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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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網際網路時代政治行銷策略之研究–以某個案為例 / A Case Study on Political Marketing Strategy in Internet Age

詹政雄 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的選舉過程中,除了在媒體廣告之外,還包括了政治宣傳、造勢活動、政見發表等多面向影響選民。而在銷售理念下,競選行銷的目的期望能透過媒體及行銷活動幫助候選人贏得選舉的勝利,進而取得政治權力。而近年來網際網路頻寬等基礎建設的完備與載具的普及,且大量的資訊在網際網路迅速、即時及互動等的特性下,使網路政治行銷對於競選人的影響就更顯格外的重要。 本研究以探索性之個案研究,發現在網路世代的選戰中已經打破了過去傳統的行銷策略,而當前的政治行銷策略則應為結合4P-4R-4S的新網路政治行銷。任何一個候選人想要滿足選民,實現經營目標,決不能孤立地只是考慮使用某一因素和手段進行選戰,必須從目標選民市場需求和競選市場行銷環境的特點出發,根據候選人的資源和優勢,綜合運用各種行銷手段,形成一套競選的行銷戰略,並發揮整體效應,以爭取最佳競選成效。 根據本研究的結論認為:(1)從候選人(Product)本身到注重與選民的聯繫 (Relativity)進而希望取得選民的認同感(Sense)。(2)從重視民調(Price)的高低到隨時關注各種選情與事件對選民的反應(Recation)進而希望提供更貼近的選民需求的服務(Service)而讓選民有感。(3)從各種單向傳統的宣傳通路(Place) 搶占市場的關鍵已轉變為各種走入群眾的方式,與選民建立長期而穩固的關係(Relation),進而提升溝通與回應的速度(Speed)。(4)從競選活動中的單向的促銷(Promotion)到希望得到選民的回報(Retribution)進而透過社群(Social Network)快速的互動及群體的參與,以取得選民的忠誠度。 / In Taiwan electoral process, in addition to media advertising, also including political propaganda, rallies, political views published will strongly influence the voters orientation. As the commercial marketing concept, the purpose of political marketing is hoping to help candidates win elections through the media and marketing activities, and thus obtain political power. In recent years, under the mature environment of Internet bandwidth and IT infrastructure such as real-time and interactive features can powerful handle massive information, the Internet political marketing for candidates of political influence is no doubt particularly important. This research used an exploratory case study methodology to explorate that the political marketing in the Internet generation has broken the traditional marketing strategy. We proposed an internet political marketing strategy that should be a combination of new political marketing 4P-4R-4S's. It is impossibe to only consider single factor or means making the campaign actions, any one of the candidates want to meet voters and achieve political objectives. He must be based on the target market needs and characteristics of campaign marketing environment point of view, considered the candidate's resources and advantages, used various marketing tools to form the strategic marketing campaign and exert the overall effect. In order to obtain the best campaign results. The following issues according to the results of the research were: (1) from among the candidates (Product) itself to focus on links with their constituents (Relativity) and then hope to achieve voter identity (Sense). (2) pay attention to polls (Price) level to keep an eye on the various election voters' reaction to the event (Recation) and then wish to provide services closer to the electorate's demand for (Service) and let the voters felt. (3) key from a variety of traditional one-way promotional channel (Place) to seize the market has been transformed into a variety of people, the establishment of long-term and stable relations (Relation) and the voters, and thus enhance the communication and response speed (Speed) . (4) to give voters return (Retribution) from campaigning in the way of promotion (Promotion) to want to participate and then quickly through the community (Social Network) interaction and community, in order to obtain the loyalty of voters.


廖益興 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內社會經濟快速變遷的現代化過程,游離選民的出現與政黨組織動員力量的消退,國內候選人在面對日趨激烈的選舉市場,其競選行為模型主要是採取候選人中心策略,主打候選人文宣形象戰而輔之組織動員戰。因此,採擷市場行銷學市場區隔和產品定位概念的政治行銷理論,成為現代分析候選人競選行為的主要概念架構。 二千年總統選戰連宋陳三方陣營的實際競選行為分析發現,候選人自我概念定位因素和競爭因素,是直接影響候選人競選行為內容的兩個因素,候選人的競選行為是依據「揚己之長、補己之短、攻敵之弱」的差別利益原則;而決定政黨議題空間位置分布的環境系絡因素,決定選民黨派投票分布的選民因素,以及決定候選人公眾形象評價內容的候選人因素,則是決定候選人差別利益內容的三個主要因素。 選戰期間候選人的競選作為影響選民對候選人的定位認知,當候選人競選行為出現相互矛盾,或因競爭對手的攻擊,而導致選民對候選人定位認知的衝突,則會降低或改變選民的投票支持傾向,而影響到競選行為的效能表現。其間連戰陣營採取過度追逐選票策略,在同時追逐中國意識新黨選民和本土游離選民,致使競選行為出現相互矛盾衝突,最後導致連戰的敗選;宋楚瑜則因興票案喪失原先改革選民的支持,改革選民回流支持陳水扁,最後導致宋楚瑜以3%的得票率差距敗給陳水扁。


