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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

見鬼了! 電視新聞為何鬼話連篇?-泛靈化電視新聞初探研究 / Why are ghosts on TV? primary study on paranormal TV news in Taiwan

張之穎, Chang, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣泛靈化電視新聞為題,探究超自然、非視覺的泛靈化新聞,如何藉由重視影像、感官、並呈現自然界事件的電視新聞媒介再現。 本研究結合人類宗教學之泛靈化理論,並以此為主軸,將人類的宗教儀式行動,應用於媒體行為之中。更進一步,觀察各類超自然新聞,包括算命、靈異等新聞題材,如何在電視媒體中,體現巫術式─情緒化、戲劇性的操控。 研究方法採用內容分析法,統計分析泛靈化新聞之呈現框架,因此對台灣泛靈新聞,做了一次初探性統整。並藉由文本分析,進而對泛靈化電視新聞,做深入的文化解剖。 研究發現:(一)泛靈化新聞透過幻想儀式建構一種慾望與迷思,以天意的塑造、關聯化幻想、宣洩情緒的方式,滿足偷窺的慾望。(二)泛靈化新聞的超真幻想,打破新聞本質。(三)縱欲式幻想,滿足低層次的需求。

台灣電視新聞綜藝化現象對大學生評估電視新聞公信力之影響 / The Infotainment Tendencies in Packaging TV News in Taiwan: The Effect on College Audience’s Evaluation of TV News Credibility

魏介珩 Unknown Date (has links)
全球的電視新聞文化現今都已偏好聳動的主題及令人目眩神移、訴諸感官刺激的綜藝化製作方式。台灣的電視新聞綜藝化自壹週刊、蘋果日報在台出刊後更加明顯氾濫,這種辛辣聳動的刊物成為各家電視新聞台的重要新聞來源。此外,過多的24小時新聞台為了搶收視率亦在視聽覺吸引及口語報導方式上無所不用其極的“吸睛”。值得一探的是,觀眾對於這種綜藝化播報方式的觀感究竟如何,而此種播報方式對於其電視新聞可信度又是否會有影響。 本文從不同變項探討現今台灣電視新聞綜藝化手法對大學生評估新聞可信度的影響及觀感。除人口變項外,亦討論媒介使用習慣、媒體素養與電視新聞可信度評價的關係。研究結果發現,一般來說,媒體素養越高的受測者對台灣電視新聞可信度評價越低,也較不喜歡看綜藝化手法製作的電視新聞。此外,本文除討論現今常使用的綜藝化手法所引發的新聞可信度評價影響,亦發現大多數綜藝化手法應用於硬性新聞較應用於軟性新聞播報中引發較低的新聞可信度評價。 / The phenomenon of infotainment tendency in TV news broadcasting has been rising globally. Taiwan is no exception since last decade, especially a turning point that Apple Daily first published in Taiwan. This sensationalism- oriented publication has become an essential reference for TV news producers and resulted in a revolution of TV news in Taiwan, which from content to format presentation have become relatively infotainment- oriented. The excessive 24-hour news channels is another cause of the infotainment phenomenon in Taiwan, which results in a vicious viewing rate competition. In order to draw audience’s attention, each channel tries hard to be “eye- catching” to please audience instead of providing substantive information. This study investigated the effect of the current prosperous infotainment tendencies in news broadcasting in Taiwan on college audience’s evaluation and perception of TV news credibility through different variables. In addition to demographic investigation, this study also conducted research on the correlation between audience’s media literacy level, media use habit and TV news credibility evaluation. It is found that respondents with more media understanding are more sensitive and critical to the infotainment issue in TV news. Moreover, the results showed that the infotainment applications used in hard news generally lead to lower TV news credibility than used in soft news. The findings of this study contribute reference to the news discipline for TV news producers in Taiwan.

