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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darnaus vystymosi švietimo prielaidos BPD 2.4 priemonės projektuose / Prerequisites for sustainable development of education in the projects of SPD 2.4 facility

Baranauskaitė, Aida 29 January 2008 (has links)
Darnaus vystymosi švietimo prielaidos BPD 2.4 priemonės projektuose. Raktiniai žodžiai: darnus vystymasis, darnaus vystymosi švietimas, BPD 2.4 priemonė, mokymasis visą gyvenimą. Darnaus vystymosi siekis – užtikrinti tinkamą asmens gyvenimo kokybę, siekti visuomenės gerovės ir saugumo, išmintingai derinant ekonomikos, socialinės raidos bei aplinkos apsaugos uždavinius. Išsilavinimas yra vienas svarbiausių faktorių, nuo kurio priklauso žmogaus ir visuomenės pasirengimas ir motyvacija spręsti daugialypes darnaus vystymosi problemas. Švietimui, visuomenės informavimui, įvairių sričių specialistų kvalifikacijos tobulinimui čia tenka ypatingas vaidmuo. Kadangi visuomenės darnaus vystymosi koncepcija yra dinamiška, jos įgyvendinimo modeliai yra nuolat plėtojami priklausomai nuo įgytų žinių ir patirties: darnus vystymasis yra nuolatinio mokymosi vyksmas. Todėl visos veiklos, prisidedančios prie mokymosi visą gyvenimą kokybės gerinimo, sykiu kuria prielaidas darnaus vystymosi nuostatoms įgyvendinti. Magistro baigiamasis darbas susideda iš keturių dalių dalių: Pirmoje dalyje apibrėžiamas švietimo vaidmuo įvairaus lygmens darnaus vystymosi strateginiuose dokumentuose. Antroje - nagrinėjamos mokymosi visą gyvenimą strateginės nuostatos, atskleidžiamos jų sąsajas su Lietuvos švietimo prioritetais. Trečioje - nurodomi tyrimo metodai ir suformuluojami tyrimo kriterijai. Ketvirtoje – pateikiami BPD 2.4 priemonės „Mokymosi visą gyvenimą sąlygų plėtojimas“ projektų paraiškų analizės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Prerequisites for sustainable development of education in the projects of SPD 2.4 facility. Key words: Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable, SPD 2.4 Facility, Lifelong Learning. The goal of sustainable development is ensuring the proper quality of individual life, seeking for public safety and welfare by wisely coordinating economic, societal development and environmental tasks. Education is one of the key factors determining the preparation and motivation of individual and society on solving the multifaceted problems of sustainable development. Education, public notification, and qualification improvement of specialists in various fields here plays a special role. As the concept of sustainable development of society is dynamic, its models of implementation are being continuously advanced depending upon the level of gained knowledge and experience: sustainable development is a process of continuous learning. Therefore every activity contributing to the quality improvement of lifelong learning likewise generates prerequisites for implementation of sustainable development provisions. The Master Final Thesis consists of four parts: The first part contains a description of education in strategic documents of sustainable development of different levels. The second part contains the analysis of strategic provisions of lifelong learning and their links with Lithuanian educational priorities. Methods of research and research criteria are specified in the third part... [to full text]

Dramos aktorių scenos judesio ugdymo ypatumai / Features of stage movement education for actors

Dambrauskaitė, Jonė 01 August 2013 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti dramos aktorių scenos judesio ugdymo ypatumus, aptariant dramos aktorių ugdymo istorinius aspektus, apžvelgiant Europos ir Lietuvos dramos aktorių ugdymo raidą, žymiausių teatro pedagogų dramos aktorių ugdymo metodus bei dramos aktorių scenos judesio ugdymo programas. Tam atlikta teatro istorijos ir žymiausių teatro pedagogų literatūros analizė. Empiriniu tyrimu siekta atskleisti Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademijos, kaip seniausios ir giliausias tradicijas turinčios dramos aktorių ugdymo aukštosios mokyklos, scenos judesio dėstymo ypatumus, pasitelkiant 4 scenos judesio dėstytojų interviu ir paskaitų stebėjimo duomenų analizę. Teoriniame tyrime išryškėjo du pagrindiniai aspektai. Pirma, kad judesinės aktoriaus raiškos ir aktorių ugdymo poreikio atsiradimas buvo pagrindinis profesionalaus teatro atsiradimo XX a. pr. veiksnys. Antra, kad profesionalus Lietuvos teatras ir vaidybos ugdymo mokyklos formavosi rusų teatro kultūros įtakoje, todėl aktorių ugdyme iki šių dienų remiamasi rusų mokyklos aktorių ugdymo tradicija. Rusų ir lietuvių aktorių rengimo panašumą atskleidė ir Lietuvos ir Rusijos scenos judesio ugdymo programų palyginimas. Tiriant Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademijos scenos judesio dėstymo ypatumus, taip pat išryškėjo rusų mokyklos bruožai, vyraujantys ir aktorių ugdymo praktikoje. Pabrėžtas scenos judesio programų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of the paper is to reveal the features of stage movement education for actors. Considering the importance of the theatre education development in the historical perspective, the paper reveals and analyses the specific features of the stage movement education for actors, by providing comprehensive historical-based analysis of the literature of theatre history, particularly focusing on the theatre education development in Lithuania and Europe, treating the methods for educating actors that the worldwide theatre educationalists apply and considering different syllabuses of stage movement education. The paper also treats the empirical research by interviewing four lecturers of the subject of stage movement and analyzing the data collected during the observation of the actual lectures. It reveals the specific features of stage movement education in the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre having the name of the theatrical school with the oldest and deepest traditions in education of actors in Lithuania. Two main aspects were revealed in the theorical research. Firstly, the need for education of actor’s movement expression was the major factor for the professional theatre to arise in the beginning of XX century. Secondly, the professional theatre in Lithuania and schools of theatrical education were developed under the influence of Russian theatre... [to full text]


