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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tuberkulose blandt børn og unge i arktis : set fra et grønlandsk perspektiv / Tuberculosis among children and youth in the arctic : from a Greenlandic point of view

Skifte, Turid Bjarnason January 2008 (has links)
Introduktion: Tuberkulose er fortsat en sygdom, man skal tage alvorligt i Grønland. Forekomsten er høj med 150-200 tilfælde per 100.000 indbyggere årligt, hvoraf 20-30 % er børn og unge. Trods BCG-vaccination af nyfødte samt en ihærdig indsats med hensyn til kontaktopsporing, behandlings-kontrol, forebyggelse og smitteopsporing har incidensen været vedvarende høj i de seneste 10 år. Formål: at undersøge, hvordan forekomsten af TB blandt børn og unge i Grønland havde udviklet sig fra 1988-92 og til 2002-06. Videre at sammenligne TB incidensen blandt grønlændere med inuitbefolk-ningerne i Alaska og Canada med særligt fokus på territoriet Nunavut, hvor den største andel af canadiske inuit bor. Endelig var det formålet at belyse om de TB-ramte børn og unge adskilte sig fra andre på tilsvarende alderstrin, set i relation til social baggrund og levevilkår, samt endelig at opgøre dækningen af BCG. Materiale og metode: Anmeldelser af TB tilfælde fra 1988-92 og fra 2002-06 blev sammenlignet. Registerdata fra Alaska og Canada blev sammenholdt med data fra Grønland til belysning af forekomsten af TB blandt inuit. Data fra et case-control studie foretaget i perioden fra 1.marts 2004 til 28.februar 2007 bestående af anmeldeskemaer, spørgeskemaer til belysning af sociale forhold og levevilkår samt oplysning om BCG-vaccination fra journaler blev analyseret. Resultater og konklusion: TB incidensen var fra 1988-92 til 2002-06 steget fra 67 til 141 tilfælde pr. 100.000/år. Størst stigning sås blandt børn og unge, idet den forholdsmæssige andel af 0-19 årige steg med 6 %. En stigende andel af TB tilfælde i byerne syntes snarere at være forårsaget af flytning fra bygd til by i de hårdest ramte distrikter end et ændret smittemønster. Inuit i de undersøgte arktiske regioner har stærkt forhøjet TB incidens i forhold til den øvrige befolkning, og incidensen var højest i Grønland. Andelen af TB syge i alderen 0-19 årige var i Grønland 27 %, kun overgået af Nunavut (33 %). De vanskelige levevilkår er fælles for inuit i Nunavut og Grønland, men årsagerne til smittespredning er komplekse. Resultaterne af case-control studiet var pga. den lille population ikke statistisk signifikante, men tyder på en sammenhæng mellem levevilkår og TB, såsom højt antal beboere pr. m² og rygning, som også fundet af andre. Studiet indikerer en beskyttende effekt af BCG hos mindre børn (&lt;10 år). Mange smittede og syge børn er et tegn på aktiv smittespredning, og de smittede børn vil være kilde til fremtidens TB. Der derfor god grund til at følge udviklingen blandt børn og unge nøje, samt at igangsætte initiativer for at bremse fortsat smittespredning. / Introduction: Tuberculosis is still a disease to be taken seriously in Greenland. The occurrence is high with 150-200 cases yearly per 100,000 inhabitants, 20-30 % of these are children and young people. The latest 10 years the incidents have been high continuously, in spite of BCG-vaccination of new-borns, and a persistent effort as regards contact tracing, control of treatment, preventive interventions, and tracking sources of infection. Objective: To examine how the occurrence of TB among children and young people in Greenland has developed from 1988-92 and up till 2002-06. Further to compare the TB incidence among Greenlanders to that among Inuit populations in Alaska and Canada, with special focus on the territory of Nunavut, where the largest share of Canadian Inuit live. Furthermore, it was the intention to examine whether the TB-infected children and young people differed from the population in general at the same age level, in relation to social background and living-conditions, and finally to estimate the coverage of BCG. Material and method: Notifications of TB-cases from l988-92 and from 2002-06 were compared. Register data from Alaska and Canada were related to data from Greenland to illustrate the occurrence of TB among Inuit people. Data from a case-control carried out in the period from March 2004 to February 2007 were analysed, consisting of notification forms, questionnaires regarding social conditions and living-conditions, plus information about BCG from case records. Results and conclusion: The TB-incidence from 1988-92 to 2002-06 increased from 67 to 141 incidents per l00,000. The largest increase was seen among children and young people, as the relative share of 0-19 yearers increased by 6 %. An increasing share of TB incidents in the towns seemed more likely to have been caused by migration from settlement to town in the districts most affected, rather than by a changed pattern of infection. In the arctic regions examined, Inuit people have a strongly increased TB-incidence compared to the remaining population, and the incidence was highest in Greenland. In Greenland 27 % of TB patients were at the age of 0-19 years, and only surpassed by Nunavut (33 %). Difficult living-conditions are common for Inuit in Nunavut and in Greenland, but the causes of the spread of infection are complex. Because of the small population involved, the results of the case-control study were not statistically significant, but they indicate a correlation between living-conditions and TB, such as crowding and smoking, as also found by others. The study indicates a protective effect of BCG on small children (&lt; 10 years). Occurrence of many infected and ill children indicates active spreading of the disease, and the infected children will be the source of TB of the future. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the development among children and young people closely, and to launch initiatives to prevent further dissemination of infection. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-41-2</p><p></p><p></p>

