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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Ett mönster som är svårt att förändra" : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas arbete med och syn på män som utövar våld i nära relationer / ” A pattern that is difficult to change” : A qualitative study on professionals´ work with and view on men who use intimate partner violence

Hallborg, Stefanie, Ehrling, Isabell January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka kopplingen mellan hur professionella inom socialt arbete arbetar med män som utövat våld i en nära relation och hur de ser på problemet. Som metod användes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med sju yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete. De informanter som deltog arbetade antingen inom socialtjänsten eller i verksamheter som erbjuder behandling för våldsutövande män. I studien användes ett genusperspektiv och den ekologiska modellen som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Studiens resultat visar att professionellas arbete speglar deras syn på mäns våld mot kvinnor. De som arbetar med kvinnorna ser konsekvenserna av våldet medan de som arbetar med männen ser de som könsneutrala människor som behöver hjälp. Resultatet visar även på vikten av att våldsutövare tar ansvar för våldet och söker hjälp, detta för att undvika att våldsproblematiken förs vidare eller fortsätter. Vidare framkommer brister både i metod vid behandling av våldsutövande män samt i socialtjänstens förmåga att identifiera en våldsutsatthet respektive våldsutövande. Den behandlingsmetod som används berör inte den koppling som finns mellan manlighet och våldsutövning och de professionella som arbetar behandlande tycks sakna detta perspektiv. / The purpose of this study was to examine the connection between how social work professionals, work with men who use violence in an intimate relationship and how they see the problem. To conduct the study a qualitative method was used that included interviews with seven professionals in social work. The professionals who participated worked either in social services or in organizations offering treatment for violent men. The study used a gender perspective and the ecological model as theoretical points.  The results of the study show that the professionals' work reflects their view of men's violence against women. Those who work with women see the consequences of violence while those working with the men see them as gender neutral people who need help. The results also show the importance for offenders to take responsibility for the violence and seek help, this is to avoid that the problems of violence are forwarded or continues. Furthermore, the lack of ability to identify the violence victimization and violence is found both in the methods used in treatment of violent men as well as in the social service’s. The method used for treatment does not affect the link between masculinity and violence, the professionals who work with treatment also seem to lack this perspective.

Le point de vue de conjoints judiciarisés pour leurs comportements violents sur l'effet qu'ont eu les mesures pénales et thérapeutiques sur leur cheminement

Couto, Éric January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Le point de vue de conjoints judiciarisés pour leurs comportements violents sur l'effet qu'ont eu les mesures pénales et thérapeutiques sur leur cheminement

Couto, Éric January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Synen på våldsamma män och orsakerna bakom våldet : En kvalitativ studie om behandlares syn på mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer

Bladh, Stefan, Ankarcrona Martinez, Sophie January 2014 (has links)
This study uses qualitative research consisting of six semi-structural interviews of treatment workers who, in various capacities, have worked with men who use violence against their female partners. The purpose has been to show what the treatment counselor understand to be the reasons behind the men’s violence, what kind of backgrounds and problems they believe these abusers have and, lastly, how they view the male abusers as clients. The empirical data was analyzed through four perspectives and explanatory models derived from the past thirty years of Scandinavian research on the reasons behind men’s violence against women. Connell’s theory of masculinity was used as a filter along with the four theoretical perspectives when interpreting the data. The study revealed that the respondents found no consistent group of men who abuse. The respondents brought up reasons such as possible earlier exposure to violence, fear of abandonment, jealousy, feelings of powerlessness, and failed expectations of gender roles to be some consistent causes behind the violence. In general, according to the treatment workers, the male abusers they encounter tend to struggle with their self-image and how they fulfill perceived male ideals.

La casa como espacio violento: develando salidas a partir de la teologia feminista

