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O papel da sonoridade no mapeamento de sequ?ncias consonantaisKeller, Tatiana 26 January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-01-26 / No presente estudo, analisamos, no ?mbito da Teoria da Otimidade, o papel das restri??es que fazem refer?ncia ? dist?ncia de sonoridade entre segmentos no mapeamento de encontros consonantais tauto e heterossil?bicos em portugu?s brasileiro. Para tanto, adotamos uma escala em que as obstruintes n?o-sibilantes t?m grau de so?ncia 0, as obstruintes sibilantes 1, nasais 2, l?quidas 3, glides 4 e vogais 5. Dessa forma, sequ?ncias de consoantes em uma mesma s?laba s?o bem-formadas, ou seja, mapeadas de forma fiel ao input, quando apresentam dist?ncia de sonoridade +3; por exemplo, nas sequ?ncias pr e bl das palavras prato e blusa h? um acr?scimo de sonoridade de 0 para 3 (p= 0 e r= 3 e b= 0 e l =3). Nos encontros com dist?ncia de sonoridade inferior a +3, tais como, sp (s=1 e p=0, sport) e pt (p=0 e t=0, ptose), h? a inser??o de uma vogal antes da sibilante ou entre as duas consoantes, [i]sport e p[i]tose. Enquanto sequ?ncias consonantais heterossil?bicas, cuja dist?ncia de sonoridade ? decrescente [j.t] jeito (-4), [r.t] parte (-3), [l.d] saldo (-3), [n.t] santo (-2), [s.p] caspa (-1) s?o fi?is, sequ?ncias com plateau ou sonoridade crescente ritmo (0), [p.s] op??o (+1), [p.n] apneia (+2) s?o separadas por uma vogal epent?tica, rit[i]mo, op[i]??o, ap[i]neia. Em nossa an?lise propomos duas hierarquias de restri??es para regular a dist?ncia de sonoridade entre segmentos em ataque complexo e em s?labas adjacentes: *ONS DIST e *DIST, respectivamente (cf. Gouskova, 2004). Argumentamos que a intera??o entre essas restri??es e as restri??es de fidelidade, OUTPUT-CONTIGUITY (contra ep?ntese medial), DEP (contra ep?ntese) e MAX (contra apagamento) (McCarthy & Prince, 1995), ? respons?vel pelo mapeamento fiel das sequ?ncias consonantais e pela ocorr?ncia de ep?ntese voc?lica.
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Ep?ntese consonantal em contexto de juntura morf?mica : considera??es sobre o sufixo -adaPires, Caroline de Castro 11 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-06-01T14:31:54Z
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DIS_CAROLINE_DE_CASTRO_PIRES_COMPLETO.pdf: 1726159 bytes, checksum: 3f181cf44f0deea29be8c4922e3fc2a5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-01T14:31:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / This study is a morphophonological and etymology analysis of words from a dictionary (HOUAISS, 2009) with the termination -ada, more specifically, we observe the morphemic context (base + suffix) of word derived from nominal basis, with and without consonant insertion and we try to find generalizations. It should be noted, especially, that this dissertation is meant to discuss words with nominal bases that have consonantal epenthesis ? a mechanism used to solve structural problems of syllabic character. For data analysis, methodologically, the sample was divided into three major groups: (i) words derived from nominal basis (divided into thematic and athematic words); (Ii) words derived from verbal basis; and (iii) words with the termination -ada not suffixal (composed of vernacular formations and loans). From this work, it was found that words derived from thematic and athematic bases (it refers to a regular insertion in Portuguese) behave differently: (i) words with athematic bases, insert /z/, consonant less invasive, because only solves the syllabic character problem (cf. p? + -ada > pazada); (ii) words with thematic bases insert /r/ and neutralize