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貪腐零容忍的認知分析 / Perception analysis of zero tolerance on corruption陳思涵, Chen, Sz Han Unknown Date (has links)
近年來法務部提出「貪腐零容忍」(zero tolerance on corruption)的概念,期望可以型塑不容忍貪腐的社會文化,鼓勵全民踴躍參與廉政事務和勇於檢舉貪瀆,以建構廉能政府。紐西蘭在2016年全球清廉印象指數的評比中排名第一,其法務部長在接受媒體訪問時表示,可以榮獲第一的關鍵是:「推動貪腐零容忍政策。」可見在實務界,貪腐零容忍是一個跨越國界廣受使用的概念。然而,何謂貪腐零容忍?針對這個重要概念,過去雖有少數文獻提及,卻未直接說明何謂貪腐零容忍,也較少有文獻去討論民眾對於貪腐容忍的認知,若能了解民眾對於貪腐容忍的認知,便能制定相對應的政策,提高我國的競爭力。
本研究發現,不同的人口變項對於貪腐容忍程度有差異,貪腐零容忍者與貪能容忍者對於具體貪腐情境的判斷也有不同,貪腐零容忍者較貪腐能容忍者更願意舉發貪腐。大部分民眾對於貪腐情境的判斷受到個人經驗、風俗文化及法律規範影響,大多數的民眾表示願意舉發貪腐事件但卻擔心受到報復。本研究建議可以跳脫台北市的疆界,並檢視目前不合宜的立法。 / In recent years, the Ministry of Justice has been promoting “Zero Tolerance on Corruption”, in order to create a corruption-free society, and encourage all citizens to partake in anti-corruption affairs and report corruption. In 2016, New Zealand has reclaimed top spot in global anti-corruption rankings, as a result of its zero-tolerance on bribery and corruption. Therefore, zero tolerance on corruption is a widely used notion in many countries, but it has not been fully discussed in previous academic literature.
Accordingly, this study aims to explore people’s tolerance on corruption, and how they evaluate some specific situations of corruption when they self-reported that they have zero tolerance on corruption. Moreover, this study examines whether tolerance on corruption will affect people’s willingness to report corruption. This study adopted two research methods, secondary data analysis and in-depth interview. The secondary data from Yu and Juang (2016) were collected through telephone survey on 1,069 subjects, based on the stratified random sampling of adult population in Taipei City. In-depth interviews were conducted on 27 people, including government officials and general public who live in Taipei.
This study finds that the demographic variables will affect tolerance on corruption. In most cases, people who self-reported they have zero tolerance on corruption have a significantly different evaluation of specific situations of corruption as compared to people who self-reported they are somewhat tolerant to corruption. People that have high willingness to report the corruption have zero tolerance on corruption. Most people are willing to report the corruption, but they worry about being retaliated.
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習近平幹部反腐的規律與影響 / The Patterns and Impacts of Xi Jinping’s Anti-corruption Campaign陳怡年, Chen, Yi-Nien Unknown Date (has links)
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貪瀆與經濟成長之分析王佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本文以國際透明組織所調查的幾個國家資料,進行Panel及橫斷面實證分析得知:在低所得國家中,屬於高貪瀆程度者,其個人所得較中貪瀆程度者多0.31美元。然而,在中低所得國家中,被歸類在高貪瀆程度者,其個人所得會較中貪瀆程度者低。在中高所得國家 (台灣被歸類在此類中),低貪瀆程度者,其個人所得較中貪瀆程度者少0.24美元。在高所得國家中,屬於低貪瀆程度者,其個人所得較中貪瀆程度者多0.06美元。
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俄羅斯與喬治亞貪腐之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Corruption in Russia and Georgia藍逸丞 Unknown Date (has links)
總此,有鑑於對前述的後共貪腐情形為審慎評估之必要性,本研究應用了文獻分析、個案分析及法律分析方法進行諸多探討;又本研究作為和政府廉政與否具關聯性之議題,不僅政府與社會關係乃係觀察重點,公部門貪腐現象、警察制度發展、抑或是政府肅貪辭令及現實,亦為本研究就後共俄羅斯與喬治亞於斯範疇所欲分析之課題。 / The principle of rule of law acts as a crucial constitutional element in contemporary governance, it requires the government to exercise its power in accordance with well-established and clearly written rules, regulations, and legal principles, hence if a state's public sector has been affected by entrenched corruption, it not only means equally to the illegal status of administration, the breach of rule of law, but also correlates with the quality of a state's institutional development.
In view of those aforementioned detrimental conditions, since lots of research effort had already verified the disastrous economic and social consequences of corruption, this study’s research motive was inspired by corruption perceptions index released by transparency international; in other words, why some post-communist states had been bothered with various corruptions after dissolution of the Soviet Union, and how do their public sectors evolve after Millennium.
In order to make proper assessment on those illegal phenomena above, this study was constructed by document Analysis, case study analysis and legal analysis. As a study relates with government’s integrity issues, this case study surveys on the relationship between government and society. And by means of exploring corruption phenomena in public sector, the development of police institutions, as well as anti-corruption rhetoric and its realities in Russia and Georgia during the post-communist period.
