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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

蘇聯末期公民社會萌芽之研究 / The Research of an Emerging Civil Society in late USSR

羅彥傑, Lo, Yen-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
自一九七○年代中期南歐、拉丁美洲與蘇聯暨東歐各國相繼爆發民主浪潮以來,「公民社會」(Civil Society)即成為政治與社會學界探討的焦點。「公民社會」有賴於對個人結社言論自由、公共參與自由和政治參與自由的保障,因此其具有國家及社會走向自由化的意函。由於自由化往往先於民主化,在研究極權與威權國家民主轉型的過程中,「公民社會」便正好可作為研究一國走向民主化的起點。在世界各國民主轉型的例子中,蘇聯的民主轉型過程顯得與眾不同,這一方面是因為蘇聯本身是多民族帝國,境內民族問題嚴重,另一方面是因為蘇聯作為全球第一個、也是實施最久的社會主義國家,其擁抱的極權主義體制對國家與社會之間的關係產生深刻的影響。 本論文主要是採用新制度主義(new institutionalism)的研究途徑,來探討蘇聯末期公民社會萌芽的來龍去脈。在解釋蘇聯公民社會的特殊發展經驗中,一反過去較常被使用的現代化理論或菁英途徑,而是側重於新制度主義下的非正式規則(或制度)因素,譬如歷史、文化與傳統等。第一章專門介紹「公民社會」概念的歷史演進過程與各種意涵;第二章敘述俄羅斯歷史上三種可能有利於或不利於「公民社會」特殊傳統,包括集體主義、保守主義與專制主義;第三章探討蘇聯在戈巴契夫領導下所進行的「公民社會」制度創新;第四章續探討公民社會在蘇聯的實踐情況;第五章則對蘇聯末期萌芽的公民社會進行反省、檢討與比較,說明其特色;第六章為結論。 本論文得出的結論是,蘇聯雖然在一九八五年戈巴契夫上台前已有「公民社會」萌芽的「要素」,但當時的社會還不是真正的「公民社會」。真正的公民社會要等到戈巴契夫上台推行一連串改革開放的措施後,才算真正萌芽扎根。不過,不論是和同一時期西方抑或東歐的公民社會比較,蘇聯末期萌芽的公民社會都顯得相當薄弱與不穩,這主要是由於蘇聯暨俄羅斯長久以來的傳統文化不利於公民社會的發展。此外,民族主義浪潮也衝擊到公民社會的發展,凸顯民族主義與公民社會之間的深刻矛盾,這一點也說明了蘇聯公民社會所獨有的困境。 / Since South Europe, Latin America and the Soviet bloc began the democratization in 1970s, civil society has become the focus of the politics and sociology of academic circle. Civil society depends on the assurance of the association freedom, speech freedom, public participation freedom and political participation freedom, implying that the state and society are being or have been liberalized. Because liberalization always goes ahead of democratization, civil society happens to be used as a starting point of research of post-Communist transition. The USSR’s case seems so different with others, not only it as a multi-nation empire, but also it as the first and long-enduring socialist country in the world. The thesis adopts the approach of new institutionalism to discuss the process of an emerging civil society in late USSR. Instead of the modernization theory or elite approach that are often used, the new institutionalism, especially in informal institution, seems to be the most persuasive in explaining the USSR’s case. The first chapter introduces the historical evolution and various meanings of civil society’s idea. The second specifies three historical traditions in Russia that may help or damage the development of civil society, including collectivism, conservatism and absolutism. The third talk about the institutional innovation of civil society by Mikhail Gorbachev. The fourth pays attention to the real situation in USSR’s civil society. The fifth reconsider, review and compare the USSR’s civil society with the East European and the west ones. The sixth is my conclusion. My conclusion is that although the USSR has had the “elements” of an emerging civil society before Gorbachev appeared on the stage in 1985, the society has not been a “real” civil society yet. A real civil society has not taken root until Gorbachev put a series of reforms into practice. Nonetheless, being compared either with the west or the East European ones, the USSR’s civil society seems very fragile and unstable, because the Russian particular tradition and culture prohibit the civil society from development and consolidation. In addition, the nationalist wave put impact on the development of civil society, highlighting the deep contradiction between nationalism and civil society. This point also underlines the dilemma of the USSR’s civil society.

