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體驗學習在國小社會領域教學之實地研究 / Merging experiential learning into social studies in elementary schools.林淑敏, Lin, Shu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果主要發現:1.體驗學習有助於學生社會領域學習成就,尤其是高層次認知方面。 2.體驗學習有助於學生社會領域學習態度,尤其是興趣方面。 3.體驗學習有助於學生社會領域長期學習態度,不論是興趣、價值或信心方面。 4.體驗學習最重要的成分為情境、互動、反思。 5.不同教學風格教師均適合使用體驗學習教學法。 6.參與體驗學習教學有助於教師專業成長。
根據研究發現對教學實務提出建議如下:1.不論教師風格為何,均可使用體驗學習教學法,以利於學生高層次認知、興趣和長期學習態度。 2.體驗學習課程設計應有高情境、高互動、高反思。 3.社會領域第二學習階段強調鄉土教育,宜使用體驗學習。 4.使用體驗學習進行社會領域鄉土教學,應善用社區和家長資源。 5.與其他學習領域設計整合體驗學習課程,可解決時間不足的問題。 6.教師參與平等、互信、互助、重反思、重專業的教學行動研究團隊,有助於教師專業成長。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the effects of merging experiential learning into social studies in elementary schools. Through literature reviews, we constructed a teaching model of merging experiential learning into social studies, including directive activity, situated interaction, reflection of experience, application and reflection of process.
Three classes accepted experiential learning were categorized as experimental groups, and one class accepted teacher’s lecture as contrast group. The courses lasted for five weeks in an elementary school in northern Taiwan. All students took social studies achievement test and social studies attitude questionnaire immediately following the courses, and filled up social studies attitude questionnaire again six months after the courses. We also observed the process of the courses, and interviewed teachers and students after the courses.
The main findings of this study were as follows:
1.Experiential learning can help improve students’ achievement in social studies, especially in high level cognition.
2.Experiential learning can enhance students’ attitude toward social studies, especially in interest aspect.
3.Experiential learning can promote students’ long-term attitude on social studies, no matter in interest, value, or confidence aspect.
4.The most important elements of experiential learning are situation, interaction, and reflection.
5.Teachers with various types of teaching styles can adapt experiential learning method when teaching social studies.
6.The experience from the participation of the study helps teachers’ professional growth.
Finally, some suggestions were proposed based on the conclusions for further studies.
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國中生性別、電腦使用型態、電腦使用時間與學習成就的關係─科技社會學的觀點 / Junior high school students' gender, the types and the time of computer usage, and study achievement – viewpoint of sociology of technology陳宏璋, Chen, Hung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
從本研究的發現與結果,研究者建議家長應為子女購置電腦設備,而教師及家長應引導孩子做有益學習的使用,控制使用時間以及注意使用電腦時的兩性公平。研究者也認為在後續研究上,可從質化方法探索形成差異的真正成因;也可從量化方法分析數學或語文等其他學習成就,或以不同變項為分析脈絡、不同年齡層學生為研究對象,以及探討更專業的電腦使用中的性別差異。 / The main purpose of this research is to realize the effect of the types and the time of computer usage on study achievement. According to the sociology of technology, I argue that the effect of computers on study achievement will be different by gender. Therefore, I will discuss the effect of gender on the types and the time of computer usage, and investigate if the effect of the types and the time of computer usage on study achievement will be the same under different gender context?
In order to accomplish these purposes, I analyzed the nationwide samples of junior high school students and their parents. These samples (N=20,004, but approximately 10,000~12,500 in analysis) came from “2001 Taiwan Education Panel Survey” collected by Academia Sinica. Statistical methods of this research are Student’s t-test, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and multiple regression. The main findings are listed below:
1. The types and the time of computer usage of junior high school students have influenced their study achievement:
(1) Students who have never used a computer have the worst study achievement, whereas when students have had experience of computer usage, the effect of types of computer usage on their study achievement is different both by gender and the time of computer usage.
(2) When students’ time of computer usage is over 3 hours, they have the worst study achievement. But for those using a computer less than 3 hours, the effect of time on their study achievement is not the same by gender and the types of computer usage.