台灣電視新聞的言談結構標記 / Discourse Structure Markers of TV News in Taiwan

王佩郁, Wang, Pei-yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討台灣電視新聞的言談結構(discourse structure),以及標示各單位的言談標記(discourse marker)。本研究分析25則電視新聞,文類限定於社會新聞。首先,在結構上,每一則新聞包含兩大結構︰導語(news kernel)以及旁白與影片(news body)。兩大結構又可細分為七個較小的單位,分別為︰開場白 (opening)、摘要 (abstract of the news)、事件現場畫面 (event scene presentation)、主要新聞事件 (main news events)、後續發展 (follow-up)、評語 (evaluation)、結尾 (routine ending)。而這七個單位還可再細分為更小的單位。此外,本文所探討的言談標記可分為五類︰1. 指涉詞 (referential forms) 2. 連詞 (connectives) 3. 地方副詞 (locative phrase) 4. 話題轉換填充詞 (topic shift fillers) 5. 畫面轉換 (shot shift)。是故,本文研究重點有二︰1.將新聞結構分為三個階層—Level 1、Level 2、Level 3,並探討出現於不同階層的言談標記在類型與數量上是否反映出階層 (hierarchy)? 2. 標示各個結構的言談標記為何? 研究結果指出︰1. 三個階層的言談標記在類型上除了Level 1固定有畫面轉換之外,其餘兩個階層皆無固定的言談標記。另外,在數量上僅Level 1可同時出現多個言談標記,Level 2與Level 3在數量上並無差異,顯示出電視新聞為口說語(spoken language)的一種,訊息與訊息之間的連結性比表現出文體結構階層性更為重要 2. 標示各單位的言談標記並無一致性。受到各單位特性影響,言談標記呈現不同的分佈。 / The present study examines twenty five pieces of broadcast news about crimes and damages in Taiwan. The purpose is to examine the relationship between the discourse structures and their corresponding markers. The discourse structure of a piece of broadcast news is divided into seven components and they are categorized into three levels. Level 1 includes news kernel and news body. Level 2 includes abstract in news kernel, main news events, follow-ups, evaluation, and routine ending in news body. Level 3 contains the smaller units in the Level 2 units. The boundary markers to be examined are divided into four categories: topic shift filler, referential forms, connectives, and shot shift. The present study has two major findings. First, the amounts of markers only show significant difference in Level 1. Down to Level 2 and Level 3, linearity overrides hierarchy. Second, the types of markers are decided by the nature of each unit. The opening is always marked by shot shift and speaker shift plus topic shift fillers/temporals/additives. The abstract section is marked by locative phrase plus referential forms. The event scene presentation section is marked by shot shift and speaker shift plus referential forms. The main news events section is marked by shot shift plus temporals which signal the exact time. Then, the follow-up section is marked by shot shift plus referential forms/connectives. The evaluation section is marked by shot shift plus referential forms. The routine ending section is marked by a relatively longer pause.

電視新聞工作者取用第三方影音素材之研究 / Evaluating third party video(TPV): How TV reporters work with crowd-sourced AV materials?

蕭伊貽, Hsiao, Yi I Unknown Date (has links)
