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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


粘揚明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的研究目的有二:1.藉由理論的分析及文獻探討的歷程,探究批判思考的內涵及本質。2.藉由嚴謹的修訂歷程,探究被評鑑為目前最好的商業化批判思考能力測驗的「加州批判思考技巧測驗」的優缺點。   在「批判思考理論與測量」的探討上,本研究首先歸納不同的研究典範其理論建構之特色及優缺點,接著評判各個理論學家其批判思考理論的特色及優缺點,最後分析「非形式邏輯學家」和「心理學家」對「批判思考」概念分析的差異,及其對批判思考能力測量的方式所持有的不同看法;並且對未來理論和測量方式之整合,提出一些看法。   在評判「加州批判思考技巧測驗B式」上,本研究一方面根據文獻探討所歸納之批判思考的特性,對「加州批判思考技巧測驗」之題目進行邏輯和理論分析,以評鑑本測驗「質」上的品質如何;另一方面則根據政大一班修習教育心理學輔系的學生作答題目之反應理由分析,修改或刪改一些信度或品質不佳的題目;最後以政大大學部145位學生、夜間學生班103位學生、以及新莊高中、華僑中學189位學生為樣本,檢驗本測驗之信、效度、以評鑑本測驗心理計量上的品質如何。主要研究結果如下:   1.「加州批判思考技巧測驗B式」信、效度均不佳,不宜使用做測量批判思考能力的測驗。其理由有三:    (1)其測驗題目經邏輯和理論分析發現,有頗多題目的標準答案有所爭議性,且不符合「非領域特定性」規準的要求,偏離個體日常生活經驗太遠。    (2)本測驗在三個樣本上之內部一致性信度Cronbach α係數介於.27~.46間,表示題目間的異質性很大,測到的不是相同的能力。    (3)本測驗所測到的批判思考能力分數並未隨教育程度的增加而增加,也未與智力呈中度正相關,此與理論的建構不合。   2.由理論上的概念分析可知,邏輯之分析評判能力雖為批判思考所應必備之能力,但是只能代表批判思考能力的一部分,且由國內修訂類似邏輯取向選擇題式之批判思考測驗的文獻可發現此種測驗之內部一致性信度均不高,表示所測之能力異質性頗高,因此本研究認為傳統選擇題式的批判思考測驗的得分不足以代表整個整體批判思考能力。   最後本研究對未來的研究方向,謹提供以下幾點建議:   1.不要以「傳統選擇題式的批判思考測驗」當作評判個體批判思考能力的唯一工具。   2.從新的角度研究批判思考能力。   3.加強對批判思考態度及其和批判思考能力間關係的研究。   4.探討知識信念和批判思考的關係。   5.發展本土化的批判思考測驗。


陳荻卿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據批判思考的主要特徵與教學理論,建構出一套批判思考教學模式。根據文獻探討界定:一、批判思考主要內涵為批判思考能力、批判思考傾向與批判思考所需之必要知識;二、本研究所採之批判思考教學模式為前導活動、呈現主題、概念比較、分組活動、發表與澄清以及判斷與選擇。為探討批判思考教學在國小社會科實施的效果,分別以兩所國小五年級中的兩班學生為研究對象,進行為期兩個月的教學實驗,並編製批判思考測驗以比較兩組在批判思考學習效果的差異,此外,亦蒐集批判思考教學組學生在教學過程之相關資料進行質的分析。本研究工具為:(一)批判思考測驗;(二)學習日記;(三)學習回饋問卷;(四)個案學習回饋問卷。 主要研究結果如下: 一、本研究之批判思考教學對批判思考能力有顯著教學效果。 二、本研究之批判思考教學對批判思考傾向有顯著教學效果。 三、本研究之批判思考教學對學生辯論之參與、聚焦與流暢性、意見陳述與反駁方面有明顯幫助。 四、接受批判思考教學的學生在信任理性、提出客觀且良好理由、多元思考等方面有顯著進步。 五、批判思考教學組學生對本研究之批判思考教學有相當正面的評價。 針對上述發現進行討論並提出以下建議,供教學實務與未來研究參考: 1.本研究的批判思考教學模式值得國小社會課嘗試。2.應以學生個別差異實施批判思考教學。3.可採對話與辯證方式進行社會課教學。4.應營造安全溫暖且容忍犯錯的學習環境。5.宜容許社會課教學活動設計有彈性調整空間。6.應採多元評量的方式與內容。7.可設計學習單幫助學生有效蒐集資料。8.宜運用學習日記幫助學生進行反思。9.教師應重視批判思考教學並進行相關研究。 / This study constructs a model for teaching critical thinking based on the major characteristics and theories of critical thinking. To probe into the effects of teaching critical thinking in social studies, the researcher performs an experiment on a sample of 131 fifth-grade elementary school students for two months. The data-collection instruments include: (a) The Critical Thinking Test; (b) The Learning Diary; (c) The Learning Feedback Questionnaire; and (d) The Learning Feedback Questionnaire For Special Case. The following conclusions become evident. On the theoretical aspect: first, the main concepts of critical thinking include critical thinking ability, critical thinking disposition and the knowledge for critical thinking; second, the steps of the model for teaching critical thinking are guiding activities, displaying theme, comparing concepts, group discussion, sharing and clarifying, and finally, judgment and decision-making. On the experimental aspect: it was found that (a) Teaching critical thinking has significantly positive effects both on critical thinking ability and on critical thinking disposition. (b) Teaching critical thinking helps students have good performance in debates. (c) The students of experimental group make great progress on achieving confidence in reason and pluralistic thinking. (d) The students of experimental group give a vary positive evaluation on teaching critical thinking. Through these results, some guidelines are suggested as follows: (a) The model for teaching critical thinking is of great worth in social studies. (b) Critical thinking should be taught according to individual difference of students. (c) Dialogue and dialectic process is good for teaching social studies. (d) The atmosphere of classroom must be safe, warm and tolerating learning error. (e) Teachers should put emphasis on teaching critical thinking and on probing into critical thinking.

