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我國光電產業經營效率之研究—資料包絡分析法的應用陳俊銘 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產業的發展一向與國際市場的脈動相連,光電產業也不例外,近幾年來在國際的夾擊之下依然發展得極為出色,與其他部分高科技產業共同支撐起台灣科技產業的命脈。所以本研究藉著資料包絡分析法 (data envelopment analysis, DEA) 的應用,透過計算整體技術效率、純粹技術效率、規模效率與 Malmquist 生產力指數,具體衡量出各廠商的生產效率值與跨期變化情形以供廠商參考。另外將光電產業依產品特性分成幾個次產業,為各次產業提出客觀的經營建議。最後由 Tobit 迴歸分析影響效率的重要因素,提供提升效率的參考,希望能對我國的光電產業有所幫助,而繼續為台灣科技產業的成長努力。
本研究以國內 30 家光電產業廠商於 2000 年至 2003 年之資料為研究範圍,選取的投入變數為:員工人數、固定資產、營業成本與營業費用四項,產出變數為營業收入淨額與稅前淨利。另外迴歸分析中使用的解釋變數為董監員工紅利率、存貨週轉率、負債比率、研發費用率、 TCRI 信用評等與董監持股比率。
研究結果顯示,整個光電產業整體無效率的原因較多是技術無效率導致,小部份是規模無效率造成的;而就每個次產業而言,以其四年平均值來看亦是受技術無效率影響較多。而在 Malmquist 生產力指數分析中發現,整個光電產業只有在 2000 年至 2001 年間,因技術退步的影響大於綜合技術效率進步的影響,而使得生產力衰退,往後的期間皆呈現進步的態勢。而在次產業方面,綜合技術效率的退步導致光通訊產業在 2001 年至 2002 年間的生產力衰退;技術的退步使得 2002 年至 2003 年間的光輸出入產業產生生產力的衰退。
最後,在迴歸分析中的結果為存貨週轉率對於整體技術效率有著顯著的正向影響;研發費用率是顯著的負向影響。而在純粹技術效率部份,存貨週轉率有顯著正向影響;TCRI評等越佳,TCRI 值越低,純粹技術效率越好。 / Taiwan's industries are always connected closely with international market, and optoelectronic industry is no exception. Through keenly competence these years, it is still brilliant and boosts the lifeline of Taiwan's Technology industry with other Hi-tech industries. So this research uses data envelopment analysis as objective references to enhance production efficiency. First we divide the whole optoelectronic industry into several sub-industries according to the characteristics of their products, and calculate every firm and sub-industry’s values of technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and Malmquist index definitely. Then we analyze the key factors influencing production efficiency and offer references for helping optoelectronic industry better.
This research is based on the data of 30 optoelectronic firms in Taiwan during the 2000-2003 periods. We use the number of employee, fixed assets, operating costs and operating expenses as input variables; net sales revenue and net income before taxes as output variables. Besides, the explanatory variables in regression analysis are the percentage of bonus accounting for operating net amount, inventory turns, debt ratio, the percentage of R&D expenses accounting for operating net amount, TCRI, share holding on directors.
The result shows that inefficiency in the whole industry and sub-industries mainly comes from technical inefficiency. MPI demonstrates that productivity of the whole industry is declined only during 2000-2001 period and it is because of declined technology. And declined technical efficiency results in the declined productivity of fiber-communication industry between 2001-2002; declined technology results in the declined productivity of optical input/output devices industry between 2002-2003.
Under regression analysis, the result shows that inventory turnovers have a significant positive effect on efficiency; the percentage of R&D expenses accounting for operating net amount has a significant negative effect on efficiency. And about pure technical efficiency, inventory turn has a significant positive effect; TCRI has a significant negative effect.
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由液晶面板的供需看產業的未來策略發展藍東昇 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的面板產業所謂的面板五虎,從各家的財務獲利、資本支出,到之後的產能規劃與擴建計劃,已經明顯的成為兩個不同層級的競爭態勢與格局。面板產業的規模正在迅速擴張中,面板產業龍頭友達與奇美在公司規模、營收的表現上,已正式超越各家成為產業龍頭。因此本研究以這兩家面板大廠為代表,針對其發展沿革之策略進行分析與比較,以對映台灣面板廠的競爭策略與未來發展。 / The TFT LCD industry is the star business in Taiwan recently. With billions investment and high-tech entry barrier, however, this industry usually suffers huge loss and worries the price drop. So far, the profit rate of LCD is still limit but the new Fab investment can’t be stopped to lose competition in this giant field. The main reason is balance of supply-demand issue still existing in the whole TFT LCD industry.