自2008年Youtube熱潮席捲全球之後,以影音分享為主的媒介消費行為逐漸成為常態,在這股集體協作並開放分享的浪潮下,新聞組織亦不免於其外,開始盛行以取材於眾(crowdsourcing)的新聞產製模式增加新聞素材來源的多樣性。電視新聞工作者取用網友拍攝後上傳的第三方影音內容(third party video,TPV)作為新聞素材的一部分,使得眾多使用者生產內容(User-generated content/ produsage)漸成為電視新聞畫面的一大主軸。 本研究欲瞭解電視新聞工作者取用TPV的過程,因此採內容分析法觀察TPV做成的新聞內容,並深度訪談及實際參與觀察以瞭解電視新聞工作者取用TPV的動機、處理素材的方式與新聞查證的過程。研究結果分成兩部分,首先,在取用情況上發現電視台確實大量使用TPV,但超過半數以上的素材難以辨識來源。題材選定偏好具爭議性的內容,而處理素材的方式則以剪接為主。其次,由於TPV的特性使然,電視新聞工作者在查證時容易面臨原始資料不明、消息來源不確定與情境脈絡斷裂等挑戰,而他們通常採取單一查證方式、尋找單一採訪對象,且最常比對網路資料。此外,在需查證的新聞中,僅半數的記者會到現場勘查與採訪。而在取得報導素材後,為規避查證責任,電視新聞工作者經常以白描畫面、翻攝網友留言與重新議題設定等方式作新聞,藉此模糊具爭議性的部份。 本研究因此針對TPV的查證提供若干建議:(1)從第三方的角度客觀觀察,避免淪為有心人士操弄的工具;(2)設法從發文者的字面敘述中或直接從影像中找到可辨識的地點、物件與人物,據此找到當事者;(3)盡力找到消息來源,若無法與消息來源取得聯繫,則應轉而尋找當事者、公正第三方如警察、或是向媒體同業詢問;(4)到事發現場勘查;(5)題材為各種網路傳言時,可請專家以實驗的方式證實。本研究並整理出幾項適用於各種情境的查證原則:質疑優先、詰問必備、資料比對、邏輯至上與經驗輔助。 / Crowdsourcing is an important trend and affects major parts of our lives. More notably, bulk of our news consumption consists of crowdsourced content; these content are what we call third party video or TPV for short. In recent years, we see an increased use of TPV in the Taiwanese media landscape, especially in news reporting and creation. Using crowdsourced content in news presents two major problems: 1. Over half of the TV news today uses crowdsourced TPV. These content often contain controversial materials. These controversial materials are often selected in bid to manipulate its audience. . 2. Due to the nature of crowdsourced TPV, news reporters have difficulties identifying the source of these content. Since more than half of the news reporting today uses TPV, this makes news highly suspicious. Although this research finds that reporters do attempt to verify its sources, these attempts are far from vigorous: new reporters often adopt one of the following ways in order to verify their news sources: cross validating their data using the Internet, remake opinions based on netizens/cyber-citizens or changing the agenda of the news content. In the worst case, news reporters avoid or skip validation of their news sources altogether. This research provides the following suggestions in solving the above mentioned problems: (1) prevention of content manipulation by malicious parties so that consumer of news content are not manipulated or swayed. This ensures that the news presented is unbiased, objective and fair. (2) Verifying TPV can include attempts to find any recognizable location, object, or figure from TPV as tips to trace origin. (3) News reporters can try their best to get in touch with the news sources. If this cannot be done, try to get in touch with unbiased third parties, such as the police force or people same as your profession.(4) News reporters can also attempt to perform on-site investigation may be contributed to find the truth. (5) If the issue is about rumors on the internet, news reporters may consult experts on the subject matter for clarification. Finally, this study summarized essential factors for verification applied in a various situations: Doubting, Cross-examination, Cross validation, logic, and experience.

