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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國政風組織功能與人員角色之研究 / The research of government ethics organizations function & government ethics official's role in R.O.C

陳書樂 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,瑞士洛桑管理學院(International InStitute forManagement Development簡稱IMD)所公布之全球國家競爭力評估報告,總會引起政府及民問相關單位的高度關切,並以此作為施政及營運的指標。我們知道,政風之良窳係政府人員精神、觀念、生活、操守和工作態度的整體表現,端正政風工作若能真正落實執行,不但對社會具有教化與引導作用,亦有助於提昇政府廉能形象。 前法務部長廖正豪曾說:「政風人員為公務員中的公務員。」因此,政風人員之形象與作為,必須為公務員之標竿。然而,近年來政風機構雖替國家風紀把關,為肅貪組織之一環,但政風組織功能與人員角色飽受爭議。因為繼中研院要求裁撤政風室後,各鄉鎮最近也要求撤除政風單位,據聞有些單位首長認為政風單位在機關內礙手礙腳,寧可刪減政風預算,或請政風單位負責駐警與驅趕野狗等工作,此作法是否意謂著政風機構功能與人員角色需調整或改變呢? 本論文以角色理論來檢視政風人員在組織與機關間所扮演的角色如何,並以功能理論的觀點評析政風組織所具之功能為何,由於政風機構之組織係採所謂「一條鞭」的設計;而在指揮體系上係採「雙軌制」運作,因此,在現有政風機構組織、法令規範下,政風人員的角色是什麼?政風組織應該負擔的功能又是什麼?這些問題引起筆者之研究興趣,亦盼藉此研究龍提供有關單位在制訂或修正政風機構相關法令時之參考,以期對我國廉政制度有更明確的方向。 關鍵詞:政風機構、政風人員、角色、功能 / In recent years, the report of the Global Competitiveness Evaluation issued by International Institute for Management Development (for short iMD) , bad caused a high attention to government authorities andgrassroots units, as made an index of administration and management. It is known that the official's spirits, conceptions, livelihood, morals, and working attitudes decide the excellent quality or not. If we can execute distinctly the correction of ethics affairs, it will not only educate & guide the society conception, but also lift the image ofthe government's rectitude & competence. Mr. Liao cheng-how, the prior Minister of Justice said, " The Government Ethics officials are civil servants." Therefore, their image and behavior must be the ideal for all civil servants. However, there are much criticism exist on the issue of the Ethics Organization's Function and Ethics Official's character. At the first, asking removal the Ethics unit by Academia Sinica and then some townships have same request, too. It is said that the Department of Government Ethics became the preclusion in affairsadmimstration, the principals of affairs agencies would rather abate the budget of the Ethics' unit or assign the Ethics officials to do security and guard job. Whether it that means that we need to change or adjust the Ethics Organization's Function and Ethics Official's character or not? The thesis is based on the character theory to check the role of Government Ethics Official between organization and unit. Meanwhile, analysis how the function ofthe Ethics organization is, which is based on an aspect of the function theory. The organization ofthe Ethics was designed by single superintendence system, but the conduct regime was operated by Double sides direction. Therefore, what is the character ofthe Ethics official under current organization and prescripts ? What kind offunction must be in charge by the Ethics organization ? These questions rouse my research interests, we hope the conclusion through the research can provide reference for adjusting all related-prescripts constituted by the Government Ethics, in order to make a clear direction forincorruptionism.


陳范回 Unknown Date (has links)
依據國際透明組織、瑞士洛桑國際管理發展學院或其他世界知名之研究機構所作之調查及研究,我國在貪腐印象指數、國家廉潔程度或全球競爭力排名,名次均中等,屬中度廉潔國家,政府在推動防貪過程似乎有很大的改善空間,更加顯示政風機構在機關角色功能的發揮必須往前邁進,而推動政風業務行銷則是基礎的第一步。 本文重點,除透過非營利事業機構行銷理論之文獻探討,比較亞洲華人社會廉政機構成功之防、肅貪經驗及行銷策略,並藉由深度訪談,以瞭解當前我國政風機構之行銷策略取向,及獲悉具體可行之政風機構行銷策略。 本文提出行銷政風業務的策略包含:(一)機關內部行銷策略:提昇政風人員形象、積極建立信賴感、干預行政柔性化、與首長或同仁建立私誼、走動式管理與服務、參與機關活動、協助推動臨界業務、政風人員應具備良好的品操和道德。(二)機關外部行銷策略:建立政風機構識別系統、網路服務宣導、多角化蒐集資訊、媒體行銷、學校教育紮根、鼓勵民眾參與反貪行列、統籌宣導經費善為行銷、強化端正政風行動方案之執行、整合資源加強地區政風業務聯繫中心運作等。另建議應有之其他配套措施含:成立專責廉政機構、建構陽光法案體系及增訂財產來源不明罪。 關鍵字:政風機構、行銷、行銷策略、政風業務績效。 / According to a recent report by Transparency International, International Institute for Management Development and other world well-known institutes, Taiwan is rated as mediocre government in terms of “Corruption Perception Index” and “Global Competitiveness Index”. Therefore, there is still a lot of room for improvement in preventing corruption. Government Ethics Departments are regarded to play an important role to promote the government ethics in the organization. This study not only refers to non-profit marketing theories but also compares the successful experience of Asian society in preventing and sweeping corruption and marketing strategy. Also, indepth interviews are used to understand the positioning of marketing strategy in our Government Ethics Departments today and gain feasible marketing strategy. This study finds out two aspects in the marketing strategies of Government Ethics Departments. First of all, inner organization marketing strategies consist of: promoting the image of government ethics officials, building up the sense of reliability, developing good relationship with the principal and colleagues, managing and serving by going around, participating activities in the organization and government ethics morals. Secondly, outer organization marketing strategies include: identification system of Government Ethics Departments, on-line service, various information-collecting, media marketing, school education, increasing anti-corruption awareness, making an overall plan for publication money, and integrating resources to reinforce the operation of local Government Ethics Affairs Connecting Center, etc.. In addition, this study suggests measurement on establishing anti-corruption institution, setting up sun-law system, and setting up the law for convicting civil servants of unaccounted-for property.

