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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"An examination of the legal mechanisms for the protection of minors against domestic violence in South Africa and Zimbabwe"

Mundondo, Joseph Zanorashe 07 April 2016 (has links)
LLM / Department of Criminal and Procedural Law

Våldet som inte är straffvärt : Psykisk misshandel i nära relation, rätten till privatliv och staters positiva förpliktelser

Gustafsson, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
In recent decades, men’s violence against women has been perceived as an increasing problem in our societies. Men’s violence against women are nowadays also classified as a serious crime against human rights. The violence in an intimate relationship between a man and a woman restricts the woman’s sense of freedom and justice. The violence results in violation of the women’s rights to a private life.  It's usually the physical and sexual abuse of women that is the center in legal contexts within the scope of domestic violence against women. It’s therefore necessary to examine other specific forms of domestic violence within the legal scope in Sweden and the European Convention on Human Rights. This study has focused on the psychological abuse against women as a form of domestic violence. The psychological abuse against women is a serious matter in the Swedish society. This study has examined whether the psychological abuse against women is included in the Swedish criminal classifications. It has also examined whether the psychological abuse is, or should, apply within the state’s positive obligations especially in article 8 in the European Convention.  The results of this study have shown that Sweden do not have legal security for all forms included in psychological violence even though it’s such a serious issue in the Swedish society today. It has also shown that the right to privacy and a private life may be one of the reasons why Sweden hasn’t come up with a criminal provision against psychological abuse against women. Women’s right to a private life and freedom from all forms of abuse are therefore not fulfilled under the state’s positive obligations without this criminal provision, according to the positive obligations that article 8 in the European Convention should provide to all individuals.  Key words: Human rights, Women’s rights, State’s positive obligation, Domestic violence, Psychological abuse, Intimate relationship, Private life, European Court, European Convention on Human Rights, Swedish legal context.

The impact of domestic violence on family cohesion: exploring a pastoral approach in the Masvingo Diocese

