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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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朱紓葶 Unknown Date (has links)
本文延續Huang(2004, 2008)的研究,將單期與多期挹注資金的資產負債管理議題專化於DC確定提撥退休金制度上,其研究將問題化成二次函數,以一般化最小平方法(Generalized least square, GLS)求出具有唯一解特性的決策變數,利用的軟體求解速度相當快,能有效率地一次找出多項資產配置比例。 本研究引入三種投資模型及其薪資模型,分別是Wilkie(1995)模型、MacDonald and Cairns(2007)模型、Huang and Cairns(2006)及Li(2009),以蒙地卡羅模型模擬出各投資標的年報酬率與薪資水準,並利用這些預期的模擬值在負債目標控制為隨機成長或固定比例成長下,找出最適投資比例、每期挹注的額度與提撥比例。 最適配置為了解決下方風險(downside risk)問題,在允許限定風險容忍度下去最大化投資績效,本研究將目標函數加入衡量報酬項,依據員工希望的報酬,討論此項權重如何最適。亦加入交易成本項以反映實務情況,此投資總交易成本為權重的函數,於足夠支付交易成本的前提下找出權重最小值。 / In this study, the simulation of the return for each investment and wage pattern is via introduction of three investment model and their wage model, namely, Wilkie (1995) model, MacDonald and Cairns (2007) model, Huang and Cairns (2006) model and Li (2009), by using Monte Carlo simulation. The optimal contribution rate of investments, the amount of injection of each period, and income replacement ratio are determined when simulation is targeted in the balance control for the random growth or growth under a fixed rate of liabilities. The asset-liability management of single-period and multi-period injection of funds is specialized in the Defined contribution plan (DC), which is the extension of Huang’s (2004, 2008) study. Huang’s research transforming his argument into a quadratic function to generalized least squares method (GLS) having a unique solution to derive the decision-making variables. This method can efficiently find a set of allocation by software at a fairly rapid speed. The optimal allocation is to maximize investment performance subject to a limited risk had to tolerance for deal with downside risk. This study ameliorates the objective function by adding a constant term, which does not affect the investment decision-making variable. This new generalized least squares method use a constant represented as a weight, which is based on the desire asset of the employee. This study also takes transaction costs into consideration to reflect the practical situation. The total transaction costs are the function of the weight introduced into the new objective function. The minimum of weight can be reached when the goal is set to be sufficient to cover the transaction costs

產業波段操作策略在臺灣股市之投資績效實證研究 / The Investment Performance of Group Rotation Strategy : An Empirical Study in Taiwan Stock Market

曾祈喜, Zeng, Qi Xi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於試圖瞭解台灣產業間共移現象的產生以及利用計量分析方法(自我相關矩陣模型,VAR)檢視類股間股價變動與各相關產業景氣指標是否存在明顯的領先落後關係,並配合因果檢定(casuality test)以便瞭解類股間因果關係的原因。當市場內類股指數存在著波段現象以及各類股間有某種輪漲或是統計上領先落後關係時,本研究即針對此市場的波動現象,比較不同投資策略(追漲殺跌策略、等比重持有策略及市值比重持有策略)下的報酬,並從中提供機構投資者在市場波段行情中最佳的系統化制式投資策略。全篇的實證結果摘要於下:   1.由股市中類股股價指數與該產業指標之間的領先落後關係實證結果裡,本研究發現兩者之間的月資料變動率並無顯著的互動關係,除了少數產業配對檢定外,包括電線電纜業工業生產指數變動率為電線電纜業股價指數變動率的領先指標,而營建業指標(房屋申請執照面積)變動率為該產業股價指數變動率的落後指標等,其他產業配對檢定裡,均不能顯著地存在互動關係。因此投資人除了考慮基本面的產業因素外,市場訊息更是左右股價變動的原因。   2.類股股價指數與大盤指數趨勢的關係密切。實證結果發現研究中的十七種產業股價指數有十個與發行量加權股價指數變動率之間有互動關係存在:其中大宗物資業、電線電纜業以及營建業的產業股價指數變動率的過去資料與大盤指數變動率之間具有回饋關係,即具為同時指標;另一方面,落後大盤指數變動率表現的類股計有綜合食品業、棉紡業、毛紡業、陶瓷業、鋼鐵業、電子系統業以及運輸業等產業股價指數變動率。對投資人而言,這些結果有助於對未來股市的預期。   3.在關聯產業的VAR模型中,經由其誤差變異數分解後,我們發現各產業群間均有一產業股價指數為群內其他股價指數的龍頭指標類股,例如綜合食品業即為食品產業群的帶動類股。而在經過產業配對的Granger因果檢定後,則只有食品產業群內產業股價指數有彼此的互動關係外,其他產業群大多是間接影響群內其他產業股價指數變動率。   4.在研究期間,執行波段操作策略的結果以類股市值比重持有並配合不同程度存入借出現金的投資策略比類股等比重持有策略或積極型投資策略(追漲殺跌)的結果均佳。另一方面,透過不同的績效衡量指標結果,研究期間內以電子類股表現最好,同時三種波段操作策略的績效指標值與選時能力指標值均隨著槓桿程度的擴大而變差。

