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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intel轉型平台化策略的動機及策略作為 -以Centrino行動運算平台為例 / The motivation and strategy of Intel platformization- Case study for Centrino platform

吳嘉信 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在面臨強烈內部及外部的壓力時會圖思轉型,以期突破困境並開創新的事業機會,本文以Intel作為個案公司進行研究,確實發現Intel在2003年推出Centrino行動運算平台後,不僅為企業本身創造出另一波的成長動能外,也為個人電腦業界開拓出全新的市場規模,並重新終端消費者的使用模式,可說是創造三贏局面的成功作為。 Intel平台化策略的思維是從滿足使用者潛在需求的層面切入,本研究以Centrino平台為例進行個案探索,研究發現Intel為了達成平台化的策略目標,進行全方位的企業轉型,從企業內部的組織及流程改造,到市場定義、產品開發、產品行銷及銷售等內部價值鏈各個環節,都是透過價值創新因子加以串連,並以使用者需求導向為依歸;企業外部從主導產業規格到力求外部互補資產的配合等作為,也都是為了實現平台化策略目標的具體作為。 本研究歸納的研究發現如下: 1.平台化策略轉型讓企業得以延伸既有核心能力到新的市場,重新定義使用者對產品的需求期待及使用模式,以創造企業另一波的成長動能。 2.平台化策略轉型需要企業內部組織及流程的調整配合,亦需針對企業內部價值鏈的進行重新定義及全面革新,才能達成使用者需求導向的平台化策略目標。 3.平台化策略的推廣需要全面且完密的客戶協同設計及上市計畫的共同配合,亦需要藉由產業影響力以得到週邊產業的共同支持才得以成功。 4.平台化策略需要企業內部價值鏈的各環節與外部相關產業的緊密配合,再加上對外部價值鏈的價值重新分配,才能起風行草偃的功效


陳臻 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,使用者的資訊搜尋行為有了新面貌,線上公用目錄亦面臨重大轉變及挑戰。圖書館界應站在使用者角度來思考,設計及建置一個使用者滿意的線上公用目錄系統。國際圖書館協會聯盟(IFLA)在2005年提出的《Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays》報告中,認為線上公用目錄的設計該有其原則,尤其應該考慮到使用者的需求。   本研究旨在從使用者角度出發,建構一套適合國內大專院校圖書館線上公用目錄的設計原則。本論文參考國內外線上公用目錄設計內容,除了參酌IFLA的原則基礎外,並融入其他學者專家、機構團體對於未來線上公用目錄的意見及建議,彙整一套從使用者角度思考的線上公用目錄設計原則草案。為了獲取使用者的意見,本研究共舉辦三場焦點團體訪談,藉由使用者的想法來修正草案內容,再將修正後之草案,經由分別針對學生與館員的問卷調查,來進行最後的原則項目清單之確認。   根據研究結果,確認使用者認同的線上公用目錄設計原則總計六大類35項原則。該六大類分別為「使用者需求」、「介面設計」、「內容及資料安排」、「檢索技術」、「個人化服務」及「資源整合」,並依平均數高低區分為不同重要性。未來圖書館員與廠商欲進行線上公用目錄設計的溝通,或評鑑線上公用目錄時可作為參考之用;並經由本研究發現使用者與館員的想法差異相當大,圖書館在建置線上公用目錄前應更瞭解使用者的資訊使用行為及習慣。 / The behavior of users’ information search has changed in the past years in accordance with the development of information technology. Therefore, Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is facing great transformation and challenges. Libraries should design and construct an OPAC system from users’ perspective. In 2005, a report from International Federation of Library Association and Institution (IFLA) titled “Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays” outlined principles in designing OPAC and highlighted the importance of users’ need. This study aims to offer a draft of design guidelines of OPAC for universities and colleges in Taiwan. It refers to IFLA guidance, local and abroad interfaces of OPACs, and blends in the feedback from scholars and educational institutions on the OPAC design. It also held three focus groups in order to gauge users’ views on how to improve the drafted guidelines. Then the revised guidelines were used to conduct further questionnaires on librarians and students. From there, it gave birth to the final guidelines. The analysis of the study came up six major categories and 35 principles. The six categories are: users’ need, design interface, content and information arrangement, retrieval technique, personalized service and information integration. This study could serve as the future guidance when librarians are in talks with vendors in their OPAC design, and when the evaluation of OPAC system is needed. This study also revealed that there is a gap between the opinion of users and librarians. Libraries should thus pay more attention in understanding what users want when constructing OPAC.

