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廉政機構組織設計之研究:結構功能觀點廖雯玲, Liao, Wen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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廉政機構組織設計之研究曾長景 Unknown Date (has links)
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兩岸廉政機制及其比較研究 / A comparative study of the cross-strait Incorrupt government mechanism丁慶華, Ting, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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社會資本對防貪業務成效之影響:以臺北市政府為例 / The Impact of Social Capital on Effectiveness of Corruption Prevention Practice: A Case Study of Taipei City Government陳文富, Chen, Wen Fu Unknown Date (has links)
自國際透明組織(Transparency International, TI)1993年創立以來,國內學者積極參與國際相關事務,引入國家廉政體系(National Integrity System)、推動聯合國反貪腐公約(United Nations Convention against Corruption, UNCAC)以及倡導清廉印象指數(Corruption Perception Index, CPI)等,我國於2011年7月20日成立廉政署(Agency Against Corruption, AAC),目標定調為落實國家廉政政策,實務界並論述反貪、防貪及肅貪為「廉政範圍」,其中「防貪」是經常性且不分機關性質均須重視的業務,惟以往政風機構在執行此類業務時忽略「社會資本」(Social Capital)的重要性,造成只統計業務數量及參加人次等數據,而未了解標的團體對防貪業務的主觀感受,流於形式的現象難以讓公務員(包含政風人員)信任政風人員、無意願參加政風舉辦的活動以及不認同政風防貪業務的內容。
16、社會資本對廉政指數無具有影響力之要素。 / Since the foundation of Transparency International (TI) in 1993, the scholars in Taiwan have been playing an active role on the international stage, introducing the National Integrity System, promoting the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), and advocating the Corruption Perception Index (CPI).
Taiwan founded the Agency Against Corruption (AAC) on 20 July 2011, aiming to implement the national policies of a clean government. In practicum, the dimensions of establishing a clean government include “Anti-Corruption,” “Corruption Prevention,” and “Malpractices Investigation.”
Among the three, “Corruption Prevention” is a regular task crucial to all agencies and offices. However, when the Government Employee Ethics Units were executing the tasks, they overlooked the importance of social capital. They focused only on the sheer number of cases and participants without understanding the subjective perceptions of the target groups. Their formalities can hardly earn the trust of public servants, decreasing the willingness to participate in activities and challenging the identification with the tasks.
This research aims to investigate the influences of social capital (independent variable) on the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention. It surveys the public servants of the Taipei City Government to understand three aspects, including “wether the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention are effective,” “the influence of social capital on the tasks of Corruption Prevention,” and “the future direction of the tasks of Corruption Prevention from the perspective of social capital.”
The questionnaires are designed with a 4-level rating scale of “strongly disagree (1),” “disagree (2),” “agree (3),” and “strongly agree (4).” 1,288 questionnaires have been sent out through snowball sampling and 1,071 have been collected (response rate at 87.21%).
According to the means derived from the statistics, the surveyed subjects (public servants of the Taipei City Government) have shown their preferences with regard to the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention. The top three are “precautionary measures (3.16),” “handling or investigating cases with conflict of interest (3.06),” and “investigating the malpractices in purchases (3.04).” The bottom three are “increasing the budget of ethic units (2.35),” “Corruption Perception Index (2.58),” and “increasing the number of ethics officers (2.64).”
On the influences of social capital on the government ethics units, the surveyed subjects have also shown their preference on the 4-level scale. From top to bottom they are “recognizing that government ethics units are important (3.02),” “recognizing that government ethics units are valuable to agencies (3.00),” “believing that government ethics units will protect the honesty of agencies (2.99),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (2.90),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (2.88),” “believing that the officers of the government ethics units are not biased (2.87),” “trusting the government ethics units (2.86),” “identifying with the government ethics units (2.85),” “knowing the means to provide opinions for the government ethics units (2.81),” “thinking that the government ethics units will protect public servants of agencies (2.77),” “believing that the tasks of the government ethics are transparent (2.74),” “knowing how to acquire information about the activities held by the government ethics units (2.72),” “thinking that the officers of the government ethics are approachable (2.51),” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (2.48).”
The coefficients of determination between the aspects of social capital and the tasks of corruption prevention are also ranked. From top to bottom they are “promoting ethics (39.9%),” “making ethical regulations (38.6%),” “increasing the budget for the government ethics units (38.2%),” “reports on ethical governance (32.2%),” “increasing the number of officers of the government ethics units (31/7%),” “making administration transparent (29.3%),” “investigating malpractices of purchases (27.9%),” “briefing on asset declaration and conflicts of interests (27.5%),” “encouraging the public to participate in public affairs (27.1%),” “research on clean governance (26.6%),” “handling or investigating cases that avoid conflicts of interests (26.1%),” “auditing projects (24.2%),” “precautionary measures (22.0%),” “assisting with asset declaration (20.9%),” “reports on anti-corruption (20.9%),” “Corruption Perception Index (4.7%).”
