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影響廠商生產區位配置之決定因素-台灣製造業之實證研究吳怡穎 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣電視節目內容多元化之研究 / The Study of TV Program Diversity in Taiwan陳一香, Chen, Yi-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
在傳播領域,多元化一直是媒介追求的目標,但是何謂多元化卻是一個尚未被精確界定的名詞,多元化雖源於政治上的多元主義,但隨著民主政治的發展,媒介多元化的概念亦隨之成長。多元化的意涵除了指涉政治多元所含蓋的「競爭」、「參與」、「分權」及「制衡」等概念外,更包括媒體表現的多元,多元主義在大眾傳播的實踐已被視為抗拒媒體單一化、提供更多選擇、反映社會差異、落實言論自由與保障少數族群傳播權益的重要理念。國內目前有關多元化的論述尚未成熟,也未將多元化的概念具體落實於傳播政策的設計,實證研究更為缺乏。本論文藉此檢視有關多元化概念的相關理論,追溯多元化概念的淵源背景,分析媒介多元化的政策理念,並釐清媒介多元化概念之面向與意涵,以作為建立客觀評量媒介多元化的指標依據。根據此一指標架構,進行電視節目內容多元化的實證研究,分析台灣電視媒體在多頻道環境下的節目多樣性,以及新電台加入對節目多樣性所造成的變化。 / The value of media diversity has always been pursued as an end for mass media, but questions about what are the concepts of diversity are not specifically defined. Although diversity has its primary reference to political plural concept of separation of powers, the appeal of diversity for mass media in modern society has been extended as a critical response to centralized control and conformity by providing the social difference and minority access, maximizing consumer choice and encouraging alternative voices and expression.
In Taiwan, few of the questions for diversity research are systematically investigated and the diversity principle hasn''t been fully implemented in media policy. This thesis reviews the related literature of media diversity and develops a framework of analysis to guide the empirical research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the TV program diversity by collecting programming data of nine networks in Taiwan. The systematic quantized data and possible explanations for this result were discussed in the thesis.
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論斯賓諾莎形上學體系內的「一多問題」歐陽方, Ou-Yang, Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本文撰寫目的在於探討並解決斯賓諾莎形上學體系內的兩項「一多問題」,即實體與屬性的同一問題,以及實體的單一性與有限樣態的多樣性之間的調和問題。 為達上述目的,本文以斯賓諾莎原始文獻之英譯本為主,並以國內外著名學者之研究論著為輔,期能為上述兩項問題之研究提供充分的文獻基礎。 在研究方法的選擇上,本文乃採歷史研究法與哲學之純理推演法並兼,資料分
的研究工具,進而完成研究目的。 經由上述諸般方法之運用,吾人不唯從斯氏未嘗是一笛卡兒學說信徒之確認當中,探知實體與無限多屬性全體間「一而多」的整然存在狀況及特殊的同一關係;又從個別屬性與實體間等同之特定條件之確認當中,將實體與屬性的同一關係做出更精密而全面的闡釋,從而也因此解決了斯氏形上學體系內兩項「一多問題」之第一項。為解決斯氏形上學體系內的第二項「一多問題」,吾人一面先敷陳斯氏理智認識下的實在之一般真貌,一面又點出蘊藏在一般真貌之下的矛盾暗流;在斯氏關鍵命題給出的當口,激流化暗為明,存在於實體單一性與有限樣態多樣性間的形式矛盾浮現檯面。在重重的資
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生物多樣性保護網路的成本有效性分析 / Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Reserve Network for Biodiversity Conservation王肇強, Wang, Chao Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
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文化多樣性公約對於GATS視聽服務之影響 / The Impact of Convention on Cultural Diversity on the Audiovisual Services under the GATS賴志倫, Lai, Chih-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
由於公約對GATS之衝擊有限,再加上公約將可提供一個文化議題協商之平台,公約或可紓解WTO會員國對於文化保護之關切,進而摒除彼等國家在GATS下基於文化保護而不願開放之疑慮。依此,本文研判公約對於GATS視聽服務自由化將是助力,有助於視聽服務談判之進行。鑒於GATS下並無文化一般例外以調和兩套規範,本文建議未來在WTO下可透過增訂「部長決議」,要求WTO會員國於解釋並適用GATS規定時應將公約之相關規定列入考量,俾達成公約與GATS間相互支持之目標。 / On 20 October 2005, the UNESCO General Conference approved the “Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.” Judging by the negotiating history, “cultural diversity” appears to be the continuation of “cultural exception” invoked by the European Communities under the GATS negotiations during the Uruguay Round. Therefore, after the Convention is approved, free trade supporters worry that the convention might restrict trade and conflict with the GATS rules. On the other hand, cultural protectionists argue that the Convention has merits in moving forward “cultural exception,” i.e. to prohibit the application of the GATS rules on the audiovisual services.
