gondim, Tambauzinho and
Tambiá. The decision model was used fuzzy logic which aimed to identify priority areas and
non-priority traffic accidents in the city of João Pessoa. Were elaborated four linguistic
variables and eleven linguistic terms. The results of logic fuzzy were satisfactory because it
reached the objective proposed of identification of priority areas and non-priority in the city
of João Pessoa. Enabling the decision making of public policies more effectives in order to
decrease the number of deaths from traffic accidents.q / A partir da década de 80 as causas externas, em especial os acidentes de trânsito,
passaram a ser um grande problema que aflinge o Brasil e o mundo. Este trabalho tem
por objetivo estudar os acidentes de trânsito na cidade de João Pessoa, a partir da
distribuição espacial e lógica fuzzy para a tomada de decisão das áreas prioritárias e nãoprioritárias.
A análise foi numa primeira observação um estudo dos bairros agregados e
depois separadamente. Os dados utilizados nas análises foram do tipo secundário,
levantados no Departamento de Medicina Legal (DML). As análises foram: estatísticas
descritivas, distribuição espacial e lógica fuzzy. A partir dos resultados das estatísticas
descritivas, observou-se que o sexo masculino representou 562 vítimas fatais e o sexo
feminino 102 vítimas do total dos anos estudados na cidade de João Pessoa. Os
principais meios de transporte que causaram os acidentes foram os automóveis, seguido
das motos. A natureza dos acidentes de trânsito mais frequentes foram os
atropelamentos, ocorridos nos anos de 2005, 2006, 2008 e 2009, seguido das colisões.
Nos períodos da manhã e tarde ocorreram os maiores números de acidentes, em virtude
do grande número de veículos nas vias da cidade e, no turno da madrugada, os números
de acidentes fatais diminuíram. Os dias da semana que mais ocorreram acidentes fatais
foram no sábado, segunda-feira e domingo. As principais vítimas dos acidentes são os
jovens e adultos nas faixas etárias dos 20 aos 49 anos. Na análise espacial as principais
regiões da cidade com risco relativo alto e conglomerados espaciais significativos são:
noroeste, norte, nordeste e oeste da cidade de João Pessoa. Nestas regiões estão
incluídos os bairros do Cabo Branco, Altiplano Cabo Branco, Varadouro, Centro,
Mandacaru, Bessa, Cruz das Armas, Pedro Gondim, Tambia e Tambauzinho. O modelo de
decisão foi baseado em lógica fuzzy, que teve como finalidade identificar as áreas
prioritárias e não-prioritárias dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de João Pessoa. Foram
elaborados seis variáveis fuzzy e quinze termos linguísticos. Os resultados de lógica
fuzzy foram satisfatórios, pois atingiu o objetivo proposto da identificação total das áreas
prioritárias e não-prioritárias na cidade de João Pessoa. Possibilitando a tomada de
decisão de políticas públicas mais efetivas com o intuito de diminuir o número de óbitos
por acidentes de trânsito.