鄉鎮市區公所政風主管人員角色認知與學習之研究 / A Study on the Role Cognition and Learning of Government Employee Ethics Executives of Townships, Cities and Districts Offices

戴雅芹, Tai, Ya Chin Unknown Date (has links)
鄉鎮市區公所為地方治理之行政機關,政風人員肩負機關政風工作之責,現況公所政風人員角色為何及如何精進政風工作,實有深入研究之必要。本論文以研究者任職之臺中市區公所政風主管人員(政風室主任)為研究對象,運用文獻分析、參與觀察及深度訪談研究方法,探討政風主管人員角色認知與學習,並依研究發現,就實務層面提出政策建議,提供政風人員工作職涯及廉政人力規劃、業務及績效制度檢討之參考。 本研究發現有:(一)公所政風工作之重點為預防,查處角色弱化,公所政風人員的角色被定位為協助者之預防角色,但實務上仍有被認為有過度干預之嫌。(二)政風人員操守攸關機關同仁及地方里長對政風的信任度。(三)機關首長的支持與否影響公所政風工作的推動。(四)法律及採購被認為是公所政風人員應具備的專業;能力部份多數則認以溝通及觀察能力為重。(五)現行公所政風人力編制應依機關特性、業務量及人力數檢討。(六)初任公所政風主管因前工作職務欠缺輪動致歷練不足。(七)立委對於政風機構人員設置管理條例第9條之修正提案,尚無急迫修法必要。(八)政風工作業務繁雜,部分業務如機關安全維護(含檢查)及資訊安全稽核,與機關既有秘書及資訊單位(或人員)工作重疊及政風人員未具專業,致分散工作能量。(九)公所政風經營重點在人,強化經營外部關係(走出辦公室)及內外部宣導作為。(十)政風績效制度綑綁政風人員工作自主性及侷限政風工作廣度。 本研究建議爰依研究發現提出政策建議之近程、中長程方案,其中近程方案有:(一)提升公所政風人員查處能力及揭弊決心勇氣,平衡過度傾斜重預防之查處角色弱化問題。(二)加強政風人員操守考核,適時汰劣留良,維持政風的品操。(三)展現政風專業,贏得首長信任支持。(四)精進政風工作專業及能力。(五)落實職務輪動、機關輪調,推行科員先行代理,增加政風人員的工作歷練。(六)公所政風經營以人為本,應強化內外部宣導,並拓展外部關係。而中長程方案有:(一)廉政署應通盤檢討政風人力編制,以符實務現況需求。(二)如欲通過政風機構人員設置管理條例第9條之修正提案,應研擬增加相關配套措施。(三)檢討現有業務工作存廢必要,適時去業務化回歸專業權責單位。(四)檢討政風績效制度,引領政風人員做有益而非做有績效的工作面向。

影響我國政風機構組織運作成效的制度分析 / The Institutional Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Ethics Department's Effectiveness