Genus, klass och sexualitet : Om genus, jämställdhet, sexualitet och samlevnadsundervisning vid några gymnasiers individuella program / Gender, social class and sexuality : About gender, equity, sexuality and sex education for school drop-outs

Sundbaum, Bengt January 2005 (has links)
Unga människors sexualitet utvecklas till stor del i samklang med den egna könsspecifika kamratgruppen. Det bidrar till att göra mötet med det motsatta könet sårbart och präglat av den egna kamratgruppens förväntningar. En angelägen uppgift för skolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning är därför att ge utrymme för samtal mellan pojkar och flickor i frågor som rör sexualitet samt att medverka till att bryta könsstereotypa föreställningar. Elever, som efter obligatoriska skolan ej antagits till gymnasieskolans nationella program, erbjuds plats på ett så kallat individuellt program (IV). Fler elever vid individuella programmet än gymnasieskolans övriga elever tycks ha ett riskbeteende med avseende på sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader efter kön och födelseland avseende IV-elevers attityder i könsrollsfrågor, deras förmåga att kommunicera i frågor rörande sexualitet samt att utvärdera en tidsbegränsad sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. En enkät besvarades av 345 elever på individuella programmet vid 13 olika gymnasieskolor. Vid sex av skolorna genomförde därefter lärarna undervisning av livskunskapskaraktär med fokus på attityder och kommunikation kopplat till sex- och samlevnad. Vid de återstående sju skolorna genomfördes ingen liknande sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Cirka en månad efter försöksundervisningen delades samma enkät ut till eleverna vid försöks- och kontrollskolorna. Den inledande enkäten visade att pojkar och gruppen utomnordiskt födda eleverhade en mer fördomsfull syn i frågor som rör sexualitet, arbetsfördelningen i hemmet samt hade svårare att tala med partnern om preventivmedel jämfört med flickor respektive elever födda i Norden. Pojkar hade svårare än flickor att säga nej till sex även då de inte ville ha sex. Några effekter av försöksundervisningen på ungdomarnas attityder, preventivmedelsanvändning eller förmåga att tala om sexualitet kunde ej konstateras. Det behövs ett långsiktigt och brett arbete för att påverka attityder och beteende inom området sexualitet och samlevnad. Inte bara undervisningen är viktig utan också alla de övriga könsrelaterade budskap som möter eleverna under en skoldag. Det behövs mer kunskap om hur olika samhällsaktörer i samverkan kan bidra till att ungdomar – i synnerhet de mest riskutsatta –ska bli bättre rustade att göra egna hälsosamma val / For most young people their sexual identities are primarily shaped by interaction with the same-sex peers which easily leads to misunderstandings and difficulties in communicating issues about sexuality with the opposite sex. Pupils leaving nine year compulsory school in Sweden without the qualifications required for admittance to the standard national programmes at the upper secondary school are offered to attend an “individual programme”. These individual programme attenders, or drop-outs from the national programmes, seem to have a higher risk behaviour compared to young people attending a theoretical or vocational programme at upper secondary school level. The objective of this study was to examine differences in gender role thinking and communication skills between the sexes and to relate the results to sex and ethnicity. Furthermore to evaluate a time limited sex education programmefocusing on gender role attitudes and communication skills. The result of a questionnaire, administrated to 345 pupils at 13 individual programmes, showed that males and young people born outside a Nordic country expressed a higher degree of double standards and had more difficulties in communicating with their partner about contraceptives compared to the female pupils and those pupils born in a Nordic country. Men had more difficulties compared to women in refusing undesired sex. The individual programme attenders were divided into an intervention group and a control group. The intervention consisted of about 15 lessons of sex education focusing on gender role attitudes. Both groups answered the same questionnaire one month after the sex education intervention. The analyses of the result of the questionnaires showed no statistically significant differences between the intervention and the control group.In order to influence young people’s attitudes and behaviour in the field of sexuality and gender roles, a comprehensive work is a precondition. Not only the teaching is important but also gender related messages which confront the pupils all over the day. There is also a need for more collaboration between local organisations in order to convey appropriate education, counselling and individual support to make young people at risk better equipped to make their own choices healthier / <p>ISBN 91-7997-089-3</p>