Keywords: Corruption; Anti-corruption; Integrity; Post-communist transition; police institution
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國家、市場與人才之重構-以澳門旅遊博彩業的發展轉型為例 / The restructuring of state, market, and human resource-A Case Study of the development and transformation of Macau's gambling and tourism industry龍俊業 Unknown Date (has links)
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貪腐程度對中國地方政府財政透明度的影響─以追蹤平滑轉換迴歸模型分析 / The Influence of Corruption on the Fiscal Transparency in China─An Application of Panel Smooth Transition Regression Model王鈺琪, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文的研究目的主要探討中國貪腐程度對地方政府財政透明度的影響:第一,瞭解當今社會對於財政透明度的提倡與國際規範;第二,考量貪汙與財政透明度之間可能存在非線性關係,建構一個追蹤平滑轉換迴歸模型(Panel Smooth Transition Regression Model,PSTR),瞭解中國大陸財政資訊的公開情形是否因各地區貪腐程度的不同而有所差異;最後,對於中國大陸嚴重的貪腐與財政透明度的關聯做深入探討,以期能為中國大陸財政不透明與不重視情況提出政策建議。
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中國大陸國家預防腐敗局之研究 / The research of national bureau of corruption prevention of China王力 Unknown Date (has links)
七、就國家預防腐敗局之未來發展模式,國家預防腐敗局需要建立獨立監察權,且其成員任命方式必須擺脫派系協商的影子,但在中共目前政治角力過程下,國家預防腐敗局之未來發展將視內部政治利益與輿論壓力的角力結果而定。 / The extent of corruption is an important index to review the administrative efficiency of the governments among advanced countries. The corruption issue affects the image of a country, the foreign direct investment and the rating of financial market. The role of National Bureau of Corruption Prevention of China (thereafter as “NBCP”) stresses the problems of corruption in internal systems of China and political restructuring. Therefore, this study adopts the literature analysis method to explore and analyze the corruption problems in China, the development of corruption prevention scheme, the performance and deficiencies of NBCP, and the future prospects and challenges of NBCP.
After the analysis and discussions in this study, the conclusions are as follows.
First, the problems of corruption in China could be interpreted by the rent-seeking theory. After China’s reform, the local government officials could take advantage of the permission of economically-designated zone or taxation, etc. to collude with private enterprises based on interests, and form the corruption groups.
Second, according to the past literatures, the patterns of corruption in China could be categorized as the exchange of privilege for privilege and the exchange of privilege for money, and the transition of both corruption groups and regimes is closely bound up. From the perspective of rent-seeking theory, the exchange of privilege for privilege is the pattern of corruption before China’s reform, with the exchange of privilege for money standing for the ones after China’s reform.
Third, from the perspective of operation of political system in China, the transition of regimes could be interpreted as the process of collapse and rebuilding in the dynamics of cooperative games. The reasons of collapse could result from the disequilibrium in the allocation of internal interests and then conflicts from the disequilibrium. Therefore, by the reshuffle of political interests during the transition of regimes, the new corruption groups and new scheme for the allocation of economic interests appear.
Fourth, China used to deal with corruption through regime consultation. For instance, the corruption case of Chen, Lian-yu in the administration of Jiang, Ze-ming ,which was shifted from original tone of “Chen, Lian-yu suspected in corruption” to “Chen, Lian-yu’s violating disciplines”, shows that the strategy for corruption in China could be categorized by the features of regime consultation. Hence, the setup of NBCP implies the compromises among different political groups.
Fifth, in terms of organizational structure, NBCP is under the Ministry of Supervision, without independent supervision, and only works as the research and staff unit of independent supervision, which differs from the independence of the anti-corruption institute of Hong Kong and Singapore.
Sixth, under the present dual-track system of China, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the CPC and Ministry of Supervision play the main roles in the system of anti-corruption. In the short term, as to the internal role, NBCP is regarded as the execution unit of Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. As to the external role, NBCP is responsible for receiving the opinions from international organizations and integrating the technology of international anti-corruption.
Seventh, the future model of NBCP should build up the independent supervision and appoint the members without the influence of the political groups. However, in the struggle of different political groups in Chinese Communist party, the future development of NBCP will depend on the outcome of the struggle between internal political interests and public stress.
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民主化下台灣的社會運動外部策略研究 / The Study of External Strategy of Social Movement in Taiwan's Democratization范碩銘, Fan,Shuo ming Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究的第二章與第四章內容分別描述了這兩個特殊的社會運動興起背景以及台灣民主化的進程;而在本研究的第三章與第五章內容則分別討論這兩個社會運動採取的外部策略與策略互動。研究發現,「反核四抗爭運動」是以一種「以國家為槓桿」的外部策略;而「紅衫軍反貪腐倒扁運動」則採取一種「以大眾媒體為槓桿」的外部策略,這兩個案例在台灣民主化的不同階段之下分別成功形塑了「指向國家核心的社會運動」,共同見證了台灣民主化發展的獨特經驗,因此具有相當程度之指標性意義。 / The original research conscious of this study is” Why state machine sometimes can’t terminate social movement successfully?” In order to face this research conscious, the research adopt” strategic-relational approach”, and assume “If social movement could use suitable strategy in particular structure, the social movement could be exist and develop”. For the reason, this study wants to treat a special type of social movement, and we called social movements with “point at state core”. this study further select two social movements with “point at state core” in Taiwan’s Democratization:”Anti-fourth nuclear power plant movement” and ”Anti-corruption depose-Chen Campaign”. In Chapter 2 and chapter 4, we describe the background of social movement and democratic development in Taiwan; In Chapter 3 and chapter 5, we discuss external strategy and the interaction of the two social movement cases.
This research discoveries that Anti-fourth nuclear power plant movement uses the external strategy of “as state as leverage”. On the other side, Anti-corruption depose-Chen Campaign uses the external strategy of “as mass media as leverage”. Finally, this study believes that the two social movements with “point at state core” play an important role in Taiwan’s Democratization.
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