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Sony光碟機在台灣市場復甦之個案分析 / Revitalization of Sony ODD in Taiwan market陳懋青, Chen, Anthony Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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我國DVD光碟機競爭優勢之探討-以DVD Player為例邱顯盛, Shean San Chiou Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著資訊科技與光儲存技術的進步,加以Internet應用的普及和數位直播電視逐漸深入家庭,將人類生活帶進了多彩多姿的多媒體時代;但也造成電腦產業(Computer),通訊產業(Communication),與消費性電子產業(Consumer Electronics)彼此間的疆界模糊,而朝向3C整合的趨勢(劉玉麟,1999)。在此趨勢之下,過去的CD系列產品已逐漸無法滿足消費者追求下一代高影音品質之需求。故從90年代起,由Toshiba、Panasonic、Hitachi、Sony、Philips與Thomson等日、美廠商共同推動新一代光儲存DVD系統。由於DVD Forum致力於DVD系統推廣、建立產品標準、技術授權及產品認證等,使得DVD產品之市場遠景逐漸明朗,已成為現階段國內外相關廠商競相繼積極投入的熱門產品。
國外廠商最早推出的都是DVD播放機(DVD-Video Player),而國內廠商卻把重心放在DVD-ROM光碟機。許多業者同時指出,這是因為台灣掌握光碟機生產技術,加上光碟機既可播放,又可做資料儲存,未來將是個人電腦的標準配備,市場前景遠比純粹娛樂用途的播放機看好。所以,除了光儲存產業廠商係基於CD-ROM碟機產業之基礎而發展至DVD產業之外,家電與資訊業者,無不積極卡位。
台灣的CD-ROM光碟機及CD/CD-R光碟片產業,目前無論在產能或技術上已佔全球極重要地位。大家也亟思DVD產品是否有機會繼CD產品之後,成為台灣下一波產品的主流?近年來,從國內各界積極加入DVD Forum及投入DVD相關產品與關鍵零組件研發熱烈程度來看,毫無疑問的,台灣的政府與業者是不願意在未來DVD產品舞台上缺席,國內業者也極力摒除過去CD產品關鍵零組件受制外人之窘境。為了讓台灣未來在DVD產品上更具寬廣與自主化之空間,國人應及早擬訂下一代產品之發展策略,希冀在產品世代交替中,台灣可以掌握先機並從渾沌局勢□脫穎而出。
圖目錄 …………………………………… 1
表目錄 …………………………………… 2
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景 …………………………………… 4
第二節 研究問題與目的 …………………………………… 5
第三節 研究範圍 …………………………………… 6
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 競爭力與競爭優勢的觀念 …………………………………… 9
第二節 國家競爭力的探討 …………………………………… 10
第三節 產業競爭優勢及其來源 …………………………………… 15
第四節 企業競爭優勢及其來源 …………………………………… 23
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究流程及架構 …………………………………… 30
第二節 研究方法與資料來源 …………………………………… 31
第三節 研究限制 …………………………………… 32
第四章 DVD產業介紹
第一節 產業/產品發展沿革 …………………………………… 33
第二節 產品介紹/特色/應用範圍 …………………………………… 38
第三節 產業特性 …………………………………… 48
第五章 全球DVD光碟機產業現況
第一節 全球整體市場概況 …………………………………… 53
第二節 關鍵零組件之發展概況 …………………………………… 56
第三節 產業技術現況與趨勢 …………………………………… 59
第四節 DVD Player全球主要市場概況 …………………………………… 62
第六章 我國DVD光碟機產業現況
第一節 產業與市場概況 …………………………………… 72
第二節 產業結構 …………………………………… 75
第三節 產業技術 …………………………………… 77
第四節 主要DVD Player廠商與專業雜誌訪談結果 …………………………………… 78
第七章 我國DVD光碟機產業競爭分析
第一節 我國DVD產業之鑽石模型分析 …………………………………… 83
第二節 我國DVD光碟機產業之五力分析 …………………………………… 88
第三節 我國DVD Player廠商之SWOT分析 …………………………………… 91
第八章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 …………………………………… 94
第二節 對我國光碟機產業與廠商的建議 …………………………………… 95
中文參考文獻 …………………………………… 99
英文參考文獻 …………………………………… 104
附錄(問卷) …………………………………… 105 / N/A
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高科技產業之專利權評價分析與因應策略--以DVD產業為例 / Patent pricing for DVD technology賴恩裕, Lai, Eric Unknown Date (has links)
最後則以國內 DVD 光碟機產業為例,訪談國內企業在面對專利的評價時應有的認知與應採取的策略,並且訪問國內智慧財產保護頗有成就的公司輿相關領域專家,企圖對於企業在專利授權或是專利策略評估時,提供更明確的價格觀念,以免除其誤蹈專利地雷的窘境。
智慧財產權中,有關專利權在實務上,通常較為人注意的是法律層次的問題,而在專利權價值方面,一般文獻均歸類於會計層次,甚少將法律與評價問題作歸納整合。本研究企圖將兩者作更緊密的連結,並且歸納出有關的策略議題,期能對國內廠商在面對國外廠商索求專利權與公司內部專利權的價值評估時,有一較清楚的方向。 / Patent Pricing for DVD Technology In the business of high technology manufacturing and marketing, intellectual property is a company's lifeblood. As with any other assets, intellectual property assets must be carefully managed.
