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中國的房價泡沫、沖銷與外匯累積 / Housing price bubble, sterilization and foreign exchange accumulation in China王緁妶, Wang, Chieh Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本論文第三部分則延續第一部分及第二部分的議題,探討中國房地產市場的房價泡沫問題,並進一步利用狀態空間模型,結合卡門濾波器的遞迴運算,以最大概似法來估計泡沫價格。實證結果顯示,中國、北京、及上海的房地產市場確實存在房價泡沫的現象,中國房地產的泡沫價格占房價的比例雖然隨著中國政府的房地產政策調控而略有下降趨勢,但在2012年第4季,此比例仍高達27.99%的水準。此外,利用北京與上海民眾的可支配所與房價進行實證分析發現,北京與上海泡沫價格占房價的比例甚至超過了48%,顯見中國房地產市場房價泡沫問題的嚴重性。 / In the context of the constant buildup of China’s foreign exchange reserves, the PBC has undertaken a series of sterilization operations to alleviate excessive liquidity and inflationary pressure resulting from huge funds outstanding for foreign exchange. However, the growing costs of sterilization have also impacted the effectiveness and sustainability of the foreign exchange surplus sterilization policy. Therefore, the first part of this dissertation is to examine the sterilization policy in China. Within a microeconomic framework, we incorporate the housing price variable into the target loss function of the monetary authority to explore its financial capabilities and evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of China’s sterilization policy. The empirical results show that Chinese monetary authorities sterilize almost all of the effects of international capital inflows and increasing foreign exchange reserves on the monetary base. That is, increased capital mobility does not sabotage the independence of the Chinese monetary policy. Nevertheless, analyses of the sustainability of sterilization policy indicate that the sustainability of the monetary sterilization policy has been seriously challenged since March 2008, which suggests that Chinese monetary authority has endured tremendous pressure for unsustainable sterilization.
In the context of rising foreign exchange reserves and monetary authorities being unable to sterilize all funds outstanding for foreign exchange due to foreign exchange market interventions, increases in asset prices have gradually made people question the interaction between short-term capital inflows and asset prices that contributes to asset price bubbles. In order to investigate the relationship between short-term international capital inflows and asset markets. A structural vector auto-regressive (SVAR) model is used to explore the effects of the incompletely sterilized monetary base and short-term international capital inflows on the Chinese stock markets and real estate markets in the second part of this dissertation. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the relationship between short-term international capital inflows and asset prices is self-fufilling and mutually reinforcing. The incompletely sterilized monetary base further exacerbates asset price bubbles, which suggests that short-term international capital inflows and excess liquidity will gradually escalate the severity of asset price bubbles.
With an over-abundance of funds and a shortage of other viable channels of investment in China, such circumstances tend to encourage investments and speculations in the stock market and real estate market. Consequently, this causes China’s stock market to fluctuate and prices of real estate are being driven up in China. Following China’s reform and economic development in recent years, the nation’s real estate industry has rapidly evolved into a pillar of China’s national economy and the economic bloodline in some cities. As such, acquiring sufficient understanding of China’s real estate market for an accurate assessment of the risk of a housing price bubble has become an issue that requires immediate attention.
In order to discuss the extent and severity of real estate bubbles in China. The third part of this dissertation uses the maximum likelihood method through the use of a state space model and recursive computation of the Kalman Filter to estimate the housing price bubbles in China. Results of empirical analyses reveal that price bubbles do exist in housing markets of Beijing, Shanghai and the whole of China in general. Although the proportion of price bubble to house price in China has shown a moderate decline due to the Chinese government’s adjustment of its real estate policies, price bubbles remained as high as 27.99% in the fourth quarter of 2012. Empirical analyses of Beijing and Shanghai residents’ disposable income and housing prices revealed that the proportion of price bubble to house price in the two cities has exceeded 48%, which suggests that housing price bubbles remain a significant issue to be addressed.
