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Transformace českého zbrojního průmyslu po roce 1989 / Transformation of the Czech armaments industry after 1989ČENĚK, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation concentrates on transformation of the Czech armaments industry after 1989. As the topic is elaborated in wide context, the first chapters describe the history of Czechoslovak armaments production from the end of the World War I up to 1989. Then there is a main part, content of which is outlined in the title of this work. Among other things there are complete lists of firms participating in armaments production in 1989 and in 2007, comparison of them, and dividing into the suggested branch structure. Appropriateness and criteria of the origin of both the lists are mentioned in the methodology of the work. The specific development of the armaments industry in the second half of the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century is not forgotten as well. The last part of this work describes the most important Czech armaments firms of present and their characteristics across the production spectrum.
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Strategy Development of Feng-Shan Industrial Parks ResearchJang, Jr-kuang 07 September 2009 (has links)
Taiwan¡¦s economy has progressed along with the industrial development. Various scales of industrial development districts had begun their way since the 60¡¦s and Feng Shang Industrial District (FSID) was among the examples at that time. However, following the time and location changes, earlier developed infrastructure of FSID had deteriorated and has been unable to maintain its functions. Similar to the needs confronting with the industrial economy, FSID is also required to change in the structure and upgrade their technology in order to maintain its function and fulfill the pressing requirement of environmental protection and sustainment.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the current problems confronting with FSID and its development in the future in order to come up with the possibility of upgraded industry and transformation. Through the analysis of an in-depth focused group interview, it was found that FSID can progress in two directions. One direction is to release the current organization and re-develop its planning of land. The other direction is to upgrade FSID¡¦s technology into an industry with higher profit. Regardless of which directions FSID would take, they should fulfill the requirement in low pollution and be environmental concerned.
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Dental Laboratory Crisis: How is Chinese competition affecting the Swedish dental industry?Kneissl, Lukas, Modre, Christian January 2017 (has links)
Background: With the appearance of the fourth industrial revolution a lot of industries had to change and adapt to computer integrated manufacturing, the ‘Internet of things’, cloud computing, machine to machine communication, additive manufacturing and ‘big data’. Overall, this industrial transformation is driven by digitalization. The Swedish dental laboratory industry is of special interest for our research due to the lack of adaption to the new technological changes, decreasing market share in Sweden and the threats from cheap Chinese production. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand the current situation the Swedish small and medium sized dental laboratories are facing because of the threats from the Chinese competition. Therefore, we analyze the Swedish dental laboratory industry and map the situation. Moreover, we show what the laboratories are currently doing to defend their market position in a highly competitive environment. Method: The data was gathered from semi structured and open interviews of dental technicians, dentists and industry experts. This empirical data was analyzed in an abductive thematic approach. Additionally, this theory driven approach combines the research question and the propositions with the empirical findings to create a precise research report. Conclusion: Up to recently, China was a big threat for the domestic dental laboratories but this threat is decreasing nowadays. Due to the demand of high quality products with precise services, dentists require a close collaboration with the dental laboratories. In order to survive as an SME in the Swedish dental industry, collaborating in networks among local competitors can help to lift investments for new equipment in the transforming environment. With state of the art technology and shared competences Swedish dental laboratories can sustain their competitive advantage in global competition.
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論在地文化對文創產業發展的助力與影響 -以西方主流國家與亞洲、拉美國家為例 / The Local Culture Influence on the Development of Culture and Creative Industries- Respective Experience from Major Western and Asia/ Latin America Countries舒夢蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
在分析文創產業發展卓著的歐美國家相關文獻後發現,創意產業之所以成功,乃是利用長久積累的在地文化底蘊作為根基,加以創意應用至不同產業,本文遂以田野調查法與訪談法,針對西方主流國家,如義大利、荷蘭、奧地利以及亞洲日本與拉丁美洲的祕魯,參考相關文獻之後,進行實地訪查與調查分析,探討在地文化對一個國家的文創產業發展有何助力與影響。研究最終可得以下結論:這些國家運用其豐富特色的在地文化,且人民對自身文化的強烈認同感,將在地文化落實於日常生活之中,以在地文化作為核心,結合創意與科技,輔以商業模式的思維,形成一種文化產業或是創意產業的成功模式,國家再以鼓勵文創產業相關政策的助攻,進而造就出強有力的國際競爭力。 / The cultural and creative industries have become a significant part of the mainstream economy in the 21st century under the tide of globalization. According to UN data, the average annual growth rate of cultural and creative industries was 8.8% worldwide in the past decades, and as high as 12% in developing countries. Countries in Europe and the Asia Pacific region consider the cultural and creative industries to be a source for new funding as well as a great opportunity for revival. These industries have become a main engine pushing the global economic development forward in the next twenty years.
Since 2002, Taiwan has recognized the cultural and creative industries to be one of the key industries to develop at national level. However, their growth rate over the past decade has always been lagging behind the average growth rate when compared to other countries. Identifying the direction of their development in Taiwan will be crucial for economic development as well as business upgrade and transformation.
Analysis of relevant documentations concerning the development of the cultural and creative industries in Europe and the US shows that those countries have achieved significant success in these industries due to their solid foundation in local cultures and creativity.