潘文莉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球治理網絡之形成,政府肩負服務公眾以及國家治理的責任,廉政是良善治理的基石,透過廉能政府的領航以及全民反貪腐的力量,方能止於至善。「新加坡讓它的四鄰及國際社會敬畏的,不止是經濟表現或軍事實力,而是有效率的廉潔政府、有紀律的多元社會、有素質的公民文化」(戴至中譯,2004)。 面對國人對廉政工作的期許,現行唯一派駐在政府機關內之政風機構扮演著關鍵角色,因而強化政風機構組織及其運作成效則更為重要。為瞭解政風組織運作現況及其可能面臨的困境或相關問題,除檢閱組織設計理論以及相關研究文獻外,並以深度訪談法作為本文之研究途徑,以利進一步歸納及分析,進而研提相關政策建議。 經過文獻探討及訪談資料分析,本研究發現影響政風機構組織運作的構面,包括:「結構」、「效能」、「策略」及「心態」,而影響組織運作成效的因素,則涵蓋「組織層級」、「雙軌體制」、「專業專責」、「政風職權」、「法制規範」、「國際廉政趨勢」及「決心與共識」七個面向。 最後,本論文希望在兼顧國情及公部門體制影響層面最低,而又必須強化或改善之前提下,針對政風機構組織及其運作提出五項政策建議,分別為「提高政風組織位階」、「降低雙軌運作之強度」、「形塑防貪肅貪專業專責」、「研訂政風人員職權行使法」、「凝聚反貪決心與共識」,作為權責機關未來研擬相關政策之參考。 / With the establishment of global government network, the government gradually takes the responsibility to service the public and to govern the country. Incorrupt politic is the foundation of sound governance, with the guidance of rectitude government and the power of public anti-corruption, the goal of pursuing absolute perfection can be finally achieved. “What make Singapore be awed by its neighbor countries and the internationals are the efficient and incorruptible government, disciplinal diverse society, and the accomplished and educated citizens.” (Dai, 2004) Facing the high compatriots’ expectation of incorrupt governance, the sole Government Employee Ethics Unit accredited in the government plays a crucial role; and the strengthening of the organization and operation effectiveness becomes more important. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the current situation of the Government Employee Ethics Organization, and to find out the possible upcoming dilemma and relevant issues. The thesis not only reviews the organization design theory and the relevant researches, but also adopts interviews as the research method for further analysis, conclusion and policy suggestions. Through the literature review, interview discussion and analysis, it is found in this research that framework, efficiency, strategy and mindset are the ”dimensions” influencing the operation of Government Employee Ethics Unit. And the seven factors that affect the outcomes of operation are organization hierarchy, double-track system, dedicated specialization, authority and responsibility, legal regulation, international trend of rectitude, and determination and consensus. In conclusion, considering both the national situation and the impact on the public sectors, this research provides five policy recommendations for the authority organizations with the aim to strengthen and improve the Government Employee Ethics Unit and its operation, which are, Promoting the organization’s hierarchy, Moderating the intensity of double-track system,Forming dedicated specialized unit for preventing and fighting corruption,Drafting power exercise act for the Government Employee Ethics Officers,Uniting determination and consensus of anti-corruption.

高階政風人員核心能力之研究-以北台灣地區簡任政風人員為例 / Research on Core Competence of the High-Level Government Employee Ethics Officers-A Case Study of North Taiwan Selected Appointment Employee Ethics Officers

石新添, Hsih ,Hsin Tein Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 在全球化激烈的競爭環境下,組織如何培養與提昇其「核心能力」,以取得競爭的優勢,成為企業、政府與公共管理學者的重要議題。 本研究首先從策略性人力資源管理理論為出發點,藉由研究探討國內外公私部門推動與建構核心能力的經驗,再進一步以核心能力的角度,歸納分析我國公務機關政風人員的角色、職能與核心價值;並透過深度訪談北台灣地區高階政風人員,來探討高階政風人員所應具備的核心能力,並檢視其實際上所具備的核心能力,以瞭解兩者之間的落差,找出高階政風人員所須具備與加強培育的關鍵核心能力,並提出建議供政風機構參考。 本論文除以文獻分析與實地觀察進行研究瞭解外,並以深度訪談法作為本文研究途徑;研究對象為北台灣地區現職及績效卓著的高階政風人員。希望藉由本研究,建立高階政風人員應具備的核心能力項目,並將研究成果提供政風機構作為未來推動高階政風人員核心能力培育、規劃、訓練等策略之參考。 / Abstract In the global environment of acute competition, how to acquire and upgrade their core competence to take the advantage of competence becomes an important issue for enterprises, governments and Public-Management scholars. This research begins with the strategic human resources management theory and then study the experience how the public and private establishments, in Taiwan or overseas, promote and construct their core competence. Furthermore, we analyze the roles, functions and core value of the ethics officers of the public establishments in Taiwan from the view of core competence. And by deeply interviewing the high-level ethics officers in North Taiwan, we study what kinds of core competence a high-level ethics officer should have and what they have already to give suggestions to the ethics establishments. This research exploits approaches such as survey and analysis on theoretical literatures, observation on reality and depth interview. The scope of the objects we study is confined to the high-level ethics officers, in North Taiwan, on-the-job and with excellent performance. We hope that this research can found what kinds of core competence the high-level ethics officers should have and give suggestions to the ethics establishments for their further reference regarding establishing policies of fostering, planning and training high-level ethics officers.

