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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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華英惠, HUA, YING-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

撤銷聯合國大會3379號決議之分析:兼論對台灣參與聯合國的啟發 / Levels of Analysis on Repealing the United Nations General Assembly Zionism Resolution and its Implication for Taiwan

岡本吉史, Okamoto, Yoshifumi Unknown Date (has links)
撤銷聯合國大會3379號決議之分析:兼論對台灣參與聯合國的啟發 / This thesis attempted to identify possible causations that led the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to repeal the “Zionism is racism” resolution (UNGA Resolution 3379) within the framework of three levels of analysis. Second, these findings were used to examine the feasibility of repealing Resolution 2758 and its consequences to Taiwan’s meaningful involvement in the United Nations (UN). The international level revealed the limitation of legal or ideological power to propel irreconcilable parties into the negotiation table. The facilitator for the repeal was, rather, the political arrangement that might alter unacceptable status quo in Palestine – the root of the Zionism resolution. The analysis of domestic level indicated that despite of the fact that the Israeli lobby effectively contributed to increase American sympathy toward Zionism, the US national interest defined by the executive leaders undermined the lobby’s influence on the US foreign policy establishment. At the individual level, the exploration of then Secretary of State James Baker who approved the American diplomatic effort for the repeal showed the revocation was the unintended consequence of Baker’s Middle East peace process. While supports from all three levels appeared to be essential basis for the repeal, the timing becomes a crucial factor to determine the outcome. Taiwan’s UN membership question is as exclusively political as the Zionism resolution. In short, although it is practically feasible to repeal Resolution 2758 with a simple majority vote in the UNGA, the revocation of Resolution 2758 would not directly result in Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN.


劉義良, LIU, YI-LIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係採個案探討方式撰寫,全文計分七章三十餘節,共十萬餘字,合為一冊。 第壹章緒論,其內容分別就本論文之研究目的、研究背景、研究方法、報告之結構, 及研究限制等分別加以說明。 第貳章乃以整體貿易系統之觀點,分別就系統之投入、系統之本體、系統之產出、系 統所處之環境及系統之回饋等方面分別比較分析中、韓、日三國之情勢。 第參章至第伍章逐章探討中、韓、日三國之主要貿易推廣機構之組織、使命、服務對 象及作業方式。 第陸章綜合前述三章之重點並就其間差異所在加以比較分析。 第柒章乃針對本論文之研究結果,提出建議事項,期能對今後我國貿易推廣之工作有 所裨益。