Riskförståelse : Teoretiska och empiriska perspektiv / Sense-making of risk : Theoretical and empirical perspectives

Wall, Erika January 2010 (has links)
The thesis introduces the concept of ‘sense-making of risk’ (riskförståelse) for the purpose of the theoretical and empirical study of the individual’s sense-making of risk. Particular weight is attached to an examination of the term’s various components, its compass, and the relationship between sense-making of risk and behaviour. The premise is that risk is created and defined by the common conceptions that exist within the framework of a specific social context; the effect is to focus attention on the significance of social and cultural contexts. To provide a full picture of sense-making of risk, and risk behaviour, and to study these phenomena using a variety of methodological perspectives, the data was gathered from both polls and focus-group interviews. It is in the first article, based on a focus-group interview study, that the concept of sense-making of risk is introduced: the empirical results demonstrate that it can be used to chart how young people with similar risk perceptions differ in their understanding of a variety of risks. A theoretical model is proposed that establishes that there are two dimensions to the individual’s sense-making of risk. The second article considers young people’s risk behaviour in traffic milieus. The principal conclusion drawn in this study is that the individual’s sense-making of risk is insufficient to explain behaviour in relation to risk: the spatial context must also be taken into account. The third article focuses on the relationship between place attachment and sense-making of risk, and demonstrates that various aspects of place attachment have implications for the individual’s sense-making of risk. The fourth and final article offers a cluster analysis. The article’s most important result is its refinement of the theoretical concepts.  Structure of meaning is singled out as the basis for the individual’s sense-making of risk. In its empirical application the concept was shown to be useful in studying the behavioural differences between various social groups, since grouping by structure of meaning furnishes an explanation for variations in risk and risk-reducing behaviour. The introductory and concluding chapters assemble the studies’ findings and offer a full account of the concept of sense-making of risk. The thesis’ most important conceptual contribution is to the question of how the individual arrives at a personal sense-making of risk. However, it will fall to future studies to establish the concept’s general applicability by considering its theoretical ramifications and empirical implementation. In this way, sense-making of risk can take its place in a specifically sociological conceptual apparatus that focuses on how the individual relates to risk. / Föreliggande avhandling introducerar begreppet riskförståelse (sense-making of risk) och dess syfte är att teoretiskt och empiriskt studera detta begrepp. Särskild vikt har lagts vid att undersöka riskförståelsens olika beståndsdelar, dess rumsliga dimensioner samt relationen mellan riskförståelse och beteenden. Med utgångspunkt i att risker definieras och skapas med utgångspunkt i gemensamma föreställningar inom ramen för ett specifikt socialt sammanhang fokuseras betydelsen av sociala och kulturella kontexter. Med detta som grund har begreppsutvecklingen i avhandlingen bland annat inspirerats av Karl Weicks och Alfred Schütz teorier om individens meningsskapande. I de olika delstudier som ingår i avhandlingen studeras olika aspekter av individens riskförståelse och risk-/riskreducerande beteenden. Genom att utgå ifrån Weicks teorier om meningsskapande illustrerar riskförståelsebegreppet individens personliga förståelse för olika risker. De normer och värderingar som omger individen i det sociala och rumsligt definierade sammanhang som hon befinner sig i är avgörande för vilken förståelse hon kan skapa för en risk. Genom att använda bland annat Schütz teorier om sociala relationer betydelsen och funktionen av individens meningsstruktur synliggjorts som bas för individens riskförståelse. Meningsstrukturen består av flera olika beståndsdelar och i avhandlingen