The changing role of war correspondents in Australian news and current affairs coverage of two conflicts, Vietnam (1966-1975) and Iraq (2003) / Australian television news coverage of Vietnam and Iraq

Maniaty, Tony January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Macquarie University (Division of Society, Culture, Media & Philosophy, Dept. of Media and Communications), 2006. / Bibliography: leaves 176-188. / Precursors -- An imperfect war -- Interregnum -- The perfect war -- Conclusions. / This thesis explores how war reporting on Australian television has been dramatically reshaped over the last 40 years, particularly by new technologies. Specifically, it seeks to answer these questions: 1. How did differing cultural, social, political and professional contexts, available technology and battlefield experience affect the attitudes, editorial content and narrative forms of two generations of television correspondents - in Vietnam and Iraq respectively? 2. How did technological and other industry changes over the 30 years between Vietnam and Iraq reshape the power relationship between the war correspondent in the field and his news producers and managers? What impact did these changes have on the resulting screened coverage? What are the longer-term implications for journalism and for audiences? / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / 192 leaves ill. (some col.)

A Ciência nos Telejornais Brasileiros (O papel educativo e a compreensão pública das matérias de CT&I)

Alberguini, Audre Cristina 17 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:30:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Audre Cristina.pdf: 2001141 bytes, checksum: 2d33edfbf7c8c45b59071b848a6f1169 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work researches the covering of Science, Technology and Inovation (ST&I) on brazilian open channel TV news, at prime time (from 7:15 pm to 10 pm), to notice the educational function of media in the approach of the subjects ST&I. The corpus of this research is made up from a clipping from the following TV news: Jornal da Band, Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record, Jornal da Cultura and SBT Brasil. The proposal was to evaluate comparatively the journalist subjects that specifically deal with ST&I, in relation to the format, the language and the contents of each studied programs. This work made use of the French Discourse Analysis (DA) Methodology. This quality research also englobed a Study of Reception about the selected reportings. The procedure employed for this was the Focus Groups. This way, it attempted to análise the communication process that covers the news subjects of ST&I from messages to reception. This study noticed that ST&I is present subject on brazilian TV news even if there happen unpredictable facts (from others editorials) that influence significatively the covering of the TV news. It also noticed that there isn´t among the selected TV news a deepening standard and contextualization of ST&I subjects but that the approach varies even involving a single edition. The broadcasting channels, even admitting the importance of ST&I, are still oscillate between a contextualized approach and the simple description of the principal fact. The language used on TV news concerned with the subjects of Science, Tecchnology and Inovation is predominantly clear and simple. Nevertheless it was possible to notice some nuances, with the use of specific terms of the scientific language without the subject offering any explanation about such concepts. The experience of the Focus Groups showed that television viewers are not passive in relation to the scientific contents of the telejournalist programs. In general, people are interested in ST&I and know how to evaluate the subjects qualitatively. Analyzing how the subjects about ST&I make sense and what contribution they can give to the Public Understanding of Science, facilitated important reflections about the limitations and the potencials of television and the linked messages as well as the interest and critical vision in respect to the subjects of ST&I.(AU) / Este trabalho investiga a cobertura de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I) nos telejornais brasileiros de canal aberto, no horário nobre (das 19h15 às 22h), para verificar a função educativa da mídia na abordagem de assuntos de CT&I. O corpus desta pesquisa compõe-se de um recorte dos seguintes telejornais: Jornal da Band, Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record, Jornal da Cultura e SBT Brasil. A proposta foi avaliar, comparativamente, as matérias jornalísticas que tratam especificamente de CT&I, em relação ao formato, à linguagem e aos conteúdos de cada um dos programas estudados. Este trabalho empregou a metodologia de Análise de Discurso de linha Francesa (AD). Esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, também englobou um Estudo de Recepção sobre as reportagens selecionadas. O procedimento utilizado para isso foi o de Grupos Focais. Dessa forma, buscou-se analisar o processo de Comunicação que envolve as matérias telejornalísticas de CT&I das mensagens à recepção. Este estudo verificou que CT&I é um assunto presente nos telejornais brasileiros mesmo quando ocorrem fatos imprevisíveis (de outras editorias) que influenciam significativamente a cobertura dos noticiários televisivos. Constatou também que não há, entre os telejornais selecionados, um padrão de aprofundamento e contextualização dos assuntos CT&I, mas que a abordagem varia até dentro de uma única edição. As emissoras, mesmo reconhecendo a importância de CT&I, ainda oscilam entre uma abordagem contextualizada e a simples descrição do fato principal. A linguagem empregada pelos telejornais para o tratamento de assuntos de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação é, predominantemente, clara e simples. No entanto, foi possível verificar algumas nuances, com o uso de termos específicos da linguagem científica sem que a matéria oferecesse qualquer explicação sobre tais conceitos. A experiência dos Grupos Focais revelou que os telespectadores não são passivos em relação aos conteúdos científicos dos programas telejornalísticos. De modo geral, o público se interessa por CT&I e sabe avaliar qualitativamente as matérias. Analisar como as matérias sobre CT&I produzem sentidos e qual a contribuição que estas podem dar à Compreensão Pública da Ciência possibilitou reflexões relevantes sobre as limitações e os potenciais da televisão e das mensagens veiculadas, assim como o interesse e a visão crítica a respeito dos assuntos de CT&I.(AU)

Pluralidade na cobertura do Jornal Nacional sobre os preparativos para a Copa do Mundo 2014 : avaliação da conformidade do conteúdo jornalístico com as garantias do documento editorial das Organizações Globo

