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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

混沌.追尋.邂逅-Gordon幼兒音樂學習理論在幼兒園實踐之研究 / Chaos, searching, and encounter-A study on Gordon’s music learning theory for newborn and young children and it’s practice in the kindergarten

余蕙君 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多哲人都曾讚揚過音樂之於人的意義,Mozart亦曾言:「音樂應是不刺耳,使人如沐春風」,然而近年來的研究卻指出:幼兒園中的音樂活動經常是所有人唱一樣的內容,並僅以是否有精神、聲音大小做為評斷標準,在這樣的環境下,幼兒究竟聆聽了什麼?從中習得了什麼?是否曾考慮幼兒在音樂發展及表現上的個別差異? 本研究基於上述的背景,試圖以Gordon幼兒音樂學習理論為基礎,參考相關教材-Music Play一書設計活動後,再到幼兒園進行教學,欲從中了解幼兒在課程參與、音樂性向及歌唱能力等三方面的樣貌,進一步建構研究者自身的教師專業圖像。本研究採行動研究取向,主要分為初探研究及正式研究兩部分:初探研究包含6次各30分鐘的活動,課程進行後重新了解理論並修正內容,再次進行兩個循環的正式行動,第一循環共計10次課程,第二循環為6次課程。課程完全結束後,以課堂錄影、教師省思日誌、幼兒觀察記錄表等工具為基礎,書寫初探及兩個循環研究之改變與收穫。 本研究的發現如下: 1、幼兒課堂參與的情形從嘻笑轉而認真投入,並開始發展個人不同的音樂表現方式;音樂性向隨著音樂環境的多寡有所轉變,經過課程後大多數的幼兒音樂性向略提升;歌唱能力則依個別差異在音高及節奏方面各有所轉變。 2、研究者在研究進行的過程中,發現進行Gordon相關的教學方式,首先要能熟悉理論及教材內容,進一步適應曲調、節奏、音高型與節奏型的唱法後,搭配相關的律動、樂器、遊戲等,除能使教學更符合幼兒的個別差異,教師亦能建構屬於自己的教學內容,以及自身的教師專業發展圖像。 根據本研究的歷程與收穫,研究者提出幾點建議,以供未來研究者與教師做為參考。 / This study attempts to understand the picture that 4-5 years old children learn on through Gordon’s music learning theory for newborn and young children; meanwhile, focus on the changes of teacher’s professional development. This study adopts action research, designs a series of lessons that building on Music Play and accompanied with teaching logs, music aptitude tests, singing performance tests, and observation records. The lessons contain three cycles. The first one is pilot study, within six times and thirty minutes for each lesson. Cycle 2 and cycle 3 are formal research, the former includes ten times and the latter includes 6 times, both 30 minutes for each lesson. The conclusions of this study are : 1)The curriculum of this study can improve children’s musical aptitude, singing performance and participation. 2) Teachers and Researchers should understand and internalize meter, tempo, rhythm, and continuous movement activities within Gordon’s music learning theory for early childhood. With a variety of teaching activities, the teachers will improvise in the classroom, and then construct professional picture of teacher of himself.

電腦輔助教學中以教師為中心與以學生為中心兩種教學方法下學生學習態度與動機對學習結果和認知負荷影響之研究 / Effects of learning attitude and motivation on learning performance and cognitive load under two instructional strategies : teacher-centered and student-centered

褚懿琳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

比較遺傳演算法與強化學習: 以代理人基彩券市場為例

李家瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
在代理人基計算建模(agent-based computational modeling)被拿來廣泛應用的同時,多數學者發現模擬的結果會高度取決於人工適應性個體的設計方式或者是個體的學習方法上,所以如何挑選合適的演算法就成為我們應用代理人基計算建模時首要面臨的課題。 本文挑選了兩個常出現於文獻當中但是卻甚少一起比較的演算法,分別是遺傳演算法(genetic algorithms)與強化學習(reinforcement learning)。我們透過將演算法與學習理論(learning theory)結合的方式,歸納出這兩個高使用頻率的演算法各自有其適合描述的個體行為以及議題,最後並套用到代理人基彩券市場當中,而模擬的結果也證實符合真實彩券市場上多數人學習特性(個人式學習)的強化學習比起遺傳演算法更能完整地捕捉彩券市場上的特性。


