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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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游璧如, YU, PI JU Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解站崗女面對感情因「男友服役而生變」時,其內在的經驗,並探究站崗女面對「分手」抉擇時,在做決定、因應自己的決定以及重新面對生活的力量及理由,這過程的心路歷程。 研究採用敘說研究方法,參與者為兩名成年女性。透過研究者與參與者各兩次,為時兩小時的訪談,以訪談內容及網誌、書寫在批踢踢BBS「站崗的女人」版上的資料作為敘說文本,採用「整體—內容」的敘說分析方式進行資料整理與分析。 研究結果發現,兩位參與者都十分看中「親密感」的維繫。因為親密感而發展出期待:希望男友可以多花時間陪伴、傾聽並重視自己。然而他們的期待,伴侶不是無法瞭解,就是不願調整配合。 其次,本研究發現,男生服役期間對親密關係的影響:戀人在關係中的角色相反、突顯了兩人世界的差異、暴露了原本溝通的缺陷、站崗女會延緩離開的決定。而影響站崗女看待關係改變與去留的因素則有:女性較難以離開關係、關係裡感受到的公平與否、「我不夠好」的自卑心理、對「無錯」的期待與追求。 研究者還發現可以其他詮釋觀點來看本研究的兩位參與者。如:她們是比較容易在親密關係中消失自我的女人、她們為自己寫的愛情故事和腳本左右了和伴侶之間的互動、要求關係的和諧有時反而損傷了關係。 最末針對「當兵」時期兩性之間的相處、未來相關研究提出建議,研究者也重新檢視、接觸自己。

小孩敘說過去事件能力之發展 / Children’s narrative performance about past events across time

廖冠琄 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在於探討母親在親子對話中談論過去事件的方式對於小孩自行敘說過去事件能力的影響。研究語料來自於兩名以漢語為母語的三歲小孩與她們母親的對話,以及這兩名小孩與研究者之間的對話。研究結果顯示,根據Reese, Haden, & Fivush (1993)的研究,這兩位母親都展現出高度詳述的風格(high-elaborative style),不過這兩位媽媽所注重的敘說內容(narrative information)是不同的,其中一位媽媽注重事件的過程(complicating action),另一位媽媽則注重事件發生的背景(orientation)。至於小孩自行敘說過去事件的能力,研究結果發現這兩位小孩會受到她們母親的影響,亦即這兩位小孩在與研究者對話時,常常詳述(elaborate)正在討論的過去事件,較少重複(repeat)已提過的資訊,不過有關於敘說的內容(narrative information),這兩位小孩到了後期所注重的內容並不相同,她們所強調的內容會與她們母親類似,而這個結果與維高斯基(Vygotsky)的理論是一致的。 / This study investigates mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives about the past in mother-child conversations when the children were 3;6 and the children’s narrative performance in researcher-child conversations at three time points when the children were 3;6, 3;9, and 4;0. The effect of mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives with children on children’s narrative performance was also investigated. Mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives with children were examined in terms of the conversational styles and the narrative information types, and children’s narrative performance was examined in terms of the conversational contributions and the narrative information types. Subjects in this study are two female children (D and Z) and their mothers. The results show that the two mothers displayed the same conversational style, namely, high-elaborative style termed by Reese, Haden, & Fivush (1993). But, they differed in the type of narrative information that they placed more emphasis on. One of the mothers was particularly concerned about orientation information, while the other mother placed more emphasis on complicating actions. As for children’s narrative performance, the two children were very similar about the type of utterances that they contributed in the narratives when having conversations with the researcher. More specifically, they both frequently produced the type of elaborations, which was much higher than repetitions at each time point. In terms of narrative information types, at Time 1 (3;6) and Time 2 (3;9), D and Z were similar in that complicating action was higher than orientation. However, at Time 3 (4;0), Z’s orientation was higher than complicating action, while D’s complicating action was still higher than orientation. With respect to the effect of mothers’ ways of co-constructing narratives with children on children’s narrative performance, it was found that the difference that D’s mother provided or requested for complicating actions much more often than Z’s mother did at Time 1 (3;6) was reflected in the two children’s percentage of this narrative information type at Time 3 (4;0). This is in line with Vygotskian theory that early scaffolds provided by mothers would be reflected in children’s performance at a later time.