批判思考教學策略運用在國小五年級社會科之實驗研究 / An experimental study about implementing the teaching strategies of critical thinking in social class of 5th-grade elementary school

陳萩卿, Chen, Chiu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據批判思考主要特徵與教學理論,建構一套批判思考教學模式。根據文獻探討界定:一、批判思考主要內涵為批判思考能力、批判思考傾向與批判思考所需之必要知識;二、本研究所採之批判思考教學模式為前導活動、呈現主題、概念比較、分組活動、發表與澄清以及判斷與選擇。為探討批判思考教學在國小社會科實施效果,分別以兩所國小五年級中的兩班學生為研究對象,進行兩個月教學實驗,並編製批判思考測驗以比較兩組在批判思考學習效果的差異,此外,蒐集批判思考教學組學生在教學過程之相關資料進行質的分析。本研究工具為(一)批判思考測驗;(二)學習日記;(三)學習回饋問卷;(四)個案學習回饋問卷。 主要研究結果如下: 一、本研究之批判思考教學對批判思考能力有顯著教學效果。 二、本研究之批判思考教學對批判思考傾向有顯著教學效果。 三、本研究之批判思考教學對學生辯論之參與、聚焦與流暢性、意見陳述與反駁方面有明顯幫助。 四、接受批判思考教學的學生在信任理性、提出客觀且良好理由、多元思考等方面有顯著進步。 五、批判思考教學組學生對本研究之批判思考教學有相當正面的評價。 針對上述發現進行討論並提出建議: 1.本研究之批判思考教學模式值得國小社會課嘗試。2.應以學生個別差異實施批判思考教學。3.可採對話與辯證方式進行社會課教學。4.應營造安全溫暖且容忍犯錯的學習環境。5.宜容許社會課教學活動設計有彈性調整空間。6.應採多元評量的方式與內容。7.可設計學習單幫助學生有效蒐集資料。8.宜運用學習日記幫助學生進行反思。9.教師應重視批判思考教學並進行相關研究。 / This study constructs a model for teaching critical thinking based on the major characteristics and theories of critical thinking. To probe into the effects of teaching critical thinking in social studies, the researcher performs an experiment on a sample of 131 fifth-grade elementary school students for two months. The data-collection instruments include: (a) The Critical Thinking Test; (b) The Learning Diary; (c) The Learning Feedback Questionnaire; and (d) The Learning Feedback Questionnaire For Special Case. The following conclusions become evident. On the theoretical aspect: first, the main concepts of critical thinking include critical thinking ability, critical thinking disposition and the knowledge for critical thinking; second, the steps of the model for teaching critical thinking are guiding activities, displaying theme, comparing concepts, group discussion, sharing and clarifying, and finally, judgment and decision-making. On the experimental aspect: it was found that (a) Teaching critical thinking has significantly positive effects both on critical thinking ability and on critical thinking disposition. (b) Teaching critical thinking helps students have good performance in debates. (c) The students of experimental group make great progress on achieving confidence in reason and pluralistic thinking. (d) The students of experimental group give a vary positive evaluation on teaching critical thinking. Through these results, some guidelines are suggested as follows: (a) The model for teaching critical thinking is of great worth in social studies. (b) Critical thinking should be taught according to individual difference of students. (c) Dialogue and dialectic process is good for teaching social studies. (d) The atmosphere of classroom must be safe, warm and tolerating learning error. (e) Teachers should put emphasis on teaching critical thinking and on probing into critical thinking.