Muzenda, Vincent Tirivanhu Marova 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries in English, Shona and Ndebele / Bibliography: pages 228-252 / The work being reported hereunder focused on spousal conflict as a threat to family cohesion, while exploring a pastoral approach in the Masvingo Diocese in Zimbabwe. Experience as a pastor has shown that domestic violence is cancerous in the Masvingo Diocese and this is proved by alarming statistics about this province. Many marriages have been irrevocably broken down and the moral fabric that used to characterise family cohesion seems to have evaporated into thin air. It is on that premise that the objective of the study was to suggest practical ways that can be employed to facilitate pastoral counselling among families, encountering spousal issues in the Masvingo Diocese. The research is anchored in Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy, complimented by White’s narrative therapy. The research adopts a mixed method approach which involved closed questionnaires, focus-group discussions and structured interviews. Some 40 respondents constituted the study sample and they were purposively sampled. The research sample consisted of four priests in the five deaneries and 36 ordinary members of the Catholic Church. The key results were that Logotherapy and narrative counselling are effective methods of assisting people to find new meaning in their lives. Practical ways which pastoral counsellors can adopt go a long way in ameliorating internal household strife. It must as well be stated that, as a recommendation, pastors have to take an active role in addressing this malicious domestic violence. Problems of domestic violence can be solved through pastoral care and counselling. / Iyi itsvagurudzo yezvinokonzerwa nemhirizhonga dzemudzimba pakubatana kwemhuri, pachiongororwa nzira yekufambisa chitendero muDunhu reMasvingo. Kubva muruzivo seMufundisi, zvinoratidza kuti mhirizhonga yemudzimba yadzika midzi muDunhu reMasvingo uye izvi zvinotsigirwa neumbowo hunotyisa hunowanikwa mudunhu iri. Michato mizhinji yakakaparadzika zvisingagadzirisiki uye tsika neyemuro yaimbowanikwa pakubatana kwemhuri inenge yakanyangarika pasina anoziva kwayakaenda. Nekuda kwezvikonzero izvi, chinangwa chetsvagurudzo ino ndechekuedza kupa nzira dzingashandiswa pakubatsiridza pakushandisa dzidziso yechitendero kuvanhu vanowirwa nemhirizhonga yemudzimba muDunhu reMasvingo muZimbabwe. Tsvagurudzo ino inotsigirirwa nedzidziso yaViktor Frankl yeurapi hwelogo iyo inosimbiswa nenhoroondo yedzidziso yaWhite. Tsvagurudzo ino inoshandisa nzira dzakasiyana-siyana dzinosanganisa mibvunzo yakavharwa, mibvunzo yokutsvaga pfungwa dzavanhu uye hurukuro dzomumapoka saka boka richashanda mutsvagurudzo ino rine vanhu makumi mana avo vakasarudzwa pachinangwa ichi. Chikwata cheboka iri chinosanganisira vaPriste vana uye vatenderi makumi matatu nevatanhatu vanobva mumaDhinari mashanu. Zvakabuda mutsvagurudzo yedzidziso dzeurapi dzelogo nenhoroondo yedzidziso yacho inzira kwadzo dzingabatsira kune vakawanana kuti vawane mafungiro nemaonero matsva ehupenyu uye nzira chaidzo dzingashandiswa nevadzidzisi vechitendero idzo dzinogona kugadzirisa pakuru dambudziko remhirizhonga mudzimba. Zvinodawo kucherechedza uye sekurudziro nemazano kuVafundisi kuti vanofanira kutora matanho akasimba pakugadzirisa chirwere ichi chemhirizhonga mudzimba agogona kugariswa kuburikidza nebasa revadzidzisi nechitendero nerairo yavo. / Isufundo lesi sikhangela ukuphambaniseka okwenzakalayo ekubambaneni kwemuli yikuhlukumezana emakhaya sikhangele umbono webandla le Masvingo Diocese. Okuhlanganwe lakho njengo Mufundisi kubonise ukuthi emakhaya kuyamemetheka ukuhlukuzemana eMasvingo Diocese njalo kuvenzwa yibalo ezesabekayo kulendawo.Inutshando eminengi idhilikile njalo Ubuntu lokuziphatha okwakutholakala ekubambeneni kwemuli sokuuqukile kwaphephetwa ngumoya. Yikho injongo yesifundo iyikubonisa undlela ezesebenzayo ezingasetshenziswa ukubonisa lokusiza abahlukumenzwayo emakhaya endaweni yeMasvingo Diocese e Zimbabwe. Ukulonda kubotswe kuViktor Frankl ekhangela ukwelatshwa ngemifanekiso (Logotherapy) kauye incedisana le white’s narrative therapy. Umkhondo uthatha imibono etshiyeneyo ehlanganisela imibuzo evalekileyo, ingxoxo ezihleliweyo lengxoxo phakathi kwamaqembu njalo kwakhetwa isampula elabaphenduli abalitshumi lane abakethwa ngokucophelela.Isampula ihlanganisa abafundisi abane kanye labebandla abangu 36 emadeanery amahlanu eMasvingo.Impumela eyinhloko yikuthi ukwelatshwa kwe logo kanye lokwelatshwa okulandayo zindela eziphumelelayo ezingancedisa ababili emendweni ukuthola likuzwisisa empilweni njalo ukuhamba phambili ekuthuthukiseni ukwenangaba ukuhlukumezana emakhaya ngembono ku bokholo. Kumele kugaphelwe ukuthi njengabafundisi abaqotho kufanele bathathe indima ekusebenzelaneni lalokhu kuhlukumezana emakhaya. Inkinga yokuhlukuluzana emakhaya ingaqoniswa ngokunakekela komfundisi lokukhulumisana. / Practical Theology / D. Phil. (Practical Theology)

Případová studie kampaně Responsible Together / Case Study of Responsible Together Campaign

Nováková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze a media campaign called Responsible Together, which is focused on decrease of violence against women. Campaign Responsible Together is created by non-profit organizations that are part of civil society. This thesis brings a description of the creative process of the campaign, it's target group, and communication mix. One part of this thesis also introduces the specifics of marketing in the non-profit field. A case study was selected as a research design because it allows combining more than one method of collecting data. These methods were document analysis, analysis of graphics, and participatory observation.