Tavares, Bruno da Silva 30 June 2014 (has links)
This research aims to assess the degree of compliance of |Jornal Nacional| TV News, with the requirements of plurality ensured in the document |Editorial Principles of Globo Organizations|, on the cover of the preparations for the FIFA World Cup and Confederations Cup events. The work is divided into two parts: In the first, it is discussed the concept of plurality in journalism; how this value is related to the pluralist model of democratic theories; in which political circumstances this requirement of the journalistic activity helps to legitimize the journalism as a mediation forum of antagonistics and various positions. In parallel, we identified the editorial guidance document of |Rede Globo| Network as a tool for accountability processes, which enables the monitoring of journalistic content on the part of users, in order to check if the company delivers what ensures produce. The oriented devices to charge the journalistic processes for advertising and responsability of those who produce a public service are understood as a way of strengthening the producer-audience relationship, which competes for the extension of the social responsibility´s activity. In the second part, it´s presented the evaluation of plurality, in which was employed a methodology, developed in the framework of |Program of Research on Quality, Innovation and Technology Applied to Journalism| (Qualijor), which evaluated two aspects of the company: the editorial principles document of Globo Organizations; And the coverage of Jornal Nacional| TV News on the preparations of the mentioned events, with regard to compliance with the requirements for a plural coverage: 1) media autonomy in relation to the parties; 2) debate accessibility by agents potentially involved and 3) balance in the involved participation. The |Rede Globo| Network, as a FIFA´s partner and promoter of the World Cup, hosts the debate about the event in its TV News, but it is also interested party, setting up as well, a situation of conflict of interest that puts into question the basic condition for promotion of a plural coverage, contradicting guarantees provided in its document. In this scenario, this search looks for signs of asymmetry between what is guaranteed and what, in fact, is offered by the journalism of the broadcaster in relation to the plurality; suggesting as well, the increase in the debate on supervision mechanisms of journalistic content, in reason of the quality desired by its producers. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o grau de conformidade da cobertura do Jornal Nacional com requisitos de pluralidade, assegurados tanto no documento Princípios Editoriais das Organizações Globo, quanto no referencial teórico proposto. A temática da cobertura observada consistiu nos preparativos para os eventos Copa do Mundo e Copa das Confederações. O trabalho está dividido em duas partes: na primeira é discutida a noção de pluralidade no jornalismo; como este valor está relacionado com o modelo pluralista das teorias democráticas; em qual conjuntura política esta exigência da atividade jornalística ajuda a legitimar o jornalismo como fórum de mediação de posicionamentos diversos e antagônicos. Em paralelo, identificamos o documento de orientação editorial da Rede Globo como possível ferramenta de accountability, que possibilita a fiscalização do conteúdo jornalístico por parte dos usuários, de modo a verificar se a empresa entrega aquilo que assegura produzir. Os dispositivos orientados para cobrar publicidade dos processos jornalísticos e responsabilização dos que produzem um serviço de natureza pública são entendidos como uma via de fortalecimento da relação produtor-usuário, que concorre para ampliação da responsabilidade social da atividade. Na segunda parte, é apresentada a avaliação da pluralidade, na qual foi empregada uma metodologia, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Pesquisa em Qualidade, Inovação e Tecnologia Aplicadas ao Jornalismo (Qualijor), que avaliou dois aspectos da empresa: o documento de princípios editoriais da Globo; e a cobertura do Jornal Nacional sobre os preparativos dos eventos citados, no tocante ao respeito aos requisitos para uma cobertura plural: 1) autonomia do veículo em relação às partes envolvidas na cobertura; 2) acessibilidade ao debate pelos agentes potencialmente envolvidos e 3) equilíbrio na participação dos envolvidos. Foram analisadas 84 matérias, veiculadas entre 15/06/2012 e 15/06/2013. A Rede Globo, enquanto parceira da FIFA e promotora da realização da Copa do Mundo, sedia o debate sobre o evento em seu telejornal, mas é também parte interessada, configurando assim uma situação de conflito de interesse que põe em xeque a condição elementar para promoção de uma cobertura plural, contradizendo garantias previstas em seu documento. Neste cenário, a pesquisa apura indícios de assimetria entre o que é prometido e o que, de fato, é oferecido pelo jornalismo da emissora no tocante à pluralidade, sugerindo assim, a ampliação no debate sobre mecanismos de fiscalização do conteúdo jornalístico em razão da qualidade pretendida por seus produtores.

Les chaînes de télévision internationales d'information à vocation de "diplomatie publique" / International 24-hour TV news channels for public diplomacy

Choi, Ji Sun 01 June 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif de comprendre le rôle des chaînes internationales d’information à l’ère de la mondialisation : la tension et l’harmonisation entre l’objectif de diplomatie publique de la chaîne internationale d’information et les principes journalistiques ; le rôle des chaînes internationales d’information pour l’espace public global dans le monde « trans-nationalisé ». Afin de répondre à ces questions, dans une perspective constructiviste, nous avons analysé les missions annoncées par les chaînes sélectionnées (CNN International, France 24, BBC World News, NHK World TV, Arirang TV et Al-Jazeera English) puis leur contenu réel : la programmation et le contenu journalistique. Les résultats d’analyse nous démontrent que les chaînes considèrent et réalisent implicitement leur rôle de diplomate public et soulignent explicitement les principes journalistiques. Enfin, nous avons trouvé que les chaînes internationales d’information fonctionnent comme une infrastructure de communication internationale, en réalisant un double objectif et une double identité à cause du croisement de deux acteurs principaux concernés au sein de la chaîne internationale d’information : le gouvernement et les professionnels du journalisme. De plus, les efforts qui peuvent montrer « l’objectivité » et « le respect des principes journalistiques » des chaînes internationales conduisent ces dernières à jouer un rôle dans la sphère publique internationale, notamment grâce aux émissions participatives et interactives, ainsi que par les dispositifs d’interaction et de discussion. / This research aims to understand the role of international 24-hour TV news channels in the era of globalization: the tension and balance between the role of the international news channel for public diplomacy and the respect for journalistic principles; the role of international news channels for the global public space in the transnationalised world. In order to answer these questions, we analysed their missions announced by the selected channels (CNN International, France 24, BBC World News, NHK World TV, Arirang TV and Al-Jazeera English) and their media content with a constructivist perspective. The results show that the channels implicitly realize their role for public diplomacy and explicitly emphasize the journalistic principles. Finally, we found that international news channels work as an international communications infrastructure phenomenally with dual goal and a dual identity. In addition, the result shows that the international 24-hour TV news channels try to play a role as international public sphere through participatory and interactive programs.

