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“Jag är här varje gång. Jag försvinner inte.” : En kvalitativ studie om relationsskapandet mellan socialarbetare och våldsutsatta kvinnor / "I am here everytime. I will not dissapear." : A qualitative study on the relationship between social workers and abused women.Carling, Tilde, Fanny, Lindström January 2023 (has links)
This essay portrays the relationship building between social workers and abused women. Intimate partner violence is a social problem worldwide. It appears that the relationship building between social workers and abused women is crucial for how the women receive support. This highlights the need for further research on the relationship between social workers and abused women. The study is qualitative, consisting of eight interviews conducted using a semi-structured method with social workers who work with abused women. The purpose of this essay is to examine the perspective of social workers on building relationships with abused women. The central components that emerged from the results regarding the social workers' relationship-building abilities were empathy, sensitivity, validation of feelings, and knowledge of men's violence against women. An additional conclusion drawn from the results is that establishing relationships based on empowerment can contribute to the women gaining increased self-esteem, which in turn can motivate them to leave abusive situations and become self-sufficient. Through this study, we hope to contribute to further research on the relationship building between abused women and social workers, as well as identify potential challenges in establishing effective relationships.
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I knät på myndigheter och våldsutövare : Om reproducerad utsatthet för våldsutsatta föräldrar och barn vid vårdnadskonflikter / I knät på myndigheter och våldsutövare : Om reproducerad utsatthet för våldsutsatta föräldrar och barn vid vårdnadskonflikterJohansson, Julia, Lager, Camilla January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to understand the conditions for parents who are victims of domestic violence to deal with legal demands in custody disputes, and thereby understand how authorities risk reproducing vulnerability. Our qualitative research has been conducted by analyzing life stories through autobiographical literature and podcastinterviews. The results of the study show that the perpetrator, social networks and the authorities are important for understanding aggravating and enabling circumstances in custody disputes for victimized parents. Furthermore, the results show that parents who have experienced violence manage paradoxical demands from authorities in custody disputes through both adaptation and resistance. Yet, regardless of the strategy, they still need to adapt to the authorities. This leads to the lack of power for parents trying to protect their children from an abusive parent and authority decisions that put their lives, safety and health at risk. Consequently, authorities risk unintentionally reproducing the vulnerability for parents and children who are victims of domestic violence.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer som ett kunskapsmål : En kvalitativ undersökning av sex utbildningsprogram vid Karlstads universitet / Men’s violence against women and domestic violence as a knowledge requirement : A qualitative study of six educational programs at Karlstad UniversityKarlsson, Emmy, Brikha, Atta January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer är ett aktuellt samhällsproblem. Studenter som i sin framtida profession kan komma att möta människor som har blivit våldsutsatta ska visa på kunskap om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer för att kunna ta ut en examen. Kunskapskravet trädde i kraft 2018–2019 och omfattar åtta olika examen där jurist-, psykolog-, socionom-, tandhygienist- och sjuksköterskeprogrammet finns vid Karlstads universitet. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur jurist-, psykolog-, socionom-, sjuksköterske-, tandhygienist- och lärarstudenter vid Karlstads universitet genom sin utbildning tillägnar sig kunskap om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer, samt hur undervisningen uppfattas av studenterna. Metod: Intervjuer med studierektorer, programledare och studenter vid nämnda program har utförts. Respondenterna har resonerat kring examination, undervisning och inlärning av kunskapsmålet vilket sedan har transkriberats och analyserats genom en tematisk analys. För att få en djupare inblick i hur examination och undervisning av kunskapsmålet skett så har en manifest innehållsanalys av utbildningsplaner, kursplaner och litteraturlistor genomförts för respektive program. För att kunna undersöka hur kunskapskravet implementerats hos de program som berörs av det så jämfördes resultatet med lärarprogrammen, vilka inte omfattas av kunskapskravet. Resultat: Kunskapsmålet inkluderats i utbildningsplaner, kursplaner ochlitteraturlistor. Respondenterna från utbildningar med kunskapskravet beskriver att det examineras främst genom seminarier och att kunskapskravet kräver reflektion. Slutsats: Kunskapskravet har implementerats i praktiken hos de utbildningar som omfattas av kravet. Studenter lär sig om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer genom reflektion. Konstruktiv länkning är en vanligt använd strategi inom området. / Background: Men's violence against women and domestic violence is a significant social issue. To better prepare students who may encounter victims of violence in their future professions they need to demonstrate knowledge of men's violence against women and domestic violence to graduate. The knowledge requirement