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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ROBERTA SALOMONE DE PAIVA 04 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo pretende analisar e discutir os principais dados sobre violência doméstica durante o primeiro ano de pandemia da Covid-19 e apresentar algumas respostas e iniciativas tecnológicas que foram aprimoradas e/ou criadas para atender as vítimas no Brasil. Com a propagação da Covid-19 em todo mundo no ano de 2020, medidas de isolamento social foram adotadas como importante estratégia para a redução do número de infectados pelo vírus. Ficar em casa, no entanto, virou sinônimo de insegurança para muitas mulheres, já que é no próprio domicílio onde ocorre grande parte dos casos de feminicídio no país. Um mês depois de a Organização Mundial de Saúde decretar a pandemia, o relatório Covid-19 e o Combate à Violência Contra Mulheres e Meninas (ONU Mulheres) já mostrava que o número de casos de violência doméstica tinha aumentado em vários lugares do mundo. Esse texto apresenta os principais aplicativos para celular, serviços de atendimentos online e outras ferramentas digitais, assim como aponta para a necessidade de iniciativas e políticas específicas, investimento e desenvolvimento em novas tecnologias para combater os casos de violência contra as mulheres. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze and discuss the main data on domestic violence during the first year of coronavirus pandemic and present some answers and technological initiatives that were improved to assist victims in Brazil. With the spread of Covid-19 around the world during 2020, social isolation was adopted as an important strategy to reduce the number of people infected by the virus. However, staying home has become synonymous of insecurity for many women, as most of femicide cases happen at home. A month after the World Health Organization declares Covid-19 a pandemic, the report Covid-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (UN Women) already showed that the number of cases of domestic violence had increased in many parts of the world. This text presents mobile applications, online assistance services and other digital tools as points the need of specific initiatives and policies, investment, and development in new technologies to combat cases of violence against women.

Socialarbetares föreställningarav- och arbete medhedersvåldsutsatta kvinnor

Hoffsten, Sara, Mahfoud, Sarah January 2024 (has links)
Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (HRV) är ett komplext fenomen somnyligen fått utökat utrymme inom svensk debatt och politik. Tidigareforskning visar att det saknas förståelse för hedersrelaterat våld utanförramarna av kulturella perspektiv. Vidare leder detta till en otillräcklig ochsimplifierad bild av fenomenet. Forskning visar även att behandlare somhjälper och vårdar hedersvåldsutsatta kvinnor bemöter klienten utifrån sinaföreställningar. Föreställningar om individer av annan kultur är oftageneraliserande och påverkar kvalitén på given hjälp och vård. Syftet meddenna studie är att undersöka hur socialarbetare beskriver sitt arbete medhedersvåldsutsatta kvinnor. Vi ämnar även att undersöka vilka föreställningarom kvinnorna som framkommer ur socialarbetarnas beskrivning av arbetet.Genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med socialarbetare inomfältet av HRV framkom att det idag finns fler hinder än möjligheter i detpraktiska arbetet. Resultatet av denna studie visar att den hedersvåldsutsattakvinnan generaliseras då hon sällan blir förstådd utanför kontexten av henneskultur. Därigenom blir våldet hon utsätts för förminskat med tiden. Dettabeskrivs främst ha grund i att det hjälpande och stöttande arbetet utförs undertids- och resursbrist. Därför är det av vikt att den hjälpsökandehedersvåldsutsatta kvinnan får professionella möten där vikt läggs påinkludering och individuella behov. Resultatet visar att kvinnan som kännersig förstådd stannar kvar i det professionella samarbetet och har större chansatt bryta sig från våldet inom hennes familj.