Covid-19 pandemins konsekvenser av mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : data från 9 länder / Covid-19 pandemic consequences of men's violence against women in intimate relationships : data from 9 countries

Bäckström, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem och ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. Under 2020-2021, påverkas hela världen av covid-19-pandemin, med restriktioner som hemkarantän och arbeta hemifrån har detta även resulterat i en social isolering, minskat socialt stödsystem samt ökat våld mot kvinnor. Vilket i sin tur innebär att situationen för våldsutsatta kvinnor riskerar att förvärras. Av de kvinnor som utsätts för våldsbrott, inträffar tre av fyra incidenter i kvinnans egen bostad. Detta innebär att för en kvinna är det hennes egna hem som i statistiken är den farligaste platsen för henne att befinna sig. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att belysa covid-19-pandemins konsekvenser av mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med en tematisk analys baserad på tio vetenskapliga originalartiklar. Resultat: Samtliga artiklar rapporterade psykiskt våld som den formen av våldshandling som både ökat och nyttjades mest av män i våld mot kvinnor, men mycket tyder på att mörkertalet för mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer i samband med covid-19 är globalt mycket större än vad som framkommit i dessa studier. Slutsats: Den aktuella studiens resultat fann ett begränsat stöd för sambandet mellan hypoteser i förhållandet mellan olika samhällsåtgärder under covid-19-pandemin och vissa socioekonomiska faktorer, på mäns våld mot kvinnor. När de socioekonomiska faktorerna påverkades av en pandemi samtidigt som den ekonomiska stressen uppkom, ökade mäns våld mot kvinnor. Psykiskt våld var den formen som rapporterades både ökat och användes mest av män i utövandet av våld mot kvinnor under covid-19-pandemin. / Introduction: Men's violence against women is a global public health problem and a violation of human rights. In 2020-2021, the entire world is affected by the covid-19-pandemic. Restrictions such as home quarantine and working from home have resulted in social isolation, reduced social support, and increased violence against women. This indicates that the situation for abused women is in danger of deteriorating. Of women who are victims of violence, three of four incidents occur in the woman's own home. This means that for a woman, her own home is the most dangerous place for her to be. Aim: This analysis aims to clarify the covid-19-pandemic's consequences of men's violence against women in intimate relationships. Methods: A systematic review with a thematic analysis based on ten scientific original articles. Results: All articles reported psychological violence as the form of violence that increased and was used the most by men in violence against women. Data indicate that the magnitude of men's violence against women in connection with covid-19 is globally large. Conclusion: The results of the current study found limited support for the hypotheses in the relationship between different society restrictions in connections with the covid-19-pandemic and socio-economic factors on men's violence against women. When the socio-economic factors were affected by the pandemic and at the same time experienced economic stress, men's violence against women increased. Psychological violence was the form of violence that was, reported to be used the most by men in their violence against women during the covid-19-pandemic

Barnets bästa? : en kritisk diskursanalys om hur tingsrätten resonerar kring uppgifter om pappans våld mot mamman i vårdnadstvister / Best interests of the child? : a critical discourse analysis of how the district court reasoned about information about the father's violence against the mother in custody disputes