VACCHELLI, ORIETTA 23 March 2015 (has links)
La pedagogia dell’ambiente può offrire nuove prospettive interpretative rispetto a talune rilevanti questioni ambientali. Delineando contributi progettuali sostenibili per formare ad una cittadinanza responsabile in una civiltà planetaria, essa dischiude la possibilità di elaborare una cultura della sostenibilità educativa. Significare un nuovo modello di sviluppo, secondo un pensiero pedagogico orientato alla centralità della persona in stretta congiunzione con la dottrina sociale della Chiesa, caratterizza il quadro teorico della tesi. E’ in questa cornice che si inserisce la presente ricerca, la quale, in una prospettiva pedagogica, compie un’esplorazione orientata ad approfondire il rapporto tra pedagogia e politica dell’ambiente nello scenario dell’Unione Europea. L’elaborato mira a proporre un’articolata disamina critica delle attuali politiche ambientali europee in merito a ricerca e innovazione dell’istruzione e formazione. L’interpretazione pedagogica di emblematici documenti dell’Unione Europea circa l’educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile evidenzia elementi imprescindibili per delineare una progettazione educativa sostenibile finalizzata a generare un cambiamento culturale nel segno della sostenibilità e per elaborare possibili linee di orientamento rivolte a policy makers. / Environmental pedagogy can offer new interpretational perspectives with respect to certain significant environmental issues. By outlining sustainable projects aimed at forming a responsible population in a planetary civilization, environmental pedagogy discloses the possibility to develop a culture of educational sustainability. Representing a new development model, according to a pedagogical thought oriented towards the central nature of the person, in close conjunction with the social doctrine of the Church, characterizes the theoretical picture of the thesis. It is this frame that encloses the present research, which, from a pedagogical perspective, carries out an investigation aimed at deepening the relationship between pedagogy and environmental policy in the scenario of the European Union. The paper intends to propose a well-structured and critical examination of the current European environmental policies on the subject of research and innovation in education and training. The pedagogical interpretation of emblematic documents issued by the European Union concerning education for sustainable development shows elements which are crucial for the purpose of outlining a sustainable educational plan aimed at generating a cultural change in the sign of sustainability and for developing possible guidelines aimed at policymakers.

Att förbättra utbildningen för en hållbar utveckling : Lärares utsagor om framgångsfaktorer i arbetet för en hållbar utveckling / To improve Education for Sustainable Development : Teachers' statements on success factors in their work for sustainable development

GRIGORYEVA, VICTORIA January 2011 (has links)
För pedagoger är det viktigt att se det som skapar framgång och ger positiv perspektiv. Min undersökning kan hjälpa till att fördjupa förståelsen för vilka faktorer som främjar utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på faktorer som är viktiga för att främja och förbättra utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Enligt styrdokumenten är hållbar utveckling en nödvändig komponent i utbildning. Materialet erhölls genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med 6 lärare, inkluderar förskollärare, grundskollärare, gymnasielärare, representanter från Håll Sverige Rent, Naturskolan som har av erfarenhet i praktiskt arbete med hållbar utveckling inom framgångsrikt Grön Flaggs certifieringsprogram. Det analyserades och sammanställdes sedan i löpande text. Genom SWOT- analys identifieras och kategoriseras starka sidor, svaga sidor, möjligheter och hot bland faktorer som främjar utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Starka sidor och möjligheter betraktas som framgångsfaktorer.  Resultaten visar vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att främja och förbättra utbildning för hållbar utveckling utifrån lärarens perspektiv. Den studien belyser framgångsfaktorer för utbildning för hållbar utveckling i praktiskt arbete. Min förhoppning är att min undersökning ska öka förutsättningarna för att utveckla en internationell dialog och samarbete inom kompetensutveckling inom utbildning för hållbar utveckling.

