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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際貿易企業實施匯率風險管理之研究- 以A公司為例 / A Study on the Application of Foreign Exchange Risk Management to Foreign Trade Enterprises - A Case Study

賴麒亦 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球經濟的不斷發展和台灣海島型經濟的本質,台灣經濟體容易受到國際經濟的影響,相應地,國際經濟帶來的匯率波動也牽動台灣企業的獲利能力,特別是依賴進出口維生的國際貿易企業。因此以從事國際貿易為主的台灣進出口商不得不正視外匯風險議題,且須理解到唯有透過外匯風險管理機制才能幫助企業有效地規避風險,達到企業風險控制之效。 有鑑於此,本研究選取台灣某家以進口建築用與電子用膠帶為主的 A 國際貿易進口商為個案。由於 A 公司核心業務主要是透過與日本企業合作,因此交易幣值也以日幣計價。由此可知,在現行的浮動匯率制度下,匯率的變動勢必大幅度地影響本研究個案公司的財務表現。這也明確點出,對本研究個案公司而言,外匯風險管理機制顯得格外重要,也有其存在的必要性。因此,為解決本個案公司的外匯風險管理議題,本研究將使用個案研究法,借鏡國外企業普遍使用的外匯風險管理機制,將該套機制引用至本個案公司,以建立適用於本研究個案公司的外匯風險管理機制。 透過本研究針對 A 公司的個案分析後,本研究發現「交易風險」與「經濟風險」是A 公司面臨的兩大主要風險議題。再者,A 公司現缺乏完善的外匯風險管理相關機制,導致風險控管能力不足。為有效地解決現存問題,本研究建議 A 公司可先從建立「外匯風險管理組織」與「外匯風險管理資訊系統」著手,以補足目前尚未建構外匯風險管理機制的劣勢,就長期而言,方能有效地達成控管外匯風險之效。 / Taiwan’s economy is significantly influenced by the world economy due to the development of globalisation and the essence of an island-type economy. Accordingly, fluctuations in exchange rates which are predominately affected by the world economy play an important role in the Taiwanese enterprises’ profitability, especially the enterprises relying on import and export trade for generating revenue. This indicates that the foreign trade enterprises must take the issue of foreign exchange risk into account, and realise that a structured approach to enterprise risk management enables the enterprises consider the potential impact of all types of foreign exchange risks on all processes and provides benefits to monitor overall levels of foreign exchange risk. In order to deal with the above issues, this study selected a Taiwanese foreign trade company A, which mainly imports masking tapes and electrical tapes, for a case study. The core business of the A company is to cooperate with the Japanese enterprises, and therefore the most frequent transaction for the currency is Japanese Yen to New Taiwan Dollars. Obviously, this shows that fluctuations in exchange rates dramatically impact on its financial performance due to a current floating exchange rate regime. In other words, it is crucial and essential for the A company to manage the foreign exchange risk. In order to improve the A company’s foreign exchange risk management performance, the case study methodology is used to carry out this study. The aim of the study is to assist the A company to establish its own foreign exchange risk management system based on the most prevalent approach to the foreign exchange risk management which is implemented in foreign enterprises. According to the case study analysis, there are two findings in this study. Firstly, the study found out that there are two major risk issues, ‘transaction exposure’ and ‘economic exposure’, for the A company to consider. Secondly, the A company’s ability to manage the foreign exchange risk is weak for lack of the complete foreign exchange risk management. In order to develop useful solutions to the existing problems, the study has put forward suggestions for the A company to improve the current weaknesses, i.e. unestablished the foreign exchange risk management system, through setting up an organisation and an information system to manage the foreign exchange risk management in advance. In this way, this enables the A company to efficiently achieve the goal of managing the foreign exchange risk in the long run.