Irene Ricardina Ponce Hilario 27 November 2006 (has links)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America / Este estudio nace de una experiencia particular de violencia y de la observación de la misma en la vida cotidiana y práctica pastoral de un barrio pobre de Lima. Aplicaré el método fenomenológico existencial para recuperar mi historia a través del recuerdo de cómo fue la relación en el espacio doméstico. Este método trata de construir pensamiento valorando la historia de las mujeres y recuperando la misma en una dinámica más amplia que se extiende a su relación con el otro y con la otra. A partir de allí, intentar hacer un análisis epistemológico sobre la violencia con mediación de género, para entender los procesos sociales construidos de los sujetos involucrados en este sistema de violencia. Los sujetos denominados víctima y agresor inter-actúan en esta trama social compleja en primer momento y se focaliza al agresor en segundo momento. Para procurar entender cómo la mediación de género devela esquemas regidos por la lógica patriarcal que atraviesa todo el tejido social, donde el agresor -resultado de una construcción social- merece también especial atención. Esta aproximación a la construcción de la identidad masculina señala algunas pistas para entender los mecanismos que tienden a perpetuar la supremacía masculina, que impiden establecer relaciones justas entre hombres y mujeres. Lo paradoxal y desafiante de este estudio es ver al agresor como una víctima más de la ideología patriarcal y buscar la manera de reconciliarlo a través de la demanda bíblica del perdón porque la justicia que lo sanciona con leyes no detuvo la violación. No se pretende justificar al agresor por el delito cometido sino brindar elementos que sirvan de análisis para la prevención del abuso. El tercer y último capítulo aborda lo masculino en la iglesia y partir de allí elaborar una propuesta de trabajo pastoral considerando un análisis teológico en la perspectiva de brindar elementos que sirvan en primera instancia a la propia iglesia para acompañar un trabajo con hombres violentos. / This research is born out of my personal experience of violence and also out of my personal observation of daily life and pastoral work in a poor neighborhood in Lima. I will employ the phenomenological method in order to retrieve my history from memories about my relationship at home. This method attempts to value women history and also to retrieve it out of a wider dynamic that englobes the relationship between women and men and between women and other women. I will, then, try to make an epistemological analysis of violence, in order to understand the social process of violence. The focus of the analysis will be the concept of gender. In the first moment I will analize the relationship between agressor and victim, then the focus is on the aggressor. I will try to undestand the role of gender to uncovering the patriarcal axis that rules the social fabric. In order to do that, will be necessary to focus also on the agressor as a product of the social system. This approach to the male identify construction offers some clues to understand the mechanism that leads into the perpetuation of male supremacy , which, on other hand, prevents just and equal reationships between men and women from taking place. The paradoxal and the challenging elements in this work are the view of the agressor as a victim of the patriarchal ideology and the search for a way of reconciliation between agressor and victim based on biblical claim of forgiveness, once the justice has not solved the problem through the sanctions enforcement. I do not intend to justify the agressor way, but to offer elements that help to build a proposal for violence preventing. The third chapter focus on the role of men in church, in order to design a pastoral plan theologically informed that plan as its major goal to help the church to develop pastoral work for violent men.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor i heterosexuella parrelationer

Shala, Nadire January 2011 (has links)
AbstraktDetta är en D-uppsats om ämnet ”Mäns våld mot kvinnor”. Uppsatsen är kvalitativ och jag har intervjuat 8 kvinnor som har levt i våldsamma relationer. Jag har även intervjuat en socionom vid kvinnojouren och en polis som i sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med detta fenomen. Mitt huvudsyfte genom denna undersökning har varit att förstå och förklara vad som får en kvinna att stanna i ett destruktivt förhållande där våld förekommer. Jag har utifrån tidigare forskning så som Eva Lundgren, Margareta Hydén och Mona Eliasson samt information från mina informanter kunnat se vissa mönster. De huvudteorier som har använts i undersökningen har varit Eva Lundgrens ”Normaliseringsprocess” samt Margareta Hydéns ”Individuella livsprojekt och gemensamma parprojekt” och även Mona Eliassons teori om könsnormer. Ett genomgående tema som har framkommit i undersökningen har varit att kvinnan ofta är underordnad mannen och av olika anledningar som presenteras närmare i studien anpassar sig efter honom. Ett annat relativt återkommande tema i uppsatsen har varit de stereotypa könsroller som är vanligt förekommande i förklaringar kring destruktiva förhållanden. Jag har med hjälp av Carin Holmberg och Viveca Enanders forskning samt mina informanter även kunnat se hur olika band har skapats mellan mannen och kvinnan dessa förhållanden. Jag har kunnat urskilja att flera av dessa band fungerar som starkt kvarhållande i en relation. Det är mycket svårt att luta problemet kring kvinnomisshandel på enbart en förklaringsmodell och teori utan man måste se det från en bredare kontext då det finns många olika förklaringar. / AbstractThis is a D-essay on the theme of "Violence against women". The essay is qualitative and I have interviewed eight women who have lived in violent relationships. I have also interviewed a social worker at the helpline (kvinnojouren) and a policeman who in his work comes into contact with this phenomenon. My main purpose in this study was to understand and explain what makes a woman stay in a destructive relationship in which violence occurs. I have based on previous research, such as Eva Lundgren and Margareta Hydén and Mona Eliasson and the information from my informants seen some patterns. The main theories that have been used in the study are Eva Lundgren's Normalization Process and Margaret Hydéns Individual lifeplans (individuella livsprojekt) and common coupleprojects (gemensamma parprojekt) and the theory by Mona Eliasson about gender norms. A recurring theme that has emerged in the investigation has been that the woman often is subordinate to the man and that she for various reasons which are presented in the study adapts to him. Another fairly recurrent theme in the paper has been the gender stereotypes that are commonly used in explanations of destructive relationships. With help from Carin Holmberg and Viveca Enanders research and my informants I have also been able to see how different bands are created between men and women who live in these conditions. I have been able to discern that many of these bands serve as a strong retention in a destructive relationship. To understand the violence against women you have to look at the problem in a context. It is difficult to tilt the problem surrounding domestic violence in only one theory and model of explanation and because of that this studie explores multiple different perspectives.

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