社會資本對防貪業務成效之影響:以臺北市政府為例 / The Impact of Social Capital on Effectiveness of Corruption Prevention Practice: A Case Study of Taipei City Government

陳文富, Chen, Wen Fu Unknown Date (has links)
自國際透明組織(Transparency International, TI)1993年創立以來,國內學者積極參與國際相關事務,引入國家廉政體系(National Integrity System)、推動聯合國反貪腐公約(United Nations Convention against Corruption, UNCAC)以及倡導清廉印象指數(Corruption Perception Index, CPI)等,我國於2011年7月20日成立廉政署(Agency Against Corruption, AAC),目標定調為落實國家廉政政策,實務界並論述反貪、防貪及肅貪為「廉政範圍」,其中「防貪」是經常性且不分機關性質均須重視的業務,惟以往政風機構在執行此類業務時忽略「社會資本」(Social Capital)的重要性,造成只統計業務數量及參加人次等數據,而未了解標的團體對防貪業務的主觀感受,流於形式的現象難以讓公務員(包含政風人員)信任政風人員、無意願參加政風舉辦的活動以及不認同政風防貪業務的內容。 本研究之目的為「社會資本(自變項)對16類防貪業務(依變項)的影響」,以標的團體「臺北市政府公務員」為問卷調查對象,了解「公務員分別認為16類防貪業務是否有效」、「社會資本對16類防貪業務的影響力」以及「由社會資本的角度看防貪業務未來的方向」三項問題,在非常不同意(1)、不同意(2)、同意(3)及非常同意(4)四點尺度上的回答,以滾雪球方式發放1,228份結構式問卷,並回收1,071份(回收率87.21%)。 統計量部分,受試者(臺北市政府公務員)認為16項防貪業務的成效在四點尺度上,平均數最高排序前三名為為預警措施(3.16)、受理或調查利益衝突迴避案(3.06)以及清查採購弊端(3.04),最低後三名為增加政風預算(2.35)、廉政指數(2.58)以及增加政風人數(2.64);受試者對政風的社會資本構面的要素在4點尺度上,由高排序為認同政風很重要(3.02)、認同政風對機關有價值(3.00)、認同政風會維護機關的廉潔(2.99)、認同政風工作(2.90)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能(2.88)、信任政風人員是無私的(2.87)、信任政風(2.86)、認同政風(2.85)、知道提供意見給政風的管道(2.81)、認為政風會保護機關公務員(2.77)、認為政風工作是公開透明的(2.74)、知道如何取得政風舉辦活動的訊息(2.72)、認為政風人員容易親近(2.51)、會積極參與政風舉辦的活動(2.48)。 社會資本構面對防貪業務的解釋力部分,由高排序為倡導廉能(39.9%)、訂定廉政法規(38.6%)、增加政風預算(38.2%)、廉政會報(32.2%)、增加政風人數(31.7%)、公開透明措施(29.3%)、清查採購弊端(27.9%)、財產申報及利益衝突說明會(27.5%)、促進民眾參與公共事務(27.1%)、廉政研究(26.6%)、受理或調查利益衝突迴避案(26.1%)、專案稽核(24.2%)、預警措施(22.0%)、協助財產申報(20.9%)、防貪報告(20.9%)、廉政指數(4.7%)。 受試者對政風的社會資本要素對防貪業務的個別影響力部分,分述如下: 1、對倡導廉能(宣導廉政倫理規範、獎勵廉潔事蹟或表揚廉潔楷模)具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.268)、政風讓大家喜歡親近(.224)、政風會保護公務員(.175)及認同政風很重要(.146),負面影響力為認同政風(-.285); 2、對訂定廉政法規具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.284)、積極參加政風活動(.211)及認同政風工作(.166),負面影響力為信任政風(-.152); 3、對增加政風預算具有正面影響力者為積極參與政風活動(.337)、相信政風維護廉潔的功能(.285)及具有政風人員身分(.110),負面影響力為教育程度(-.118); 4、對廉政會報具有正面影響力者為積極參與政風活動(.258)、政風會保護公務員(.193)、對機關很重要(.184)及大家喜歡親近(.136),負面影響力為維護機關廉潔(-.146)、提供政風意見(-.137)及具有政風人員身分(-.112); 5、對增加政風人數具有正面影響力者為積極參與政風活動(218)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能(163)及認同政風工作(150),面影響力為教育程度(-.104); 6、對公開透明措施具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.363)及對機關有價值(.267); 7、對清查採購弊端具有正面影響力者為保護公務員(.215)、對機關有價值(.207)、對機關很重要(.184)及認同政風工作(.163),負面影響力為信任政風(-.170)及具備政風人員身分(-.114); 8、對公職人員利益衝突迴避或財產申報說明會具有正面影響力者為對機關有價值(.184)、認同政風工作(.162)及保護公務員(.161),負面影響力為具有政風人員身分(-.127); 9、對促進民眾參加公共事務具有正面影響力者為認同政風工作(.317)、對機關很重要(.210)、讓大家喜歡親近(.156)及保護公務員(.146),負面影響力是認為政風是無私的(-.164)及認同政風(-.159); 10、對廉政研究具有正面影響力者為積極參加政風活動(.204)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能.192、認同政風工作(.141)及年齡(.107); 11、對受理或調查利益衝突迴避案具有正面影響力者為信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.249)、對機關很重要(.200)、提供意見給政風(.193)及保護公務員(.138),負面影響力為信任政風(-.165)及具備政風人員身分(-.113); 12、對專案稽核具有正面影響力者為認同政風工作(.190)、對機關很重要(.178)及保護公務員(.169); 13、對預警措施(對可能發生違法的事件或人員提早採取防範措施)具有正面影響力者為保護公務員(.193)、信任政風維護廉潔的功能(.190)及認同政風工作(.164); 14、對協助公職人員財產財產具有正面影響力者為對機關有價值(.396)、保護公務員(.214)及積極參與政風活動(.151);負面影響力為信任政風(-.161)、維護機關廉潔(-.159)及政風人員身分(-.131); 15、對防貪報告(就社會矚目案件撰寫檢討報告的防貪成效)具有正面影響力者為認同政風工作(.244)、積極參與政風活動(.184)及年齡(.165); 16、社會資本對廉政指數無具有影響力之要素。 / Since the foundation of Transparency International (TI) in 1993, the scholars in Taiwan have been playing an active role on the international stage, introducing the National Integrity System, promoting the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), and advocating the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Taiwan founded the Agency Against Corruption (AAC) on 20 July 2011, aiming to implement the national policies of a clean government. In practicum, the dimensions of establishing a clean government include “Anti-Corruption,” “Corruption Prevention,” and “Malpractices Investigation.” Among the three, “Corruption Prevention” is a regular task crucial to all agencies and offices. However, when the Government Employee Ethics Units were executing the tasks, they overlooked the importance of social capital. They focused only on the sheer number of cases and participants without understanding the subjective perceptions of the target groups. Their formalities can hardly earn the trust of public servants, decreasing the willingness to participate in activities and challenging the identification with the tasks. This research aims to investigate the influences of social capital (independent variable) on the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention. It surveys the public servants of the Taipei City Government to understand three aspects, including “wether the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention are effective,” “the influence of social capital on the tasks of Corruption Prevention,” and “the future direction of the tasks of Corruption Prevention from the perspective of social capital.” The questionnaires are designed with a 4-level rating scale of “strongly disagree (1),” “disagree (2),” “agree (3),” and “strongly agree (4).” 1,288 questionnaires have been sent out through snowball sampling and 1,071 have been collected (response rate at 87.21%). According to the means derived from the statistics, the surveyed subjects (public servants of the Taipei City Government) have shown their preferences with regard to the 16 tasks of Corruption Prevention. The top three are “precautionary measures (3.16),” “handling or investigating cases with conflict of interest (3.06),” and “investigating the malpractices in purchases (3.04).” The bottom three are “increasing the budget of ethic units (2.35),” “Corruption Perception Index (2.58),” and “increasing the number of ethics officers (2.64).” On the influences of social capital on the government ethics units, the surveyed subjects have also shown their preference on the 4-level scale. From top to bottom they are “recognizing that government ethics units are important (3.02),” “recognizing that government ethics units are valuable to agencies (3.00),” “believing that government ethics units will protect the honesty of agencies (2.99),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (2.90),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (2.88),” “believing that the officers of the government ethics units are not biased (2.87),” “trusting the government ethics units (2.86),” “identifying with the government ethics units (2.85),” “knowing the means to provide opinions for the government ethics units (2.81),” “thinking that the government ethics units will protect public servants of agencies (2.77),” “believing that the tasks of the government ethics are transparent (2.74),” “knowing how to acquire information about the activities held by the government ethics units (2.72),” “thinking that the officers of the government ethics are approachable (2.51),” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (2.48).” The coefficients of determination between the aspects of social capital and the tasks of corruption prevention are also ranked. From top to bottom they are “promoting ethics (39.9%),” “making ethical regulations (38.6%),” “increasing the budget for the government ethics units (38.2%),” “reports on ethical governance (32.2%),” “increasing the number of officers of the government ethics units (31/7%),” “making administration transparent (29.3%),” “investigating malpractices of purchases (27.9%),” “briefing on asset declaration and conflicts of interests (27.5%),” “encouraging the public to participate in public affairs (27.1%),” “research on clean governance (26.6%),” “handling or investigating cases that avoid conflicts of interests (26.1%),” “auditing projects (24.2%),” “precautionary measures (22.0%),” “assisting with asset declaration (20.9%),” “reports on anti-corruption (20.9%),” “Corruption Perception Index (4.7%).” The subjects are also asked to evaluate the individual impact of the social capital of government ethics on the tasks of corruption prevention. Their views are surveyed as the following: 1.The positive influences on ethical governance (promoting the regulations of ethical governance, rewarding ethical behaviors, or awarding ethical models) are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.268),” “thinking that the officers of the government ethics units are approachable (.224),” “believing that government ethics units will protect the honesty of agencies (.224),” and “recognizing that government ethics units are important (.146).” The negative influence aspect is “identifying with the government ethics units (-.285).” 2.The positive influences on making ethical regulations are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.284),” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.211),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.166).” The negative influence is “trusting the government ethics units (-.152).” 3.The positive influences on increasing the budget for ethic units are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.337),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.285),” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (.110).” The negative influence is “level of education (-.118).” 4.The positive influences on the reports on ethical governance are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.258),” “the government ethics will protect public servants (.193),” “important to the agencies (.184),” and “people enjoy drawing near (.136).” The negative influences are “keeping the agencies ethical (-.146),” “providing opinions for the government ethics units (-.137),” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.112).” 5.The positive influences on increasing the number of officers of the government ethics units are “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.218),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.163),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.150).” The negative influence is “level of education (-.104).” 6.The positive influences on administrative transparency are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.363)” and “valuable to agencies (.267). 7.The positive influences on investigating the malpractices in purchases are “protecting public servants (.215),” “valuable to the agencies (.207),” “important to the agencies (.184),” and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.163).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.170)” and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.114).” 8.The positive influences on avoiding conflicts of interests among public servants or the asset declaration of public servants are “valuable to the agencies (.184),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.162) and “protecting public servants (.161).” The negative influence is “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (.127).” 9.The positive influences on encouraging citizens to participate in public affairs are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.317),” “important to the agencies (.210),” “making everyone like to draw near (.156),” and “protecting public servants (.146).” The negative aspect is “believing the officers of the government ethics units are not biased (-.164)” and “identifying with government ethics units (-.159).” 10.The positive influences on the research on clean governance is “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.204),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.192),” “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.141),” and “age (.107).” 11.The positive influences on handling or investigating cases that avoid conflicts of interests are “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.249,” “important to the agencies (.200),” “providing opinions for the government ethics units (.193),” and “protecting public servants (.138).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.165) and “possessing the membership of the government ethics units (-.113).” 12.The positive influences on auditing projects are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.190), “important to the agencies (.178)” and “protecting public servants. (.169).” 13.The positive influences on precautionary measures are “protecting public servants. (.193),” “trusting the functions of government ethics units in keeping the government clean (.190), and “identifying with the tasks of government ethics units (.164).” 14.The positive influences on assisting with asset declaration are “valuable to the agencies (.396), “protecting public servants (.214)” and “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.151).” The negative influences are “trusting the government ethics units (-.161), “keeping the agencies clean (-.159),” and “the membership of the government ethics units (-.131).” 15.The positive influences on reports on anti-corruption are “identifying with the tasks of government ethics unit (.244)” “participating actively in the activities held by the government ethics units (.184) and “age (.165).” 16.There is no significance positive influence of social capital on Corruption Perception Index.

