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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NEZAMĚSTNANOST MLADÝCH LIDÍ V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE / Unemployment of young people in Czech Republic

Zemanová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on unemployment of young people. Young people are among disadvantaged groups in the labor market, so they are given special attention. The main goal of this work is to analyze unemployment of young people in the Czech Republic, monitor its development and evaluate the changes. Attention is paid to the relationship between unemployment and education. The indicator of average length of education is used along with educational structure to evaluate the level of education. The work also focuses on the economic activity of young people, which has significantly reduced in recent years. At the end of this thesis is analyzed unemployment and education of young people in the regions of the Czech Republic.

Ungdomars och yrkesverksammas upplevelser av tillvaron på Statens institutionsstyrelse, SiS. : En litteraturstudie om tillvaron på SiS. / Young people and professionals experiences of the National Board of Institutional Care, SiS. : A literature study on life at SiS

Elvstrand, Ellen, Henriksson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: Varje år får ca 30 000 barn och unga vård utanför hemmet, drygt 1000 av dem placeras på SiS. SiS, statens institutionsstyrelse är en statlig myndighet som bedriver tvångsvård i Sverige. Tvångsplaceringar på institution är en av de mest ingripande åtgärder samhället gör för barn, ungdomar och deras familjer. Placeringen syftar till att ge skydd och stöd för utsatta barn och ungdomar när de frivilliga alternativen inte räcker till.                   Syfte: Syftet  med uppsatsen är att beskriva ungdomars och yrkesverksammas upplevelser av tillvaron på SiS ungdomshem för att undersöka om det finns några genomgående teman och på det sättet få en djupare förståelse av tillvaron på SiS, genom att beakta bådas perspektiv. Uppsatsen utgår från följande frågeställningar, 1. Vilka centrala teman går att urskilja i tillvaron på SiS utifrån ungdomars perspektiv. 2. Vilka centrala teman går att urskilja i tillvaron på SiS utifrån yrkesverksammas perspektiv. 3. Hur beskriver ungdomar och yrkesverksamma de teman som går att urskilja i tillvaron på SiS.   Metod: Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie där det empiriska material består av vetenskapliga artiklar och en doktorsavhandling. Uppsatsens analys baseras på Goffmans teori ”totala institutioner”, Goffmans teori om stigma och Antonovsky teori om KASAM och tidigare forskning.                     Resultat: Resultatet presenteras fyra genomgående teman, vilka är makt och kontroll, delaktighet, relationer och instabilitet i vården. Resultatet visar att ungdomar och yrkesverksamma beskriver att tillvaron på SiS består av makt och kontroll och det finns en brist på delaktighet hos de placerade ungdomarna. Vården består av instabilitet och avbrott. Resultatet visar att både de placerade ungdomarna och yrkesverksamma beskriver att relationen dem emellan är viktig och har stor betydelse för hur placeringen upplevs. / Introduction: Every year, about 30,000 children and young people receive care outside the home, just over 1,000 of them are placed at SiS. SiS, The National Board of Institutional Care is an independent Swedish government agency that delivers individually tailored compulsory care for young people with psychosocial problems in Sweden. Compulsory placement in an institution is one of the most intrusive measures society takes for children, young people and their families. The placement aims to provide protection and support for vulnerable children and young people when the voluntary alternatives are not enough.                      The purpose of the essay is to describe young people and professionals' experiences of life at SiS youth homes in order to investigate whether there are any consistent themes and in that way gain a deeper understanding of life at SiS, by considering both perspectives. The following research sub-questions which focused our work. 1. Which central themes can be distinguished in life at SiS from the perspective of young people. 2. Which central themes can be distinguished in life at SiS from the perspective of professionals. 3. How do young people and professionals describe the themes that can be distinguished in life at SiS                      Method: A literature study,  the empirical material of the study consists of scientific articles and a doctoral dissertation. The analysis for the work was based on Goffman's theory “total institutions”, Goffman's theory of stigma and Antonovsky's theory of KASAM as well as selected studies.                       Results: The results present four consistent themes, which are power and control, participation, relationships and instability. The results show that young people and professionals describe that life at SiS consists of power and control and there is a lack of participation among the placed young people. Care consists of instability and interruptions. The results show that both the placed young people and professionals describe that the relationship between them is important and has great significance for how the placement is experienced.

