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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos švietimo raida po nepriklausomybės atkūrimo / Lithuanian System of Education after restoration of Independence

Šironaitė, Rasa 04 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Research topic: Lithuanian System of Education after restoration of Independence. Author of research: Rasa Sironaite Work relevance: this work is relevant because education ensures prosperity of state. Object of research: System of Education in Lithuania after restoration of Independence. Aim of work: to analyse the situation of education system in Lithuania during the last 15 years and submit trends of its changes. Tasks of research: • To analyse pedagogical literature about development of education in Lithuania. • To analyse documents related to the changes of education. • To describe the course of reform and trends of its implementation. • Distinguish peculiarities of essential change. • To evaluate the process of reform and its consequences. Methods of research: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of documents regulating system of education. Structure of work: The aim and tasks of works influenced such structure of work: introduction, 5 parts, conclusions, recommendations, reference list. Education is important object of high priority of each state politics. After Lithuania restored its Independence there emerged the need to replace old soviet, obsolete system of education by a new one, matching domestic and foreign politics. This work analyses new system of education and trends of its changes. In order to do this pedagogical, methodological literature and documents related to educational system are analysed. Educational reform has big influence... [to full text]

Ekologinis vartotojų švietimas žaliojo marketingo kontekste / Ecological consumers’ education in the context of green marketing

Slušnienė, Ieva 23 December 2014 (has links)
Ankstesniais laikais (orientacijos į gamybą laikais) įmonės vykdoma marketingo programa orientavosi į gamybos plėtrą, nes siekė patenkinti vis didėjančią paklausą. Gamyboje pasirodė vis naujesnės technikos priemonės, kurių dėka didėjo darbo našumas, augo gaminamų gaminių kiekis. Tačiau dėl išmetamų į orą teršalų, padidėjo aplinkos tarša. Žmonės pradėjo labiau negaluoti ir skųstis sveikata. Vis daugiau kaupėsi gamybos atliekų ir šiukšlių, kurių niekas neperdirbo. Visuomenė pradėjo suvokti ir tiesiogiai jausti technikos pažangos padarinius bei ėmėsi būdų tolimesnei žalai išvengti. Žmonės pradėjo gyventi ekologiškai, pradėjo propaguoti ekologišką gyvenseną. Įmonės suprato, kad žymiai geriau apsimoka išnaudoti galimybę išvengti taršos, nei investuoti daug lėšų į taršos valymo įrangą ir jos priežiūrą. Pradėjo prekėms taikyti ekologišką dizainą, gerino produkcijos kokybę, rinkosi švaresnes („žalesnes”) gamybos technologijas. Tokiu būdu įmonės ėmė taikyti ne gamybos, o žaliąjį marketingą. Tai tokia įmonės pasirinkta taktika, kai per įmonės veiklą siekiama sumažinti poveikį gamtai ir pačiam žmogui. Tačiau daugelis įmonių save tik sieja su žaliuoju marketingu, nesiekdamos pagerinti aplinkosaugos kokybės, o siekdamos naudos sau. / Previously, all marketing programs were focused on production growth. The main goal of companies was to satisfy the growing demand. New technologies increased labour productivity and output of the products. However, because of emissions, increased pollution, more people experience health problems; on a global scale, we witness the increased number of accumulated industrial waste and garbage which cannot be easily processed. Society began to feel the consequences of technological progress and has taken the ways to prevent further environmental damage, has begun to live an ecologically and environmentally friendly way of life. Companies also realized that it is much more profitable to initiate company policies related to pollution prevention and design eco-friendly products and services. Companies also seek to improve the quality of products. Some companies choose to use an eco-marketing approach in product line expansion and modernization of the technological processes. This is the tactics, when a company tries to reduce the environmental impact on the nature. However, there are many companies which associate themselves with green marketing, but, in reality, they do not seek to improve the environmental quality, only to benefit themselves. Object of the research – ecological education in the context of green marketing. The objectives: • Present the concept of green marketing and review green marketing models; • Specify the key elements of the system of environmental education... [to full text]

Neformaliojo suaugusiųjų švietimo plėtros kryptys ir problemos darbo rinkos kaitos kontekste / The direction and problems of informal education of grown-ups in the contecst of labourn market alternation