This paper therefore aims to discuss the influences and the impact which local cultures have on the cultural and creative industries in a given country, taking the examples of Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Japan and Peru. The surveys were conducted through field research and interviews. In addition, relevant documentation was analyzed.
From the research concluded by this paper, the author found the reasons why these countries are successful in the cultural and creative industries can be summarized as follows:
These countries have been utilizing their profound local cultures with their specific features, and their people’s strong cultural identity, to implement the local cultures into daily life. With their local cultures at the core, the cultural and creative industries have established a successful business model in which creativity and technology are combined together. Meanwhile, favorable policies from governments have added strong competitive advantages to their respective industries in the global market.
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Industry 4.0 as a Tool for Improvement in a Global FoodSupply-Chain : A Study on how Industry 4.0 can be Implemented in a Global Bakery GroupLindahl, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is at the moment one of the most talked-about topics amongst industry companies. Management teams of discuss the area as something they want to implement, but since it is an ongoing industrial revolution it cannot be implemented straight away. This study is looking into the subject of Industry 4.0 and the identification of nine different technology drivers that a manufacturing company can use as tools in a production environment. However, what is less known is how the tools can be applied to a global company and its different cultures. Because even though Industry 4.0 is about decentralization and giving responsibility to every co-worker, they need to work with a common framework, thus standardization. A company that has started to look into Industry 4.0 is Lantmännen Unibake, who is a global bakery group. Therefore, they serve as the case company in this exploratory study where the goal is to conduct a pre-study that gives them, and the food industry, information and guidelines on how Industry 4.0 applies to their industry. Hence, what improvements it can lead to, what tools that will be suitable, and what the prerequisites for a successful Industry 4.0- transformation will be. The method to answer the research question starts with conducting a comprehensive literature study, followed by several interviews around Europe, and ending in an analysis of the current state with help from the literature framework. The analysis has ended in a conclusion that there is no single or easy answer to the questions since food industries might vary a lot from one to another. Although, in this case, the answer would be that six out of nine tools would be applicable in a global food-supply-chain, some needing more preparatory work than others. By implementing these tools, companies will see more engaged employees that are prone to take autonomous decisions, more accurate production planning, proactive rather than reactive working ways, fewer defects, and higher customer satisfaction. Regarding the prerequisites for transformation, the answer depends on what tools that are used. But what all cases have in common is that there is a need for aware and engaged employees. Everyone will have to be in on the change, understanding why and how, and what benefits that will come out of it. For future studies, it is suggested to look into how maturity models can be applied to these kinds of issues smoothly. The existing maturity models for Industry 4.0 are very complicated and difficult to apply; thus, they would need some development. Another area would be a cost model of the different tools, as well as a comparison of the tools and food regulations. / I dagens läge är Industri 4.0 ett av de hetaste ämnena bland industriföretag. Ett problem är att det ofta diskuteras som något som bör implementeras vilket skapar en felaktig bild av vad Industri 4.0 är, en pågående industriell revolution. Denna studie undersöker ämnet Industri 4.0 och identifierar nio verktyg som kan användas som teknologiska drivkrafter i en tillverkningsmiljö. Då dagens forskning är i sin linda finns det begränsat med information om hur dessa verktyg kan anpassas till att fungera i en global miljö med flera olika kulturer. Även om Industri 4.0 till stor del handlar om decentralisering och att ge ökat ansvar till alla medarbetare så kräver den nya typen av industri också standardisering och att ett företag har ett gemensamt ramverk. Lantmännen Unibake är ett företag som har börjat undersöka möjligheterna med Industri 4.0. Lantmännen Unibake är en av Europas ledande bagerigrupper och agerar som case-företag i denna utforskande studien. Syftet är att sammanställa en förstudie om hur Lantmännen Unibake och livsmedelsindustrin kan utnyttja Industri 4.0:s potentialer, det vill säga vilka förbättringar det kan leda till, vilka verktyg som är applicerbara på industrin och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för en lyckad transformation. För att svara på dessa frågor har en omfattande litteraturstudie och flertalet intervjuer genomförts runt om i Europa. Med hjälp av nulägesanalysen och litteraturstudien har slutsatsen blivit att det varken finns ett ensidigt eller enkelt svar på frågorna då livsmedelsindustri skiljer sig väldigt från företag till företag. I detta fall har sex av nio verktyg identifierats som användbara för en global livsmedelsvärdekedja, dock kräver somliga verktyg mer förberedelser än andra. Genom att implementera dessa verktyg kan företaget komma att se motiverad personal som är mer benägna att ta autonoma och snabba beslut, mer tillförlitlig produktionsplanering, ett proaktivt snarare än reaktivt arbetssätt, minskad mängd defekter och högre kundnytta. Förutsättningar för en förändring beror på vilka verktyg som väljs, dock kräver alla att personalen är medveten om förändringen. Både varför den behöver göras, hur det kommer gå till och vad för fördelar det kommer leda till. Förslag för framtida studier är att se över hur en mognadsanalys kan appliceras på denna typ av situation då de modeller som existerar inom området i dagsläget är väldigt komplicerade och därför svåra att applicera på gemene företag. Ett annat område är en kostnadsanalys för de olika verktygen, likväl en jämförelse mellan verktygen och huruvida de uppfyller livsmedelsreglerna.