Larsson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap kring hur diskurser konkurrerar om vad som är barns bästa och hur dessa styr tingsrättens beslut vid vårdnadstvister när det finns uppgifter om pappans våld mot mamma och eventuellt barn. Det empiriska materialet utgick ifrån 14 domar där det fanns uppgifter om pappans våld inom familjen. Tingsrätten hade som uppgift att döma huruvida vårdnaden skulle vara gemensam eller ensam för föräldrarnas gemensamma barn. Studien är kvalitativ och Norman Faircloughs diskursanalys används både som teori och metod tillsammans med socialkonstruktionism, med betoning på genus som social konstruktion. Resultatet i studien visar på två diskurser som tingsrätten motiverar sina beslut utifrån, där båda syftar till att argumentera eller göra trovärdigt vad som är för barnets bästa. I ”behovsdiskursen” betonas vikten av en god och nära relation till båda föräldrarna, emedan ”riskdiskursen” betonar risken för att barnet kan fara illa. Dessa två diskurser påverkar domstolens syn på föräldrarnas samarbete, vilket i sin tur påverkar tingsrättens beslut om gemensam respektive ensam vårdnad. Även på vilket sätt tingsrätten tar upp våldet och benämner våldet påverkas också utifrån vilken av de två diskurserna som råder. Inom behovsdiskursen bedömdes samarbetet som tillräckligt bra vid minsta möjliga tecken på att föräldrarna kunde enas i olika gemensamma beslut rörande barnet, vilket resulterade i gemensam vårdnad. Uppgifter om våld från pappan omformulerades eller omnämndes aldrig, vilket gjorde att våldet inom behovsdiskursen förminskades och fick en underordnad betydelse. Inom riskdiskursen bedömdes det svåra samarbetet mellan föräldrarna utgöra en risk för att barnet skulle fara illa, vilket gjorde att utfallet här blev ensam vårdnad. Inom riskdiskursen synliggjordes och problematiserades våldet i mycket högre grad. / The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how discourses compete for what is in the best interests of the child and how these govern the district court's decisions in custody disputes when there is information about the father's violence against the mother and any children. The empirical material was based on 14 judgments where there was information about the father's violence within the family. The district court's task was to judge whether custody should be joint or single for the parents' common children. The study is qualitative and Norman Fairclough's discourse analysis is used both as a theory and method together with social constructionism with emphasis on a gender perspective as an additional theory. The results of the study show two discourses from which the district court justifies its decisions, there both aim to argue or make credible what is in the best interests of the child. The “Discourse of needs” emphasizes the importance of a good and close relationship with both parents, while the “Discourse of risk” emphasizes the risk that the child may be harmed. The court's reasoning regarding the parents' cooperation is affected by which of the two discourses prevails. The way in which they address the violence and denominates it violence is also affected on the basis of the discourse on which the court is based. Violence tended to be deminished in both discourses, however, it became clear within the discourse of needs.

Intimt eller sexuellt deepfakematerial? : En analys av fenomenet ‘deepfake pornografi’ som digitalt sexuellt övergrepp inom det EU-rättsliga området / Intimate or sexual deepfake material? : An analysis of the phenomenon ’deepfake pornography’ as virtual sexual abuse in the legal framework of the European Union

Skoghag, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

L’hostilité de genre selon le profil de violence entre partenaires intimes : une étude auprès d’hommes en recherche d’aide

Patterson-Beaumont, Kayla 08 1900 (has links)
À l'échelle mondiale, la violence entre partenaires intimes (VPI) demeure un problème de santé publique préoccupant, nous indiquant l’importance d’identifier ses corrélats. Un facteur ayant été associé à la violence masculine est l’hostilité envers les femmes. Toutefois, aucune de ces études n’a pris en compte toutes les formes principales de VPI ainsi que la sévérité des actes, ne permettant pas de représenter adéquatement l’hétérogénéité du phénomène. Également, l’association observée entre l’hostilité envers les femmes et la VPI perpétrée par les femmes indique la pertinence d’investiguer ce lien chez les hommes. Le premier objectif du présent mémoire visait à identifier les profils de VPI sur la base de la sévérité des actes de VPI physique, psychologique, sexuelle et du contrôle coercitif perpétrés auprès d’un échantillon clinique de 969 hommes en recherche d’aide pour violence conjugale. Le deuxième objectif visait à analyser si les profils identifiés présentaient des différences en termes d’hostilité envers les femmes et d’hostilité envers les hommes. Les analyses de profils latents ont permis d’identifier quatre profils d’auteurs en fonction de la sévérité des actes perpétrés sur les quatre formes de VPI. Des différences significatives ont ensuite été observées entre les profils et l’hostilité de genre. Plus particulièrement, le profil caractérisé par des formes sévères de VPI et de contrôle coercitif affichait les niveaux les plus élevés d'hostilité envers les femmes et envers les hommes. Les résultats contribuent à améliorer notre compréhension des corrélats de la VPI et à guider le développement d'interventions adaptées à ces profils d’auteurs. / Across the world, intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a significant public health concern, indicating the importance of identifying its correlates. One factor that has been associated with male violence is hostility towards women. However, none of these studies took into account all the main forms of IPV, nor the severity of the acts, making it impossible to adequately represent the heterogeneity of the phenomenon. Additionally, the association observed between hostility towards women and IPV perpetrated by women indicates the relevance of investigating this link among men. The first objective of the present study was to identify distinct IPV profiles based on the severity of acts of physical, psychological, sexual, and coercive control IPV perpetrated among a clinical sample of 969 men seeking help for domestic violence. The second objective was to analyze whether the profiles differed in terms of hostility towards women and hostility towards men. Latent profile analyses identified four perpetrators profiles based on the severity of the acts perpetrated on the four forms of IPV. Significant differences were observed between profiles and gender hostility. Most notably, the profile characterized by severe forms of IPV and severe coercive control displayed the highest levels of hostility towards both women and men. The results contribute to improve our understanding of IPV correlates and guide the development of interventions tailored to these different perpetrators profiles.