The subjects are also asked to evaluate the individual impact of the social capital of government ethics on the tasks of corruption prevention. Their views are surveyed as the following:
1.The positive influences on ethical governance (promoting the regulations of ethical governance, rewarding ethical behaviors, or awarding ethical models) are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.268),” “thinking that the officers of the government ethics units are approachable (.224),” “believing that government ethics units will protect the honesty of agencies (.224),” and “recognizing that government ethics units are important (.146).” The negative influence aspect is “identifying with the government ethics units (-.285).”
2.The positive influences on making ethical regulations are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.284),” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.211),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.166).” The negative influence is “trusting the government ethics units (-.152).”
3.The positive influences on increasing the budget for ethic units are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.337),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.285),” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (.110).” The negative influence is “level of education (-.118).”
4.The positive influences on the reports on ethical governance are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.258),” “the government ethics will protect public servants (.193),” “important to the agencies (.184),” and “people enjoy drawing near (.136).” The negative influences are “keeping the agencies ethical (-.146),” “providing opinions for the government ethics units (-.137),” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.112).”
5.The positive influences on increasing the number of officers of the government ethics units are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.218),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.163),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.150).” The negative influence is “level of education (-.104).”
6.The positive influences on administrative transparency are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.363)” and “valuable to agencies (.267).
7.The positive influences on investigating the malpractices in purchases are “protecting public servants (.215),” “valuable to the agencies (.207),” “important to the agencies (.184),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.163).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.170)” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.114).”
8.The positive influences on avoiding conflicts of interests among public servants or the asset declaration of public servants are “valuable to the agencies (.184),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.162) and “protecting public servants (.161).” The negative influence is “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (.127).”
9.The positive influences on encouraging citizens to participate in public affairs are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.317),” “important to the agencies (.210),” “making everyone like to draw near (.156),” and “protecting public servants (.146).” The negative aspect is “believing the officers of the government ethics units are not biased (-.164)” and “identifying with government ethics units (-.159).”
10.The positive influences on the research on clean governance is “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.204),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.192),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.141),” and “age (.107).”
11.The positive influences on handling or investigating cases that avoid conflicts of interests are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.249,” “important to the agencies (.200),” “providing opinions for the government ethics units (.193),” and “protecting public servants (.138).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.165) and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.113).”
12.The positive influences on auditing projects are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.190), “important to the agencies (.178)” and “protecting public servants. (.169).”
13.The positive influences on precautionary measures are “protecting public servants. (.193),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.190), and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.164).”
14.The positive influences on assisting with asset declaration are “valuable to the agencies (.396), “protecting public servants (.214)” and “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.151).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.161), “keeping the agencies clean (-.159),” and “the membership of the government ethics units (-.131).”
15.The positive influences on reports on anti-corruption are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics unit (.244)” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.184) and “age (.165).”
16.There is no significance positive influence of social capital on Corruption Perception Index.
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政策利害關係人對廉政政策順服與政治信任感關聯性之研究-以環保署業務往來之廠商為例 / Policy stakeholder’s policy compliance and political trust: a case study of the environmental protection administration in Taiwan楊華興 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:政策利害關係人、政策順服、政策執行、政治信任感、廉政倫理規範 / Based on David Easton's framework of political-system support theory, this study discussed the factors that influence policy compliance of policy stakeholders with different background and political attitudes. From the point of view of policy monitoring , it analyzed the variables affecting compliance from the aspects of policy cognition, policy environment, satisfaction of implementation effectiveness, and cooperation degree of policy stakeholders. Furthermore, it examined the correlations between policy compliance and political trust of each individual in order to get the verification of theory.
When it comes to the evaluation and appraisal of the implementation of the anticorruption policy, vendors are ,compared to the general public, more familiar to the affairs concerning Ethics Direction for Civil Servants. This study has selected vendors (i.e. the policy stakeholders) as the research objects. According to the study goal, the "cognition" and the "environmental pressure" were assumed to be two main factors affecting individual satisfaction and behavioral orientation toward the anticorruption policy. When an individual holds a positive cognition toward the anticorruption policy, the policy environment will force the individual to comply with the policy. The satisfaction toward the policy and the behavioral compliance will be fostered. On the contrary, if an individual holds a negative cognition toward the policy, and the policy environment will discourage the individual to comply with the provisions of the anticorruption policy. The individual will not satisfy with the implementing results of the current policy. It will impede the satisfaction and lower the behavioral compliance.
The study found that the party identification of the policy stakeholders would influence their compliance to the anticorruption policy. The reason might be that different backgrounds make different life experiences. This molds individual into different level of policy cognition, attitude of support, policy satisfaction and participation orientation, and in turn makes different representation on scale of compliance of the anticorruption policy. In addition, the political trust, when compared to previous studies, was found to be at a low level, and significantly related to gender, education level, job category, party identification and income level. When exploring from the correlation between the anticorruption policy and the political trust, the study found a significant correlation between them. Among variables of anticorruption policy dimension, "environmental pressure," "degree of satisfaction" and "behavioral orientation" have high levels of correlation with political trust.
