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自主學習與學生自我賦權─以北市自主學習實驗計畫學生為例之研究黃心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,研究者是採用質性研究方法,資料採集的方式為F. Schutze的敘述訪談法,而資料分析則是採取Moustakas對於超驗現象學方法的應用。
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蒙特梭利自由思想教育意涵之研究莊梨青, Chuang, Li-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:蒙特梭利、自由、另類教育 / With the development of Enlightenment in Europe during the 17th century, the Europeans believed that the society would make progress and the illiteracy would be eliminated under the use of human rationality. Besides, the badness of our society would be reformed with the help of education. However, the adult-based or curriculum-based education ignored the subjectivity of learners. Montessori had a different viewpoint that the pattern of education must be children-based. She hoped that education would make life tend towards freedom. In light of the viewpoint of “alternative education” nowadays, she stresses on the learning subjectivity and the reflection of educating process. Although being in different time and space, it is still referable to us. The researcher takes literature review in historical research as the method of this study in order to have a comprehensive understanding of Montessori’s Freedom education by interpreting her masterpieces.
In this article, the researcher inquires the respect towards children and the educational blueprint constructed by Montessori through the illustration of the five elements of her origin of thoughts including the experience of teaching, the background of academic training, the ideological trend of philosophy of education, the background of her religion, and her personal traits. Then, elaborate the educational meanings of Freedom including choice, development, independence, and social through the educational process. In addition, discuss how Montessori teachers practice freedom in education and inspire children’s intelligence and potential through the four categories as follow: preparation of proper environment, providing of adaptable task, creation of social life, and fostering teachers’ spirits.
In the end, in light of Montessori’s holistic development, the researcher expounds the roles of children and teachers in learning process according to the human portraits of “uncertainty of human – hopes versus waiting”, “self-constructuon of human – creation versus companion”, and “independency of human – awakening versus enlightening”. And study the educational inspiration of Montessori’s Freedom education through the access of educational ethics.
Key words: Montessori、freedom、alternative education
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另類學校中的人權教育之研究:以種籽親子實驗小學為例翁凱婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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一種青春,兩個世界:跨越教育體制畢業生之質性研究 / One youth, two worlds- a qualitative research from a crossing broader's perspective, a student studied in a mainstream and an alternative school.謝雅君, Hsieh, Ya Chun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:另類教育、全人中學、敘說探究、自我 / Alternative schools are usually misunderstood by people surrounded in the mainstream of credentialism, such as non-competitiveness, exclusive schools only for nobles or problem-maker students. In order to answer these questions raised above, it should be spoken by the narrative of students who had studied in a mainstream school and an alternative school to get rid of rumors. The purpose of the research is to deliberate the process of the self construction of students in different educational system of schools. Self construction is an ongoing process, and people would adjust constantly between inner self and outside environment to achieve a status of harmony. Therefore, school environment is one of the most important places for students. It finds that students grow positive self images easier in open and liberal school environments. On the contrary, students have lower imagination and creativity to their self images in conservative and closed school environments. The research is not only remind people what education is, but also provide a narrative for alternative schools.
Keywords: alternative school, Holistic school, narrative, self
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另類教育與即興美學-一位華德福學校學生的生命故事 / Alternative education and the aesthetics of improvisation— A waldorf school student's life story彭千芸, Peng, Chien Yun Unknown Date (has links)
基於單一文化之困境與美學意識之衰微,台灣另類教育在二元對立的邏輯運作下,常遭受負面的誤解或打壓,普羅大眾對於另類學校學生最常見的質疑便是:「以後要怎麼跟人家競爭?」、「如何考基測?」、「出去有辦法適應嗎?」,為探究另類學校學生的生活世界及其進入體制內學校的跨體制經驗,本篇論文嘗試以敘說探究開採夏天—一位華德福學校學生的生命故事,從而了解其學習世界的變遷及內在的適應歷程。研究發現,華德福學校具備自由、對話、創造之特徵,以即興的學校圖像作為陶養創造性人格之可能條件,促使夏天在面對基測和進入體制的衝突中展現出自我組織的生命樣態,而即興美學中的自由遊戲精神與複雜思維,不僅啟示了教育引發創造的本質,同時也為另類教育學提供更多元的定位基礎。 / Because of the conformity of culture and the lack of aesthetics, alternative education in Taiwan is usually misunderstood or suppressed in the logic of binary dualism. The most common questions to alternative schools’ students are “How do they compete with others in the future?”, “How do they prepare for the basic competence test?”, and “Are they able to adapt to the life outside?” To investigate the life world of an alternative school’s student, Summer, and her experience of transferring to normal school, narrative inquiry is adopted in this research to understand the changes of the learning environments and her state of mind. According to the conclusion, the Waldorf school contains the characters of freedom, dialogue, and creation. And its picture of improvisation provides Summer with possible conditions for developing creative personality. As a result, she shows the attitude of self-organization when facing conflicts in the cross-boarder process. In addition, improvisation’s spirit of free play and complex not only reveal the essence of education as creation, but also provide alternative education with more diverse orientation.