林政忠 Unknown Date (has links)
所有民主先進國家皆認為,民主政治的運行乃是透過大眾傳播的功能與效果來實踐,媒介幾乎操縱了整個政治的過程,尤其是選舉期間,大眾媒介更成為左右了候選人勝選與否的主要因素之一。在現今「媒介政治」的時代中,電視影像更容易彰顯出候選人獨有的形象與議題訴求,相關研究亦顯示出,候選人形象與議題訴求是影響選民投票行為的有效指標之一。 本研究透過參與觀察法與深度訪談法,瞭解競選文宣的製作過程,並以文本敘事分析詮釋競選文宣的敘事結構,試圖回應本研究目的: 一、瞭解競選文宣企畫階段之形成過程為何? 二、瞭解競選文宣製作階段之執行過程為何? 三、瞭解競選文宣之文本敘事分析為何? 研究發現: 一、競選文宣概念主要源於候選人的核心概念與相關理論,主要是透過政治行銷理論,將候選人形象定位,進行競選文宣之議題設定,並尋找主要選民以獲得勝選。 二、競選文宣製作階段之執行主要是依據文宣的企畫內容。在前製作的部分是以文案撰寫、勘景與拍攝架構出文宣的初貌,並透過剪接、配音等後製工程去完成文宣製作以及播放。 三、競選文宣之文本敘事目的主要在於從文本的內容結構中突顯出文宣所要傳達的意涵,包括加強觀眾之情感認同、以及塑造候選人親民的形象。並透過影音文本分析檢測文宣的意涵。 研究建議: 一、文宣議題與時事議題結合:增加候選人宣傳的機會。 二、文宣議題與候選人形象結合:保持候選人一致的形象。 三、文宣議題與影像化、感性化的結合:增加選民的情感認同。 四、文宣議題與競選策略的結合:達成廣泛的宣傳效果。 五、文宣議題與人本關懷的結合:增加競選文宣的競爭優勢。 關鍵字:九二一、形象、政治行銷、敘事理論、議題設定

民意代表網站使用者對網站產品屬性評估之研究 / The Study of Legislator Website Product Attributes Evaluation--from Users' Points

施順挺 Unknown Date (has links)
全球資訊網(WWW)的出現,其結合有文字、聲音、動畫、影像等多媒體的特性,且具有即時性、互動性、低成本、全天候、無國界、多媒體等特性,使得網際網路成為現有的報章雜誌、廣播、電視之後最具影響力的第四大媒體。這股風潮,民意代表自然也不能置身事外,民意代表的個人網站紛紛成立,但究竟網友要的是什麼樣的民意代表網站,則少有相關研究。 本研究採問卷法蒐集資料,再以多變量方法分析回函資料,期能從網站使用者的角度,給予個案網站----「賴士葆選民服務網」產品策略上的建議,研究結論如下: 一、 產品定位方面: 從網友對11個產品屬性重要性的評估,及網友對個案網站在11個產品屬性的評價,將建議策略分成以下四種: (1)強調策略:立委的形象與專業度佳、網站有線上服務區、網站上有留言版及電子信箱、網站的內容豐富且更新度高。 (2)改善策略、對私人資料的保密性、網站的下載速度及穩定性。 (3)保持策略:網站的親和力高、網站提供會員優質服務、有屬於自己的社群。 (4)放棄策略:有多媒體的應用使網站更生動、網站的娛樂性好。 二、 產品改進策略方面: 區分目標市場(產品強度較高的一群)及非目標市場的網友對產品屬性的要求是否有所不同。結果兩者在網站有留言版及電子信箱、網站的娛樂性好這兩個產品屬性上重視程度有明顯差異,建議要掌握目標市場的心,可從此兩項產品屬性,特別是留言版及電子信箱下手。 / Since the emergence of the WWW, it brings multimedia characteristics, combining text, voice, animation and video. Real time, interaction, low-cost, no time limit, and no border restriction make it become the fourth media subsequently to newspaper, broadcast, and television. This trend makes legislators setup their personal websites; however, there are scant studies about what kind of website users really need. This study adopts questionary method to gather data, and analyzes the data with Multivariable Method, aiming to give the case website----www.sbiai.org.tw----suggestions in product strategy from the users' points. The conclusion is as follows: In product positioning strategy: From users' evaluation about 11 product attributes, and users' evaluation case website performance in 11 product attributes, this research give four strategy as follows: 1. Emphasis strategy: the excellent image and professionalism; online service; message board and email box; content affluence. 2. Improvement strategy: the security about personal data; the download speed & stability. 3. Maintenance strategy: friendliness; good member service; having groups. 4. Abandon strategy: multimedia application; amusement. In product Improvement Strategy: To distinguish target market form the non-target market, and make need comparison between them. The result shows they have apparent difference in message board and email box, and amusement. From these two product attributes, especially message board and email box, you can capture the target market.