Légitimité de l’audit conjoint : Une analyse structurationniste et néo-institutionnaliste des cas français et danois / Joint audit's legitimacy : structurationist and new institutionalist analysis of french and danish cases

Mhirsi, Nadia 01 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche contribue à la compréhension de la légitimité de l'audit conjoint. Elle vise à la fois à mettre en exergue les pressions institutionnelles qui influent sur la pérennité du modèle et à ouvrir une boite noire qui est celle des interactions entre co-Auditeurs. Elle présente aussi l'impact de ces pressions sur les relations au sein du modèle et inversement. Nous avons adopté un cadre théorique mobilisant les concepts de la théorie de la structuration et de la théorie néo-Institutionnelle. Notre démarche est compréhensive et s'appuie sur une étude de cas multiples avec le cas du co-Commissariat aux comptes en France et le cas du to-Revisor systemet au Danemark. Nous avons privilégié les entretiens et les données historiques comme modes de collecte de données. Les rôles joués par les législateurs et les régulateurs semblent à l'origine des évolutions différentes du modèle d'audit conjoint pour les deux cas. Malgré ces points de divergence, nous avons pu établir un point commun qui relève de l'importance des normes culturelles pour la pérennité de l’audit conjoint et de son adoption dans d’autres contextes. L'idéologie du contrat équitable a largement influé sur la perception du modèle par les auditeurs danois et français. Cette vision prônant l'efficience des modes de gouvernance a donné lieu au déclin de la logique de l'honneur en France et à celle du Grundtvigianisme au Danemark. / This research contributes to an understanding of joint audit's legitimacy. It aims to highlight the institutional pressures affecting the sustainability of the model and opens a black box which is the interaction between joint auditors. It also shows the impact of these pressures on the relationships within the model and vice versa. We have adopted a theoretical framework using the concepts ofstructuration theory and new institutionalism. Our approach is comprehensive and based on a multiple-Case study with the co-Commissariat aux comptes in France and the to-Revisor systemet in Denmark. We used interviews and historical data as means of data collection. The roles of legislators and regulators seem to trigger different evolutions of the joint audit for both cases. Despite these points of divergence, we were able to establish a common matter relating to the importance of cultural standards for the persistence of joint auditing and its adoption in other contexts. The ideology of fair contract has greatly influenced the perception of the model by the Danish and French auditors. This vision promoting efficient modes of governance has led to the decline of the logic of honor in France and that of Grundtvigianism in Denmark.

A imersão social das ações econômicas : oportunidades, interesses e expectativas de trabalhadores qualificados do Polo Naval de Rio Grande

Freitas, Gabriella Rocha de January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo insere-se no debate sobre a formação, atração e retenção de trabalhadores qualificados, tomando-se como referências as contribuições da Nova Sociologia Econômica (NSE) e do Neoinstitucionalismo Sociológico. Com a prospecção de petróleo na camada do pré-sal, o Polo Naval de Rio Grande tornou-se uma fonte de análise da adequação do Brasil ao novo paradigma econômico. A fabricação e montagem de plataformas para a extração de petróleo e a produção de embarcações requerem um novo conjunto de fornecedores de bens e serviços de alta tecnologia e recursos humanos qualificados. A partir do aumento da demanda por esses trabalhadores e dos incentivos governamentais para qualificação profissional, o estudo propõe-se a analisar como essas oportunidades repercutem nos interesses e expectativas de engenheiros (graduados e em formação) do Polo Naval de Rio Grande. Foi realizado um esforço de integração entre as análises quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados da RAIS/MTE mostraram que a implementação de um Polo Naval no município de Rio Grande criou oportunidades para os trabalhadores vinculados ao setor de construção naval, especialmente aos engenheiros. As 12 entrevistas realizadas com engenheiros localizados em empresas inseridas na cadeia da construção naval demonstraram que, embora as oportunidades profissionais surgidas no Polo Naval exerçam grande importância nas decisões profissionais desses trabalhadores, não são suficientes para determinar sua ida e permanência em Rio Grande. As decisões desses profissionais são fortemente influenciadas por fatores não econômicos, como a idade, qualidade de vida e proximidade da família. / This present study composes the debate about formation, attraction and retention of skilled workers, taking as references the contributions of the New Economic Sociology and of the Sociological New Institutionalism. With the prospecting of oil in the Pre-salt layer, the Naval Pole of Rio Grande has become a source for analysis regarding the adaptation of Brazil in the new economic paradigm. The manufacturing and assembly of platforms for the extraction of oil and the production of vessels require a new set of providers of goods and high-technology services and skilled human resources. Based on the increasing of demand for these type of workers and for government incentives, this paper intends to analyze how these opportunities reflect on the interests and expectations of engineers (graduate and undergraduate) from the Naval Pole of Rio Grande. It was taken an effort to integrate the qualitative and the quantitative analysis. Data from RAIS/MTE show that the implementation of a Naval Pole in the city of Rio Grande originated opportunities for the workers linked to the shipbuilding industry, specially engineers. The 12 interviews made with engineers from the companies that are part of the shipbuilding chain expressed that, tough the professional opportunities emerged from the Naval Pole have great importance on their decisions, they are not enough to determine their moving and stay in Rio Grande. The decisions of these professionals are strongly influenced by non-economical factors, such as age, welfare, and family ties.

