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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling och anpassning av webb för mobila enheter : En utvärdering och fallstudie

Sundberg, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Den ökande användningen av mobila enheter ställer nya krav på utformning av ett företags webbtjänster. Utseende, storlek och gränssnitt på webbsidor behöver anpassas för alla typer och storlekar av mobila plattformar. Syftet med det här arbetet är att utreda de olika lösningsalternativ som finns för anpassning till mobila enheter samt föreslå och utvärdera en lösning utifrån olika kriterier. En prototyp utvecklas som kommer att testas i en fallstudie. De lösningsalternativ som utreds är native applikation, hybridapplikation, mobilsida, responsivt gränssnitt/responsiva ramverk och Web Content Management Systems. Lösningsalternativen utvärderas utifrån kriterierna funktionalitet och användbarhet, inlärningstid/utvecklingstid, plattformsstöd och tillgänglighet, prestanda, underhåll och vidareutveckling, popularitet, kostnad/licens samt konverteringsmöjlighet. Det lösningsalternativ som visar sig mest fördelaktigt enligt kriterierna är responsivt gränssnitt. I fallstudien har en prototyp utvecklats baserat på ett responsivt ramverk. Implementationen har utvärderats och bekräftar fördelarna med responsivt gränssnitt. Arbetets slutsatser lyfter fram för- och nackdelar med de olika lösningsalternativen, identifierar problem och möjligheter utifrån fallstudien – t.ex. visade det sig inte några större prestandaskillnader mot en statisk webbsida men däremot visade sig vissa konflikter mellan programbibliotek – samt slutligen ges generella rekommendationer och erfarenheter för den som står inför en mobilanpassning av en webbplats. / The increasing usage of mobile devices places new requirements on the design of company websites. Appearance, size and interface of webpages need to be adapted for all types and sizes of mobile platforms. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the various solution options available for adaptation to mobile devices and also tosuggest and evaluate a solution based on different criteria. A prototype will be developed and tested in a case study. The investigated solution options are native application, hybrid application, mobile website, responsive web design frameworks and Web Content Management Systems. The solution options are evaluated based on the criteria functionality and usability, learning

Responsiv webbdesign : Design- och utvecklingsprocessen för skapandet av en responsiv webbsida / Responsive Design : The design and development process for the creation of a responsive website

Davidsson Pajala, Therese January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport redovisar för design- och utvecklingsprocessen i byggandet av en responsiv webbsida. Webbsidan skapades för användning av den blivande spelstudion Rocket Luncher Studios. Wordpress som CMS (Content Management System) har används som innehålls-hanteringssystem för att förenkla uppdatering av webbsidan av uppdragsgivaren själva. Webbsidan är kodad utifrån Luke Wroblewskis ”mobile-first”-tänk, vilket börjar med att fokusera designen på mindre skärmar för att sedan anpassa innehållet mot större skärmstorlekar. För att göra designen responsiv har de tre beståndsdelarna flexible grid, flexible images/media och media queries använts, utöver kodning i HTML, CSS, PHP och JavaScript. Resultatet av denna rapport blev en undersökning av design- och utvecklingsprocessen vid byggandet av en responsiv webbsida. Det praktiska i examensarbetet resulterade i en responsiv prototyp till en webbsida för en spelstudio. / This report describes the design and development process in building a responsive website. The website was created for the use of the intended game studio Rocket Lunches Studios. Wordpress has been used as a CMS (Content Management System) to simplify the updating of the website by the client themselves. The website is coded by thinking "mobile-first", which begins with the design focusing on smaller screens and then adapt the content on larger screen sizes. To make the design responsive the three components flexible grids, a flexible images / media and media query has been used, in addition to coding in HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. The result of this report is a survey of the design and development process when building a responsive website. The practicality of the thesis resulted in a responsive prototype of a web page for a game studio.

Att presentera en produkt som inte existerar : En rapport om designprocessen av en presentationswebbplats för PROSK8’s nya produktkoncept / To pitch a non-existing product : A report on the design process of a presentational website for PROSK8’s new product concept

Rosén, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver processen av skapandet av en webbaserad säljpresentation av en av företaget PROSK8’s planerade produkter. Målet med presentationen är att skapa nyfikenhet och förtroende genom visuell design och ska fungera som ett verktyg och stöd för företagets presentatörer vid möten med investerare. Centralt för denna process är upplevelsedesign, varför utgångspunkten för arbetsflödet bygger på Jesse James Garretts modell av ”The elements of user experience”. Modellen har under processen anpassats och ifrågasatts utifrån gällande designprinciper och målgrupps- och kontextanpassats. Viktiga designbeslut har motiverats och beskrivits kronologiskt. Projektet har vid avslut resulterat i en skarp leverans av en design som blivit godkänd av beställaren och överförts till en extern webbutvecklare, tillsammans med en webbprototyp. / This report describes the process of the production of a web based sales pitch presentation of one of the PROSK8 companys forthcoming products. The goal of the presentation is to generate curiousness and trust through visual design and will work as a support tool for the companys representativs in meetings with potential investors. The process is based around Jesse James Garretts model of ”The elements of user experience”. The model has through out the process been modified and questioned using contemporary design principles and the perspectives of the target group and context. Major decisions has been described and motivated chronologically. The completion of the project has resulted in a sharp delivery of a design that’s been approved by the client and transfered to an external web developer, along with a web page prototype.