the VT of base word in favor of the vowel /a/ (cf. bicho + -ada > bicharada). Moreover, the consonant epenthesis were characterized on the basis of texts used as theoretical foundation and the analysis of data which allowed the identification of more favorable context for the consonant inserts in PB: the athematic base words (20.5% against 2.6% of the thematic base words). Within of the athematic, the most favorable context is the words ending in a vowel candidate of accent (66.6%). Was highlighted also the possible reasons for the PB system select other consonants, different from /z/ and /r/, based on our data, like the fact there are already similar forms in the language with different semantics specification (cf. livroxada ~ livrada), the issue of variation (cf. bambu < bambucada ~ bambuzal ~ bambu?al), and cases of etymological trace (cf. paulada). Finally, we highlighted the need to carry out tests with speakers to observe the productivity of /z/ and /r/ in the PB system, the hypothesis is that /r/ is more crystallized in the language, and /z/ it is consonant with regular insertion force, i.e., probably it is the consonant more applied by native speakers of PB. / Este estudo constitui uma an?lise morfofonol?gica e etimol?gica de palavras dicionarizadas (HOUAISS, 2009) com a termina??o ?ada, mais especificamente, observamos o contexto de juntura morf?mica (base + sufixo) de palavras derivadas de base nominal, com e sem inser??o consonantal, em busca de generaliza??es. Cabe salientar, principalmente, que esta disserta??o tem por intuito discutir as palavras de base nominal que apresentam ep?ntese consonantal ? mecanismo utilizado para resolver problemas estruturais de car?ter sil?bico. Para a an?lise dos dados, metodologicamente, a amostra foi distribu?da em tr?s grandes grupos: (i) palavras derivadas de base nominal (divididas em tem?ticas e atem?ticas); (ii) palavras derivadas de base verbal; e (iii) palavras com a termina??o ?ada n?o sufixal (composta por forma??es vernaculares e empr?stimos). A partir disso, verificou-se que palavras derivadas de bases tem?ticas e atem?ticas (ao que se refere ? inser??o de consoante regular no portugu?s) se comportam de maneira diferente, em PB: (i) palavras de bases atem?ticas, na deriva??o, de modo geral, inserem /z/, consonante menos invasiva, que apenas resolve o problema de car?ter sil?bico (cf. p? + -ada > pazada); (ii) palavras de bases tem?ticas inserem /r/ e neutralizam a VT da base em favor da vogal /a/ (cf. bicho + -ada > bicharada). Al?m disso, as ep?nteses consonantais foram caracterizadas com base nos textos utilizados como fundamenta??o te?rica e na an?lise dos dados o que permitiu a identifica??o do contexto mais favor?vel para as inser??es consonantais, em PB: o grupo das palavras de base atem?tica (20,5%, contra 2,6% das palavras de base tem?tica). Dentro do grupo das atem?ticas, o contexto mais prop?cio ? o das palavras terminadas em vogal candidata a acento (66,6%). Foi destacado, ainda, os poss?veis motivos para o sistema do PB selecionar outras consoantes diferente de /z/ e /r/, com base em nossos dados, como o fato de j? haver outras formas semelhantes na l?ngua com diferente especifica??o sem?ntica (cf. livroxada ~ livrada), a quest?o da varia??o (cf. bambu < bambucada ~ bambuzal ~ bambu?al), e os casos de vest?gio etimol?gico (cf. paulada). Por fim, salientou-se a necessidade de se realizar testes com falantes para se observar a produtividade de /z/ e /r/ no sistema do PB. Nossa hip?tese ? de /r/ est? mais cristalizada na l?ngua, e que /z/ ? a consoante de inser??o regular vigente, isto ?, a consoante provavelmente mais aplicada por falantes do PB.