The objective of the thesis is to analyze the impact of the Convention on the audiovisual services under the GATS. The thesis first studies the rules under the Convention and discusses potential conflicts between the Convention and the GATS in terms of audiovisual services. Considering both the conflicts of norms and current negotiations, the thesis attempts to assess the impact of the Convention on the audiovisual services and forecast the future of negotiations on the audiovisual services under the GATS.
The obligations of the Convention may not be easy to be interpreted as trade restrictions or discriminations because States Parties can mostly reserve their rights to perform. On the other hand, GATS rules is so flexible that WTO Members need not make specific commitments under the GATS. Accordingly, the possibility of conflicts is not high. Though the rights of the Convention might be contradictory to the obligations of the GATS, States Parties can choose to perform their obligations of the GATS rather than exercise their rights of the Convention in order to preclude the existence of the conflicts.
The Convention only has limited impact on the GATS. In addition, the Convention provides a forum of negotiations on cultural issues so that it might smooth over WTO Member’s concern with cultural protection and remove their doubts of liberalization on the basis of cultural protection. Judging from this, the Convention can give a boost to the liberalization of audiovisual services and facilitate the negotiations. In light of the fact that there is no general exception clauses of cultural protection under the GATS to harmonize the two international instruments, this thesis suggests that “Ministerial Decision” be adopted to request WTO Members to take relevant rules of the Convention into consideration when interpreting and applying the GATS rules in order to achieve the goal of mutual supportiveness between the Convention and the GATS.
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團隊偵錯與創新之相關研究 / A study of team failure-detection and team innovation林燊揚, Lin, Shen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
另本研究發現教導型領導、鼓勵實驗對團隊形成錯誤學習信念有正向影響,與社會認知理論呼應。本研究也發現,團隊之年資多樣性與錯誤處理情緒與錯誤溝通能力皆呈負向影響。 / Extending previous research on team error management, this thesis is conducted to examine the antecedents, error management climate, error management practice and consequences of team innovation. Data is collected from 35 R&D teams (an anonymous government research institutions in Taiwan) and 38 R&D teams (Top 1000 Technology enterprises in Taiwan).
We give the following three hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills influence team innovation performance. Second, we hypothesize that error management climate (shared belief and emotion) influence detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills. Third, we hypothesize that effective coaching, clear direction, conflict management and encouragement of experiment influence error management culture (belief and emotion).
The results of structural equation model analysis revealed that detecting capability positively predicts team innovation performance. Shared belief positively predicts team detecting capability. The results also show effective coaching and encouragement of experiment positively predict shared belief which is extended from social cognitive theory.
Results of the analysis also indicate that tenure diversity negatively predicts error management emotion and misunderstanding communication skills.