Att optimera för målgruppen : Processen att skapa en målgruppsanpassad landningssida för Rebtel / Optimizing for a user group : The process of creating a landing page for a target user group

Ledenvik, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Företaget Rebtel ville ha en ny landningssida som riktade sig till internationella studenter. Denna sida skulle vara optimerad för målgruppen både gällande design och innehåll. En förundersökningen bestående av bland annat intervjuer med målgruppen, målgruppsanalyser och research gjordes därför. Förundersökningen bestod också av intervjuer med olika roller på företaget Rebtel för att få en inblick i olika arbetsrollers perspektiv och uppgifter under en sådan process. Med hjälp av förundersökningens fynd togs skisser fram och en landningssida utvecklades bland annat genom programmeringsspråken HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, .NET och C#. Resultatet blev en landningssida på tre språk: Engelska, Franska och Spanska. En särskild rapport med resultat från intervjuer, utveckling med mera levererades även till Rebtel. / The company Rebtel wanted a new landing page that was aimed at international students. This page would be optimized for the target group in terms of both design and content. An investigation including interviews with the target audience, target user analysis and research were made. The investigation also consisted of interviews with various roles at the company Rebtel, to get an insight into their perspectives and tasks during this kind of process. Using the findings from these investigations sketches were made and a landing page was developed through the programming languages HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, .NET and C#. The result was a landing page in three languages: English, French and Spanish. A special report with results from interviews and development was also delivered to Rebtel.

Mönsteridentifikation på sociala medier : Hur påverkar de webbdesign? / Pattern mining on social media : How do they affect web design?

Garnås, Amelie, Duné, Linnéa January 2014 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks designmönster. Tidigare, erkända designmönsterbibliotek har använts som grund för att ta fram en ny designmönstermall. Sedan har sex designmönster identifierats och skapats från sociala medier med hjälp av mönsteridentifikation, dessa är: gilla-knapp, hashtag, dela, kommentera, lägga upp bilder och nyhetsflöde. Vidare har intervjuer med sju respondenter från olika Stockholmbaserade webbyråer genomförts för att undersöka huruvida de identifierade mönstren från sociala medier påverkar deras webbdesign. Centralt för undersökningen var dessutom att ta reda på om webbyråer idag överhuvudtaget använder sig av designmönster när de bygger en webbplats. Efter genomförda studier framgår det att majoriteten av de undersökta webbyråerna inte tidigare hört talas om designmönster i den benämningen som uppsatsen följer. Webbyråerna använde sig istället av inspiration från andra lyckade sidor för att hitta lösningar på problem och följde också trender inom webbutveckling. Av de sex designmönstren från sociala medier används tre regelbundet, gillaknapp, dela och nyhetsflöde (långa startsidor). / This paper studies design patterns. Existing, known pattern libraries have been used as a foundation for a new pattern template. Six new design patterns have been identified and created from social media with the help of pattern mining, these are: the like button, hashtag, share, comment, posting pictures and news feed. Furthermore, interviews have been conducted with seven respondents from different Stockholm based web design agencies to examine how these six identified design patterns have affected their web design. A central part of this study has also been to see if web design agencies even use design patterns when they are building a web site. After the interviews it is clear that the majority of web designers have not heard about design patterns the way this paper defines them. Web designers are working with inspiration from other web sites to help them find design solutions and they are also following trends in web development. Of the six design patterns from social media only three are regularly used, the like button, share and news feed.

"Windows of culture : an analysis of Israeli ORT school websites"

Giladi, Michal 17 March 2005 (has links)
School websites are useful in providing an additional environment to educate and impart culture to the collectivity. They reflect the collective phenomenon of behaviour and traditional ideas, and at the same time, reflect the efforts made by the educators to teach cultural identity, values and social skills. The work of renowned anthropologist Geert Hofstede (1991) on cultural dimensions has contributed to the study and reassessment of current theories on software and websites, which interact with the cultures of societies in which they function, and are still relevant to the constant evolution of technology (communication tools) in the educational environment. The aim of this research is to explore how cultural dimensions are reflected on ORT school websites in Israel. This study in a relatively new field offers educators an insight into new options and innovations offered by school websites, and provides reflections on their use in cultural education. In this context, the importance of this research lies in its contribution to the pedagogical dialogue on culture, and as it is reflected on school websites. This study applies Hofstede's (1991) work, in which he classifies cultural characteristics prevalent in global organizations into five "cultural dimensions": power distance, individualism&collectivism, masculinity&femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and time orientation, and design expert Aaron Marcus' (2001) interpretation and application of this model to website designs worldwide. The subject of this study consists of 54 Ort school websites operating in Israel. The findings on ORT school websites echo Hofstede's characteristics on the reflection of power distance in Israeli culture. However, my findings on Hofstede's three other dimensions – collectivism vs. individualism, masculinity vs. femininity, and uncertainty avoidance – illustrate a more complex picture, with the elements reflected in differing patterns. ORT school websites reflect both elements of culture as defined by Marcus (2001) and elements of standardization of website design. In recent years, there has been an upsurge in the software available globally to create and design websites, all using the same basic tools and elements of design. In conclusion, schools' attempts to impart culture as part of their social education policies is reflected in the contents and design of their websites. / Dissertation (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Analýza a návrh redesignu webu vybrané společnosti / Analyze and new design of existing website of a chosen company