閱讀文學之教學初探:台灣雙語學生批判思考之行動研究 / Teaching Critical Thinking with Literature: An Action Research in a Bilingual Context in Taiwan

陳宇欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以行動研究方式,探討一所台灣雙語學校英語為外語(EFL)學生,在接受為期四十週的英語文學課程期間,哪些教學策略最能激發其做批判思考。研究的對象為二十一位七年級的學生,按其CEF語言分級結果,九位為中高級程度,十二位為中級。除探討教學策略的成效,亦分析這些策略對於兩組英語程度和學習背景(有雙語教育背景及無雙語教育背景)相異的學生分別所產生的作用。透過行動研究的步驟―亦為開發、實施、檢討、修正―以及五階段的學生學習成果分析,教師—研究者不斷調整其教學策略來回應學生學習上的需求。 本論文所探討之研究問題為三:(一)哪些文學課程的教學策略最能激發所有研究對象做批判思考?(二)根據問題一,有雙語教育背景及無雙語教育背景的研究對象分別受哪一教學策略刺激最多? (三)透過文學教學,兩組研究對象分別在哪些批判思考項目表現最有進步空間? 教師—研究者以Ennis的批判思考評分表為基礎做修正,並以此評分表比較分析實驗對象之前測、學習單、與批判思考紙筆回應。根據資料與教師實際觀察,鷹架理論、蘇格拉底式提問法、舉證、自身實例、創意思考與溝通式教學最能激發學生產生批判思考,而所有研究對象無論其語言程度或學習背景如何,皆能表現出批判思考的技能。不過,就情意上,中高級有雙語教育背景的學生較習慣於開放性的思辯與討論過程,而中級無雙語教育背景的學生則因自身的語言及西方文化認識的限制而需要適應與協助。 / This study had been conducted in a seventh-grade bilingual classroom of nine high-intermediate and twelve intermediate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students over forty weeks in Taiwan. The aim of the study was to seek strategies that would best help stimulate students’ critical thinking (CT) skills through the teaching of literature, and how those strategies affected the learning results of the two groups of participants with different language proficiency levels and prior education experiences (EFL bilingual context vs. EFL non-bilingual context). The teacher-researcher had adopted the developing, implementing, reflecting, and modifying steps of an action-research framework, and through analyzing students’ learning results in the 5 reflecting Stages, modified tasks and pedagogies were implemented right away to address students’ learning needs. Three questions anticipated responses from the study, which were: “What teaching strategies can stimulate all the participants’ critical thinking skills through literature?”, “Based on Question 1, which strategy is the most CT-stimulating for the bilingual group and which for the non-bilingual group?” and “Through literature study, which CT skills are the most-improved for the bilingual and the non-bilingual group?” In answering the questions, students’ pretest, weekly worksheets, and CT written responses were evaluated against the teacher-researcher’s self-created CT rubric adapted from Ennis’ version in every Stage for further lesson modification. Based on these data, 6 teaching strategies were proved to be CT-stimulating, which were: scaffolding, Socratic Questioning, evidence of proof, making personal connections, thinking outside the box, and adopting the Communicative Approach. All the participants were able to perform an amount of CT skills regardless of their language proficiency levels or learning backgrounds; however, in terms of CT dispositions, the high-intermediate bilingual participants feel more comfortable expressing their ideas openly, and the intermediate non-bilingual ones were influenced by their own linguistic and cultural limitations.

