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宗教類非營利組織衛星頻道功能之研究:以泰國法身寺《夢中夢》節目為例 / Research on the Role of Satellite TV Run by Religious NPO : the case of the "Dream in dream"Program by the Wat Phra Dhammakaya Thailand白樸, Tancharoon,Paiphum Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用參與觀察法 (participant observation),筆者親身參與製作《夢中夢》節目,成為法身寺的工作人員(staff),負責不同的工作項目。從西元2002年3月1日至西元2004年8月31日,共花了兩年五個月的時間來參與觀察《夢中夢》節目,從開始發展節目的階段到節目穩定的階段,才把自己所見所聞的資料作一番整理分析。本篇論文也盡量不採用佛教術語,希望能為一般讀者所接受,並能容易明瞭其內容。研究中發現:
(一) 節目內容:《夢中夢》節目的內容符合了製作節目的五大原則:有明確的目標、創新、關連性、掌握時代潮流和訴求廣度。除此之外每一個原則中,也有自己的特點 。
(二) 製作管理:《夢中夢》節目的製作管理符合了製作節目的五大原則:給予節目人員參與節目的政策決定、符合觀眾的作息時間、固定的帶狀時間、連接安排吸引觀眾的節目、節目存量足以播出 。
(一) 節目的廣告活動:除了利用雜誌、宣傳單、海報和高速公路旁邊的大看板和網路作為廣告的工具,還請志工介紹親朋好友看《夢中夢》節目 。
(二) 節目的公關活動: 《夢中夢》節目推廣一些活動除了達到公關的效果:建立節目的形象和增加知名度之外,也能把節目的影響力擴大到社會去。
(三) 節目的促銷活動:利用研討會作為促銷活動,並設有促銷時段 。
(一) 明確的目標:把製作節目的原則和方法列印成《製作節目的手冊》。
(二) 創新:不斷地學習新科技,同時請實務界的科技顧問。
(三) 關連性:請願意公開姓名的個案主人來跟主持人作訪談,加強關連性的學習功能。
(四) 掌握時代潮流:成立「乾淨媒體社團」把這種新時代的潮流擴大影響到全國大眾媒體。
(五) 訴求廣度:成立「夢中夢節目觀眾的社團」讓新觀眾更感覺到節目對他和志工沒有差別的待遇。
(一) 節目人員參與政策的決定:請實務界的廣電人士當作節目的顧問。
(二) 符合觀眾的作息時間和固定的帶狀時間:建議法身寺成立海外的轉播站。
(三) 連接安排吸引觀眾的節目:每個月應有創新的單元
(四) 節目存量足以播出:增加「佛教藝術團」專門畫畫的工作人員。
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下水汚泥焼却システムのエネルギー効率化に関する研究田崎, 光雄 24 November 2011 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12605号 / 論工博第4064号 / 新制||工||1528(附属図書館) / 29135 / (主査)教授 津野 洋, 教授 田中 宏明, 教授 高岡 昌輝 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当
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砂漠化の対処において農業生産構造の転換が果たした役割と課題--中国・陝西省北部の黄土高原を事例に-- / The role of and issues with changing agricultural production structures as a countermeasure against desertification: A case of Northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau, China原, 裕太 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第21938号 / 地環博第184号 / 新制||地環||36(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)准教授 西前 出, 教授 柴田 昌三, 准教授 真常 仁志 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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コンクリートの収縮メカニズムに基づくRC壁のひび割れ制御に関する研究松井, 亮夫 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20359号 / 工博第4296号 / 新制||工||1666(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 西山 峰広, 教授 竹脇 出, 教授 金子 佳生 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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乾湿風化による軟岩製石造文化財の劣化メカニズムの検討杜, 之岩 25 January 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第22899号 / 人博第968号 / 新制||人||229(附属図書館) / 2020||人博||968(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 高妻 洋成, 准教授 馬場 基, 准教授 伊庭 千恵美 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Conservation of a decorated ancient tomb in harsh climate conditions / 過酷な環境下における古代装飾墓の保存Angaragsuren, Odkhuu 26 July 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第23435号 / 人博第1008号 / 新制||人||238(附属図書館) / 2021||人博||1008(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 高妻 洋成, 准教授 山崎 健, 教授 小椋 大輔, 教授 松川 節 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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鼎峙春秋與關公造型之研究柳珍姬, You , Jinhee Unknown Date (has links)