Uppfattningar om betydelsefulla signifikanta andra i skolkontexten : En socialpedagogisk analys av intervjuer med professionella och ungdomar kring ungdomars problematiska substansbruk

Sonninger, Emmie, Atanasoski, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att analysera skolan som skyddsfaktor för elever med problematiska substansbruk. Vidare ville vi identifiera professionellas och ungdomars upplevelser angående vilka aspekter som anses vara betydelsefulla för dessa ungdomars lärande, identitetsutveckling och förändring inom skolkontexten. Det omfattar även identifiering av hindrande dimensioner som professionella och ungdomar upplever i relation till skolans roll vilket omfattar resurser, aktörssamarbete och tillämpning av olika strategier för dessa ungdomar. För att djupgående kunna åstadkomma studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metodansats valts. Fyra personer från tre olika professioner inom skolkontexten har intervjuats, en elevkoordinator, två skolkuratorer och en specialpedagog. Dessutom har två ungdomar som brukar alkohol och/eller narkotika medverkat i studien. Den metodologiska utgångspunkten i studien är den fenomenologiska vetenskapsteorin. Den teori som analyserar studien är den symboliska interaktionismen. Informanterna som har medverkat i studien har kunnat bidra med ett resultat där identifiering av vilka komponenter som anses vara mest betydelsefulla för denna målgrupp har kunnat fastställas. Studiens resultat har kunnat påvisa att meningsfulla relationer med signifikanta vuxna inom skolkontexten anses vara den största framgångsfaktorn för elever som har ett problematiskt substansbruk. Genom att vara en signifikant vuxen skapar de professionella en trygg, meningsfull och lärorik miljö där dessa ungdomar upplever ett givande skolklimat och ökad motivation till förändringsprocesser.


21 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi investigar a motivação do aluno para o estudo em associação com variáveis de cunho sociodemográfico, escolar, de habilidade com computador e de práticas culturais. Constitui um recorte de uma pesquisa maior, intitulada Juventude e Mídia: contextos escolares e sociais, cuja amostra foi de 3705 alunos do nono ano de trinta e nove escolas públicas municipais do Rio de Janeiro, divididas em cinco estratos demográficos: escolas grandes próximas e distantes de favelas, escolas pequenas próximas e distantes de favelas e escolas pólo. A partir de modelos, utilizando a regressão linear múltipla, identificamos variáveis significativas para composição da motivação: uso educacional do computador, práticas culturais cultivadas, de lazer e de esporte no tempo livre, prática religiosa e prática de assistir televisão e identificou-se que a escola pequena próxima a favela é o estrato onde há maior motivação. A partir do recorte da base com alunos deste estrato, por meio da regressão logística binária, identificou-se: a condição escolar avançada (alunos sem histórico de repetência), o uso social do computador, o uso do computador em lan houses, e a prática religiosa como variáveis associadas a um desfecho favorável. Porém, neste estrato, percebe-se que o nível de desfecho desfavorável também é alto (88,1 por cento), o que permitiu inferir que fatores no interior das escolas que pertencem a este estrato atuam de forma a contribuir para a manutenção da desigualdade a despeito da alta motivação dos seus alunos. Os argumentos do efeito-território nos ajudaram a entender esse processo evidenciando a complexidade existente em tais escolas. / [en] The main objective of the research was to investigate the student s motivation for the study in association with sociodemographic, school, computer and cultural practices skills s variables. This study represents an excerpt of a larger research entitled Youth and Media: school and social contexts, which sample was 3705 9th grade students of thirty-nine public schools in Rio de Janeiro, divided into five demographic strata: nearby and far slums large schools, nearby and far slums small schools, small and reference schools. From models, and the multiple linear regression, we identified significant variables for motivational composition: computer educational use, cultivated cultural, leisure and sport practices in their free time, religious and watching television practice and the results indicated the stratum small school nearby slum as highly motivated. From this new base it was possible to identify the advanced scholastic condition (students with no history of repetition), the social use of computer, Internet cafes (Lan houses) computer use, and religious practice as variables associated to a favorable outcome. However, on this stratum, it is clear that the level of unfavorable outcome is also high (88.1 percent). This relationship made us infer that factors within schools that belong to this stratum act to contribute to the maintenance of inequality despite the high motivation of its students. The arguments of the effect-territory helped us understand this process, highlighting the existing complexity in such schools.

