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銷售通路對傷害保險損失率之影響分析李文斌 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 銀行通路損失率顯著低於直接業務通路的損失率,是保險公司可以加強銀行通路業務
(二) 電話行銷通路及網路通路在損失率比銀行通路顯著較低,為值得注意之新興通路
(三) 電話行銷通路及網路通路在保險費比銀行通路顯著較低,可見傷害保險業務在通路尚有極大發展空間
(四) 職業團體通路、直接業務通路與經代通路之損失率相對偏高,個案公司應積極改善此通路績效
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醫療傷害保險:藉由保險機制達到醫師與病人雙贏的制度安排陳嘉輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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傷害保險契約相關法律問題之研究-以意外傷害之認定、因果關係之判斷及舉證責任之分配為中心 / A Study on legal Issue Relating to Personal Injury Insurance Contracts-Emphasis on the Definition of Injury by Accident, The Judgment of Causation, and The Allocation of Burden of Proof盧彥宥, Lo, Weng Loong Unknown Date (has links)
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個人醫療費用保險之研究金寶玲, JIN, BAO-LING Unknown Date (has links)
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意外傷害保險關於「意外」之認定 / A study on the definition Of “accident” in accident insurance李武峰, Li, Wu-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
保險人因承保事故發生而有給付責任,為因契約而成立「債」之關係。但事故是否為承保範圍,則為關鍵所在。於壽險,生存、死亡或殘廢理賠,認定較為簡單;但於傷害保險,被保險人是否因為條款約定之「意外傷害事故」致成傷害,因為事過境遷,事實很難認定。於法院繫屬時,被保險人(受益人)與保險公司間之攻防,即與舉證責任息息相關。若有一方舉證不能,即有受訴訟不利益風險。 / Insurance is now a major part of the economy system. It plays an important role like stocks and bonds, or banks in the financial industry and it is now essential in our everyday life. Insurance helps the families that experienced accidents or tragedies overcome the difficulties. Lots of textbooks and articles have let us know that the insurance is the statement of cooperation. People in Taiwan had been rejecting the insurance in early days; however, until now, the usage rate of insurance in Taiwan has become the top class in the whole world with the average three policies per person, which can prove that insurance is more acceptable nowadays.
Nevertheless, according to the research of Financial Ombudsman Institution, among the three important roles in the financial industry, Insurance, Stocks and Bonds, and Banks, Insurance is the most controversial. In 2015, the percentage of appeals and arbitration of Non-life and life insurance industry are over 20% and 60%. However, the banks have only around 10%. To explain this kind of circumstance, it is because that the value proposition of insurance industry is more special than others. The products of the insurance, the policies, are mostly intangible, which that the customers cannot recognize the product easily and only when the claims have been settled, the customers can reach the product directly. But, the claims are not always settled as long as the conditions are not met. Moreover, the recognition of the claims are not the same from different points of view and that is the controversial point. Lastly, the customers regard the policies as the guarantees of the claims, which mean that they think once they bought the policies, the claims will be settled anyway as long as the accidents happen. Therefore, this thought strengthens the opposition of the customers to the companies. Furthermore, some people try to get the settlement using fraudulent methods. Such kind of activities costs the companies a lot to verify during the phase of application and processing. At the same time, due to the investigation, it also brings the dissatisfaction of the customers.
I have been working in the department of claim of life insurance for 17 years and I have learnt that the controversies are basically from three categories, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, and Injury Insurance. For Life Insurance, most of the conflicts are from the obligation of disclose of the customers, and if the obligation is not fulfilled, the company will terminate the contract in the end. For Health Insurance, it can be categorized into two, one is surgery conflicts and the essentiality of being hospitalized and most of them are the second one. For the last, Injury Insurance, it doesn’t have the most cases of the conflicts, but it is the most influential.
This paper focuses on Injury Insurance due to the characteristics of most influential and whether the definition of Article 131(A personal accident insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount when the insured suffers injury by accident, or becomes disabled or dies on account of such injury. The term "injury by accident" as used in the preceding paragraph refers to physical harm caused by unforeseen external events other than illness.), Insurance Act, can eliminate the conflicts of Injury Insurance or not. From lots of cases of Injury Insurance, normal people are not clear about the Article and misunderstand the contents as either disease or accidents. If the statement is true, then the natural death cannot be explained as an accident. The recognition of an accident cannot solely by such a brief definition because it has to meet the conditions of “Sudden”, “Accidental”, and “Unpredictable”.
In addition, when the insured is injured, disabled, or dead caused by accidents and the outcome of the injury contains the elements of disease, or when the insured peril and the non-insured peril have causal relationships, whether the outcome can be recognized as the insured peril or not depends on the “Proximate Cause”.
The insurer has the obligation to pay once the insured peril occur because of the contract and form the relationship of debt. However, the key of the issue is whether the accident is in the scope of the insured peril. In Life Insurance, the recognition of survival, death, or disability is simpler compared to Injury Insurance which contains more uncertain elements. On the other hand, in Injury Insurance, whether the insured is injured because of the insured peril or not is not easy to verify due to the fact is not the same as it happened. During the suit, the burden of proof has a great relationship with the defendant and the plaintiff. As long as one cannot provide any proof, he has the risks of losing the suit.