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兩母體共有物種數的估計及最佳停止點 / The optimal stopping rule for estimating the number of shared species of two populations蔡政珈 Unknown Date (has links)
在生態學與生物學上,物種數常作為生物多樣性的指標,以估計單一群體物種數為例,較知名的方法首推Good (1953)以在樣本中出現一次的物種為基礎,提出的物種數估計方法堪稱的先驅,隨後許多文獻延伸Good的想法,發展出許多的估計方法,例如Burham and Overton (1978)的摺刀估計法,Chao and Lee (1992)則以涵蓋機率方式估計。相對而言,兩群體的共有物種數的研究少有人探討,目前以Chao et al. (2000)的估計式較為知名。
本研究參考Good (1953)提出估計未發現物種出現機率的想法,估計未發現共有物種的機率,並以Burham and Overton (1978)中應用摺刀法估計物種數的概念,建立一階摺刀估計式與變異數,且另行以多項分配公式推導變異數估計式,進行電腦模擬與實際資料驗證並與Chao et al. (2000)提出的共有物種估計式比較。最後根據Rasmussen and Starr (1979)以抽樣成本建立最適停止規則的概念,應用於本研究所提出的估計式,並經由電腦模擬找出抽樣成本與物種分佈均勻程度的關聯,可作為設定停止規則的依據。 / The number of species is often used to measure the biodiversity of a population in ecology and biology. Good (1953) proposed a famous estimate for the number of species based on the probability of unseen species. Subsequently, many studies applied Good’s idea to create new estimation methods, For example, the Jackknife estimate by Burham and Overton (1978), and the estimate by using the sample coverage probability in Chao and Lee (1992) are two famous examples. However, not many studies focus on estimating the number of shared species of two populations, except the method by Chao et al. (2000).
In this study, we modify Good’s idea and extend the Jackknife method of Burham and Overton (1978) to develop the estimate for the number of shared species of two populations. In addition, we also establish the variance formula of the estimator by using the multinomial distribution. Subsequently, we use computer simulation and real data sets to evaluate the proposed method, and compare them with the estimator by Chao et al. (2000). Finally, we adapt the idea of optimal stopping rule by Rasmussen and Starr (1979) and combine it with the proposed jackknife estimate. We found that using the sampling cost as the stopping rule is a feasible approach for estimating the number of shared species.
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產品多樣性及製造彈性對生產績效與生產成本之影響:晶圓代工廠商之實地實證研究尤隨樺 Unknown Date (has links)
考慮製造彈性的價值高低與環境不確定性密切相關,本研究進一步採用路徑分析檢視產品多樣性、製造彈性、環境不確定性與生產績效之間的關聯性,基於本研究以內部彈性為研究範疇,並以製造環境為研究客體,依據生產管理文獻,由製程時間變異性、到達時間變異性及產品需求變異性三項指標定義製造環境的不確定性。實證結果顯示:產品多樣性主要係透過環境不確定性間接影響生產績效,而機器彈性與路徑彈性則有助於調和內部不確定性對生產績效的負面影響,進而達成生產績效的提昇。本論文之分析結果隱含:過去管理會計研究認為產品多樣性對生產績效的影響主要來自於批量作業活動(batch-level activities)與產品支援活動(product-sustaining activities)的增加,而忽略產品多樣性對環境不確定性的影響,可能低估產品多樣性的攸關成本,尤其在一高利用率與高度動態的生產環境中,產品多樣性透過環境不確定性對生產績效的間接影響可能大於產品多樣性對生產績效的直接影響;另一方面,本研究指出:在一動態環境中,廠商可透過製造彈性的提昇,降低環境不確定性對生產績效的負面影響,但最適彈性水準的決定則須取決於製造彈性與其他生產績效衡量之間的函數關係。 / This thesis reports the results of a field empirical study examining the impact of product variety and manufacturing flexibility on production quality, cycle time, equipment productivity, and production cost within the context of semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities. To fill the gap in existing research, I attempt to study internal flexibility, rather than external flexibility (e.g., product flexibility, mix flexibility). Two types of internal flexibility are selected, which are machine flexibility and routing flexibility.
