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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corpo do lazer: reflexões a partir da vida lesada na hipermodernidade / Body of leisure: reflections from an injured life in the hipermodernity

Kátia Flores Pinheiro 18 March 2010 (has links)
Esta tese, Corpo do lazer: reflexões a partir da vida lesada na hipermodernidade, representa um exercício de reflexão e investigação acerca do lazer como um fenômeno psicossocial na atualidade. Enquanto reflexão, parte do corpo como centro de gravidade da subjetividade, tomando como referenciais epistemológicos alguns teóricos da primeira geração da nomeada Escola de Frankfurt, a psicanálise freudiana e estudiosos franceses que denominam a atualidade de hipermodernidade. Outros pensadores também permearam as reflexões, principalmente aqueles que viabilizam o viés crítico argumentativo. Já como investigação, um material de campo no formato de folder teve suas construções discursivas em torno do lazer destacadas, constituindo, assim, o corpus de análise da pesquisa documental de cunho qualitativo. Neste trabalho, a reflexão e a investigação se complementam na compreensão da articulação dos dois eixos principais, as esferas do desejo e do mercado, entrelaçando a noção de corpo do lazer em tempos hipermodernos e, deste modo, buscando questionar a hipermodernidade como produto e cenário em que a existência humana é prejudicada nas partículas elementares de uma vida justa, isto é, lesada nos mínimos modos de ser e estar no mundo. No âmbito do entretenimento, a vida lesada é percebida como sofrimento psicossocial e subjaz nas artimanhas sutis dos lazeres mercadológicos em expansão na hipermodernidade. Este cenário produz novos processos de subjetivação, decorrentes também das práticas de lazer atuais voltadas para consumo, e, com isso, o lazer adquire valor de troca na realidade hipermoderna. Como o corpo está no centro da cena hipermoderna em expansão nas cidades, ele é o foco dos processos de subjetivação deste estudo. Para tanto, o corpo é abordado nas noções tragicômico e erótico-narcísico, além de outros desdobramentos, no intuito de situar o corpo do lazer. A fim de explorar a temática, serão apresentadas reflexões a partir de conceitos do lazer, da inauguração do lazer na modernidade, além de análises de como ele está inserido atualmente nos mecanismos mercadológicos regidos pela lógica econômica a fomentar a indústria do entretenimento para atender os anseios humanos por prazeres como rotina dos sentidos e das sensações voltados para o corpo. Como exemplo desse cenário, elegeu-se a Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), como espaço urbano para a realização da pesquisa, pois neste bairro a realidade hipermoderna pode ser espontaneamente verificada. Como aspectos conclusivos, o corpo do lazer demonstra ser, por um lado, o alvo dos interesses mercadológicos pautados na lucratividade e com metas a incrementar o viver no tempo supostamente livre, baseado na emotividade e estados de felicidade. Por outro lado, o corpo capturado está na condição reduzida e fragmentada pelas mesmas estratégias instrumentais do capitalismo especulativo que fomentam modos de subjetivação baseados no consumo e nos prazeres efêmeros. No entanto, esse processo ocorre com o consentimento do sujeito afetado por essas estratégias, da mesma forma como este mesmo sujeito também afeta e determina tais estratégias e, assim, produz seus efeitos nos esquemas mercadológicos. É neste interstício entre o sujeito e o mercado que percorrerão as reflexões desta tese. / This thesis, Body of Leisure: reflections from an injured life in the hypermodernity, represents an exercise of reflection and investigation about leisure as psychosocial phenomenon nowadays. As a reflection, part of the body, as gravity center of subjectivity, takes epistemological reference from some theorists of the first generation of Frankfurt School, the Freudian psychoanalysis and the French scholars who named the present time as hypermodernity. Other thinkers have also permeated these reflections, mainly those who enable the argumentative critical bias. Therefore, as a matter of investigation, a field material in a folder format had its discursive construction around leisure outlined; which forms the analysis object of the qualitative and documental research. In this thesis, the reflection and the investigation complement each other in the comprehension of the articulations of the two main axes, the desire and market spheres, intertwining the notion of body of leisure in hypermodern times, and, in this way, seeking to questioning the hypermodernity as a product and scenery in which the human existence is damaged in its elementary particles of a fair life, which means, damaged in the minimal modes of being and staying in this world. In the field of entertainment, the damaged life is perceived as psychosocial suffering and underlies in the subtle tricks from the marketing leisure activities in expansion in the hypermodernity. This scenery produces new processes of subjectivation, which are also a result from the current leisure practices aimed to consumption, and, for this reason, the leisure acquires trade value in the hypermodern reality. As the body is in the center of the hypermodern scene in expansion among cities, it is the focus of the subjectivation processes for this research. In this way, the body is approached with the tragicomic and erotic-narcissistic notions, besides other developments, in order to place the body of leisure. As a way to explore the thematic, will be presented reflections from the concept of leisure, the initiation of leisure in the modernity, and also the analysis of how it is currently inserted in the market mechanisms orientated by the economic logic which foster the entertainment industry to fulfill the human desires for pleasure as a routine of senses and sensations turned to the body. As an example of this scenery, Barra da Tijuca, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, was chosen as the urban space to perform this research, because, in this neighborhood, the hypermodernity can be spontaneously verified. As the conclusive aspects, the body of leisure, on one hand, seems to be the aim of market interests focus upon profitability and its goals to increase life in the supposed free time, based on emotionality and states of happiness. On the other hand, the captured body is in a reduced and fragmented condition for the same instrumental strategies of speculative capitalism, which encourages modes of subjectivation guided by consumption and ephemeral pleasures. However, this process occurs with the agreement of the subject affect by these strategies, in the same way as this subject itself can affect and determine those strategies, and so, produces its effects in the market schemes. The reflection of this thesis will take place in this gap between subject and market.