War and behavior / evidence from Angolan Civil War veterans

Stojetz, Wolfgang 21 April 2017 (has links)
Militärdienst in Kriegsgebieten prägt das Leben von Millionen von Menschen weltweit. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, besser zu verstehen wie und weshalb junge Männer Praktiken und Strategien von Armeen ausgesetzt sind, und wie diese Erfahrungen ihr langfristiges Verhalten prägen. Die Arbeit enthält drei eigenständige Essays, die diese Themen jeweils theoretisch als auch empirisch behandeln. Die empirische Analyse nutzt selbst erhobene Umfragedaten von 760 angolanischen Veteranen, detaillierte Einblicke in den lokalen Kontext und den angolanischen Bürgerkrieg als ein natürliches Experiment um kausale Mechanismen zu identifizieren. Kapitel 2 argumentiert, dass ein nichtstaatlicher Kriegsakteur ähnlich wie ein Staatsakteur in der Lage sein kann lokal Steuern zu erheben und, dass ein solcher Akteur Wehrpflicht zur Rekrutierung einsetzt. Kapitel 3 offenbart, dass Soldaten, die mehr in lokaler `governance` mit der Armee involviert sind, in der Nachkriegszeit im Durchschnitt mehr zur Herstellung öffentlicher Gütern beitragen. Mehr Erfahrung mit sozialer Kooperation stimuliert die Teilnahme in Planungsprozessen, während eine Verschiebung der politischen Präferenzen Beiträge zur Bereitstellung der Güter fördert. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass Erlebnisse sexueller Gewalt gegen Zivilistinnen auf lange Sicht das Risiko von Gewalttaten gegen die eigene Partnerin erhöhen. Der Grund ist eine nachhaltige Reduzierung psychologischer Barrieren gegenüber Gewalt gegen Frauen. Die Arbeit trägt zu mehreren Literaturen zu den langfristigen Ursprüngen menschlichen Verhaltens und der Mechanik und Folgen gewaltsamer Konflikte bei. Die Befunde stellen konventionelle Rekrutierungsmodelle in Frage, vorherrschende Theorien häuslicher Gewalt, sowie unser Verständnis davon, wie Krieg lokal Institutionen verändert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen neue Wege auf, wie Entwicklungspolitik kriegsbedingte Verhaltensmuster angehen und sich zunutze machen kann, um dadurch mehr Kooperation und weniger Gewalt zu schaffen. / Military service in conflict zones strongly marks the lives of millions of people across the world. The objective of this thesis is to contribute to understanding how and why young men are exposed to practices and policies by armed groups, and how these experiences affect their behavior in the long run. The thesis presents three self-contained essays that all address this objective theoretically and empirically. The empirical analysis relies on primary survey data from 760 Angolan veterans, uses deep insights into the local context and exploits the Angolan Civil War as a natural experiment to identify causal mechanisms. Chapter 2 argues that a non-state armed actor may – like a state actor – have the ability to tax a local population and will choose conscription as its primary recruitment policy. Chapter 3 exposes that former soldiers who were more involved in local governance during the war are significantly more likely to participate in collective public good production more than a decade after the end of the war. Gaining experience with social cooperation increases contributions to organizing public goods, while a shift in political preferences fosters participation in their delivery. Chapter 4 shows that exposure to sexual violence by armed groups significantly increases an individual’s long-term propensity to commit violence against an intimate partner. This effect is underpinned by a reduction of psychological barriers to violence against women. The thesis contributes to several literatures on the long-run individual-level origins of human behavior and on the conduct and consequences of armed conflict. The findings challenge conventional models of rebel recruitment, dominant theories of domestic violence and existing knowledge of how war affects local institutions. The findings can also help policymakers to tackle and leverage long-run impacts of conflict on behavior, in order to devise new policies for more cooperative and less violent societies.