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邂逅.敘說.蛻變--一個另類學校教師的行動研究謝易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
研究進路為質性研究方法中的生命傳記敘說取向,文本採集使用Fritz Schütze開展的敘述訪談法,訪談就讀實驗計畫期間參與研究者開設之哲學課與寫作課的兩個案例(其中一人現就讀外轉公立高中,另一仍就讀實驗計畫),並且同時訪談其家長(本研究皆為母親)敘說文本,作為家庭生活與學校生活的參照。資料分析以Rainer Kokemohr的參照推論分析為主軸,輔以 F.Schütze、Moustakas並借用Bruner和Lévi-Strauss的見解。同時研究者的相關研究紀錄與學生作品亦是重要資料。由學生文本、家長文本與教師紀錄、蒐集的現場資料,構成了詮釋現象和形構理論的三角。
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盧梭教育哲學思想之研究張育瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論 探討了「兒童化的成人」與「成人化的兒童」呈現了台灣的「人性危機」,也可稱是「教育危機」。人們尚未達到啟蒙以來的理想成為獨立、自由、自主的人性狀態,而盧梭這位相當接近我們當代思維的哲人被稱為「人性權利的恢復者」,以及「童年的擁護者」。他不僅是一位舊時代的批判者,更是一位新時代的設計。盧梭之思維對於當代各種人性問題的分析仍然精闢透徹,本文希冀透過盧梭之眼作為闡述與批判我們當前危機的理論依據。
第二章 啟蒙時代與盧梭,主要根據「理論架構圖(一)」在第一節 啟蒙時代 考察盧梭的時代背景—日內瓦與法國。在 第二節 盧梭其人 再概述盧梭生平經歷的與探討盧梭之性格。最後在 第三節 《懺悔錄》、《對話錄》、《遐思錄》:對自我之剖析 闡述盧梭的自傳性著作與理論性著作之系統關係。根據以上三節作為綜觀盧梭思想與其人之背景知識。有一點至關重要的是,盧梭的自傳性著作不僅是作為「自傳」具有「自我辯駁」(Self-justification)的作用外,更兼備「自我揭示」(Self-revelation)的哲學意義,盧梭懷有將自己一生的經歷作為一種「人生範例」與「道德寓言」的哲學企圖。簡單來說,盧梭的自傳和理論之間有綿密的系統關係。
第三章 墮落的文明狀態、烏托邦的自然狀態與救贖之路,筆者從綜觀的角度探討了盧梭政治教育哲學思維的整體架構,也就是本文的「理論架構圖(二)」。在現代的向度裡,盧梭痛陳18世紀的文明疾病之根源,他以《第一論》作為文明疾病的診斷書。接續《第二論》在過去的向度裡找到了自然狀態與自然人作為診斷當前墮落的文明狀態與情感生了病的文明人之診斷標準。最後,盧梭很明白救贖的希望不在過去而在未來,人們不可能重新回到蠻荒的時代變成「自然人」,他提出了三條通往救贖之路—公民、新自然人與孤獨者。盧梭在《社會契約論》指出他心中「理想的社會秩序」—「公民」如何可能。而《愛彌兒》則為盧梭「理想的教育圖像」,也就是探討「新自然人」如何在墮落的文明狀態中重新養成的教育過程。盧梭本人對自身文明病徵治癒之方式是退回到社會之外,作為一個孤獨的遁隱者與遐思者,雖然盧梭在「自我放逐」的歷程獲得了心靈療癒的力量寫出了如《愛彌兒》與《社會契約》的巨作,但正是這些嘔心瀝血之作成了遭受社會流放的理由,而命運的最終,孤獨流浪者用了絕對的方式遁隱到他的內心世界不再同時代人對話,這不並是一條真正通往救贖之路。
本文第四章 盧梭之人類圖像,將先從《第二論》與《愛彌兒》考察盧梭對「人性」概念的探討,前者是從「人類發展史」整體的人類之角度,後者是從個體「人性發展史」的角度出發。這兩個側面勾勒出盧梭「人類圖像」的全貌。第一節 人性之基本預設 將探討盧梭對人性的基本看法,有一點需要強調的是,盧梭—曾懷抱著成為當時代的「俄耳浦斯」音樂家夢—或許多少有音樂家的思維,他希望創作出「情感」與「理性」彼此和諧的人性奏鳴曲。盧梭雖然高舉了情感的旗幟,但他不捨棄理性應有之地位。第二節 從自然狀態走向文明狀態 將闡述盧梭對人類文明發展的想像,人類如何從過去最純粹的「自然狀態」邁向人類的「黃金時期」,最後走入「墮落的文明狀態」—現狀。最後,盧梭主張只有好的政府才能培育出有道德之公民,而好的政府要免除對人們的宰制與歸順,良好的社會制度能夠改變人類的本性,使人從個體到公民,盧梭認為理想的社會秩序是建立於「普遍意志」之上的理想社會。
本文第五章 盧梭之教育理論 之 第一節 自然教育基礎之設定 與 第二節 個體發展之四個時期 主要按照《愛彌兒》的文脈,對盧梭的教育理論進行概念的整理。筆者在 第三節 對照的教育範例 對勘了《懺悔錄》裡的盧梭與《愛彌兒》裡的愛彌兒的生命經驗與教育歷程,以豐富對盧梭教育理論的整體性理解。《懺悔錄》展現了盧梭個人的人性歷史,筆者以此作為「自然教育的想像範例—愛彌兒」之對照的教育範例。最後,第六章 總結了盧梭與教育實踐,作為回應了本篇論文的起始問題「成人化的兒童」與「兒童化的成人」救贖如何可能—情感教育與理性教育並重,也就是一種全人的教育,而另類教育成了指標。
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親師生信任連結的家校生活:一所台灣另類國民小學教育實踐之個案研究 / The Home-school Life of Trustful Coupling Relationship among Parents, Teachers, and Students: a Case Study on an Alternative Elementary School in Taiwan詹家惠, Jan, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
1. 「學校評鑑」方式應以協助學校發展為目的,宜更具彈性、因校制宜
2. 主管機關宜促進另類學校與一般學校深度交流或彼此成果分享
3. 種籽親子實驗國民小學的學校運作模式可為偏地小校轉型再生的參考 / This dissertation applies qualitative research method and the “open systems theory” to amplify on an alternative school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School, and inquiries the elements on the sustainable development of the alternative school. The results of this dissertation upon the case study on Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as follows.
