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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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溫俊卿, Wen, Jun Chin Unknown Date (has links)
人權的發展,唯有「教育」得以徹底改善,在過程中不免經歷震盪的混亂時期,然延緩一天的實行勢必延緩一天的收穫。學校主政者常以尊重學生的意見,作為實施計畫的參考,但實際決定者仍是學校。學生的學校生活應以學生為中心,並非以執行者的方便性而導向。以學生權益做為依歸,方得學生之敬重。罔顧學生的權益及期許,校園人權便無法在校園中獲得實踐。 營造一個符合人權教育發展的校園環境,透過整體「言教」、「身教」、「境教」、「制教」等潛在課程的影響,讓學生在生活中實際體驗人性尊嚴的價值感,是推動人權教育理念的首要之務。而人權教育的實踐重點在於「學生想要什麼?」、「教師應該做什麼?」、「學校應該準備什麼?」等三方面,若只是形式化的活動,便無法彰顯人權教育的意義與本質。 著重於「升學」與「管理」,欠缺了「感動」與「創造感動」的過程。另類與傳統於本質上並沒有衝突。遺憾的是我們欠缺自覺能力,以及未經證實的一意複製,傷害了自己,也傷害了孩子。看看現在的孩子以及回想我們的成長過程,在我們年少的歲月裡是否也一樣創造力被壓抑以及缺乏獨立思考與批判的能力?人權教育的實施不只是教育美學概念的開展,期許的更是國家的民主、教育的民主;國家未來的希望在教育,教育的希望在民主。 本研究結果除分數的歧視、教師角色、教師的管理、漠視學生平等受教權、不適任教師損害學生學習權、行政單位之外,尚包含:尊重、意見的表達、申訴管道以及教師的評鑑制度……等等。「體罰需有夠愛、公平、排斥、尊嚴、思考等要素」,而不得出現於校園。以現今而言,威權與民主化的歷程是值得世人肯定,也許某些人仍舊開著民主的倒車,自由與平等的衝突便是主要因素,更是為人權奮鬥者努力的方向。 在研究的歷程中,馮朝霖教授為我開啟人權的一扇窗,光線與風都進來後,研究者開始注意周遭與人權相關的議題。校園人權的實踐無法深耕於學校,威權的思想與觀念仍是校園的一顆巨石而無法撼動。為何一定要用肢體暴力的體罰方式才能讓學生臣服呢?是否教育已經進入死胡同般而無法自拔?是否又是認知與期待的落差呢? 「期許對現況的改變,應該即時;慢了,便是延緩現況的改變;距離理想將更遙遠。」希望本研究得以提供相關單位作為臺灣高職學校校園人權實踐之參考。

人權教育的民主理論基礎—以Robert A. Dahl與Giovanni Sartori觀點為例 / The Foundation of Democracy Theory for Human Rights Education:The View of Robert A. Dahl and Giovanni Sartori.

王鈺婷, Yu-Ting,Wang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃鑒於台灣的學校教育,未因台灣的民主化讓訓育式教育的力量消失,人權教育的落實就更顯重要。然而人權的概念源於民主理論,所以欲從Dahl與Sartori的民主理論著手釐清。 從人權教育的發展脈落可以發現,人權教育所應包含的核心價值,即平等、自由與民主三者—(1)平等方面:平等不在於外在的平均主義,而在於個人內在的價值上,這種平等的判斷方法稱為「內在平等」原則;(2)民主方面:民主一詞源於古希臘雅典城邦,但現在的民主,指的是一種以有限多數的有效參與、充分知情和議程控制,以及公平選舉與代表權轉移的政治制度,用以保證其公民的基本權利不受侵害;(3)自由方面:十七至十九世紀的古典自由主義思想,為的是防止政府權利對個人的戕害,到十九世紀,更進一步要求政府為人民謀福利,成為所謂的新自由主義。並且平等、民主與自由三者間,可歸納出「以民主達成自由,並以自由完成平等」的關係。 經過分析後,提出幾點對人權教育的建議:(1)釐清人權教育核心概念的意義;(2)涵蓋內在平等原則的人權教育;(3)學習並運用有效的民主議程;(4)諮詢相關專家的重要性;(5)視人權教育是民主社會的根基。如此才能使台灣人權教育的落實更為徹底。 / Because of the importance of human rights education in Taiwan, it is needed to make the meaning of human rights more clear. However, the value of human rights is relating to the history of democracy. This study is intended to search for the construction on human rights education through democracy theory, especially by the view of Robert A. Dahl and Giovanni Sartori, to set up the theoretical foundation. According to the context of the development of human rights education, it could be found out that equality, democracy and liberty are important concepts. After analyzing, we can discover that: (1) Equality is not equalitarianism but “intrinsic equality.” (2) Classical Greece is the source of “democracy”, but the democracy of nowadays is not totally the same to the classical one. (3) The thought of liberty comes from liberalism, and it is in order to prevent the people from the invasions of the government. On the basis of Dahl and Sartori’s writings, democracy is the strategy to achieve liberty, and the liberty is the condition to achieve equality. At the end, the following conclusions are made: (1) The understanding of the equality, democracy and liberty are important. (2) “Intrinsic equality” must be taught in class. (3) The efficient agenda of democracy must be learned. (4) It is needed to consult the experts. (5) We should take human rights education as the base of the democratic society. These above could be helpful to human rights education in Taiwan.