民意代表網站瀏覽者行為之實證研究 / An empirical study of visitors' behavior on a political website

楊堯燦, Yang, Yao-Tsan Unknown Date (has links)
全球上網人數不斷增加,沒有電腦、沒有網路的生活對現今的許多人,尤其是資訊相關產業的工作者來說,實在難以想像。就像以前的人應也很難想像現在電腦網路所帶來的便利,這樣巨大的改變已完全形成現代人生活上的改變。許多企業因此不得不E化,即使E化所能帶來的好處尚難以估計,為了不輸在起跑點,投注大筆資金E化的企業並不在少數。 民意代表雖屬非營利組織,但其表現需接受選民定期的檢驗,用投票來反應,不是零就是一百的績效衡量方式,比一般企業所面臨的損益來得殘酷。為了拉近與選民的距離,以網際網路做為媒介是個不錯的選擇。究竟民意代表經營網站能為其帶來多少支持的選民,甚而轉化為支持的選票,值得探討。上民意代表網站的瀏覽者行為特性如何,網站經營者可如何發揮以吸引瀏覽者,增加瀏覽人次? 本研究以Howard的消費者決策模式(CDM)為基礎,配合本研究題目的特定範圍加以修正,利用路徑分析(Path Analysis)探討瀏覽者行為在數個構面上的影響關係,再以單因子變異數分析(1-way ANOVA)界定各構面在年齡、職業及區域上的差異,最後形成策略意涵。 根據研究結果,做成以下建議:以長期來看,民意代表經營專屬網站有助於爭取更多支持的選民;爭取學生族群的認同;台北市南區的候選人,目前適合搭配專屬網站作為整體的競選文宣。 / Nowadays there are more and more people going online. It’s unimaginable how people could live without Internet, especially for those who do their job using computer frequently through Internet. Just as we could not imagine what utilities Internet bring hundreds of years ago. It goes without saying that Internet has changed our lives. That’s why lots of business go online to be an E-business. Though the benefit brought by going on line can’t be clearly estimated, lots of corporate spend much money constructing their E-business because of avoiding lost in the beginning. Political websites are all nonprofit organizations. The way their performances are evaluated is election. It’s cruel that you are a survivor or getting nothing but crash otherwise. The Candidates want to be more closer to ’customers’, so they choose to setup a website and provide service. But How can they be sure that they are more possible to win the final campaign? The answer is in this paper. It is going to find out the behavior of those who visit the websites and make some suggestion about the strategies to promote the websites. The structure of this research is based on the CDM(Consumer Decision-Making) Model with some specific modification. The related dimensions are connected using Path Analysis, then the interactive relationship of these dimensions are clear. Accompanied by 1-way ANOVA, we can find the characteristics of the visitors’ on these dimensions, say age, occupation and where they live. According to the outcome, our suggestions are : it’s helpful for the candidates to win the campaign in the long run by providing services on websites ; ‘Student’ is apparently the group which is worth targeting when you want to promote yourself ; it’s now appropriate to concentrate on website if you are a candidate in the south area of Taipei.


楊靜珩, Yang, Ching Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是希望對形象投票進行更深入的探究;嘗試更進一歩地探討候選人的形象會不會影響?如何去影響?選民的偏好與支持。候選人媒體形象一直是影響投票行為的重要變數。近年來在政治行銷的趨勢下,整合行銷傳播的概念應用於選戰行銷的趨勢也愈發明顯,所強調的成功行銷策略就是訊息的整合,訊息的一致性可以幫助達成最大的行銷效益。另一方面,2005年國民黨黨主席選舉確實有其劃時代的意義,再加上兩位候選人王金平、馬英九媒體形象的突出性和對比性,顯示形象投票的模式的確在此次選戰中發酵,而兩人在此次選戰的媒體形象塑造和過去長期以來相較,似乎王金平是嘗試區隔、馬英九則是企圖延續。本研究因此試圖以此次個案來觀察候選人媒體形象一致性與選民的偏好程度之間的關係。本研究試圖加入行銷學的理論,視候選人為單一商品;視候選人媒體形象訊息的一致性為商品的販售策略;以選民的偏好程度為商品行銷成功與否的標準,探討候選人媒體形象一致性程度所產生的影響;檢驗候選人的媒體形象若一致性愈高,是否愈能提高選民的偏好,如同商品若行銷訊息一致性愈高,愈能提高行銷的效益。 研究結果顯示驗證了本研究的假設:即王金平長期性和短期性的媒體形象較不一致;候選人馬英九較一致;選民對馬英九的偏好度是持續上升的,反觀對王金平的偏好度是緩慢下降。換言之,王金平的媒體形象訊息較不一致,因此可能較難突顯他的個人定位和加深民眾的認知強度;而馬英九則相反,由於形象訊息較具延續性,因此容易強化個人的定位和民眾的認知,而較能增加選民的偏好。 從研究結果可以發現,整合行銷傳播所強調,成功的行銷策略—「訊息的整合」,確實對於競選策略的規劃上有其參考的意義和價值;「訊息的一致性」不僅可以幫助在商業市場中販售商品達到最大的行銷效益,在本研究的結果中或許能夠初步印証,也可以將此概念移植到政治競選領域中,幫助選戰候選人獲得勝選、增加選民的偏好與支持。

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