中國上市醫藥企業財務風險的實證研究和控制措施 / Empirical research and conformity measure in financial risk of listed companies in Chinese pharmaceutical industry

梁謀 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

臺北市政府政風機構工作績效與功能效益分析之研究 / The analysis research of job performance and function benefits of the ethics organization, Taipei City Government

陳保倫 Unknown Date (has links)
在整體大環境求新求變的趨勢下,行政機關面臨許多外在環境衝擊,而開始思考突破傳統的管理方法加以因應,是故政風機構自民國81年9月16日改制成立,分階段設定不同工作目標,從「肅貪行動方案」、「預防重於查處、興利優於防弊、服務代替干預」、「反浪費、反腐敗、反貪污之「預防性政風」、至以民為本之廉政新構想的「行動政風」,都是為了因應社會變化與需求所作之創新改變。因此,本研究以臺北市政府公務人員為對象,將政風機構工作績效以訪談方式進行質化研究分析,以瞭解公務人員對於政風機構核心價值與工作績效之認識程度及功能效益之評析。 本研究經質化訪談研究發現如下: 一、 政風機構在主動度部分,受訪者對其主動協助機關辦理大型活動之安全維護工作及擔任溝通協調角色,均予正面肯定評價。 二、 政風機構在成效度部分,受訪者透過廉能宣導活動能加深反貪倡廉理念,並藉與機關業務或活動結合方式,更能有效達到反貪理念的深化與活化。 三、 政風機構在配合度部分,受訪者肯定政風同仁對交辦業務盡心盡力之工作表現。 四、 政風機構在精進度部分,近年導入風險管理推行政風業務,能機先掌握機關可能發生違常之人、事、時、地、物之風險,並於危機發生時能迅速妥處,降低傷害。 / With the development of social pluralism and external environmental impact, government agencies had to rethink about their traditional management ideas and how to improve them. Therefore, Since September 16, 1992, Government Ethics Office (GEO) has begun restructuring different stages of target , from the early stages of「Anti-Corruption Action Plan」 to 「Plans of Crime Prevention, Positive Measures, Daily Recommendations, and Anti-Waste & Anti-Corruption」to the current「Mobilization of Government Ethics Plan」which are all in response to public demand made by social changes. The study was based on the employees of Taipei City Government through qualitative interviews and research, as well as, analysis on public awareness and benefits towards job performance and core values. The essence of research findings are as follows: 1. GEO Initiatives: respondents provided positive evaluations towards GEO Communication, coordination, maintenance, and security during large scale events 2. GEO Effectiveness: Strengthening the concept of anti-corruption and reducing crime rate by promoting more effective anti-corruption action plan 3. GEO Cooperation: striking positive evaluation on job performances 4. GEO Refined Progresses: with the implementation of risk management in recent years, GEO were able to lower the risk occurring at organization and deal with them quickly as well.