應用品質機能展開發展使用者導向之圖書館館藏評鑑系統 / Applying Quality Function Deployment to Develop Library Collection Evaluation System based on User Needs

陳廣宗, Chen, Kuang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
館藏評鑑是圖書館館藏發展中重要的一環,圖書館透過館藏評鑑了解館藏的現況優劣,包括內容品質、使用情形、使用者的需求差異等層面,作為修正採訪策略或讀者服務的參考。然而基於人力、成本等因素,館藏評鑑常成為圖書館的負擔,對於資源不足的中小型、基層圖書館而言,更是艱難的工作,所以尋求一套相對簡易的方法,以節省人力物力的方式進行館藏的評估,是有其需求的。 因此,本研究嘗試以「品質機能展開(Quality function deployment,QFD)」為基礎,發展一套半自動化的「使用需求導向館藏評鑑系統」,希望以系統化和新的不同評鑑模式來輔助館藏評鑑。本系統所應用之資料來源為使用者問卷調查以及圖書館自動化系統的各種紀錄,透過品質機能展開,以量化的方法將兩者做矩陣式的對應和計算並求得結果,作為輔助館藏評鑑時的參考。 本研究以台北市木柵高工圖書館為對象,研究方法及流程依次為:問卷調查、系統實作分析、訪談。首先以問卷調查法訪問學校圖書館使用者,取得使用者之需求;再將這些需求的數值輸入系統中,與圖書館自動化系統的紀錄合併進行品質機能展開計算;最後,將系統運算分析出來的結果,用訪談的方式訪問木柵高工圖書館員,檢視本系統之有效性與館員對本系統之看法。 研究之發現有以下幾點:1.應用品質機能展開所開發之系統,確實可應用於館藏評鑑,但較適合觀察長期趨勢;2. 不同使用者族群對圖書館館藏重視之層面可能有差異,此差異在本系統中會對結果造成影響,影響幅度由需求差異大小決定;3.無法量化計算的質性使用者需求,仍然受到使用者重視,在館藏評鑑中亦相當重要;4.本研究所開發之系統,有助於資源不足之基層圖書館館藏評鑑作業的推動。 / Library collection evaluation is one of important part of collection development, to understand the goodness or weakness of collection. It includes quality of content, analyzing of use, user needs, etc. But because of lake of staff and funds, collection evaluation becomes a burden to many libraries. To small libraries, it is more difficult. So it is necessary to develop a simple method to save the cost and labors for libraries. This study applies the Quality Function Deployment to develop a half-automatic library collection evaluation system, hoping to help collection evaluation works in a systematic, efficient way. The system in this study uses two kinds of data for computing: questionnaire survey of user needs and library automation system records. By applying the Quality Function Deployment, the system can combine above data and records, and generate analysis of collection and user needs in graphics. Finally, it can help decision making according to this information. This study takes Taipei Muzha vocational high school as the object, the method and procedures would be: questionnaire survey, system developing and analyzing, interview with librarians. The study obtains following conclusions: 1.Applying QFD, this system can help collection evaluation in practical, but it is more suitable to observe long-term trends than short-term; 2. Different group of users concern different needs in using library collections, those differences will affect the result of this collection evaluation system; 3. Some user needs can not be quantitated for system progressing, part of those needs are important in users’ opinions, so in a practical collection evaluation work, libraries can not ignore them; 4. This collection evaluation system can help some small-scale, basic-level, insufficient-resource libraries to accomplish their collection evaluation work.