林淑惠, LIN, SHU-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
現有文獻中,有關於最適外匯市場干預法則之探討,通常只考慮現貨外匯市場而不考 慮期貨外匯市場;而模型中納入期貨外匯市場者,卻又忽略了最適外匯市場干預法則 之探討,只偏執於投機彈性(期貨市場中,投機者對當期期貨匯率與下一期現貨匯率 之反應大小)對於國內、外各干擾項的隔絕效果之研究。 事實上,自浮動匯率制度普遍為各主要工業化國家採行以來,期貨外匯市場之考慮則 有其必要性。本文即係在一包括現貨與期貨外匯市場之總體隨機模型下,探討政府欲 達一定目標時之最適即期、遠期外匯市場干預政策。


吳宜貞 Unknown Date (has links)
本文沿用Eaton & Turnovsky (1982)的模型將遠期外匯市場套入總體模型分析,分別運用較符合經濟直覺的幾何圖形分析以及較為嚴謹的隨機微分方程解析等兩種方法,闡述在即期匯率目標區體制下,對相關經濟變數的安定效果。 我們獲致以下結論:當經濟體系存在即期外匯市場的外生干擾時,貨幣當局採行即期匯率目標區政策,對於相關經濟體系變數是否具有安定效果主要是受到經濟體系參數 ( 為投機程度)的影響。當投機程度越小,則貨幣當局採行即期匯率目標區對於即期匯率、物價與利率有安定效果,但卻得付出遠期匯率波動加劇的代價;而當投機程度越大,即期匯率目標區的採行對於經濟體系內所有變數都具有安定效果。若經濟體系存在商品市場外生干擾時,則不論投機程度大小,貨幣當局採行即期匯率體制對於經濟體系內的即期利率、物價、利率與遠期匯率都具有安定效果。此外,當我們放寬目標區區間時,不論投機程度的大小還是干擾項的來源,經濟體系的波動皆會增加。


趙中育 Unknown Date (has links)
外匯避險成本的支出已成為保險公司不得不注意的巨大風險,而由於主管機關相對嚴格的監管規定,使得近年來保險公司在匯率避險上發展迥異於所有其他金融機構,避險工具的使用,避險工具的組成,及34號公報實施後對衍生性金融商品的公平市價評估,對於保險公司的資產負債表都造成直接而且巨大的變動. 過去學術界於避險理論己有各方面的研究,而對於台灣保險業的避險探討由於較不透明,而且資料來源取得困難,較少見有此方面的見解,本文將針對國內保險公司在投資國外資產時的資金形成,及所使用的避險策略,不同規模的保險公司所使用的避險工具,以及國內保險公司因為規模的大小所受到主管機關對衍生性商品不同的管控,使得全體國內保險業在匯率避險上所遭遇到的困難,加以探討,並整理保險公司由於避險工具的限制的不同所承受的重大影響,並提出建議提供國內相關單位參考.


馬騁威 Unknown Date (has links)
在以往的文獻中,對市場在交易時段的波動性較高這種現象有各種不同的解釋。公開資訊一直是大部分的研究中無法忽視的一點,本文除了想從以往的方向觀察在24小時可以進行交易的外匯市場中,是否在不同時段的波動性有所不同、而哪些時段的市場波動性較高、這些波動性又是哪些因素所造成的之外、最重要的是本研究希望能對不同程度的公開資訊出現前、後市場的效率性的變化作更進一步的了解。 本文利用美國FED在1994年11月、12月及1995年2月三次召開公開市場操作委會(FOMC)會後所調整的貨幣政策來對外匯市場的波動性與效率性進行觀察。研究結果發現: 1.外匯市場的波動性在不同時段會有所不同,原因在於公開資訊的變化。意料之外的公開資訊會使得交易活動與報酬的變異數比率 激增,而報酬的變異數比率在資訊宣告後15分鐘之內會達到最高點,報價家數比率與報酬的變異數比率大約一個小時候會逐漸恢復正常水準。 2.預期中的公開資訊出現後市場的交易活動與波動性的變化不大,報價活動甚至有變得更冷清的現象。 3.公開資訊出現前,曲於市場上正處於等待狀態,因為不確定性造成的評價誤差相當嚴重,市場上也不斷的修正使得報酬呈現顯著的負序列相關;但是在意外的公開資訊出現後,在迅速反應資訊的內涵後,不確定性減少,市場的序列相關情形消失,效率性提高。預期中的公開資訊出現前後,市場的交易活動與波動的變化並不顯著,而且市場上的不確定性並未因此而消失,所以預期中的公開資訊出現後市場的效率性未能有效的改善,因此在24小時可以進行交易的外匯市場,沒有消息反而是一個壞消息(No News Is Bad News)。