lyfts fyra av dessa fram: egna erfarenheter, värderingar, platsanknytning och social skiktning. Genom att individen relaterar den risk hon möter till den egna meningsstrukturen skapas förståelse för den specifika risken. Meningsstrukturens funktion är att bistå individen med förenklingar av verkligheten för att göra det möjligt att skapa mening kring olika risker. En viktig aspekt vad gäller meningsstrukturen är att den i hög grad är socialt konstruerad genom socialiseringsprocesser i det specifika rumsliga sammanhang som individen befinner sig i. Detta innebär att individens förståelse av risk relateras till olika sociala och rumsliga sammanhang; individens riskförståelse är således platsbunden. Avhandlingen bygger på fyra delstudier vilka presenteras i artikelform. Datamaterial samlats in genom både enkätundersökningar och fokusgruppsintervjustudier för att undersöka detta fenomen utifrån olika metodologiska perspektiv. I den första artikeln, baserad på en fokusgruppsintervjustudie, introducerades begreppet riskförståelse. De empiriska resultaten visade att begreppet kan användas för att synliggöra hur ungdomar med liknande riskperceptioner skiljer sig åt i sin förståelse av olika risker. En teoretisk modell utformades som beskriver individens riskförståelse med utgångspunkt i två dimensioner. Den första dimensionen relaterade till i vilken grad individens riskförståelse är platsbunden och den andra till om individens riskförståelse främst kan beskrivas som kollektivt eller individuellt orienterad. Empiriskt åskådliggjorde resultaten att ungdomarna i studien uppfattade samma risker som allvarliga men att deras riskförståelse skilde sig åt och att dessa skillnader kunde härledas till boendemiljö. I den andra artikeln studerades ungdomars riskbeteenden i trafiken. I studien gjordes logistiska regressionsanalyser på ett datamaterial hämtat från Trafiksäkerhetsundersökningen 2001. En viktig slutsats från denna studie var att det är viktigt att inte bara ta hänsyn till individens riskförståelse, utan också till rumsliga sammanhang vad gäller att förklara individens beteenden i relation till risk. Den tredje artikeln, som baserades på en fokusgruppsintervjustudie, var en tillämpning av begreppet riskförståelse med avseende på risker i trafiken. Undersökningen fokuserade på relationen mellan platsanknytning och riskförståelse. Studien visade att olika aspekter av platsanknytning har betydelse för individens riskförståelse. Social tillhörighet hade särskilt stor betydelse vad gäller riskförståelse hos de ungdomar som deltog i studien men också de andra dimensioner av platsanknytning som studerades (yttre förhållanden, ömsesidigt beroende och värdegemenskap) hade betydelse för riskförståelse hos respondenterna i studien. I den fjärde delstudien genomfördes klusteranalys på ett datamaterial från undersökningen Samhälle och värderingar 2008. Det viktigaste resultatet från denna studie var den teoretiska begreppsutveckling som presenterades. Denna innebar att meningsstrukturen lyftes fram som bas för individens riskförståelse. Vidare gjordes en operationalisering av individens meningsstruktur, vilken användes för att gruppera individer. Den empiriska tillämpningen visade sig vara användbar vad gäller att studera skillnader i beteenden mellan olika grupper i samhället då gruppering utifrån meningsstruktur bidrog till att förklara skillnader i risk-/riskreducerande beteenden. I kappan förs de olika delstudierna samman och begreppsutvecklingen i fråga om riskförståelse beskrivs. Begreppet är av särskild vikt vad gäller att beskriva hur sociala och rumsliga sammanhang ingår i individens riskförståelse. Den begreppsutveckling som gjorts har också visat att individen baserar sin riskförståelse på en meningsstruktur vilken också kan användas för att undersöka risk- och riskreducerande beteenden. Avhandlingens viktigaste bidrag är den teoretiska begreppsutvecklingen ifråga om hur individen skapar sin personliga riskförståelse. Ytterligare teoretisk begreppsutveckling och empiriska tillämpningar bör dock göras i kommande studier för att säkerställa begreppets generella användbarhet. Genom detta kan riskförståelse bli en viktig del i en specifikt sociologisk begreppsapparat med fokus på hur individen förhåller sig till risk.