Living arrangements of elderly widows in India: Family convention, bad luck and abandonment

Wilder, Ann C. 05 1900 (has links)
In India, issues of gender discrimination and female empowerment have become more prominent in the last several years. Elderly women, specifically widows, are often abandoned or not well cared for by family members and are typically marginalized within Indian society, vulnerable, and susceptible to poverty. This is an exploratory analysis with a research hypothesis asking, who are the caregivers of elderly widows? Statistics indicate that women may be taking on more of a care giving role with elderly widows which in turn may exacerbate the already existing issues of poverty and neglect for this population. The purpose of this study was to examine in more depth the factors related to living arrangements of elderly Indian widows using the NFHS-3 (2005-2006) data set. Quantitative methods of secondary data analysis and systematic literature review are employed in this research. sociological factors related to family self-reported living arrangement, age of widow, education, caste, socioeconomic level, religion, and geographic region were analyzed using data from the respondents identified as older widows (N=2,176). Findings indicate 78% report living alone or in non-familial households while 22% reported living in various familial constellations. The odds of living with a relative versus not living with a relative were found to be significant for three variables: age, religion Muslim, and region Northern. Living arrangements for elderly widows in Indian society are determined based on a complex system of logic embedded in a patrilineal descent, family convention, religion, and regional cultural practices. Understanding these complex factors is important in predicting the needs and available services for this population of vulnerable elderly women.

Därför slog jag henne! : En kvalitativ studie om mäns erfarenheter av sitt våld mot sina tidigare partners

Pietrzyk, Diana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to highlight men's experiences of their violence against their former partners. The questions that answered the purpose of the study have focused on the reasons why men tend to use violence against their partners and whether they subsequently take responsibility for their violence and if so, how this is the case. The study is of a qualitative approach and is based on five interviews with men who have been treated for their violent behavior. The theories that the study leans towards are the social psychological and sociological perspectives with a focus on social heritage and the social learning theory. The study's empirical data and the causes of the violence is also linked to the external factors of the ecological perspective, such as drugs, alcohol, economic vulnerability and crime. Other theoretical perspectives and explanatory models that are used to explain men's acts of violence against their former partner are the disfavor perspective in the individual psychological perspective, the gender power perspective and system theory explanatory models. The result of the study indicate that the causes of men's violence against women are often explained as the woman's own fault when the man often believes that the woman has provoked him to take violence. Many times, however, there are several different reasons for men's violence against women who are interwoven in several different theoretical explanatory models. Many of the men in the study still do not take responsibility for their acts of violence and do not want to identify themselves as a women abusers, even though they have been treated and in therapy for the violence against their former partner. However, some of the men in the study also found that the treatment helped them understand the causes of the violence and that they also have a responsibility as it comes to the violence they subjected their former partners to. / Studiens syfte har varit att belysa mäns erfarenheter av sitt våld mot sina tidigare partners. Frågeställningarna som besvarat studiens syfte har fokuserat på orsakerna kring varför män brukar våld mot sina partners och huruvida de i efterhand tar ansvar för sitt våld och hur i så fall detta ter sig. Studien är av kvalitativ ansats och grundar sig på fem intervjuer med män som har gått i behandling för sitt våldsamma beteende. De teorier som studien lutar sig mot är de socialpsykologiska och sociologiska perspektiven med fokus på det sociala arvet samt den sociala inlärningsteorin. Studiens empiri och orsakerna till våldet kopplas även samman med det ekologiska perspektivet och då med fokus på de yttre faktorerna så som droger, alkohol, ekonomisk utsatthet och kriminalitet. Andra teoretiska perspektiv och förklaringsmodeller som används för att förklara männens våldshandlingar gentemot sin före detta partner är vanmaktsperspektivet, det individualpsykologiska perspektivet och könsmaktsperspektivet. Studiens resultat pekar på att orsakerna till mäns våld mot kvinnor ofta förklaras som kvinnans eget fel då mannen många gånger anser att kvinnan har provocerat honom till att ta till våld. Många gånger kan det dock finnas flera olika orsaker till mäns våld mot kvinnor som är sammanvävda i flera olika teoretiska förklaringsmodeller. Flera av männen i studien tar fortfarande inte ansvar för sina våldshandlingar och vill inte identifiera sig som kvinnomisshandlare, trots att de gått i behandling och i terapi för våldet mot sin tidigare partner. Vissa av männen i studien tyckte dock att behandlingen hjälpte dem till att förstå orsakerna till våldet och att de även har ett ansvar då det kommer till våldet som de utsatt sina tidigare partners för.