融合「質疑作者法」於英語閱讀之行動研究 / Incorporating “Questioning the Author” into Reading: An Action Research Study

臧明煥, Tsang, Ming-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討一批判思考策略「質疑作者法」,如何融入於台灣高職學生的英語閱讀能力養成,以及該策略對學生英語能力的影響。研究以台灣北部某高職38位高一學生為研究對象,為期五週。研究藉由學習單、學習歷程調查、教學觀察日誌、及焦點團體訪談等質性研究方法收集研究資料,再進一步歸納分析,以期廣泛且深入了解「質疑作者法」對於增進學生閱讀能力的效果,並同時得到更為適宜可行的教學應用。主要的研究發現如下: 一、 本研究中大多數學生對「質疑作者法」抱持肯定的態度。不論英語程度高低,該策略使學生獲得有別於過去的閱讀經驗,並同時增進其閱讀興趣及閱讀理解力。 二、 當教學者融入「質疑作者法」於教學活動時,教學者以協助者身分觀察學生對於教學活動的反應,隨時調整活動的進行。 三、 閱讀中的討論使學生能在一個支持的、低焦慮的學習環境中表達意見,並同時主動地建構文章的意義。 四、 本研究中,高成就與低成就學生在批判思考與閱讀能力方面皆有提升。透過「質疑作者法」,低成就學生相較於高成就學生建立較強的自信心並養成更高的閱讀興趣,從而由該策略中得到較多的助益。 根據上述結果,文末呈現教學上的義涵和應用,並對未來相關研究提出建議。 / This action research study aims to investigate the process of fostering reading comprehension ability of EFL vocational high school students by incorporating a critical thinking strategy, namely, “Questioning the Author”, into the English reading teaching activities. A total of thirty-eight 10th graders from a vocational high school in northern Taiwan participated in the present study for a five-week implementation. The data were collected through qualitative methods, including participants’ worksheets, learning surveys using Likert Scale and open-ended questions, the field notes and the teaching logs of the teacher researcher, and the focus group interviews for high and low achievers. The results were analyzed and interpreted with an attempt to have a profound and extensive understanding of the effect of the strategy “Questioning the Author” on students’ reading comprehension ability, along with generating more feasible pedagogical implications. Major findings are as follows: 1. Most students in the present study had a positive perception to the strategy “Questioning the Author”. Despite their different English proficiency levels, the strategy made a difference in their reading experiences, and meanwhile boosted their interest in reading and improved their reading comprehension ability. 2. When incorporating the strategy into teaching activities, the teacher as a facilitator observed the responses from students to modify the ongoing activities. 3. Discussions during reading provided a low-anxiety and supportive environment for students to express their opinions and construct meanings actively as well. 4. Although both high and low achievers made progress in their critical thinking and reading ability, the latter benefited more from the strategy than the former, for they developed more interests in reading as well as obtained higher confidence in themselves through the strategy. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are also included at the end of the thesis.

高中生品格發展之因子模式 / A Model for the Development of High School Students' Characters

余青霞, Yu,Ching Hisa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中生的教師品格教學、父母品格教養、批判思考能力、品格信念及品格行為之關係。研究參與者來自台北縣市公立高中二、三年級,有效樣本計538人。本研究採用的研究工具包括「品格行為量表」、「品格信念量表」、「品格教學行為量表」、「父親品格教養行為量表」、「母親品格教養行為量表」及「批判思考測驗—第一級」(CTT-Ⅰ)。資料分析所用的統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及線性模式分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1.就學校教師而言,大多身兼導師的國文、英文、數學科老師,對高中生品格影響最為深遠;就一般對象而言,母親及父親對孩子的品格影響最大。 2.不同性別的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上均有顯著差異:在品格信念方面,女生顯著優於男生,尤其在「責任」、「關懷」及「公民性」等指標的信念;在品格行為方面,女生亦顯著優於男生,尤在「值得信賴」、「公平」「關懷」及「公民性」等指標的表現。 3.不同年級的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上沒有顯著差異。 4.不同父母的教育程度的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上沒有顯著差異。 5.高中生品格信念及品格行為會相互影響:亦即品格信念程度愈高者,其本身品格行為表現愈好;品格行為表現愈佳者,擁有的品格信念程度愈高。 6.教師的品格教學行為對高中生的品格信念及品格行為有顯著效果,亦即知覺教師品格教學程度愈高者,其品格信念也愈強,品格行為表現程度也愈佳。 7.父母的品格教養行為對高中生的品格信念及品格行為有顯著效果,亦即知覺父母品格教養程度愈高者,其品格信念也愈強,品格行為表現程度也愈佳。 8.高中生批判思考能力對品格信念和品格行為沒有顯著的正向效果。 9.就高中生品格行為發展之子模式而言,教師品格教學行為及父母品格教養會互動之後,分別對品格信念及品格行為產生直接和間接的影響,且品格信念和品格行為間會相互影響。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議以供教師教學、父母教養及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among teachers’ character teaching, parents’ character parenting, critical-thinking abilities, character beliefs, and character behaviors of high school students. The participants included 538 students sampled from six high schools in Taipei City. The employed instruments in this study were the Inventory of Character Behaviors, the Inventory of Character Beliefs, the Inventory of Character Teaching, the Inventory of Father’s Character Parenting, the Inventory of Mother’s Character Parenting, and the Critical-thinking Test, LevelⅠ. The employed analysis methods included Descriptive Statistics, One-Way Multiple Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.As for school teachers, Chinese, English and Mathematical teachers who usually serve as tutors had the greatest effect on the high school students’ character development; as for general subjects, mothers and fathers had the most profound effect on the high school students’ character development. 2.There were significant gender differences on character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, the females outperformed the males in character beliefs, especially in “responsibility”, “caring”, and “citizenship”; moreover, the females outperformed the males in character behaviors, especially in “trust worthiness”, “fairness”, and “citizenship”. 3.There were no significant differences on character beliefs and character behaviors between the second graders and the third graders. 4.There were no significant differences on character beliefs and character behaviors among the three parents’ educational levels. 5.The relationships of character beliefs and character behaviors among the high school students were bi-directional. In other words, those who had stronger character beliefs performed more character behaviors and those who performed more character behaviors had stronger character beliefs. 6.The teachers’ character teaching had significant effects on the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, those who perceived higher degree of character teaching had higher character beliefs and performed more character behaviors. 7.The parents’ character teaching had significant effects on the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, those who perceived higher degree of character parenting had stronger character beliefs and performed more character behaviors. 8.The high school students’ critical-thinking abilities had no positive effects on their character beliefs and character behaviors. 9.In terms of the Model for the development of high school students’ characters, teachers’ character teaching and parents’ character parenting interactively influenced, both directly and indirectly, the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors; meanwhile, character beliefs and character behaviors influence each other. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions, parental upbringing, and future studies.