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Resina ep?xi aplicada a capacitores : influ?ncia de diferentes agentes de curaSilva, Rafael Bitello 16 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Engenharia e Tecnologia de Materiais (engenharia.pg.materiais@pucrs.br) on 2018-10-11T17:16:47Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-07-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / In this study the influence of different commercial curing agents of epoxy resin on film capacitors encapsulation was evaluated. A formulation with DGEBA epoxy resin was used with three different curing agent types: anhydride base, aliphatic amine base and polyamidoamine base. The curing reaction kinetic analysis of each epoxy system was performed by Osawa dynamic method by DSC according ASTM E968. The thermal properties of the epoxy systems were checked by TGA and DSC while the mechanical properties were measured by Shore D hardness and IZOD impact strength, also the a characterization by SEM was performed. The epoxy systems performance in capacitor was verified by qualification tests for film capacitors for automotive application based in AEC-Q200 D, as: exposure to the maximum capacitor operating temperture, exposure to thermal cycles and exposure to humidity. The capacitors were characterized by the capacitance variation while the effects in the epoxy systems were checked by their thermal and mechanical properties change. The systems based on aliphatic amine and polyamidoamine had lower activation energy and higher reaction velocity than the anhydride system. The performance of the capacitor against humidity was similar between the evaluated systems showing low loss of capacitance after the test, whereas against thermal cycles, even the aliphatic amine and polyamidoamine base systems were not affected by reduction of mechanical properties, they had their performance affected by cracks arising. Regarding the performance under exposure to the maximum operating temperature, the anhydride system presented the lowest capacitance loss in the capacitor, followed by the samples with polyamidoamine and aliphatic amine, respectively, which showed a significant reduction of the mechanical properties after prolonged exposure to the temperature of the test. / Neste estudo avaliou-se a influ?ncia de diferentes agentes de cura comerciais de resina ep?xi no encapsulamento de capacitores de filme. Foi utilizado uma formula??o de resina ep?xi DGEBA (diglicidil ?ter de bisfenol-A) com tr?s tipos diferentes de agente de cura: base anidrido, base amina alif?tica e base poliamidoamina. A an?lise da cin?tica da rea??o de cura de cada sistema ep?xi foi realizada pelo m?todo din?mico de Osawa, por DSC conforme ASTM E968. As propriedades t?rmicas dos sistemas ep?xi foram determinadas por TGA e DSC enquanto que as propriedades mec?nicas foram medidas atrav?s de dureza Shore D e resist?ncia ao impacto IZOD, al?m disto foi realizado caracteriza??o por MEV. O desempenho dos sistemas ep?xi no capacitor foi verificado pelos ensaios de qualifica??o de capacitores de filme para aplica??o automotiva baseados na norma AEC-Q200 D, sendo estes: exposi??o a temperatura m?xima do capacitor, exposi??o a ciclos t?rmicos e exposi??o a umidade. Os capacitores foram caracterizados pela varia??o de capacit?ncia enquanto que os efeitos nos sistemas ep?xi foram acompanhados pela altera??o em suas propriedades t?rmicas e mec?nicas. Os sistemas a base de amina alif?tica e poliamidoamina apresentaram menor energia de ativa??o e maior velocidade de rea??o que o sistema anidrido. O desempenho do capacitor frente a umidade foi similar entre os sistemas avaliados com baixa perda de capacit?ncia ap?s o ensaio, enquanto que frente aos ciclos t?rmicos, mesmo n?o apresentando redu??o de propriedades mec?nicas os sistemas base amina alif?tica e poliamidoamina tiveram seu desempenho afetado pelo aparecimento de trincas. Em rela??o ao desempenho sob exposi??o ? temperatura m?xima o sistema anidrido foi o que apresentou menor perda de capacit?ncia no capacitor, seguido das amostras com poliamidoamina e amina alif?tica, respectivamente, sendo que estas apresentaram redu??o significativa das propriedades mec?nicas ap?s exposi??o prolongada a temperatura do ensaio.