投資流程之行為對股票型基金投資績效的影響 / The impacts of behavior of investment process on the investment performance of equity funds

蔡明輝, Tsay, Ming Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討投資流程之行為模式對股票型基金績效之影響,研究內容包括探討拜訪上市公司、下單積極度、下單集中度、及停損機制與基金投資績效之關係。 研究發現:(1)國內及外資券商公布評等報告前,皆有資訊事先洩漏之情況;法人說明會雖具有資訊內涵,但其資訊內涵於見報日即反應在股價上,投信公司透過拜訪上市櫃公司取得第一手資訊,才是提升基金績效之有效方法。(2)高下單積極度將對個股股價產生價格衝擊,並產生買進價格偏高及賣出價格偏低之劣勢,均不利於基金績效表現。(3)每年微幅差距之交易成本,經過複利計算,累積多年後之差異程度將非常驚人,投信公司應致力於提升下單集中度、節省交易成本,間接提升基金投資報酬率。(4)停損機制對基金績效有正面之影響,為減少經理人產生錯置效應,投信公司應確實執行停損機制,避免投資損失擴大。 依據研究結果,提出建議如下:(1)在資訊不對稱的環境下,投資人無法知悉基金經理人之投資操作,因此隱藏著基金經理人的道德危險,主管機關應善盡監督管理之責,以確保投資人權益。(2)投信公司及基金經理人應勤於拜訪上市櫃公司、謹慎訂定股票買賣價格區間、致力於節省投資交易成本、及落實損失檢討機制以提升投資績效。(3)投資人申購基金除了參考以往投資績效外,也應將基金投資交易成本高低列為參考之依據,避免基金投資交易成本過高侵蝕獲利。 / This study examines the behavior of equity funds in relation to the investment process, Include visits to companies, actively traded stock level, the concentration of stock trading, and stop-loss mechanism of the effect on fund performance. This study found that: domestic and foreign brokerages, before reporting their stock recommendations, usually leak information in advance. Although investor conferences have the information content, but its information content lies in the newspapers on the day of reaction in the stock price. Securities Investment Trust, to visit the company's way to obtain first-hand information to effectively improve the investment performance of equity funds; a high degree of active stock trading affects the stock price by resulting in a high purchase price and low selling price, which is not conducive to equity fund performance; As a result of the gap between the cost of each transaction and the effect of compound interest, there is a high degree of difference after many years. As such, securities investment trust companies should strive to enhance the concentration of trading to reduce transaction costs, thereby increasing the investment return of equity funds; and as stop-loss mechanisms have a positive effect on the performance of equity funds, securities investment trust companies should implement stop-loss mechanisms to avoid loss of the expansion. Based on the results of this study, the recommendations include: in the context of asymmetric information, investors have no knowledge of how the fund manager may conduct investment operations; therefore, regulatory authorities should take on the responsibility of protecting the interests of investors; securities investment trust companies and fund managers should be prudent when setting a stock trading price range to decrease investment transaction costs and minimize losses to improve investment performance; as high transaction costs erode profits, investors should also consider the level of transaction costs, which should be listed on a reference basis, in addition to past investment performance.

直接與間接投資商用不動產風險與績效衡量 / The evaluation of investment risk and performance of commercial real estate market