金美孜 Unknown Date (has links)
由於常可觀測到序列相關的匯率預測誤差,及加入落後變數於匯率計量模型之處理,故本文在匯率決定的模型加入學習的考量,嘗試以此解釋匯率預測誤差序列相關的現象。 文中以新台幣/美元匯率為研究標的,擇用民國八十年十一月遠期外匯市場再開放為學習事件,以貨幣學派的匯率決定模型,採貝氏理論為母數的更新,以具體化學習行為;並進一步討論能否以學習解釋新台幣/美元匯率預測誤差序列相關的現象。 由實証結果發現,遠匯市場再開放之學習於匯率預測誤差序列相關的解釋能力,除了受匯率預測模型是否已也含充分的落後期訊息外,對於不同的學習行為觀測期間,學習對匯率預測誤差的解釋能力也有相當不同的表現。


陳畊麗 Unknown Date (has links)
早期文獻上有關工資調整與外匯干預的研究,多半獨立進行。近年來,有些學者體認到工資調整與外匯干預其實是相互影響,而非互不關連,方有將兩者結合研究的趨勢。   本文即在探討工資調整與外匯干預政策間的相互影響問題,共分三個部份。第一部份在「同質勞動且資本完全移動」假設下,探討當局最適外我匯干預與最適工資詷整法則的制定以及之間的相互影響。第二部份則建立等損失曲線的概念,重新詮釋第一部份所得的結果。第三部份進一步將“勞動異質”與資本移動程度考慮在內,以了解兩者在當局政策制定上所扮演的角色。茲將本文主要結果摘述如下:   1.政策工具間的相互影響具有不對稱性,需視干擾來源而定。同時,由於政策工具間相互影響的不對稱性,兩政策工具對付各種來源干擾的能力勢將有所不同。在本文架構下,最適外匯干預政策應用於穩定貨幣、國外物價、國外利率干擾,最適工資調整法則應用於穩定實質供給面干擾。   2.「等損失曲線分析」具有兩點特色:第一、以相當對稱的方式解釋當局最適外匯干預與最適工資調整法則的訂定,第二、將當局係依據損失極小化決定最適政策的精神表露無遺。   3.勞動異質對最適政策的影響視干擾來源、勞工團體採用工資指數的情形及當局賦予產出波動的權數而定。其中,就「勞工團體採用工資指數的情形」一項而言,若只有部份蔻力採行工資指數,勞動異質在政策制定上扮演重要角色;但如兩種類型勞工團體採用相同的工資指數,勞動異質將變得較不重要。

中國的房價泡沫、沖銷與外匯累積 / Housing price bubble, sterilization and foreign exchange accumulation in China