我國政風單位績效評估制度之研究:以臺北市政府為例 / The Research of Performance Appraisal System of the Department of Civil Service Ethics in Taiwan R.O.C-An Example of Taipei City Government

李國正, Lee,Kuo cheng Unknown Date (has links)
有云:「他山之石,可以攻錯。」從西方國家經驗可知,政府績效評估對於提昇行政效率、節省行政成本發揮了極其重要的作用,成為政府改革最重要的工具。法務部為發揮政風單位功能,提昇整體政風工作績效,遂推動實施「政風機構績效評比要點」,該績效評比,如從正面角度,固可激勵單位及人員士氣,提昇組織績效,然亦可能因政風單位「分散設置,集中管理」之特殊屬性而帶來若干的負面影響。 我國政風單位在貪瀆預防與肅貪工作上係以「預防重於查處」為主要工作原則之一。一方面,貪瀆犯罪本身具隱性特質,而政風單位亦因本身組織功能與角色定位欠缺明確,以致於在過於抽象的法定職掌下,某些績效甚難單純以量化數據展現實質工作成效,從績效評比呈現數字以觀,雖然洋洋洒洒,極為亮眼,但數字背後績效好壞,則甚難論斷,頗為吊詭。另方面,政風人員在機關工作績效往往須視機關首長臉色及業務單位配合與否,一旦爆發社會矚目重大政風案件,更備受輿論、民意機關及社會大眾質疑,甚至政風人員本身亦有諸多眥言與批評,顯示評比制度本身的確存在討論與改進空間,實值得深入檢討釐清。 本研究係透過對臺北市政府政風人員進行個案實證研究,期盼瞭解該評比制度推動以來,政風人員對「制度設計合理性、公平性」、「提昇組織績效與激勵士氣等回饋功能」、「主觀上有何評價或感受認知程度」以及「實施成效」的看法,經由資料整合、統計分析、闡釋與推論之後,希冀提出切合實際問題與符合事實需要之具體發現與建議,使理論與實務能相互結合運用,作為主管機關法務部改進是項評比制度之參考。 本研究經由前面之研究結果,計有以下之研究發現: 一、在制度設計方面 (一)推動績效評估依據過於薄弱,有待提高法源位階。 (二)角色定位多元,推動工作力有未逮。 (三)所在機關環境特性不一,欲求一體適用有其困難。 (四)組織願景、策略績效目標與衡量指標的連結程度仍待加強。 (五)評估方法與工具未因時因地制宜,造成績效衡量與管理上困難。 (六)評比內容未適度簡化,無法撙節人力資源做妥適運用。 (七)獎懲設計不足,難以落實重獎重懲目的,制度推動受人質疑。 二、在實務運作方面 (一)績效評估不易,難達公平要求。 (二)訓練宣導不足,難以爭取內外部顧客認同。 (三)未落實執行績效衡量指標,有流於形式或官樣文章之虞。 (四)欠缺彈性,未放寬並授與各政風單位自訂指標項目或選擇指標項目。 (五)評估結果僅與考績連結,未擴及職務陞遷及生涯發展訓練。 (六)評比制度淪於形式,應研議重新設計一個可行制度。 本研究根據以上之研究發現,提出建議如下: 一、在制度之變革方面 (一)定量評估及質化評估宜同時兼顧。 (二)加強評比制度之宣導訓練,促使各層級政風單位環環相扣。 (三)建立客觀評估機制,並結合多元評估方式,強化評比公平性。 (四)業務項目及內容應進一步整合及簡化,策略目標與績效衡量指標之訂定應配合機關任務。 (五)考評制度之落實,須與激勵制度配合,獎勵方式則可彈性運用。 二、在回饋之功能方面 (一)落實所有政風人員之參與。 (二)主管勤加溝通並傳達正面樂觀訊息。 (三)建立管理者與被管理者之共識,發揮引導功能,促使組織與個人目標趨向一致。 (四)納入員工訓練學習內容或知識管理 / There is a saying “The stones of those hills may be used to polish gems”, meaning that another's good quality or suggestion whereby one can remedy one's own defects. The experience of western countries tells us that the performance appraisal in government organizations has exerted a substantial effect on promoting administration efficiency and reducing administrative expenditure so that it has become the significant tool of the government in many needed reforms. In order to effectively perform the function of the department of civil service ethics and to achieve a higher degree of work efficiency, the Ministry of Justice has launched to enforce the Organization Achievements Comparison and Appraisal Main Points of the Government Employee Ethics Units. The implementation of the performance appraisal can undoubtedly encourage the morale of the units and their employees and further promote the efficiency of the organization while it may bring some of the negative effects due to the distinctive characteristics of dispersed establishment and centralized management of the department of civil service ethics. “Prevention is prior to investigation and punishment” is one of the major working principles of the department of civil service ethics in Taiwan in implementing corruption prevention and eliminating corruption. On the one hand, as a result of a recessive trait of the corrupt offense and an unclear and indefinite organizational function and role orientation, the department of civil service ethics running under no concrete specifications for its duties is really unable to create efficiency simply depending on quantitative data in some ways. The performance appraisal may be basically made according to the data presented, but it cannot be directly interpreted as an ideal data presentation equaling a good work performance. On the other hand, the work performance of government ethics officials is primarily subject to the preference of their superiors and the cooperation of the business unit. Aside from the above-mentioned, when a serious corruption affair is uncovered, the public opinion, a doubt from advocacy groups and mass society, and colleagues’ criticism will also influence the performance appraisal of the alleged government ethics officials. This shows that there is a needed improvement in the appraisal system, and it is necessary to have an in-depth