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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大陸外國投資法國家安全審查制度之研究 / Legal study on national security review in foreign investment law

單開翊, Shan, Kai I Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化的時代,外國直接、間接投資及企業間之併購行為紛紛崛起,然而外資湧入的同時亦時常對本國產業造成衝擊,因此為防止外資行為對本國企業造成威脅,各國相繼建立起對外國投資行為之「國家安全審查程序」作為外資進入本國市場的門檻,中國亦於2015年1月19日公佈之《中華人民共和國外國投資法(草案徵求意見稿)》中,設置國家安全審查制度,顯見該制度對中國之重要。 在「國家安全」之界定上,於《外資法草案》中增設概括條款,以彌補過去單純採取列舉式立法,所存在之審查範圍過於限縮缺陷。其次,在「外國投資者」之定義上,外國自然人投資者之認定有別於多數國家採用多重標準予以認定,其係單純以國籍作為認定標準,另於外國實體之認定上,為適應現今新形態之商業模式,參考外國法納入實質認定標準,彌補過去之立法漏洞,最後在「審查機構」之組成和建置上,則係由國務院建立外國投資國家安全審查部際聯席會議,作為主要審查機構。 惟於《外資法草案》雖解決許多過去立法之缺陷,卻仍存審查機構間權責不明、審查標準過於模糊及司法救濟缺位等問題,故宜參考美國外國投資委員會之組成結構,並增設監督機構,避免審查機構之獨斷。此外,該制度中更應加強對於外國投資者權益之保護,於審查標準中,重要名詞之界定仍存在模糊不清之情形,有待立法者對之明確定義,另在投資者救濟管道之設置上,於現行草案中付之闕如,應加以補正以符合程序正義之要求,如此方能同時兼顧保護國家經濟安全及促進國內經濟發展之目的。 / With the coming of economic globalization, a wide array of foreign investments, such as direct and indirect investments as well as enterprises mergers and acquisition, increases. However, these also pose a menace to domestic industry and even national security. As a result, national security reviews of foreign investments which aim to prevent this serious situation grow more prevalent. Following this trend, Mainland China also releases a draft version of Foreign Investment Law and a related Explanatory Note on January 19, 2015 to include national security reviews in it. The definition and range of national security is crucial. In order to solve the problems from enumerating which kind of investment is related to national security, China adds a general clause in the draft. In regard to the definition of foreign investor, it is divided into two categories, natural person and foreign entity. The former is determined merely by his or her nationality and the latter is determined not only by its place of registration but also by the actual controllers behind that foreign entity in response to the increasingly new business models. Furthermore, the draft appoints the State Council to establish an inter-ministerial joint committee to be responsible for the foreign investment national security review. However, there are some drawbacks in this draft, such as the unclear distinction of responsibility and accountability between the authorities, the ambiguities in the standard of review and the difficulties of judicial remedy. As a result, emulating the merits in the regulations on national security reviews in the USA and including the protection of investors are beneficial to solve these problems.

IPO競價拍賣制度下投資人標單資訊內涵對於股票上市後報酬率及價格變動率之影響 / IPO Auction: The Effects of Investor Information Content to Aftermarket Return and Variability

吳文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣資本市場目前已實行競價拍賣制度有十餘年之久,相關研究資料累積已具相當之規模,因此許多學者進行競價拍賣制度對於承銷制度改變影響之研究,已具相當之成果,大多針對競價拍賣制度實施後是否可以對於改善上市掛牌後股票折價幅度過大以及蜜月期過長等不效率現象進行相關探討及研究。 因此,本研究針對投資人標單資訊內涵進行對報酬率及價格變動率影響之研究,於建立兩大模型研究結果分析後,我們可以清楚了解台灣競價拍賣市場中,個人投資者標單資訊內涵可以提供蜜月期報酬率及變動率的正向解釋能力與預測效果,也因此證明台灣股票市場報酬率及價格波動程度容易受一般散戶投資人情緒所影響;而法人投資者標單資訊內涵則可能由於與美國市場具有結構性差異,使得台灣市場的法人投資者標單資訊內涵無法提供模型的顯著解釋能力,肇因於台灣市場主要參與者為散戶投資人。另外一原因可能是台灣市場中的法人投資者標單資訊內涵已反映在IPO股票價格之中,因此無法對蜜月期及上市後報酬率和價格變動率有所影響。加入峰態係數進行研究後發現,投資者標單需求曲線型態對於報酬率以及價格變動率皆沒有顯著影響,顯示投資人出價集中的高狹峰型態不能解釋蜜月期及上市後的報酬率和價格變動率,可能是由於資訊早已暴露在市場中,價格也早已反映此項資訊,因此無法解釋之後的報酬率以及價格變動率型態。