A imersão social das ações econômicas : oportunidades, interesses e expectativas de trabalhadores qualificados do Polo Naval de Rio Grande

Freitas, Gabriella Rocha de January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo insere-se no debate sobre a formação, atração e retenção de trabalhadores qualificados, tomando-se como referências as contribuições da Nova Sociologia Econômica (NSE) e do Neoinstitucionalismo Sociológico. Com a prospecção de petróleo na camada do pré-sal, o Polo Naval de Rio Grande tornou-se uma fonte de análise da adequação do Brasil ao novo paradigma econômico. A fabricação e montagem de plataformas para a extração de petróleo e a produção de embarcações requerem um novo conjunto de fornecedores de bens e serviços de alta tecnologia e recursos humanos qualificados. A partir do aumento da demanda por esses trabalhadores e dos incentivos governamentais para qualificação profissional, o estudo propõe-se a analisar como essas oportunidades repercutem nos interesses e expectativas de engenheiros (graduados e em formação) do Polo Naval de Rio Grande. Foi realizado um esforço de integração entre as análises quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados da RAIS/MTE mostraram que a implementação de um Polo Naval no município de Rio Grande criou oportunidades para os trabalhadores vinculados ao setor de construção naval, especialmente aos engenheiros. As 12 entrevistas realizadas com engenheiros localizados em empresas inseridas na cadeia da construção naval demonstraram que, embora as oportunidades profissionais surgidas no Polo Naval exerçam grande importância nas decisões profissionais desses trabalhadores, não são suficientes para determinar sua ida e permanência em Rio Grande. As decisões desses profissionais são fortemente influenciadas por fatores não econômicos, como a idade, qualidade de vida e proximidade da família. / This present study composes the debate about formation, attraction and retention of skilled workers, taking as references the contributions of the New Economic Sociology and of the Sociological New Institutionalism. With the prospecting of oil in the Pre-salt layer, the Naval Pole of Rio Grande has become a source for analysis regarding the adaptation of Brazil in the new economic paradigm. The manufacturing and assembly of platforms for the extraction of oil and the production of vessels require a new set of providers of goods and high-technology services and skilled human resources. Based on the increasing of demand for these type of workers and for government incentives, this paper intends to analyze how these opportunities reflect on the interests and expectations of engineers (graduate and undergraduate) from the Naval Pole of Rio Grande. It was taken an effort to integrate the qualitative and the quantitative analysis. Data from RAIS/MTE show that the implementation of a Naval Pole in the city of Rio Grande originated opportunities for the workers linked to the shipbuilding industry, specially engineers. The 12 interviews made with engineers from the companies that are part of the shipbuilding chain expressed that, tough the professional opportunities emerged from the Naval Pole have great importance on their decisions, they are not enough to determine their moving and stay in Rio Grande. The decisions of these professionals are strongly influenced by non-economical factors, such as age, welfare, and family ties.

The Inside Threat: European Integration and the European Court of Justice

Duncan, Gary January 2006 (has links)
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has long been recognized as a major engine behind the European integration project for its role in passing judgments expanding the powers and scope of the European Community, while member states have consistently reacted negatively to judgments limiting their sovereignty or granting the Community new powers. It is this interplay between the Court and member state interests that cause the ECJ to pose a threat to the future of integration. Using a combined framework of neofunctionalism and rational choice new institutionalism, six landmark cases and the events surrounding them are studied, revealing the motivations behind the Court’s and member states’ actions. From the analysis of these cases is created a set of criteria which can be used to predict when the ECJ will make an activist decision broadening the powers of the Community at the expense of the member states as well as when, and how, member states will respond negatively.