was implemented in 2018-2019 and covers eight different programs at university level in which programs for degrees in law, psychology, social work, dental hygiene, and nursing are offered at Karlstad University. Objective: The aim of this study has been to investigate how students at programs for degrees in law, psychology, social work, dental hygiene, and nursing at Karlstad University learn about men's violence against women and domestic violence, as well as how the educations is perceived by the students. Method: Interviews with Directors of Studies, Program Directors and students from previously mentioned degree programs as well as the teaching programs at Karlstad University has been concluded. The respondents have discussed examination, teaching and learning of the knowledge objective, which has then been analysed using thematic analysis. To gain a deeper understanding of how the examination and teaching of the knowledge objective is implemented, curriculums, course syllabi and bibliographies has been analysed by content analysis. Comparisons were made between the programs covered by the knowledge requirement and teacher education programs not covered by the same requirements. Results: The knowledge requirement has been implemented in the curriculum, course syllabi and bibliographies. Interviews with respondents from the programs also suggests that the course requirement is being implemented. Respondents recommend examining men’s violence against women and domestic violence via seminars especially highlighting the importance of reflection for improving learning. Conclusions: The conclusions drawn are that the knowledge requirement has been implemented in practice in the programs with the requirement. Students learn about men’s violence against women and domestic violence through reflection. Constructive Alignment is a learning theory commonly used.
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A Family Affair: Examining Canadian English-language News Media Portrayals of Muslim Families in the Post-9/11 Era / A Family AffairPatel, Sharifa January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation intervenes in debates in Media Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Canadian Immigration Studies, and Critical Race Studies to explore how shifting news media and political representations of Muslim families reflect the complexities of what it means to be Canadian beyond holding citizenship. In the post-9/11 era, the Muslim family has re-emerged in Canadian English-language news media and Canadian political debates as a site of inherent violence. Drawing on orientalist narratives of the Muslim family, news media and political conversations tend to frame these homes as being headed by patriarchal fathers and oppressed mothers, and children seeking to break from families and traditions, yet always holding the potential to become violent themselves. Even though Canada identifies as a multicultural nation, Muslim families are often presented in media as undeserving of the rights of Canadian citizenship, and even deserving of state violence. While news media play a key role in reproducing orientalist framings of Muslim families, news media can also take the government to task when it comes to the violation of immigrant and racialized Canadians’ rights as citizens. Some news media coverage counter orientalist narratives by producing “positive” representations of Muslim families, however, these “positive” representations frequently frame Muslims who are worthy of the rights of citizenship as adhering to heteronormative family dynamics, productive citizenship, and normative Western gender roles and kinship formations. These “positive” portrayals produce varying representations of Muslim families, but such framings can also labour in the way of reifying Canada’s multicultural ideals and Canada’s idea of itself as “civilized.” Drawing on the news media coverage of the family of Maher Arar, the Khadrs, and the Shafias, I argue that such representations still produce the norms of the settler-colonial Canadian nation, where some racialized bodies, in this case Muslim families, can be granted the rights of Canadian citizenship if they are able to proximate normative Canadian kinship formations. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In the wake of 9/11, many Canadian English-language news media have framed Muslim men as violent and Muslim women as oppressed. This dissertation analyzes the shifting Canadian news media portrayals of the Muslim family. Muslim homes in Canada are often portrayed as spaces for the perpetuation of violence that threatens the Canadian nation. Simultaneously, news media also portray some Muslim homes as spaces of purportedly “good” Canadian citizens, if these Muslim families are able to conform to Canadian “values.” I examine how Canadian news media mobilize heteronormativity, middle-class status, productive citizenship, among others, to portray some Muslims as ascribing to Canadian values, and therefore worthy of the rights of citizenship. Drawing on the news media coverage of the cases of Maher Arar and Monia Mazigh, Ahmed and Omar Khadr and Maha Elsamnah, and Mohammed Shafia, Rona Mohammed, and Tooba Yahya, I analyze how Muslims who are viewed as not assimilating to Western ideals of family are deemed as undeserving of the rights of citizenship, and, in addition, may even deserve violence.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a discussão acerca da Lei n. 11.340, intitulada Lei Maria da Penha, de 7 de agosto de 2006, na produção científica dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu do Serviço Social no Brasil no período de 2006 a 2018. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico das produções