翁凱婷 Unknown Date (has links)
人權觀念是人類文化的重要價值,歷經長遠的演化過程,如今成為維護世界和平、人類尊嚴的普世價值。然而,人權觀念必須藉著學習、傳承而普遍推廣,是以「教育」即扮演著關鍵性的角色。時至今日,人權教育的推動被認為是建構一個尊重人類價值的人性化社會,所必須且迫切需要的實踐途徑,因此人權教育現今已納入正式課程的一環,並積極的全面推動於校園中。然而,在小學階段的傳統體制內學校,仍受到管理主義的影響,使得人權教育的推動受到侷限,而校園裡普遍存在許多不利人權教育發展的因素,這些均將導致人權教育的推動不易。 倘若傳統體制內學校,累積了那麼多阻礙人權教育發展的因素,那我們是否可在其他不同型態的教育場域裡,找到不同的參照?基於上述種種緣由,本研究以質性研究的方式,將研究的主軸鎖定在:從關心人權教育的議題出發,試圖從另類的教育場域裡,尋找不同的教育參照。 種籽學苑,一所迷你又異於體制內教育型態的另類學校,他們對我們的價值,就是提供一個另類的想像、營造一個新的故事。而新的故事提供一個不同的思考基準點,這樣的差異,刺激我們從盲目的生活中覺醒。從種籽的經驗裡,我們可看出一個校園人權文化的建立,其實是需要具備一些理念上的堅持與確認,及校園整體制度及條件上的配合,而這些條件均可提供我們作為突破實踐人權教育困境的出路:一、相信人的價值;二、反省生命的勇氣並積極加以改變;三、教師間同儕團體的互動與支持;四、小班小校提供人權文化實踐的條件。如果我們相信教育能為人帶來希望、轉變與夢想,那麼另類的對照就像一面明鏡,讓長久以來封閉的教育型態與系統,得到改變與轉化的機會。


何文馨, HO, WEH-HSIN Unknown Date (has links)
台灣教育體系的發展在傳統倫理觀念、集體管理主義、升學與粗廉主義等歷史因素交相影響下,始終無法脫離僵化的惡性循環,校園中充滿大量的管制規範與獎懲制度,不僅有礙於人權教育的推展,更為管制文化的生根提供茁壯的土壤。 本研究從校園制度層面著手,結合校規演變與人權教育進行探討,首先透過歷史溯源,探詢相關校園規範之教育法令與校規的演變,探析演變的因素與過程,以及在演變的過程中,學校教育、教師圖像與學生主體的關係呈現何種變化?期望藉此研究重新反省教育人員的定位,並企圖探索教育人員能否從中檢討自身所處社會的、文化的與實際的環境,並能批判並澄清其在合法化政治、經濟、社會、利益上的角色。 其次,透過文件分析與比較分析,探析城鄉兩所不同學校校園規範與校園生態之實際情形,探究在相同的歷史發展脈絡下,兩校所呈現出的校園規範與校園文化是否有所不同。研究結果發現,面對校園民主化的到來,兩校於制度層面均能順應社會期待,但在心態上,是否有所積極與消極做為則觀乎其對於學校教育、教師專業倫理與學生本質之不同預設而有不同。 整體而言,我國校園規範之發展,係由國家教育權與義務本位觀,逐漸朝向國民為教育權之主體以及權利義務觀的方向發展。校園的民主化與整體教育法制及文化政治相互影響,校園規範的演變促動了校園文化的改變,在民主化的進程中,受到人權思潮的影響,顯現出「人」的自覺與反省與大環境的相互辯證關係。 校園規範牽涉到權威、正義、隱私、責任等相關人權教育的價值,因此,民主的開放性不僅給于學校有自主的可能,同時也是希望教師有創造、轉化的可能,在體會到「人民為教育權之主體」後,學校方才能轉化其教育環境,改變其教育心態與行動,彰顯其目的性與任務性。 / The development of the education system in Taiwan could not break away from the rigid vicious circle under the influence factor between the traditional ethics idea, collective managerialism, proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade and thick inexpensive principle. There are lots of obstruct the implementation of human rights education but also offer a field for the growing of culture of control. The argument in this study combine the development of school regulations and human rights education that probe into the legal system of education. First, the research start analyzing through history background of the development of the school regulations and the education in campus the probe into the legal system. During the process of developing, what kind of change of the relation happened between school education, teacher’s picture, student’s subject appear? Expect through this study to introspect educator’s location and examine educational environment. Attempt to explore whether a teacher can criticize one’s own role in legalizing the politics, economy, society and interests. Secondly, through text analysis and comparative analysis, analyze the school regulation and reality of two different schools in urban and rural area. Discuss the difference between the school regulation and culture of the two schools in the same historical background. The result of the study discovered two schools can both comply with the society’s expect on the system aspect facing the arrival of democratization. But on the change of mindset, it’s should depend on the school education, teacher professional ethics and student essence. Treating the wholeness as single conclusion, the development of the school regulations in our country in the beginning are dominated by nationalism, then gradually democratized. In fact, democratization of campus and the legal system of education are influence each other. The development of school regulations promote the change on campus culture. In the process of democratization, influenced by human rights, display people’s conscientious and introspection with the dialectical relation of the environment. The school regulations of education value involves authority, justice, privacy, responsibility and human rights, etc. Therefore, The openness of democracy not merely gives independent possibility for the school, But make the teacher possible to create and transform at the same time. When school realize ‘people are the main body of education’. It same will be able to change the education environment, Education attitude and action, and then reflect its purpose and task.