其中發現本劇作家透過關公的一生突顯出忠義精神和善惡報應思想,以此教導民眾. 本論文雖然不足的地方很多,希望研究關公的學人有所幫助. / 《Ding Zhi Chun Qiu》 was made by the order of Qian Long the Emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty. It’s a play only performed at Court. And it’s about the story in the period of the Three Kingdoms which has been one of the people’s favorite subjects since Yuan-Ming Dynasty.The people of the Ch'ing dynasty were more devoted to worship Gwangong than any other times. Therefore, the Gwangong who is a main character of 《Ding Zhi Chun Qiu》 is described as the most perfect person whose image is handed down from generation after generation.This paper divided the life of GwanGong into 7 periods based on the important historical trace, and watched how GwanGong’s story was described in《Ding Zhi Chun Qiu》.
I was able to find out that the writer had intention to enlighten the people
by highlighting a loyalty spirit and right and wrong retribution thoughts through Gwangong in the process.
Although this paper has some insufficient points, but I hope this paper would be helpful to those who study Gwangong.
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反思红卫兵的暴力: 生命传记、文革记忆与政治文化 = Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards : life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution. / Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards: life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution / Fan si hong wei bing de bao li: sheng ming chuan ji, Wen ge ji yi yu zheng zhi wen hua = Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards : life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution.January 2015 (has links)
本研究以一个曾经在文革中施暴的红卫兵──李乾的生命传记为个案,以布迪厄的社会实践理论为理论框架,探讨主体参与文革与记忆、反思文革的实践,以及对文革意义的理解,进而理解一系列红卫兵实践(尤其是暴力实践)的逻辑。不同于已有文革研究的精英史和社会史路径,本研究试图发展一种传记取向的文革研究路径,分析个体生命经验与其所处社会情境,红卫兵的惯习与其所处的场域的复杂关系,由此更深刻地理解文革以及无产阶级专政的政治文化。 / 首先,本研究聚焦这些红卫兵文革初期对文革的认知、情感机制与行动策略,指出其实践如何受制于无产阶级专政场域与惯习的作用,如何再生产无产阶级专政的政治文化,即再生产无产阶级专政的象征秩序、权力技术、话语方式与组织机制,如何再生产文革"武斗"的直接暴力与"文斗"的话语暴力。并且,本研究试图说明早期"造反者"的"造反"动力来自其与老红卫兵在革命资格竞争中的"相对剥夺感";这种"造反"并不是为了反抗主流的象征秩序,而是努力争取自身在这套象征秩序中的优势位置和资本。 / 其次,本研究探讨主体生命经验中关键性的暴力事件──"一二.五"事件的实际发生过程,分析"一二.五"事件中这些红卫兵对暴力的认知与情感,以及暴力如何被合法化及赋权,其中的专政对象──"流氓"是如何被建构与想象的,由此揭示特定的政治文化脉络中主体的贱斥动力以及这一暴力实践的逻辑。红卫兵暴力惯习的形塑,不仅受制于文革的革命场域的作用,更受制于建国以来历时性的无产阶级专政场域的作用;同时,这一惯习的运作又在维持和再生产无产阶级专政的政治文化。 / 此外,本研究探讨主体在"一二.五"事件后,如何在一系列社会互动的过程中,逐步实现了意识的转化和主体性变迁,如何从符号中介的生命经验中引入新的认知与情感机制重新理解"一二.五"事件、文革以及无产阶级专政的政治文化。这种批判性的反思实践与主体所处行动场域中的社会位置以及所能接收的多元的、异质性的符号资源密切相关,可以形塑主体惯习的转化,生产新的社会实践以及相应社会关系的改变。 / 最后,本研究试图将当下民间文革记忆与反思实践置于文革与后文革、毛时代与后毛时代的连续性与转型的关系之中,指出为民间记忆与反思实践赋权的政治文化意义。这一反记忆实践不仅打捞普通人被遗忘的、被边缘化的文革记忆,也介入对历史与现实的批判,积极争取个体对历史的话语权,与对现实政治、文化的参与权。 / Taking the life biography of a former Red Guard Li Qian who committed violence during the Cultural Revolution (CR) as a case, this research employs Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of social practice to explore the Red Guards’ participatory, mnemonic and reflective practices during the CR, as well as their understanding of the CR, with the aim of further understanding the logics of the Red Guards’ practices (especially their violent practices). Different from the traditional approaches of political history and social history, this study attempts to develop a biography approach to study the CR. It analyzes the complex relations between individuals’ life experiences and their social contexts, between the Red Guards’ habitus and the specific field, to understand the political culture of the CR and the Proletarian Dictatorship. / First, this study focuses on the Red Guards’ cognitive and emotional mechanism and action strategy during the early days of the CR. It investigates how their practices are subject to the conditioning of the field and habitus of the Proletarian Dictatorship, how they reproduce the political culture