científicas neste período em dois bancos de dados: a Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD) e o Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES. Com um quantitativo de 24 produções, optou-se por fazer uma pesquisa do tipo Estado da arte, seguida do estudo qualitativo das 07 (sete) Dissertações de Mestrado que constavam em ambos os bancos de dados. Buscou-se analisar a discussão que vem sendo construída nessa determinada área do conhecimento, na tentativa de mapear a produção científica stricto sensu do Serviço Social no que concerne à temática, sendo necessário para isto desvelar quem, onde e como estas pesquisas foram produzidas. A violência contra a mulher é uma realidade presente no cotidiano profissional da assistente social, portanto, a ampliação do debate na formação acadêmica, seja na graduação, na pós-graduação lato sensu e stricto sensu, deve ser motivada uma vez que a atuação dessa profissional está imbricada nas políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra a mulher vítima de violência, tanto na gestão, na implantação, na implementação quanto no controle social. Apesar de sua pertinência, a produção stricto sensu do Serviço Social sobre a temática ainda é escassa. No entanto, os trabalhos demonstram aprofundamento do tema ao conceituar gênero, destacar a preponderância dos movimentos
feministas e de mulheres e contextualizar a Lei analisando sua aplicabilidade e/ou efetividade dentro dos espaços que atuam no combate à violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. / [en] This research aimed to analyze the discussion about Law n. 11.340, entitled Lei Maria da Penha, of August 7, 2006, in the scientific production of the stricto sensu graduate programs of Social Work in Brazil in the period from 2006 to 2018. For both, a bibliographic survey of scientific productions in this period
was made in two databases: the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Catalog. With a total of 24 productions, it was decided to conduct a research of the type State of the art, followed by the qualitative study of the 07 (seven) Master s Dissertations that appeared in both databases. We sought to analyze the discussion that has been built in this particular area of knowledge, in an attempt to map the stricto sensu scientific production of Social Work with regard to the theme, being necessary for this to reveal who, where and how these surveys were produced. Violence
against women is a reality present in the professional daily life of the social worker, therefore, the expansion of the debate in academic education, whether in undergraduate, postgraduate lato sensu and stricto sensu, must be motivated since the performance of this professional it is interwoven in public policies to confront violence against women who are victims of violence, both in management, implementation, implementation and social control. Despite its relevance, the stricto sensu production of Social Work on the subject is still scarce. However, the works demonstrate a deepening of the theme when conceptualizing gender, highlighting the preponderance of feminist and women s movements and
contextualizing the Law by analyzing its applicability and/ or effectiveness within the spaces that act in the fight against domestic and family violence against women.
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Ingen är bortom räddning : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter och upplevelserbland behandlare av manliga våldsutövare / No one is beyond saving. : A qualitative study on experiences and perceptionsamong therapists working with male perpetrators of violence.Kayani, Nayab January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande arbete har för avsikt att undersöka behandlares förklaringar till mäns våldsutövande och överrepresentation i grövre våld samt att få en djupare förståelse för faktorer som påverkar förändringsarbetet. Resultaten visade att våldet inte enkelt kan förklaras genom enskilda faktorer, utan är summan av en kombination av flera påverkansfaktorer. Dessa inkluderade erfarenheter av våld, könsmaktsordningen och socialt inlärda föreställningar om kön och relationer. Behandlarna betonade vikten av att inte externalisera våldet, utan erkänna att våldsutövare gör medvetna val att använda våld. Behandlarnas insikter pekade på betydelsen av att skapa en god terapeutisk allians, anpassa behandlingen efter individuella behov och främja klientens inre motivation för förändring. Dessa perspektiv ger en värdefull inblick i våldsproblematiken i sin komplexitet och bidrar till utvecklingen av mer effektiva behandlingsstrategier för att minska våldet i samhället. / The present study aims to explore practitioners' explanations for men's perpetration of violence and their overrepresentation in severe violence, as well as to gain a deeper understanding of factors influencing the process of change. The findings indicated that violence cannot be simply explained by individual factors, but rather results from a combination of multiple influencing factors. These factors included previous experiences of violence, gender power dynamics, and socially learned beliefs about gender and relationships. The practitioners emphasized the importance of not externalizing violence, but rather recognizing that perpetrators consciously choose to engage in violent behavior. Insights from the practitioners highlighted the significance of establishing a strong therapeutic alliance, tailoring treatment to individual needs and promoting clients' intrinsic motivation for change. These perspectives provide a valuable insight into the complexity of the issue of violence and contribute to the development of more effective treatment strategies to reduce violence in society.