Beyond borders : political marginalisation and lived experiences of Congolese young people in Uganda

Clark, Christina R. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis combines ethnographic methods with feminist political analysis to examine Congolese young people’s decision-making roles in families, households, communities and policy spaces in Kampala and Kyaka II refugee settlement, Uganda. As refugees and young people, research subjects face many structural constraints. However, their diverse experiences defy homogenising discourses of marginality as an inherent, fixed characteristic. Instead, this thesis develops and applies a conceptual framework of political marginalisation as a dynamic process in multiple spaces. Research findings show that young people’s decision-making roles vis-à-vis resource distribution and division of labour are relational and contextual. Their multiple subject positions and relationships in overlapping networks affect differential decision-making roles. In particular, social age and gender are major axes of decision-making processes. Analyses of inter-linkages across patterns of relationships reveal that research subjects in peer networks and intergenerational household networks with independent resources have more decision-making opportunities at household, community and policy levels than their counterparts in intergenerational family networks. This contradicts assumptions that young people without their biological parents are inherently ‘marginalised’, and highlights the political importance of decision-making processes in perceived ‘private’ spaces, such as families and households. Structure and power relationships thus situate decision-making processes and affect available choices, but they cannot solely explain political roles and behaviour. This thesis also stresses the importance of agentic beliefs, intentions and aspirations. As actors in dynamic marginalisation processes, some young people attempt to access central spaces through education, remunerated formal employment and physical mobility. Others use marginal and transitional spaces to provide alternatives to the status quo. Such creativity and productivity occasion possibilities of political change. However, UNHCR’s protection and assistance responses do not facilitate these transformative processes because of their focus on perceived essentialist characteristics of monolithic ‘marginals’. This thesis offers an alternative approach that recognises refugee young people’s political agency, as well as the structural and power dynamics that constrain their decision-making opportunities.

From runner bean to couch potato : youth, inactivity and health

Marshall, Simon J. January 2002 (has links)
There is a growing public health concern over the effects that sedentary lifestyles are having on the health of young people, particularly in relation to overweight and obesity. This thesis presents five studies which examine the prevalence, incidence and determinants of sedentary behaviour among youth. The rationale for eachs tudy derives from a framework of behaviourale. pidemiology applied to physical activity and health. Study I presents four systematic reviews of literature. The first review presents a descriptive epidemiology of youth sedentary behaviour. The second review presents a summary of empirical correlates of television viewing, the most prevalent sedentary behaviour among young people. 'Me third and fourth reviews present quantitative syntheses of empirical relationships between television viewing and body composition (review 3) and sedentary behaviour and physical activity (review 4). Study 2 examines the prevalence and interrelationships among different sedentary behaviours and physical activity in a cross-nationa(l USA & UK) sample of 2,494 youth ages 11-15. Study 3 uses a qualitative strategy to generate a grounded framework from which to understand the choices young people make about how to spend their free-time. Study 4 adopts a micro-behavioural approach for understandingt he incidence and temporal patterning of sedentary behaviour among 162 adolescents (age 13-16). Study 5 presents an evaluation of a behaviour change theory useful for increasing levels of physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour. Sedentary behaviour and physical activity do not appear to be two sides of the same coin and appear to have different sets of determinants. This is an important finding becausee fforts to increase levels of physical activity may not reduce levels of sedentary behaviour. While television viewing, video games and computer use are consistent referents in the academic and media panic surrounding youth inactivity, it is unlikely that these behaviours play a substantialr ole in epidemiologic trends of adolescent overweight and obesity. Further study should attempt to examine how contemporary lifestyles contribute to the growing prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents.