黃昌文 Unknown Date (has links)
今日農業生產仍為台灣經濟結構之重要環節,農業生產之增進,又有賴農業金融之輔助。是以農業金融制度之良窳,直接攸關農業生產之盛衰,間接亦影響國民經濟之榮枯。台灣農業生產能有今日之進步,農業金融輔助之功,實不可沒。然則本省農業金融制度是否已無改進之必要?農貸利率與期限之規定,是否與農家之債務負擔能力相適應?凡此諸端,尚有待廣泛之調查與週詳之檢討。本文擬對此一問題,試為初步之探索。 本文首先分析農家對於體債務之負擔能力,並以現行農貸利率、期限與農家債務負擔能力相對比,以估測兩者之適應程度。進而分析農貸機構之貸款成本,及其與現行農貸利率、期限之關係,以覘其是否有加以調整之需要與可能。然後將其分析結果,予以綜合說明,以尋求問題之癥結所在,從而提出解決方案。其大要如下: 首章緒論,旨在簡介台灣農貸與農業概況。台灣辦理農貸機構,可分三大類:第一類為專業農業金融機構,包括農銀、土銀、合庫及農會信用部;第二類為一般金融機關;第三類為政府機關及公營事業機關。貸款金額,民國五十六年底餘額為一百一十六億元,其中第一類機構貸放額佔七八、七八%,第二類貸放額佔三、九五%,第三類佔一七、二七%。依期限分,則一年期以內者佔五○、○八%,一至五年期佔二二、九四%五年期以上佔二六、九八%。至於農業,其生產值在民國五十六年度,佔國民生產總值的二九、三六%。農業人口五九五萬人佔總人口的四四、七四%。農家有八六萬八仟戶,自耕農佔六八%,半自耕農佔二十%,佃農佔一二%。耕作面積在一公頃以下之農戶佔六○、九九%,一至二公頃者佔二四、一七%,二公頃以上者佔一四、八四%。 第二章分析農家之債務負擔能力。從分析中發現台灣農家之債務負擔能力,就全省平均言之,尚屬正常。惟倘按耕地面積分組分析之,則不容樂觀。蓋農家經濟情況之好壞,與其耕作面積大小成正比。耕地大的農戶情況尚佳。耕地在一公頃以下的小農,則不但所得低,凈利少,甚至無法靠農業收入以維持生活,其對債務負擔能力之薄弱,自在意中。無論從農家經濟之財務結構、收支損益或長期償債能力等方面分析,均得相同之結果。於此特別值得注意的乃是:目前耕地在一公頃以下的小農,竟佔全省農家總戶數百分之六十以上,問題之嚴重,不言而喻。 第三章就上述農家對債務負擔能力分析之結果,與現行農貸利率、期限,加以比較分析。顯示農家對長期投資性貸款之缺乏負擔能力,以及對現行農貸利率、期限之無法適應。揆其癥結,乃在於農家所得低,凈利少之故。當然,農貸利率過高,期限過短,亦不失為重要因素。至於農家對短期農業生產週轉金之貸款條件,尚屬勉可適應。惟是項貸款在制度上未曾考慮農場經營之全般性,且未能對實際需要為適時適量之供應,是其缺點。 第四章乃分析農貸機構之貸款成本,及其與現行農貸利率、期限之關係。指出台灣農貸機構大多以普通存款,充作農貸資金之主要來源,以致農貸成本,高達月率八□以上。除非農貸機構能另行設法獲得長期低率資金;否則在目前農貸成本之下,企求農貸利率與期限之調整,事實上縱有可能,其幅度亦必甚微。 第五章論問題之核心所在及其解決途徑,乃基於以上分析結果與農村之實際情況,認為解決問題之首要途徑,在於提高農民所得。並以促進農業機械化、經營企業化,從而降低生產成本,為達成提高農民所得之最佳方法。惟以目前農場面積細碎,長期資金缺乏,實有難於著手之感。為期有效改革,除了長期低利資金之籌集外,似應實施農貸輔導制度:一面勸導無耕作實益之小農轉業,使農業人口移向工商業過程中,能在實質上減少農家戶數;一面配合農業金融力量,使繼續經營農業者得以擴大農場面積。並以金融、技術等輔助,誘導農民改進經營方式與耕作技術,達到農業生產現代化。同時,為便利農民離村轉業工商計,應加強就業訓練;並與建平價住宅租與或售與轉業後之農民居住,以安定其生活。 第六章結論,說明台灣農業生產問題頗為復雜,本文僅就其中一部份提出檢討,以期發掘問題這所在,並探索其改革之方向。當然,改革並非一蹴可幾,今後對農業生產之任何改革,決不可頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳。必須從國民經濟之全般性著眼,確立目標,端正方向,從而釐訂通盤計劃,次第付諸實施,方克有濟。

美商公司電子寵物產品台灣代理之營運企劃 / Business Plan for the Distribution of American Entertainment Robotic Pet Products in Taiwan

柯世雯, Ko, Jane S. Unknown Date (has links)
美商公司電子寵物產品台灣代理之營運企劃 / This paper presents an overview of a business project that serves as a blueprint for the principals and investors to carry the start-up company to success and profitability. The project concerns a business endeavor of distributing an American company’s entertainment robotic product in the Taiwan market. The business plan begins with a brief summary of the project and start-up company, followed by a detailed description of the products and services. The plan then provides a summary of the current market situation and thereby, the sales and marketing strategies, along with risk analysis. The paper concludes with a management plan and the financial summary.


吳明時 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


吳忠緯 Unknown Date (has links)


謝瓊音 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於國際經濟體系隨著金融、貿易與資訊的日益發展,相互開放性的提高,故各國總體經濟效果鮮有侷限於一國之內,多少都將波及他國。此時或可藉由央行最適外匯干預政策來降低國外干擾對國內經濟體系所造成的衝擊,減低調整過程中的福利損失和社會成本。   本文採用加入效率工資理論的小型開放經濟體系,探討當經濟衝擊來自於國外金融市場時,央行在不同政策目標下之最適外匯干預政策,進而分析勞動邊際生產效率與最適干預係數的關係。並利用民國74年1月至83年7月這一段期間的月資料,以共整合方法進行台灣地區外匯干預與匯率的實證研究。得到的主要結論如下:   1.效率工資理論對央行最適外匯干預政策的影響,會隨政策目標之不同而有所差異。當央行以穩定一般物價水準為政策目標,最適政策為逆勢干預且勞動邊際生產效率的上升會減緩外匯干預的幅度;反之,若偏重於穩定國內產出水準時,最適干預為順勢干預,但勞動邊際生產效率與央行干預行為無關。一旦政策目標是兩者兼顧,則最適外匯干預政策之採行需視央行是偏重何種政策目標(β)、進口商品價格占一般物價水準的權數(γ)與模型的其他結構參數而定,而勞動邊際生產效率的上升,對最適干預係數的影響是不確定。   2.央行在民國74年1月至83年7月是採行逆勢干預政策,且由共整合分析中發現,國外利率與國外物價對匯率長短期的影響方向是相同的,顯示長短期匯率呈同向調整的現象。而民國78年4月3日匯率制度的變革,使匯率較能反應外匯市場供需的變動,台幣呈現明顯的升值現象。