Identifikace respondenta jako člena gangu v ISRD-2: Česká repulika v evropském kontextu / Identification of a respondent as a gang member in ISRD-2: Czech republic in the European context

Moravcová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problems with identification of respondent as a gang member from the standpoint of process of operationalisation, which give a selection of adequate indicators, in international survey International Self-Report Delinquency Study 2. Its objective is to propose a revision of existing definition of Eurogang for selected European countries and evaluate the possibility of creating one universal definition of a gang across Europe. The thesis is separated into three parts: theoretical, methodological and empirical. In the first part we particularly pay attention to the basic conceptions of juvenile delinquency. Subsequently, we discuss different types of definitions and the way of their formation. Finally, we mention important definitions of a gang that are often used in many surveys which focus on gangs or delinquent groups in general. In methodological part of the thesis we present the most important indicators of juvenile delinquency: official statistics and self-report studies. One of them is also the international survey ISRD-2. We concentrate not only on techniques of data collection and definition of the gang and its operationalisation according to Eurogang group, which were used in this survey, but also on basic information about sample for all analyzed countries and limit...

Wie bist Du in der Stadt unterwegs?: Mobilität junger Menschen in eigenen Bildern und eigenen Worten – Ergebnisse einer Explorationsstudie

Deibel, Inga, Schelewsky, Marc, Schönduwe, Robert 14 January 2020 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren wird spekuliert, dass eine neue Generation heranwächst, die das eigene Auto nicht mehr unhinterfragt als Grundausstattung des modernen Menschen versteht, sondern ihre Mobilität effektiver und nachhaltiger gestaltet. Steuern wir also auf eine schöne neue Mobilitätswelt zu? Diese Schlussfolgerung zu ziehen wäre angesichts der Vorläufigkeit der Befunde und der unsicheren empirischen Basis der Aussagen voreilig. Um die Debatten zur Mobilität junger Menschen zu versachlichen und Einblick in die Komplexität der Wirkungszusammenhänge zu gewinnen, führte das InnoZ im Jahr 2012 eine empirisch-qualitative Explorationsstudie durch. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind in Form eines Werkstattberichts im vorliegenden Baustein dokumentiert. Trotz vieler offener Fragen belegen die Ergebnisse der Studie, dass ein Wandel von Mobilitätsmustern junger Menschen möglich ist, aber kein Selbstläufer sein wird. Die Schüler nutzen die zur Verfügung stehenden Verkehrsmittel bedürfnisorientiert und sind dabei offen für die Kombination unterschiedlicher Verkehrsmittel. Eines ist jedoch auch deutlich geworden: Junge Menschen kennen die neuen Alternativen noch zu wenig. In den Gesprächen rund um neue Angebotsformen wie Carsharing und Elektromobilität wurde deutlich, dass sich junge Menschen erst dann mit den Optionen auseinandersetzen, wenn diese für die eigene Mobilitätsbewältigung in Betracht kommen. Zwei Ergebnisse der Explorationsstudie sollten zukünftig stärker beachtet werden. Erstens existieren bei den meisten Befragten weder Vorbehalte gegenüber Alternativen zum privaten Pkw noch monomodale Fixierungen. Wichtig ist den jungen Menschen nicht der eigene Pkw, sondern vielmehr Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität. Wenn dies mittels geteilter Nutzung von Pkw oder anderer alternativer Verkehrsmittel realisiert werden kann, so spielt das Auto in den Augen nahezu aller Teilnehmer keine exklusive Rolle mehr. Wenn es keine entsprechenden Alternativen gibt, ist das eigene Auto jedoch nach wie vor das Maß aller Dinge. Junge Menschen sind grundsätzlich offen für alle zur Verfügung stehenden Angebote − dies zeigt die Explorationsstudie deutlich. Sie müssen nur bekannt, einfach zu nutzen, schnell, flexibel und kostengünstig sein. Das Smartphone scheint dabei eine wichtige Funktion zur Organisation der eigenen Mobilität einzunehmen. Zweitens wurde deutlich, dass junge Menschen in der Begründung ihrer Verkehrsmittelwahl primär auf begrenzte Budgets verweisen. Ein Verkehrsmittel sollte folglich nicht nur Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität gewährleisten, sondern es sollte in den Augen der jungen Menschen vor allem nicht allzu viel Kosten verursachen. Es sollten folglich nicht nur neue Mobilitätsangebote entwickelt werden, sondern auch attraktive Tarifsysteme, die es erlauben, die Zahlungsbereitschaft der jungen Menschen möglichst optimal zu adressieren. / Young people’s mobility patterns are changing. They no longer regard the private car as a basic need of the modern human being. This hypothesis has been the subject of debate for several years. Following this argument, it seems that the young generation is moving along a more sustainable path. Are we heading for a brave new world of transport? Drawing this conclusion would be too hastily. The empirical basis is too shallow and findings are still preliminary. In 2012, the InnoZ conducted an explorative study on youth mobility to display the complexity of the topic and channel the debate. Results of this study are documented in this working paper. Despite many unanswered questions, the study shows that although a change of mobility patterns of young people is possible it will be anything but self-propelled. Young people use available transport modes according to their needs and are open towards an efficient combination of different means of transport. However, the study additionally showed that young people are still not sufficiently aware of new alternatives. Discussions with teenagers uncovered that new mobility services like carsharing and electric vehicles only become a relevant issue if regarded as practical options for their everyday mobility. Two results of the explorative study should be considered in future research. Firstly, most interviewees neither expressed reservations about alternatives to the private car nor demonstrated a fixed orientation towards a single mode type. It isn’t the private car that is important to young people but rather independence and flexibility. If alternative mobility services provide those attributes, the private car and its alternatives are not mutually exclusive. Basically, young people are open to all accessible options – this can be derived quite clearly from our study. Nevertheless, car ownership still constitutes the measure of all things if there’s a lack of alternatives. Our study also revealed that the smartphone seems to play an important role for the organisation of young people’s individual mobility. Secondly, young people tend to decide on their means of transport in context of their − usually limited − budgets. Consequently, new mobility services should ensure not only independence and flexibility, but above all have to be affordable. When developing new mobility services, young people’s willingness to pay should be addressed by implementing attractive fares and charging systems.