A imersão social das ações econômicas : oportunidades, interesses e expectativas de trabalhadores qualificados do Polo Naval de Rio Grande

Freitas, Gabriella Rocha de January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo insere-se no debate sobre a formação, atração e retenção de trabalhadores qualificados, tomando-se como referências as contribuições da Nova Sociologia Econômica (NSE) e do Neoinstitucionalismo Sociológico. Com a prospecção de petróleo na camada do pré-sal, o Polo Naval de Rio Grande tornou-se uma fonte de análise da adequação do Brasil ao novo paradigma econômico. A fabricação e montagem de plataformas para a extração de petróleo e a produção de embarcações requerem um novo conjunto de fornecedores de bens e serviços de alta tecnologia e recursos humanos qualificados. A partir do aumento da demanda por esses trabalhadores e dos incentivos governamentais para qualificação profissional, o estudo propõe-se a analisar como essas oportunidades repercutem nos interesses e expectativas de engenheiros (graduados e em formação) do Polo Naval de Rio Grande. Foi realizado um esforço de integração entre as análises quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados da RAIS/MTE mostraram que a implementação de um Polo Naval no município de Rio Grande criou oportunidades para os trabalhadores vinculados ao setor de construção naval, especialmente aos engenheiros. As 12 entrevistas realizadas com engenheiros localizados em empresas inseridas na cadeia da construção naval demonstraram que, embora as oportunidades profissionais surgidas no Polo Naval exerçam grande importância nas decisões profissionais desses trabalhadores, não são suficientes para determinar sua ida e permanência em Rio Grande. As decisões desses profissionais são fortemente influenciadas por fatores não econômicos, como a idade, qualidade de vida e proximidade da família. / This present study composes the debate about formation, attraction and retention of skilled workers, taking as references the contributions of the New Economic Sociology and of the Sociological New Institutionalism. With the prospecting of oil in the Pre-salt layer, the Naval Pole of Rio Grande has become a source for analysis regarding the adaptation of Brazil in the new economic paradigm. The manufacturing and assembly of platforms for the extraction of oil and the production of vessels require a new set of providers of goods and high-technology services and skilled human resources. Based on the increasing of demand for these type of workers and for government incentives, this paper intends to analyze how these opportunities reflect on the interests and expectations of engineers (graduate and undergraduate) from the Naval Pole of Rio Grande. It was taken an effort to integrate the qualitative and the quantitative analysis. Data from RAIS/MTE show that the implementation of a Naval Pole in the city of Rio Grande originated opportunities for the workers linked to the shipbuilding industry, specially engineers. The 12 interviews made with engineers from the companies that are part of the shipbuilding chain expressed that, tough the professional opportunities emerged from the Naval Pole have great importance on their decisions, they are not enough to determine their moving and stay in Rio Grande. The decisions of these professionals are strongly influenced by non-economical factors, such as age, welfare, and family ties.

Três ensaios sobre a agroindústria canavieira no Brasil pós-desregulamentação / Three essays on the sugarcane agroindustry in Brazil during the post-deregulation

