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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gullsved, Lina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.


Gullsved, Lina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Landsortsdeckare - den nya hembygdslitteraturen? : Analys av tre deckarserier från Sandhamn, Kiruna och Öland / Rural crime novels - the new home district literature? : Analysis of three detective series from Sandhamn, Kiruna and Öland

Lilja-Svensson, Margareta January 2013 (has links)
During the last years the number of Swedish detective stories which take place in the province outside the big cities has increased enormously. In this study I have analysed the novels by the three authors Viveca Sten, Åsa Larsson and Johan Theorin to investigate the connection between the milieu and the story and in what way it is involved in the crime riddle. They all keep to the formula of the classical detective story but represent different variations within this formula. In spite of the differences in their stories the basic pattern is the same. As their protagonists the authors are emotionally connected to the place in the novels. This connection it strengthen by the authors themselves as well as the publishing companies when introducing them on the market. The protagonists have lived elsewhere and are getting back into the place. They return to houses where an older generation has lived, take over the furniture and the tools. The history of the place and the living there in old days are referred to in separate parts or by an elderly person who has lived in the place all the time and know everything about it. How people lived long ago is also often told in backlashes which in the end are connected to the murder in which the protagonist is engaged. The motives of the crimes are timeless in these novels. The three authors describe a nostalgic longing back to the place as it once was. It is a sort of new romanticism in a timeless world.

Pappan som dansar mellan könsrollerna : Genusanalys av hur en ensamstående pappa förhåller sig tillförväntningarna på att vara man och förälder i boken Mig äger ingen

Sjögren, Michelle January 2024 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att uppmärksamma hur karaktären Leif i Åsa Linderborgs bok Mig äger ingen (2007) förhåller sig till olika förväntningar som finns på honom utifrån det som värderas som manligt och kvinnligt. Närläsning som metod har använts för att uppmärksamma manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper. Nikolajevas (2017) motsatsschema ligger som grund för att synliggöra hur genus skildras i litteratur utifrån traditionella könsstereotyper och genusperspektivet utgår från Hirdman (1988). Olika perspektiv och förhållningsätt presenteras i analysen i relation till tidigare forskning. Till hjälp används Goffmans (2014) perspektiv om roller och Lykkes (2003) definition av intersektionalitet för att visa Leifs komplexitet. Slutsatsen visar att det finns en utmaning i att fastställa egenskaper då en och samma karaktär både kan följa och bryta mot traditionella könsnormer. Boken Mig äger ingen, kan användas i svenskundervisningen för att uppmärksamma och ifrågasätta hur genus förmedlas i litteratur. Nyckelord: Åsa

Respektlösa bovar och duktiga frälsare : En jämförande undersökning av pressens porträttering av Annie Lööf och Åsa Romson under 2013 och 2014 / Disrespectful villains and competent saviours : A comparative study of the portrayal in the press of Annie Lööf and Åsa Romson during 2013 and 2014