Palevičienė, Jurgita 19 May 2006 (has links)
Nowadays in Lithuania fundamental processes of social and cultural development proceed and the progressive part of the world’s society is developing the idea of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is inevitable thing these days. It helps individuals and organizations to adjust to the changeable environment. Lithuania’s integration into the EU, changeable requirements, competition, the problems starting up at work which are necessary to solve in the labor market, these are the factors, which encourage people to learn permanently. Informal education of grown-ups involves person’s general cultural education, gaining knowledge for his professional activity and training and development of his abilities. Since last decade lifelong learning undoubtedly has taken the fundamental place in the international education policy. Economical and social changes in the society are raising new claims to some individuals, therefore the idea of lifelong learning is gradually catching on. People seek to raise their professional qualification, gain more knowledge and experience. All these form opening for a change and raise of individuals’ social status. As a result, it is very important to emphasize the role of lifelong learning in the fast-moving today’s society. The carried out research showed the attitude of the society and the employers towards the informal education of the grown-upsas well as the main problems of its development. The data, gathered on the following aspects, the number of... [to full text]

Privatus laisvalaikio centras kaip nauja ugdymo institucija / Private out-of-school centre s a new institution of education

Stabingienė, Dalia 26 June 2006 (has links)
Private out-of-school centre is a new institution of education. It has occurred as an alternative to the out-of-school centers financed by the state. Such a phenomena is to be related with the extra money that can be paid by the parents for the upbringing of their offspring. The purpose of the research. To reveal the course of the activity of a private out-of-school centre as a new institution of education. The tasks of the research: to survey the psychological and educational literature on the topic; to reveal the state of a private out-of-school centre; to establish the essential features of the activities of a private out-of-school centre; to foresee the perspectives for the private out-of-school centre. There were such methods applied in the research: analysis of the nonfiction literature and generalization, documentary analysis, questionnaire, interview, conversation, observation and mathematics statistical methods SPSS ( Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 10.0 for Windows. The manager of Riešės out-of-school centre, the teachers, parents and children were participating in the research. There are the main results and findings: • The surveys made by the foreign and Lithuanian scientists have confirmed the existence of the problem. It has got to be underlined that the surveys of the foreign scientists could be applied to this research only with the assumption that the cultural and sociological peculiarities of the country are respected. • The activity of a... [to full text]

Rytų Lietuvos mokinių ir tėvų lūkesčiai švietimui ir jų realizavimo galimybės / East Lithuania children and parents demands of education and possibilities of their realizacion

Pampikaitė, Odeta 17 June 2005 (has links)
Education problems constantly are the focus of society’s attention. It is going on the process of searching ways to educate versatile individuality who would have ability to interpret creative and create. The school has constantly to renew and be open and to be able to adapt to demands of multicultural society. Rapid changes of Lithuania’s social life and needs of inhabitants encourage analyzing of education of East Lithuania region and searching ways to improve it. It is impossible to establish open, with liberal and democratic ideas society while pedagogical, psychological and social problems aren’t solved in this region. Object of the survey: pupils, parents and teachers of East Lithuania schools. Purpose of the study: to analyze pupils’ and parents’ education demands for schools and to discuss possibilities to realize them. Tasks of the study: to analyze pedagogical and psychological literature on pending topic; to discuss pedagogical, psychological and social problems of education in multicultural spread; to explore attitudes and expectations towards education of pupils in East Lithuania region; to explore attitudes and expectations towards education of parents and teachers in East Lithuania region; to discuss possibilities to expand education in multicultural environment. The study consists of to parts. Pedagogical, psychological and social problems that influence education are discussed in theoretical part of the study. We can state that often education... [to full text]

Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonė apie lytinį švietimą mokyklose / Pupils‘ opinion of 9-12th grades of vilnius city schools about sex education