Rissardi Júnior, Darcy Jacob 13 January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Darcy J Rissardi Junior.pdf: 1588885 bytes, checksum: 46ea11d180eec19de406ad7bc5b2122e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-13 / The period of post-deregulation of the sugarcane agroindustry in Brazil makes clear the technological paradigm advancement, in which the improvement of technological development of productive sites becomes urgent in a more competitive market, substantiating leadership and contributing for a new dynamic in the sector. Considering it, this thesis proposes a new formatting (in PGDRA ) to analyze some aspects of sugarcane agroindustry in this period, based on three papers concatenated that look into, in a general context, deepen the knowledge about the dynamic of this important sector facing, mainly, a new organization that changed the market conditions. The first paper looks for analyzing concisely and historically the evolution of sugarcane agroindustry post-deregulation (1990 2014). The second paper tries to estimate and analyze the modernization and specialization process experienced by sugarcane agroindustry from the 1990 s, using the factor analyzes procedure by means of the principal components method. With an overview from Brazil with historical perspective and from the measuring of its modernization and specialization process, the third paper makes empirical analyzes from a case study, looking into new ways of organizing according to new institutionalism and new corporatism. The results of the first paper show three distinct phases. In the first phase, 1986/1987 to 1995/1996, there was the slowdown and crisis of Proalcool Program and break down of subsidizing paradigm. The second phase, 1996/1997 to 2002/2003, there was an increasing of deregulation, showing the structural weakness and the emerging of a variety of interests. Finally, the third phase, 2003/2004 to 2013/2014, there was the resumption of ethanol with flex-fuel market, loads of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and lack of planning from the Federal government in the market of gasoline price, that discourage the ethanol use. In the second paper, the results show that it wasn t without intention that many plants and distilleries close down in Brazil, because many results from factors F1 (modernization and specialization process from sugarcane industry) and F2 (agricultural and industrial index) were negatives. In the general context of this multivariate analyze, São Paulo remained as the state with supreme position in sugarcane production. In the third paper the results testify, under the New Institutional Economics view, the importance of formal contracts and contractual governance structures in the full scope of this sector in the state of Paraná. It is proved, under the new corporatism view, the strategic role of business organizations about the attainment of public policies of sectional interests and the importance of Brazilian Chamber of the Productive Chain of Sugar and Alcohol, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply ( MAPA ), defending private interests from private agents. / O período pós-desregulamentação da agroindústria canavieira no Brasil evidencia o avanço do paradigma tecnológico, em que se torna premente a maior capacitação tecnológica das unidades produtivas num contexto de mercado mais competitivo, fortalecendo lideranças e contribuindo para uma nova dinâmica no setor. Diante disso, esta tese propõe uma nova formatação (no PGDRA) para analisar alguns aspectos da agroindústria canavieira nesse período, a partir de três artigos/ensaios concatenados que procuram, no contexto geral, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a dinâmica deste importante setor diante, mormente, de uma nova institucionalidade que mudou suas condições de mercado. O primeiro artigo busca analisar, de forma concisa e numa perspectiva histórica, a evolução da agroindústria canavieira pós-desregulamentação (1990-2014). O segundo artigo procura estimar e analisar, pelo procedimento da análise fatorial por meio do método dos componentes principais, o processo de modernização e especialização vivenciado pela agroindústria canavieira, ocorrido a partir da década de 1990. Com uma visão geral do Brasil a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, e de uma mensuração do seu processo de modernização e especialização, o terceiro artigo faz uma análise empírica a partir de um estudo de caso, procurando investigar as novas formas de organização à guisa do neoinstitucionalismo e do neocorporativismo. Os resultados do primeiro artigo apresentam três fases distintas. Na primeira fase, 1986/1987 a 1995/1996, houve desaceleração e crise do Proálcool e ruptura do paradigma subvencionista. Na segunda fase, 1996/1997 a 2002/2003, houve recrudescimento da desregulamentação, explicitação da debilidade estrutural e o surgimento da diversidade de interesses. Finalmente, a terceira fase, 2003/2004 a 2013/2014, houve a retomada do etanol com o mercado flex-fuel, muitos Investimentos Diretos Estrangeiros (IDE) e falta de planejamento por parte do governo federal na condução da política de precificação da gasolina, que desestimulou o consumo de etanol. No segundo artigo os resultados apontaram que não foi sem propósito que muitas usinas e destilarias encerraram suas atividades no Brasil, pois muitos escores dos fatores F1 ( modernização da agroindústria canavieira e especialização ) e F2 ( rendimentos agrícola e industrial ) foram negativos. No contexto geral dessa análise multivariada, São Paulo se manteve como o estado de posição soberana na agroindústria canavieira. No terceiro artigo os resultados constataram, sob a ótica da Nova Economia Institucional, a importância dos contratos e as estruturas de governança contratuais no âmbito deste setor no Estado do Paraná. Sob a perspectiva neocorporativista comprovaram-se o papel estratégico das organizações empresarias em torno da consecução de políticas públicas de interesses setoriais e a importância da Câmara Setorial da Cadeia Produtiva do Açúcar e do Álcool, sob jurisdição do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), na defesa dos interesses particulares dos agentes privados.

Mellanstatligt samarbete mot människohandel i Europa : – en studie om mål, åtgärder och resultat

Fagerström, Anna January 2008 (has links)
This paper provides a study about human trafficking with sexual motives performed in European states and the measures taken from national, international and Non-Governmental organizations with the purpose to oppose human trafficking. According to the UN human trafficking has increased and shows tendencies to continue escalating, regardless of the measures taken by various organisations. In this study, four countries with associations to human trafficking have been chosen and organisations related to these countries are studied. The purpose is to inquire into how these organisations work against human trafficking and which objectives and guidelines these organisations strive for together with their values. The aim is to find out which result the organizations efforts gets and if, according to my hypothesis, the efforts oppose themselves. If so, what could be a possible explanation? The central conclusions after performing this study is that the policies from international organisations given to institutions at state level are not always implemented. There are also difference in the measures taken by each state and their valuations. Every actor’s behaviour in a network is important and scarcity in one actors behaviour leads to a weakened result. One of the studied states has shown tendencies of disregarding the issue which effects collaboration between the studied organizations.