李佳玲, Lee, Chia-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資本市場的多元發展,近年來台灣企業發行可轉換公司債之件數倍增,可轉換公司債之所以受到企業青睞,成為愈來愈受歡迎的籌資工具,必有它的獨特之處,而海外可轉換公司債也是公司擴張海外市場的一大助力。本論文的研究目的即在了解台灣上市上櫃公司以國內可轉換公司債(Convertible Bond;簡稱CB)或海外可轉換公司債(Euro Convertible Bond;簡稱ECB)進行融資對其財務績效之影響,並驗證台灣企業發行ECB是否支持Merton(1987)之投資者認可假說。 本論文以1999至2003年間,96家僅發行國內可轉換公司債、70家僅發行海外可轉換公司債、11家同時發行國內與海外可轉換公司債的公司為樣本,實證研究之主要結論如下: 1.公司發行CB或ECB後財務槓桿顯著上升,尤以CB為甚,顯示其財務 風險增加,降低公司財務彈性。若以市值衡量負債比率,則ECB發 行公司在發行前的負債比率較CB發行公司略高,但發行後二年顯著 下降較快。 2.僅發行CB或ECB之樣本公司發行後系統風險皆顯著上升,但同時發 行CB與ECB之樣本,在發行CB後系統風險顯著上升,發行ECB後系統 風險則無顯著變化。 3.在發行公司的績效表現方面,本論文以可轉換公司債發行後的α係 數變化情形為超額報酬之衡量指標,發現三組樣本結果皆顯示CB與 ECB發行後其股價績效表現不佳,前兩組樣本較為顯著。 4.以僅發行ECB組別的70家公司為樣本進行實證,結果顯示發行ECB確 實能增進公司之能見度;但在投資者認可假說方面,台灣市場ECB 的發行並不支持投資者認可假說。故雖然ECB的發行增加公司的能 見度,但財務彈性降低與系統風險增加可能使投資者對公司之未來 前景產生更高之不確定性。 / With diverse development and further integration among international capital markets, more and more companies in Taiwan tend to issue convertible bond for financing in the past few years. In addition, Euro Convertible Bond (ECB) also facilitates firms to expand overseas markets and becomes popular. This study not only focuses on risk and stock price performance changes around convertible bond offerings, but also compares the differences between CB and ECB on research topics. It takes issuing companies that listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange or OTC as objects of study. Moreover, the study tests firm visibility as well as Merton’s investor recognition hypothesis of ECB. Picking 177 samples from Taiwan companies during 1999 and 2003, and I divide them into three groups. 96 firms in the first group only issue CB, 70 firms in the second group only issue ECB, and 11 firms in the final group issue both CB and ECB. According to the empirical results, this study points out several conclusions as follows. First, financial leverage increases after issuing CB or ECB, especially CB firms show more significant increase, and it reduces financial flexibility. Second, systematic risk of companies which only issuing CB or ECB reveal significant increase. However, the 11 firms in the third group show systematic risk that measured with beta increases significantly following CB issuances, but doesn’t change evidently following ECB issuances. Third, I would like to view stock price performance of CB and ECB issuers. The finding shows that relative long-term excess return of three groups all decrease, and the former two groups appear significant drop. Finally, Merton’s investor recognition hypothesis isn’t supported by 70 ECB samples even though issuing ECB could promote firm visibility. This outcome is probably attributed to decrease of financial flexibility and increase of systematic risk.