Chmylko, Julija 27 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Nustatyti Vilniaus miesto 9-12 klasių mokinių nuomonę apie lytinį švietimą mokyklose. Metodai. Vilniaus mieste 2010-2011 mokslo metais sistemingos atrankos būdu buvo atrinktos 10 mokyklų. Kiekvienoje mokykloje po vieną devintą, dešimtą, vienuoliktą, dvyliktą klases. Imties skaičiavimui naudota EpiInfo programa. Apklausti 983 mokiniai pagal specialiai šiam tyrimui parengtą anketą. Duomenų analizei naudota SPSS 17.0 versija bei WinPepi kompiuterinės programos. Ranginių kintamųjų sąsajoms nustatyti naudota Sperman‘o, dviejų kiekybinių kintamųjų ryšio nustatymui – Pearson‘o koreliacijos. Ranginių kintamųjų analizei taikytas Mann-Whitney metodas. Ankstyvus lytinius santykius sąlygojančių veiksnių įtakos tikimybei įvertinti naudota binarinė logistinė regresija. Lytinių santykių paplitimas vertintas procentais. Rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, jog trečdalis (30,1 proc.) paauglių turėjo lytinio gyvenimo patirties. Pirmųjų lytinių santykių amžiaus mediana – 15 metų. Merginos lytinių partnerių turi mažiau nei vaikinai. Tyrimo duomenimis, pagrindinis veiksnys, sąlygojantis ansktyvus lytinius santykius – alkoholio/narkotikų vartojimas. Daugiau nei pusė (56,1 proc.) apklaustųjų nurodė, jog lytinis švietimas jų mokyklose vyksta ir jį mokiniai vertina 4,77± 2,26 balais. Didžioji dauguma norėtų, kad lytinio švietimo pamokėlės būtų atskira disciplina ir būtų integruotos į privalomojo mokymo programą. 51,6 proc. paauglių mano, jog efektyviausias lytinio auklėjimo metodas yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Key words: student‘s opinion, sexual education Objective. To evaluate opinion on sexual education of the students of the 9th-12th grades in the schools of Vilnius City. Methods. By the means of systemic sampling 10 schools were selected in Vilnius city in 2010-2011 year of the study. One of the 9th, the 10th, the 11th and the 12th grades were selected in every school. The EpiInfo program was used for the calculation of the set. 983 students were interviewed under the questionnaire formed especially for this study. Data analysis was processed by SPSS version 17.0 and WinPepi software. Sperman’s correlations were to evaluate links of range variables and Pearson’s correlations were used to evaluate connection of two quality variables. A method of Mann-Whitney was applied for analysis of range variables. To evaluate the probability of influence of factors conditioning early sexual intercourses the binary logistic regression was used. The prevalence of sexual intercourse was estimated by percent. Results. The results of the study show that one third (30.1 per cent) of teenagers had experience of sexual life. The median of first sexual intercourses is 15 years. The girls had less sexual partners than boys. The main factors influencing early intecourse are alkohol and drugs. More than a half (56.1 per cent) of questioned pointed out that the sexual education in their school was present and the students evaluated it by 4.77±2.26 points. The greater part wanted the lessons of sexual... [to full text]

Visuomenės švietimas aplinkosaugos valdymo klausimais Šiaulių regione / Education of Society on Issues of Management of Environmental Protection

Augustauskienė, Joana 02 June 2006 (has links)
In the study, there is performed a research on the issues education of the society of the management of environmental protection. There are analysed the main acts of law, regulating environmental protection and public information, education on this activities, there is emphasised correlation of institutions of environmental protection. In the present study of master, there is performed analysis of the articles of the most popular day papers “Šiaulių naujienos” and “Šiaulių kraštas” on topic of environmental protection. The present study of master consists of two parts: 1) management of environmental protection in the country and Šiauliai Region; 2) Means of public education in environmental protection. During the study (2003-2005), there were found 488 articles on the topic of environmental protection. The most of articles were published about waste management, environmental condition, protection of water, flora and fauna. The least were found the articles concerning analysis of issues of effluents and environmental protection of air. The performed research has demonstrated, that the articles are normally designed to inform about accomplished events, ecological accidents and et cetera. There was almost not introduced any information how the society should participate in management of environmental protection (how to use natural resources rationally, to decrease impurity of water or air, how to manage - sort waste, emerging in daily life and production and so on).

Švietimo įstaigų strateginio valdymo ypatumai mokyklų tinklo pertvarkos ir mokinių vežiojimo srityse: Ukmergės rajono situacija / Public education institution strategic management peculiarities in the areas at school network reorganization and pupil transportation- the situation in Ukmerge region