review and discussion. This paper is to engage in an empirical study on the government ethics officials serving in Taipei City Government for the purpose of understanding their opinions towards “Rational and equitable system design”, “Feedback function helping promote organization efficiency and encouraging its morale”, “Cognition degree for subjective judgment or perception” and “Enforcement effectiveness” when the appraisal system was launched in expectation of making concrete proposals through data integration, statistics and analysis, and empirically grounded explanation and conclusion that not only can hit the nail on the head and meet the need but also can realize a theoretical and practical combination and application to serve as reference of the Ministry of Justice while they are engaging in an improvement program of the appraisal system. The findings of this study are elaborated below: 1. System Design 1) It is necessary to upgrade the hierarchy of law so that there is a more persuadable foundation to support the development of performance appraisal. 2) The orientation of a diverse role has resulted in failure to make an all-out effort in promotion work. 3) It is difficult to apply one standardized system to different types of government organizations and environments. 4) There is a needed improvement in the connection among organizational perspective, strategical efficiency target and measurement index. 5) A rigid appraisal method and tool has resulted in the difficulties of performance measurement and management. 6) The simplified appraisal contents are needed to achieve the streamlining human resources. 7) A doubt for developing the system while an inadequate design of rewards and punishments is hindering it from being carried out. 2. Practical Operation 1) To conduct the performance appraisal is not an easy thing and to make it fair is harder. 2) Inadequate training and propagation made it difficult for winning interior and exterior customers’ recognition. 3) Without exactly fulfilling the performance measurement index, the work of the performance appraisal turns out to be a mere formality. 4) A lack of flexibility to relax of restriction for authorizing the units of civil service ethics to set or select their individual index items. 5) The appraisal results can be connected with the merit system only, not extending to position promotion and career development and training. 6) To avoid the current appraisal system from turning out to be a mere formality, it is necessary to discuss how to design a new and feasible system instead of it. The following suggestions are set forth according to the findings stated above. 1. System Reform 1) Quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation should be simultaneously considered. 2) To strengthen the propagation and training of the appraisal system for the purpose of establishing a close link between all levels of the units of civil service ethics. 3) To establish an objective appraisal mechanism that combines diverse evaluation methods and puts emphasis on the fairness of reasonable appraisals. 4) To integrate and simplify business items and contents, and to draw up strategic targets and performance measurement index that correspond with organizational tasks. 5) A practicable performance appraisal system should be carried out in conjunction with the incentive system in a flexible application of rewards. 2. Feedback Function 1) To achieve a real participation of all government ethics officials. 2) There is a frequent and fluent communication between supervisor and subordinate to convey positive and optimistic information. 3) To establish a common consensus between supervisor and employee to bring the organizational and individual goals to become identical. 4) The employee training and learning contents or knowledge management should be subsumed.

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