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“Ni får sluta att bråka och slåss framför era barn, då det är ett brott” : Socialsekreterares arbete i relation till den nya lagen om barnfridsbrott / "You must stop arguing and fighting in front of your children, it is a crime" : Social work in relation to the new Swedish law of crimes against childrenÄleklint, Hanna, Vo, Maikhanh January 2023 (has links)
År 2021 trädde en ny lag om barnfridsbrott i kraft, vilket innebär att det är straffbart att barn bevittnar brott i nära relationer. Studiens syfte var att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av hur barnfridsbrottslagen påverkat det praktiska arbetet med barn som har bevittnat våld i nära relationer. För att uppnå syftet valdes en kvalitativ ansats och sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare genomfördes. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt för analysen valdes organisationsteori ur ett Human Resource-perspektiv samt begreppen “barnperspektivet” och “barnets bästa”. Resultatet tolkades även mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning om barnfridsbrottslagen och socialtjänstens praktiska arbete med barn som upplevt våld. Resultatet visade att ett fåtal av socialsekreterarna upplevde sig ha tillräckligt med kunskap om lagstiftningen och majoriteten önskade mer kunskap. De mest påtagliga förändringarna i arbetet efter införandet av lagen var att socialsekreterare bör överväga om polisanmälan ska göras, det blir tydligare i kommunikation med föräldrar att det är brottsligt för barn att bevittna våld samt att lagen möjliggör att kunna bryta det våldsamma mönstret. De mest framträdande utmaningarna var att det krävs ett grundbrott, att det är svårt att närma sig våldsproblematiken med både föräldrar och barn samt att polisförhör tenderar att dröja. Förbättringsmöjligheter som socialsekreterare önskade var tydligare beskrivningar på; centrala begrepp och ansvarsfördelningar mellan olika professioner. Slutsatsen var att socialsekreterare är i behov av mer stöd och resurser för att kunna arbeta med barnfridsbrottslagen på bästa sätt och för att de ska kunna ha en samsyn kring arbetet. / In Sweden, since 2021, it is illegal to let children witness domestic violence. In this qualitative study, we investigate social workers’ experiences regarding the question of how the respective law affects their work with children and adolescents. We conducted seven semi-structured interviews with social workers. The data was analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The theoretical starting point of the analysis was organization theory from a Human Resource-perspective and the concepts “child perspective” and “best interest of the child”. We also refer to previous research on the new law and the practical work of the social services. The results of the study show that a few social workers feel that they have enough knowledge of the legislation and the majority wish for more knowledge. The most obvious change is that social workers need to consider filing a police report, that it can be clearly communicated that it is criminalized to let children witness domestic violence and a possibility to break the violent pattern. Challenges with the law was that a fundamental crime is required, to approach the problem of violence with parents and children and that police interrogation tends to be delayed. Suggestions for improvements are clearer descriptions of central concepts and distribution of responsibilities between different professions. The conclusion was that social workers need additional support and resources to be able to work with the new law in the best way to be able to have a consensus regarding the work.