台灣電視新聞頻道國際新聞節目製播策略探討---以中天新聞台為例 / The International News Program Production Strategies of 24-7 News Channels in Taiwan---A Case Study on CTITV

陳昌祺, Chen, Chang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以中天新聞台作為台灣電視新聞頻道國際新聞節目製播策略的初探性研究個案,以內容分析法分析其國際新聞節目「文茜的世界周報」的節目內容規劃與呈現,並深度訪談中天電視台製播部視覺中心經理、新聞部節目專案中心主任及撰述委員,探究節目的定位與角色、人員及資源配置暨節目製播流程、製作技巧與創意及節目未來規劃願景。進一步訪問三位產學界的專家學者,了解理想國際新聞節目應具備的條件、國際新聞節目製播困境與突破的方法,同時針對「文茜的世界周報」製播成效加以評估。 研究發現中天新聞台政策性支持「文茜的世界周報」製播,節目由獨立運作的節目專案中心負責製作,因此享有的人力與資源相較其它新聞台豐富。節目從命名、片頭配樂、場景與鏡面設計皆突顯主持人強烈的個人風格,分析性與故事性的文稿,成為節目的定位與特色。未來規劃開發新的題材與議題,同時深化新聞專題的深度與廣度,以提升觀眾對國際情勢的了解。 根據內容分析結果顯示,報導區域以中國大陸最多,其次是歐盟、北美、東南亞與東北亞。報導主題以經濟新聞與政治新聞最多,其次為社會和文教新聞。陳述類型則以純淨新聞與新聞訊息彙整的新聞提要為主。 產學界專家學者則認為理想的國際新聞節目應提供文化與地理接近性的新聞議題,並培養本地記者實地採訪,賦予國際新聞在地觀點,深入解析事件脈絡與意涵。然而國際新聞節目製播往往受限於收視率壓力,故電視台經營者應調整國際新聞長期被邊緣化的角色,並尋求企業界支持贊助節目製播經費,製作量質兼具的國際新聞。最後,產學界專家學者認為「文茜的世界周報」節目風格鮮明,可增加觀眾對國際新聞的興趣,但主持人與撰述記者的個人詮釋框架,應維持新聞公正客觀,硬性與軟性新聞應各佔一定的比例,亦可試圖將硬性新聞與觀眾生活連結,達到雅俗共賞的目標。 / This case study on CTITV is to investigate the international news program production strategies of 24-7 news channels in Taiwan. Based on the content analysis and the in-depth interview with the visual design manager, the special programming center director and the reporter in CTITV, we explored the orientation and function of the program, “Sisy’s World News”, the allocation of the personnel and resources, the production process, the news production techniques and creativity, and the vision of the development of this program. Moreover, we interviewed three professionals and practitioners in journalism so as to elaborate the elements of the ideal international news program, the alternatives for the predicament of international news production and the evaluation on “Sisy’s World News”. The result of the study discovered that CTITV has been supportive to its international news production. Hence, the international news program, “Sisy’s World News”, is independently operated by the special programming center which capitalizes the comparatively rich personnel and resources of international news. This international news program has been distinguished from its name, insightful news scripts, audio and visual presentations which comprehensively manifest the host’s unique personal style. In the future, the director and the reporters are going to enrich the contents and topics to broaden the audience’s horizons. According to the result of content analysis, the program focused on Mainland China, European Union, North America, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. The theme was mostly related to business, politics, society, culture and education. Straight news and the news headlines which summarized the weekly news from the international press were the primary approaches of the presentation. The professionals indicated that the ideal international news program should provide the issues with cultural and geographical proximity for the audience. More importantly, the reporters should get more chances covering the news in person to interpret the news by their own observations and perspectives. However, rating is always the restriction of the international news production. The administrators should break the myth of rating and find more budget supporters for the better quantity and quality of the international news programs. Additionally, the proportion of the hard and soft news should be near equal. The host and the reporters in “Sisy’s World News” should be objective and cautious about the interpretations of the news and try to make the hard news relevant and interesting to the audience as well.

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