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有關有界雙容忍序的探討 / A Study on Bounded Bitolerance Orders伍芷嫻 Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文中,我們探討了最近在有界雙容忍序中的一些成果。同時, 我們提供一些標準的簡短證明,包含有界雙容忍序的等價種類, 單位有界雙容忍序與適當有界雙容忍序的關係。
我們的目標是希望能在有界雙容忍序的現今地位上,去提供新的洞悉,並給未來學習者一個方向。 / In the paper、we study recent work on some classes of bounded bitolerance orders. Also,
we provide the short proofs of some of classical results on bounded bitolerance orders,
including the equivalent classes of bounded bitolerance orders、the relation of unit and
proper bitolerance orders. Our goal is to provide the fresh insights into the current status
of research in the area while suggesting directions for the future.
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貪腐零容忍的認知分析 / Perception analysis of zero tolerance on corruption陳思涵, Chen, Sz Han Unknown Date (has links)
近年來法務部提出「貪腐零容忍」(zero tolerance on corruption)的概念,期望可以型塑不容忍貪腐的社會文化,鼓勵全民踴躍參與廉政事務和勇於檢舉貪瀆,以建構廉能政府。紐西蘭在2016年全球清廉印象指數的評比中排名第一,其法務部長在接受媒體訪問時表示,可以榮獲第一的關鍵是:「推動貪腐零容忍政策。」可見在實務界,貪腐零容忍是一個跨越國界廣受使用的概念。然而,何謂貪腐零容忍?針對這個重要概念,過去雖有少數文獻提及,卻未直接說明何謂貪腐零容忍,也較少有文獻去討論民眾對於貪腐容忍的認知,若能了解民眾對於貪腐容忍的認知,便能制定相對應的政策,提高我國的競爭力。
本研究發現,不同的人口變項對於貪腐容忍程度有差異,貪腐零容忍者與貪能容忍者對於具體貪腐情境的判斷也有不同,貪腐零容忍者較貪腐能容忍者更願意舉發貪腐。大部分民眾對於貪腐情境的判斷受到個人經驗、風俗文化及法律規範影響,大多數的民眾表示願意舉發貪腐事件但卻擔心受到報復。本研究建議可以跳脫台北市的疆界,並檢視目前不合宜的立法。 / In recent years, the Ministry of Justice has been promoting “Zero Tolerance on Corruption”, in order to create a corruption-free society, and encourage all citizens to partake in anti-corruption affairs and report corruption. In 2016, New Zealand has reclaimed top spot in global anti-corruption rankings, as a result of its zero-tolerance on bribery and corruption. Therefore, zero tolerance on corruption is a widely used notion in many countries, but it has not been fully discussed in previous academic literature.
Accordingly, this study aims to explore people’s tolerance on corruption, and how they evaluate some specific situations of corruption when they self-reported that they have zero tolerance on corruption. Moreover, this study examines whether tolerance on corruption will affect people’s willingness to report corruption. This study adopted two research methods, secondary data analysis and in-depth interview. The secondary data from Yu and Juang (2016) were collected through telephone survey on 1,069 subjects, based on the stratified random sampling of adult population in Taipei City. In-depth interviews were conducted on 27 people, including government officials and general public who live in Taipei.
This study finds that the demographic variables will affect tolerance on corruption. In most cases, people who self-reported they have zero tolerance on corruption have a significantly different evaluation of specific situations of corruption as compared to people who self-reported they are somewhat tolerant to corruption. People that have high willingness to report the corruption have zero tolerance on corruption. Most people are willing to report the corruption, but they worry about being retaliated.
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影音光碟盜版風險之研究-估計盜版國家容忍率周沂萍, Chou ,Yi Pin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 一國經濟、教育、科技水準愈高,影音光碟盜版率可能會愈低。
2. 音樂光碟盜版價格愈低,音樂盜版率愈高;音樂光碟正版價格的高低,對音樂盜版率無明顯影響。
3. 被列入特別301名單後的國家,部份國家影音盜版情形仍然嚴重,並無改善。
4. 東歐國家平均五年音樂光碟盜版風險容忍率:49.07 %;美洲國家:46.17 %;亞洲國家:43.78 %;西歐國家:11.22 %。亞洲國家平均五年電影光碟盜版風險容忍率:62.34 %;美洲國家:62.66 %。
5. 超過分類國家影音盜版風險容忍率的國家。其中音樂盜版最為嚴重的前十大國家為:巴基斯坦、巴拉圭、中國、秘魯、希臘、印尼、立陶宛、厄瓜多爾、烏克蘭、馬來西亞。電影部份,超過所屬分類國家容忍率20%以上有:玻利維亞、哥倫比亞、菲律賓、泰國、中國。影音盜版風險應積極管理之。
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標註系統輔助不同模糊容忍度國小學童英語閱讀之研究 / A study on different tolerance of ambiguity of elementary school students in English reading with annotation system林秀芩, Lin, Hsiu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
基於上述研究結果,本研究亦針對實務教學者與後續研究提出相關建議。 / This research focused on studying 34 elementary grade 5 students at Magong City, Penghu County and proceed five weeks of classes on students’ with different tolerance of ambiguity in English reading study through the assistance of annotation system. The purpose is to learn the differences on the students studying performance through the assistance of annotation system on students with different tolerance of ambiguity and the changes of reading result and annotating behavior after using the annotation system.