2. Gender of junior high school students has influenced the types and the time of computer usage:
(1) In the types of compute usage, girls have a higher percentage of the “relationship type” and the “learning type” than boys while boys have a higher proportion of the “entertainment type” than girls.
(2) In the time of computer usage, boys spend more time than girls, no matter on total or individual types.
(3) Regardless of gender, students spend least time on the “learning type” and most time on the “relationship type”. Time spent on the “entertainment type” is in the middle.
3. The types of computer usage exert a different effect on study achievement in different gender context:
(1) To boys, most differences in study achievement are not significant between the “learning type” and the “entertainment type” except that the time of computer usage is 2~3 hours. The study achievement of the “learning type” and the “entertainment type” is higher than the “relationship type” when they use a computer for less than 3 hours.
(2) To girls, the study achievement of the “learning type” is higher. But different from boys, the differences in their study achievement are not significant between the “entertainment type” and the “relationship type.” Moreover, the differences in study achievement are not significant between the “learning type” and the “entertainment type” when they use a computer for more than 1 hour.
4. The time of computer usage exerts a different effect on study achievement in different gender context:
(1) To boys, the situation that the more time one uses a computer, the less study achievement he has only occurs in the “learning type” and the “entertainment type.” Study achievements have no significant difference between diverse time of computer usage in the “relationship type.” No matter how long the time is, the study achievements are all the same bad.
(2) To girls, the situation that the more time one spends on the computer, the less study achievement she has only occurs in the “learning type” and the “relationship type”. Study achievements have no significant difference between diverse time of computer usage in the “entertainment type”, no matter how long the time is, the study achievements are not high.
After reflecting over the theory of sociology of technology from findings, I bring up three opinions: 1. Technology has an influence on the society by itself, but it is affected by social factors as well. 2. Technology shapes not only the benefits of specific groups but also the damage. 3. When using technology, different social groups will exclude each other. The superior group does not always overwhelm inferior group automatically.
From the findings and outcomes, I propose that parents should purchase computer equipment at home, and teachers and parents should lead children to use the computer in a benefic way, control the time of computer usage, and keep an eye on gender equity when children use a computer. I also suggest in the follow-up other researchers could use a qualitative way to explore the real reason of difference and use a quantitative way to analyze other achievements (ex. math and literature). They can take other variables as context, take other ages as objects, and discuss gender difference in professional computer usage.
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How to Improve Low-Achievers' Listening Abilities─Using PE students as An Example / 如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力─以體育生為例黃永蓮, Huang,, Yung-lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果如下:〈一〉淺顯易懂與學生日常生活相關而且包括學生先前學過的生字、片語、句型的英文歌曲以及文章段落有益於增進低學習成就者英聽能力。〈二〉愉快而且充滿互助的教室氣氛減少英文學習的焦慮,維持低學習成就者自尊,增加低學習成就者自信,引起學習動機。〈三〉融入六種多元智慧〈語文智慧、音樂智慧、視覺空間智慧、肢體-動覺智慧、人際智慧、內省智慧〉的英聽課程以聽前(pre-listening)、聽時(while-listening)、聽後(post-listening)三階段可有效的加強低學習成就者英聽能力。〈四〉外在的獎賞可激勵低學習成就者內發性自主學習。 / This research investigated how to improve low achievers’ listening ability, using PE students as the subject of the study. The purpose was (a) to investigate what kind of listening materials meet low achievers’ cognitive needs; (b) to motivate low achievers in listening course affectively; (c) to apply MI theory into listening curriculum development for low achievers; (d) to trigger low achievers extrinsically and intrinsically in English class.
A total of 14 high school PE seniors in Taipei County in Taiwan participated in the study. The research period lasted for a semester from September 2003 to January 2004. Journals on listening to songs and listening to passages were employed as instruments. Data for the research were collected from students’ journals.
The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Comprehensible English songs and English passages related to learners’ daily life, including lexis, phrases, and sentence patterns they previously learned were especially beneficial for low achievers to improve their listening ability. (2) A pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere enables low achievers to reduce language learning anxiety and maintain low achievers’ self-esteem. (3) Courses integrating six intelligences (i.e. verbal/linguistic, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences) were designed into three stages; i.e. pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening in the listening treatment, and proved to be effective. (4) Low achievers were inspired by extrinsic rewards and intrinsic factors. Better grades and positive feedback inspired low achievers’ extrinsic motivation. Besides, intrinsic motivation derived from comprehensible input and listening to English songs.