台彎 DRAM: 曾經高成長產業的族群面臨困難抉擇 / Taiwan DRAM: tough choices in an ex-growth Industry

馬可, Marcos D. Torres Unknown Date (has links)
This case is intended to be used in an Strategic Management or Strategic Alliances course to highlight the challenges faced by second tier industry players in a capital intensive industry with complex alliances and increasingly severe industry cycles. The DRAM industry has become an ex-growth highly cyclical industry which requires high amounts of capital expenditure and scale to succeed. Taiwan DRAM companies have been facing unsustainable trends already for sometime as operating cash flows have failed to match capital expenditures even during the good times of the “Tech Bubble” of the late 1990s. The situation of DRAM companies deteriorated in the late 2000s as players over estimated Windows Vista related demand for DRAM and over invested. The situation worsened still further as the Great Recession caused a slump in world wide demand. The situation of Taiwanese DRAM companies was very dire despite the exit of several companies from the industry during the Great Recession. The Taiwanese government attempted to lead a consolidation in the industry but failed as companies lost interest in its proposal due to several reasons and an upturn in the industry cycle. However, the DRAM cycle seemed to play out itself rather quickly as companies once again invested heavily to remain competitive. The investment and still fragile industry led to increased supply, lower prices, and the return of financial difficulties. All the while, the leading players in the industry, mainly Koreans, keep gaining market share and increasing their technological gap versus industry peers. Finally Elpida of Japan apparently prepares another attempt at consolidating the industry. The alliances in the industry constantly change, face challenges, and adapt to each twist and turn in the industry. Despite deepening alliances the fate of Taiwanese DRAM companies appear very bleak. Tough choices will have to be made in the near future as the market seems to head for another down turn while Elpida apparently prepares to make new consolidation/alliance offers. Should the Taiwanese DRAM companies attempt an industry exit such as the one executed by Winbond, should they further deepen their alliances, or just go it alone?


賴虹文 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在2001年加入WTO之後,企業國際化與國際產業分工已成必然趨勢,如何強化台商企業根留台灣的意願,一直是政府所努力的目標。本研究從證券市場的角度,探討現行法令對台商企業在台灣上市(櫃)提供的管道以及所造成的障礙,並以燦坤實業為例,探討企業跨國上市之考量因素,最後透過對關中股份有限公司和其協力廠間的生產關係和股權關係,探討關中公司在台灣證券市場的上市策略,並據此對提出一些建議以供政府未來擬訂相關政策時參考。 茲將本研究之結論彙總如下: 一、目前可供台商企業在台灣證券市場上市(櫃)的工具,有投資控股公司、興櫃股票、普通類股、科技類股、以及台灣存託憑證等工具,但卻因現行法令的規定造成了以下的障礙,其中以對大陸投資金額的限制為最重要:可以用以上市(櫃)的工具不夠多樣化、投資控股公司的僅能為在台灣註冊成立的公司、台灣存託憑證僅能第二上市,但所允許的第一上市交易所並未包括香港聯交所等。 二、台商企業之所以選擇至海外上市,所考量不外乎市場流動性、提高企業知名度、降低資金募集成本、以及政府對於企業投資大陸有金額的限制等因素。 三、透過對個案公司的分析,企業可以透過和其協力廠間的生產及股權劃分,產生兩個不同的公司,一方面符合政府對大陸投資金額的限制,另方面又可充分利用海外的生產資源。 四、本研究認為政府應放寬台灣存託憑證可以作為第一上市的工具或者放寬第一上市的地點、投資控股公司註冊地的規定,以鼓勵台商企業在台灣上市。此外,將主要股東的同一性達一定程度者視為同一公司,並由獨立董事負責審查該公司的轉撥計價,由獨立董事負法律責任。

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