Frisk, Sara, Thimgren, Emma January 2017 (has links)
The four largest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, all have different political stands, but does it affect their reporting on different parties and their leaders? In 2013 and 2014 two of the nine party leaders in the Swedish parliament, Riksdag, were female, Annie Lööf (Centre Party) and Åsa Romson (the Green Party). This study examines the differences between the reporting on these two politicians in four newspapers and how they are portrayed using quantitative content analysis and framing analysis. Earlier studies by Kent Asp have shown that the Green Party (Miljöpartiet) is the most popular party among Swedish journalists, which could mean that the party is overrepresented and gets a special treatment in the media. In contrast, the Centre Party (Centerpartiet) is among the least popular among Swedish journalists and could therefore risk to be underrepresented. This study also researches if the portrayal of these two party leaders is in any way connected to their gender, as previous research shows that women politicians are treated differently to their male colleagues. Topics like family, private life and their appearance are often discussed instead of their work. Lastly this study investigates if there are differences in reporting between an election year, 2014, and a regular year, 2013. Our study shows that the political stands of the newspapers have an effect, even if only slight, on the reporting. Furthermore, Miljöpartiet does not get a special treatment as one might think, it’s rather the other way round. We found that the reporting on Annie Lööf and Centerpartiet was far more positive than the reporting on Åsa Romson and Miljöpartiet. We could not see that the reporters treated these politicians specially based on their gender, contrary to earlier studies. Finally, we found out that the newspapers focus on the party leaders rather than the parties themselves, which corresponds to the tendency of personification discussed in previous research. / De fyra största nyhetstidningarna i Sverige, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet, har olika politiska ståndpunkter, men påverkar det deras rapportering av olika partier och deras partiledare? 2013 och 2014 var två av de nio partiledarna i Sveriges riksdag kvinnor, Annie Lööf (Centerpartiet) och Åsa Romson (Miljöpartiet). Den här uppsatsen undersöker skillnaderna mellan rapporteringen av dessa två politiker i fyra nyhetstidningar och hur de porträtteras, genom kvantitativ innehållsanalys och framing analysis. Tidigare studier av Kent Asp har visat att Miljöpartiet är det mest populära partiet bland svenska journalister, vilket kan betyda att partiet är överrepresenterat och får specialbehandling av medier. Tvärtemot är Centerpartiet bland de minst populära partierna bland svenska journalister och har därför en risk att bli underrepresenterade. Den här studien undersöker också om porträtteringen av dessa två partiledare på något sätt är kopplad till deras kön, då tidigare forskning visat att kvinnliga politiker behandlas annorlunda än deras manliga kollegor. Ämnen som familj, privatliv och deras utseende diskuteras ofta istället för deras jobb. Slutligen så undersöker denna studie om det finns några skillnader i rapporteringen mellan ett valår, 2014, och ett vanligt år, 2013. Vår studie visar att den politiska ståndpunkten hos tidningarna har en effekt, om än bara liten, på rapporteringen. Dessutom får Miljöpartiet ingen specialbehandling som man kunnat förvänta sig, utan det är snarare tvärt om. Vi såg att rapporteringen om Annie Lööf och Centerpartiet var långt mer positiv än rapporteringen om Åsa Romson och Miljöpartiet. Vi kunde inte se att reportrarna behandlade dessa politiker annorlunda baserat på deras kön, till skillnad mot tidigare studier. Slutligen såg vi att nyhetstidningarna fokuserar på partiledarna istället för själva partierna, vilken stämmer överens med tendenserna för personifiering som diskuterats i tidigare forskning.

Maskulina Miljöpartiet : En studie om nyhetsbevakningen av Åsa Romson och Gustav Fridolin

Huisman, Malou, Kristin, Södrén Sjögren January 2014 (has links)
Problem definition and purpose: A debated question in journalism today is if the mass media have the power to affect norms and values in the society. There are therefore many who believe that the media must works for democratic and equitable news coverage. Studies have shown that there are still many differences in how women and men are being portrayed in the Swedish media, even if Sweden is one of the most equal countries in the world. This inequality may affect the democracy and equality in the society negative. Previous studies have mainly been using gender as the only explanatory factor to explain the difference of coverage between men and women in the news content. The purpose of this study will therefore not only be to compare the coverage of the Green Partys two spokespersons, Åsa Romson and Gustav Fridolin, from a gender perspective but also to take in count other factors that could contribute to differences in the news coverage. Method and material: To find an answer to the purpose of this thesis a quantitative content analysis have been done on a total of 238 news articles in which Åsa Romson and/or Gustav Fridolin occur. Main results: The results of the content analysis show that Gustav Fridolin occurs more frequently in the news than Romson does, and that the articles he appears in is lager than the articles in which Romson appears. The results also show that the tone towards Fridolin in the articles about him is more positive and less negative than the tone towards Romson in the articles about her. Our results also show that Fridolin mainly occur in content related to school and education while Romson occurs more frequently in content dealing with environmental questions.

Klasskildringar i samtida arbetarlitteratur. En idéanalytisk studie / Portrayals of Class in Contemporary Working Class Literature. An Analysis of Ideas

Eriksson, Elina, Nordin, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to examine the portrayals of class in four Swedish contemporary novels that have been mentioned as working class literature in the literary public sphere. During the 20th century, society has undergone vast changes due to globalization and technology development. The rise in standards of living for most people in the Western societies has led to changed consumption patterns. In consequence, there has been increased emphasis given to cultural rather than materialist explanations of social stratification. The theoretical approach of this study is based on class theories that emphasize either materialist or cultural explanations of social stratification. The methodology used is based on the analysis of ideas. In order to examine the portrayals of class in the four novels, an analysis scheme has been constructed on the bases of theories of Marx, Weber, Bourdieu and Giddens. The ideal types used are as follows: Economic capital, Cultural capital, Class in itself – class for itself, Production, exploitation, profit, Consumption, lifestyles, taste, Status and Societal change. The study argues that in spite of the fact that cultural conditions such as cultural capital and consumption patterns are evident markers of class belonging, the determining factor for class belonging is economic conditions, especially for the underclass. It also argues that the main purpose of contemporary working class literature is to criticize the class society and social inequity. Another central theme is societal change and how this affects working life and social stratification. The novels are permeated with the dichotomies we – they and power – powerlessness. There is a pessimistic picture of society that appears in the novels, where solidarity has disappeared and the characters express feelings of resignation and despair. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Från Doktorns spalt till Så får du hetare sex! - en studie om framställningen av sexualsynen i tidskriften Vecko-Revyn 1955-2005