From demand point of view, there are more and more new applications in LCD products; on the other hand, LCD makers must keep investing new Fab in supply. The equilibrium of supply line and demand line has been varied by different timing and various price. The original TFT LCD manufacturers are from Japan, Koran, and Taiwan but only few companies have capability to extend production line. Now, the LCD industry is in the kind of competitive olig-monopolistic market. To analyzing by the game theory of economics, the severe competition among few LCD makers, who bear the critical challenge, have to face up to surplus, price war, and product devaluation due to unbalanced investment.
This research is to study the current capacity and their new Fab outputs of all LCD makers as well as to consider vertical and key component sources. Meanwhile, the new application, marketing plan and strategy, future price trend, and brand competence can be reviewed from supply-demand, market equilibrium, and crystal cycling. Further, to study what is the LCD future according to the new strategy, technologic development and competitive environment.
Taiwan TFT LCD makers have so-called “Five Tigers”. The LCD business is rapid growing. From each company financial profit, capital investment, capacity plan and new Fab investment, there are two main distinguished level and scale. The leading companies are AUO and CMO, no matter in economic scale, and revenue performance, which are on the top position. This report is also studied these two companies as benchmark to cross-check each company stage and compare each own strategy in order to reflect Taiwan TFT LCD industry and future.
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台灣太陽光電競標市場研究 / The Study of Solar Energy Bidding Market in Taiwan江柏珊 Unknown Date (has links)
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液体の超高速光電子分光による水和電子の研究唐島, 秀太郎 23 May 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21951号 / 理博第4529号 / 新制||理||1650(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 鈴木 俊法, 教授 谷村 吉隆, 教授 林 重彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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高Q値光ナノ共振器結合系とpinダイオード融合デバイスの開発と電気的な光操作に関する研究仲代, 匡宏 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23211号 / 工博第4855号 / 新制||工||1758(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 野田 進, 教授 藤田 静雄, 教授 木本 恒暢 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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光電子分光法によるシリカ-水溶液界面電気現象の研究倉橋, 直也 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第20931号 / 理博第4383号 / 新制||理||1630(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 鈴木 俊法, 教授 長谷川 健, 教授 寺嶋 正秀 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Si(111)表面上のIn原子層金属の原子構造と電子状態寺川, 成海 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第23727号 / 理博第4817号 / 新制||理||1689(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 有賀 哲也, 教授 吉村 一良, 教授 渡邊 一也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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90 nm真空紫外超短パルス光源を駆使した時間分解光電子分光法による超高速光反応ダイナミクスの研究佐藤, 元樹 25 July 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第19915号 / 理博第4215号 / 新制||理||1605(附属図書館) / 33001 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 足立 俊輔, 教授 松本 吉泰, 教授 鈴木 俊法 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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太陽能產業對於農業發展之融資影響-以F租賃公司為例 / The Impact of Energy Industries on Agricultural Development Financing呂政衛 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來極端氣候發生之頻率與強度愈趨激烈,溫室效應對全球各地氣候變化的影響日益明顯,未來因氣候變遷衍生的問題將嚴重衝擊全球經濟、糧食供應、生態平衡以及區域安全。然而,全球暖化係人類長期排放所累積結果,已非單靠人為減少溫室氣體排放量就可以避免,故如何藉由預測未來可能面臨之衝擊與改變,世界各國莫不將 「節能減碳」或納為施政新思維,進行能源戰略布局、施行綠色新政、發展綠能產業,以營造永續之低碳社會與發展低碳經濟。
聯合國環境署(United Nations Environment Program)於2009年發表(全球綠色新政),綠色新政重點之一即推廣再生能源,降低對石化燃料過多的依賴,使能源來源能夠更多元,同時,降低碳排放量,除營造低碳生活外,更可促進產業轉型,創新新型態能源結構,增加產業與國家競爭力。再生能源之中,太陽能的特質除了取之不盡、用之不竭外,並具有潔淨與安全的特質對於改善未來人類生活及環境有相當助益。
因此,政府的引導下,發展替代能源及節能相關產業,企業亦在能源價格節節高升情況下不得不尋求節能技術支援以降低生產成本(例如 PV-ESCO 太陽能發電後售電予台灣電力公司)以獲取報酬,新的商業型態-「能源技術服務業,ESCO」應孕而生。然而,在新的產業發展過程中必然產生重重阻力以妨礙產業的發展,尤其是融資問題最為嚴重,目前 ESCO 產業除銀行予以有限的融資外,租賃公司亦為其融資主要來源之一,然而租賃產業傳統的設備租賃與分期付款業務已漸趨成熟,其性質幾乎與一般銀行融資無異,並且受限於租賃公司本身的資源有限,導致價格競爭力遠遠落後於銀行,在這樣的情況下,租賃產業需思考價格以外競爭力的方法式以區隔市場。
本論文在探討太陽能產業對於農業的融資影響,首先針對台灣農業土地使用現況,並分析農業就業人口與生產力,了解農業所得與土地使用困境。再者,說明分析太陽能產業全球發展概況與未來市場規模,透過融資市場分析ESCO產業融資方式與困境,最後,針對租賃產業的現況分析瞭解租賃產業的發展與競爭狀況,再對個案公司在 ESCO 產業各階段經營模式作說明,探討租賃公司如何在ESCO 產業從資源、核心能力建立而取得競爭優勢,進而尋求傳統租賃產業的新的發展契機。