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Mechanism of Iron Transport in Mycelia Sterilia EP-76Adjimani, Jonathan P. 01 May 1987 (has links)
The cyclic trihydroxamic acid, N, N', N' '-triacetylfusarinine C, produced by Mycelia sterilia EP-76, is shown to be a ferric ionophore for this organism. The association constant for ferric-N, N', N' '-triacetylfusarinine C complex was determined to be log K=32.5. Other iron chelating agents, such as rhodotorulic acid, citric acid, or the monomeric subunit of triacetylfusarinine C, N-acetyl- fusarinine, delivered iron to the cells by an indirect mechanism involving iron exchange into triacetylfusarinine C. In vitro ferric ion exchange was found to be rapid with triacetylfusarinine C. Gallium uptake rates comparable to those of iron were observed with the chelating agents that transport iron into the cell. Ferrichrome, but not ferrichrome A, was also capable of delivering iron and gallium to this organism, but not by an exchange mechanism. Unlike triacetylfusarinine C, the 14C-ligand of ferrichrome was retained by the cell. A mid-point potential of -690 mV versus the saturated silver chloride electrode was obtained for the ferric-N, N', N' '-triacetylfusarinine C complex, indicating that an unfavorable reduction potential was not the reason for utilizing a hydrolytic mechanism of intracellular iron release from the ferric triacetylfusarinine C chelate. The iron transport system recognizes only the -cis coordination isomer of ferric-N, N’, N' '-triacetylfusarinine C metal ligand complex even though the -cis configuration predominates in solution. Ferrichrome and ferric-N, N', N' '-triacetylfusarinine C are both transported by the same receptor.
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Hur lanserar man en debut-EP digitalt inom en tidsram på 10 veckor?Åkerblad, Philip January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur lanserar man en debut-EP digitalt inom en tidsram på 10 veckor?Åkerblad, Philip January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Kontrollarkitekturers generaliseringsförmåga vid yt-täckningRoxell, Anders January 2005 (has links)
<p>I dagens samhälle finns det en mängd olika maskiner för att underlätta ardagssysslorna, såsom batteridrivna dammsugare och gräsklippare. Gräsklippardomänen används i detta projekt, för att undersöka vilken av monolitisk och hierarkisk kontrollarkitektur i en batteridriven gräsklippare som har bäst generaliseringsförmåga. Gräsklippardomänen används som testdomän därför att det finns en oändlig mängd olika yt-fromer. Med generalisering menas hur bra gräsklipparen klipper på ytor som den nyligen eller aldrig tränats på. Experiment har utförs på båda kontrollarkitekturerna i en simulator. Val av kontrollarkitektur spelar inte någon större roll för gräsklipparen. Bidraget med detta arbete är att undersöka hur bra de olika arkitekturerna generaliserar.</p>
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The Effects of Tourism Development on Local Poor People : A Case Study of Qinling Mountain Region, Shaanxi Province, ChinaZeng, Benxiang Unknown Date (has links)
Protected areas are one of the main tourist attractions and home to many poor people living in and around them in many developing countries. Tourism development in such areas requires linking nature conservation with poverty elimination. Although attracting more concern, the actual benefits accessible to the local poor is inevitably neglected or misunderstood. This work identifies the correlation between tourism and poverty alleviation by tracing the cash flows to the local poor, review the social and environmental effects of tourism on the local area and establishes a community-based sustainable tourism-eliminating poverty strategy framework. The case study was conducted in a group of protected areas in the Qinling Mountain Region in Western China. The study focuses on local poor people, but does not exclude other stakeholders. Since the case study region is a typical representation of the combination and overlapping of the multiple needs for tourism development, poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation, which are faced by many other developing countries in the world, it is expected that the findings and recommendations can be applied to other regions in China, as well as other developing countries.
