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拍賣網站上賣方評價內容對於買方知覺風險及購買意願之影響—以Yahoo!奇摩拍賣為例彭思柔 Unknown Date (has links)
三、賣方的評價留言對買方的購買意願有顯著影響。 / Many consumers often hesitate to buy product on-line because of the perceived
risk of losing money and the feeling of uncertainty about the credibility of the
sellers. Therefore, many auction sites have built feedback systems in order to
provide consumers a tool of reference when engaging in online shopping
activities. This study conducts an experiment in order to investigate how
feedback comments may influence consumers’ level of perceived risk and their
purchase intention. The research mainly focuses on two different patterns of
feedback comments (Outstanding comments and abysmal comments) in an
online auction market, to see if these comments affect consumers’ level of
perceived risk and their purchase intention. The research subjects are college
and graduate school students who have previous online shopping experiences. In
total, this study collects 126 validated samples. According to the research results,
there are three main conclusions:
1. Seller’s outstanding feedback comments will decrease buyer’s perceived risk
in online shopping; on the contrary, seller’s abysmal feedback comments will
increase buyer’s perceived risk.
2. If the buyer has lower perceived risk, the purchase intention will be higher.
3. Seller’ feedback comments will influence buyer’s purchase intention.
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口碑傳播內容對組織人才吸引力之影響-以會計師事務所為例 / Exploring the effects of the content in word-of-mouth to the organizational attractiveness: the case of accounting firm鍾閔鈁, Chung, Min Fang Unknown Date (has links)
於知識經濟時代中,人才已為組織中最重要的資產之一,然對於許多知識工作者來說,由於其提供的專業知識的替代性較低,也因此在就業市場不再是買方獨大的局面,人才在「求職」的同時,雇主也在「求才」。因此如何使潛在的人才對一組織有更高的組織人才吸引力 (organizational attractiveness),進而願意投身進該組織服務,便為組織在這個時代的人力資源管理領域一個重要的議題。
會計師事務所所處的產業便為典型的提供客戶專業知識的產業型態,加上產業的人才流動率較高,因此各事務所對於專業人才的需求始終居高不下,許多徵才活動也紛紛推出。然而對於會計系應屆畢業生來說,他們對於事務所真正在意的屬性是甚麼?事務所又是如何才能真正吸引到這些專業人才?本研究欲從此核心問題,參考學者之雇主知識 (employer knowledge)模型進行探討,另外於實務中,多數的應屆畢業生也常透過詢問學長姐或朋友以獲得更多與事務所相關資訊的情形,而在這樣口碑傳播 (word-of-mouth)的脈絡下,傳播者對事務所的了解程度高的是否會產生組織人才吸引力的影響呢?
本研究結果發現,雇主知識中給足加班津貼的薪資制度之工作資訊及較高的雇主聲望將會正向影響潛在求職者之組織之人才吸引力。建議實務組織可循此方向強化其組織人才吸引力,本研究亦提出後續研究建議,仍賴未來研究者之探索。 / The talents are the most essential assets for the organizations in the era of knowledge economy. For lots knowledge workers, the knowledge they have is less substitutable, so the organizations are not stronger in the labor market anymore. In the mean time the talents seek for the jobs, the employers also seek for the talents. How to increase the organizational attractiveness to the potential job seekers is an important issue in the human resource management.
In the industry of the accounting firms especially emphasize on the profession and knowledge. They keep looking for talented employees so eagerly because of the high turnover ratio. For the students of the major in accounting, what do they really care about? How can the accounting firm attract the potential job seekers?
In this thesis, we will use the employer knowledge model to discover the effects to the organizational attractiveness. Students also seek for more information about the organizations by asking the seniors or friends. In the context of word-of-mouth, we wonder the expertise of the information senders will affect the organizational attractiveness.
In the result of the research, the non-deducted overtime compensation plan and higher employer reputation will increase the potential job seekers’ organizational attractiveness. The accounting firms can improve the attractiveness from these aspects.
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網路市場行家理論驗證與延伸-其網路資訊搜尋、口碑傳播、線上購物行為及個人特質研究費翠, Fei, Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
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虛擬社群與網路口碑訊息之研究—以香水社群為例 / A study of online Word-of-Mouth in the perfume virtual community朱映燕, Chu, Ying Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以虛擬社群台大PTT Perfume 板的成員為調查對象,以社會資本理論歸結出的成員特性: 相似性、認同感及信任感三構念,來探討影響社群使用者知識分享交流的動機與其對網路口碑訊息傳遞的影響;另以訊息訴求與訊息框架二構念來研究其對社群使用者溝通效果及後續口碑傳播意願的關聯。本研究以「問卷調查法」進行資料的蒐集,共蒐集有效樣本問卷227 份,使用SPSS 18.0 來進行資料分析,以檢驗本研究模型和相關假說。
研究結果發現: (一)、社群成員的「相似性」不論對成員間的「知識貢獻」、「知識欲求」與「口碑傳播意願」,均有顯著正向的影響。社群成員的「認同感」對成員間的「知識貢獻」與「口碑傳播意願」,有顯著正向的影響;但對成員的「知識欲求」則無顯著影響。社群成員的「信任感」對成員間的「知識欲求」有顯著正向的影響;但對成員的「知識貢獻」與「口碑傳播意願」則無顯著影響。(二)、「正面框架」的訊息表達方式,以及不論「理性」、「感性」、或「自我象徵」的訊息訴求,對於社群使用者均能帶來正向顯著的「溝通效果」;另外,訊息的「溝通效果」,會對社群成員網路口碑傳播的意願帶來顯著正向的影響。(三)、最後,Perfume 板虛擬社群成員間的「知識交流」程度,亦會對社群內的「口碑傳播意願」帶來顯著正向的影響。 / The development and progress of Internet technology has changed human communication, especially interpersonal communication and information searching. Moreover, the Internet has become a convenient communication channel in our daily life for gathering product-related information. Product users can share their purchase and usage experience with one another over the virtual network and the impact of online word-of-mouth is escalating. Accordingly, this study is to discuss the sharing and transmission of the online word-of-mouth about perfume among the virtual community members.