潘琴葳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解兒時性侵害倖存者的愛情經驗,並探究性侵害受害經驗在倖存者愛情經驗中的意義,以及文化脈絡在倖存者愛情中所扮演的角色。 研究採用敘說研究方法,參與者為一名成年女性;透過研究者與參與者的網路視訊對談,以訪談內容及研究參與者提供之書面資料作為敘說文本,採用「整體─內容」的敘說分析方式進行資料整理與分析。 研究結果發現,參與者非常重視愛情關係中的信任與理解,以及身體的自主權;然而參與者的期待,有許多時候是不被伴侶所瞭解的,且男性伴侶經常侵犯參與者的身體界線。參與者會因為伴侶無法理解自己,以及身體自主權不受尊重而選擇結束關係。 其次,以往參與者遭遇愛情關係的瓶頸時,經常懷疑性侵害經驗是其愛情不順遂的根源。最後找到一個可以理解、尊重自己的伴侶時,參與者發現過去在愛情中遭逢的困難,是來自男性無法尊重女性的自主、尤其是身體自主所導致;同時過往的伴侶也很難對參與者的生命經歷、特別是性侵害經歷有深刻的理解。研究並指出參與者所身處的性別文化脈絡,發現參與者的性侵害創傷經驗與愛情經驗,與文化中的性別權力議題息息相關。 最末針對未來相關研究,心理助人工作者的倫理省思與未來可為性侵害倖存者及其伴侶提供的治療方向提出建議。 關鍵字:性侵害倖存者、愛情經驗、敘說


陳奕圻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從一位初任幼師的困境為起點,雖然接受過師培訓練,卻在正式進入職場後,對於擔任幼師一職的能力和專業感到質疑,個體歸究原因為自身專業知識不足,因而報考研究所,並認定問題得以輕易解決,直到訪談在學前教育領域已工作二十幾年的蘇老師,才開始思索幼師角色對於自身之意涵,同時意識到個體於專業認同上出現危機,至此展開探索之旅程! 本研究採質化研究中的敘說方法,從個體幼年生活「故事」寫起、受教的經驗與感受、如何成為幼師的歷程,以及之後擔任「家園」裡的「母親」,透過書寫、行動和反思之不斷循環歷程,期望了解自身對幼師角色之體認與如何形構幼師之專業認同。 本研究整理出幼師個體之實踐智慧: 1.孩子基礎教育應透過正確的飲食習慣和運動養成勤勞之慣性,以健康身體為基礎,透過與人事物互動後反思、參解,提升人格與心性的平穩。 2.跳脫傳統教育迷思,重建健康之教育生態環境,也才有可能培育出身心健康的個人。 3.幼師專業認同形構之漸進循環模式:抉擇、磨合、蜜月、危機期。 4.影響幼師專業認同演化之因素,包括:母職外表、專業技能、教育活動意涵、職業角色價值與自我核心價值。符應倪鳴香研究的幼師職業認同三部曲,「塑形-堆砌-自我引導」由外而內之演進。 5.幼師專業認同演化歷程中,受到外在現實社會與理想上專業認定兩者的價值衝突,最終須回歸到幼師自身的個人核心價值導引。

承接的掙扎與探尋行動 -兒童教育事業接班人的自我敘說 / The struggle of undertaking and exploring action : the self-narrative of child education business successor