Staveryd, Caisa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om sexualsynen i Vecko-Revyn under perioden 1955-2005 följer samma förändring som har inträffat i sexualsynen i samhället enligt en för studien sammansatt analysmodell. Med hjälp av den hermeneutiska metoden har källmaterialet, som består av artiklar och spalter från Vecko-Revyn från 1955-2005, analyserats. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten består Lennerheds, Sandströms, Bergenheims och McLarens teoretiska skildringar av sexualsynen, vilka är sammansatta i en för studien aktuell analysmodell. Slutsatsen visar att Vecko-Revyns sexualsyn följde förändringen i samhällets sexualsyn i olika grad under de olika decennierna. Den mångfasetterade bilden av Vecko-Revyns sexualsyn som framträder i det undersökta materialet visar att Vecko-Revyns åsikter i vissa fall var mer liberala än samhällets medan de i andra fall var mer konservativa. Det var främst i Vecko-Revyn liberala inställning till föräktenskapliga sexuella relationer som de skiljde sig åt gentemot samhället under den undersökta perioden.</p>

"Här kan jag äntligen tala" : tematik och litterär gestaltning i Åsa Nelvins författarskap

Öhman, Marie January 2007 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Swedish author Åsa Nelvin’s writings. Five books are at the center of attention: The children’s books De vita björnarna (“The White Bears”) (1969) and Det lilla landet (“The Little Country”) (1971), the two novels Tillflyktens hus (“The House of Refuge”) (1975) and Kvinnan som lekte med dockor (“The Woman who played with dolls”) (1977), and the cycle of poems Gattet (“The Inlet”) (1981). The overriding aim of the the thesis is to characterize Nelvin’s literary works and her over-all literary enterprise. A major part of the thesis is devoted to textual analyses, the purpose of which is to identify fundamental themes and literary strategies in Nelvin’s works. Also treated is the author’s development from being a prose writer to becoming a lyric poet. In addition, the thesis examines how Nelvin’s writings relate to the cultural climate of the 1960s and 1970s; it deals with the reception of her works, and the question whether literary ideals and conventions have had any impact on her writings. Nelvin is generally associated with the emancipatory tradition of female autobiographers in the 1970s. Her works are considered to engage in psychological and/or gender issues and to be openly autobiographical. This thesis partly argues against that view by asserting that that the fundamental concern of Nelvin’s works is the experience of being and the creation of meaning. The textual analyses show that Nelvin’s writings in the main deal with existential matters such as time and death, art and eternity. They also show that the autobiographical elements in her works are not primarily directed towards the construction of womanhood or therapeutic confession. They rather serve as an aesthetic and meta-literary function, drawing attention to questions concerning the construction of the text (and life), and differences or correspondences between phenomena like fiction and reality.

Från Doktorns spalt till Så får du hetare sex! - en studie om framställningen av sexualsynen i tidskriften Vecko-Revyn 1955-2005

Staveryd, Caisa January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om sexualsynen i Vecko-Revyn under perioden 1955-2005 följer samma förändring som har inträffat i sexualsynen i samhället enligt en för studien sammansatt analysmodell. Med hjälp av den hermeneutiska metoden har källmaterialet, som består av artiklar och spalter från Vecko-Revyn från 1955-2005, analyserats. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten består Lennerheds, Sandströms, Bergenheims och McLarens teoretiska skildringar av sexualsynen, vilka är sammansatta i en för studien aktuell analysmodell. Slutsatsen visar att Vecko-Revyns sexualsyn följde förändringen i samhällets sexualsyn i olika grad under de olika decennierna. Den mångfasetterade bilden av Vecko-Revyns sexualsyn som framträder i det undersökta materialet visar att Vecko-Revyns åsikter i vissa fall var mer liberala än samhällets medan de i andra fall var mer konservativa. Det var främst i Vecko-Revyn liberala inställning till föräktenskapliga sexuella relationer som de skiljde sig åt gentemot samhället under den undersökta perioden.

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