The findings of the study suggest that low achievers’ listening ability can be effectively improved as long as listening materials are carefully designed to suit students’ needs.
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複式評量融入數學教學對不同學習風格的高二學生學習成效之研究 / A study on the learning performance of 11th graders based on composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching and on learning styles林振清 Unknown Date (has links)
最後針對研究結果提出數點建議,以供教師教學及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the effects on learning performance of 11th graders based on two factors – teaching methods and learning styles. This study was conducted as a quasi-experimental design. Two classes,which have a total of 80 students, were sampled from a high school in Taoyuan County. One was assigned as an experimental group and the other one as a control group. The first one took a “composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching” method learning, while the second one took a “traditional mathematics teaching” method learning respectively. This study used the learning styles inventory (LSI) of Kolb to classify learners into two groups – “active experimentation (AE)” and “Reflective Observation (RO)”. Two-way ANCOVA was conducted to test all hypotheses in order to find variations of mathematical learning attitudes, mathematical learning achievements, and mathematical learning retention. The study also investigated the views of points of the students in control group after the experiment. According to the analysis, we reach the following conclusions︰
1. In mathematical learning attitudes:
(1) Teaching methods and learning styles don’t interact significantly.
(2) There is no significant difference between two learning styles.
(3) There is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group is better than that on control group significantly.
2. In mathematical learning achievements:
(1) Teaching methods and learning styles interact significantly.
(2) For the control group, there is a significant difference between two learning styles. The effect on style AE is better than that on style RO significantly.
(3) For the style RO, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group is better than that on control group significantly.
(4) The effect on control group with the style RO is the worst.
3. In mathematical learning retention:
(1) Teaching methods and learning styles interact significantly.
(2) For the experimental group, there is a significant difference between two learning styles. The effect on style AE is better than that on style RO significantly.
(3) For the style AE, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect on experimental group was better than that on control group significantly.
(4) The effect on experimental group with the style AE is the best.
4. After the experiment, most of the students in the experimental group like “composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching” method. They also agree that “composite assessment embedded in mathematics teaching” should be conducted in the future.
Finally, suggestions for the teachers and future researches are also discussed.
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家庭作業完成時間與頻率對學習成就的影響之研究-TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料的階層線性模式分析 / The Effects of homework time and homework frequency on academic achievement: A hierarchical linear modeling analysis using the TIMSS 2003 mathematics data of Taiwan洪川富, Hung, Chuan Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料為資料來源,使用階層線性模式為統計分析方式,探討國小四年級及國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對於學生數學學習成就的影響。研究結果顯示:在國小四年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與學生數學學習成就為負相關;教師指派數學家庭作業頻率與學生數學學習成就之間為正相關,但並不顯著。在國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對學生數學學習成就皆有正向的影響。在國小四年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為負相關,但不顯著。在國中二年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為正相關,但不顯著。 / The research was to explore the effects of mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency on mathematics achievement in the fourth and eighth grades, using TIMSS 2003 Taiwan mathematics data as the resources and Hierarchical Linear Modeling as the statistical analysis method. The results showed that in the fourth grades, mathematics homework time had a negative relationship with mathematics achievement while mathematics homework frequency had a positive, but non-significant, relationship with mathematics achievement. In the eighth grades, both mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive effects on mathematics achievement. In the fourth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had negative, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement while in the eighth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement.