由多面向觀點探討理性思考與感性人格的關係 / A Study on The Relationship of Rational Thinking And Affective Personality Traits: From A Multidimensional Perspective

汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究視理性思考與感性人格特質為多面向的結構,探討理性思考與感性人格特質各面向間的關係,並研究個人的性別、學科背景是否與其理性思考及感性人格特質有關。   本研究以台大、政大共386位學生為樣本,運用「修訂康乃爾批判思考測驗Z級」、「拓弄思語文創造思考測驗乙式」、「人際敏感性量表」、「美感追求量表」、「感情變異性量表」、「自發性量表」及「同理心量表」等工具收集資料,再以皮爾遜積差相關考驗及多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)進行統計分析。   研究結果發現:   1.理性思考與正面向感性人格特質有顯著正相關,與負面向感性人格特質沒有顯著相關。   2.在理性思考上,性別之間並無顯著差異;在感性人格特質上,女性在「美感傾向」、「同理心」、「情緒化」等三個面向上的分數都顯著高於男性,「情感表達」面向則是未達顯著水準,但是在「人際敏感」面向上卻是男性分數顯著高於女性。   3.不同學院學生的批判思考、創造思考及理性思考能力並未有顯著差異。文學院學生的感性人格特質則有「情緒化」面向顯著高於理學院學生及其他學院學生,「人際敏感」面向高於其他學院學生。   本研究建議,根據理性思考與感性人格特質之間的相輔相成互動關係,學校宜多鼓勵男學生培養感性人格特質,鼓勵女學生發揮理性思考的潛能,不受刻板印象所限;在大學的通識教育上亦有必要重新調整,提供學生培養經驗整合與整全判斷能力。 / The objectives of this study were to explore the relationship of rational thinking, consisted of critical thinking dimension and creative thinking dimension, and affective personality traits, consisted of four positive dimensions and one negative dimension, from a multidimensional perspective, and to examine if one's sex and major would have influence on his/her rational thinking and affective personality traits. Tests were administered to 386 college students, evaluating their levels of critical thinking, creative thinking, interpersonal sensitivity, aesthetic orientation, emotioanl expressivity, empathy and emotionality. Findings suggest that: (1) Subjects scoring high on Rational thinking have significant high scores in positive dimensions of affective personality traits, but it seems that rational thinking is not related to the negative dimension of affective personality traits. (2) There is no significant sex difference in rational thinking, meanwhile in affective personality traits, female score obviously higher in aesthetic orientation, empathy, and emotionality, and there is no significant sex difference in emotional expressivity, but male score higher in interpersonal sensitivity. (3) Students in different majors don't have significant differences in their critical thinking, creative thinking, and rational thinking abilities, but students majoring art and literature surely score higher in emotionality and aesthetic orientation dimensions than students majoring nature science or other subjects.

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