of Proletarian Dictatorship in terms of its symbolic order, power technology, discourse mode, and organizational mechanism, and how they reproduce the physical and discursive violence of the CR. This thesis also maintains that the dynamics of the early "rebels" were derived from their feelings of relative deprivation in the contest with the old Red Guards for revolutionary recognition. These "rebels" did not aim to resist the mainstream symbolic order, but to strive for the dominant position and capitals in the symbolic order of the CR. / Second, this study probes into the actual process of the "December Fifth" Event that was the most important life experience of Li Qian. It analyzes the Red Guards’ cognitive and emotional mechanism towards violence, how the violence was legitimized and empowered in this event, and how the images of the so-called "hooligan" were constructed and imagined. It reveals the dynamic of the subject’s abjection in the context of the specific political culture, and the logic of the violent practice. On the one hand, the Red Guards’ violent habitus was not only subject to the conditioning of the field of the Proletarian Dictatorship but also to the conditioning of the field of the CR. On the other hand, the operation of the violent habitus also maintained and reproduced the political culture of the Proletarian Dictatorship. / Third, this study examines how Li Qian realized the transformation of the consciousness and subjectivity through a series of social interaction. It also taps into his new cognitive and emotional mechanism developed under the symbolic mediation of his actual life experiences, thus understanding the "December Fifth" Event, as well as the political culture of the CR and the Proletarian Dictatorship. The critical reflective practice was closely related to the subject’s social position in the specific field and the diverse, heterogeneous symbolic resources that he absorbed. They shaped the transformation of the habitus, producing new social practices and the corresponding changes of social relations. / Finally, by putting the practices of popular memory and reflection on the CR into the continuity and the transformation between the CR and the Post-CR, and between the Maoist era and the Post-Mao era, this thesis emphasizes the political and cultural significance of these practices. These counter-memory practices not only dig into and revive the forgotten and marginalized memories of the CR, but also engage with historical and contemporary criticism, and actively assent the ordinary people’s rights to speak their histories and to participate in the current politics and culture. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 袁梦倩. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 268-283). / Abstracts also in English. / Yuan Mengqian.
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Seasonal change in tangential strain on the inner bark in white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica)YOSHIDA, Masato, 吉田, 正人, TAMAI, Yutaka, 玉井, 裕, SANO, Yuzou, 佐野, 雄三, TERAZAWA, Minoru, 寺沢, 実, OKUYAMA, Takashi, 奥山, 剛 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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價格促銷深度與消費者購買行為 - 以量販店餅乾品類為例 / Price Promotion Impact on Consumer Behavior – A Study of Biscuit Category in Hypermarkets陳惠玫, Chen, Ivy Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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