Select psychosocial risk factors contributing to domestic violence against women in Tshwane, South Africa

Dreyer, Cherie 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa has among the highest rates of physical and sexual violence against women in the world. Research indicates that understanding the causality of domestic violence is very complex and the measurement of risk factors are deemed challenging. Yet, it is important to understand and identify the risk factors associated with domestic violence to effectively prevent it. This phenomenological research study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of female domestic violence victims and sought to identify risk factors (e.g. alcohol and drug abuse, violence in the family of origin, personality factors, cultural differences, socio-economic factors, and the impact of pregnancy) that may have contributed to the occurrence of domestic violence in their intimate relationships .The participants were selected based on purposive and convenience sampling and also their willingness to participate. The sample consisted of six participants between the ages of 18 – 45 years old, residing in Tshwane, South Africa. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. A qualitative methodological design was used to collect and explore information about the participants’ personal experiences with domestic violence. Hycner’s explicitation process was employed to identify the four main themes, namely the participants’ experience of domestic violence; socio economic factors; cultural differences, and domestic violence during pregnancy. Each main theme was comprised of sub-themes. The findings of this study differed slightly in comparison with the existing body of literature that highlight substance abuse as one of the highest risk factors for the occurrence of domestic violence in intimate relationships. In this study, other risk factors such as pregnancy and socio-economic factors played a much bigger role than substance abuse as the key risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence. / INingizimu Afrika ingenye yamazwe omhlaba anamazinga aphezulu odlame nokuhlukunyezwa kwabesimame ngokocansi. Ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi ukuqondisisa izimbangela zodlame lwasekhaya yinto eyisixakaxaka ukuyiqondisisa kanti futhi kuyinselele ukukala izinto ezinobungozi kwabesimame. Kodwa ngisho noma kunjalo, kubalulekile ukuqondisisa kanye nokwazi izinto ezinobungozi ezihambisana nodlame lwasekhaya ukuze lukwazi ukuvinjelwa. Lolu cwaningo oluhlaziya ngaphandle kokuthatha uhlangothi, lunenhloso yokuphenyisisa indlela abantu besimame abangamaxhoba odlame abalubona nolubaphatha ngayo udlame lwasekhaya kanye nokubheka izinto ezinobungozi (ezifana nokusetshenziswa kabi kotshwala nezidakamizwa, udlame emakhaya okuqala abahlukumezi, izinto eziqondene nomuntu siqu, umehluko kwezamasiko, eziphathelene nomnotho nabantu kanye nomphumela ekukhulelweni), okungaba yizinto ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya ebudlelwananeni basekhaya. Abantu ababambe iqhaza kucwaningo bakhethwe ngokulandela isampuli enenhloso yokukhetha abathile abazohlangabezana nenhloso yocwaningo kanye nokuzimisela kwabo ukubamba iqhaza kucwaningo. Isampuli ibinababambi-qhaza abayisithupha abaphakathi kweminyaka engu 18 ukuya kwengu 45 ubudala, okwamanje abahlala eTshwane. I-data itholakala ngokwenza ama-interview ahlelekile kodwa angenamkhawulo kakhulu. Kusetshenziswe idizayini yocwaningo esebenzisa i-qualitative method ukuqoqa nokuthola ulwazi maqondana nezipiliyino zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya. Kusetshenziswe inqubo ye-Hycner's explicitation ukuphawula izihloko ezine ezinkulu, ukuyizipiliyoni zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya, izinto eziphathelene nabantu nomnotho, umehluko kwezamasiko, udlame lwasekhaya ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa. Isihloko nesihloko esikhulu, besihlukaniswe ngezihlokwana ezincane. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo yehlukile kancane uma kuqhathaniswa neminye imibhalo ekhona egqamisa ukusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa njengenye yezinto ezinkulu eziyingozi nembangela yodlame lwasekhaya kanye nakubudlelwane babantu abasondelene kakhulu. Kulolu cwaningo, ezinye izinto eziyizingozi ezifana nokuhlukunyezwa ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa kanye nokuphathelene nabantu nomnotho kunendima enkulu kunokusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa notshwala njengezinto eziphezulu kakhulu ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya. / Afrika Tshipembe ḽi vhukati ha phimo ya nṱhesa ya khakhathi dza zwa vhudzekani na dza u huvhadza vhafumakadzi kha ḽifhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso i sumbedza uri u pfesesa vhakwameaho nga khakhathi dza mitani zwi a konḓa nga maanḓa na u elwa ha zwiitisi zwa khombo zwi vhonala zwi khaedu vhukuma. Fhedziha, ndi zwa ndeme u pfesesa na u wana zwiitisi zwa khombo zwine zwa tshimbilelana na khakhathi dza miṱani u itela uri dzi kone u thivhelwa. Iyi ndi ngudo ya ṱhoḓisiso nga tshenzhemo yo livhiswaho kha u ṱhoḓisisa tshenzhemo ye vhafumakadzi vho ṱanganaho na khakhathi dza mitani vha tshenzhema na u ṱoda u wanulusa zwithu zwi vhangaho khombo iyi. (zwine zwa nga vha tshumiso ya zwikambi na zwidzidzivhadzi, khakhathi dza murahu muṱani, vhuvha ha muthu, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano, phambano ya mvelele, u ḓihwala) zwine zwa nga vha zwo livhisa kha u bvelela ha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhafunani. Vhadzheneli vho tiwa zwo ḓitika nga ndivho nauri vha tsinisa na lutamo lwa u dzhenelela lwa avho vhathu. Sambula yo vhumbwa nga zwipiḓa zwa rathi zwa vhadzheneli vha miṅwaha ya vhukati ha 18 – 45, vhane zwa zwino vha dzula kha ḽa Tshwane. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha mbudziso dzi sa langiho kufhindulele. Nḓila ya u tandula ‘qualitative’ yo shumiswa u kuvhanganya na u ṱhaṱhuvha zwidodombedzwa nga ha tshenzhemo dza vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani. Kuitele kwa Hycner a songo ḓoweleaho kwo shumiswa u wana ṱhoho dza ndeme nṋa; dzine dza vha tshenzhemo ya vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano; phambano ya mvelele, na dzikhakhathi dza miṱani nga tshifhinga vho ḓihwala. Ṱhoho khulwane yo vhumbwa nga ṱhoho ṱhukhu. Mawanwa a ngudo iyi a fhambana nyana na mbambedzo na tshivhumbeo tsha maṅwalo ane a vha hone ane a ombedzela tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi sa tshiṅwe tsha tshivhangi tshihulwane tsha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhushaka ha vhafunani. Kha ngudo iyi, dziṅwe khombo dzi fananho na u ḓihwala na zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano zwi vha zwivhangi zwihulwane u fhira tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi na zwiitisi zwa khombo zwa ndeme zwine zwa vhanga khakhathi dza miṱani. / Psychology / M.A.(Psychology)