O direito ao entretenimento na função social da cidade / The right to entertainment in the social function of the city

Bruno Feigelson 28 August 2013 (has links)
O art. 6 da Constituição Federal estabelece que o lazer é um direito social. A referida proteção constitucional conquistada com a Carta Cidadã de 1988, somada a previsão internacional da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos por si só ensejam a elaboração de estudo detalhado do tema. Além disso, a ascensão de uma nova classe média com maior poder de consumo, a efervescência da terceira revolução industrial e a eleição do Brasil, e especificamente da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, como sede de diversos eventos de entretenimento internacional, são os argumentos que introduzem o estudo a cidade e a satisfação do direito ao (do) entretenimento. Assim, a partir da conceituação de entretenimento à luz da comparação com as outras ciências humanas e o direito alienígena, enseja-se a propositura de um conceito próprio para o ordenamento jurídico pátrio, que delimita os deveres do Estado na satisfação deste direito, e na regulação e fomento da atividade econômica que circundam o lazer, denominada indústria do entretenimento. O estudo aborda ainda a compreensão de que a cidade pode ser concebida como oikos do entretenimento, permitindo uma análise das formas como as cidades devem comportar conteúdo mínimo que viabilize a satisfação do lazer. Ao final, tendo por paradigma a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, se analisa como determinadas cidade podem possuir características geográficas, históricas e culturais próprias que permitem que sua vocação econômica seja a satisfação do entretenimento em nível internacional. / The art. 6 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution states that leisure is a social right. Such constitutional protection achieved with the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, coupled with international forecasting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself requires the preparation of detailed study of the subject. Moreover, the rise of a new middle class with greater purchasing power, the effervescence of the third industrial revolution and the election of Brazil, and specifically the city of Rio de Janeiro, as the headquarters of several international entertainment events, are the arguments that introduce our study "the city and the fulfillment of the entertainment law." In order to provide a brazilian concepction of entertainment law, we will analyze , at a first moment, conception of other humanities and foreign law. From that, we will define the duties of the state in satisfaction of this right, as well the regulation power and the fostering in economic activity surrounding the leisure, called the entertainment industry. The study also addresses the understanding that the city can be conceived as oikos of the entertainment, allowing an analysis of the ways that cities must behave in order to provide minimum content of leisure. At the end, with the paradigm of Rio de Janeiro city, we will analyze how certain cities may have geographical, historical and cultural characteristics that make these municipalities internacional centers of entertainment satisfaction.

“É lazer, tudo bem, mas é sério” : o cotidiano de uma equipe master feminina de voleibol / It is leisure, okay, but that is serious: the daily life of a master female volleyball team