Young People and Performance: the Impact of Deterritorialisation on Contemporary Theatre for Young People

Gattenhof, Sandra Jane January 2004 (has links)
Within contemporary performance arenas young people are fast becoming part of the vanguard of contemporary performance. Performativity, convergence and openness of form are key animating concepts in the landscape of Theatre for Young People (TYP). To ignore what is taking place in the making of performance for and by young people is to ignore the new possibilities in meaning-making and theatrical form. In this period of rapid technological change young people are embracing and manipulating technology (sound, image, music) to represent who they are and what they want to say. Positioned as &quotcultural catalysts", &quotthe new pioneers" and &quotfirst navigators" young people are using mediatised culture and digital technologies with ease, placing them at the forefront of a shift in cultural production. Performance commentators (Schnechner 2002; Shusterman 2000; Auslander 1999; Hill and Paris 2001; Phelan 1993 and Kershaw 1992) believe that there has been a profound shift in the nature of making theatre and performance works. The forces of globalisation, the new economy and advancements in new media technologies have affected young people's making of performance. Three key concepts animate contemporary young people's performance devising and presenting processes. These concepts can be defined as: performativity, convergence and openness of form. These three categories can be harnessed under the umbrella concept of deterritorialisation. The processes of deterritorialisation allows for the synthesis of new cultural and performance genres by fragmenting and hybridising traditional cultural categories and forms including the use of new media technologies. Almost half of all TYP performances now incorporate the technologies of reproduction. The relationship between live and mediated forms, the visceral and the virtual is allowing young people to navigate and make meaning of cultural codes and cultural forms as well as to engage in an open dialogue with their audiences. This thesis examines the way young people are using elements of deterritorialisation to become producers of new performance genres.

Young people, public space and citizenship

Dee, Michael John January 2008 (has links)
The use of public space by young people raises issues in Australia and elsewhere in the world. Contests occur between the disparate players seeking a stake in the use and definition of public space. State and local government, young people, the security industry, shop owners, community groups and property developers are some of the major players. In a context of monitoring and control procedures, young people's use of public space is often viewed as a threat to social order (Loader 1996, Crane and Dee 2001, White 1998). This study considers critical intersections between young people and the control of public space. It employs an analysis of relevant youth, citizenship and public space theories. Particular attention focuses on the concepts of political, civil and social citizenship formulated by the British sociologist T.H. Marshall, whose key text Citizenship and Social Class (1950), is still relevant (see Yeatman 1994, France 1997, Mann 1995, Manning and Ryan 2004). Grounded Theory methodology as discussed by Glaser and Strauss (1967) is utilised in the surveying of high school students in Brisbane and Logan to discover their perceptions of a range of public space and citizenship issues. The overall aim of this study is to consider if a connection exists between young people, public space and citizenship and if the use of public space by young people may be understood from a broad rights perspective and the concept of social citizenship, as discussed by Marshall (1950). The self completion survey employed in this study asked 1122 high school students a number of questions about their local community, safety at school, the meaning to them of the word citizenship and their thoughts about CCTV. The key findings were: * Some communities are less concerned about young people, than others; * Most schools are safe, but a number are not. Teachers contribute to student's feelings of safety at school; * The word citizenship carries important meanings for most young people around belonging, community and taking part in community life; * CCTV surveillance does not necessarily make young people feel safe in using public space; * Most young people feel negatively stereotyped by their community; * Most local areas do not have enough youth facilities The survey data is discussed further throughout the study along with citizenship and public space issues.