1. By describing and analyzing the manners and systems of student learning and school operating, this dissertation points out that the school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is home-school life of trustful coupling relationship among parents, teachers, and students.
2. The organizational characteristics of Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as below. (1) It seems as if Seedling Experimental Elementary School is a bureaucratic organization, but just at a modest rate, is not typical bureaucracy. (2) The intrinsic qualities of discussing culture are supporting individual differences and cooperation. (3) The individual systems of parents, teachers, and students are congruent. (4) Invoking individual power and transferring the need for organization can reconcile conflicts in the political system of organization. (5) Seedling Experimental Elementary School has the good relationship with the authorities, but has the aloof relationship with the local community.
3. The innate character of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is “self-organization” that can reconcile the inner systems of the school organization and embrace the challenges or stress come from outer systems. Seedling Experimental Elementary School as a self-organization can be developing steady.
4. This dissertation makes two suggestions to Seedling Experimental Elementary School. First of all, parents, teachers, and students can collectively build the “Seedling knowledge”. Secondly, Seedling Experimental Elementary School can accomplish educational mission for the public by establishing the method and program of teacher education based on “Seedling knowledge”.
5. This dissertation makes some suggestions for national education. (1) The authorities could assist schools to be “self-organization-orientated” school organizations. (2) The authorities could assist schools to cultivate teachers to be “self-creation-orientated” teachers. (3) A school principal could lead parents, teachers, and students to work up the school belief and vision, which may develop trustful coupling relationship that could be the base of school. (4) Three suggestions for experimental education: first, school evaluation for schools which are proceeding with experimental education should be flexible and expediential; secondly, the authorities can boost the communication and promote the cooperation between alternative schools and common schools; finally, the school operating model of Seedling Experimental Elementary School could be the reference and resource for the transformation of small schools in rural.