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Método para análise de acidentes de trânsito com a identificação de fatores causaisChagas, Denise Martins January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese tem como finalidade propor um método de coleta, tratamento e análise de dados de acidentes de trânsito para aplicação no Brasil. Este método tem como um de seus objetivos reconhecer os fatores que contribuem para a ocorrência dos acidentes, visto que identificar as causas dos acidentes é fundamental na busca por soluções para o problema da acidentalidade. No Brasil as bases de dados de acidentes de trânsito são, em geral, estruturadas a partir dos registros policiais e carecem de informações adequadas para a análise da segurança viária. O método proposto neste trabalho permite registrar acidentes de modo a contemplar: as características do acidente, as circunstâncias do momento, a identificação e as características dos veículos e pessoas envolvidas. Além disso, o método permite relacionar essas informações com os fatores que contribuíram para a ocorrência dos acidentes. Nesse contexto, a criação de uma base de dados de acidentes e seus fatores contribuintes, vem suprir a carência de informações essenciais para o diagnóstico e encaminhamento de soluções adequadas para os problemas motivadores dos acidentes de trânsito. A proposta desta tese está baseada em uma abordagem que combina aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos, alinhada às melhores práticas internacionais na área de segurança viária. Como resultado do desenvolvimento do método, foram elaborados instrumentos de coleta de dados contendo um formulário, um manual e procedimentos para a coleta de dados. Como resultado da aplicação prática desses instrumentos, foi criada a estrutura de uma base de dados que permitiu a definição do método proposto para a análise das causas de acidentes de trânsito. Como meio de validar o método proposto, foi realizado um estudo aplicado e são apresentadas as análises de dados dos acidentes de trânsito observados. / This thesis has the purpose of presenting a method for collecting and processing data on traffic accidents to be applied in Brazil. This method aims to acknowledge the contributor factors for the occurrence of accidents, since identifying the causes of accidents is crucial on the search for effective solutions for the road safety problem. Traffic accidents database in Brazil are generally structured based on police reports, therefore lacking adequate information for the analyses of road safety. The method proposes a registry of the accidents comprising accident characteristics, scene circumstances, vehicle as well as involved people identification and characteristics. Moreover, it allows relating that information with the accident contributory factors. In this scenery, the creation of an accident database and its contributory factors emerge to supply the lack of essential information for the diagnosis and adequate solution for traffic accidents. This thesis’ proposal has an approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative aspects, seeking to level up to the best international practice on the road safety area. As a result of the development of the method, data collection instruments were elaborated: a form, a manual, and procedures for data collection. Besides, as a result of the practical application of these instruments, a database - which allowed the definition of the method proposed for analysis of the causes of traffic accidents - was created. As a mean of validation of the method, an applied study and the data analysis of the observed traffic accidents are presented.
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Nehodovost cyklistů / Accident Frequency of CyclistsTOMANDL, Petr January 2007 (has links)
In compliance with a worldwide there is a growing interest in cycling tourism even in the Czech Republic Cycling is getting modern and is starting to be an inseparable part of lifestyle. Today{\crq}s situation brings positive and negative consequences. The most important negative one is growing accident rate that is connected with considerable economic losses and mainly with casualties. The aim of this work was to collect dates concerning all accidents with bikers attendance in the region of České Budějovice from April 2006 to October 2006 and consequently to analyze cyclist{\crq}s injuries. By this research was found out that in corpus 60% of accidents with cyclists attendance result in head injury of the cyclist. This injury forms 35% of all cyclists{\crq} injuries in corpus. The second most frequent injury is a leg injury with 40%.
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Přeprava nebezpečných látek (ADR) a postup složek IZS při dopravní nehodě vozidla přepravující nebezpečné látky. / Transportation of dangerous materials (ADR) and procedure of subdivisions IZS in the traffic accident of a vehicle transportating dangerous materials.LHOTSKÝ, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on transportation of hazardous substances and on procedures of units of integrated emergency system during a traffic accident. It covers issues such as valid legislature, drivers´ training, obligatory documents, compulsory spares and checking of vehicle by the Police of the Czech Republic. The cooperation of units of the integrated emergency system / firefighters, policemen, emergency healht care/ starts as a common action at the very moment all rescue and protection units arrive at the place of the trafic accident of a vehicle transportating hazardous substance. Main attention is paid to the police work. The empirical part is relating to the research of knowledge in the field of transportation of hazardous substances through the use of the questionnarie . It is divided into three parts. The first part of the questionnarie contains collected basic information about the informants. The second part is focused on general knowledge about transportation of hazardous substances. The third part is aimed to the knowledge of procedures and activities at the place of accident. The conclusion of this dissertation mentions some of the accident advised forms of how to improve the transportation of hazardous substance by land and the preparatin of procedure of the Police of the Czech Republic in joint operations.
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