Pacheco, Ariane Corrêa January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a dinâmica de relações sociais que atravessava a sustentação de uma equipe master feminina de voleibol e as negociações que faziam parte do envolvimento desse grupo em campeonatos que aconteciam dentre um espaço/tempo reconhecido como de lazer. Para isso, realizei, durante treze meses, uma pesquisa etnográfica no contexto de uma das equipes pertencentes à Liga Master Feminina de Voleibol da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. Ao longo do trabalho de campo, passei a observar e participar de treinamentos, jogos, jantares, festas, viagens e outros encontros do grupo, cujo registro desse convívio foi descrito nos diários de campo. Após esse período, foram realizadas cinco entrevistas semi estruturadas direcionadas a pessoas que me ofereceram a possibilidade de aprofundar alguns pontos de discussão. A partir da análise do material empírico produzido neste estudo e do diálogo constante com o referencial teórico, elaborei três eixos de discussão, os quais foram organizados numa trajetória que inicia pela compreensão das particularidades da equipe: a rotina do grupo dentro e fora das quadras, a equipe e sua representação na Liga Master e a seriedade desse grupo de mulheres no que tange ao lazer. Na sequencia, passei a olhar para as relações do grupo com a Liga Master e, por fim, desenvolvi um diálogo com autores do campo do lazer que me ajudaram a pensar sobre o cotidiano dessas mulheres e suas relações com o esporte. Sobre o primeiro ponto, foi possível analisar a rotina do grupo dentro e fora das quadras e compreender que para pertencer à equipe era preciso mostrar um rendimento esportivo legítimo para aquele contexto e, não menos significativo que essa particularidade, era indispensável saber estar entre as mulheres fora do espaço das quadras para sustentar-se na sua coesa rede de sociabilidade. No segundo eixo, ficou evidenciado que a trajetória de formação dos campeonatos da Liga Master estava entrelaçada ao reconhecimento dessa equipe como um grupo que privilegiava os laços de sociabilidade em relação aos resultados das partidas, mas que procurava também se manter engajado nas competições e estabelecer disputas acirradas dentro dos jogos. Por fim, procurei mostrar como uma dimensão do cotidiano passava a ser negociada com as outras esferas da vida social e, particularmente, como a seriedade fazia sentido e tornava aquele espaço/tempo envolvente. Entre as possibilidades e escolhas que atravessam a formação dos espaços e tempos significados como de lazer, aquele grupo de mulheres optava por investir e dedicar-se a uma prática esportiva levada a sério, na qual as brincadeiras coexistiam com as exigências do rendimento esportivo ligado ao voleibol. / This study aims to understand the dynamics of social relations that permeated the sustenance of a master female volleyball team and the negotiations that were part of that group involvement in championships that took place among a space/time recognized as recreational. For this purpose, I performed an ethnographic research during thirteen months in the context of one of the teams belonging to the Master Female League of Volleyball from the city of Porto Alegre/RS. Throughout the fieldwork, I started to observe and participate in training, games, dinners, parties, trips and other group meetings, whose record of interaction was described in the field diaries. After this period, five semi-structured interviews were performed, aimed at people who offered me the possibility to delve into some discussion points. From the analysis of the empirical material produced in this study and the ongoing dialogue with the theoretical framework, I elaborated three axes of discussion, which were organized in a way that begins by understanding the particularities of the team: the team’s routines on and off the court, the team and its representation in the Master League and the seriousness of this group of women when it comes to leisure. Hence, I looked at the relationships of the group with the Master League and, finally, I developed a dialogue with the authors of the leisure area that helped me on reflecting about the everyday lives of these women and their relationships with the sport. Regarding the first axis of discussion, it was possible to analyze the group routine on and off the courts and understand that, to belong to the team, it was necessary to show a legitimate sport performance for that context and, not less significant than this peculiarity, it was also essential to know how to be among women off the court and how to be sustained in their cohesive network of sociability. In the second axis, it became evident that the trajectory of the formation of the Master League championships was linked to the recognition of this team as a group that favored the bonds of sociability rather than the matches’ outcomes, but this team also sought to remain engaged in competitions and settle heated disputes when in the games. Ultimately, I tried to demonstrate how a daily dimension came to be negotiated with other spheres of social life and, particularly, how seriousness made sense and turned that space/time absorbing. Among the possibilities and choices that cross the formation of spaces and times meant as leisure, this group of women sought investing and engaging in a sportive practice that was considered serious, in which the jokes coexisted with the demands of the sports performance related to volleyball.

Vliv organizovaných volnočasových aktivit na chování a kázeň žáků ve třídách primárního vzdělávání. / Influence of organized free-time activities on pupils´ behaviour and discipline in classes at primary schools.

CERMANOVÁ, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work is about the influence of organized free-time activities on children`s discipline and behaviour at primary school. Children`s free-time activities can have a strong influence on the educational process. This process can be supported but it can be weakened too. The aim of this work is to judge if children`s free-time activities can have a strong influence on pupils at school. The terms discipline, behaviour, organized and unorganized free-time activities are explained in the theoretical part. The practical part contents analysis of teachers` information about pupils` behaviour. Some possibilities how to support good behaviour of pupils through the free-time activities are given there.

