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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Responsiv webbdesigns inflytande på det visuella uttrycket: : Användarens upplevelser av hemsidor anpassade för datorer respektive smartphones

Jedenius, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Digital technology is used today to help consumers in everyday life for example, webpage design and appearance for different devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets. Homepages for all devices can be based on a specific coding called "Responsive Web Design" (RWD).From a social and literary point of view, it appears that RWD in its current form has some problems while transitioning from computer displays to tablets and smartphones. Using the common base that RWD allows for equivalent design expression to different screen sizes should be created by all devices. Although this possibility exists today, there are often differences in navigation that can confuse the user. A consistent design expression facilitates the recognition of the navigation. Additionally, the user experience (UX) through the visual expression can enhance the experience of a webpage or medium used and thus create a whole.This study describes how users look at how the implementation of RWD affects two webpages main menu for computer and smartphone devices. The focus has been on studying the user experience in relation to visual expression. The problem is that RWD in different contexts means that visual expression may be less important and thus changing the user experience. With qualitative interviews, four informants have studied two webpages on both computer and smartphone and expressed their own thoughts. The result of the study shows that the differences between webpages on the computer and smartphone devices do not cause difficulties in the use, but if the similarities between the devices are the same, it creates a more positive user experience. / Digital teknik används idag för att hjälpa konsumenter i vardagen t.ex. hemsidors utformning och utseende för olika enheter så som dator, smartphone och läsplattor. Hemsidor för olika typer av enheter kan göras utifrån en specifik kodning som benämns “responsiv webbdesign” (RWD). Utifrån ett samhälls- och litteraturperspektiv framgår det att RWD i sin nuvarande utformning har en del problematik i övergången från dator till läsplattor och smartphones. Med hjälp av den gemensamma basen som RWD möjliggör för anpassning av samma designuttryck till olika skärmstorlekar ska ett konsekvent uttryck skapas genom alla enheter. Även om denna möjlighet finns idag är det ofta skillnader i navigeringen som kan förvirra användaren. Ett konsekvent designuttryck underlättar igenkänningen av navigationen. Till detta kan användarupplevelsen (UX) genom det visuella uttrycket förbättra upplevelsen av en hemsida eller det mediet som används och därmed skapa en helhet. Denna studie beskriver hur användare ser på hur implementeringen av RWD påverkar två hemsidors huvudmenyer för enheterna dator och smartphone. Fokuset har varit att studera användarupplevelsen i förhållande till det visuella uttrycket. Problemet är att RWD i olika kontext, medför att det visuella uttrycket kan få mindre betydelse, och då ändra användarupplevelsen. Med kvalitativa intervjuer har fyra informanter med sina egna tankar studerat två hemsidor på dator och smartphone. Resultatet i studien visar på att olikheter av hemsidor på enheterna dator och smartphone inte skapar svårigheter i användningen, men om likheten mellan enheterna är densamma skapar det en desto mer positiv användarupplevelse.

Utvärdering av responsiva front-end ramverk och renderingstekniker : En studie med mätningar av svarstider på olika plattformar / Evaluation of responsive front-end framework and render techniques : A study by measuring response times on different platforms

Johansson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
För att spara tid och ändå få en responsiv webbplats, kan med fördel ett responsivt front-end ramverk användas. Ett responsivt front-end ramverk kan använda olika angreppssätt: desktop-first och mobile-first. Påverkar front-end ramverkens angreppssätt (approach) något på en webbplats svarstider? Eller finns den stora betydelsen var webbplatsen renderar data, som hämtas från en databas? Ett experiment lämpar sig för att testa studiens hypotes. Utvärdering av studiens fyra olika webbapplikationer och analysering av mätningarna finns, för att få fram slutsatsen som är: Det finns ingen större skillnad mellan front-end ramverken, den stora betydelsen finns på val av rendering. Hypotesen motbevisas, då klientapplikationerna är snabbare än serverapplikationerna på alla plattformarna. Mätningar av svarstider finns och vid ett fortsatt arbete är det intressant bland annat också mäta batterimängden och plattformarnas minne. Implementera fler webbapplikationer, som använder andra front-end ramverk, där mätningarna kan exekveras på fler plattformar, webbläsare och scenarier.