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Industry 4.0 as a Tool for Improvement in a Global Food-Supply-Chain : A Study on how Industry 4.0 can be Implemented in a Global Bakery GroupLindahl, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is at the moment one of the most talked-about topics amongst industry companies. Management teams of discuss the area as something they want to implement, but since it is an ongoing industrial revolution it cannot be implemented straight away. This study is looking into the subject of Industry 4.0 and the identification of nine different technology drivers that a manufacturing company can use as tools in a production environment. However, what is less known is how the tools can be applied to a global company and its different cultures. Because even though Industry 4.0 is about decentralization and giving responsibility to every co-worker, they need to work with a common framework, thus standardization. A company that has started to look into Industry 4.0 is Lantmännen Unibake, who is a global bakery group. Therefore, they serve as the case company in this exploratory study where the goal is to conduct a pre-study that gives them, and the food industry, information and guidelines on how Industry 4.0 applies to their industry. Hence, what improvements it can lead to, what tools that will be suitable, and what the prerequisites for a successful Industry 4.0- transformation will be. The method to answer the research question starts with conducting a comprehensive literature study, followed by several interviews around Europe, and ending in an analysis of the current state with help from the literature framework. The analysis has ended in a conclusion that there is no single or easy answer to the questions since food industries might vary a lot from one to another. Although, in this case, the answer would be that six out of nine tools would be applicable in a global food-supply-chain, some needing more preparatory work than others. By implementing these tools, companies will see more engaged employees that are prone to take autonomous decisions, more accurate production planning, proactive rather than reactive working ways, fewer defects, and higher customer satisfaction. Regarding the prerequisites for transformation, the answer depends on what tools that are used. But what all cases have in common is that there is a need for aware and engaged employees. Everyone will have to be in on the change, understanding why and how, and what benefits that will come out of it. For future studies, it is suggested to look into how maturity models can be applied to these kinds of issues smoothly. The existing maturity models for Industry 4.0 are very complicated and difficult to apply; thus, they would need some development. Another area would be a cost model of the different tools, as well as a comparison of the tools and food regulations. / I dagens läge är Industri 4.0 ett av de hetaste ämnena bland industriföretag. Ett problem är att det ofta diskuteras som något som bör implementeras vilket skapar en felaktig bild av vad Industri 4.0 är, en pågående industriell revolution. Denna studie undersöker ämnet Industri 4.0 och identifierar nio verktyg som kan användas som teknologiska drivkrafter i en tillverkningsmiljö. Då dagens forskning är i sin linda finns det begränsat med information om hur dessa verktyg kan anpassas till att fungera i en global miljö med flera olika kulturer. Även om Industri 4.0 till stor del handlar om decentralisering och att ge ökat ansvar till alla medarbetare så kräver den nya typen av industri också standardisering och att ett företag har ett gemensamt ramverk. Lantmännen Unibake är ett företag som har börjat undersöka möjligheterna med Industri 4.0. Lantmännen Unibake är en av Europas ledande bagerigrupper och agerar som case-företag i denna utforskande studien. Syftet är att sammanställa en förstudie om hur Lantmännen Unibake och livsmedelsindustrin kan utnyttja Industri 4.0:s potentialer, det vill säga vilka förbättringar det kan leda till, vilka verktyg som är applicerbara på industrin och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för en lyckad transformation. För att svara på dessa frågor har en omfattande litteraturstudie och flertalet intervjuer genomförts runt om i Europa. Med hjälp av nulägesanalysen och litteraturstudien har slutsatsen blivit att det varken finns ett ensidigt eller enkelt svar på frågorna då livsmedelsindustri skiljer sig väldigt från företag till företag. I detta fall har sex av nio verktyg identifierats som användbara för en global livsmedelsvärdekedja, dock kräver somliga verktyg mer förberedelser än andra. Genom att implementera dessa verktyg kan företaget komma att se motiverad personal som är mer benägna att ta autonoma och snabba beslut, mer tillförlitlig produktionsplanering, ett proaktivt snarare än reaktivt arbetssätt, minskad mängd defekter och högre kundnytta. Förutsättningar för en förändring beror på vilka verktyg som väljs, dock kräver alla att personalen är medveten om förändringen. Både varför den behöver göras, hur det kommer gå till och vad för fördelar det kommer leda till . Förslag för framtida studier är att se över hur en mognadsanalys kan appliceras på denna typ av situation då de modeller som existerar inom området i dagsläget är väldigt komplicerade och därför svåra att applicera på gemene företag. Ett annat område är en kostnadsanalys för de olika verktygen, likväl en jämförelse mellan verktygen och huruvida de uppfyller livsmedelsreglerna.
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國家、市場與人才之重構-以澳門旅遊博彩業的發展轉型為例 / The restructuring of state, market, and human resource-A Case Study of the development and transformation of Macau's gambling and tourism industry龍俊業 Unknown Date (has links)
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