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資本結構與代理問題-或有求償權評價法 / Capital Structure and Agency Problem-Contingent Claim Approach黃星華, Huang, Hsing-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文立基於Merton(1974)或有求償權評價法及Leland(1994)內生破產資本結構模型上,加入次順位債券的考量,建立一個連續時間資本結構分析模型,量化的資本結構可作為企業融資之決策依據。內生破產行為與風險移轉行為都是股東與債權人之間可能產生的代理問題,本文的模型不但分析這兩種代理問題,更計算其所產生的代理成本。由模擬的結果發現內生破產成本雖然不大,但是其對無風險利率及公司非槓桿價值的波動度卻是非常的敏感。在本文的模型下,只要債務契約不能重新訂立,次順位債券的發行永遠都會降低優先債務的價值。在本模型中次順位債券的風險貼水比優先債券的風險貼水高;但是本文發現不管是優先債券或是次順位債券的風險貼水,當公司接近宣告破產時,公司非槓桿價值的波動度對兩種債券風險貼水的影響出現高風險低報酬的現象,可能的解釋理由如下:當公司接近宣告破產時,公司非槓桿價值波動度的增加使破產可能性提高,進而使風險貼水減少的間接力量大於波動度增加直接使風險貼水上升的力量。 / Based on Merton(1974) and Leland(1994), we construct a continuous-time capital structure model with subordinated debt. Quantitative results may serve the guidance of financial policy of the firm. Both endogenous bankruptcy and risk shifting behaviors are the agency problems between the equityholders and debtholders. Based on our model, the agency problems is considered and the agency costs are calculated. From the result of simulation, endogenous bankruptcy agency cost is small but sensitive to the volatility of unlevered asset value of the firm. Under renegotiation-proof, the senior debt is harmed by the issuance of the subordinated debt in our model. The risk premium of the subordinate debt is higher than that of the senior debt is confirmed by the model, however, when the firm is near bankruptcy, the behavior of "high risk high return" of both debts is reversed. The reason for the junk bond behavior may be explained as the negative effect of risk premiums due to the increase of the probability of bankruptcy is higher than the positive effect of the greater risk caused by higher volatility.
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精緻管理與公司價值評價之研究-以個案公司及台灣IC設計產業為例 / The research on sophisticated management & company value evaluation via case study and the IC design industry of Taiwan田玉昇, Tien, Spark Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以全方位的「精緻管理」為主軸,以國際IC設計大廠 - C公司的案例驗證「精緻管理」的實施過程與結果並探討台灣IC設計產業的競爭優勢以及管理能力和公司價值兩者之間的關聯性,屬質性與量化混合型的研究。
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我國公司治理評等指標建立之研究林尚志 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年國內523家非金融業上市公司為樣本,利用LISREL方法 (線性結構關係模式統計方法)建構台灣公司治理評等指標。分析結果共得出:股權結構構面 (盈餘股份比、專業機構投資者持股率);董事會職責構面 (盈餘席次比、外部董事席次比率、外部監察人席次數與外部董監持股率);財務透明度構面 (盈餘管理幅度、損益平穩化程度與財報重編率)等3個構面、9項衡量指標。
透過與企業當期及次期經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險間之關聯性實證測試,本研究發現,前項公司治理評等指標與企業之經營績效、公司價值呈顯著正相關,而與投資人投資風險呈顯著負相關。此項實證結果一方面顯示,前項公司治理評等指標愈佳,企業當期與次期之經營績效與公司價值愈高,投資人之投資風險愈低;另方面亦表示本研究所建構之公司治理評等指標對於企業之經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險,具有一定程度之關聯性與預測能力。 / A well-developed corporate governance ranking system is essential to implantation of corporate governance. Base on principles proposed by OECD, a framework provided by the World-Bank and empirical literature on corporate governance, this research attempts to develop a workable TCGI (herein Taiwan Corporate Governance Index or TCGI) ranking system. The purpose of provision of TCGI is to help investors and creditors to make better decisions.
Using data for 523 non-banking corporations publicly traded at Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2002, and LISREL as the analytical tool, this research constructs a three-aspect (including ownership structure, responsibility of the board and financial transparency) TCGI ranking system with 9 corresponding indicators in total.
The empirical results of association tests show that TCGI indicators are significantly and positively (negatively) related to operation performance and market value (the occurrence of firms encountering financial difficulties). The findings thus imply that the TCGI ranking system developed in this research may be useful in investors and creditors decision-making.
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