Using both machine-level and lot-level production data from one dedicated wafer fabrication plant, this thesis examines the direct impact of product variety and manufacturing flexibility on production performance and production cost. Empirical results suggest that greater product variety does not have a significant impact on equipment productivity but does have a significant adverse impact on production quality. Moreover, I find support for the hypotheses that greater routing flexibility has a significant positive impact on quality, time, and cost performance. As for machine flexibility, it has a significant positive impact on equipment productivity and cost performance, but has a significant negative impact on production quality. Furthermore, I also find a non-linear relation between manufacturing flexibility and equipment productivity, cycle time, and production cost. This implies that maximizing the level of manufacturing flexibility is not necessarily optimal for firms. Limiting the flexibility level may actually have the greatest benefit.
To further clarify the mechanisms through which variety and flexibility impacts performance, I move beyond the direct effects and investigate the linkage between product variety, manufacturing flexibility, environmental uncertainty and production performance. Based on the operations research, environmental uncertainty is operationally defined as the process time variation, inter-arrival time variation, and output variation. Results from path analysis indicate that product variety negatively affects production performance through environmental uncertainty. This finding stands in direct contrast to the general belief in management accounting research that greater product variety leads to an increase in the number of batch-level activities and product-sustaining activities, which thus increase the production cost. In other words, the reported cost of product variety may be underestimated, because we do not consider the impact of product variety on environmental uncertainty. The magnitude of the underestimation is especially greater in a highly congested and stochastic environment. Empirical results also show that machine flexibility and routing flexibility mitigate the adverse impact of environmental uncertainty on production performance.
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從文化多樣性論語言權之保障 ─以國家角色作為探討核心 / A Study on Linguistic Human Rights from the Perspective of Cultural Diversity: Focus on the Role of the State黃怡禎 Unknown Date (has links)
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共有物種數的無母數估計探討 / A non-parametric estimate for the number of shared species洪志叡 Unknown Date (has links)
在生態學、生物學、和比較文學的研究中,物種個數通常是評估生物多樣性的重要指標,單一群落物種數的估計已有非常豐富的相關研究。較為知名者包括Good (1953)提出未出現物種的機率,作為估計物種數的參考,往後Good的想法被大量延伸,推演出不少新的估計方法,像是Burnham and Overton (1978)的Jackknife估計法,Chao and Lee (1992)利用涵蓋機率的估計。相對而言,兩群落共有物種數的研究較少,現有研究中較為知名的有Chao et al. (2000)的估計式。
本研究延伸Good想法,探討Jackknife估計法在兩群落的應用,以出現一次的共有物種(一階Jackknife估計),推估未出現共有物種機率,並且仿造Burnham and Overton的想法,建立共有物種數的估計值及變異數。本文除了以電腦模擬,也使用實例(包括:金庸武俠小說、台灣野生水鳥、巴拿馬螃蟹和巴洛科羅拉多森林)檢驗本文的Jackknife估計法,利用涵蓋機率角度發現抽出某特定比例樣本時,估計值涵蓋母體共有物種數之機率值達到九成以上,且也與Chao提出的估計值比較。 / The number of species is frequently used to measure the biodiversity of a population in ecology, biology, and comparative literature. There are quite a lot of studies related to estimating the number of species. Among these studies, Good (1953) proposed a famous estimate (Turing’s estimate) for the probability of unseen species. Subsequently, many methods have been proposed for estimating the number of species based on Good’s idea. For example, the Jackknife estimator by Burnham and Overton (1978) and sample coverage probability by Chao and Lee (1992) are two famous estimates for the number of species. In contrast, there are not many studies for the number of shared species in two communities, and Chao et al. (2000) is probably the only one.
This article extends Good’s idea and the Jackknife method to estimate the number of shared species in two communities. Similar to Burnham and Overton, we establish the estimate and its estimated variance, based on the number of species appearing exactly once. We also use computer simulation and real data sets (Jin-Yong martial arts novels, Taiwan wild birds, Panama crustacean, and Barro Colorado Island forest) to evaluate the proposed method. We found that the coverage probability for confidence interval covering the true number of shared species is more than 90%. In addition, we compare the proposed method with Chao’s method.
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