Learners' aggressive behaviour in secondary school: a psycho-social perspective

Gasa, Velisiwe Goldencia 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study was undertaken to determine the extent of aggressive behaviour exhibited by secondary school learners. Many factors were considered when investigating the problem of aggressive behaviour. The problem was traced from the theorists' perspectives and factors related to the family, school and community. An extensive literature review showed that the above factors contribute to aggressive behaviour among adolescents. In order to support or reject the findings of the literature study, quantitative (questionnaire) research and qualitative research (interviews) were conducted. The results of the quantitative research concerning learners' aggressive behaviour in secondary schools were analysed and interpreted while at the same time a deeper understanding of aggressive behaviour was revealed through qualitative research. The results of the empirical research indicated that the more negative the family climate, school climate, community climate or influence of friends are, or the more negative the emotional self-concept of the adolescent is, the more aggressive the adolescent is, and vice versa. Based on these findings recommendations for the implementation of prevention programmes were made. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Exploring the psychosocial problems of children residing in shelters for abused women and the children in the Cape Metropolitan are : a gestalt approach

Badenhorst, Beryl Anne 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore and describe the psychosocial problems perceived (their phenomenological field) by children in middle childhood, living in shelters in the Cape Metropolitan Area. The psychosocial problems included poor self regulation as a result of disturbances in the contact cycle, restrictions in shelters negatively impacting the holistic sense of self, barriers hindering relationships with significant others and the continuation of violence into the participants‟ broader field. The experience of multiple losses and persistence of violent behavior within and without the shelter context was a thread that ran through this study. Current literature provided an overview of the theoretical underpinnings of this study which included the key tenets of Gestalt therapy theory, core Gestalt principles, the child living in a shelter and development in middle childhood. A qualitative research approach with a case study of ten children from three shelters was implemented. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Psychopathy as a cause of violent crime in South Africa : a study into the etiology, prevelance and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa

Ellis, Tareen January 2014 (has links)
Murder, rape, corruption and gang wars, sounds like something out of a bad movie but for many it is their way of life and not a movie they can stop. Many people today live with the constant threat of attack and the threat is often not by some stranger but someone they know, their neighbour, their uncle, their father, their domestic worker and on occasion even their own mother. As crime escalates more people are asking the question,"Why this rapid increase in crime and why is there such an increase in the number of violent crimes?" South Africa is well known, unfortunately, for its high crime rate and in particular it's exceptionally high violent crime rate. South Africa is rated in the top 10 for the highest murders per capita (UNDOC 2011). Over the past 20 years the number of violent crimes has progressively increased and the reason for this increase needs to be examined. there appears to be a rapid increase in the number of people presenting personality disorders in society. A number of studies have been conducted on the etiology of anti-social personality disorder and on psychopathology. In the past the majority of these studies had been conducted in developed countries and in the past few years a number of studies have started to be conducted in developing countries. Although very interesting with great insight very few have tried to examined any trends and differences between developed and developing countries. During the course of these studies it has been observed that inmates and people exhibiting Psychopathy traits are more likely to commit violent crimes and in addition reoffend. The thesis proposed examines trends between developed and developing countries to find any links between crime and psychopathology and in addition the etiology, prevalence and prevention of psychopathology. The study will identify a number of models utilised to understand violence in society and personality disorders with particular reference to psychopathy. The study is being done in order to obtain a better understanding of a link between psychopathology and escalating crime in South Africa and what, if anything can be done to decrease this prevelance. This thesis outlines a number of diagnostic tools utilised in order to determine if a person is indeed suffering from psychopathy. Each one of these is discussed and the validity of each considered for both developed and developing countries as a diagnostic tool. The study clearly show that there are a number of unanswered questions around psychopathy within South Africa and that more research within a South African context needs to be conducted if this disorder is to be properly understood. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

The policing of domestic violence in the Tshwane policing presinct

Madzivhandila, Avhashoni Cynthia 06 1900 (has links)
In this qualitative study five police stations in the Tshwane Policing Precinct were selected. The objectives were to describe and explore the South African Police Service (SAPS) officials’ experiences on the nature and extent of domestic violence and the responsive strategies by relevant stakeholders thereof. Data collection literature review and key informant interviews were selected. Purposive sampling was adopted to cater for 40 sworn SAPS officials; each station was represented by seven participants. The findings suggest that many academics around the world overlook the importance women and children as core victims. As a result, they become the neglected people in our society. Thus, there is no simple solution to this crime to date. For recommendations a multi-agency approach whereby all relevant stakeholders try to address this scourge is needed to enhance reporting channels, advance SAPS skills and obtain more convictions. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Policing)

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