Social divisions in an era of welfare reform: a critical analysis of neoliberalism and the underclass thesis

Martin, Sonia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a study of social divisions and an assessment of the impact of neoliberalism upon them. Its purpose is to investigate the nature of contemporary social divisions, and whether or not the ????underclass???? is a useful way of conceiving the social and economic marginalisation of some individuals. The underclass thesis crystallises in a powerful and contentious way some fundamental premises that underpin the neoliberal philosophy, namely that the welfare state is considered a threat to freedom, discourages work, and is socially and economically damaging. Thus there ought to be a reduced role for the state in the provision of welfare. There are two fundamental weaknesses in social democratic critics???? contributions to debates about welfare reform. The first relates to a focus on residual welfare and measurements of poverty, largely neglecting the systems of power that underlie welfare distribution. The second relates to the omission of agency. Critics???? responses have tended to ignore the behaviour of the welfare beneficiaries targeted by current reform. In order to address both of these issues, I have formulated a critical post-traditional paradigm of social divisions. The study comprises three stages. The first is an historical overview of neoliberal policy developments and a quantitative analysis of social divisions. The findings indicate that neoliberal nations have the lowest commitment to welfare, and the highest levels of poverty and widening inequality. In Australia, labour market changes and educational underachievement are likely to contribute to new and emerging divisions, and the cumulative nature of disadvantage is apparent within low socio-economic areas. The second stage of the study examines the policies of the Howard Coalition Government in Australia and focuses on the prevalence of the underclass phenomenon in current welfare reform. Records central to the Government????s welfare reform agenda are analysed to examine policy makers???? normative beliefs. The findings reveal that the underclass thesis is an ideological construct that legitimises a reduction of welfare provision and control of the unemployed. The third stage of the study focuses on the experiences of unemployment among young people, and the views and experiences of welfare providers who work with them. The data show that individuals make decisions about their lives from the range of options they perceive to be available to them at a particular point in time. These options are not limited to those made available by the provisions of the welfare state, nor are they solely the product of inter-generational welfare. The welfare providers enforce the Government????s position on welfare reform by endorsing a version of the underclass thesis in their work and directing their interventions at the individual. Considered together, the findings reveal that a conservative neoliberal social policy fails to capture the complex interaction that occurs between individuals and their social environment, and the impact this has on their labour market activities. By successfully converting the problem of welfare dependency into a private issue, a neoliberal social policy is legitimised and current social arrangements are maintained. / PhD Doctorate

Promoting the social and emotional wellbeing of West Kimberley Aboriginal children and youth

Omari, Melinda Claire January 2008 (has links)
Aboriginal young people experience a high rate of family violence, alcohol and drug misuse, suicide, sexual abuse, and socioeconomic disadvantage (Gordon, Hallahan & Henry, 2002; Hunter, 1990, 1991c; Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council, 1999; Memmott, Stacy, Chambers & Keys, 2001; Swan & Raphael, 1995). Over the last decade a burgeoning array of policy, services and programs have been developed to combat the social and emotional problems in Aboriginal communities. Despite some successes, Aboriginal children and youth consistently demonstrate poorer outcomes than non-Aboriginal youngsters across most domains of living, including health, mental health, education and vocation (Zubrick et al., 2005). While the evidence-base related to problems in Aboriginal communities has expanded, there is a deficit in knowledge about practical and sustainable interventions to build strengths in remote young Aboriginal people and families, to promote youth and community wellbeing. Even less has been done on the ground to assist remote Aboriginal communities to take action in tackling the problems they face (Atkinson, Bridge & Gray, 1999; Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council & Westerman, 2002; National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party, 1989). / This qualitative participatory action research project conducted in the West Kimberley Western Australia from 2001 to 2004 was in collaboration with agencies based in Broome and the Bardi people of Ardyaloon Community, One Arm Point. The investigation aimed to (1) identify and explain the mental health and social and emotional problems affecting Aboriginal young people and families living in remote communities in the West Kimberley; and (2) identify and describe goals and methods for intervention to promote social and emotional wellbeing and build resilience in young people and communities. The third aim was to feed back and culturally validate the research findings. The overarching goal of this project was to work in partnership with Ardyaloon Community in prioritising community-based solutions to youth problems. An Aboriginal Project Advisory Group was formed to guide the research and several local project assistants were employed to assist with the field work. The project involved three studies. Overall, 32 Broome-based youth, parents and service providers, and 59 Elders, parents, youth and service providers from One Arm Point were involved in interviews and discussion groups. The findings were discussed and validated by 101 agency and community people. The results indicate a number of risk and resilience factors operating across the individual, family, community and socio-political sphere, including cultural and historical factors influencing youth wellbeing. From the findings, a model for community-based mental health promotion intervention was developed to address youth problems and build strengths prioritised by Ardyaloon Community.