Administratörsverktyg för IOT-enheter / Administrator Tool for IOT-Devices

Wahlman, Johan January 2015 (has links)
IoT (Internet of Things) are devices which are usually equipped with different kinds of sensors, these sensor values are then sent to a server where these values are somehow processed. It’s predicted that the usage of IoT devices will increase significantly during the upcoming years.   Microsoft has a service named Azure IoT Hub, which is designed for easy administration of IoT devices, but Azure IoT Hub provides no user interface to administer these IoT devices. The task of this project is to create a user interface for Azure IoT Hub. / IoT (Internet of Things) är enheter som vanligtvis är utrustade med olika slags sensorer, dessa sensorvärden skickas sedan till en server där dessa värden på något sätt bearbetas. Det förutspås att användandet av IoT enheter kommer att öka signifikant under de kommande åren.   Microsoft har en tjänst som heter Azure IoT Hub, vilket är designat för att enkelt administrera IoT enheter, men Azure IoT Hub tillhandahåller inget gränssnitt för att kunna administrera dessa IoT enheter. Uppdraget för detta projekt var därför att skapa ett gränssnitt för Azure IoT Hub.

Mobila enheter, webben och centrala designprinciper

Hammoud, Mohammed January 2013 (has links)
Det har blivit allt vanligare att vi idag använder våra mobila enheter till att besöka webben. I detta examensarbete undersöks vilka centrala designprinciper en designer bör eftersträva när avsikten är att förenkla användningen av en webbplats i en statisk och en rörlig situation via den mobila enheten. Examensarbetet innefattar en litteraturgenomgång, observationsintervjuer vid två tillfällen och en prototyputveckling. Det första intervjutillfället identifierade de grundläggande designprinciperna som sedan stod till grund för prototypen. Det andra intervjutillfället genomfördes mot prototypen med samma individer. Det som undersöktes var om de grundläggande designprinciperna förenklade användningen av en webbplats via den mobila enheten. En jämförelse mellan båda intervjutillfällena genomfördes för att sammanställa de centrala designprinciperna. / It has become increasingly common that we now use our mobile devices to visit the web. This thesis examines the central design principles a designer should strive for when it is intended to simplify the use of a website in a static and variable situation trough a mobile device. The thesis includes a literature review, interviews on two occasions and a prototype development. The first interviews identified the fundamental design principles which then became the basis for the prototype. The second interviews were conducted towards the prototype with the same individuals. It examined if the fundamental design principles simplified the use of a website trough the mobile device. A comparison of the two interviews was conducted to compile the central design principles.

Centrando a arquitetura de informação no usuário / Centering the Information Architecture in the user