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建構取向教學在國中一年級數學課之實驗研究 / The experiment on math achievement of the seventh grade students - the constructivist approach葉倩亨, Yeh, Chien-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對上述發現加以討論,並對數學教學、行政措施與未來研究提出若干建議以供參考。 / The experiment on math achievement of the seventh grade
students - the constructvist approach
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分段式評量教學法對高二學生數學學習成就之研究 / A study of mathematics performance of junior high school students under the divided assessment teaching method陳佳玉 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 分段式評量教學法在整體學習成就方面有正面影響且結果達顯著差異。
2. 對不同學習風格學習成就之正面影響雖未達顯著水準,但學習成就相對改善值似乎有增加的趨勢。
3. 對不同學習程度分組而言,中分組與低分組學生之學習成就方面有正面影響且達顯著差異。
4. 實施分段式評量教學法的學生比使用傳統教學法的學生在學習態度方面似乎較不會有放棄數學的現象。
綜而論之,分段式評量教學法可提供教學者,在面對數學學習成就低落的學生一個有效的引導方法,讓這些學生不僅不會放棄數學,還能漸漸的建立良好的學習習慣。 / This research mainly aims at evaluating how divided assessment teaching method would effect junior students’ mathematics-learning performance in high school. A case study was conducted on science-team junior students in a Taipei-county high school, composed of 42 students in experimental group and 44 ones in control group respectively, amounting to 86. This experiment spanned as long as 20 weeks for analysis on how students’ learning performance would be benefited.
It is thus concluded in this research after evaluating both 2 group’s learning performance in term of equal length of time as below:
1. Divided assessment teaching method would have positive effect on learning performance at significance level.
2. Although divided assessment teaching method has positive effects on learning performance for various learning style subgroups, these positive effects are not significant. Their relative improvements of learning performance seemed to be increased, too.
3. When evaluated in term of original-performance level, students’ learning performance in average-level and in inferior-level subgroups both would be benefited positively at significance level.
4. Students taking divided assessment teaching method would have more persistent learning attitude than those taking traditional teaching method.
In summary, divided assessment teaching method could help teachers to offer more effective teaching-guidance to students who had inferior learning performance. As a result, students would not only persist in mathematics learning but also cultivate enthusiastic learning attitude gradually.
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台灣國中學生英語字彙學習策略之研究 / An Investigation into English Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Junior High School Students in Taiwan鄭孟淳, Cheng, Meng-chun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究建議老師應該 (1)教導學生如何使用各種不同的字彙學習策略;(2)在介紹策略的時候要考慮學生的程度;(3)教導學生聯合使用「表層」及「深層」處理策略;(4)教學生猜測單字的意思後,要查字典;(5)提供互動的活動讓學生在自然的環境下學習字彙;(6)鼓勵學生獨立規劃自己的字彙學習。 / Vocabulary learning is of critical importance to language acquisition, whether the language is first, second, or foreign. After suffering from being neglected for decades, vocabulary learning and teaching now have attracted considerable attention in the field of ESL or EFL research. The interest of research has been particularly in studying learners’ approaches to vocabulary learning.
The present study aims to investigate the kinds of vocabulary learning strategies used by JHS students in Taiwan. Moreover, it examines whether there is any relationship between JHS students’ vocabulary strategy use and their vocabulary learning achievement. The data were collected from 147 third-grade students from a junior high school in Miaoli by means of two materials. The Vocabulary Learning Strategy Questionnaire was designated to survey what kinds of vocabulary learning strategies JHS students used and how often. The Vocabulary Achievement Test was used to discriminate the participants into different levels in vocabulary learning achievement. Data analysis was performed by SPSS, including descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlations, and one-way ANOVA.
The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. (1) JHS students as a whole are moderate users of vocabulary learning strategies. (2) JHS students use cognitive strategies most frequently and social strategies least frequently. (3) JHS students employ “shallow” processing strategies more often than “deep” processing strategies. They particularly favor repetition strategies and pay more attention to the form of a word. On the other hand, they seldom put words in a meaningful context or utilize imagery techniques. (4) JHS students’ vocabulary strategy use is strongly related to their vocabulary learning achievement. Students with better vocabulary learning achievement not only use a wider range of strategies but also use them much more frequently. (5) JHS students with the highest level of vocabulary learning achievement pay much more attention to textual context, dividing words into syllables, active use of the learning materials, the matching between spelling and sound, word classes, and the personalization of information. On the other hand, JHS students with the lowest level of vocabulary learning achievement pay much less attention to the sound of a word. (6) JHS students learn vocabulary strategies primarily from school teachers and their major reason for strategy choice is because of convenience and ease of employment. The strategies that they want to learn most have something to do with increasing authentic input.