Krikštaponienė, Ingrida 03 June 2005 (has links)
ABSTRACT Ingrida Krikštaponienė, Gintaras Trepočka Public education institution strategic management peculiarities in the areas at school network reorganization and pupil transportation- the situation in Ukmerge region Master’s work. This Masters work will investigate the strategic management of the reorganization of Ukmerge regions school network ant the connected issue of pupil’s transportation to and from school. The conception ob public education changes will be presented: Lithuanian public education regulamentary documents and the strategic management of the spreading of specific features into the public sector are examined from a theoretical aspect; the role of municipal government in realizing the strategic management of public education is revealed, the experience of other countries carrying out school network reorganization and organizing pupil transportation is analyzed. Public education institution restructuring and the process of transporting pupils to school as a part of strategic management is identified. The research instruments were prepared and the research carried out by the authors working as part of a group with KTU scientists. Basic methodology- an anonymous writhen questionnaire based on quantitive and qualitative methods, using both closed and open question types. School network reorganization and pupil transportation research was carried out by combining both a national scale sample and on Ukmerge regional sample. The research data was correlated... [to full text]

Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų įtaka švietimo organizacijų vadybai / Information and communicative technologies‘ influence to educational organizations‘ management

Virbickaitė, Diana 06 June 2005 (has links)
In master‘s of science work are discussed the problems of ICT usage in management in Lithuanian educational organizations (schools), factors influencing ICT usage in school governing (control). There are made document analysis and surveys (quizes). Quized people are Siauliai district towns: Akmene, Joniskis, Kelme, Kursenai, Pakruojis, Radviliskis, Siauliai comprehensive schools‘ leaders (principals and assistants). There are made concluded survey and documents‘ analysis. Also it is corroborated (confirmed) hypothesis that ICT influence school governing.

Suaugusių švietimo organizavimas: regioninė dimensija / Organisation of adult education: the regional dimension

Šikšnienė, Nijolė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Švietimas, išsimokslinimas pagreitina žmogaus socializaciją, padeda koreguoti esamus visuomenės, valstybės santykius, tiksliau apibrėžia kiekvieno visuomenės nario, piliečio ir jų grupės vietą visuomenėje bei visuomenės funkcijas. Todėl valstybė, visuomenė kuria švietimo sistemas, vadovaudamasi ekonominiais išskaičiavimais. Suaugusiųjų švietimo plėtra pastaraisiais metais susiduria su naujais kokybinio ir kiekybinio pobūdžio iššūkiais. Pavyzdžiui, didėja švietimo kokybės poreikis, o tuo pat metu ir jo pasiūlos (formaliajame ir pirmiausia neformaliajame suaugusiųjų švietime) didinimo būtinybė. Viena iš svarbiausių pozityvių finansinio pobūdžio aplinkybių yra pastaraisiais metais suaugusiųjų švietimui didėjantis finansavimas, daugiausiai iš ES struktūrinių fondų. Šie ir kiti veiksniai reikalauja adekvačios švietimo politikos ir vadybos. Keletas ankstesnių tyrimų parodė, kad vienas iš svarbiausių ir kartu probleminių suaugusiųjų švietimo plėtros veiksnių yra suaugusiųjų švietimo organizavimo kokybė vietos savivaldos lygiu. Tačiau ankstesnių tyrimų duomenys tik netiesiogiai ir neišsamiai nušvietė suaugusiųjų švietimo organizavimo savivaldybėse elementus. Šio darbo tikslas išanalizuoti suaugusiųjų švietimo organizavimo būklę savivaldybėse. Renkant pirminius empirinius duomenis buvo panaudota kiekybinis metodas. Anketinėse apklausose dalyvavo 51 savivaldybių švietimo skyrių atstovas (iš bendro 60-ies savivaldybių skaičiaus) bei 48 suaugusiųjų mokymo centrų vadovai (iš bendro 53... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Education accelerates a person’s socialization, helps to improve present public and state relations and better specifies functions of every society member, citizen, their group as well as society. Due to this the state and the society develop education systems following economic calculations. Recently the adult education development has been facing new quality and quantity challenges. Thus for instance a demand for education quality grows together with a necessity to increase its supply (in formal and above all informal adult education). One of the most important positive financial circumstances is lately increasing financing of adult education mostly from the EU Structural funds. These and other factors require an adequate education policy and management. Some previous researches showed that one of the most important as well as problematic factors in the adult education development is the quality of adult education organisation in the self-government level. On the other hand, previous researches only indirectly and briefly elucidated elements of adult education organisation in municipalities. The paper aims at analyzing the situation of adult education organisation in municipalities. To collect primary empirical data the quantitative method has been employed. Representatives of education departments from 51 municipalities (out of 60 municipalities) and 48 heads of adult education centres (out of 53) have taken part in a questionnaire based survey. The paper consists of the... [to full text]

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