Chef i en högpresterande kultur : Implementering av ett globalt managementkoncept i lokala organisationskulturella kontexter / Manager in a High Performance Culture : A thesis on global management concepts in the context of local organisational cultures

Riestola, Päivi January 2013 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is governance principles in global management concepts and the application of such principles by managers at a local level. The thesis includes a case study on a foreign-owned Swedish group of companies that has introduced the management concept of High Performance Culture in all of its consolidated group countries.  Global management concepts usually originate from the United States and make use of neo-rational governance principles. High Performance Culture is a management concept that puts increased performance and individualisation in the foreground. In addition, the concept advocates co-determination and self-development. The governance principles further promote employee autonomy orientation and self-development in addition to a leader-centric approach.  The case study results indicate a discrepancy in the requirements of the governance principles of the management concept, highlighting the various dimensions of cultural layers and values to which managers in the same organisation are subject. The same values had an effect in different ways on the managers’ interpretation and handling of the management concept.   This interpretation and handling of the management concept tools led to an implementation that partially opposed what the French management team and management concept advocated.    The managers choosing to oppose the governance principles of the management concept can be seen as an example of modern individualism, according to which people are increasingly questioning rigid and hierarchic authority while showing initiative and assessing one’s own personal work. Hence, the values of modern individualism can act as a counterforce to neo-rational governance principles. / Avhandlingen studerar styrningsprinciper i globala managementkoncept samt hur de översätts av chefer på lokal nivå. En fallstudie har genomförts i ett svenskt utlandsägt företag där managementkonceptet Högpresterande kultur har införts i koncernens samtliga länder. Högpresterande kultur är ett globalt nyrationellt managementkoncept med ökad prestation och individualisering i förgrunden. Men konceptet förordar även medbestämmande och självutveckling. Av resultatet framgår att i kraven från managementkonceptets styrningsprinciper uppstod en krock som synliggjorde olika dimensioner av kulturella lager med värderingar som cheferna omfattades av, i en och samma organisation. Organisatoriska identiteter på skilda nivåer och funktioner, med skillnader i värderingar, påverkade hur cheferna översatte och hanterade managementkonceptet. Även utlandsägandet var av betydelse för genomslaget. Cheferna tog till sig styrningsverktygen då de gav sken av medarbetarorienterade styrningsprinciper. En krock uppstod dock med ledarcentrering inbäddad i konceptets verktyg. Chefernas val att gå emot konceptets styrningsprinciper skulle kunna tolkas i enlighet med en modern individualism. Den säger att människor i allt högre utsträckning ifrågasätter rigida och hierarkiska auktoriteter, samt tar egna initiativ och gör egna bedömningar i arbetet. Den moderna individualismens värderingar skulle således kunna stå som en motkraft till nyrationalistiska styrningsprinciper.

Strengthening the Role of Communication Departments: Positioning Communication Departments at the Top of and Throughout Organizations

Brockhaus, Jana, Zerfass, Ansgar 21 December 2021 (has links)
Purpose – Corporate communications is often less successful when it is competing for influence with neighboring functions such as marketing or sales within organizations. This article addresses the internal positioning of communication departments by developing a conceptual framework which helps to understand, analyze and optimize their standing in organizations. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on a literature review across several disciplines (e.g., organizational communication, strategic management) and supported by 26 qualitative in-depth interviews with board members, executives, and communicators in a global industry company. By combining the theoretical and empirical insights, a framework for positioning communication departments within organizations was developed. Findings – The framework depicts seven strategies (e.g., expectation and impression management, supporting ambassadors from other departments) and three spheres of influence (organizational integration, internal perceptions, and social capital) to strengthen the position of corporate communications. Research limitations/implications – The conceptual framework has been supported by one case study so far, and future research may further develop and verify it by applying it to a larger number of companies in different industries. Practical implications – Practitioners can use the framework as an analytical tool to reflect the current situation in their organization and identify opportunities for strengthening it. Originality/value – This article introduces a novel view in the academic debate about the role and influence of corporate communications. It establishes a framework that helps to identify different drivers and strategies, and lays ground for future research.

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