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Skådespelerskor i politiken : En innehållsanalys om mediers gestaltningar av kvinnliga och manliga politikerSöderblom, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gender power structures and its different forms. Present research shows the continuous development into other shapes and comes into different expressions that might be unrecognised. In order to gain knowledge about the present structure of the gender power structure system, the aim of this study was to investigate framing of female and male politicians in media. The main question asked was: “are there framing differences in the portraits of the male and female politicians?” In order to achieve results articles in the biggest Swedish daily newspaper were examined. The method used was a mixed qualitative/quantitative content analysis where theory linked questions were created in order to ask these directly to the text. The results of the study showed that the framings of female versus male politicians were based on traditional gender power structures, though not to the extent the theory claims. More importantly, the result showed that the marginalization of female politicians was made by inclusion and exploiting instead of exclusion. In this way the differences between the genders were shown.</p>
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Herr pedagog : En essä om en manlig pedagogs förhållning till generaliseringar i en kvinnodominerad miljö / Mr. pedagogue : An essay about a male pedagogue’s attitude to generalizations in a female-dominated environmentFjellman, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Min essä handlar om de erfarenheter jag har som manlig pedagog i förskolan och hur de har påverkat mig som manlig pedagog inom förskolan och mina självupplevda händelser som påverkat mig i min yrkesroll. Den gemensamma nämnaren i mina upplevda händelser jag beskriver är att jag möter tankar om den manliga pedagogen som en förmedlare av värden som antingen ses som goda, eller som hot. Mitt dilemma handlar om att jag som manlig pedagog får förhålla mig till generaliseringar om män som potentiella pedofiler men också generaliseringar om mannen som normskapande och auktoritär aktör i en kvinnodominerad miljö. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte har varit att problematisera och synliggöra olika perspektiv på manliga pedagoger inom förskolan. Min essä sträcker sig över en tidsperiod från slutet av 1990-talet fram till idag.Uppsatsen är skriven i en vetenskaplig essäform. Den är baserad på mina egna erfarenheter och mina erfarenheters möte med olika teoretiska perspektiv och teorier. Att skriva uppsatsen i formen av en erfarenhetsbaserad vetenskaplig essä har hjälpt mig att låta mina erfarenheter möta teoretiska perspektiv och därigenom se mina egenupplevda händelser ur nya perspektiv. I uppsatsens reflekterande del använder jag mig av flera olika teoretiska perspektiv för att kunna få perspektiv på mitt dilemma och nå min frågeställning. Jag inleder uppsatsens reflekterande del med en historisk beskrivning av mannen i den svenska förskolan. Jag beskriver även pedofildebattens ursprung. Med hjälp av olika forskares tankar kring genus, intersektionalitet, maskulinitet och könsmaktsordning reflekterar jag över mitt och de personers handlande som beskrivs i min inledande berättelse. / My essay is about the experiences I have as a male teacher in preschool and how they have influenced me as a male teacher in preschool and my self-experienced events that have influenced me in my professional capacity. The common denominator in my perceived events I describe is that I encounter ideas about the male teacher as a mediator of values that are either seen as good, or as a threat. My dilemma is that I as a male teacher may relate me to generalizations about men as potential pedophiles but also generalizations about men as the norm creation and authoritative actor in a female-dominated environment. The essay's main aim has been to identify the problems and highlight different perspectives of male teachers in preschools. My essay spans a period from the late 1990s to today.The essay is written in a scientific essay form. It is based on my own experience and my experience entities meeting with different theoretical perspectives and theories. Writing the essay in the form of an evidence-based scientific essay has helped me to let my experiences meet theoretical perspective and thereby make my own perceived events from a new perspective. In the essay reflective part, I use several different theoretical perspectives in order to gain perspective on my dilemma and reach my issue. I begin the essay reflective part with a historical description of the man in the Swedish preschool. I also describe pedophile debate origin. Using different researcher’s ideas about gender, intersectionality, masculinity and gender power structure, I reflect on my actions and the persons described in my initial story.
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Patriarkal populärkultur? : En radikalfeministisk filmgranskningTelilä, Myra, Söderlindh, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att granska populärkultur för att undersöka om könsmakt-ordningen återspeglas inom den kulturgenren eller ej. Frågeställningen var: Präglas populär-kulturens innehåll och uttryck av könsmaktordningens ojämställda förhållanden? Om så är fallet, på vilka sätt? I uppsatsen avgränsades populärkultur till att gälla amerikanska filmer under år 2009. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av de fyra mest sedda filmerna under det aktuella året. Datainsamlings- och analysmetoden var filmanalys med diskursanalytisk ansats. I uppsatsen användes även en deduktiv ansats, vilket innebar att radikalfeministisk teori användes som utgångspunkt i granskningen av filmerna. Resultatet visade att könsmakt-ordningen återspeglades inom den utvalda populärkulturen på så vis att kvinnor och män framställdes med könsbundna roller och temperament, genom att kvinnorna bland annat skil-drades som hjälpbehövande och gråtmilda medan männen bland annat skildrades som själv-ständiga och heroiska. Vidare visade resultatet att kvinnor framställdes som sexuella objekt samt att exponeringen av kvinnors kroppar inom sexindustrin framställdes positivt ur såväl kvinnors som mäns perspektiv. Slutsatsen var att denna ojämställda framställning inom populärkulturen kan vara en bidragande orsak till könsmaktordningens reproduktion och vidmakthållande. / The aim with this essay was to analyze popular culture to examine whether or not the gender power structure is reflected in that culture genre. The question was: Is the content and expression of the popular culture characterized by the unequal conditions of the gender power structure? If so, in what ways? In the essay, popular culture was limited to American movies during 2009. The empirical material was four of the most watched movies during that year. The method for data collection and analysis was film analysis with a discourse analytic approach. In the essay, a deductive approach was also used which in this case meant that the analysis of the movies was based on radical feminist theory. The result showed that the gender power structure was reflected in the selected popular culture due to the fact that women and men were portrayed with stereotypic gender roles and temper, that women were presented as sexual objects and that the exposure of women's bodies in the sex industry was portrayed in a positive sense. The conclusion was that this unequal narrative in the popular culture can be a contributing factor to the reproduction and maintenance of the gender power structure.