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Conserva??o gen?tica da orqu?dea Cattleya granulosa LindleyFajardo, Cristiane Gouv?a 28 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2015-11-17T15:04:48Z
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CristianeGouveaFajardo_TESE.pdf: 3260869 bytes, checksum: 3186d2c1c1792abff2cba08644e7739f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elisangela Moura (lilaalves@gmail.com) on 2015-11-17T15:20:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / Cattleya granulosa Lindley ? uma orqu?dea end?mica de da Floresta Atl?ntica do litoral do Nordeste brasileiro. A facilidade de coleta, e distribui??o em ?reas costeiras de interesse econ?mico tornam suas popula??es um alvo constante da coleta predat?ria, que tamb?m sofrem degrada??o ambiental. Devido ao impacto gerado em suas popula??es, a esp?cie est? amea?ada. Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar os n?veis de agrega??o espacial em uma popula??o preservada, analisar as rela??es filogen?ticas de C. granulosa com outras quatro esp?cies de Laeliinae (Brassavola tuberculata, C. bicolor, C. labiata e C. schofieldiana) e ainda avaliar a diversidade gen?tica remanescente de 12 popula??es de C. granulosa, por meio de marcadores ISSR. Verificou-se especificidade da ep?fita C. granulosa com um ?nico for?fito, indiv?duos arb?reos de Eugenia spp. C. granulosa possui padr?o espacial agregado, com maior densidade de vizinhos no raio de at? 5 m. Nas rela??es filogen?ticas, C. bicolor exibiu o maior ?ndice de diversidade gen?tica (HE = 0,219), enquanto C. labiata exibiu o n?vel mais baixo (HE = 0,132). A porcentagem de varia??o gen?tica entre as esp?cies (AMOVA) foi de 23,26%. A an?lise de componentes principais (PCA) mostrou diverg?ncia gen?tica entre as esp?cies unifoliadas e bifolioladas. A PCA tamb?m indicou uma rela??o estreita entre C. granulosa e C. schofieldiana, que ? considerada por muitos pesquisadores uma variedade de C. granulosa. No estudo de gen?tica de popula??es, todos os locos foram polim?rficos. A alta diferencia??o gen?tica das popula??es (?ST = 0,391; P < 0,0001) determinou a estrutura??o em nove grupos, conforme modelo Log-likelihood da an?lise Bayesiana, com padr?o similar no dendrograma (UPGMA) e PCA. Houve correla??o positiva e significativa entre as dist?ncias geogr?ficas e gen?ticas entre as popula??es (r = 0,794; P = 0,017), indicando o isolamento pela dist?ncia. Padr?es de diversidade al?lica sugerem a ocorr?ncia de gargalos populacionais na maioria das popula??es de C. granulosa (n = 8). Assim, a manuten??o da diversidade gen?tica da esp?cie est? diretamente relacionada com a conserva??o das unidades ou grupos que est?o espacialmente distantes. / Cattleya granulosa Lind is a large and endemic orchid in Atlantic Forest
fragments in Northeast Brazil. The facility of collecting, uniqueness of their
flowers, which have varying colors between green and reddish brown, and
distribution in coastal areas of economic interest make their populations a
constant target of predation, which also suffer from environmental degradation.
Due to the impact on their populations, the species is threatened. In this study,
we evaluate the levels of spatial aggregation in a preserved population, analyze
the phylogenetic relationships of C. granulosa Lindl. with four other Laeliinae
species (Brassavola tuberculata, C. bicolor, C. labiata and C. schofieldiana) and
also to evaluate the genetic diversity of 12 remaining populations of C.
granulosa Lindl. through ISSR. There was specificity of epiphytic C. granula
Lindl. with a single host tree, species of Eugenia sp. C. granulosa Lindl. own
spatial pattern, with the highest density of neighbors within up to 5 m.
Regarding the phylogenetic relationships and genetic patterns with other
species of the genus, C. bicolor exhibited the greatest genetic diversity (HE =
0.219), while C. labiata exhibited the lowest level (HE = 0.132). The percentage
of genetic variation among species (AMOVA) was 23.26%. The principal
component analysis (PCA) of ISSR data showed that unifoliate and bifoliolate
species are genetically divergent. PCA indicated a close relationship between
C. granulosa Lindl. and C. schofieldiana, a species considered to be a variety of
C. granulosa Lindl. by many researchers. Population genetic analysis using
ISSR showed all polymorphic loci. The high genetic differentiation between
populations (?ST = 0.391, P < 0.0001) determined the structure into nine groups
according to log-likelihood of Bayesian analysis, with a similar pattern in the
dendrogram (UPGMA) and PCA. A positive and significant correlation between
geographic and genetic distances between populations was identified (r =
0.794, P = 0.017), indicating isolation by distance. Patterns of allelic diversity
suggest the occurrence of population bottlenecks in most populations of C.
granulosa Lindl. (n = 8). Genetic data indicate that enable the maintenance of
genetic diversity of the species is complex and is directly related to the
conservation of different units or groups that are spatially distant.