Urbanová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master`s thesis is to analyze an existing website of a chosen company by testing user`s usability, examining Google Analytics data, conducting SEO analysis and analysing user behaviour according to heat maps. The theoretical part describes the positi-on of the website in a modern marketing, characterizes and compares main web designs, summarizes best-practices for web site development, methods of web analysis and methods for analyzing user behaviour. The practical part uses the knowledge presented in the theo-retical part and applies it in the analysis on the current website of the chosen company. The secondary aim is to define recommendations for creating new pages based on the results of analyses and best-practices of web design from the theoretical part.

Anthology of Unspoken: Surreal Complexity of Mind / Anthology of Unspoken: Surreal Complexity of Mind

Hrádková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Anthology of Unspoken is a form of personal therapy, a coping mechanism in the shape of an extensive personal research presented by visually eclectic web, which maps the perception of depression and melancholy in terms of historical, artistic, and partly academic discourse. AoU takes the form of a website on the border of an archive and a research blog, which visually reminds a notebook with the use of texts in the form of notes, reader view essays, and accompanying visual material (period paintings, pop-cultural references, emoticons etc.). This diploma thesis has two main goals. Firstly, it represents a way of finding means to articulate and at least fractionally understand my own problems. Secondly, it is a way of finding answers to the following questions: Is depression really a modern matter of the 21st century? Why is it so difficult to talk about it? Where do the shame and feeling of guilt, with which it is inextricably associated with, come from? Is melancholy synonymous with depression, or do these terms differ from each other? And is depression really a disease or is it only a sign of my own failure?

Propuesta gráfica de la Guía de maestros del Museo de Sitio de Pachacamac para optimizar la experiencia de los educadores

Ñamoc Atauyuco, Marjorie Fabiola 12 August 2021 (has links)
El Museo de Sitio de Pachacamac es uno de los 52 museos del Ministerio de Cultura; fue fundado en 1965 por Arturo Jiménez Borja. El museo viene realizando un trabajo sostenible con los colegios que se encuentran cerca con el propósito de involucrar a la población con la historia local para lograr reforzar su identidad local. El trabajo que se realizaba consistía en planear con los maestros de los colegios una visita educativa al museo con los niños en donde visitaban el museo y realizaban actividades educativas y diferentes talleres dentro del museo. De igual forma a los maestros se les entregaba el libro “Descubriendo el Santuario de Pachacamac. Guía para maestros” para que sea apoyo de ellos al replicar estos talleres y actividades en el mismo colegio. Este programa ha sido afectado por la pandemia que en la actualidad se está viviendo a nivel mundial, ya que se ha frenado la realización de visitas educativas al museo y los talleres para los niños de los colegios de forma presencial. No se ha realizado un trabajo de adaptación del material existente a un formato digital de este programa que permita continuar con el trabajo dinámico que se tenía antes de la pandemia con los niños de la comunidad. / The Pachacamac Site Museum is one of the 52 museums of the Ministry of Culture; was founded in 1965 by Arturo Jiménez Borja. The museum has been carrying out sustainable work with the schools that are nearby in order to involve the population with the local history in order to reinforce their local identity. The work that was carried out consisted of planning with the teachers of the schools an educational visit to the museum with the children where they visited the museum and carried out educational activities and different workshops within the museum. Likewise, the teachers were given the book “Discovering the Sanctuary of Pachacamac. Guide for teachers ”to be their support when replicating these workshops and activities in the same school. This program has been affected by the pandemic that is currently being experienced worldwide, since educational visits to the museum and face-to-face workshops for school children have been stopped. No work has been carried out to adapt the existing material to a digital format of this program that allows continuing the dynamic work that was had before the pandemic with the children of the community. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Portál pro podporu výuky kryptografie / Portal for the support of cryptography instruction

Forman, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this master's thesis is building of web portal for presentation basic cryptography algorithms. Those algorithms would be explained in the theoretical page in the first place. After that, they would be demonstrated by scripts. One part of this project is designing simplified theoretical element for basic impletion portal of information. Next part is creating web portal by one of the free available CMS´s systems. Programming language JAVA would be used as an instrument for creating demonstration scripts. For creating animations will be used the Flash animation tool. Target of formed web portal is creating community of expert public. It would make new articles, scripts and knowledge. This way, the portal would be kept current. The section which would include failure the most widely used algorithms and instructions how to eliminate it will be part of portal.

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