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Att tala och inte tala om sexuellt våld : En kritisk narrativ studie av unga kvinnors berättelserWittgren, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Sexuellt våld är ett ämne som sällan lämnar någon oberörd. Hur vi talar om sexuellt våld förändras över tid. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie vill genom dialogisk och tematisk narrativ analys lyfta rösterna från kvinnor som utsatts för sexuellt våld. Utifrån en teoriram bestående av socialkonstruktionistiska teorier och feministiska teorier analyseras kvinnornas berättelser om det våld de utsatts för och dess konsekvenser. Studien belyser hur kvinnorna genom berättelser konstruerar sin identitet, men också vilka konsekvenser de beskriver att våldet fått för hur de upplever sina livsvillkor. Att berätta om våldet och att hantera konsekvenserna av våldet beskrivs och skildras av intervjupersonerna som en fortgående process. De beskriver att de fortfarande, flera år efter våldet, påverkas av det våld de utsatts för, men att sätt som våldet påverkar dem på förändras med tiden. Kvinnorna beskriver även att vilka berättelser som blir möjliga att berätta varierar beroende på kontext. Genom att betona sammanvävningar av maktordningar som rör ålder och kön vill denna studie bidra till forskningen om sexuellt våld genom ett intersektionellt perspektiv på utsatthet. Resultatet av studien visar att även år 2015 är sexuellt våld ett tabubelagt ämne, och att intervjupersonerna konstruerar både kollektiv och individuell identitet på olika sätt i relation till våldet. / Sexual violence is a subject that rarely leave anyone unaffected. How we talk about sexual violence does however change over time. The purpose of this qualitative interview study is to address the question of sexual violence, and to this by giving voice to women that have been victims of sexual violence. By applying a dialogic and thematic narrative analysis, the aim of this thesis is to highlight the subject of sexual violence from the women’s own perspective. The interviewees narratives about how and if they talk about the violence with others, and how they perceive the consequences of the violence is analyzed within a framework of social constructionist and feminist theory. The study highlights how women through stories construct their identity, but also what consequences they describe that the violence has had on how they perceive their living conditions. To tell about the violence and to address the consequences of the violence is by the interviewees described as an ongoing process. They describe that, several years after the violence occurred, they are still affected by the sexual violence they have been subjected to. The way the violence affect them is however also depicted as changing over time. The women also disclose that they perceive their possibilities of sharing narratives of sexual violence with others as something that depends on context. By emphasizing how power structures regarding not only gender but also age this study also contribute to research on sexual violence by applying an intersectional perspective on vulnerability. The result of the study shows that even in the year of 2015, sexual violence is a taboo subject, and that the interviewees construct both collective and individual identity in different ways in relation to the violence.
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Skådespelerskor i politiken : En innehållsanalys om mediers gestaltningar av kvinnliga och manliga politikerSöderblom, Emma January 2009 (has links)
As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gender power structures and its different forms. Present research shows the continuous development into other shapes and comes into different expressions that might be unrecognised. In order to gain knowledge about the present structure of the gender power structure system, the aim of this study was to investigate framing of female and male politicians in media. The main question asked was: “are there framing differences in the portraits of the male and female politicians?” In order to achieve results articles in the biggest Swedish daily newspaper were examined. The method used was a mixed qualitative/quantitative content analysis where theory linked questions were created in order to ask these directly to the text. The results of the study showed that the framings of female versus male politicians were based on traditional gender power structures, though not to the extent the theory claims. More importantly, the result showed that the marginalization of female politicians was made by inclusion and exploiting instead of exclusion. In this way the differences between the genders were shown.
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Synen på våldsamma män och orsakerna bakom våldet : En kvalitativ studie om behandlares syn på mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationerBladh, Stefan, Ankarcrona Martinez, Sophie January 2014 (has links)
This study uses qualitative research consisting of six semi-structural interviews of treatment workers who, in various capacities, have worked with men who use violence against their female partners. The purpose has been to show what the treatment counselor understand to be the reasons behind the men’s violence, what kind of backgrounds and problems they believe these abusers have and, lastly, how they view the male abusers as clients. The empirical data was analyzed through four perspectives and explanatory models derived from the past thirty years of Scandinavian research on the reasons behind men’s violence against women. Connell’s theory of masculinity was used as a filter along with the four theoretical perspectives when interpreting the data. The study revealed that the respondents found no consistent group of men who abuse. The respondents brought up reasons such as possible earlier exposure to violence, fear of abandonment, jealousy, feelings of powerlessness, and failed expectations of gender roles to be some consistent causes behind the violence. In general, according to the treatment workers, the male abusers they encounter tend to struggle with their self-image and how they fulfill perceived male ideals.
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