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產物保險業經營傷害險個案分析 / A case study on personal accident insurance operation of a non-life insurance company in Taiwan廖舷安, Liao,Hsuan An Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:個人傷害保險、綜合率、非比率再保險 / In our insurance market, there are two types of operation, that is, life insurance and non-life insurance, but the business scale of the two types has a long way to go. According to the data, the average premium income of whole life insurance market of the personal accident and health insurance is about NT$58 billion and NT$126 billion per year respectively among these five years. Relative to the non-life insurance which premium income is about NT$110 billion, it’s really a captivating and unlimited new market that the non-life insurance can take the risk about the personal accident and health insurance. From my point of view, it will be the main key to break through the bottleneck of operation of the non-life insurance market. Not only the whole insurance market will be changed but also it can bring multi-choice and influence to consumers.
Under this background, the main task of this research is discussing the non-life insurance’s result of operation the personal accident insurance. It has a real case that also includes the product of development, marketing, underwriter and claim for further discussion and analysis. According to the research of this case, it can generalize some points as below. The first is about the tactic of operation: we will choice the way of marketing way of channel if we consider the growth of premium income as primary issue. What is called” Someone will be a winner if he controls the channel”. In our company, the business of channel was occupied about 73% of the personal accident insurance and the claim also in the same situation was about 76% over the past two years. Unfortunately, the result of operation is “Control the channel will make someone success and failure”, so the key point of operation is how to enhance the management of channel. The second is about the statistics of claim: we compared with the data of life and non-life insurance and find some related trends, but there is a phenomenon of related aggravation, such as rate of average death, men are five times more than women in non-life insurance but only three times in life
insurance statistics; the average indemnity of death is about NT$2.3 million in non-life insurance which is one time higher than life insurance market and especially with men that age level among in 50~59 years old. On the basis of above mentioned, it shows the problem of this product have higher indemnification but lower premium income. The third is about the problem of lack of manpower and inadequate experience, in addition, it also lack such relevant professional personnel as medical, legal and investigative, etc. So it can’t offer the demand of real operation in the underwriting and claim process.
The law of insurance has already opened that the non-life insurance can operate the personal accident insurance after revision two times in our country. Moreover, we believe that will be passed through about the non-life insurance also can operate the health insurance by the legislative rapidly. After the analysis, the conclusion of this research is finding out the question and reason of operation and offering the suggestion of improvement. I hope it can provide some recommendations for the non-life insurance that will operate the personal accident insurance or oncoming of the health insurance.
Key words: Personal Accident Insurance、Combined Ratio、Excess of Loss
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論傷害保險之保險事故張傑雄 Unknown Date (has links)
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紐西蘭意外補償制度與我國相關意外傷害補償制度之研究顏佳瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
紐西蘭意外補償制度自1974年開始實行,是世界上第一個針對人身傷害採行全面無過失補償制度的國家。全體國民強制加入意外傷害的社會保險體系,由官方的意外補償公司(Accident Compensation Corporation,通稱ACC)負責制度之運作,全民不論在任何場合發生之意外傷害,亦不論意外事故之發生有無過失,均可獲得補償。我國則於民國68年修正勞工保險條例,明訂職業災害保險,並於民國73年制訂勞動基準法第59條,規定雇主之無過失補償責任,建立職業災害補償制度;民國85年亦針對汽車交通事故造成之人身傷亡,制訂強制汽車責任保險法,建立強制汽車責任保險制度。
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就雇主職業災害責任論雇主責任保險相關問題 / The study of employers' liability insurance for employees' accupational injuries and death李育錚, Li, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 雇主責任之分析
本章主要乃就我國現行法制下雇主對其受僱人因職業災害所生之法律上責任為分析。而雇主責任基礎,除了民事上損害賠償責任外,尚有因職業災害補償制度所生之雇主補償責任。就民事上損害賠償責任而言,目前除了民法上侵權行為及債務不履行所生損害賠償責任外,尚有基於海商法所生雇主補償責任。而職業災害補償制度,我國現採雇主直接職業災害補償責任與社會保險雙軌併行制度,就雇主直接職業災害補償責任觀之,目前規定於我國勞動基準法、工廠法等勞工法規,基於保護勞工之立場,均採無過失責任,只強調客觀上是否有職業災害之發生,而不須討論雇主是否可歸責; 而勞工保險之職業災害給付,則將雇主責任社會保險化,以保險給付取代部分雇主職業災害補償責任。而因同一職業災害發生,使民事上雇主損害賠償責任與職業災害補償制度下所生雇主責任可能產生競合關係,應如何為處理,是否涉及受僱人雙重利得,均為本章所討論之重點。
第三章 雇主職業災害責任之風險管理
本章乃就雇主於面臨眾多職業災害責任所帶來風險之情況下因應之道。首先,先對因雇主責任所可能發生之風險種類為一概述。為了將此風險帶來損失程度降到最低,因此風險管理在現代企業中極為重要。因應雇主責任而所為風險管理,應就兩方向為之,一為降低職業災害發生率,此乃屬事前之預防工作,應由作好工作場所安全管理來著手; 另一則是保險之應用,此乃於事故發生後將損失程度降到最低之補救工作,目前我國之勞工保險、傷害保險、及雇主責任保險皆有移轉雇主責任風險之功能,並以此引導出雇主責任保險之重要性。
第四章 雇主責任保險之分析
第五章 雇主責任保險與其他保險之競合
第六章 我國雇主責任保險之現制分析
第七章 結論與建議
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