王緁妶, Wang, Chieh Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
2001年以來,由於持續性的經常帳順差和資本流入,促成了中國外匯存底快速的累積。為了維持人民幣匯率的穩定與經濟平穩發展,中國人民銀行實施了一連串的沖銷政策,以緩解因外匯占款所可能引起的流動性過剩與物價膨脹問題。然而,日益推升的沖銷成本對中國外匯沖銷的有效性與持續性將造成衝擊。因此,本論文第一部分即建構在個體基礎理論的架構下,將房價納入中國貨幣當局的目標函數,並檢視中國人民銀行沖銷政策的有效性與可持續性。實證結果顯示,近年來中國人民銀行幾乎完全沖銷了國際資本流入與外匯準備上升對基礎貨幣的影響,亦即資本流動程度的上升並未破壞中國貨幣政策的獨立性。然而,沖銷政策的可持續性分析卻顯示,中國人民銀行沖銷政策的可持續性於2008年3月開始受到嚴峻的挑戰,顯示出中國人民銀行承受了極大的沖銷不可持續性的壓力。 隨著短期國際資本流入快速增加以及在中國人民銀行無法完全沖銷因外匯干預所釋放出的外匯占款背景下,資產價格的上漲也逐漸引起人們對於短期國際資本流入與資產價格之間相互作用導致資產價格泡沫的質疑。為了探討短期國際資本流入與中國資產市場之間的關係,本論文第二部分引入結構化向量自我迴歸模型來探究未沖銷完全的基礎貨幣與短期國際資本流入對中國股票市場與房地產市場的衝擊。實證結果顯示,中國的短期國際資金流入與資產價格上漲事實上為一種自我實現與相互促進的關係,未沖銷完全的基礎貨幣會進一步推升資產價格上漲,顯示出短期國際資本的流入與流動性過剩的現象,將促使中國資產價格出現泡沫。 當資金極度充裕的時候,在中國大陸缺乏其它可以選擇的投資管道之下,將會助長股市與房市的投資與投機熱潮,也因而造成股票市場的波動與中國的房地產價格的快速成長。隨著中國近年來的改革開放與經濟發展,房地產業迅速發展成為國民經濟的支柱產業,甚至已經成為一些城市的經濟命脈。因而瞭解中國房地產市場的發展情況並針對房價泡沫化作出判斷也因此成為了刻不容緩的課題。 因此,本論文第三部分則延續第一部分及第二部分的議題,探討中國房地產市場的房價泡沫問題,並進一步利用狀態空間模型,結合卡門濾波器的遞迴運算,以最大概似法來估計泡沫價格。實證結果顯示,中國、北京、及上海的房地產市場確實存在房價泡沫的現象,中國房地產的泡沫價格占房價的比例雖然隨著中國政府的房地產政策調控而略有下降趨勢,但在2012年第4季,此比例仍高達27.99%的水準。此外,利用北京與上海民眾的可支配所與房價進行實證分析發現,北京與上海泡沫價格占房價的比例甚至超過了48%,顯見中國房地產市場房價泡沫問題的嚴重性。 / In the context of the constant buildup of China’s foreign exchange reserves, the PBC has undertaken a series of sterilization operations to alleviate excessive liquidity and inflationary pressure resulting from huge funds outstanding for foreign exchange. However, the growing costs of sterilization have also impacted the effectiveness and sustainability of the foreign exchange surplus sterilization policy. Therefore, the first part of this dissertation is to examine the sterilization policy in China. Within a microeconomic framework, we incorporate the housing price variable into the target loss function of the monetary authority to explore its financial capabilities and evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of China’s sterilization policy. The empirical results show that Chinese monetary authorities sterilize almost all of the effects of international capital inflows and increasing foreign exchange reserves on the monetary base. That is, increased capital mobility does not sabotage the independence of the Chinese monetary policy. Nevertheless, analyses of the sustainability of sterilization policy indicate that the sustainability of the monetary sterilization policy has been seriously challenged since March 2008, which suggests that Chinese monetary authority has endured tremendous pressure for unsustainable sterilization. In the context of rising foreign exchange reserves and monetary authorities being unable to sterilize all funds outstanding for foreign exchange due to foreign exchange market interventions, increases in asset prices have gradually made people question the interaction between short-term capital inflows and asset prices that contributes to asset price bubbles. In order to investigate the relationship between short-term international capital inflows and asset markets. A structural vector auto-regressive (SVAR) model is used to explore the effects of the incompletely sterilized monetary base and short-term international capital inflows on the Chinese stock markets and real estate markets in the second part of this dissertation. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the relationship between short-term international capital inflows and asset prices is self-fufilling and mutually reinforcing. The incompletely sterilized monetary base further exacerbates asset price bubbles, which suggests that short-term international capital inflows and excess liquidity will gradually escalate the severity of asset price bubbles. With an over-abundance of funds and a shortage of other viable channels of investment in China, such circumstances tend to encourage investments and speculations in the stock market and real estate market. Consequently, this causes China’s stock market to fluctuate and prices of real estate are being driven up in China. Following China’s reform and economic development in recent years, the nation’s real estate industry has rapidly evolved into a pillar of China’s national economy and the economic bloodline in some cities. As such, acquiring sufficient understanding of China’s real estate market for an accurate assessment of the risk of a housing price bubble has become an issue that requires immediate attention. In order to discuss the extent and severity of real estate bubbles in China. The third part of this dissertation uses the maximum likelihood method through the use of a state space model and recursive computation of the Kalman Filter to estimate the housing price bubbles in China. Results of empirical analyses reveal that price bubbles do exist in housing markets of Beijing, Shanghai and the whole of China in general. Although the proportion of price bubble to house price in China has shown a moderate decline due to the Chinese government’s adjustment of its real estate policies, price bubbles remained as high as 27.99% in the fourth quarter of 2012. Empirical analyses of Beijing and Shanghai residents’ disposable income and housing prices revealed that the proportion of price bubble to house price in the two cities has exceeded 48%, which suggests that housing price bubbles remain a significant issue to be addressed.