From victim to victory: the experiences of abused women and the salience of the support they encounter

Van Rensburg, Madri Stephani Jansen 30 November 2004 (has links)
This thesis includes four studies investigating the experiences of abused women. According to ecological approaches different systems should be considered when conducting research into abused women and their experiences. The first study involved women who successfully left an abusive relationship. An ecological approach was used to investigate the experiences of the women in the different phases of their relationship, including the initial attraction to the partner, the development and sustaining of the abuse and her attempts to leave until her final decision to leave permanently. An important finding was the importance of considering and investigating all systems and levels when dealing with abused women, including those who have left and those who are contemplating leaving this relationship. The second study found that women who experienced physical abuse were often hurt in anatomical locations that were indicative of impulsive violence. The abuser used any object in the heat of the moment to attack the victim and no premeditated planning was evident in the type of injuries sustained. The women further reported that medical practitioners did not investigate the causes of injuries and that they were not referred to social services or organisations dealing with abused women, although they were recognised as suffering from abuse. The intersection of abuse of women and HIV was the topic of focus of the third study. A review of the records of abused women revealed that many abused women were subjected to risk factors for contracting HIV, with counsellors focussing only on abuse issues. Longitudinal case studies, of women exposed to both conditions, revealed that they lacked social support and were often secondarily victimised by the social welfare systems. An environmental scan found that social and health care services were not accessible to these women. The final study investigated intervention strategies to combat burnout in workers at an organisation dealing with abused women. The importance and effectiveness of creative exercises and art sessions were determined in combination with debriefing and supervision sessions. The studies all considered systems that are important in service delivery to abused women. A holistic and systemic investigation and treatment of abused women is shown to be essential, as is the importance of grass roots research. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

A sociological analysis of the structure and functioning of support groups for emotionally abused women

Ramabulana, Denga Bellinda 30 April 2007 (has links)
Emotional abuse is a problem experienced worldwide, crossing all economic, educational, social and ethnic segments of all societies. Overtime, many empirical researchers concentrated on studying the occurrence and impact of physical abuse on women but neglected to study the effects of emotional abuse on the woman's physical and mental health. But with time, researchers began to realise that emotional abuse also had a great impact on the lives of women. Therefore, a detailed exploration of emotional abuse between intimate adult partners has only recently emerged in the literature. Though it is difficult to separate emotional abuse from other forms of abuse, many women in our research who were provided with a definition of emotional abuse identified and confirmed that they have been emotionally abused in their past or are being abused in their current intimate relationships. This research project focused mainly on women who suffered and have survived the wounds of emotional abuse in intimate relationships. Group work is aimed at the growth and development of the individual. This study reports on an in-depth analysis of the arrangements and formulation of the structure of support groups, and the effectiveness of the functioning of these groups. Participants who joined the support groups in this research, were women who have undergone therapeutic intervention and are/or were engaged in a healing process that involved reintegration, implementation and maintenance of therapeutic goals. Support groups do provide a place where people can share their experiences in a safe environment, and where they can symbolise their experiences and consequently make them more acceptable to the self. It has been concluded in this research that support groups were effective in giving members the opportunity of helping each other to heal from the wounds of emotional abuse by being supportive, giving feedback, making helpful suggestions and providing useful information necessary for their growth and development. Therefore, participants who joined the support groups agreed that they have benefited by receiving the encouragement and support from one another, which contributed towards their process of healing emotionally, and in turn, caused them to change from being helpless victims to survivors of emotional abuse. / Sociology / D. Phil (Sociology)

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