使用者導向研究:從工作脈絡與客戶痛點中 設計雲端安全的創新 -以趨勢科技使用者洞見計畫為例 / Protecting the cloud: Use the work practice and pain points to find customer insight

劉宛婷, Liu, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
電腦病毒的演化瞬息萬變,特別是近年來,駭客在有利可圖的動機驅使下,逐漸形成了專業分工的產銷供應鏈,讓病毒的演化速度和變種數量以指數型成長。攻擊事件數量不斷竄升,資訊安全市場理應增加不少機會,但多數防毒廠商經常對這樣的市場機會望洋興嘆,每年花費數億金額,動員研發團隊提出新產品、新版本、新服務,使用者卻始終興趣缺缺。供需兩方認知差異讓防毒軟體廠商面臨龐大開發費用的損失,也讓企業持續存在於不定時資安風險的恐懼之中。 資安軟體公司在產品研發前,做足使用者需求蒐集流程工作,依照使用者描述所進行開發的產品,為什麼卻不是客戶需要的?本研究以質性研究法觀察國內一家電腦防毒廠商的新產品開發過程,更以為期一年的行動研究方式參與該公司使用者洞見計畫(Customer insight program),結合跨部門團隊的智慧和力量,以雲端運算的資安機會為主題進行客戶觀察和新產品構思。 經過一年的行動研究蒐證,本研究指出使用者導向設計的迷思,並強調瞭解工作脈絡對於系統性產品創新的重要性。由於系統性產品複雜程度較高,使用處於分工較細的系統運作流程之下,往往不自覺工作特殊之處,也難以確切表達總體需求。本研究的分析方式則透過使用者工作脈絡,即以客戶的商業模式和雲端運用的特殊情境,其次定義使用者於脈絡中獨特的痛點,進而找到創新機會。 使用者雖然是創新的來源,但是本研究發現,使用者不一定能知道自己的需求,唯有瞭解他們的工作實務,瞭解使用者在特定工作情境的痛點,才能化痛點為創新的亮點。研究貢獻上,補強現行使用者研究的三大方向,分別是使用者假設的不同、產品面設計的不同與創新來源不同。實務貢獻上,本研究提供複雜度較高的系統產品廠商在使用者導向設計流程之建議,以及企業中各部門如何透過使用者創新設計思維發揮價值所在。 / The rate of rapid evolution in computer virus results in an increase of computer crime and business attack incidents. Opportunities in the information security market began to grow and expected to exceed $125 billion USD by 2015, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts. In this situation, anti-virus company tried everything they can to launch high-technology, fancy, and more powerful product every year. But they found customer is always lack of interest in their new products. This not only makes the loss on large investment in software development for anti-virus company, and also makes enterprise customers continuously at the risk of data stolen and computer virus attacks. By asking users what they want and trying really hard to listen to them before the development, however the product still hasn』t meet the customer needs? This research is based on qualitative method and action research project to investigate an anti-virus company』s product development process and customer insight programs. The one year project was cooperated with company internal cross-functional team and focused on 『Protecting the cloud』 topic. There are three cases was selected in the final. In order to know the user』s working context in the high-complexity information security product system. The analysis structure in three cases used four steps to find out. First of all, identify the enterprise user』s business model. Secondly, observe their local knowledge in cloud computing usage. Thirdly, clarify the organization's unique pain points. The last but not the least, find the potential security opportunities for innovation. While user becomes a significant source of innovation, the study shows that users don』t necessarily know their own needs. Only to understand customer』s work practices, pain points under specific working situations, and use design thinking to make the pain points to transform into fit customer needs. The research emphasized the importance of local context in innovation theory and reinforced the inadequacy part of the lead user theory. Key words: User-centric innovation, Product innovation, Service innovation, Cloud computing, Anti-virus software, Qualitative research, Action research

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