羅翊文, Lo, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在選填幼教系的那刻起,我就知道未來要承接母親所經營的兒童教育事業,但 內心卻常有個聲音是「好希望我是願意承接母親經營的事業,但為何我始終沒辦法 也不願意做出這個選擇?」。母親在我童年時期忙碌的景象,使我一直擔憂承接後, 我的孩子也會像我童年時期一樣孤單,但若不選擇承接,母親還會愛我嗎? 這進退兩難的處境在遇見兩位幼兒園接班人後,開啟了我的探尋之旅。無論是 透過訪談準幼兒園接班人、訪談家人以及接受心理諮商,甚至一年代理經營等等的 探尋行動,我看見過去的自己是依附在母親的期待中與一昧想像他人一樣。藉由自 身不斷行動、敘說與反思,促動原先對他者與自己既定且僵化信念的改變,透過說 也看見自身的生命起伏與演變的意義脈絡,當人能看見此意義脈絡的同時也就能看 見人自身經歷存在的價值,使過往在認回自我的過程中得以平靜安穩的存在,進而 拾回生命的主權為自己做決定,有力量思考承接與否的挑戰。而承接家業對我而 言,成了可以實踐自我理想的選擇。 / In the election of the pediatric system, I know that the future to undertake the mother's children's education business, but the heart is often a voice is "I hope I am willing to undertake the cause of the mother's business, but why I have no way do not want to make this choice? " My mother in my childhood busy scene, so I have been worried about undertaking, my child will be as lonely as my childhood, but if you do not choose to undertake, the mother will love me? This dilemma in the situation after meeting the two kindergarten successors, opened my search trip. Whether it is through the interview kindergarten successors, interviews with family members and to accept psychological counseling, and even one year agency operations and so on the search action, I saw the past is attached to the mother's expectations and ignorant imagine others. By their own action, narrative and reflection, to promote the original and their own established and rigid beliefs of the change, through that also see their own ups and downs of life and evolution of the meaning of the context, when people can see this sense of context at the same time also can see the value of the existence of their own experience, so that in the past to recover the self in the process of calm and stable existence, and then retrieve the sovereignty of life for their own decisions, have the power to think about whether to undertake or not. And to undertake the family business for me, has become a self-ideal choice.

一種青春,兩個世界:跨越教育體制畢業生之質性研究 / One youth, two worlds- a qualitative research from a crossing broader's perspective, a student studied in a mainstream and an alternative school.

謝雅君, Hsieh, Ya Chun Unknown Date (has links)
另類學校處於升學主義與考試中心的價值洪流中,不時地被添上許多莫須有的帽子,例如「另類學校畢業生沒有競爭力」、「另類學校是貴族學校」、「有問題的學生才需要另類教育」等罪名,這些問題必得由教育的主體─學生來發聲,根據他們的體驗與視角,來摘除上述種種對於另類教育的汙名。此外,為了探究不同體制的學校教育如何影響學生的自我形構,本研究嘗試以敘說研究的方式,來探究一位跨越教育體制畢業生的生命故事,從而瞭解其自我調適的歷程與自我形構的因素。自我形構是一個動態的未完成狀態,人的一生不斷的調整自我內在與外在環境至一個和諧的狀態,因此,外在環境對於自我形構的影響甚鉅,而對學生的自我形構而言,學校教育的環境便是一大重要場域。研究發現,開放自由的教育理念與方式培養學生建立較具正面與積極的自我圖像,而較保守封閉的教育理念與方式會使得學生對於自我圖像失去想像力空間,而創造性變得比較狹隘。藉由兩種教育體制的對照與激盪,不僅碰撞出教育本質之應然所在之處,同時也為另類教育學提供另一種論述基礎。 關鍵字:另類教育、全人中學、敘說探究、自我 / Alternative schools are usually misunderstood by people surrounded in the mainstream of credentialism, such as non-competitiveness, exclusive schools only for nobles or problem-maker students. In order to answer these questions raised above, it should be spoken by the narrative of students who had studied in a mainstream school and an alternative school to get rid of rumors. The purpose of the research is to deliberate the process of the self construction of students in different educational system of schools. Self construction is an ongoing process, and people would adjust constantly between inner self and outside environment to achieve a status of harmony. Therefore, school environment is one of the most important places for students. It finds that students grow positive self images easier in open and liberal school environments. On the contrary, students have lower imagination and creativity to their self images in conservative and closed school environments. The research is not only remind people what education is, but also provide a narrative for alternative schools. Keywords: alternative school, Holistic school, narrative, self