非傳統金融機構的聯合貸款行為研究 / Loan Syndications by Non-Banks Financial Institutions

李宗霈, LI, Zong Pei Unknown Date (has links)
近來非傳統(Non-banks)金融機構(非銀行機構),不論在聯合貸款市場或是在一般貸款市場所參與的程度愈來愈多,所承作的借款金額也逐年增加。這樣的趨勢尤其以歐美市場更為明顯。而一般文獻對於非銀行機構在聯合貸款市場與傳統金融機構在貸款條件差異的相關研究較少,因此本文研究非銀行機構利用1995至2007年美國企業在聯合貸款市場的資料,透過結合「Thomson Reuters LPC’s Dealscan」以及「Compustat」資料庫,分析包括融資公司(Finance Company)、投資銀行(Investment Bank)、保險公司(Insurance Company)、機構投資者(Institutional Investors) 的聯貸條件,實證結果發現非銀行機構參與的聯貸案件,通常都會要求較高的借款利率,其中又以保險公司所要求的借款利率為最高,可見非銀行機構是屬於追求較高風險的中介機構,但是本文也發現非銀行機構卻也會承作貸款期間較長的契約。 本文同時探討2000年美國通過金融服務業現代化法案是否對於非銀行機構造成影響,實證結果發現母公司為金融控股公司的非銀行機構在通過金融服務業現代化法案後,會放款給較高風險的公司,說明了在允許跨業經營下,隸屬金控的非銀行機構子公司承做風險較高的貸款業務非銀行機構。 / Non-bank institutions have participated in the commercial lending market and syndication market in recent years, especially in the U.S market. However, the literature addressing this issue is sparse. This paper aims to analyze the effects of participation by Non-bank lenders in the syndicated loan markets.We examine the loan contracts which started from 1995 to 2007, and use 「Thomson Reuters LPC’s Dealscan」and 「Compustat」datasets to analyze the lending behavior of Non-banks. Empirical results show that when the Non-banks participate in the loan market, they tend to charge higher credit spreads. However, when Non-banks participate in the facility, they also provide longer-maturity loans. Furthermore, this research also examines the effect of Financial Services Modernization Act‘s influence on lending behavior. The results show that after the Act was put into force, non-banks that are associated with Financial Holding Company tend to be more risk-taking. We find that Financial Holding Company would transfer the more risky operation into non-bank subsidiaries after they are allowed to cross sell their products.

金融科技與投資產業 : 新商業模式 / Fintech and Investment : New Business Models

李齊良, Lee, Chi Liang Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 自2008年金融風暴後,長期的經濟動盪造成顧客喪失對於傳統投資產業之信心。在這樣的環境下,從自動化投資管理、社群交易平台到零售演算法交易的興起,提供低成本與先進的替代方案取代傳統的投資管理產業。這種方式獲得廣大消費者的信賴,並使得顧客擁有更多投資管理之控制權。 本研究欲探討賦權投資者於金融科技的浪潮下,競爭者加入後所面臨之挑戰進行情境分析,了解投資者如何以自動化管理及報告、社群交易平台和零售演算法交易改變投資管理業之發展,並使得傳統以顧問諮詢為主的投資管理興起全自動化或財務顧問協助之新商業模式;再者,透過個案分析,分別探討自動化管理及報告為代表之機器人理財公司以及零售演算法交易平台Quantopian,並建議投資產業應善用金融科技結合兩者,因此,未來顧問所扮演的角色將轉型為從旁協助財務規劃之服務,不僅能夠降低成本,亦可大幅提升理專的效率,為更廣大的客群提供高價值之金融服務。 / Abstract The 2008 financial crisis was the worst economic disaster since it has caused public losing confidence in traditional investement management industry. As a result, the three key innovation clusters are booming─automated management and advice, retail algorithmic trading and social trading platform─that offer lower-cost and advanced alternatives to replace the traditional investement management industry. Additionally, those innovation clusters gain more trust to the masses and allow customers to control in their own investment portfolio. This study analyzes three scenarios how the empowered investors face the challenges under the new waves of Fintech. In particular, we consider the investment management industry transfer the traditional model to the new business models of fully automation or advisor-assistant. In the case studies, we compare six typical robo-advisor firms and retail algorithmic trading platform like Quantopian. Furthermore, we suggest that the investment industry should make good use of Fintech that combines both advantage of automated management and retail algorithmic trading;therefore, it can not only reduce costs but also improve the efficiency of financial services.

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