國際人權法與我國教育人權保障-教育哲學與法制觀點的探討 / The International Bill of Human Rights and the right to education in Taiwan-A study in light of educational philosophy and law systems

蘇鈺楠, Su, Yu Nan Unknown Date (has links)
由M. McLuhan「地球村」與聯合國「世界鄰居」概念所洞見出世界的新景象,可讓人覺察到各國日益綿密之聯結。此種快速發展、且彼此牽動的網路系統,在國際間思想和價值傳遞上的影響更是迅速於過往,當我們將台灣目前的教育人權置於此一脈絡下檢視,更可發覺在國際人權法典的普世價值下,是必然要面對與追尋的道路-本研究計畫企圖以教育人權的哲學和法性格論證為分析基礎,演繹國際人權法典的教育概念與保障,對照台灣的教育法保障,進而反思全球普遍性價值與台灣在地價值的轉化。本研究論文擬以六個章節進行,先就國內現況、教育法學需求與普世化內涵疑義作為研究問題意識,從教育人權的脈絡與理論基礎開始理解,詮釋國際人權法典中的教育涵義,進而比較台灣教育人權法制中的現況與轉化,以後兩者為分析的兩大軸線,綜合論證各層面之癥結問題。嘗試就教育哲學與教育法學的跨領域對話方式建構出人權教育實踐的整全面向。 / From the concepts of global village by M. McLuhan and our global neighborhood by UN, the connections of ideas and values between nations are closer than ever. Under the influence of globalize tendency, this research tries to take philosophy and jurisprudence of the right to education as basis, analyzes the educational concepts from the international bill of human rights and comprises to the education law in Taiwan. This research, contains six chapters, begins from the critics to universal human rights and present education law in Taiwan, following by the historical development and theories of the right to education, and then analyze to international bill of human rights which connect to education. Lastly, with the intercources between the educational philosophy and law, this study provides full ranges of stretigies in emplementing human right education.

傅柯規訓觀及其在學校人權教育的蘊義 / Foucault's Theory of Discipline and its Implication for Human Rights Education in School