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Influ?ncia do retardante de chamas nas propriedades mec?nicas e flamabilidade em comp?sitos polim?ricos de ep?xi/fibra de curau?Rocha, Itailza Gomes da 08 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-03T23:57:10Z
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ItailzaGomesDaRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 3542376 bytes, checksum: feceaf0a2a5196b154b6fcc7af590782 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-07T21:10:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-09-08 / Atualmente se observa uma grande busca por materiais originados de fontes renov?veis. As fibras vegetais como refor?o para matrizes polim?ricas, tem sido uma alternativa para substituir fibras sint?ticas, por serem biodegrad?veis e de baixo custo. Este trabalho objetiva desenvolver um material comp?sito de resina ep?xi refor?ado com fibra de curau? e aditivo retardante de chama de alumina trihidratada (hidr?xido de alum?nio - Al(OH)3), que foi utilizado em propor??es de 10%, 20% e 30% do volume total do comp?sito. As fibras de curau? passaram por um processo de limpeza com um banho alcalino de hidr?xido de s?dio (NaOH), paralelizadas atrav?s de cardagem manual e cortadas de acordo com o comprimento predefinido. Foram moldados comp?sitos com fibras de 30cm e com fra??o volum?trica de 20% de fibra no Lossy Mould. Os comp?sitos foram preparados no Laborat?rio de Engenharia T?xtil da UFRN. Os testes de resist?ncia ao fogo foram realizados no laborat?rio de engenharia de materiais da UFRN. Para medir o desempenho do material, foram realizados ensaios de resist?ncia ? tra??o e flex?o, com as amostras que foram posteriormente analisadas no aparelho de Microscopia Eletr?nico de Varredura (MEV). Os comp?sitos apresentaram bom desempenho mec?nico, e foi observado que a adi??o do agente retardante de chama influenciou nas propriedades mec?nicas, e em alguns casos, deixando o comp?sito mais fr?geis a ruptura. Esses resultados mec?nicos foram submetidos ao teste estat?stico Qui-Quadrado ao n?vel de signific?ncia de 5% para verificar poss?veis diferen?as entre ao grupos de comp?sitos. O teste de flamabilidade foi realizado baseado na norma Underwriter's Laboratory 94 e o material apresentou um resultado satisfat?rio, tendo a sua taxa m?dia de queima (mm/min) diminuindo com o aumento da adi??o do retardante de chamas nos comp?sitos. / Currently, there is a great search for materials derived from renewable sources. The vegetable fibers as reinforcement for polymer matrixes, has been used as an alternative to replace synthetic fibres, being biodegradable and of low cost. The present work aims to develop a composite material with epoxy resin reinforced with curau? fibre with the addition of alumina trihydrate (aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3) as a flame retardant, which was used in proportions of 10 %, 20% and 30% of the total volume of the composite. The curau? fibers have gone through a cleaning process with an alkaline bath of sodium hydroxide (NaOH ), parallelized by hand and cut carding according to the default length . They were molded composites with fibers 30cm. Composites were molded in a Lossy Mold with unidirectional fibres in the proportion of 20% of the total volume of the composite. The composites were prepared in the Chemical Processing Laboratory of the Textile Engineering Department at UFRN. To measure the performance of the material, tests for the resistance to traction and flexion were carried out. with samples that were later analyzed in the Electronic Microscopy Apparatus (SEM ). The composites showed good mechanical properties by the addition of flame retardant and in some cases, leaving the composite more vulnerable to breakage. These mechanical results were analyzed by chi-square statistical test at the 5% significance level to check for possible differences between the composite groups. Flammability testing was conducted based on the standard Underwriters Laboratory 94 and the material showed a satisfactory result taking their average burn rate (mm / min) decreasing with increasing addition of the flame retardant composite.
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