徐偉棋 Unknown Date (has links)
投資決策時,除了關注資產的報酬外,更不可忽略風險。而風險的衡量上,一般常用風險值來衡量投資所面臨的風險,這是由於風險值具有動態管理、量化風險等優點。而國內研究對於不動產風險值的文獻上多以住宅市場為主,對於商用不動產較無著墨,是故本研究欲從不同風險值模型探討投資商用不動產的風險值,並分為直接投資(北市商用不動產)與間接投資(REITs)商用不動產兩個不同次市場。實證結果發現直接投資商用不動產風險值高於間接投資商用不動產。其次,本研究試圖比較靜態與動態風險值模型在估計不動產風險值的行為表現,經回溯測試(Back Testing)檢驗後發現,發現兩個模型衡量不動產風險值時,表現差異性不大。最後,本研究並以夏普績效(Sharp Ratio)來衡量直接投資與間接投資商用不動產的投資績效,研究期間為2007年6月至2009年3月。實證結果發現,直接投資商用不動產在景氣衰退與股市劇跌時具有抗跌性;而間接投資商用不動產則與股市發生同時下跌的現象,此現象可能是我國REITs具有代理問題(Agency Problem)與系統風險(Systematic Risk)等問題所致。因此,本研究建議投資者投資REITs時,應同時考量REITs存在上述的風險與問題,以避免投資上的損失。 / When making investment strategies, aside from considering the return of investment, one cannot ignore the risk factors. In measuring risk, we usually use VaR (Value at Risk) to calculate the risks of investment because, among other reasons, VaR has dynamic and quantifiable advantages. Most of the studies regarding real estate investment risk in Taiwan focus on residential markets; thus, this paper investigates commercial real estate markets using different VaR models to determine the degree of risk, distinguishing further between direct investment markets and indirect investment markets like REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust). The result of this study reveals that direct real estate investment involves higher risks than indirect real estate investment. Furthermore, there was hardly any difference in investment risk when using either static or dynamic VaR models in the computations after using Back Testing. Finally, this study employs Sharp Ratio to calculate commercial real estate investment performance covering the period between June 2007 and March 2009. Direct real estate investment shows firmness during economic downturns or stock market crashes unlike indirect real estate investment like REITs which follows stock market trends. This phenomenon may be due to Agency Problem and Systematic Risk in Taiwan’s REITs market. Therefore this study suggests that when investing in REITs one has to take into account the risks and problems in order to avoid unnecessary investment losses.

台灣壽險業國外投資與績效之長期追蹤分析 / The longitudinal approach to analyzing the foreign investment and performance for the life insurance industry in Taiwan

黃全利 Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年起隨著台灣壽險業國外投資比率不斷提高,至2010年底國外投資比率已達34.47%,因此為了探討壽險業國外投資與績效並了解相關因素之影響,本研究檢視壽險公司之市占率和各險種保費收入比率與國外投資比率之間的關係,同時亦檢視美國政府十年期公債殖利率與投資報酬率之間是否具有正向關係。另一方面,探討已公開發行公司是否因需揭露財務報表而與未公開發行公司之間在國外投資比率和投資績效上有所差異。 本文以2004年至2008年台灣25家壽險公司的長期資料(longitudinal data),分析總合(pooled)、固定效果(fixed effects)和隨機效果(random effects)迴歸模型,並檢視模型之適合性檢定。另因反應變數之密度估計具長尾之特性,所以亦使用Koenker(2004)和Geraci and Bottai(2007)提出的長期資料分量迴歸(quantile regression for longitudinal data)分析作為探討。實證結果顯示,若壽險公司的市占率愈高,則其資產配置於國外的比重亦相對地提高,且壽險和年金險比率與國外投資比率之間呈現顯著地正相關;此外,公開發行公司的國外投資比率顯著高於未公開發行公司。在投資績效方面,美國政府十年期公債殖利率與投資報酬率之間為顯著的正相關。 長期資料分量迴歸分析實證結果顯示,當使用Koenker(2004)提出之方法時,則一般(ordinary)分量迴歸在50%、75%和90%條件分量下,隨著樣本期間年度的增加,壽險業的國外投資報酬率相對地上升;在10% 和25% 條件分量下,壽險公司市占率與國外投資報酬率之間是顯著的正相關。而使用Geraci and Bottai(2007)提出之隨機效果分量迴歸方法時,在50%條件分量下,國外投資比率與國外投資報酬率之間為顯著地正相關,再者匯率風險將降低台灣壽險業國外投資的意願,然而實行避險策略是有益於投資績效的提升。 / The foreign investment ratio for the life insurance industry in Taiwan has risen constantly since 2003 and reached 34.47% in 2010. In order to explore foreign investment and performance, and understand the impact of relevant factors in the life insurance industry, this study examines the relationship between the market shares of life insurance companies, types of premium income ratio and the foreign investment ratio. Simultaneously, this study also examines the relationship between the 10-year US Treasury Bond Yield Currency and investment return.On the other hand, we explore whether the difference between the publicly traded companies and non-publicly traded companies on the foreign investment ratio and the investment performance. In this dissertation, we analyze 25 Taiwanese life insurance companies between 2004 and 2008 using the pooled, fixed effects and random effects regression model. Due to the distribution of the response variable is characterized by the long tail, we explore the use of the quantile regression for longitudinal data by Koenker(2004)and Geraci and Bottai(2007). The empirical results show that the more market share of life insurance companies, the higher foreign investment ratio and there is significantly positive correlation between the life insurance, annuity ratio and the foreign investment ratio. In addition, the publicly traded company's foreign investment ratio is significantly higher than non-publicly traded company. In terms of investment performance, it’s significantly positive correlation between the U.S. 10-year Treasury Bond Yield Currency and return on investment. The empirical results about quantile regression for longitudinal data show that the return on foreign investment relatively enhance for the life insurance industry with the increase of the year during the sample period under the 50%,75% and 90% conditional qauntile when using the ordinary quantile regression proposed by Koenker(2004). There is significantly positive correlation between the market share and the return on foreign investment under the 10% and 25% conditional qauntile. When using the method proposed by Geraci and Bottai(2007), there is significantly positive correlation between the foreign investment ratio and the return on foreign investment under the 50% conditional qauntile. Furthermore, exchange rate risk will reduce the foreign investment willingness of the life insurance industry in Taiwan. However, the implementation of the hedging strategy is beneficial to enhance investment performance for the life insurance industry.