葉落-一位女幼師的回家路 / A Fallen Leaf Is on Her Way Home

陳苡佩, Chen, Yi Pei Unknown Date (has links)
本文為一位幼師所書寫的生命敘說,這份「說」的起點來自於家庭造就的傷痕,研究者與家庭之間產生了心理距離。面對這個心理距離,研究者採取逃離的應對姿態,而此一姿態同樣出現在往後面對工作與愛情之中的挫敗。然而,隨著2012年家庭重大事件的爆發,研究者萌生了想要突破與家庭間心理距離的意念,走上回家的道路。整體而言,研究者藉由自我書寫、閱讀、參與敘說團體討論、聽生命中重要他人的故事,重新梳理對自身的認識,產生了能夠回家的力量。研究者發現家庭、工作與愛情之中的挫敗與傷來自於自身對三者存有既定的理想圖像,當現實發生的事件與理想有所落差時,產生個人內在衝突以及對他者的不諒解。隨著此一對自我與他者的認識與再理解,研究者進入了一段自我療癒的旅程,覺察自我與他者之間存在著愛的力量。因著這份愛,研究者不僅與自己及重要他者和解,治癒了生命議題的種種傷,同時也進一步產生了個人行動意向的轉變,從原本的逃離姿態轉變為自我的主動承擔,最終能夠以家作為新的生命旅程的起點。 / This is a story told by a kindergarten teacher growing up in a well-off family and leading a seemingly ‘smooth’ life. Two storylines mapped out the narratives. One is her family of origin; the other is her journey of becoming a teacher. Not having been through many difficulties in her life, the researcher/narrator found herself helpless and at loss in the face of unexpected life events. She had always been an obedient child who studied hard to meet the expectation of her mother, who wanted her to be a teacher. As she actually stepped into the workplace, however, she gave up on the opportunity of public schools and instead, ‘took the road less traveled by’. Wandering around in search of the ideal Education, she found herself losing the strength to be a teacher ever again. Family is my starting point. Confronted with the ‘ripping’ of my family, I found self-cure in this destruction. I traced back to my childhood for the absence of my father and the loss of family. Through writing, storytelling and interviews, I reorganized myself and, by understanding multiple perspectives, re-examined the significant others in my life. There are always blind spots in the writing and retelling of the story. Therefore, my readers became the critical eyes which enabled me to recognize the unrecognizable self. In the process of writing and ‘being read’, the self-exploring conversation and debate has become an eye-opening experience. It turned out that, when I am looking at other people, I have only been seeing myself.


李香盈 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用敘說研究方法,探討未婚成年女性多重戀情的心理歷程。從文獻與實務經驗中理解到,有些多重戀情者在其中有許多負向感受(女性尤其強烈),因此希望關注在歷程中時有負向感受的女性當事人身上,給予敘說的空間。採用立意取樣由熟識的人介紹受訪者小黛,訪談與分析詮釋後發現,在說出來的故事底下,還有許多難以被說出來的故事主軸。小黛雖然本著開朗釋懷的態度,看似不受外界影響與壓迫,但其實渴望被接納,也擔心被社會評價所批判,因此說得小心翼翼,不斷地解釋與抗辯污名,並且在多重戀情歷程中持續進行自我形象的整飾。社會的負向評價不僅在訪談當時影響著故事的敘說,更在故事發生當時就扮演了舉足輕重的角色,並且已經內化為女性多重戀情者的價值觀,讓當事人被污名所壓迫,「這不是一部變心與劈腿的故事,而是一部在自我形象與感情需求的拉扯下,尋求著被允許與被接納之生存空間的故事。」 最後,本研究對多重戀情現象、質性研究者與諮商員提出反思與建議。 / The study was based on narrative research approach exploring the females’s psychological process of an unmarried adult female who had more than one lover at the same time. According to the research and practical experience, some people, especially the females who had more than one lover at the same time would experience a lot of negative feelings. The participator Diane was introduced by a friend based on purposive sampling. After interviewing and interpreting the story, there are some important stories under what she had said. Although she looked like optimistic and didn’t care about external pressure, in fact, she wanted to be accepted and worried about the social judgment. Therefore, she told about her story carefully, and explained her behavior again and again. Besides, she regulated her self-image all the time when she falling in love with two men. Not only influencing the narration in the interview, the negative social judgment also played a key person from the beginning. It was internalized by the female who had more than one lover at the same time, and oppressed her through stigmatization. “This is not a story talking about unfaith; this is a story talking about a person who seek to be accepted, be permitted to survive under the struggle between the self-image and the need of love.” Finally, there were some discussion about the phenomenon that a person had more than one lover at the same time and some suggestions to the researchers and counselors.