Beyond theory : adolescent girls' perceptions of body image, physical activity and health

Galloti, Lorraine. January 1996 (has links)
Accompanying materials housed with archival copy. / The purpose of this research was to describe and critically interpret girls' experiences with respect to body image, physical activity and health. The qualitative inquiry included focus group and individual interviews, document analysis and field observations. These methods were used to explore the perceptions of sixty-three girls (grades eight and eleven) and staff from an inner-city high school. Through interpretive data analysis (and constant comparison), the inter-related themes of body image, physical activity and health branched into the sub-themes of societal influences and personal attitudes including: friends, boys, family, school and media. Girls' body images ranged from minor preoccupations to major dissatisfaction with their bodies, while a few girls were happy being themselves. Weak or negative family influences gave way to influences by media, boys and friends. A few girls were very active, whereas others' low levels of participation were attributed to: disinterest in physical activity, intimidation by boys, or perceived lack of opportunity. The girls' perceptions of health incorporated fitness, weight, and eating habits. Girls often used negative qualifiers when describing their weight or body shape. Generally, girls perceived overweight individuals as not taking care of themselves. This research supports the development of gender sensitive physical education programs promoting healthier lifestyles for females.

Umweltbildung und Geoinformation

Karrasch, Pierre 03 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Biosphärenreservate bilden Modelllandschaften, in denen überprüft werden soll, mit welchen Methoden und Mitteln nachhaltige Entwicklung möglich sein kann. Neben dem Schutz, der Pflege und der Entwicklung der geschützten Kulturlandschaften sind gleichrangig sogenannte logistische Funktionen wesentlicher Bestandteil der Aufgaben eines Biosphärenreservates. Innerhalb dieser Funktionen bilden die Umweltbildung und das Umweltmonitoring eine zentrale Rolle. Die Aufgabe dieser Arbeit bestand darin festzustellen, inwieweit der Einsatz von GI-Technologien in der Umweltbildung möglich ist. Dazu wurden Analysen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen durchgeführt. Der Einsatz solcher Technologien setzt die Bereitschaft der verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter in den einzelnen Biosphärenreservaten voraus. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass eine solche Bereitschaft grundsätzlich vorhanden ist. Die dafür notwendigen und derzeit häufig noch einschränkenden Randbedingungen wurden erörtert. Neben den Biosphärenreservaten, die als Anbieter von Bildungsmaßnahmen in Schulen verstanden werden können, ist ebenfalls ein Blick auf die Schulen selbst und die dort tätigen LehrerInnen notwendig, um auch deren Bereitschaft zur Nutzung von GI-Technologien zu analysieren. In diesem Schnittbereich zwischen dem Angebot externer Anbieter von Umweltbildung und der Nachfrage – im Sinne der Bereitschaft an den Schulen, solche Angebote auch zuzulassen – besteht die Möglichkeit des Einsatzes von GI-Technologien. Das Ziel dieses Einsatzes liegt dabei vordergründig nicht in der neuen, interessanteren Ausgestaltung des Unterrichtes. Die Nutzung von GI-Technologien muss sich an den zu vermittelnden Kompetenzen orientieren. Welche Rolle Kompetenzen in diesem Zusammenhang spielen, wird in der Arbeit ausführlich dargestellt. Es werden die Ergebnisse der Analyse der drei Elemente: • Umweltbildung / Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung • Geoinformationen / GI-Technologien • Biosphärenreservate vorgestellt und miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Daraus leiten sich sowohl Zielstellungen als auch notwendige Maßnahmen ab. Als Schritt zur Umsetzung der erarbeiteten Vorschläge wurde in den Jahren 2008 bis 2010 an zwei Mittelschulen das Konzept „Umweltmonitoring an Schulen – Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung in Biosphärenreservaten“ realisiert. Dabei stand nicht nur im Vordergrund, die Nutzung von GI-Technologien in den Unterricht von Schulen zu bringen und damit SchülerInnen aktiv an Forschungsarbeit teilhaben zu lassen, es war auch die Aufgabe, diese Bildungsmaßnahmen einer empirischen Forschung zuzuführen. Damit ist es das zentrale Anliegen dieser Initiierungsphase, Forschungsarbeit zum Bildungsgegenstand zu machen und gleichzeitig diese Bildungsarbeit zum Forschungsgegenstand werden zu lassen.