保險法關於資金運用限制對台灣保險業投資績效的影響 / The Impact of Taiwan's Insurance Law on Insurers' Investment Performance

吳佳哲, Jia-Je Wu Unknown Date (has links)
保險業資金運用的限制乃民國87年台灣保險界的熱門話題之一,不但有許多保險公司要求財政部放寬資金運用的限制,因為他們認為保險法中明文規定保險資金運用的範圍和比率,使保險資金運用相當僵化,且由於企業經營環境變化極大,因此法令的限制會影響保險公司的營運狀況;而財政部保險司成立的保險革新小組中,也對資金運用的限制有深入的探討,因為限制的範圍不但影響保險公司本身的投資情況,更因為保險公司有龐大的資金可運用,而可能牽動台灣的金融經濟情勢,因此值得深入的探討。 本研究的主要目的包括下列兩點: 1.研究保險公司資金運用績效在民國81年保險法大幅修訂,對資金運用加諸更明確的規定,與保險法修訂前的資金運用績效加以詳細比較,瞭解政府設定資金運用的限制對保險公司獲利率之影響,並針對投資風險進行實證分析,因為高風險伴隨著高報酬,故同時考慮風險與收益的影響程度。 2.初步分析本國保險公司7項經營上的比率例如流動比率是否因為保險法修訂之後而受到影響。 本篇論文的資料來源是來自台北市人壽保險同業公會所出版的『人壽保險業務統計年報』與保險事業發展中心所出版的『產物保險統計要覽』,並採用年報中的資產負債表、損益表與資金運用表加以實證分析。 研究時間以民國81年保險法修訂第146條之1到第146條之5為時間上的分界點,分析民國76年到民國80年資金運用的限制未修訂前的資金運用績效與民國81年到民國86年資金運用的限制修訂後的資金運用績效做比較,但因為依照法令規定發現保險公司有2年的調整期,因此研究時間分成3段(民國76-80年,民國81、82年,民國83-86年)。 本研究同時考慮投資收益率與投資風險,發現在兩迴歸模型中投資收益率與投資收益率變異數之係數均大於0,並且為顯著,代表兩者具有正相關的情形,符合高風險伴隨高報酬的理論;由Markowitz的『平均數-變異數投資組合模式』所求出的效率前緣發現加諸投資限制後,會使效率前緣向右下方移動,亦即同時使風險增加與投資報酬率減少;經由本研究的實證發現保險法的修訂對於保險公司投資績效與投資風險均造成顯著的影響,亦即保險法修訂後,使得保險公司的投資收益率減少,並增加保險公司的投資風險,因此本研究認為目前法令對於資金運用的限制的確有放寬的必要。 由於本研究發現投資上限對保險公司的投資績效會產生顯著的影響,並且會增加保險公司的風險,因此保險公司大聲疾呼再度修改保險法第146條之1到第146條之5與放寬投資限制的確有其必要性;另外本研究之實證可得知保險公司的經營性質會影響其投資收益率,並且因為產、壽險在資金結構與業務性質均有相當程度的差異,因此建議可將產、壽險的資金運用分別規範,由於我們發現限制會對保險公司的投資情形產生影響,加上壽險公司的投資收益率比較高,而投資風險比較低,因此本研究認為對於壽險公司的資金運用規範應該要比較寬鬆。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程與架構 4 第二章 保險業資金運用介紹與文獻回顧 5 第一節 保險法第146條所規定資金運用途徑之介紹 5 第二節 衡量法令限制對企業造成影響之文獻 18 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 資料來源 27 第二節 研究方法 29 第三節 兩段迴歸 36 第四章 實證分析 37 第一節 各種IRIS比率的實證結果 37 第二節 投資收益率的實證結果 42 第三節 投資收益率之變異數的實證結果 46 第五章 結論與建議 51 第一節 研究結論與建議 51 第二節 研究限制 54 參考文獻 55

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