Reis, Guilhermo Almeida dos 30 March 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa as metodologias de projeto de arquitetura de informação de websites sob o foco das abordagens de Design Centrado no Usuário da Ciência da Informação e da Interação Humano-Computador. A metodologia adotada foi uma revisão da literatura, para formular um quadro de referência para análise das metodologias de projetos de arquitetura de informação, e duas pesquisas de campo. A primeira pesquisa foi quantitativa, baseada em um questionário on-line, e teve por objetivo levantar o perfil do arquiteto de informação das listas de discussões brasileiras. A segunda pesquisa foi qualitativa e seguiu a abordagem do Sense-making, tendo como objetivo levantar as dificuldades, técnicas e metodologias encontradas nos projetos de arquitetura de informação de websites. Como resultado da revisão da literatura foi formulado um quadro de referência composto de cinco fases (Pesquisa, Concepção, Especificação, Implementação e Avaliação). Os princípios das abordagens de Design Centrado no Usuário são aplicados nas duas fases iniciais, sendo que na primeira é aplicada a abordagem da Ciência da Informação, e na segunda a abordagem da Interação Humano-Computador. A primeira pesquisa de campo retratou um profissional jovem, que vive nos grandes centros metropolitanos, com formação predominante na área de Humanas e que desenvolveu seus conhecimentos sobre Arquitetura de Informação de maneira autodidata. Quase metade deles não segue qualquer metodologia nos seus projetos e, entre os que seguem, a maioria utiliza uma metodologia própria. A segunda pesquisa mostrou que os arquitetos de informação experientes adotam uma metodologia nos seus projetos e dedicam mais atenção às três primeiras fases do quadro de referência (Pesquisa, Concepção e Especificação). As metodologias vistas na prática não seguem a abordagem de Design Centrado no Usuário da Ciência da Informação, pois raramente são feitas pesquisas com usuários. Com relação à abordagem da Interação Humano-Computador, ela é pouco seguida porque os contratantes desconhecem a importância dos testes de usabilidade e porque os arquitetos não dominam as técnicas desses testes mais adequadas à Arquitetura de Informação. Com relação às dificuldades enfrentadas nos projetos, foram identificados três focos: o contratante, o próprio trabalho de Arquitetura de Informação e o contexto tecnológico em que o website está inserido, sendo o primeiro o mais citado. Conclui-se que as metodologias de projetos de arquitetura de informação precisam evoluir na adoção das abordagens de Design Centrado no Usuário, para que consigam produzir websites que satisfaçam plenamente as necessidades dos usuários, e nas formas de avaliar os resultados, para verificar se os objetivos dos projetos foram plenamente alcançados. / The study analyzes information architecture projects methodologies of websites under the focus of User Centered Design approaches of Information Science and Human-Computer Interaction. The adopted methodology included a literature review, to formulate a theoric model to analyze information architecture project methodologies, and two empirical researches. The first one was a quantitative research, based on an on-line questionnaire which aimed at mapping the profile of information architects in Brazilian discussion lists. The second one was a qualitative research, in which the Sense-making approach was applied to map the difficulties, techniques and methodologies found in information architecture projects of websites. As result the revision of literature review a theoric model with five phases was formulated (Research, Conception, Specification, Implementation and Evaluation) in which the approaches of User Centered Design should be applied in the two initial phases, in the first one should be applied the approach of Information Science and in the second one the approach of Human-Computer Interaction. The first research showed a young professional, that lives in the great metropolitan centers, which is often graduated in Human area and developed their knowledge of Information Architecture in an autodidactic way. Almost half of them doesn\'t follow any methodology in their projects and, most of the ones that follow uses theirs own methodology. The second research showed that seniors information architects adopt a methodology in theirs project and they dedicate more attention to the first three phases of the theoric model (Research, Conception and Specification). The methodologies found in practice don\'t follow the User Centered Design approach of Information Science, because they rarely make researches with users. The Human-Computer Interaction approach is little following because the clients are not convinced of the importance of usability tests and because information architects don\'t really know the techniques of usability tests more appropriate to information architecture projects. It were identified three focuses of difficulties faced in the projects: the clients, the own work of Information Architecture and the technology context in that the websites is inserted. It concludes that the methodologies of information architecture projects need to increase in the adoption of User Centered Design, to produce websites that fully satisfy the users, and in ways to evaluate the results of the projects, to verify if its objectives had been reached.

Etablera er online eller dö : En grafisk utforskning av ett hantverksföretag med ändamål att etablera sig online / Establish yourself online or die. : A graphic exploration of a craft company for the purpose of establishing oneself online.

Arve, Mårten January 2021 (has links)
I mitt examensarbete har jag valt att fokusera på att skapa en visuell identitet till mina föräldrarshantverksföretag och att etablera dem online. De har aldrig haft en grafisk identitet av någotslag, trots att de varit i branschen över 30 år. Den enda visuella identitet som existerat ärderas produkter, tomtarna, som fått tala för sig själva. Jag har därmed valt att bygga vidare påjust denna grund för att bibehålla deras varumärkesidentitet och genuinitet. Under arbetet harjag utvecklat en logotyp, en hemsida, skapat en närvaro på sociala medier på Facebook ochInstagram, designat ett utskick för mer åtråvärda kunder, samt gjort en kortfilm för att presenteradem och deras yrke. Som grund för arbetet har jag utgått från intervjuer, workshopsoch deltagande design i samarbete med mina föräldrar, för att få en känsla för vad just de villförmedla för framtida kunder. Företaget har även genomgått ett namnbyte för att bättre speglaverksamheten. / This is a study of a small craftwork establishment, and the balance between creating a graphicidentity and maintaining the essence and voice that has been developed through the company’s30 year history. Through close collaboration with the clients we have pinpointed thebrand personality and how they want their visual identity to be represented towards potentialfuture clients. To establish this I have used the methods of participatory design through interviews,workshop and business model canvas. For the end result I have developed a graphicidentity that contains a website, logotype, social media presence on Facebook and Instagram,and designed a sendout that will be targeted towards their more desirable clients. I have alsoproduced a short film to present both of them as creators and th eir products and will be thelarger piece of the storytelling aspect of my work. The company has also undergone a namechange to better reflect the business.