This research collected a lot of quantitative and qualitative data, in terms of quantitative data, there are second language tolerance of ambiguity scale chart, the general English proficiency tests’ articles and tests for children and teenagers, and the statistical analysis gathered using the Glias reading annotation system tool developed by NCCU Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies’ “digital library and digital learning laboratory.”; in terms of qualitative data are data and statistics gathered through class discussion and semi-structured interviews. A summary of the key findings are:
1. Annotation system effectively increases the English reading scores for students especially with low tolerance of ambiguity.
2. Through open annotation labeling, different students with different tolerance of ambiguity effectively reduced some types and the total numbers of annotation labeling, especially for students with medium and low tolerance of ambiguity.
3. Through open annotation labeling, the number of labeling in students personal opinion have increased.
4. Students with different level of tolerance of ambiguity have different performance in terms of the number of open annotation labeling system and the number of system that were voted, but after using open annotation system for two times, there were little differences.
5. Students with different level of tolerance of ambiguity like to establish and also think the most useful annotation labeling is the explanation types, but their reason for liking the system varies.
6. The favrorite browsing type of annotation labeling for students with different level of tolerance of ambiguity varies.
7. After two open annotation labeling, the score doesn’t increase when there are more annotation labeling.
8. The better annotation labeling for the main point is related to the higher score on the English reading test.
9. In different groups of students of different level of tolerance of ambiguity, the students that improve the most are students who know how to use the annotation system to its advantage.
10. Most students agreed that open annotation system is effective in assisting reading English articles.
In conclusion, this research will also propose related suggestions to practice educators and the follow-up studies.
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目標設定、失敗容忍力、歸因型態與失敗反應的關係林淑美, LIN, SHU-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
克利芙(Clifford, 1984)不但提醒吾人不可忽視失敗的正面作用,
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接觸大眾媒介行為與政治社會化關聯性之研究--以政大學生政治容忍度為例田秀萍, TIAN, XIU-PING Unknown Date (has links)
第三章分三節,以T 檢定及變異數分析之統計方法,探討大學生個人及社會屬性與權
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最大,二分,外平面圖之容忍表示法 / The Tolerance Representations of Maximal Bipartite Outerplanar Graphs賴昱儒 Unknown Date (has links)
其容忍表示法,並找到它的所有禁止子圖H1、H2、H3、H4。 / In this thesis, we prove a 2-connected graph G which is maximal outerplanar and bipartite is a tolerance graph if and only if there is no induced subgraphs H1; H2; H3 and H4 of G.
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台灣民眾政治容忍之研究鄧忠俊 Unknown Date (has links)
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最大外平面圖的有界容忍表示法 / Bounded Tolerance Representation for Maximal Outerplanar Graphs郭瓊雲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對2-連通的最大外平面圖,討論其有界容忍表示法,且找到禁止子圖S3。我們更進一步證明:如果一個2-連通的最大外平面圖恰有兩個點的度為2時,則此圖為區間圖。 / We prove that a 2-connected maximal outerplanar graph G is a bounded tolerance graph if and only if there is no induced subgraph S3 of G and G has no
induced subgraph S3 if and only if G is an interval graph.
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青少年挫折經驗與挫折容忍度之關係研究--建設性思考與社會支持的角色 / The relation between frustration experience and frustration tolerance of teenagers:the roles of costructive thinking and social support play謝毓雯, Hsieh, Yu-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
上述的研究結果除可提供作為未來探究有關挫折經驗與挫折容忍度關係時的參考之外,亦可對學校教育及親職教育提供下列幾點建議:1.變化教材或教學方式,以減少學生的挫折經驗;2.提供老師建設性思考的課程,使師生在教學互動中培養建設性的思考,得以提昇挫折容忍度;3.對男女生的挫折經驗所提供的輔導方向應有所不同;4.培養師長、家長都能成為孩子遇到挫折時的社會支持來源;5.針對不同年級的學生提供預防教育課程,改變其對挫折的容忍度. / This research mainly intends to understand the relations between frustration experience and frustration tolerance of teenagers, and discuss the roles the constructive thinking and social support play in these issues.Based on questionnaire survey of 701 senior high school students, four variables-frustration experience, frustration tolerance, social support andconstructive thinking are investigated. The research results show that an obvious negative relation exists between frustration experience and frustration tolerance. Those who have more constructive thinking or receive more social support and accepted by the society have better performance on frustration tolerance. As to the question whether the constructive thinking play the role of a moderator variable between frustration experience and frustration tolerance, this research only found that obvious interactions exist between study frustration experience and positive thinking, as well as between human relation frustration experience and self-restrained thinking.
However, the research did not find any obvious interaction between study/human relation frustration experience and social support. The different performance on different variables owing to sex difference complies with the stereotype. The research results also show that the graduating senior high school students suffer the highest pressure and could be the group that the assistance could really do something for.The research results mentioned above could provide useful information for further investigation on the relations of frustration experience and frustration tolerance. They also provide some advice for normal education andparents education: 1. Changing the teaching material or teaching methods in order to reduce the student's frustration experience. 2. Providing training courses with constructive thinking for teachers.It will build up constructive thinking as well as strengthen frustration tolerance both for teachers and students by way of teaching and studying - mutual responses. 3. The assistance provided for male or female students in order to conquer their frustration experience should be different. 4. Cultivating both parents and teachers the ability and willing of providing supports. Whenever teenagers face frustration, parents and teachers can become the source of social support.5. For students of different grades providing suitable preventive education courses in order to enhance their frustration tolerance.
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