According to the findings, several pedagogical implications are suggested. Teachers should (1) help JHS learners to raise their awareness of vocabulary learning strategy use; (2) take JHS learners' individual differences, such as vocabulary learning achievement, into account when recommending strategies; (3) instruct JHS learners to increase using the “shallow” processing and “deep” processing strategies in combination; (4) guide JHS students to use the “guessing” and “dictionary” strategies in combination; (5) provide JHS students with more authentic input and communicative interaction for vocabulary learning; (6) encourage JHS students to take charge of their vocabulary learning and view it as a life-long process. If JHS students can be equipped with the abilities to employ appropriate strategies, they can build up vocabulary more effectively and efficiently on their own.
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家庭作業與學習成就關係之研究—以TIMSS與TEPS臺灣學生為例 / The Relationship between Homework and Learning Achievements: An Example of Taiwan Students from TIMSS and TEPS陳俊瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
五、臺灣2001年7年級陸續追蹤至2005年11年級的學生,其家庭作業時間與學習成就有顯著正向地相互影響效果。 / This study aimed analyze the relationship between homework and learning achievements. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze the 4th grade of elementary school students from Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007, 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2007, and 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2011. Moreover, structural equation modeling with cross-lagged panel modeling was used to analyze the core panel sample data from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001, 2003, and 2005. The major findings were as follows:
1. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could negative predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also negative predict the science learning achievements significantly.
2. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could not predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also not predict the science learning achievements significantly.
3. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly.
4. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly.
5. Taiwan 7th grade of junior high school students to 11th grade of senior high school students’ homework time could positive predict the subsequent learning achievements significantly, and learning achievements could also positive predict the subsequent homework time significantly.
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GSP融入數學教學對於國中生幾何單元學習成效之研究 / A study of the geometry learning effectiveness using GSP in junior high school葉進安, Yeh, Chin An Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據研究結果提出具體建議,以供學校、教師及未來研究者參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of learning geometry using new teaching method (i.e. GSP in mathematics teaching) and traditional teaching method. For the possibilities of applying GSP to junior high school math teaching in the future, this study also analyze how students learn and react toward ‘GSP in mathematics teaching’.
There are two grade 9 classes with totaled 67 students in the study. One class is assigned as the experimental group (i.e. GSP in mathematics teaching). Another class, the control group, is taught by traditional narrative teaching. All student are categorized, based on Kolb Learning Style Inventory(LSI), into two types: Concrete Experience and Abstract Conceptualization. The experiment consists of 12 classes in 6 weeks. The geometry content is ‘circle’, in book V for 9th graders.
The study analyzes how students with different learning styles and genders react to these two math teaching methods. The attitudes , achievements and retentions of students learning are the main interests. The hypotheses are tested using two-way ANCOVA. Students in the experimental group are further evaluated with GSP questionnaire at the end of the experiment. The conclusions are as follow:
I. For the attitude of students in learning math:
1. There is no interaction between teaching method and gender and between teaching method and style.
2. There is no significant difference between different genders and between different learning styles.
3. Different teaching methods have significant difference: GSP in math teaching is much better than traditional narrative teaching.
II. For the achievement of students in learning math:
1. There is no interaction between teaching method and gender and between teaching method and style.
2. There is no significant difference between different genders and between different learning styles.
3. Different teaching methods have significant difference:GSP in math teaching is much better than traditional narrative teaching.
III. For the retention of students in learning math.
1. There is no interaction between teaching method and gender. In addition , there are no significant differences between teaching method and between different gender.
2. There is interaction between teaching method and learning style.
3. Learning styles have significant difference when GSP is used in math teaching. Students categorized in Abstract Conceptualization perform better than those in Concrete Experience.
4. Among those Abstract Conceptualization students from GSP in math teaching class is significantly better than those from traditional narrative teaching.
IV. For the attitude of students with GSP:
Most students in experimental group are fond of GSP in math teaching, and hold a positive attitude toward learning .
Finally, suggestions based on this study will be provided for school authority, teachers and other researchers.
Keyword: GSP, computer-assisted instruction, learning style, mathematics learning attitude, mathematics learning achievement, mathematics learning retention, ANCOVA
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