Odliv mladých lidí z města Šumperka - analýza příčin a návrh řešení problému / An outflow of young people from the city of Šumperk - cause analysis and solution suggestion

Strachotová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is a case study of the outflow of young people from the town of Šumperk. The aim of this work is to explain the main causes of the problem, to determine the extent to which suburbanization is involved in the process, to evaluate the town's existing policies to solve the problem and to suggest possible solutions. The research is based on the theoretical concepts of the public policy cycle, which helps to determine the stage at which the problem is at the town level, works with the theory of city shrinkage, the theory of suburbanization, and push-pull migration theory. The original research is based on data from sociological research and interviews. Conclusions of the thesis include the finding that the main causes of the outflow of young people are inadequate job opportunities for college students and poor housing offers. Suburbanisation also contributes to the process of shrinking. The town's current policy lacks a strategic concept that would prevent the outflow. In conclusion, the author suggests possible partial solutions to the problem, such as creation of a coworking center or a change in the zone planning strategy.

Vnímání dobrovolnictví mladými dobrovolníky a jejich zkušenosti s reakcemi vrstevníků na dobrovolnickou činnost / Young volunteer's perception of volunteering and their experiences with peer reactions to volunteering

Stolínová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
Young volunteer's perception of volunteering and their experiences with peer reactions to volunteering Bc. Barbora Stolínová Abstract Peer influence is usually studied in the field of negative behavior. This thesis handles the topic of influence of peers and their reaction to prosocial behavior and volunteering as one of its manifestations. In the first part of thesis a search of research from foreign countries was performed. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted in the second empirical part of this research. The aim was to find out how volunteers perceive their volunteering within their social environment, which reaction of their peers they experience and how they deal with them. Target group for this research were young volunteers in the age from 15 to 25 from environmental non-profit organizations. Findings from the empirical analysis of the focus group and interviews can be used for work with volunteers in organizations, so there are recommendations for volunteer coordinators in the final part of the thesis. Key words Volunteering, volunteer, youth, young people, peers, peer reactions, non-profit organization