Mládež na sídlištích a její volný čas / Young people in the housing estates and their leisure time

VOLCOVÁ, Jarmila January 2008 (has links)
My graduation thesis is concerned with spending of leisure time of today´s young people. It is focused on the life of young people in Znojmo and its surroundings. The target of my thesis is to bring near sociological conception of spare time any by means of evaluation exercises realize what young people are interested in. My graduation thesis is divided into two parts {--} theoretical and practical. Theoretical part includes a few thematic units. These units are related to adolescence, socialization and leisure time. Practical part is based on my own observation of pupils of the second grade of primary schools. In includes information about activities of spare time of pupils. To sum um I am trying to compare current results with theoretical part.

Filosofické základy výchovy ve volném čase / Philosophical Principles of Education in the Leisure Time

MUK, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The thesis engaged in problematics of position and understanding of the leisure time in the education and philosophy. The scholé as a free, empty and holy time is the main theme and also the philosophical principle of the education in the leisure time. The thesis wants also to refer the connection between the leisure time, the education and the philosophy. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first of them wants to define the education, the second one engaged in connection between the education and the philosophy. The third chapter wants to refer on the changes in the historical conception of the scholé. The fourth chapter solve the question of the education and leisure time. The final fifth chapter engaged in problematics of the philosophy in the education of the leisure time as a scholé.

Problematika faktorů ovlivňující kriminalitu mládeže / Problematics of factors influencing juvenile delinquency

NYKLESOVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The degree paper deals with the issues of juvenile delinquency and the factors which have impact on the origination of the juvenile delinquency. I have chosen this topic since it is a very serious problem and this phenomenon has been proliferating significantly. The crime in general, especially the juvenile delinquency, is a serious social-pathological phenomenon. Minors who do not reach the limit of criminal liability often became the offenders. In addition, the probability of threatening a young man by social pathological phenomena and his subsequent ``criminal career{\crqq} is currently much higher than ever before. To recognize the occurrence of risk factors among the youth in time it is necessary for the families, teachers, educators and all professionals working with the juveniles to acquire sufficient knowledge, information and experience and be able to work with the factors and fight against them in time. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the term ``youth{\crqq}, the personality of a young delinquent, structure of the juvenile delinquency, analyses of the risk factors which most frequently participate in the occurrence of juvenile delinquency, and outlines the possibilities of intervention against the juvenile delinquency and various kinds of prevention. The research is focused on the occurrence of risk factors among the young respondents and on protective factors and attitudes of the respondents in respect of the juvenile delinquency and the crime at all. Structured interviews were held with the youth which are placed in the reformatory or special correctional institutions in the territory of the Regional of Plzeň. The main objective of the degree paper is to describe the factors which significantly affect the occurrence of the juvenile delinquency and to map the occurrence and impact of such factors on the juveniles placed in the correctional and reformatory social retraining institutions in the Region of Plzeň. Hypothesis No. 1 is: The youth commit property crimes at the most. Hypothesis No. 2: The youth behave improperly namely when in groups. Hypothesis No. 3: The decisive factor affecting the juvenile delinquency is the family. I think that the objectives of the degree paper were fulfilled. Hypothesis No. 1 was confirmed. The respondents mostly stated that they were adjudicated treatment in special reformatory institution due to property crimes. Hypothesis No. 2 was also confirmed. The replies of the respondents mostly contained the possibility that they committed crime within a gang. Hypothesis No. 3 was confirmed, too: Analyses of the research proves that all factors participating in the occurrence of the juvenile delinquency are penetrated with the impact of the family and family environment on the juveniles. Results of the performed research will be used for further education of the students at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, as well as for the students of other auxiliary professions at other universities. The results will be further used as the source of information for parents and pedagogical professionals working with the youth and as source materials for seminars about the given topic.

Pěstování a rozvoj čtenářství u žáků na druhém stupni základní školy / Cultivation and development of reading books by pupils from the age of eleven to the age of fifteen

VOPLAKALOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the character and the structure of reading literacy and reading books by pupils from the age of twelve to the age of 15. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part explains the most important terms related to the literacy and summarises pieces of knowledge which have been gained on the basis of different sociological surveys. The empirical part concerns own research in the area of children`s reading activities and their reading motivation, the position of a book in the world of media and the role of libraries as a support of reading literacy. This part presents the results of the questionnaire survey proceeded in the second grade of primary school.

