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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

青少年挫折經驗與挫折容忍度之關係研究--建設性思考與社會支持的角色 / The relation between frustration experience and frustration tolerance of teenagers:the roles of costructive thinking and social support play

謝毓雯, Hsieh, Yu-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是想了解青少年的挫折經驗與挫折容忍度之間的關係,並探討建設性思考與社會支持在其間所扮演的角色. 以臺北市及臺灣省701位國中生生為對象,採問卷調查的方式了解受試在挫折經驗、建設性思考、社會支持及挫折容忍度變項上的狀況.研究結果發現,挫折經驗與挫折容忍度之間成顯著的負相關.而當受試有較建設性的思考方式或有較高的社會支持及對社會支持有較高的滿意度時,其挫折容忍度亦較佳.至於建設性思考是否在挫折經驗和挫折容忍度之間扮演調節變項的部份,本研究只發現學業挫折經驗與積極正向性的思考之間有顯著的交互作用,而人際挫折經驗則與自我侷限性思考有顯著的交互作用;但是在社會支持部份,本研究並無發現其與學業或人際挫折經驗之間有明顯的交互作用.各變項所顯現的性別上的差異則相當符合一般人對男女的刻板印象;受試中,以國三學生的壓力最大,可能亦是輔導最可著力的ㄧ群. 上述的研究結果除可提供作為未來探究有關挫折經驗與挫折容忍度關係時的參考之外,亦可對學校教育及親職教育提供下列幾點建議:1.變化教材或教學方式,以減少學生的挫折經驗;2.提供老師建設性思考的課程,使師生在教學互動中培養建設性的思考,得以提昇挫折容忍度;3.對男女生的挫折經驗所提供的輔導方向應有所不同;4.培養師長、家長都能成為孩子遇到挫折時的社會支持來源;5.針對不同年級的學生提供預防教育課程,改變其對挫折的容忍度. / This research mainly intends to understand the relations between frustration experience and frustration tolerance of teenagers, and discuss the roles the constructive thinking and social support play in these issues.Based on questionnaire survey of 701 senior high school students, four variables-frustration experience, frustration tolerance, social support andconstructive thinking are investigated. The research results show that an obvious negative relation exists between frustration experience and frustration tolerance. Those who have more constructive thinking or receive more social support and accepted by the society have better performance on frustration tolerance. As to the question whether the constructive thinking play the role of a moderator variable between frustration experience and frustration tolerance, this research only found that obvious interactions exist between study frustration experience and positive thinking, as well as between human relation frustration experience and self-restrained thinking. However, the research did not find any obvious interaction between study/human relation frustration experience and social support. The different performance on different variables owing to sex difference complies with the stereotype. The research results also show that the graduating senior high school students suffer the highest pressure and could be the group that the assistance could really do something for.The research results mentioned above could provide useful information for further investigation on the relations of frustration experience and frustration tolerance. They also provide some advice for normal education andparents education: 1. Changing the teaching material or teaching methods in order to reduce the student's frustration experience. 2. Providing training courses with constructive thinking for teachers.It will build up constructive thinking as well as strengthen frustration tolerance both for teachers and students by way of teaching and studying - mutual responses. 3. The assistance provided for male or female students in order to conquer their frustration experience should be different. 4. Cultivating both parents and teachers the ability and willing of providing supports. Whenever teenagers face frustration, parents and teachers can become the source of social support.5. For students of different grades providing suitable preventive education courses in order to enhance their frustration tolerance.


林淑美, LIN, SHU-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
Glasser(1969)在其「無失敗的學校」一書中指出:學校的主要問題即 在失敗問題。在我國升學主義瀰漫的國中教育情境中,各種不同的考試是造成學生失 敗或挫折感的一大來源。許多人認為失敗會導致種種不良的後果,如自信心喪失、自 尊心受損、挫折感等,而影響往後的學習與行為表現。然而,有些研究曾分別以成就 動機、學習無助、及歸因等理論為架構,探討失敗對行為表現的影響,卻發現失敗具 有增進行為表現的作用。因此,吾人有必要進一步探析:在何種情況下,失敗具有正 面的作用?在何種情況下,會產生負面的作用? 克利芙(Clifford, 1984)不但提醒吾人不可忽視失敗的正面作用, 更以「目標」的概念來定義失敗,而提出如下假設: (1)目標難度與失敗後的建設性反應呈曲線關係; (2)個體在自定目標的工作上失敗,比在指定目標的工作上失敗,產生較積極的反 應。 本研究之目的,即在考驗克利芙的假設,以瞭解不同的目標設定與國中生學業失敗反 應的關係。此外,由於個體間生活經驗、人格特質不同,對於失敗的反應亦有差異, 因此,本研宄亦探討個別差異與失敗反應的關係。 本趼究抽枝台北市十二所國中二年級學生920名為施測對象。依九種操作情境(3 種目標難度×3種目標來源),將問卷發給受試,採團體施測方式。自變項為目標難 度、目標來源、失敗容忍力、和歸因型態,依變項為失敗反應。以多元迴歸為主要統 計分析法。 研究結果發現個別差異變項比目標難度、目標來源,更能預測個體之失敗反應。克利 芙的假設並未獲支持。

三角晶格易辛反鐵磁之量子相變 / Quantum phase transition in the triangular lattice Ising antiferromagnet

張鎮宇, Chang, Chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
量子擾動及挫折性兩者均可破壞絕對零溫的磁序,為近代凝態物 理關注的有趣現象。在外加橫場下的三角晶格易辛反鐵磁兼具量子臨 界現象(quantum criticality)及幾何挫折性,可謂量子磁性物質之一典 範理論模型。本論文利用平衡態及非平衡態量子蒙地卡羅(quantum Monte Carlo)方法探測三角晶格易辛反鐵磁之量子相變,其界定零溫 時無磁性的順磁態及具 Z6 對稱破缺的有序態(所謂時鐘態)。這裡的 量子蒙地卡羅方法為運用算符的零溫投射(zero-temperature projector) 及隨機序列展開(stochastic series expansion)演算法。在非平衡模擬 中,我們分別沿降溫過程及量子絕熱過程逼近量子相變點,藉此我們 得到動力學指數,及其它相關臨界指數。 / The destruction of magnetic long-range order at absolute zero temperature arising from quantum fluctuations and frustration is an interesting theme in modern condensed-matter physics. The triangular lattice Ising antiferromag- net in a transverse field provides a playground for the study of the combined effects of quantum criticality and geometrical frustration. In this thesis we use quantum Monte Carlo methods both in equilibrium and non-equilibrium setups to study the properties of the quantum critical point in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet, which separates a disordered paramagnetic state and an ordered clock state exhibiting Z6 symmetry breaking; The methods are based on a zero-temperature projector algorithm and the stochastic series ex- pansion algorithm. For the non-equilibrium setups, we obtain the dynamical exponent and other critical exponents at the quantum critical point approached by slowly decreasing temperature and through quantum annealing.

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