一位明星高中成績低落學生自我認同歷程的敘事研究 / Narrative Research: An Underachiever's Self-identity Process In A Prestigious High School In Taiwan

楊貴雯, Yang, Quei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用敘說研究方法,探討一位明星高中成績低落學生形成自我認同的心理歷程。以後現代的觀點,來瞭解受訪者如何看待自己在耀眼的明星高中裡,所經驗到的課業問題以及對自我形象的認定。本研究採立意取樣方式,邀請正就讀於北部某明星高中,且高一至高二其間學業成績明顯低落的受訪者KK,進行半結構式的訪談。經過文本的分析詮釋後整理出KK的自我認同歷程階段表,來描述受訪者在進入明星高中前後,所經歷不同時期的自我認同樣貌;此外,研究者亦參考各心理學家所提出自我認同的相關理論來檢視受訪者的自我認同程度,並以質性的方式來描述;最後,研究者歸納出受訪者如何重新賦予自我新形象的心理模式。本研究亦針對教育工作者、質性研究者與諮商員提出反思與建議。 / The main purpose of this study is to inquiry what an underachiever expe¬riences his academically lagging behind in a prestigious high school in north Taiwan and how he establishes his self-image in the process of self-identity. By taking a post-modern perspective, I tried to understand the participator’s experiential world through his narrative language in a semi-structured interview. The method of text analysis is the holistic-content model by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach(1998). After a narrative interpretation, I concluded the participator’s self-identity process describing his different self-image before and after entering the prestigious high school, assessed the participator’s degree of self identity by relevant theories in a qualitative method and discussed the way he established self-images. Finally, I proposed some educational suggestions for practical educators, qualitative researchers and counselors.


林靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以癌症病人慧心的生命故事敘說作為探究人之自我陶養的取俓。以探問生命主體如何面對「死亡」的威脅,以及自身對「死亡」之憂懼為起點,以生命故事訪談的方式,自2005年至2007年進行三次訪談。旨在回溯與探究主體歷經種種足堪造成生命斷裂的重大事件—病痛及死亡威脅,重新詮釋、乃至轉化自身生命意義的自我陶養過程。 本文以人生如歌的意象將章節結構分為三部分。第一篇《前奏曲》可視為進入慧心生命故事前的準備,共分為兩章。第一章「緒論」 從研究者之生命經驗出發,回溯自身對死亡與生命意義之怖畏與好奇,並探究自病痛將主體推至多重乃至終極的斷裂(死亡)中,主體創造與尋求出口的「轉化」與「超越」的能力與可能性。第二章「生命的陶養」則提出陶養理論,論述自古典陶養理論對「人之本質」、「自我陶養」,「個人與他者及世界的關係(從異化到回返自身)」的討論,到後現代陶養理論所持之「去目的」、「自我學習」、「自我理解」與「自我創造與轉化」的觀點。第三節「病痛的生命故事敘說」則解釋本文之研究方法、研究目的與問題,並簡介訪談對象之背景。 第二篇 《如歌的行版》包括有三章。第三章「慧心生命歷程分析」首先描述三次訪談歷程與內容,並從「時間性」之向度分析文本結構,第三節則描繪文本中所浮顯之敘說者慧心形貌,並給出一慧心生命故事速寫,筆者並以同樣身為女性的、女兒的、妻子的、思索生命意義與死亡者、以及研究者之不同角度與身份,後設地剖析自身與慧心之間的關係,以及對其文本詮釋角度所帶來的影響。第五章之後則開始正式進入文本解析與討論,探究慧心在生命不同時期的自我發展與轉化過程。第四章「自我的澄明與追尋」主述慧心在染患病痛(癌症)前的生命歷程中,如何在追隨模仿他者與婚姻生活中迷失與覺醒,最後藉由投身於藝術世界之行動來追尋自我。「尋找我之所是的生命圖像」的生命追求因而浮顯,並貫穿於三份敘說文本中,成為其終極關懷。第五章「病痛的挑戰」則解析慧心面對病痛與死亡威脅所帶來的挑戰,成為自己的英雄,並如何以信仰為最大的精神支持系統與治療方式,逐步重新詮釋病痛、死亡與生命意義,由生命圖像由「悲劇英雄」漸轉化為「修行者」。 在第三篇 《無名之歌》裡,第六章「療癒」以「生命主控權的重獲」與「愛與願」兩節解析慧心的療癒與轉化歷程。藉由1.將病因自我歸因、2.重新掌握對病因、治療方式、待治療對象的詮釋權、3.自身的修行、4.關懷他者、5.重詮苦痛經驗等五項要素,慧心得以將「治療」轉為具積極性的「自療」,因而重獲生命的主控權。同時,她也得以化解原伏藏於內心身處的恐懼,將其轉化為對他者的大愛,從自利轉為利他的願力進而萌發,成為懷抱大愛與大願之「願者」。第七章「成為一個人」則綜合整析慧心自我陶養的歷程,尤重其在歷經病痛與死亡威脅後自我陶養之可能性與內涵。本章並就「存在目的」、「人生觀」、「對病痛的詮釋」、「人我關係」、「新世界之生成」、「生死觀」五向度,討論慧心從「悲劇英雄」、至「修行者」到「願者」的轉化歷程中在此五向度上的轉變,並融塑出屬慧心之「信、愛、願、行」的生命特質。其次,本章並根據研究結果形構一慧心自我陶養模式,包括下列七項因素:1.「對界限處境的體驗與正視」、2.「調適變動的策略」、3.「新世界的構作」、4.「自我解離與自我反思能力」、5.「非線性、盤旋而生的陶養歷程」、6.「宗教作為支持系統的輔助與啟明」、7.「敘說、重詮與創化」。本章最後則進一步根據本研究發現進一步省思陶養教育實踐的可能性,並特別針對生死(生命)教育的進行提出建議。 / By interviewing a cancer patient, Huai-shih’s life story, this thesis aims at exploring how the subject re-interprets the meaning of disruptions in her life, including illness and the ultimate disruption-death, and how she transforms the meaning of life. Research data were collected over two years from the year of 2005 to 2007. All these so called disruptions evolve Huai-shih’s life transformation and constitute the process of Self Bildung. Inspired by the metaphor that life is as a graceful melody, the whole thesis is divided into three volumes. The first volume-“ Prelude ” can be concerned as a preparation before going into Huai-shih’s life story. Three chapters are included in it. The first chapter traces back from the researcher’s anxiety and curiosity of life and death from her own life experience, and intend to enquire the possibilities of the subject seeking for transcendence. The second chapter aims at the theory of Bildung, several concepts such as“ human nature”, “self-Bildung”, “relationship between self and others and the outer world ”, “self-understanding” , “self- learning” and “self-transformation are discussed. The history of life education in Taiwan is also articulated in this chapter. The third chapter is to present the research method, research purpose and research question. Our interviewee, Huai-shih is also briefly introduced in this chapter. The second volume is named as “Andante Cantabile”. The fourth chapter analyzes and constitutes the structure of text and portrays a vivid image of Huai-shih’s character. The fifth chapter analyzes the process of how Huai-shih struggled to find her self-identity from the marital relationship before she contracted breast cancer. A main life picture of a subject who works hard to find the answer of who I am has emerged and become Huai-shih’s ultimate concern. The sixth chapter analyzes how Huai-shih adopting her attitudes to face illness and the threaten of death. With the empowerment of religion, she reinterprets the meaning of illness, death and life, and initiates new life belief and inner power. Here Huai-shih is not a “tragic hero” as she named herself before, she has already transformed into a “practicer” who dedicated herself into the faith of Buddhism and practice. Three chapters are included in the third volume. The seventh chapter focuses on how Huai-shih re-controlling her life and digging out that there is a strong love inside her life. She learns to love not only people around her and also strangers again and wishes all human beings can find their happiness and leave far away from sufferings。“Self attribution”, “Re-interpreting the cause of illness and the meaning of therapy ”, “Self-practice”, “Caring for others”, “Re-interpreting personal suffering and illness experiences ”are main elements that enforcing the process of life transformation. She becomes the one who has love and willing of helping others. In the eighth chapter, with the following elements a model of self-Bildung of Huai-shih is constituted : 1.“Facing up to the boundary situations”, 2.“ Adjustment strategies of changes ”, 3.“Constitution of new worlds”, 4.“ The ability of self-detachment and self-reflectoin ”, 5.“A non-linear, spiral process of self-Bildung ”, 6.“ The illumination and support of religion”, 7.“ Narrative, repretation, and creation”. Through this clarification and analyzing of life and death phenomena, the conclusion intends to enrich the field of life and death education and create the possibilities for learners to proceed their own self-learning and understanding from others’ life stories.

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