叢培麒, Tsung, Pei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
根據國內的人權教育相關研究,當前臺灣學校人權教育的發展未臻成熟,尚有待改善之處。時有所聞的校園反人權現象亦突顯「紀律/規訓」的魔咒仍是當前首需「問題化」的關鍵。 本研究藉由國內學術文獻的研究成果,檢視臺灣學校人權教育的可能問題癥結,包含:(1)主體性概念的缺席;(2)多元價值的匱乏。 並以傅柯在其著作《監視與懲罰》中對「規訓」之析論:(1)被規訓者的身體柔順性;(2)規訓者的管教手段;(3)全景敞視的規訓環境等三方面,以及(4)傅柯對主體的關注,闡釋傅柯規訓觀對臺灣學校人權教育未來的啟示,包括:(1)教育場域中主體的關注及(2)校園生活中多元價值的實踐。 / According to the related research for human rights education in Taiwan, the current development of human rights education has not been mature yet; it could be improved in most schools. The phenomenon of anti-human rights at campus which occasionally published in the news also emerged that we should urgently problematize “Discipline/power” and disciplinary institutions in the modern society. Michel Foucault vividly described the disciplinary power which permeated through our society by presenting four manifestations: (1) Docility of bodies, (2) Facilities for disciplining, (3) Panoptic environment, and (4) Care for the self in late Foucault. By analyzing Foucault's theory of discipline, this research surveyed the possible problems of human rights education in school in Taiwan─(1)the lack of discussion on subjectivity/self ,(2)the disregard of multi-values. Furthermore, this research elaborate on its implication for human rights education in school, including: (1) Care for the school subject/self, (2) Putting multi-values into practice in campus.

小學人權教育教學之比較研究:探究台北與新德里社會科教師之角色 / Pedagogy of Human Rights Education in the Elementary Schools of Taipei and New Delhi: Probing the Role of Social Science Teachers

安尹若, Anamika Unknown Date (has links)
教育,是透過學生持續社會化的過程而形塑社會的重要機制。教育,為未來世代參與社會變遷預作了準備,並有助於社會發展。尤有甚者,教育使學生們意識到他們的權利。我們可以在各個教育階段裡引入人權教育。但是,小學階段的社會科教育對青少年的人權概念發展是具有決定性意義的。對此階段的學生而言,教師的引導以及人權教育的教學對清楚理解人權概念是相當關鍵的。針對教導學生深思熟慮的方法、人道與明智的價值、理性與批判的思考,人權教育教學可以是有助益且有效途徑。因此,本研究目的是在人權教育的脈絡下,評估社會科教師並探究他們的教學法。而本研究之研究問題是:(1)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在他們人權教育的價值、信念、態度與觀念脈絡下,理解人權教育教學的方式為何?(2)台北與新德里小學社會科教師在人權教育的教學實踐為何?(3)在台北與新德里小學社會科教室中,有意與無意的教學內容為何?(4)在人權教學的過程中,台北與新德里小學社會科教師所面臨的難題與阻礙為何?(5)可能存在一種可以應用在不同教育背景的普遍性人權教育教學嗎?因此,本研究針對台北與新德里小學,分別進行兩組各三位六年級教師及其班級的探究。 本研究發現,教師是人權教育成功實行的重要關鍵。教師必須對人權有熱情與承諾;教師必須尊重學生做為個體的權利;人權教育必須有情境脈絡的特殊性;《世界人權宣言》可以做為人權教學的普遍標準;此外,聯合國與國家政府的角色亦關係重大,因為他們提供人權教育結構與資金。最後,值得一提的是NGOs 與INGOs 的角色越來越重要,他們有必要在橫向與縱向上拓展他們的網絡。 / Education is an important institution that shapes our society through continuous socialization of pupils. It prepares future generations to participate in social change and contributes to society’s development. Moreover, it makes pupils aware of their rights. Human rights education can be introduced at all levels of education. The elementary level Social Science education is crucial for the development of the concept of human rights among adolescents. For the pupils of this age group, the guidance of teacher and the pedagogy of human rights education are critical for a clear understanding of the concept. The pedagogy of human rights education can be a useful and effective way of inculcating deliberative methods, humane and judicious values, and rational and critical thinking among pupils. The present study is an attempt to assess social science teachers and explore their pedagogy in the context of human rights education. The issues that the present research intends to raise are: (1) How the pedagogy of human rights education is perceived by Social Science teachers of the elementary school of Taipei and New Delhi in the context of their values, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals of human rights education? (2) How is the pedagogy of human rights education of Social Science teachers of Taipei and Delhi put into practice? (3) What is taught in human rights education in the social science classrooms of Taipei and New Delhi intentionally and unintentionally? (4) What are the problems and obstacles faced by Social Science teachers during the process of teaching human rights? (5) Can there be a general pedagogy of human rights education, which can be applied across different educational settings? The issues are examined with two sets of three teachers of sixth grade and their classes in elementary schools of Taipei and New Delhi. The findings of this study suggest that the agency of the teacher is crucial for successful implementation of HRE; that a teacher has to have passion and commitment for HR; that the rights of students as individuals must be respected by the teacher; that HRE must be context specific; that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be used as a universal standard to teach HR; and, finally, that the role of UN and national government is crucial. These two institutions provide with the framework and funding for HRE. Last, but not the least, the role of NGOs and INGOs is gaining importance by the day and that they need to expand their network, both vertically and horizontally.

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