Data were collected by an online questionnaire survey from 227 members of PTT_Perfume, which is one of the most famous virtual communities in the area of BBS. The study incorporates similarity, identification, and trust from the perspective of the social capital theory to discuss the knowledge sharing intention and their influences on the word-of-mouth transmission;Besides, it investigates how the message appeals and message framing affect the communication effect and how online word-of-mouth spreads among the virtual community. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS 18.0.
The findings of this research reveals that community similarity is positively associated with the knowledge sharing and the intention of online word-of-mouth transmitting;Identification is positively associated with the knowledge contribution and the intention of online word-of-mouth transmitting;Trust is only positively associated with the knowledge acquisition. Second, positive framing, rational, emotional and self-expressive appeals all have positive influences on communication effect. Finally, the communication effect of messages and the degree of knowledge sharing both have positive impacts on the intention of online word-of-mouth transmission.
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企業客戶流失因素之研究-以某營建工具業為例 / The study of customer churning factors - An example of a construction products supplier蕭大立 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現:1.流失原因可萃取出產品及服務因素及價格因素兩大構面。轉購原因可萃取出服務及品牌策略、產品策略及價格策略三大構面。2.流失行為係以降低購買頻率及轉換新的供應商兩種方式表現。3.營建工具業與服務業客戶轉換行為模式有明顯差異。4.購買持續時間較長之客戶,對於送貨時間太久之重要性認知程度與購買持續時間較短之客戶有明顯差異。產品價格太高及採購頻率兩項變數可作為判別流失客戶是否會轉換供應商之模式。但由於區別力不甚良好,故並不適合以此兩項變數作為判斷預測之基準。 / A great deal of effort has been made on the causes of customer churn in the consumer products industry. What seems to be lacking, however, is this subject in the industrial products industry. This study will focus the discussion on the causes of customer churn and customer switching behavior in the construction products supplier, in order to provide guidance for developing retention and loyalty programs.
This study can be divided into five parts; the first part reviews the literature on this subject. The second part introduces the methodology to be utilized throughout the study, first with structural diagram of study followed by study methods, and object in study. The third part utilizes using SPSS for Windows as the tool to conduct statistical analysis, including description statistical analysis, reliability test, Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, and One-way ANOVA. The fourth part discusses the experimental result of this study, and compares it with customer switching behavior in the consumer products industry. The last part is a conclusion of the thesis.
The results of this study show as follows. 1. The main causes of customer churn are product and service oriented or price oriented. The main causes of customer switch are service and brand strategy, product strategy or price strategy. 2. Customer switching behavior includes decreasing purchased frequency and transferring to a new service provider. 3. Customer switching behavioral model in the service industry is different from the model in the construction products supplier. 4. The customers who have longer purchasing duration have higher recognition of importance for deliver time. Purchasing frequency and product price are not the best variables to predict if the customers would churn or not.
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從認知、滿意到顧客忠誠─整合性架構之探究 / An integrative study of customer satisfaction and loyalty吳政諺, Wu, Jheng Yan Unknown Date (has links)
1. 品牌聲望對知覺價值與顧客滿意度皆有正向影響,且知覺價值亦對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向關係。
2. 慣性行為對於顧客滿意到顧客忠誠的路徑具有部分中介效果,結果顯示慣性亦是形成忠誠度的前驅因子之一。
3. 顧客滿意到口碑傳播的路徑並不顯著,但顧客忠誠到口碑傳播卻有顯著的正向關係,代表客群如果只有滿意還不足以衍生口碑行為,需要透過忠誠機制才有足夠強度驅動口碑。
4. 關係階段會顯著調節「顧客滿意到顧客忠誠」以及「顧客滿意到慣性行為」之關係,其他路徑則不顯著。替代性吸引力則對所有路徑的調節效果皆不顯著,此結果可能源於實證對象與競爭企業在消費者的認知中並沒有太大差異或偏好。 / Past researches of customer satisfaction focus on analysis of pre-pruchasing factors or post-buying behaviors. Nevertheless, few studies have adapted integrative structures of combining whole causal connection. The study investigates into three dimensions of cognition, attitude and behavior, taking relationship stage and alternative attractiveness as moderating variables.
The study collected 329 valid questionnaires from fast food chain stores, Dicos, in Shanghai and took advantage of SEM to verify research hypotheses. Results and discussions are concluded below:
1. Brand Reputation has positive influence in Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Value also has significantly positive influence in Customer Satisfaction.
2. Inertia Behavior has mediation effect towards the path of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Lotalty. The result indicates inertia is one of the pre-exponential factors of Customer Loyalty.
3. Customer Satisfaction to Word of Mouth isn’t significant, but Customer Loyalty to Word of Mouth is significantly positive. The result reveals satisfaction is not enough to motivate WOM spreading. Loyalty mechanism is needed to drive WOM behaviors.
4. Relationship stage moderates “Customer Satisfaction to Customer Lotalty” and “Customer Satisfaction to Inertia Behavior” significantly and other hypotheses aren’t significant. Alternative attractiveness doesn’t significantly moderate all of the hypotheses. It may indicate there is no difference or preference to cognition of customers towards Dicos and their competitors.
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