Atividades de lazer de jovens estudantes das escolas de ensino médio do município de Eldorado do Sul/RS : um estudo descritivo

Gonçalves, Daiane dos Reis January 2010 (has links)
As categorias de atividades de lazer não foram associadas aos jovens estudantes moradores da zona urbana e rural do município, tampouco, aos jovens que somente estudam e aos jovens que estudam e trabalham. A categoria Rapazes foi associada às Atividades Físicas e Esportivas e a categoria Moças foi associada às Atividades Sociais e Familiares, Atividades Culturais e de Entretenimento e Atividades Religiosas. Pelas escolhas de lazer dos jovens, os resultados sugerem que os equipamentos esportivos e culturais disponíveis não contemplam plenamente as necessidades do público juvenil; as tecnologias de informação têm atraído os jovens para dentro de seus lares; as relações entre os jovens da zona urbana e da zona rural facilitam a influência mútua entre as culturas e práticas das duas regiões; os rapazes desenvolvem grande parte de suas atividades de lazer fora de casa, enquanto as moças têm seus espaços de circulação vinculados à residência; a maioria das atividades realizadas pelos jovens estudantes não despenderam recursos financeiros; os equipamentos públicos e alguns eventos municipais são oferecidos à comunidade de forma gratuita. As distintas preferências de lazer dos jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio da Rede Pública do município de Eldorado do Sul reforçam a ideia de que as juventudes são múltiplas. Ao trabalhar com políticas públicas direcionadas para a população jovem, os setores públicos devem considerar que a categoria juventude engloba uma série de peculiaridades que constituem os jovens como sujeitos com capacidade para expressar seus interesses e de seus grupos com relação ao lazer. / Leisure activities are known and widespread as essential practices for a better quality of life and, for the young population development process. This thesis was to analyze the leisure activities of young high school students of Eldorado do Sul/RS. We attempted to identify possible associations between categories of leisure activities and the youth of urban and rural areas; among the categories of leisure activities and genders and between the categories of leisure activities and young people who only study and those who study and work. A non-probabilistic sample was composed of 298 young people of both sexes, aged 15 and 24, who attended high school in the state schools of the public network of Eldorado do Sul at the end of 2009. With descriptive approach, the study used as a research tool questionnaire called Map Leisure Youth, used by the Center for Research in Public Policy Sport and Leisure City - Nupe City/UFRGS (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas de Esporte e Lazer da Cidade - NUPÉ da Cidade/UFRGS). For the treatment of the data was used descriptive statistics with absolute values and percentages and for the association analysis used the inferential statistics, in applying the chi-square test, with a 5% significance level. All analyzes were performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows, version 18.0. The results showed that leisure activities held more frequently by young students at the end studied week were the Domestic Leisure activities subsequently the Social and Family Activities and then the Physical Activities and Sports. The categories of leisure activities were not associated with young students living in the urban and rural area of the municipality, either, to young people who only study and young people who study and work. The Boys category was associated with and physical education and the Girls category was associated with social activities and family, cultural activities and entertainment and religious activities. The leisure choices of young people, the results suggest that sports and cultural facilities available not fully contemplate the needs of young audience; information technology have attracted young people into their homes; relations between the youth of urban and rural facilitate the mutual influence between cultures and practices of both regions; boys develop much of their leisure activities outside the home, while the girls have their circulation areas linked to residence; most of the activities carried out by young students not spent funds; public facilities and some municipal events are offered free to the community. The distinctive leisure preferences of young high school students Public Network Eldorado do Sul municipality reinforce the idea that youths are manifold. When working with public policies for young people, the public sector should consider the youth category encompasses a number of peculiarities that make up young people as individuals with the capacity to express their interests and their groups regarding leisure.

La banlieue nautique : urbanisation, loisirs et sports sur les bords de Marne, 1850-1910. (Bry-sur-Marne, Nogent-sur-Marne, Le Perreux-sur-Marne, Joinville-le-Pont, Champigny-sur-Marne) / The nautical suburbs : urbanization, leasure, sports on the riverside called Marne, 1850-1910. (Bry-sur-Marne, Nogent-sur-Marne, Le Perreux-sur-Marne, Joinville-le-Pont, Champigny-sur-Marne)

Beaudouin, Sandie 08 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif sera, par delà l'analyse des représentations, de mesurer la façon dont l'engouement pour la pratique nautique et les activités de loisirs s'inscrivent dans une urbanisation progressive des bords de marne et inversement. / The objective will be, by the analysis of the representation, to measure the craze for the nautical practice and the activities of leisure activities join in a progressive urbanization of the river banks and conversely.

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