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Home is where her horror is : a call for knowledge about domestic violence in the field of architecture and in societyGillinger, Jenna January 2023 (has links)
Den farligaste platsen för en kvinna är hennes egna hem. Fler än 50 misshandelsfall gentemot kvinnor i hemmet om dagen anmäls i Sverige och i snitt dödar en man i Sverige en kvinna han har eller har haft en relation med var tredje vecka. Ett samhälleligt och medmänskligt engagemang kan vara skillnad mellan liv och död. Det är dags att rikta fokus och ansvar mot mannen, dig, mig och samhället. Arkitekter och Inredningsarkitekter har länge haft kunskap om hur trygga offentliga rum i utomhusmiljöer kan och bör utformas. Men faktum är att endast 15% av alla anmälda våldtäkter begås i utomhusmiljöer, sk. överfallsvåldtäkter. Resterande 85% sker i det egna hemmet av en närstående. Fältet Arkitektur och Inredningsarkitektur bör ha kunskap om våld i hemmiljö och ta detta i beaktning i sin praktik. “Home is where her horror is” utgår från det faktum att den farligaste platsen för en kvinna är hennes egna hem, detta utforskas och gestaltas vidare i tre påståenden och linjer: -Linje 1: Fältet Arkitektur, Inredningsarkitektur och formgivning behöver kunskap om våld i nära relation och ta detta i beaktning i sin praktik. -Linje 2: I samarbete med material från organisationen “Huskurage” formge och skapa en mobil informationsplats i ett flerbostadshus för att främja samtal och spontana möten grannar emellan, medvetandegöra kring våld i nära relation samt införa Huskurage. -Linje 3: Gestalta den våldsutsatta kvinnans dimension av hemmet i skala 1:1 under Konstfacks vårutställning 2023. För att metvetandegöra och informera besökaren genom konst, rumslig gestaltning, formgivning, film och performance med ambition om att framkalla reaktion som leder till aktion. / The most dangerous place for a woman is her own home. More than 50 cases of abuse against women a day are reported in Sweden, and on average a man in Sweden kills a woman he has or has had a relationship with every three weeks. A social and human commitment can be the difference between life and death. It is time to direct focus and responsibility towards the men, you, me and society. Architects and interior architects have long had knowledge of how to design safe public spaces in outdoor environments. But the fact is that only 15% of all reported rapes are committed in outdoor environments. The remaining 85% is done in her own home by a person she has a relationship with or a relative. The field of Architecture and Interior Design should have knowledge of domestic violence and take this into account in their practice. "Home is where her horror is" is based on the fact that the most dangerous place for a woman is her own home, this is further explored and shaped in three statements: -Line 1: The field of Architecture, Interior Architecture and design needs knowledge of domestic violence and take this into account in their practice. -Line 2: In collaboration with material from the organisation "Huskurage", design and create a mobile information site in an apartment building to promote conversations and spontaneous meetings between neighbours, raise awareness about domestic violence and introduce Huskurage. -Line 3: Shape a home from the abused woman's perspective on a 1:1 scale during Konstfack's spring exhibition 2023. To raise awareness and inform the visitor through art, spatial design, design, film and performance with the ambition of evoking reaction that leads to action.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i heterosexuella parrelationerShala, Nadire January 2011 (has links)
AbstraktDetta är en D-uppsats om ämnet ”Mäns våld mot kvinnor”. Uppsatsen är kvalitativ och jag har intervjuat 8 kvinnor som har levt i våldsamma relationer. Jag har även intervjuat en socionom vid kvinnojouren och en polis som i sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med detta fenomen. Mitt huvudsyfte genom denna undersökning har varit att förstå och förklara vad som får en kvinna att stanna i ett destruktivt förhållande där våld förekommer. Jag har utifrån tidigare forskning så som Eva Lundgren, Margareta Hydén och Mona Eliasson samt information från mina informanter kunnat se vissa mönster. De huvudteorier som har använts i undersökningen har varit Eva Lundgrens ”Normaliseringsprocess” samt Margareta Hydéns ”Individuella livsprojekt och gemensamma parprojekt” och även Mona Eliassons teori om könsnormer. Ett genomgående tema som har framkommit i undersökningen har varit att kvinnan ofta är underordnad mannen och av olika anledningar som presenteras närmare i studien anpassar sig efter honom. Ett annat relativt återkommande tema i uppsatsen har varit de stereotypa könsroller som är vanligt förekommande i förklaringar kring destruktiva förhållanden. Jag har med hjälp av Carin Holmberg och Viveca Enanders forskning samt mina informanter även kunnat se hur olika band har skapats mellan mannen och kvinnan dessa förhållanden. Jag har kunnat urskilja att flera av dessa band fungerar som starkt kvarhållande i en relation. Det är mycket svårt att luta problemet kring kvinnomisshandel på enbart en