Vem vågar prata om pornografi med ungdomar? : Elevhälsans förhållningssätt till skolungdomars  pornografikonsumtion / Who dares to talk to young people about pornography? : Student health worker’s attitude towards student’s pornography consumption

Gustafsson, Erika, Johansson, Frida January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personal inom elevhälsan förhåller sig till ungdomars tankar och frågor om ämnen relaterade till pornografi. Studien genomfördes via kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta kuratorer och skolsköterskor. Av intervjuerna framkom att det inte fanns någon enhetlig bild över hur arbetet med frågor relaterade till pornografi ska se ut i de aktuella skolorna och att förhållningssättet skilde sig åt mellan informanterna. Däremot beskrevs en pågående förändringsprocess, då informanterna beskrev sitt engagemang för att nå ut och sprida kunskap till ungdomar och andra pedagoger på skolan. Informanterna betonade vikten av att förmedla en nyfikenhet till ungdomars funderingar och arbeta förebyggande med frågor om pornografi, sexualitet, normer och jämställdhet. I resultatet framkom informanternas upplevelse av att ungdomar kan påverkas negativt av pornografikonsumtion eftersom det upplevs ge en skev syn på sexualitet, som bland annat förstärker de stereotypa könsnormer som råder i samhället. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how staff in school health services respond to young people's thoughts and questions on topics related to pornography. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with eight professional school social workers and school nurses. The main results showed that according to the interviewees there were no general picture of how the work with questions related to pornography should be handled in their schools and the approach differs between professionals. On the other hand, an ongoing process of change was described, as the staff in school health services show a commitment to share their knowledge with the pupils and teachers at the school. The interviewees emphasized in particular the importance of conveying curiosity to the adolescents and to work preventively, with questions about pornography, sexuality, norms and gender equality. The informants' experiences were also that adolescents can be negatively affected by pornography consumption, as it is perceived to give a distorted view of sexuality, which, among other things, reinforces already existing gender stereotypes in the society.

Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om hur ungdomars identitet formas genoms ociala medier / The impact of social media on youths : A qualitative study of how young people ́s identities are formed on social media

Sekerija, Zdenka, Wikfors, Isabell January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur ungdomars identiteter formas genom användning av sociala medier. Ungdomar i dagens samhälle har andra förutsättningar och andra verktyg att använda sig av när det kommer till att lära om sig själv och andra. Därför behövs det mer kunskap om hur sociala medier påverkar ungdomars identitetsskapande. Studien har utgått från två frågeställningar: "På vilka sätt formas ungdomars identitet när de interagerar med andra individer på sociala medier?" samt "Hur beskriver ungdomarna sin identitet online respektive offline?". För att uppfylla studiens syfte och besvara frågeställningar har empiriska data samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Social identitet och Dramaturgiska perspektivet har använts som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultatet utifrån studiens teorier och empiri visar att ungdomars identitet formas på sociala medier. Det som i huvudsak formar ungdomars identiteter är normer och sociala jämförelser. Resultatet visar även att en del ungdomar använder sig av filter när de framställer sig själva på sociala medier medan andra väljer att spegla den egna identiteten likadan på sociala medier som i verkligheten. / This study is about how young people's identities are formed through the use of social media. Young people in today's society have other circumstances and other tools to use when it comes to learning about oneself and other people. Therefore, more knowledge is needed about how social media affects young people identity creation. The study has applied two research questions: "In what ways is young people identity shaped when they interact with other individuals on social media?" and "How do young people describe their identity online respectively offline?". In order to fulfil the purpose of this study and answer the questions, empirical data has been collected by using semi-structured interviews. Social identity theory and Dramaturgical perspective have been used as a theoretical framework. The findings of the study on the basis of theory and empirical evidence shows that young people's identity is formed on social media. The factors that shape young people's identities are norms and social comparison. The result also shows that some young people use filters when they are presenting themselves on social media while others try to present their own identity in the same way on social media as in reality.

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