When it come to manage intellectual property assets, your company's main challenge will lie in skillfully navigating a minefield of existing or pending patents, both to produce goods that do'nt infringe on other companies' right and to vouchsafe rights that will secure your marketshare. Concern for those issues is especially important when your company seeks financing.
Inventors need assurance that their investment will not be endangered by infringement litigation or by poorly framed
intellectual property right that do not adequately stake out a share of the company's markets Intellectual property right (IPR) encourages the R&D, and protect their IPR by litigation.
In another way, the exhibition of IPR will light a way for another companies to avoid infrigement and can take more research in new product or process.
The research attempt to view IPR - especially patent, as industrial resources, and make it exchangeable just like merchandise. When patent is exchanged in industrial market, how to evaluate its price? How to determine the price? According to industry norm or R&D expense? Whether to sell it or keep it in company as core competence? The research will focus on another topic -- the patent "Claim", will estate the condition of patent, the principles of patent, the infringement theory. And research will identify this topic and give a clear way for company when considering IPR.
Thesis also integrates all the patent pricing models and list the relationship between pricing theory and IPR strategies.
It will use the tomorrow star industry - DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) industry as a example, because it is the way for Taiwan to approach the high technology and DVD will knock the heaven's door for next century. The paper outlines all the founded documents and visit the field expert and list all the patents for various technologies, take reaserch about the determination of price and give a clear direction for Taiwan DVD industry.
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後進SOC企業經營策略本質的思考吳文義, Wu, Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
此分析或擬定策略時要依據競爭對手與產業特性選數種適合分析的架構進行分析,才能夠互相印證與互補,並思考其矛盾之處以避免致命的盲點,因此本論文提出專為系統單晶片設計企業策略本質的思考之架構以檢驗其策略有效性。 / The System on Chip (SOC) is the core of the electric system of an electric end product. Therefore, the firms that design and produce the SOC play the critical role in the development of the end product and contribute the most valuable part in the IC industry chain. The purposes of this paper are to develope the strategies and wisdoms of management as well as the frame structure for analyzing the essence of management strategies for the late comer. In the case study, there are the companies have been very successful in the world. In the cases, there are a lot of time-marked traces of the growth of the successful firm and its related industry history so that we can clarify what and why the strategies were executed at that time by analyzing the sequences of the management decisions and their consequences. Additionally, I hope the case stories can be utilized for the further research or another related research.
Initially in this research we focused only on the topic of the question“What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”. However, after further studies we found that the general answers for the big question might not exit; therefore, we adjusted the research direction and converted to focus on the topic of the essence of the analysis of the management strategies. In the studied case, there are four different kinds of SOC products including optic storage chip, DVD player chip, digital TV chip and handset chip and their related industries. In the story of each product case, the main stream of the story keeps close track of the situation of the management decisions making, the status of the execution by the studied firms and their consequences in timing sequence so that the evolution of the environment of the firms and the industries can be shown clearly. To study for the answer of the big question “What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”, firstly we analyze the cases and simultaneously study the related theories. Secondly we transform the big question into the following seven research subtopics: (1) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies based on the marketing promotion theory, (2) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the net profit, (3) Pricing strategies for the SOC products, (4) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the perspective of the“Dynamic capabilities”, (5) Management strategies for the late comer, (6) Strategies for the growth and new products selection, and (7) Wisdom of management. Finally, we hope this thesis can provide managers with the frame structure for both thinking and analyzing the strategies so that managers can develop the best strategies for themselves.
There are some kinds of logical relation among the theories developed in the above subtopics. The foundation of theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”is the value proposition that bases on the analysis of the explicit value and implicit value in the marketing promotion theory. Theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”are one of the most fundamental pillars that support the other theories in this thesis. According to the definition of elasticity of net profit in this thesis, we can deduce some innovative and valuable theories by the rigid mathematical reasoning. Furthermore, we can develop the innovative theories “(3) Pricing strategies for the SOC product”. In addition to developing the above theories, we apply the theory of “Dynamic capabilities” to analyze the strategies in the case stories to find the effective cost advantage is supported by the capabilities of organization with effectiveness and efficiency. We integrate the above theories to propose “(5) Management strategies for the late comer”. A firm will eventually confront the saturation of the growth after its successful startup. To solve this issue, we base on the deep investigation of the cases and some theories developed in this thesis, we propose “(6) Strategies for growth as well as new products selection”. Finally from the case stories, we abstract some both valuable and critical wisdoms that are easy understood but they are hard to be practiced due to the human natural weakness.
According to “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management” by TEECE, the strategies for a firm strongly depend on the path that the firm has experienced, thus the imitative strategies from its rival is usually not effective just because their paths they passed are different, not to mention that neither their environments nor the conditions of the firms are totally different. Therefore, a firm works out any strategies and then its managers have to carefully check the effectiveness of the strategies by analyzing their essence of the strategies and then modify them before they are executed. However, any framework for analyzing strategy has its blindspots. To avoid the strategic blindspots, we have to use several different and suitable frameworks to analyze the strategies, and then check if there are any conflicts among the results from different frameworks analyzing, we have to deliberate to find why and how to solve the conflicts. Therefore, we develop a new frame work that appropriately analyzes the strategies of both the SOC firm-level and their products with a totally different perspective
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