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資本移動、沖銷政策與經濟穩定李世榮, LI, SHI-RONG Unknown Date (has links)
本文根據Argy Kouri-Porter 之資產選擇總體架構加以修正,以進行較一般化的分析
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國際收支、沖銷措施與經濟穩定李世榮, Li, Shi-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本文根據Argy Kouri-Porter 之資產選擇總體架構加以修正,以進行較一般化的分析
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中國外匯累積與物價膨脹關係之研究葉宗浩 Unknown Date (has links)
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外匯市場央行干預之實證分析-資產組合管道 / Does Foreign-Exchange Intervention Matter in Taiwan? The Portfolio Effect曾啟彰, Tzeng, Chi-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著國際資本移動開放與金融投資工具的進步,資產組合平衡學派在國際金融領域迅速的崛起,儼然成為主流。資產組合平衡學派所強調的基本論點是央行乃透過外匯市場干預,影響不同幣別資產的風險溢酬,來達成干預的效果。即央行透過外匯市場干預能傳達有關未來市場上國內外資產相對數量的訊息,並影響外幣與本幣資產的相對風險,而導致預期匯率風險溢酬(expected risk premium)的改變,因而改變人們投資在某貨幣計價資產上的超額報酬,亦改變了人們對不同資產的需求,進而改變對不同貨幣的需求,致使匯率朝央行預定的目標方向改變之。
本文第一部份,吾欲探測央行前期之沖銷干預舉動,可否影響本期市場風險溢酬(即超額報酬)。實証上採取Dominguez & Frenkel (1990)的研究方法,其乃假設外匯市場均衡時,未拋補利率平價說不成立,存在匯率風險溢酬 ,使得 的等式成立。本模型並假設國際資本投資者在進行資產配置時,乃採平均數-變異數投資組合模式(mean-variance portfolio model),同時考量報酬與風險,即加入限制條件 。第二部分,吾欲瞭解央行沖銷干預與相對應市場風險、市場風險溢酬間是否存在因果關係或者兩兩之間是否存在互為回饋(feedback)之關係,採用「向量自我迴歸模型」(vector autoregression)與因果關係檢定(Granger Causality Test),找出此三變數間之相互因果關係,以檢驗沖銷干預透過資產組合影響匯率此一管道是否存在。
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台灣散戶投資人情緒對股票報酬的影響林晏竹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選取BSI、投機性BSI、散戶投資人周轉率、融資餘額變動率、融券餘額變動率、當日沖銷比率這六個散戶投資人情緒變數,對台灣股市上市普通股之超額報酬率進行分析。因為Baker and Wurgler(2006)認為對某些不易評價或難以套利的投資組合,投資人情緒的影響力會較大,因此本研究主要探討散戶投資人情緒變數是否會對不同投資組合造成不同的影響。結果發現小規模、低機構法人持股、低獲利性、低有形資產比重的投資組合超額報酬率對BSI、融資餘額變動率和當日沖銷比率這三個投資人情緒變數的變動最為敏感,而其中BSI幾乎不管在哪一種分類的投資組合中都與超額報酬率呈現顯著的負向關係,顯示BSI可能是一個一般性的錯誤定價因子,並非僅在個股難以評價時才有影響力。雖然BSI、融資餘額變動率和當日沖銷比率這三個投資人情緒變數和投資組合超額報酬率有顯著的同期關係,但卻僅有融資餘額變動率和當日沖銷比率具有預測超額報酬率的能力;此外,在忽略交易成本和稅賦之下,也只有當日沖銷比率在小規模和低獲利的投資組合內可以得到明顯的經濟利益。
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重要性判斷之研究--透視模型的應用俞洪昭, YU, HONG-ZHAO Unknown Date (has links)
重要性(Materiality )是審計過程中一個極重要但又很模糊不清的觀念。一方面審
本論文採用Brunswik的透視模型(Lens Model)來研究重要性判斷。研究對象為某大
索(Cue )來判斷一項存貨沖銷事件是否重要(這3個線索分別是該沖銷金額對淨利
判斷策略(Judgment Policy ,使用統計ANOVA 與ω□)以及判斷的品質(Judgment
Quality ,使用Stability 、Self-insight、與Consensus 三個指標);(3)研究
穩定性(Stability )、自我洞查力(Self-insight)、一致性(Consensus )三者
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審計人員重要性判斷行為之研究--透視模型之運用申佩芝, SHEN, PEI-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
De Angelo 的擔保品效果理論為基礎,分析會計師事務所規模及審計人員職位對判斷
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中國國際收支失衡對其貨幣政策自主性的影響 / The Impact of the Disequilibrium of China’s Balance of Payments on Its Monetary Policy Autonomy王國臣, Wang, Guo-chen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國在國際經濟與戰略地位的竄升,包括利率與匯率在內的中國貨幣當局政策作為不再僅僅只是該國內部事務而已,也會進一步影響到國際經濟的日常運行。本研究通過質性研究與量化研究交互運用的方式,詳盡分析2002年至2007年中國國際收支失衡對其貨幣政策自主性的影響;本研究從三層次分析中國貨幣政策自主性,包括中國外匯占款對其基礎貨幣發行的直接影響、中國貨幣當局各種貨幣政策工具之沖銷基礎貨幣效率、中國行政調控對降低未完全沖銷的基礎貨幣之於總體經濟暨資產市場的影響。本研究發現中國國際收支的持續順差業已嚴重侵蝕到中國貨幣當局所有三個層次的政策自主性;並且,在可預見的未來,只要中國政府不改變當前人民幣匯率體制與外匯管理制度,則中國貨幣當局可能會窮於應付這超額貨幣供給所衍生出的經濟失衡與泡沫化的危機。 / With the rapid rise of China’s international economic and strategic status, China’s monetary policy measures, including interest rates and foreign exchange rates, will not only be merely China’s internal affairs but also further influence international economic daily operation. This study comprehensively analyzes the impact of the disequilibrium of China’s balance of payments between 2002-2007 on its monetary policy autonomy through qualitative methodology and quantitative methodology. This study analyzes China’s monetary policy autonomy in three levels: the direct impact of China’s funds outstanding for foreign exchange on China’s base money supply, the effectiveness of China’s monetary policy instruments on the sterilization of its base money, the effectiveness of China’s administrative macroeconomic adjustment and control for reducing its non-sterilized base money supply on its macroeconomic and asset markets. This study concludes the continuous surplus of China’s balance of payments has seriously undermined China’s monetary policy autonomy in all three levels; in addition, in the foreseeable future, as long as the Chinese government would not change the current exchange rate regime and the mechanism of foreign exchange management, then China’s monetary authorities might be constantly swamped with the crises of economic disequilibrium and bubble stemmed from its monetary oversupply.
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採行已發生損失模型與公允價值會計對盈餘、資本適足率與信用損失之影響 / The Impacts of Adopting Incurred Loss Model and Fair Value Accounting on Earnings, Capital and Credit Loss張式傑, Chang, Shi Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣於2011年依據IAS 39進行34號公報之第三次修訂實施,採用已發生損失模型後的兩項議題:(1)放款壞帳費用之提列與盈餘波動性以及資本適足率波動性之關聯性,(2)以歷史成本評價之期末金額及以公允價值評價之期末金額,究竟何者對於未來之帳款沖銷與不良債權較具有關聯性。
實證結果顯示,自2011年採用已發生損失模型後盈餘波動性無顯著之變化,且壞帳費用對於盈餘波動性無解釋能力;而自2011年後資本適足率波動性亦無顯著變化,但壞帳費用對於資本適足率波動性有顯著的影響,顯示銀行明顯透過壞帳費用之提列進行資本管理而非盈餘管理。在未來信用損失預測之部分,以歷史成本評價之期末放款金額對於未來之帳款沖銷及不良債權有顯著的負相關,而以公允價值評價之期末放款金額對於未來之帳款沖銷及不良債權卻無解釋能力,可能係因未來帳款沖銷與未來不良債權之發生與放款之帳齡有顯著的關聯性,而與未來可收取之現金流量無顯著之相關。 / This study aims to investigate how Incurred Loss Model affects the recognition of loan loss provisions and the valuation of loans due to the third revision of SFAS No. 34 which was revised based on IAS 39 in 2011. For the recognition of loan loss provisions, it focuses on the relationship with earnings volatilities and capital adequacy volatilities, and for the valuation of loans, it specializes on whether credit loss predicting is related to historical cost accounting or fair value accounting.
The result shows that, since the implementation of Incurred Loss Model in 2011, both the adoption of Incurred Loss Model and the loan loss provisions have no significant impact on earnings volatilities. For capital adequacy volatilities, implementing Incurred Loss Model has no effect on capital adequacy volatilities neither. However, the loan loss provisions since 2011 significantly enhance the volatilities of capital adequacy. It reveals that banks use loan loss provisions to manage capitals instead of earnings. For credit loss predicting, loans evaluated with historical cost accounting have significant negative relations with future charge-offs and non-performing loans while loans evaluated under fair value accounting do not have any explanation power. It may suggests that future charge-offs and non-performing loans are related to the aging of loans, but not the future payoffs of loans.
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