Lastly, this study has explored suggestions to the implementation and evaluation of strategies related to the promotion of anticorruption policy in hope to serve as an important reference to the policy implementation.
Key word:policy stakeholder, policy compliance, policy implementation, Political Trust, Ethics Direction for Civil Servants
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俄羅斯與喬治亞貪腐之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Corruption in Russia and Georgia藍逸丞 Unknown Date (has links)
總此,有鑑於對前述的後共貪腐情形為審慎評估之必要性,本研究應用了文獻分析、個案分析及法律分析方法進行諸多探討;又本研究作為和政府廉政與否具關聯性之議題,不僅政府與社會關係乃係觀察重點,公部門貪腐現象、警察制度發展、抑或是政府肅貪辭令及現實,亦為本研究就後共俄羅斯與喬治亞於斯範疇所欲分析之課題。 / The principle of rule of law acts as a crucial constitutional element in contemporary governance, it requires the government to exercise its power in accordance with well-established and clearly written rules, regulations, and legal principles, hence if a state's public sector has been affected by entrenched corruption, it not only means equally to the illegal status of administration, the breach of rule of law, but also correlates with the quality of a state's institutional development.
In view of those aforementioned detrimental conditions, since lots of research effort had already verified the disastrous economic and social consequences of corruption, this study’s research motive was inspired by corruption perceptions index released by transparency international; in other words, why some post-communist states had been bothered with various corruptions after dissolution of the Soviet Union, and how do their public sectors evolve after Millennium.
In order to make proper assessment on those illegal phenomena above, this study was constructed by document Analysis, case study analysis and legal analysis. As a study relates with government’s integrity issues, this case study surveys on the relationship between government and society. And by means of exploring corruption phenomena in public sector, the development of police institutions, as well as anti-corruption rhetoric and its realities in Russia and Georgia during the post-communist period.
Keywords: Corruption; Anti-corruption; Integrity; Post-communist transition; police institution
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貪腐零容忍的認知分析 / Perception analysis of zero tolerance on corruption陳思涵, Chen, Sz Han Unknown Date (has links)
近年來法務部提出「貪腐零容忍」(zero tolerance on corruption)的概念,期望可以型塑不容忍貪腐的社會文化,鼓勵全民踴躍參與廉政事務和勇於檢舉貪瀆,以建構廉能政府。紐西蘭在2016年全球清廉印象指數的評比中排名第一,其法務部長在接受媒體訪問時表示,可以榮獲第一的關鍵是:「推動貪腐零容忍政策。」可見在實務界,貪腐零容忍是一個跨越國界廣受使用的概念。然而,何謂貪腐零容忍?針對這個重要概念,過去雖有少數文獻提及,卻未直接說明何謂貪腐零容忍,也較少有文獻去討論民眾對於貪腐容忍的認知,若能了解民眾對於貪腐容忍的認知,便能制定相對應的政策,提高我國的競爭力。
本研究發現,不同的人口變項對於貪腐容忍程度有差異,貪腐零容忍者與貪能容忍者對於具體貪腐情境的判斷也有不同,貪腐零容忍者較貪腐能容忍者更願意舉發貪腐。大部分民眾對於貪腐情境的判斷受到個人經驗、風俗文化及法律規範影響,大多數的民眾表示願意舉發貪腐事件但卻擔心受到報復。本研究建議可以跳脫台北市的疆界,並檢視目前不合宜的立法。 / In recent years, the Ministry of Justice has been promoting “Zero Tolerance on Corruption”, in order to create a corruption-free society, and encourage all citizens to partake in anti-corruption affairs and report corruption. In 2016, New Zealand has reclaimed top spot in global anti-corruption rankings, as a result of its zero-tolerance on bribery and corruption. Therefore, zero tolerance on corruption is a widely used notion in many countries, but it has not been fully discussed in previous academic literature.
Accordingly, this study aims to explore people’s tolerance on corruption, and how they evaluate some specific situations of corruption when they self-reported that they have zero tolerance on corruption. Moreover, this study examines whether tolerance on corruption will affect people’s willingness to report corruption. This study adopted two research methods, secondary data analysis and in-depth interview. The secondary data from Yu and Juang (2016) were collected through telephone survey on 1,069 subjects, based on the stratified random sampling of adult population in Taipei City. In-depth interviews were conducted on 27 people, including government officials and general public who live in Taipei.
This study finds that the demographic variables will affect tolerance on corruption. In most cases, people who self-reported they have zero tolerance on corruption have a significantly different evaluation of specific situations of corruption as compared to people who self-reported they are somewhat tolerant to corruption. People that have high willingness to report the corruption have zero tolerance on corruption. Most people are willing to report the corruption, but they worry about being retaliated.
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公職人員財產申報法制之研究 / A Study on the Financial Disclosure Legal System for the Public Officials陳秀慧 Unknown Date (has links)
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