Educação de jovens e adultos no interior da Bahia : programa REAJA

Sales, Sheila Cristina Furtado 31 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011.pdf: 3515663 bytes, checksum: 259881e93221c578c9aba99844bb1a03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-31 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / This paper has as objective analyze REAJA Rethinking the Education of Teenagers, Young People and Adults, implanted in 1997 in the city of Vitória da Conquista BA, to identify its trajectory since its creation until nowadays. It s interesting to notice that REAJA was introduced to help the initial education of teenagers, young people and adults that didn t have the opportunity to finish their studies in childhood or teens. Trying to contextualize REAJA as a public policy, it was chosen to contextualize the education of young people and adults in Brazil, in Bahia and in the city of Vitória da Conquista, besides characterizing the studied scenery in a demographic and socioeconomic way. It was detached the legislation that guides EJA in Federal and Municipal levels. The investigation process was made by analyzes of documentation collected in the Municipal Secretary of Education in Vitória da Conquista BA, observation at schools, interviews with ex-coordinators of the Programme, SMED´s representative and with teachers that work at REAJA since it was created. Some questionnaires were applied and some data could be collected with students and teachers that work with education to young people and adults in municipal and state public net. Analyzing collected dates, it was a priority to identify positive and negative points of REAJA and the consequences of its trajectory in teaching. Many things were told about teacher s and student s expectation, besides objective and subjective questions of teaching work. Rates about enrolment, pass, recur and truancy and student s profile were collected and discussed. It was noticed that REAJA passed, during its existence for three major levels and each one has its specifications following the expectation of the leading that was in charge of SMED and coordinating the Programme. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o programa REAJA Repensando a Educação de Adolescentes, Jovens e Adultos, implantado em 1997 no município de Vitória da Conquista-BA, com vistas a identificar sua trajetória desde sua criação até os dias de hoje. O REAJA foi implantado para atender à educação inicial de pessoas adolescentes, jovens e adultas que não tiveram oportunidade de concluir seus estudos na infância ou adolescência. Com vistas à melhor contextualização do REAJA como política pública, optou-se por contextualizar a história da educação de jovens e adultos no Brasil, no Estado da Bahia e na cidade de Vitória da Conquista, além de caracterizar o contexto investigado do ponto de vista demográfico e socioeconômico. Também foram destacadas as legislações que permeiam a EJA na esfera federal e municipal. O processo de investigação se deu por análise de documentos recolhidos junto à Secretaria Municipal de Educação da cidade Vitória da Conquista BA, observação em espaços escolares, realização de entrevistas com ex-coordenadores do Programa, representante da SMED e com professores que atuam no REAJA desde a sua implantação. Também foi utilizada a técnica de aplicação de questionários para coletar dados junto a alunos e a professores que atuam com ensino para pessoas jovens e adultas na rede pública municipal e estadual do município em estudo. Durante a análise dos dados coletados, buscou-se identificar pontos positivos e negativos decorrentes do programa e as conseqüências de sua trajetória na prática docente atual. Comenta-se sobre expectativas de docentes e discentes, além das questões objetivas e subjetivas do trabalho docente. Foram levantados dados sobre índice de matrículas, aprovação, repetência e evasão, além de destacar aspectos sobre o perfil dos alunos. Constatou-se que o REAJA passou, ao longo de sua existência, por três fases principais, e cada uma delas tem suas especificidades conforme as expectativas do dirigente que estava no comando da SMED e na coordenação do Programa.

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