張妮秀, Zhang, Ni-Xiu Unknown Date (has links)
第一章大意乃先闡述何謂政治社會化, 繼而陳述有關大眾傳播媒介與政治社會化的關 係。 第二章則說明本篇論文的理論部分, 包括傳播的功能理論, 效果理論及學習理論。 第三章以研究方法為主, 說明取樣, 施測之經過。 第四章的重點在于資料分析, 本研究所用的統計方法有皮爾遜相關法, 項目分析, 因 素, T 考驗等。 第五章為結論, 包括說明與建議兩部分。

以BDI代理人架構為基礎於網路虛擬社群 之群體犯罪偵測 / A BDI-based Collective Crime Detection Service for Virtual Community

莊竣丞, Jhuang, Jyun Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所定義之「網路群體犯罪」,不同於組織犯罪般有結構的犯罪團體,亦非為了追求共同利益而合作的共犯夥伴,而是網路使用者自發性互動行為下逐漸浮現的群體近似犯罪行為,並且普遍存在於當今各式各樣的網際網路社群,以各種不同的樣貌與形式展現。本研究以Sutherland(1978)提出之差別接觸理論與Bandura(1977)提出之社會學習理論為基礎,運用理論相關的元素與概念作為食材與食譜,以BDI代理人模式為方法來設計網路群體犯罪之模擬模式,透過動態模擬群體犯罪在不同條件下展現不同之面貌。更運用Watts(2003)主張的網路科學概念與分析方法,來分析犯罪關係網絡之特性,本研究藉由控制網路社群之使用者人數(Size)與初始犯罪率(ICR)來觀察不同組合之下所演化的網路結構差異,並從四個衡量指標:犯罪技能平均數、群聚係數、前10%使用者平均連結度、連結度小於10之比率,標示演化之網路結構的特徵。研究結果發現:1. 犯罪技能擴散的速度受到ICR高低的影響,當ICR越高的時候犯罪技能擴散的速度越快,反之,當ICR較低的時候犯罪技能擴散速度隨之減緩。2. 當ICR超越某一特定臨界值之後,使用者擁有的犯罪技能平均數與所屬社群人數成正向關係。3. ICR的高低對於群聚係數的高低有反向關係,當ICR越高則群聚係數越低,反之,當ICR越低時群聚係數越高。4. 社群使用者人數越多的情況下,群聚係數越低。5. 前10%使用者的平均連結度有隨著演化次數逐漸增加的趨勢。6. 初始犯罪率的高低與前10% 使用者的平均連結度成反比關係。7. 不論演化次數、社群人數多寡與初始犯罪率值之高低,均僅有少數犯罪者擁有高度的連結,絕大多數的使用者或犯罪者其連結度數均不高(符合power law分佈)。 / Collective crime is an emerging phenomenon along with collective intelligence in recent years. It is defined as a form of universally distributed crime originated from spontaneous interaction among community users in this paper. The issues that collective crime addresses focus on deviant or criminal behavior existing in common groups or crowds rather than traditional topics at computer crime or cybercrime. The theories, “differential association” proposed by criminologist Sutherland(1978) and “social learning” proposed by sociologist Bandura(1977), underpin the explanation of collective crime phenomena and the model design of agent-based simulation. The detection function of collective crime consists of the evolving network function based on the micro-simulation and an analysis of the function along with four indicators: average amount of crime skills, average cluster coefficient, average degree of top 10% users, and rate of users with degrees smaller than 10. The research findings are: 1. A community with higher initial crime rate (ICR) results in faster spreading of crime skills. 2. A negative relationship between the community size and the average amounts of crime skills exists, as ICR exceeds a threshold. 3. As ICR gets increasing, the average cluster coefficient gets decreasing, and vice versa. 4. The average cluster coefficient gets decreasing along with increasing community size. 5. The average degree of top 10% users gets increasing along time. 6. A negative relationship exists between ICR and the average degree of the top 10% users. 7. The distribution of the degrees of community users follows the scale-free power law distribution – whatever the network evolution times, community size and ICR are, most of the community users have fewer degrees and only few criminals have pretty high degrees relatively.