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人智學啟迪下之華語文課程圖像 --宜蘭慈心華德福學校實踐經驗之敘說反思 / Picture of chinese language curriculum inspired by anthroposophy : a narrative inquiry with reflection on practice of I-Lan Ci-Xin Waldorf School謝易霖, Shieh, Yi-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果有助於理解人智學如何形塑華德福課程與教學踐行。研究顯示,統整課程之理解為教學統整重要基礎,教育實踐的究竟思考引領教師成長並為課程理解基礎。社群互動與共好的文化氛圍為課程發展基礎。華德福華語文課程在地轉化應持續關注教育本質、自我認同與對華語文之理解的內在辯證。 / Waldorf education in Taiwan is one of the influence and result of the 410 Education Reform (四一0教改). Ci-Xin Waldorf School in Yilan is the first to develop into a K-12 complete school system, which is a significant achievement. This study is an ethnography-like action research combining also autobiographical and reflective approach. The purpose of this study is to narrate the process and practice of curriculum delivery and transformation in Ci-Xin, to demonstrate the reality of language lessons and teaching in Waldorf School, to construct a systematic structure of language curriculum, and finally to study the ideal picture of being a teacher and of a school.
The methods that are applied in this study include participative observation, interview, documentation analysis, and reflection on personal experiences. With data from working groups in Ci-Xin School, my own reflective writings, and the opinions contributed by my colleagues, there are three points of views formed, which are "public knowledge", "my viewpoints" and "others' viewpoints". As the researcher is also a practitioner, two themes are formed through "narration". Firstly, based on action research, the study consists of the researcher’s narrative reflection of his own teaching and of the understanding and internalization of Waldorf curriculum. Secondly, as the thesis is essentially a case study of CiXin Waldorf School where the researcher works at, it concentrates on the Chinese language curriculum development and practice under Anthroposophy ideas and the emerging picture of curriculum system.
The conclusions are as following. Under Waldorf pedagogical ideas, language teaching and learning in primary school focus on oral stories, movements, rhythmic activities, and artistic exercises. In middle school, the emphasis is on the functionality, actuality, and rules of language. The relationship between biographies, historical stories and adolescence development is another importance. In high school, Chinese language courses together with other subjects and knowledges are integrated and synthesized into wide-ranged cultural learning and self-exploration experience. In terms of main lesson in Chinese language area, "Dream" is the main them for grades 1 to 5 to allow the children to immerse themselves in abundant fairy tales and myths. "Reality" is the focus for grades 6 to 8. Pupils at this stage learn a lot of grammar which represents the forms of the reality, and history which is the content of the reality. For grades 9 to 12, “Poetry and Thought” is the major learning in which the young people have a glance at the history of poems and of poetry and philosophy. As to learners’ experience, through the interaction between the subject and the world, they may grasp the metaphor of "journey", that is, to seek their own egos in the world and to explore the world through stepping out of themselves. The 12-year curriculum is the ''eternal paradise'' for learners. Each main lesson is ''a window to the world''. The inner world (microcosms) of each individuals and the universe of consciousness evolution are interweaving, which can be understood as "the unity of man and nature". The whole curriculum from primary to high school forms a picture of U-shape which reflects the "holy grail" experience of the learners. The concept of language teaching in Waldorf education as deduced from the research is that "Humans" are different from other species; "Each individual is a separate category" and therefore will develop his or her own unique language. A teacher originally is the "hero" in his or her own journey of learning and then transforms him/herself into "Christ" or "Buddha" who gives out him/herself in the class. A language teacher explores the outer and inner worlds and becomes a "bard" through sharing his or her creation on the way. The story of “Monkey King” can be a metaphor to demonstrate the evolution of language curriculum in Ci-Xin Waldorf school. This school is developed from an aesthetic community towards a community of truth seeking.
The result of this research helps to clarify how Anthroposophy shapes the curriculum and teaching practice in Waldorf education. It shows that the overall understanding of Waldorf curriculum forms the grounded foundation of teaching integration. And the philosophical thinking towards the nature of education guides the teachers’ self-development and understanding of the curriculum. Healthy community interaction and cultural atmosphere towards ''common good'' are the pillars of curriculum development. To support the contextualization of Chinese language courses in Waldorf education, we shall relentlessly pay attention to the intrinsic dialectic in the thinking about the nature of education, the formation of self-identity, and the understanding of chinese language.
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