förklaringsmodell och teori utan man måste se det från en bredare kontext då det finns många olika förklaringar. / AbstractThis is a D-essay on the theme of "Violence against women". The essay is qualitative and I have interviewed eight women who have lived in violent relationships. I have also interviewed a social worker at the helpline (kvinnojouren) and a policeman who in his work comes into contact with this phenomenon. My main purpose in this study was to understand and explain what makes a woman stay in a destructive relationship in which violence occurs. I have based on previous research, such as Eva Lundgren and Margareta Hydén and Mona Eliasson and the information from my informants seen some patterns. The main theories that have been used in the study are Eva Lundgren's Normalization Process and Margaret Hydéns Individual lifeplans (individuella livsprojekt) and common coupleprojects (gemensamma parprojekt) and the theory by Mona Eliasson about gender norms. A recurring theme that has emerged in the investigation has been that the woman often is subordinate to the man and that she for various reasons which are presented in the study adapts to him. Another fairly recurrent theme in the paper has been the gender stereotypes that are commonly used in explanations of destructive relationships. With help from Carin Holmberg and Viveca Enanders research and my informants I have also been able to see how different bands are created between men and women who live in these conditions. I have been able to discern that many of these bands serve as a strong retention in a destructive relationship. To understand the violence against women you have to look at the problem in a context. It is difficult to tilt the problem surrounding domestic violence in only one theory and model of explanation and because of that this studie explores multiple different perspectives.
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“När barnen inte behöver mig längre, tyder det på att det skett en utveckling och målet är uppnått” : - En kvalitativ studie om arbetet på skyddade boenden med fokus på de medföljande barnens behov av kontinuitet i vardagen / “When the children no longer need me, it indicates that there is a development and the goal has been achieved” : - A qualitative study about social work in domestic violence shelters with focus on the accompanying children's need for continuity in everyday life.Alhede, Evelina, Mohanathas, Thushana January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur socialarbetare på skyddadeboenden med barnperspektiv, via rutiner och arbetssätt, tar hänsyn till medföljande barnssociala uppbrott från skola, familj och vänner. Syftet är även att undersöka om rutinerna ocharbetssätten upplevs vara tillräckliga för att bidra till upprätthållning av kontinuitet i demedföljande barnens vardag. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ metod där sju semistruktureradeintervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare på skyddade boenden. Empirin haranalyserats utifrån teorier och teoretiska begrepp som Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater, Giddens teori om modernitet, självidentitet och ontologisk trygghet samt barndomssociologi.Resultatet visar att socialarbetare försöker upprätthålla de medföljande barnens vardagsrutinergenom att skapa rutiner som inkluderar skola, aktiviteter och samtalsstöd. Det föreliggerdäremot svårigheter att upprätthålla barnens vardagliga rutiner på grund av de skyddadeboendenas säkerhetsaspekter. Socialarbetare har en medvetenhet om att deras arbetssätt medbarn bör utföras med ett barnperspektiv medan deras mål är att familjerna ska flytta till ett nyttsjälvständigt hem för att skapa en ny tillhörighet och vardag. / The aim of this study is to investigate, based on qualitative interviews, how social workers inshelters for victims of domestic violence with a child's perspective via routines and ways ofworking take into account children’s break-up from school, family and friends. The aim of thisstudy is also to investigate whether or not social workers routines and ways of working areperceived to be sufficient to contribute to maintaining continuity in everyday routines of theaccompanying children. The study was based on a qualitative method where sevensemistructured interviews were conducted with social workers in shelters for victims ofdomestic violence. The empirical data has been analyzed based on theories and theoreticalconstructs such as Lipskys theory about street level bureaucrats, Giddens theory aboutmodernity, self-identity and ontological security and also childhood studies. The resultsindicate that social workers try to maintain the children’s everyday routines by creating routinesthat include school, activities and counseling. However there are difficulties to maintain thechildren’s everyday routines because of the safety strategies in the shelters. Social workershave an awareness that their ways of working with children are supposed to be performed byhaving a child’s perspective whereas their achievement is for the families to transfer to a newindependent home to create a new belonging and everyday life.
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