英語教學做中學:合作敘事探究 / Learning to Teach English in situ: A Collaborative Narrative Inquiry

陳錦珊, Chen, Jin shan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文重組並重現一個合作敘事探究的生命經驗。在這集體的生命故事中,研究者與四位女性英語實習教師,透過一個全校性的英語同儕輔導計畫,一同探究學習如何教英語。本研究包含兩個研究重點:(一)探索英語實習教師在教學實習過程中對英語教學的概念覺知與教學發展;(二)檢視機構與社會情境與英語實習教師之教學發展的互動關係。本研究提出三個研究問題核心,協助對於現象的分析與詮釋:(一)英語實習教師在實境教學中教學發展之轉化歷程;(二)驅動英語實習教師之教學發展轉化的支配力類型;(三)英語實習教師對於實境教學之生命經驗的理解與覺知。 本研究發現,英語實習教師的教學發展,呈現前進式的結構模式。教學行動系統中的內、外部矛盾,引發一連串的衝突與失序,直接衝擊英語實習教師的教學發展轉化。在問題解決的轉化過程中,有三種主要的驅動能量,對教學發展轉化形成支配:情境支配力、策略支配力、情意支配力。在故事的尾聲,英語實習教師對於英語教學有新的覺知:對於教學行為及身為英語教師本體的覺知、對於英語學習者的認知、對於英語學習的本質的理解。 本研究回應相關文獻,提出三點新發現。首先,學習如何教的過程,包含持續性的觀察、分析、評量和反思。其次,英語實習教師的教學發展,透過跨層次行動系統的比對與分析,發現並理解可能存在的失序、衝突與解決方案,進而從事教學改變與教學發展轉化。最後,本研究提出,有關教師學習、學習如何教的相關研究,應該採用一種全方位的研究方法、一種廣泛理解的觀點,用以分析詮釋實作教學中既存的知識斷層。 / This collaborative narrative inquiry reconfigures and represents the lived experiences of four female prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach through a campus-based tutoring program. The research foci of this inquiry-based study are twofold. Firstly, the research aims at exploring how prospective TESOL teachers learn to teach through practical teaching experiences, as they examine the definition of learning to teach itself and the understanding of the what and how of the learning process evolves. Secondly, the research investigates the role of the social and institutional context in prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach, in examining how activity setting shapes the process of learning to teach. Drawing on the research approach of narrative inquiry, prospective TESOL teachers’ stories are told in their own voices while the school’s stories, and the stories about the school are told by the supervisor of the structured program in this research, the researcher, for purpose of providing a context to the prospective TESOL teachers’ stories. Following such respects, research questions are generated with special emphasis on (a) the transformational process of the prospective TESOL teachers’ learning to teach in situ; (b) the driving forces for the transformation to take place; (c) how the prospective TESOL teachers make sense of the lived experiences of learning to teach. The prospective teachers’ collective story appeared to be a progressive mode of development. The transformational process was overwhelmingly influenced by the dissonance and conflicts emerging from the contradictions within and across the collective activity system of teaching, namely primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary contradictions. In order to solve the problems resulting from the contradictions, the prospective teachers undertook changes and transformation in their teaching. Three types of driving force appeared to be significant for the transformation in the process of the prospective teachers’ learning to teach, including contextual force, strategic force, and attitudinal force. During the process of engaging in the socially situated activity of teaching, the prospective teachers formulated new conceptualizations of teaching, inclusive of the understanding of their teaching and of themselves as English teachers, of the students as English learners, and of the nature of English learning. The findings of the research suggest that a campus-based tutoring EFL program could be an alternative form of practicum teaching. Corresponding to previous research into teachers’ learning and learning to teach in second and foreign languages, three notions are provided. Firstly, the process of learning to teach prospective teachers includes continuous observation, analysis, evaluation and reflection on the entirety of the teaching activity embedded within a specific context, rather than shifting their focus from one entity to another entity, such as focusing on themselves at early stage and then shifting their focus to either on students or instructional techniques. Secondly, the process of prospective teachers’ learning to teach includes changes and transformation following iterative analysis and interpretations of cross-level activity systems to determine possible dissonance and solutions with the help of structured resources. Thirdly, research into teachers’ learning should employ a holistic research approach with a comprehensive perspective in analyzing and interpreting existing gaps in teaching practice.