Digital Brand Identity Design from a User Experience Perspective

Harwood, Isaiah 01 December 2021 (has links)
As a graphic designer and as a creative in general, my interest has always been in the conceptualization and execution of brand identities. I am most comfortable as a designer when I am working in the realm of art direction, and most of my design heroes and inspirations are legendary art directors and designers like Paula Scher, Paul Rand, and Michael Bierut. Logo and wordmark design in particular are among my favorite aspects of design, and finding ways to creatively apply these foundational aspects of a brand to each stage of the user experience is exciting to me. The stages of the user experience which I designed and art directed for my honors thesis included a logo symbol, a wordmark, a set of packaging designs, a storefront, a landing page, and an engaging ad campaign. Designing a brand identity across digital and physical mediums while maintaining a high level of cohesion and story is a rigorous process, and my progress was far from linear. The most important thing I learned was to trust the process; wherever it took me. I am excited to bring what I’ve come to realize during the execution of this project to the industry and to help brands, big and small, design for the digital age across every level of their user experience.

Návrh na podporu prodeje služeb společnosti / Proposal to Promote Sales of Services

Matějka, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis is focused on promotion of company's sales of services by creating an internet portal, which can be used to easily and quickly establish website including administration. The paper analyses the market environment, describes the process of creating the portal and proposes pricing options.

Analýza a srovnání uživatelského rozhraní webových stránek oborových knihoven na FF UK a návrhy na jejich inovaci / Analysis and comparison of user interface of the websites of special libraries at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and proposals for its innovation

Šebestová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis and assessment of the existing user interface of the departmental libraries of Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The theoretical part generally characterizes the discipline of Human Computer Interaction. Furthermore, it characterizes concepts such as user interface, web usability and web accessibility and information architecture. Besides, it introduces the organisation, functions and services of the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts, including departmental libraries. The practical part explores and assesses current condition of the websites of the departmental libraries. The aim of this research is to determine users' satisfaction based on their experience with these library websites. Moreover, the research monitors the users' idea of an ideal website. A further concern is the usability, accessibility, content, design and information architecture of the websites researched. In accordance with the results of the research, a schema of a new human interface for the departmental libraries is designed.

E service quality y technology resources en relación con la satisfacción de estudiantes universitarios a través del E learning

Olivares Marin, Luis Franco, Silva Atoche, Fabián Antonio 02 March 2021 (has links)
Hoy en día la tecnología se ha posicionado en el estilo de vida de muchas personas. Sin embargo, no todas las personas tienen los recursos tecnológicos para un desarrollo adecuado en el ámbito que quieran desarrollarse. Esto se ha expandido en el sector de educación superior a través de la metodología E-learning debido a las distintas facilidades y ventajas que posee. Esta investigación apunta a poder descubrir la relación del e - service quality y el acceso al technology resources en relación con la satisfacción de estudiantes universitarios con respecto al e- learning en Lima Metropolitana. A través de las distintas teorías e investigaciones de otros autores se ha logrado encontrar los determinantes que poseen la mayor influencia. Entre ellos se encuentra el contenido, la privacidad, el diseño de web, la fiabilidad y sensibilidad así como el acceso a la tecnología de la información y comunicación; es decir un aparato tecnológico, electricidad e internet. Dentro de los alcances y limitaciones encontradas para la investigación se consideraron el no realizar observaciones dentro de los trabajos de campo, debido al virus Sars Cov2. / Today technology has positioned itself in the lifestyle of many people. However, not all people have the technological resources for adequate development in the area they want to develop. This has expanded in the higher education sector through the E-learning methodology due to the different facilities and advantages it has. This research aims to discover the relationship between e - service quality and access to technology resources in relation to the satisfaction of university students with respect to e - learning in Metropolitan Lima. Through the different theories and investigations of other authors, it has been possible to find the determinants that have the greatest influence. Among them are content, privacy, web design, reliability and sensitivity as well as access to information and communication technology; That is to say, a technological device, electricity and the internet. Within the scope and limitations found for the research, it was considered not to make observations within the field work, due to the Sars Cov2 virus. / Trabajo de investigación

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