Changing from single sex to mixed sex physical education in secondary schools : a case study /

Leung, Hung-piu. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 58-68).

Changing from single sex to mixed sex physical education in secondary schools a case study /

Leung, Hung-piu. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-68). Also available in print.

Education for Sustainable Development for Everyone: Massive Open Online Courses and global, climate literate, sustainable citizens

Naunova, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis contributes to knowledge about how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as educational online platforms can be utilized in achieving the purposes of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Starting out from a view that, in the face of global challenges every individual is an important actor with agency to drive for necessary social changes, the overall ambition of this thesis is to investigate the role of MOOCs, as a specific form of online learning, in empowering and enabling learners to acquire the competences needed to take responsible actions and informed decisions in a rapidly changing, interdependent and unequal world. More specifically, this thesis aims at providing a deeper insight into the question of whether the pedagogic approaches used in ESD (learner-centered, action-oriented and transformative learning) and the learning processes that they promote, can be incorporated in the MOOC environment. This issue holds importance due to the global and intergenerational character of ESD where providing access to training and learning for sustainable development for all is vital. In this respect, MOOCs have been envisioned as revolutionary in the provision of access to education to a wider audience. Nevertheless, the “massive” part of MOOCs could pose a challenge in connection to ESD, due to the fact that ESD is not easily generalized and aims at upholding local relevance. Therefore, this thesis also looks into the question of the implications posed by scale and the issue of scalability when investigating how MOOCs can enable the application of ESD pedagogic approaches, thus also contributing to the achievement of the purposes and learning objectives of ESD and Climate Change Education as its constituent part. Utilizing a case study methodology, the MOOC in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University is chosen as a case example of the MOOC learning environment and learning circumstances. By conducting a content analysis of the MOOC materials as presented on the online platform, and developing an analytical framework based on the ESD pedagogic approaches, this thesis reaches the conclusion that some aspects of the ESD approaches benefit from the networked environment and large-scale participation in the MOOC environment, while the incorporation of others is more challenging and asks for further research and improvement of the MOOC learning environment in order for them to provide for the optimal learning circumstances and outcomes in connection to ESD.

Teacher agency in the reform of curriculum under universal primary education in Uganda and its implications for emerging practices

Ogwang, Tom Henry January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the role of teacher agency in the reform of curriculum under Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Uganda. It draws on empirical research conducted in two UPE case study schools in Uganda. The study was conducted in order to highlight the role of teacher agency in teachers’ professional practice and to analyse the ecological factors that contribute in shaping it, as well as its effects. The thesis begins with a description of the UPE curriculum in its global dimensions. It subsequently reviews the theoretical and empirical literature dealing with the role of teacher agency in the reform of curriculum under UPE, under the themes of ‘globalisation’, ‘teacher/biographical barriers to UPE reforms’, ‘contextual challenges of the reforms on teachers’, ‘teachers’ mediation of the reform challenges’ and ‘effects of the teachers’ mediation of reforms’. The study’s theoretical position draws on the critical realist philosophy of Roy Bhaskar and Margaret Archer, which guided the development a two-phased study design comprising of secondary document analysis using retroduction (Elder-Vass 2010; Edwards et al. 2014) in phase one and field work within the framework of Priestley et al.’s (2015b) ecological approach to teacher agency in phase two. The field work involved semi-structured interviews, observation and primary document analysis. The study established that the globalisation of UPE was driven by Education for All (EFA) under a neo-liberal agenda, which involved both structural and cultural reform. The structural reform has impacted UPE’s ecology through the evolution of a new ‘governance’ structure underpinned by partnership, decentralisation and performativity. Furthermore, it has involved access and inputs reform, which has been characterised by universalisation and the adoption of a partnership funding approach. Cultural reform has focused on curriculum and pedagogy. However, at the micro level of school/classroom practice, most of the reforms have resulted in ‘first order’ changes (Cuban 1998; Priestley 2011a), which are currently manifested by only partial success in absorbing the curriculum and pedagogy reforms, coupled with the continued lack of inputs. This is attributed, among others, to the responses of the teachers, or teacher agency. The study analysed the role of teacher agency in the case studies and concluded that it is widely manifested and is primarily driven by the practical-evaluative dimension, followed by the projective and iterational dimensions respectively. Furthermore, it has significant effects, which are both positive and negative. It therefore plays a significant role in the teachers’ professional practice, which needs to be acknowledged in educational planning. Finally, the study offered some recommendations and suggestions for further research.

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