應用視覺化之框架效應於創新服務之行為意向改變 / Communication Visualization and Framing for Behavior Intention Change of New Service

陳韻平, Chen, Yun Ping Unknown Date (has links)
處於服務大量興起的時代,創新服務成為企業關注的熱門議題且如雨後春筍般發展。然而,一個新服務的成功並不在於它的獨特性,而是取決於它的使用率與普及化。當中,觀察到有趣的現象,人們對於新服務的使用行為取決於自身的認知與社會影響力相互作用而產生;社會影響力在個人行為表現上扮演關鍵的因素,引導個人了解認知差距並提供建議改善認知以促進個人產生使用意圖。在本研究中,整合行為改變模型(TTM)、傳播理論、框架效應而發展出一套理論架構,並應用視覺化方式呈現資訊提供個人快速理解重點,重塑個人對於新服務的認知,且引起他們願意使用新服務的想法。基於認知重塑的目標,本研究貢獻為設計一套能輔助個人進行行為意向改變與加速新服務使用率的系統。 / In the service growing era, service innovation becomes a popular topic on the businesses who want to develop innovative services for people. However, the success factor is not on how special a service is; but rather, depends on how much utility and popularity of the service. This study has observed the interesting phenomenon that people's behavior performance depends on their cognition and the social influence playing an important role on affecting the intention. In order to resolve this condition, this study connects the transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change, communication theories, and frame effect model to develop a framework and apply visualization to provide people with the integral information that can reframe their cognition to enhance their intention to accept the new service. Based on the cognition reframing, this study develops an artifact the can assist people to exercise the cognition adjustment that can reinforce the behavior intention change and facilitate the usage of new service.

錯誤可能性與預期衝突對於錯誤偵測系統之影響-以回饋負波為例 / Error likelihood and conflict in error monitoring system: a study of feedback negativity

張瀠方, Chang, Yin Fang Unknown Date (has links)
現今解釋錯誤偵測系統及前扣帶皮質(ACC)的關係之理論主要為增強學習理論。增強學習理論認為個體會在行為後對於行為結果產生預期,並將該預期與實際結果進行比較,若實際結果較預期結果差則會活化ACC進而觀察到較大的FN(Feedback Negativity)振幅。近年來有學者提出奠基於增強學習理論的錯誤可能性理論,錯誤可能性理論則認為當個體在學習到行為與結果之間的關聯後,當接收到可能犯錯的訊息時便會活化ACC而引起較大的FN。本研究主要的目的為探討增強學習理論及錯誤可能性理論的適用性,其次為探討風險之因素是否能反映於FN上。由於兩理論對於風險情境中是否會觀察到FN有不同的預測,錯誤可能性理論預測會在高風險的情況下觀察到較大的FN;而增強學習理論則預測由於風險畫面並非回饋畫面,故風險不會影響FN。實驗一藉由探討風險與FN間之關係企圖提供兩理論初步之區分並提供風險研究的實驗證據,實驗一結果顯示FN確實會反映風險之因素。也點出增強學習理論用以解釋錯誤偵測系統之不完備之處。而實驗二則利用操弄回饋結果好壞及高低錯誤可能性以檢驗錯誤可能性對於錯誤偵測系統之必要性,實驗二結果顯示錯誤可能性為事件評估之因素之一。除此之外,實驗二亦提供FN反映懊悔之支持性證據。

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