本研究中亦發現租賃公司在經營模式的創新使得產品利潤增加,創新並不侷限於租賃架構的創新,而在於審核流程及利潤架構的改變,利用增加的報酬可以承擔更多風險,再加上個案提供之成交個案中各型態經營模式之 IRR & NPV 模擬數據分析佐證,呈現出新的經營模式具體的營運成果;而利潤增加可以提升F公司對風險的承受能力,進而促動經營模式的改變。但因應新型態的營運模式,除產品本身利潤以外,更需考量租賃產業在籌資的能力,以創造資金使用效能極大化,同時善盡企業社會責任。
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半導體及光電產業廠務廢水系統工程承攬策略之探討 - 以T公司為例王誌鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃在探究哪些關鍵因素足以影響建廠廠商之採購發包策略,再以工程承攬商的觀點提出應對,發展出本身之承攬策略。由於有關建廠發包策略之相關文獻不多,故本研究主要採實地專家訪談,訪談半導體廠及TFT-LCD廠廠務及採購主管對於建廠採購發包之看法,配合文獻所提之各要點發展問卷,透過問卷了解高階主管、廠務人員及採購人員對發包有何不同觀點,同時面對不同之發包型態與關鍵影響因素,利用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process;AHP),發展適用於不同類型採購發包決策人員之各構面及次準則指標之權重,並與其他相關研究做比較,探討差異所在及原因,綜合研究建廠廠商高階主管、廠務人員及採購人員對於新建廠務系統發包之需求,進而擬定出承攬商因應之承攬策略,以提供決策者進行執行決策之參考。
關鍵字:半導體產業、光電產業、工程承攬、發包策略、承攬策略 / As the developments in semiconductor and opto-electronic industries grow rapidly, they have become two major economic industries of Taiwan to compete globally. In order to keep Taiwan’s exiting advantages in manufacturing and its strength and also to improve its design and innovation abilities, Taiwan government has proposed “The New Century Two Trillions Double Stars Industries Development Plan” and the plan has clearly outlined the development directions for both semiconductor and flat panel display industries in Taiwan. While stepping into 21st century, the developments in Taiwan industries have faced enormous competition due to the sharp rising of emerging countries, China especially. For maintaining its competition advantages and upgrading its market shares, every enterprise only has to accelerate on making investments to the plant construction. By doing so, it aims to create economic scale to lower the product costs and it also aims to increase the entry barriers for competitors through its leading advanced technologies.
In recent years, major enterprises in Taiwan have aggressively engaging in 12” fab construction and TFT-LCD 8th generation plant construction planning. Since both are the investments required high capital, the enhancement in procurement professionals’ negotiation skills and the selections of qualified contractors, the drawing up for the contracting strategies and the completion of the plant construction within shortest time with minimum budget are the major policies for the enterprises of the plant construction.
This paper aims at probing into what are the key factors that will have influence on the procurement and contracting strategies made by the enterprises of the plant construction and followed by responding proposals provided from the contractors’ of the plant construction points of view and also the developments of the contracting strategies made by them. Since there are not many researches about the topic on the contracting strategies of the plant construction, the study is mainly from live interviews with experts and through interviews with facility managers and procurement mangers of semiconductor and TFT-LCD plants to understand their points of views on the procurement and contracting strategies of the plant construction. In addition, also matching up with major points in bibliographies, the questionnaire has been developed and the questionnaire survey has revealed various points of views about contracting from top management, facility professionals and procurement professionals and the key influential factors when facing different types of contracting meanwhile. By using Analytical Hierarchy Process, it has applied on every aspect and the percentages of the secondary indexes for the decision makers’ of different types of procurement and contracting and the results have also been compared with other related researches in order to figure out the differences and their causes. Combined with the study on the demand from top management, facility professionals and procurement professionals of the enterprises of the plant construction for the contracting of new plant construction systems, the contractors’ can draw up the responding contracting strategies and provide them to decision makers as the reference whiling they are making judgments.
Key words:
Semiconductor industries, Opto-electronic industries, Contracting work, Procurement strategies, Contracting strategies.
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