外資證券投資、央行干預和外匯市場的關連性分析: 以台灣、南韓、印度和菲律賓為例 / The analysis of correlation among securities investment from foreigners, central bank intervention and foreign exchange market : take Taiwan, South Korea, India and Philippines as the examples

林佳瑜 Unknown Date (has links)

目標可贖回遠期外匯(TRF)之衝擊與可行的解決途徑 / Target Redemption Forward

郭信男 Unknown Date (has links)
目標可贖回遠期外匯(Target Redemption Forward)簡稱TRF,一個曾經令投資者相當喜愛的產品,幾乎每個月獲利且贖回,讓投資者有持續而且穩定的收入。但就在2015年8月8號中國政府啟動了人民幣匯改,一夕之間匯率反轉。原本固定收益的產品反而成為投資者的揮不去的夢魘,更甚者公司倒閉,投資人流離失所。 TRF影響之深,並非單純是一個數字問題。TRF造成的影響,除了投資者資金本身的虧損,因為槓桿效應導致損失無法計算。銀行業者因為TRF的業務被禁止,造成銀行端TMU(Treasury Marking Unit)的收入大減,縮減裁員時有所聞。代表政府的金管會交付評議中心則焦頭爛額的處理申訴案件,不只衍生出一個不當銷售、投資人金融常識不足的問題,也存在著企業倒閉,員工頓時少了依靠的經濟與社會的問題。 本論文將以事發原由、實際案例、訪談、政府監管的角度下去做探討,同時分析該產品的優劣,因為有需求才會有創造。 選擇權交易對進出口商實有必要之產品,不能因為TRF的風暴因噎廢食,如何讓投資者獲利或避險、銀行業者能有穩定入、金融單位可以強力監管之下,使這類的產品發揮最大的效益。 / Target Redemption Forward (TRF) was once popular among investors since it provided stable monthly income to investors. However in 2015/8/8 the Chinese government triggered a new currency policy that sent the CNY exchange rate plummeting overnight. A product that once provided a stable revenue stream became a nightmare for investors as some lost their homes while companies were driven out of business. The damage goes beyond conventional investment losses. TRF was a financial leverage tool with a potential to bring forth huge losses far beyond the initial principal investment. Banks were also affected as TRF products were subsequently banned by the government and resulted in huge revenue loss for their Treasury Marketing Units (TMU) that led to layoffs and reorgs. The Financial Ombudsman Institution received and processed numerous appeals on behalf of the government and acknowledged that the event was triggered by a combination of unethical and improper selling tactics coupled with a lack of financial knowledge on the investor's side, which in the end drove companies out of business and people losing jobs, evolving into a general economic and social problem. This essay will cover the root cause of the event, stories and interviews with affected individuals, a perspective from governmental supervision principles and an analysis on the product itself, since a demand is always behind a creation. Although the TRF incident was a major blow, option trading is critical to importing and exporting businesses and cannot be ignored. The challenge would lay on how to ensure an effective supervising policy from governmental agencies and foster a healthy relationship allowing both investors and banks to profit, thus maximizing benefit to all parties.

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